MONEY Makes Men Date Outside Their RACE??

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so I want reactions to the statement uh we're going to start with the women shocker when when black men make money they date outside their race how do you feel about that statement I don't like it I I mean I mean it's true y are breaking up black homes I'm not surprised I mean where is Black love because the thing is like with money comes exposure right like you you you're going from like maybe like your weekends at Bolero to like we can like from Bolero to Monaco is crazy that's a big J types of people you're not around the same type of people anymore so then you start to feel like oh you have access to these type of women these type of women think you're cute you're going to play on that you're going to fake it until you make it you know what I'm saying is it an access issue though you think access is the reason if you believe that statement is true so so one you believe the statement is true I believe the statement is true two you believe it's true because of the access yeah yeah I believe black men when they have more money they have more access to certain room so you believe fundamentally black men prefer women that aren't black I think that black men that have like this societal like idea of like success equals a white woman or a foreign woman are more inclined to you know talk to women that are foreign or white if they have more money you know I just think that's the way it works a lot of black men you know date women that are outside the race once they start making more money do you do you how many baby mamas are black and then how many of the wives are you know white do you not look at it from a multivaried standpoint of like are there certain character traits that different cultures exude that's a good question right because a lot of times in Black Culture there's a certain set of character traits in Black Culture that are existent mhm and typically when you're dating a a a black woman she comes from a culture where she believes that a man is expected to do certain things to provide if a man can't pay all my bills he's not worth it if a man wants to take me on a date he needs to buy me a dress he needs to pay for my nails he needs to pay for my hair if you want to FaceTime me pay my phone bill I've heard that I've heard all of these things crazy I haven't heard that from Asian girls I never heard that from a girl that was that was Hispanic I never heard that from a girl that was from Philippines true I never heard that I never heard that that's true it's true never heard it ains vouch when talk to black girls a lot of times it comes down to if you want to take me on a date buy me the Uber pay for my nails my hair my dress pay for my time it becomes prostitution honestly at a certain point because it's just like are we dating because we actually want to date for foreign people and white people they will also have you messed up I mean look at Jonathan major yep that's a good that's a good that's a small percentage of [ __ ] though there's there are many many many horror stories of white women and having black men messed up so let me tell you something from a lot of the black men that I I've actually had conversations with who have what dated outside dat outside they race a lot cuz I have a lot of engineering friends that make some good money there you go and when I act and when I ask them a lot of times it's about how they're treated you know for some reason when they when they're dating African-American women there a lot more they a lot more argumentative there's a lot more like aggression disagreeable right right but we have to be that way I mean no we don't have to no I'm not say I'm sorry I don't I don't mean we have to be that way but I'm I'm saying those behaviors are rooted from our so systemic there systemic systemic it's epigenetics it's like it's a they're rooted that's tough what do you mean the EPS I don't believe surv I I I can agree with I don't believe epigenetics I don't believe epigenetics for epigenetics fighting is a genetic thing watch this it's not cuz watch this this is why it's not a genetic this is why it's not epigenetic when were black men and black women married the most when was the marital rate in the black society the highest the slavery right after slavery no during marri we were more closer dur rights during maral rate was the was the highest that's it so it's not epigenetic it's not there's nothing in your chromosomes that makes you no no no no no no no no no but that's the that's the act of getting marriage epigenetics is is behavioral it's it's what my ancestors went through had a fundamental change in the genetic structure and affects the way that I behave now so it's not that they were getting more they were getting married more back then and so now I'm going to get married more that's not how that works with that statement then you will believe the the superiority complex of white people and you will be more attracted to White [ __ ] in that saying the same way African men are attracted to white women in that same complex of like I believe that white women are more Superior no I wasn't saying they were Superior I was you were saying the reason that they go for foreign or white women is because they treat you like more you know soft feminine whatever I was saying black women we have it kind of like ingrained of us to be fighters to be survivors which is why we kind of like are seen as that more aggressive more like um like angry black women like kind of persona that they just want to play men they want to play men so bad you want to play Superman here's what happened back in the 1960s go ahead bring um when feminism when feminism changed from the first and second wav to the third wave of feminism the current wave what happened was white women started with feminism to get voting rights once they got voting rights they wanted a little bit more power they needed black women on their side to get that power they convinced black women that black men were a part of