Monday Night w/Bishop Ronzel Pretlow

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kneel down before him worshiping [Music] let us [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] hey [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] we came to worship [Music] we give you [Music] we worship [Music] thank you your name is great your name is mike worship [Music] and we welcome you in this place we thank you jesus hallelujah thank you [Music] is guys victory today [Music] [Applause] [Music] didn't [Music] victory today [Music] victory [Music] today [Music] [Music] good morning [Music] [Music] me today [Music] victory today [Music] me [Music] [Music] this morning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] victory [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] victory [Music] [Music] we got the victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] is [Applause] [Music] you better get out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] no matter what it looks like no matter what it feels victory [Music] [Music] victories [Music] [Applause] [Music] day of my life [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] got the victim [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] behind me [Music] get out of here [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] we got the victory we got the victory [Music] in the victory of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus christ [Music] [Applause] victory [Music] jesus victory [Music] [Music] tonight hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] i just want to ask you one question has anybody in the building got the victory [Music] i'm not talking about over a headache something that you could go to your medicine captain and take something but i'm telling my when you've been real sick i'm talking about when you know that you know that's a note that it was the lord brought you out i wonder can you stand to your feet and give god a praise tonight if you really got the victory tell him thank you tell it thank you tell it thank you [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] i remember 2014 going down the corridor going in the operating room in duke hospital looked up at the lights and i said this is it but while i was going in an old song that my sunday school teacher used to sing to when i was a little boy she said if jesus go with me i'll go in there [Music] if anybody got that victory anybody know he's been anywhere with you through anything through many dangerous targets now the lord has brought you lift those hands and give god some praise [Music] [Music] no starting [Music] hallelujah you may be seated [Music] hallelujah [Music] harley hallelujah hallelujah i don't look like what i've been through but the lord has been good to me he's been good to me been under the knife twice but the lord has been good to me i know the lord come on great help the boy praise him help the boy praise him come on somehow to help him pray [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] do [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we're going to continue this worship experience i was glad when it's under me let us go into the house of the lord a southern district called ensemble is going to come with two selections and then we'll come back come on let's get in my hand it's come on magnify the lord with me and let us rejoice his name together [Music] [Music] ah [Music] my hope is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and righteousness [Music] [Music] [Applause] righteousness [Music] [Music] us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's coming again oh trump [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on christmas [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] nothing but singing [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] nothing was shaking [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nothing but sinking [Applause] thank you [Music] yes [Music] can't you see yourself going down [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] pastor davis can you please come real quick clap the hands with pastor davis someone help pass somali davis as she comes up oh how precious is the name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] and your heart is [Music] he will see your group yeah [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] he will see you through yesterday [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i'm jesus [Music] he will hear you every [Music] he'll pick time up [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the morning [Applause] [Music] help me [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah ohio pressure who do you call who do you call [Music] [Music] he will won't he do it [Music] whatever you need you call him he will come to your rescue i follow you we thank god for your being here tonight and we take this opportunity to greet you all those that are listening are looking by way of youtube or facebook or other social media outlets we thank you for tuning in and being a blessing to the southern district convocation this is the second day and the second night in our service or beginning of our convocation and at this time we ask everyone to stand as i preside and pull it the right reverend devin cardell pickett is coming with greetings and protocol bishop [Music] you may be seated certainly honored to my heavenly father who has made it possible for us all to be here tonight in this place at this particular time to first assistant dr brown and to our general president general president prelate of the united holy church of america bishop harrielle cohen and to our special guests on tonight bishop ronzell pretlow amen to our lives on bishops bishop ernestine mcgee and bishop russell rogers and to all of our boards board of elders board of presbytery and to our district elders we greet you in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ it's good to be in holy convocation and since saturday the lord has met us here we started on the grounds and we came on the inside on sunday morning dr brown preached bishop mcgee sunday night and this morning we heard a word this morning and this afternoon and so we are in the holy convocation can you just look at someone and tell them we are in holy convocation and the ensembles say oh how precious here's the name of jesus i don't know about you tonight but i'm so glad that there's power in the name of jesus hallelujah there's so much wrapped up and tied up and tangled up in the name of jesus that's why we said oh hi excellent is the name of jesus now i don't know why you came tonight but i trust that you came expecting something from the lord and i believe if you came tonight with great expectation god and the holy spirit will meet your expectation is there anybody ready for a mighty move of god hallelujah [Music] oh bless his name [Music] we do acknowledge the bishop's wives and pastors wives tonight but i say to you we are in holy convocation and so i don't want you to wait for somebody to tap you and tell you you got to praise the lord you know your story better than anyone else and in the midst of the pandemic god has been blessing us even though people have been dying god has still been blessed [Music] and so when we come into the house of god we ought to come in with praise on our lips we ought to come in ready to lift up the name of jesus [Music] the things say is pressing forward in difficult times we are in difficult times but we gotta keep pressing and so tonight i'm happy to be here in this place at disappointed time and i'm not going to let the enemy distract me but we're going to have church we're going to have church tonight we already been having it and we're going to lift up the name of jesus would you rise to your feet tonight again as we welcome to the podium our general presiding prelate of the united holy church of america incorporated the bishop harry alcorn let's welcome him as he come and greet us on tonight [Music] while you're standing let's just do one more thing salute the lord with the praise give him your best praise right now oh he's worthy he is so worthy hallelujah praise the lord amen amen lord have mercy i'm going to sit down in two or three seconds i'm not going to be here but please have your cease thank you so much i'm glad to be home tonight and i honor the lord our god for giving me the privilege to stand one more time in the presence of his people and i thank him because he's so merciful he's so good he's good all the time and all the time god is good and especially right now amen to our illustrious president bishop pickett and to the first assistant i almost said it dr dr brown to bishop rogers and bishop ernest t mcgee who preached up something last night in here to our guest minister tonight i'm looking forward he's looking the part already so you know i'm looking to hear from him and i listened to elder simmons this afternoon or earlier today was it this morning this morning and uh i tell you we've had some preaching already and preaching is what makes us who we are we're saved by the foolishness of preaching and so we should never get too uh too comfortable or too at ease when it comes to preaching but your ears ought to be perked up like a hound dog listening for a rabbit are y'all hearing me we ought to be perked up and ready to hear that word that's going to take that monkey off your back or set you up for a blessing that you had no idea that you were going to receive and to hear music like we're hearing is sort of like the song that says over my head i hear music in the air there must be a god somewhere so i'm headed back to my seat i'm looking for us to have a glorious convocation i remember the words of the of the early bishop ralph edward love senior who said there's no place like this place nowhere near this place so this must be the place god bless you let's enjoy the lord tonight amen let's just get on tell somebody if you're not going to help me praise god would you please go to another sea just tell somebody if you're not gonna help me go find another seat don't sit up in here like you're dead [Music] let's be alive tonight let's enjoy the blessings of god tell somebody as i go i'm going to the sea tell somebody he's so good and he deserves my praise [Music] [Music] yeah come on put your hands together for the lord oh come on put your hands together for jesus amen we thank our bishops for these very fine words very encouraging are y'all happy to be here tonight are you really happy i was listening to the words of those two songs on christ the solid rock i stand all of the grounds is but sink insane isn't it good to know that we have somebody that we can lean on that would not give away never gets too tired no weary but he's there for us all the time and then uh the song came back said oh how precious somebody said oh how precious is the name of jesus when you say precious you're talking about a name that has great value to it uh that word precious means uh a name that has great power somebody said oh how precious somebody say oh how precious is the name of jesus i believe you came tonight to give you look like you got a gift in your hand looks like you got a gift in your wallet look like you got a gift in your pocketbook whether it be cash or credit card uh i believe you got a gift tell somebody i got a gift and i'm going to give it tonight you've been so sweet all week long amen and giving out of the abundance this is a great time because let me tell you something this is a a time of worship as well because we're getting ready to worship the lord through our giving god so loved the world that he gave his son his son so loved the world that he gave his life let us give tonight sacrificially in a way that's going to be a great blessing to the southern district convocation to those who are following us by live screen continues to do the great work that you are doing we have your name we have your mouth and we want to say we appreciate what you're doing continue to give by cash app dollar sign sdc temple also you can call it in [Music] zero 919-751-022 nine and also you can give by gibbler five amen that being said what time is it it is offering time in the temple let us so give kind father in heaven we thank you again tonight for just being so kind so so blessed to us lord you have blessed us with another gift and lord we're not going to hold back we're not going to be stingy but lord we're going to open up our hands and give freely because god we are given an expectation you said if we give you would give back to us you have not one time let us down bless the gift and the giver in jesus name amen we're starting this offering off with twenty dollars and we pray tonight that each one of us will give twenty twenty dollars and if you don't have twenty dollars nineteen ninety nine will be good and uh bishop cohen has already said he'll pay the extra dollar 19 1999 will be good in the hands of our russians also held over here to my right elder tyrone or he's jumping ready waiting to assist you in your giving by the way of credit card go over there and he will assist you thank you so much thank you so much in the hands of our ushers uh if you don't see the bishops and some of the additional elders move they have already paid out for the week y'all give them a hand they paid 15.74 1 500 amen yeah the at this time we're going to ask everybody on my far left you please stand and face the wall begin from the rear we're going to everyone has to place the center out please stand facing center owl again from the rear please thank you yeah yeah yeah god loves a chip forgiver a hilarious give up [Music] oh yeah [Music] thank you thank you thank you so much yeah [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you yeah [Music] thank you thank you [Music] yeah [Music] thank you for your gift [Music] thank you so much [Music] thank you thank you thank you for all you do [Music] thank you so much [Music] thank you for being so kind so generous thank you for your generosity [Music] thank you thank you so much we want you to know that we have we've got some giving bishops some given leaders our general president bishop harry cohen has given 1574 for the whole week amen amen he doing what he always does he's a giver and we thank god for him we're getting ready now to bless our guest preacher for tonight and he looks like he's ready to preach he looks like he's ready to preach we want bishop pretlow to know that we know how to treat a preacher in the southern district convocation we're going to start his offering off with fifty dollars a night fifty dollars if you don't have 50 49.99 will be mighty close amen we're asking those who are following us to continue to give along with us and we want you to know we appreciate you we appreciate what you're doing you are doing a very fine job in giving along with us fifty dollars fifty dollars in the hands of our ushers hey this time we're gonna follow the same procedure that's before everybody please stand please thank you [Music] yeah yeah let's bless him real good yeah wanna know that he's been in a seven different convocation [Music] thank you thank you so much thank you [Music] thank you so much thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] thank you thank you [Music] nobody like you nobody like you best people in the world thank you [Music] thank you we appreciate you [Music] thank you so much [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you so much thank you so much we want you to know that what you do in the well-given in the southern district convocation you have meeting the needs of the southern district we want to say thank you so much give yourselves a hand we pray that the lord will bless each of you real good servants now back into the hands of our most capable leader first assistant dr brown give him a hand we thank god for your liberal giving let the church say official day say it again official day tomorrow is official day and we will be here all day we don't want you to leave bishop jay derek johnson is coming as a representative from the general church bishop cohen will be here to also give us information and tell us what he wants the southern district do from the general church and then bishop pickett our president pillay will be giving us information of the state of the southern district at this present time so what we've done we have food trucks coming tomorrow we have bishop the lecretes junior from princeton oh taste and see winged dinners fish plates poke chalk and all that good stuff tomorrow