the patriarchy okay and that they were against you so they got black women on their side and basically said black men are just as bad as white men black men are not a part of the patriarchy black men do not really hold power in America Tyrone when he goes and he picks up trash he doesn't pick up trash every morning to go oppress his girl at home that's not what he does because he's not an oppressor because black men don't have the power to oppress and so what happens is when we're in the new wave of feminism you've been taught to believe that black men are oppressing you and that you have to be a strong independent black women and fight against black men your counterpart as opposed to just cooperating with each other and growing and and building a family and the idea is like yo if a black man can't pay my bills he's not good for nothing else okay so men AR good for anything else other than paying for bills a man is a wallet it's a problem and and and that's where we're at right now where where 68% of men have willingly left the dating scene because it's like what am I getting what what is the point of me being out here if I'm not getting a woman that can cooperate with me when Jorge goes to Home Depot and he can sit in home contract for hours and come home to Maria and get treated like a king he get treated like a King when he work at Home Depot as a contractor but a black man Tyrone can't be treated the same way what's the reason it's not because of anything other than culture the culture is telling you what to do megda stallion when she go and twerk every day on Instagram and she shake her ass and she say yo this what you supposed to be but mad [ __ ] ran through it moneybag yo Tori mad [ __ ] ran through that that's not a win to me come on that's not a win so it's a culture thing it's not a race thing and this is the problem is with the statement is when black men make money they dat outside the race it's not about race it's about culture it's about what is the culture telling you that you're a part of and a lot of times Black Culture tells you be independent black woman you don't need a man make your own money girl [ __ ] men there's nothing they can do for you get a sperm donor that's not really how we should live it's so true you said that to the point where I like I seen so many Spanish Brothers at Home Depot 4 in the morning no way that's not getting flagged what what what what with with a lunch pil and you wonder to yourself who made that [ __ ] lunch Maria who made that [ __ ] but then it's like but Maria was cool with him waking up at 4 in the morning walking to Home Depot and I said the same thing with black people like where my home girl I was talking to was 23 said the [ __ ] in college with me were broke I don't want to talk to them right like you broke too [ __ ] like you're not special but that's the Black Culture [ __ ] the Black Culture said like yo if you talking to a [ __ ] who's not making Buu bread to splurge on you you are [ __ ] up if I if I'm a woman and me and my man make the same money he broke he broke if he making what you making he's broke and you are a gump [ __ ] for talking to him they never say a girl that works at McDonald when a girl work at McDonald's she a strong independent black woman with a man working McDonald's he a broke ass [ __ ] come on come on she's trying to find her way he he's a man he's supposed to know that [ __ ] Brokey that's that's why I mail the male Su they going tell you that's why the male suicide rate is high I want to hear from y'all what's going on it's 10:34 I don't care I'll pay for it my thing is I don't want to offend anybody but the problem you offend both genders are experiencing is that men aren't masculine anymore come on and so y'all aren't getting men that are masculine because of what Society is telling men to to stand down no disrespect to jcole but come on wo wo that's my brother hold on I'm not saying nothing what is going on with him don't got nothing to do with relationships hold on I'm not saying this this is this is a this is a I don't support this a reflection of Society come on run your mouth the reason that y'all aren't getting the men that y'all want are because Society is telling men to stand down and not be masculine Back in the Day Men could prove their masculinity by going to war and with j did is he didn't go to war he didn't want to go to war and and what you're seeing is when men choose to stand down you're not getting what a man really is and I'm I'm going stop step off that but y'all want men that are masculine y'all want men that are leaders I want to make men that are leaders but also a lot of times when men do become leaders there's nothing really on the other side that you get from that so what Kevin Samuels did is what Kevin Samuels started with the men he told them tighten the [ __ ] up mhm go get your money up go get your get your physical fitness right go and become a man and the men were coming back and saying yo I did all this but the women still don't want me and this is where we are right now in society is where 68% of men have willingly left the dating scene because they have made themselves into something and the women don't want them and so we got to have a conversation about it so I mean to add to your point how do we conclude how like what's the message we want to send out to Young to young men and young women about today's relationship situation right we want to promote you guys to say like we want to give you hope we still doing it we not single but it's hard [ __ ] work and the thing is is that there a there's a mindset shift that it has to happen on both sides where it's not uh relationships aren't selfish it's not just for cuz a lot of things we hear growing up happy wife happy life no I don't I don't believe that and I don't want to say that's a wrong sentiment but I believe I say it I that's fine I believe happy we happy me happy we right you know what I mean because we're all individually in control of our own happiness right and we got to bring that to the table but the end of the