also we have gone out of um bongo coming tomorrow so when you come tomorrow you won't have to leave and go get you some dinner we have food two food trucks will be on the ground and you can get you some dinner and stare around so we won't miss anything tomorrow let's come prepare to stay all day so we can hear the information from our general church down to what our presiding prelate wants us to do going forward in the southern issue is that all right will you please do that for us don't go home look at your neighbors a neighbor i'm looking for you tomorrow all right all day we thank god for it's word time now and i know that if the preacher was like i was on sunday he wanted to say dismiss with these preliminaries let's get them out of the way so the word can go forth we're gonna ask you to stand as it comes our president prelate is going to give us our official introduction of the speaker and then he will give instructions going for let's welcome to the microphone the right reverend bishop devin c pickett [Music] [Music] you may be seated thank god for the preacher our ministry gift for the night tonight is bishop runzel pretlow he is a true gift to the body of christ a second generation pentecostal preacher pretlow was born in 1977 and raised in the roots of holiness his father dr harold pretlow served for 38 years a church that was eventually placed passed to ronzell at the age of 22 bishop pretlow took the church with a few members and grew it to over 800 members he was then summoned to the azusa conference in the year of 2000 where he performed a classic hit song called it overflows and almost 20 years later it's still a favorite to many pretlow serves a fellowship called glory carriage nation with 27 churches and over 500 partners spanning throughout the united states of america and the world he's called upon to pray counsel and serve the down and notable in 2015 bishop pretlow became the author of his first book emotional health 101 delivers us from crazy delivers us from crazy a composite self-help book about the emotional state of ethnic people now i'm working on this second book entitled emotional echo systems why you should fully evolve formally educated at norfolk seminary and college he holds a bachelor of ministry degree and currently is the pastor of church on purpose in newport news virginia a passionate prophetic speaker bishop pretlow regular speech scenes and lift thousands of souls around the country each week on this streaming platform called glory carries nation his melodic voice one of a kind personality lifts many bishop pretlow is very happily married to talisha hannah pretlow together they share four beautiful children he serves under his pastor the bishop roderick l hennings zion dominic dominion global ministries buffalo new york pretlow is known for his bold provocative style and is a prophetic intuit total kingdom man bishop pretload is never one dimensional in his approach and as great stages of all people groups being it evident that god hand is truly upon him his phrase in life his purpose overwhelming over everything as he is first a man of god a husband and a father an emerging global leader i present to you our guest preacher after the ensemble giver selection the next preaching voice would be bishop ronzell pretlow i know him praise the lord everybody let's try that again that's not a suggestion that he is a command praise the lord everybody everybody on the praise the lord open up your mouth really quickly as you're clapping your hands and give god glory everybody we can do better than that that's brother lord come on everybody praise him [Music] i give out under god for being here place i've never been before in my life and i certainly thank god for the saints of god while you're uh in the clapping move put your hands together for your presiding prayer bishop pickett was so kind he's so kind and let me tell you while i really appreciate him i want to thank him i preach everywhere for everybody i want to thank you for not putting me up at 11 o'clock glory to god thank god for your bishop i almost joined your fellowship if i wasn't a president bishop myself uh but to all of you the lord's children you may be seated in two uh you bishops of the presbytery here and uh the saints of god i'm just happy to be there my uncle back there i give god glory for the saints of god they told me they said uh we're in the in the field they didn't tell me it was the biggest church in america in the field glory to god but i praise god for you i do give honor to the lord in the absence of my wife i'm a happily married preacher and i thank god for her so baby if you're watching i am where i said i was glory to god tell somebody to laugh a little bit that's why you don't have no friends enjoy yourself too many people dying for you not to enjoy yourself i'm going to get into the word let me sing a little bit but earlier today there was a shooting in my city and heritage high school in newport news virginia and one of the teenagers that goes to our church uh almost makes me want to cry sent a picture to us of her ducked down under her desk as gunshots were being fired off and about uh a year ago the lord told me my instruction he said bring all the children from my church for our church he said bring all the children out of children's church for the next three years and let them sit in the glory lord have mercy i grew up at a time when children's church was beside your mama you didn't go upstairs and play with elmo while the saints were getting filled with the holy ghost matter of fact i got filled with the holy ghost at holy convocation i was eight years old and her name is maya and she's watching tonight so i just want you to give god a praise because god spared maya's life and the four people that got shot we're praying for them but no one died no one lost their life would you open your mouth and tell somebody intercession has a purpose could you tell somebody there's protection in the glory i know it's early but lean on somebody and tell them there's protection in the glory [Music] i believe that's why david said i look to the hills from the coming my help somebody wave your hand and say [Music] lean on somebody's hand [Music] he was there [Music] all the time [Music] i can't hit the high notes like bishop coin but he was there [Music] wait and patiently in life somebody waved your hand and said the lord was [Music] there all the time listen for you maya if you're watching he was there all the time [Music] he was there [Music] all the [Music] i know y'all don't know me but you know the holy ghost waiting patiently [Music] somebody say the lord was there [Music] say it again [Music] the lord was there [Music] wave your hand and say the lord was there [Music] all the time [Music] i believe a miracle is coming this is your prophecy your way your way [Music] [Applause] it's coming make your personal say my way my way my way [Music] it's coming you feel like playing tonight huh yo way your way your way [Music] come on choir let's have some fun it's coming day [Music] [Applause] say it's coming our way [Applause] [Music] say a miracle yeah [Applause] [Music] my way [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] say a miracle [Applause] [Music] miracle is coming yeah [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so my miracle is coming yeah [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i need to hear some praise in the atmosphere glory [Music] yeah come on [Music] father in the name of jesus for the time that is mine speak a word in this place let your glory fill us we've come to hear you we are here but we've come to hear you so let the words of our mouth and meditation of our heart be acceptable on sight lord our strength and our redeemer amen and amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord glory to god thank you yeah that's it that's it open your bibles open your bibles to acts chapter 16. [Music] this is who i am y'all my mother is the uh my mother is the undiscovered elephants girl of her era and she would have been a much more famous than she is but you know the sanctified church didn't believe you could wear red couldn't wear pants couldn't have a perm and certainly couldn't sing in no club on the church i came out of i'll be going to hell tonight