day it's like listen don't be in situations where your needs aren't met and you're just dealing with it just to pass time I think that's what happens to most people like I'm in a relationship I don't want to break up with her comfortable we get comfortable but like I don't want to break out with her she don't want to break out with me but we've been dating for two three years you know what I mean what do you do right right but the but like diamond said if you're not get what you want get out of there right because at the end of the day it's like you can only leave but that's that's another problem it's like damn what do you do but if I'm if we're going to turn that into like a into like a a life Advice Line I I wouldn't say if I'm not getting what I want if if if the relationship is not serving you on then you should leave if it if y'all are not if it is not bettering you in any way and I I approach friendships relationships jobs if something is no longer serving you then you should remove yourself from like the situation so let me ask your question what's the difference between being getting served in a relationship and um you getting what you want right like you should be getting something substantial out of it in terms of that it's like making your life or you like better like if you're spending every day arguing about getting your dick sucked and like she's not cooking and she's not doing anything for you and you're spending your money and y'all are arguing and like it's just then it's like you just leave like just go leave but I mean but that y'all make it sound so easy but we know it's not that easy I didn't say it was easy but I say it's what you should do cuz like y me we've been dating youve been dating Armani I've been dating my girl we've been dating a year two three years and now you feel like your needs are to leave though no it's not scared to leave you you didn't made an investment it's when a you didn't invested your life your time your energy your spirit a year two years is not an investment oh wait wait wait wait but that's not to you this is the thing the term is a man's word this is Bond so when I say you my girl we in it it's not just you my girl and on Tuesday if you don't suck my dick I'm out it's it's you're my girl we're in but if I'm your girl and we're in it and you that's your word then why are you cheating still my girl I'm going just get something on the side so so the the whole point the whole point is me and you have been dating one year two years we made an investment not just over our time with financially and emotionally right so at the end of the day he's like do you just up and thrown it it's hard to just up and throw that away right so it's like what do you do you fight and the fight looks different from different people but it's like you're fighting for the fact that like I invested so much effort into this I do want it to work out right and then it's like all right what do you do in that situation so I want to get closing thoughts from the girls I know you got to go so closing thoughts what what your thoughts can you back your head up into the microphone no no no I heard I heard I heard I I've been trying to direct her no you good I heard her I'm good I'm just I'm just really you know emotionally invested in this conversation this is good this good though this is really directly related to what I'm going through right now I love it and you guys gave me the clarity that I really needed to hear come on because [ __ ] ain't going to leave okay um I think that relationships become very hard I feel like you know women have put men you know like rais the bar and the standards way high so like now y'all feel like y'all got to do X Y andz y'all would rather leave than to even date which is sad because like then what are we going to do right but um I do think that like there's Beauty in waiting I think there's Beauty in like patience and I feel like I'm one of those people where it's like I would never settle just a settle um and I think that like a relationship that like is for you is going to be one that you're you know is going to come when it needs to come and and and you shouldn't rush it you shouldn't feel the pressure of society like you know what I mean I just feel like it's going to happen when it's going to happen what was the question closing thoughts you heard a lot today hopefully [Music] um closing thoughts closing thoughts oh my takeaway point is that I I suppose I should suck my man's dick in the middle of the road I think that's the most important thing I took away from from the hours hey at least she in the right [Laughter] direction um I think like I mean I mean a lot of things were said I I I do think um an important takeaway is that both sides need to make it work I will say you know no offense to my girlies but I do feel like a lot of girls just don't really believe in caring as much as they should um in a relationship and at the beginning I will say that I do kind of feel that way and I but I feel like and this isn't really something that was said but I do feel like the conversation kind of uh what is it skewed this way in terms of like it almost sounds like women have more work to do than the men do in this Society I don't know if I necessarily agree with that I don't know if I necessarily agree with that but the statistics are if I have to take anything away from this conversation the statistics are scary and it is sad and cold out there it seems and something needs to be done but we can't all be acting like we not the problem okay yeah that's fair all right I like that that's it this is what they won't tell you we out peace
Channel: It’s More Than Muscle
Views: 4,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Podcast, Relationships, Dating, No fugazee podcast, Fresh and fit, Modern woman, Modern women, Relationship goals, Relationship advice, Dating advice, Manosphere, Relationship tips, Red pill, Black pill, Zherka
Id: BUa7Hi0RZLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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