for the robe i got on glory to god but i thank god for my foundation this i am what i am by the grace of god acts chapter 16. and verse 14 verse 14 and a certain woman named lydia a cellar of purple of the city of thyrotyra which worship god heard us whose heart the lord opened and she attended unto the things which were spoken of paul i want to slip down to what's familiar but i read that for a reason verse 24 says who having received such a charge this is the jailer thrust them into the inner prison and made their feet fast in stocks i hear you josh and at midnight eshaiah paul and silas prayed and sing praises unto god you already know what happened and the prisoners heard them the bible goes on to say and everyone's bands would be loose i want you to work with me just for a little bit i'm going to set some time on my clock i don't want to be too long on monday but i'm glad i'm first glory i want you to tell somebody place me where i belong that's what i want the lord to do place me where i belong let me be seated in the presence of the lord this is a very interesting hour and a very interesting era in which we live and quite frankly i don't have time for fancy and lofty sermonizing tonight i will admit to you apologetically and then unapologetically that i have nothing to prove at this point in my life but the interesting thing about this hour is that there is more flesh involved in the church than we've ever seen before the church has always been the place that god has called us out to do his bidding and his business but this is a very dangerous hour because it is now more than ever before a see me era more and more people now especially sorry preachers those of us in the pulpit want us to be seen hey family more than god to be seen there are over 32 000 denominations but there's one denomination that started off and then in the early church the methodists if you would go into any uh methodist church in the early 1700s 1800s or presbyterian or orthodox church you would have found that the pulpit was off to the right and in the center was the eucharist the communion because jesus was the center of the attention the closer we got into now to the 21st century now you see the pulpit moving to the center now you find yourself looking at people who are more interested in what their preacher is wearing than what their preacher is saying there's another kind of famine in the earth and there's a famine for the word of god there's not much word being preached anymore it's not much astudiousness given to the word of god a lot of cliches a lot of turn around and touch somebody and tell them in three days you coming out a lot of house and car prophecies being given out you don't have to have a prophecy to get a house you have to have a credit score to get a house look at somebody tell them a nurse around tell them you clean up your credit you can get it i i think i want to talk to the kind of people that shout after you have it not because you need it and so we consequently the the closer we get to the coming of the lord in this age that we're in we're losing the sanctity and the and the piety of what uh it means to be consecrated what it means to be dedicated what it means to be a student of the word i i'm a student of the word i'm a slave of the word of god i'd rather not do anything as a preacher then be in the presence of god and study the word of god because you cannot learn all of god ever and as much as him as you learn there'll be another side of him to learn because he is god he is not housed in flesh he is infinite and the more you know of him that's the more you will learn of him that's why the seraphims and the cherubims say holy in the heavenlies they say holy because every part of him is a different expression but every expression of him is holy lord have mercy and and there's so much of god to go around that he's he's inexhaustible he'll he'll be revealing himself throughout all eternity and and and and i wonder if there's anybody in this room tonight that says i just simply want god to give me himself so that i can be useful in the kingdom and uh this is an age where we are so busy being seen that we're not focusing on being necessary not rather be necessary than be seen after all it was jesus who had a church of 12 but impacted the multitude the multitude is never the church the multitudes are those that come to eat from the food trucks the multitude are those that come for the fish and loaves but when it comes down really to the nitty gritty to doing the work of the kingdom the sacrifice of the kingdom the carrying the load of the kingdom you're not going to find that in the multitude you're only going to find that in about 12 people i hate to get on your nerves but even in a convocation a crowd like this you will find that most people will rush out home and it'll be five people left vacuuming and cutting out the lights because we are so busy sometimes with our agendas for what we want that we are not help at all to the kingdom agenda and it is because there is a dissatisfaction in being placed where we belong we don't want to be placed where we're needed we want to be placed where we're seen i came up in a church after my father he never pastored a mega church but i came up in a church where my father was the janitor my father was the bus driver my father was the uh grass cutter my father was the usher my father he can't sing or play piano he tried but he was the choir at times he and my mother and i didn't learn mega church from my parents see here is the problem there's a strategy now on how to grow but there's no strategy on how to be dedicated so everybody's trying to grow but nobody is teaching dedication nobody is teaching sacrifice nobody is much teaching there is a promise after you've suffered see they don't want to hear about that i want to talk to about 30 suffering people who knows that you are what you are because of what you made it through we're living in a generation that doesn't want to hear anything about suffering because everything is instant everything is now everybody is rushing to become something they're not ready to be but god says i want people to understand that the way up is through your suffering the bible says that jesus learned obedience through the things that he suffered and so everybody wants to be promoted but who wants to suffer now this is not a praise for your house your car or your race this is a praise right here that you say i came out better after i went through something that's why david said it was good for me that i was afflicted we're the people that can praise god and say i thank him for what i suffered i thank him for everything that i went through it made me who i am it made me humble kept me from being arrogant kept me from putting my mouth on other people because you'll shut up about other people if you think about your own stuff so it is it is it is a lost gospel if you will it is a lost gospel for us to learn through suffering and then we reach over to that place where the bible comes over in acts and he begins to share with us that to some he gave to some he gave i like this pulpit i want one like this one day he said to some he gave pastors evangelists hey jesus prophets teachers apostles and look closely at what he said he said that the saints may be perfected and and and and there is unfortunately now a new lust in the church y'all holiness i came from the holy church the only lust we like preaching about is fornication i'm i'm i'm gonna get in trouble bishop pickett but i'm i'm i'm in the word we love the people if y'all around here trying to trying to have sex lord have mercy do you remember when david was on the on the on the rooftop i'm not gonna mess with you too bad but let's give david credit for wanting a woman let's just let's just keep now they don't want your daughter they want your brother you know i'm not scared you know he he he says there's there's another lust creeping up in the church it is the lust to be placed where you are not anointed it's the lust to be an apostle when you're in usher [Applause] it's the lust to preach when you're called to sweep there's a new lust we have to address in the church and it's beyond the lust of lasciviousness which is the showing of the flesh it's beyond that paul said this to timothy he said timothy i want you to flee youthful lust that's more than just the desire of your flesh a youthful us is to want some place that you don't belong and that god has never placed you a youthful lust is to be jealous because somebody preaches in the convocation and you don't a youthful us is to get upset because you they didn't call my name this year they didn't ask me to do nothing at convocation doesn't bishop pickett know who i am doesn't he see me let me recognize my oil yes but your oil is accommodated by your attitude and i'm tired of people being oily and messy [Applause] [Music] tell somebody there's no excuse to be anointed and mean how can i preach to you and don't speak to you [Music] [Applause] how can i speak in tongues and walk right by you on my way to getting a pork chop sandwich what kind of spirit is this do we talk about the dress code and and the hats and the long skirts but i'm here to tell you that holiness people can be some of the most mean nasty judgmental prideful schizophrenic bipolar people you've ever seen because our outside is white it's a focus but our inside is like dead men's bones [Applause] we must address this new lust in the church [Music] that i sit right beside you and politic against you see let me help y'all let me help y'all i took myself out of certain denominational contexts because you cannot vote on my promotion y'all might not like me i don't know how y'all do things right here what kind of spirit is this that every four years you get close to me because you need my vote you speak to me in the hallway because you need my vote you don't recognize me until election year you let me preach at election year god says we cannot talk about the politics of america until we talk about the politics of denomination who's next who who who gonna be the one after bishop he ain't even dead yet let him live there's a new lust to be in power there's a lust to be in power there's a lust in the church to sit in certain seats there's a lust to wear a chain and a ring this ain't jewelry this is this is a burden this this this when you put this yoke on it mean god gets to pull you anywhere he wants you a slave to his will it looks beautiful but the only reason it looks beautiful on the outside is because we cover all the scars we have and the battles we fought trying to please the lord lusting for power lusting for position old people don't want to give the young people a chance a church with no old people has no history but a church with no young people has no future so every now and then you've got to get past your idiosyncrasies of how you think everybody should act and you better let the at least they're in church there's a lust for power there's a lust to be noticed there's a lust to be seen very few people in the kingdom of god are now teaching this scripture right here and perhaps i can get 30 witnesses paul said this i've learned whatsoever state i'm in there with to be content tell somebody i'm not jealous of your life see see the sin that's really going to kill the church is the sin of comparison i'm not jealous of your church all of y'all that want to just lust and i just want a mega church i want 5 000 seats you never saw this pandemic coming because in this pandemic i thank god for 150 seats in my church i'm glad that it ain't 5 000 every time i cut the lights on everybody wants to do it but the old african proverb says who is going to pay for it robe don't make you no bishop ring don't make you no bishop stability makes you a bishop a clean name makes you a bishop lord have mercy jesus long dress don't make you no mother lord jesus so so paul we look at his life and how god saved him because really bishop pickett i would argue that paul skipped the salvation experience and went straight to conversion and he had such a horrible reputation that god had to save him without a church are you ready for god to save people without you without your help without your doctrine without your dogma without your way paul has recently been converted and he is just as on fire in his conversion as he was in his lunacy to kill the saints he is just as radical this is why i got a problem with people that don't praise got a problem with people that don't wave their hand i get up got a problem with people that that buy clothes and shoes that they don't dance and shout in and praise god and tell somebody i didn't get all dressed up for convocation to show you my outfit i mean after you wear the outfit now dancing it because we all need the same thing from god right now the next breath and if god don't keep the air purified and if god don't help us and cover us with the blood of jesus we're going to be in trouble i need you to take 20 seconds and tell somebody i didn't come here to look cute beside you tonight when i think on the goodness of jesus and what he has done for me i came here to give god some radical praise as a matter of fact i'm so glad that the lord saved me i'm so glad that the lord redeemed me some of y'all had coveted virus and it's not the week to come up in here and be cute and evaluate somebody praise tell somebody i'm not worried about who's here i'm not worried about who didn't come i'm not worried about the place that i'm sitting you can send me in the back you can send me in the parking lot i'm just glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord why get saved and not be as radical as you were for satan whatever you want for the devil be twice that for god so paul was paul was vehemently evil he killed the saints on purpose he killed them deliberately then he got saved converted rather on the side of the road i don't have time to deal with the whole story and god blinded him to open his eyes god blinded him so he could see he went dark to get light god shut down one area to open up another i don't know who this is for tonight but god said it might have been dark in your life but i'm gonna open up something right here in the midst of this darkness because if i can close the world you know i can open the world of the supernatural and you'll start seeing in the spirit if you stop looking in the flesh [Music] so paul paul was doing these missionary journeys and it was this particular city that he was in a city called philippi he came through philippi and philippi was heavily controlled by the roman empire roman province because at the time of jesus rome was interested in setting up his kingdom everywhere but after paul's conversion he was so glad to be saved that he just wanted to convert as many people into the light of the kingdom of god as possible we're not even teachers teaching witnessing anymore we have abused one of the fivefold gifts which is the prophetic gift because now the church is leaning on prophecy to dance instead of teaching to understand and it is not that the apostle is a way to your gift than all the other gifts all of them are weighty and equal in their ranking it's just that especially the african-american church has put so much precedence on prophecy that we miss what we ought to do through teaching so we don't want to hit a teacher we want the hooper but sometimes the hooper ain't saying nothing y'all know those people y'all ain't saying nothing you ought to scream through your mask you ain't either y'all ain't talking to me tonight you ain't either sir whenever you hear a preacher and he uses too many touch your neighbors he hasn't studied you gotta hear what was the name of the sermon touch your neighbor paul came through this place called philippi philippi was a province of macedonia and he was trying to hurry up and convert philippi because god had kept him out of asia god had not permitted him to go into asia he would later go there but but god had not permitted him to go to asia so he was doing everything he could to hurry up and convert philippi but he couldn't get in there are some places that the devil fights you getting into because it is the will of the lord for your anointing to invade that place there are certain jobs that the enemy does not want you to have because if you get the job you will operate in the joseph anointing and the joseph anointing doesn't work for anybody the joseph anointing takes over you can put you can put a joseph anointing in the back of a room and the joseph nolan will be recognized because god is with him i need you to holler at somebody say god is with me that's why all my life it looks like the devil has fought you in certain areas because god is with you and paul had this urge and desire to break the gospel into philippi and they would not allow the gospel to be broken into philippi because if the gospel broke in philippi it would influence other regions i don't know who this is for but god said prophetically if you would praise him right here right now no organ no drums no good time no none of that he said if you will praise me right here right now i will give you a break out in your life and everything that the devil has held up up to now in the last three months of this year i'll loose it and allow no principality to take over what i have for you it's been so hard for you to be in certain places because that's where you belong the more the enemy tries to keep you out of something the more god wants you in it so you have to open up your mouth just for a second and give god a praise because the damn is about to break over your life and no weapon formed against you shall hey couldn't break [Music] tell somebody it's gonna break tonight let's ride a little bit just tell somebody it's gonna break tonight yeah if it's strong over my life it's gonna break tonight here it's gonna break tonight it's gonna break tonight i i'm not doing like the color purple all my life i had to fight let me tell you something people that fight all the time don't have the power of god because those of you that participate in warfare all the time you don't apply the scripture the bible didn't say witches and warlocks follow me the bible said goodness said mercy follow me all the days of my life tell somebody it's about to break everything in your life it's about to break the damn is about to break over your life your career is about to break your money is about to break you ain't got to be stuck at no forty thousand fifty thousand i clevers out of somebody in here multi-millionaire status over your life it's about to break if elon musk can be a billionaire you can be at least a millionaire [Music] leaning to somebody with your shoulders say it's about to break and i don't know who this is for god said whatever you're getting ready to get next you're supposed to have it you're supposed to have it don't let anybody talk you out of it don't let nobody talk you out of being better looking better feeling better lose the weight change your hair do something different with yourself you are getting ready to enter a brand new dementia tell somebody it's about to break [Music] i feel a breakthrough in goals girl after the break to a convocation i feel a breakthrough for the saints the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty through god to the pulling down the straw everybody's watching right now type on the screen is about to break it's about to break my destiny is about to break my freedom is about to break you haven't lived for god all your life to not see the result of what it means to live for god it's about to break [Music] paul couldn't get it to break he couldn't get in the city couldn't get in philippi until y'all gonna catch this in a minute i walked in this church tonight and i almost ran around it but it was too big i said if i run around this church i'm gonna not only lose seven pounds i'm gonna be out of breath but when i walked in this church tonight the law said the carpet the carpet confirmed what i told you to preach [Music] paul could not break into philippi until he met a woman named lydia who sold purple brothers i know you're mad i know you're mad don't get mad at me but some of us need to thank god for women [Music] i know we try to set them down and sit over there and sit back there you can't preach and you can't talk and we still arguing over what they should do and who they should have should they be pastors should they be evangelists well you can take their money but you can't license them [Applause] you can ask them for a thousand dollars but you can't put them over a church i know it's tedious and i know it's touchy but lydia all right women this is for y'all we're gonna leave the brothers for a second y'all gonna leave the brothers i said we i'm not a woman glory to god lydia was a boss see there's no such thing as the proverbs 31 woman i'm gonna get you in trouble there's no such thing as the proverbs 31 woman because the first 10 verses of proverbs is written to lemuel a man and it was advice on who to find and then he gets to that place and said who can find the virtual woman and this is what this is what the bible says about this boss woman in proverbs which lydia was the bible said her husband proverbs is known in the gates watch this women here's where your boss move comes but she is a seller of merchant ships in other words when he comes along she got to own money when i married my wife i answered i said i said can i take you to paris she said i've already been i said well can i take you to atlanta i married a boss lydia ran the city she was in charge of commerce she ran the economics of philippi if it were not for her business the local economy of philippi would have collapsed look at somebody say don't treat me bad you might need me in the future try not to treat me bad because you don't know what god is going to bless me with and i don't want your city to collapse because you ignore me there are some cities that are going to collapse because they're called the popular prophet but not the right prophet and we play church politics and call people in because their name is popular and they preach the same thing they preach everywhere else 12 times and organizations are collapsing because we're not using women lydia entreated paul met him he preached the gospel to lydia she invited him in her home she was intrigued by the gospel when they invited her when she invited them it was paul and silas when she invited them into their home into her home they baptized her and when the roman hierarchy heard that paul and silas had converted lydia they got upset not because of the wind of her conversion but because of the loss of their economics and how many of you know people love you as long as they can use you lord jesus people love you as long as you can do something for them people love you as long as you dance a jig and to the beat of their drum but this is the season where god says i've got my hand on you and i'm not going to allow anybody to take advantage of you i'm going to save you for myself and the wealth of the wicked is going to be converted into the kingdom of god tell somebody a whole lot of money is getting ready to come into the kingdom because god's given us a millionaires and billionaires god's getting ready to use you god's getting ready to use you to change the economic condition of those [Music] they brought her in they got upset now remember i told you that paul had a hard time breaking in to philippi when they heard of the conversion of lydia the seller of purple they put him notice what the scripture says not just into prison they put him in the inner sanctum they put him in the middle in the deepest darkest part but it was the right place god said i want you to praise me right now for the places i put you in that you didn't think was me [Music] paul had been trying to break into philippi half of his ministry career and all of a sudden a door opened and one conversion got him placed where he belonged but wait wait wait give me six minutes there's something else we got to look at we cannot just look at where he was placed we also got to look at who was with him the bible said paul and silas now if you know your word originally it was not supposed to be paul and silas it was supposed to be paul and barnabas but barnabas had too much mouth for the mission and you got to get away from people who argue but don't get anything done who fuss about the program but have no contribution to the program you got to get away from people that always run their mouth talking about what should be done pastor i don't like who we got singing and then you put them up to sing and they can't hold a note i got people to tell me how i should preach and then i put them up to preach and they're nervous and back out pastor i think you should preach this i think you should sing that i think you should pastor for a year and see if it can work for you and see what kind of church you have pastoring people with your spirit barnabas had too much mouth scripture goes on to say that paul is placed holy ghost i love you paul is placed right where he belongs tell somebody you're about to be placed exactly where you're needed sometimes god will place you in places that you're needed but you're not visible see the job of an intercessor is to be necessary but invisible and everybody cannot do the job of the intercessor because being an intercessor doesn't get you noticed being an intercessor doesn't get your name on the program but when trouble hits the airways the intercessor praise in the dark because the church has to teach right placement over visibility so paul was invisible everybody thought it was over they thought it was over for him and then this little scripture comes up and says at midnight check check check check the bible out at midnight paul and silas wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait at midnight paul and silas what if paul had continued with barnabas who had a lot of mouth but wasn't a lot of help would have read like this at midnight paul and barnabas argued and nothing happened in the united holy churches of america there are certain people that may have the spirit of barnabas to tell bishop pickett what he should do but the vision is not yours hey look look why are we even having a convocation in the middle of a pandemic i don't understand why we're using that big church can we use something smaller why don't we use matcha it's annoying to have people with you that always have something to say and a demonic spirit when it's time to cast out the actual demon tell somebody i'm here to get the job done i don't care who gets the credit i want the god to get the glory and i'm here to get the job done so the bible says at midnight paul and silas prayed and sing praises i need y'all to take about 30 seconds and just put some praise in the atmosphere and tell your neighbor at midnight [Music] lean on somebody and say i don't know how long your midnight is but god [Music] is about to not just open your door telling your neighbor god god is about to open every door of the person on your road that's why it's important that when you get in trouble you get in trouble with the right people when you get in a crisis you don't need barnabas but you need a silence because silence has the spirit of agreement tell your neighbor neighbors if we're going to get anything done in this hour of the kingdom we gotta have the spirit of agreement for the bible saying how can two walk together except they do that except they be agreed and when paul got with silence midnight came but fortunately they were the right team and they were in the right place to open up philippi to the will of god i know i'm telling you to lean a lot tonight but lean one more time on your neighbor and say neighbor oh neighbor it's more important that you lean in the right place because god is gonna open doors that you did not even know that he could open but y'all know what they did when the praise got real good the bible says that they open the doors of every prisoner i don't know who you're sitting beside tonight but your neighbor is in the right place i don't know who you came to church with but your person is in the right place what if i told you that he gonna will open the neighbor's door that's sitting beside you look at somebody two more times and said this praise [Music] preach to me say this praise is not for me but tell them i want the lord to open the door for you tonight would you be unselfish and don't praise god for yourself but praise god for the person to sit beside you and tell them you're coming out of this no matter what it is because my praise is praising as an intercessor and you ought to be glad that god has you beside me because he's about to open every door around us can you praise god tonight just for about 60 more seconds and holla god [Music] y'all helped me preach two more minutes i said [Music] one more time [Music] is about to place you where you belong is there anybody that can praise in the night that i'm not praising for a house and i'm not praying for a call i'm praising him because i heard my mother say the savior's place [Music] the saving place in the whole wide world is in the will of god point to somebody and says stay in the will of god don't come out of the will of god don't lust for nobody's spot don't try to be nobody else don't compare your ministry to nobody don't compare your preaching to nobody that's why paul said by the grace of god i am what i am tell somebody i'm satisfied with the place i'm in i'm i'll give him glory if i'm on the program giving glory if you don't recognize me you don't have to recognize me my name [Music] my name is written in the land book of life i got one more thing to tell you and then i'm out of here god said if you praise me right now tonight the place you've been waiting on all your life is about to come open for you tell somebody one more time the lord says get ready go an open door get ready [Music] why why did we have the convocation in goldberg tell somebody this is the right place i want to prophesy to bishop pickett and everybody that we praise god for don't stop leading the way god has told you to leave don't stop doing what the vision is in your heart don't get intimidated don't get nervous don't listen to your critics but i hear the law say drive and go tell somebody your blessing is in being in the right place your miracle is being satisfied to say anyway you bless me lord be satisfied open your mouth and shout glory [Music] wait a minute we got to go josh y'all get ready 60 more seconds do me a favor this ain't this is not going to affect your social distancing tell somebody switch seats with me [Music] y'all told them y'all ain't do it tell them how to switch switch cease with me come on there's enough room some of y'all can go anywhere tell them how to switch seats with me those here that's watching online stand up in your house and tell somebody in your house switch seats with me [Music] now why did you switch seats sometimes god has to place you in the place you've been criticizing because you don't know how it feels to be who i am until you sit in my seat but god said now switch back switch back look at your neighbor said neighbor you can have your seat [Music] tell them what god has for me i'm satisfied with it now god said you gonna praise me tonight not for anything material he said you're gonna praise me tonight because you're where you're supposed to be in the place you're supposed to be in and the kingdom of god cannot suffer cause you want somebody else's place tell somebody i'm gonna be placed where i'm supposed to be and i'm gonna shout right in my place god told me to progress out of somebody that everything you need is coming to the place you're in you ain't got to change nothing just be found in his will open your mouth and give him glory for your place somebody type it on the screen and say i'm in the right place open up your mouth and say it again i'm in the right place [Music] somebody clap your hands and i want you to dance for about 60 seconds because you are right where god wants you to be somebody put your feet on the floor [Music] god [Music] [Music] god it is what god has for me what god has for me what god has for me what god has for me what god has for me what god has for me what god has with me what god has [Music] god [Music] what god has for me what god had for me it's for me it's for me it's for me it's for me [Music] what god what god has for me [Music] so [Music] holy church and cut the click track i said i heard you're going to united holy church of america convocation i said yeah they said why aren't you preaching friday night i said cause i'm monday night see don't ever feel like your anointing is for a night the only place reserved for a night is weeping [Music] tell somebody the only place reserved for a night is weaving your anointing is not for friday [Music] tell somebody what god has for me might just be reserved for monday you can't even give god a choice to praise a witness that prays a third praise and pride to pray while we are here on monday you better get in the right place and bless it because where you are is where you're supposed to be look at your neighbors say you're in the right place tell somebody you're in the right place [Music] the right place lord [Music] why why would they build all that in goldsboro right place you all in goldsboro i'm finished you don't have a flood zone as the climate changes and the ice caps melt in antarctica it's going to force people to move off the water in florida because the tide is coming to reclaim what people stole but you're in goldsboro if you ain't got no waterfront property you ought to say this is the right place [Music] let me help you a whole lot of slaves a whole lot of slaves came in the waterway through waterfront property now and after these years the earth is coming to reclaim its own land but tell somebody you're in the right place this is what i want you to do this is the right place we're not waiting for pride i want you to give this seat everybody you're watching online i want you to give this seat i want you to give it with joy it's very simple i need 200 people to do it it's 40 that's it 40. 40 40. don't wait till tomorrow tomorrow might not come tomorrow might not come and we're worshiping right now i want everybody watching online everybody in upps you i'm sorry y'all united churches of america i want you everybody everybody lottie everybody god said this seed is going to end your wilderness and put you in the right place 40 is the number of testing 40 is the number of testing you you're in the right place monday night was the right place i told my minister music coming down i said something different is on this organization something different is on this assignment there's a holiness on these people there's a glory on these people and i know the glory of god when i sense it i'm not going to beg i'm not going to auction you down god said 40. that's what we're going to get tonight 40. you're online i want you to get 40. you're in the right place at the right time to receive the right thing from the lord you're in the right place you're in the right place brother in the gray suit you're the only one i'm prophesying to tonight stand up just because the prophet is not to you church don't mean it's not for you lift your hands listen to me there's an anointing on your life but i'm gonna give you a one word prophecy and you bet you better hear me i started too early in ministry i was passionate at 22. i shouldn't have been nobody's pastor i'm 44. wait no division terry i'm wait you that because of what i see just because the prophet sees something don't supposed to say it across the mind it's coming wait god's going to place you right you don't have to be in a big city to get a big blessing you don't have to have a album i promise you i don't have time to tell you my testimony but you don't have to be in a mega city to get a mega blessing the secret to the favor of god being all over my life is two things my wife is one because if it wasn't for her i would have had on a canary yellow suit tonight with yellow stacy adams i'm just as country as i could be she said what you will not do is embarrass me glory to god you know the suit with the long jacket down to the she said you're not gonna embarrass me the secret to the greatest favor that i've ever received was god told me to switch my church from sunday to saturday because i was very highly in demand and my church kept saying pastor you always gone on sunday god said switch it so they can have you and the kingdom can too i have 150 people in my church but i am blessed because obedience is better than sacrifice those of you that are given that seed just say i'm gonna give it whether it's from your seat or whatever it's forty dollars it's forty dollars forty dollars come and give it right now all over this place online come and give it [Music] everybody that's giving it come give it come and give it online 40. it's the number of testing your testing is over your testing is over your testing is over i receive it decreed decline and call it in the spirit to become what god's designed me to be i decree it oh i decreed i declared [Music] in the spirit yeah [Music] to become [Music] what god's designed [Music] online you're giving you're giving you're giving you're giving you're giving you're giving you're giving you're giving you're giving you're giving before i leave let me pray for your father in the name of jesus oh i'm just gonna hold your hand i'm not gonna lay hands on your head i'm not that foolish i'm just gonna hold your hand that god will strengthen you in this time it's difficult leading in this time it's uncertain it's uncharted waters shirt your hand towards your president of the night [Music] i'm a different kind of prophet sometimes i sing my prayers strengthen the lord strengthening lord lord giving more knowledge more wisdom for the vision than everyone put this organization in the right place put this district in the right place in the name of jesus one more time you're giving 40. come on say it i decreed [Music] in the spirit [Music] me to be [Music] foreign [Music] come on put your hands together and give god a praise for the word give him a praise for this preacher did you enjoy the preacher praise god [Music] we're not gonna hold you just a few few announcements that we need to make sunrise revival will be tomorrow at 6 00 a.m by way of conference called prayer conference call number and we would give that number out to you that you might have it that you might call in we're doing something different as we did on last year and so we asked that you will join in for the prayer call on tomorrow and some of you may have already received that number i don't have it right on me right now trying to find it but please on tomorrow morning service will start at 10 a.m 9 45 9 45 our worship service will start with praise and worship and can we say official day and so tomorrow we will have none other than our what our first assistant said would be bishop derrick johnson at 10 am and the state of the district report will be given at two o'clock but at one o'clock we would ask that you would come back and our general president will be our representative bishop johnson will be preaching at 10 but our representative will be uh the general president himself and so we ask you come back on tomorrow we have the food trucks as dr brown said and we need for you to support the food trucks uh on tomorrow amen let's do that thank god for the preacher thank god for the ensemble and our ushers and thank god for you coming out let everyone know we're having holy convocation amen we look forward to seeing you on tomorrow at this time we will ask that you stand thank dr brown first assistant for presiding on tonight amen thank god for these awesome musicians amen you know thank you i got the number pulled it up and and it slipped on mine just that quick i'm not i'm not old y'all the conference call number for sunrise is 701 802 5361 and the access code is 397-6336 [Music] pound seven zero one eight zero two five three six one three nine seven six three three six pound this is our prayer number that we use they may not have used this number uh this morning but this is the number that we're asking that we use for uh the prayer call that we do with the missionary department so you should have gotten the one call on tonight amen thank you let us look to the lord loving father we thank you for time well spent we thank you for the word that has been preached in this house on tonight we thank you god for the manifestation of your holy spirit thank you for the preacher how you bless them and use them in a mighty way now god we pray that as we travel back to our destination give us safe travel back and bless us as we shall return on tomorrow bless the service and we shall forever pray thy name now may the love of god the sweet communion of his holy spirit be with us till we meet again on tomorrow let us all say amen amen god bless you [Music] you
Channel: Southern District Convocation-Goldsboro
Views: 2,476
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: United Holy Church, Southern District Convocation, Love Temple, UHC
Id: GJiewEd1qkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 58sec (9538 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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