Monday Night Meatloaf 74

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hey guys welcome back talks to Liz I'm Tom this is your weekly installment of meatloaf and this is number 74 we've got a pile of viewer appreciation packages has showed up I ordered a couple things up eBay or actually I've got a tool like eBay and I've ordered some stuff for the shop and what else oh we got a little project we're gonna help out a fellow youtuber our good buddy a bomb 79 otherwise known as Adam booth he asked me for a little a little favor and we're gonna help him out and make something for him to send out to him and so we'll show that what else no this is kind of an interesting one also there'll be a separate video coming out at the same time is this a little t-shirt update so I got the new proofs and so go check out it'll all be called t-shirt updates something like that and so go check that out the guys that signed up for a t-shirt there's a little information in there for you so check that out and no let's go check out some some cool goodies here okay so this is a this is the one from mr. James T Kilroy okay he sent me a sticker cool again a sticker from James and this is this kind of mark - version of this re indicator older and James printed a bunch of these for me and which is cool and so what I'm gonna do is I stuck magnets and one of them just to try it out and they works pretty good so you can move the magnets around in the pocket a little bit to get just a feel that you want and they hold nice and secure and this is kind of an interesting way to make them to using kind of modern technology there to knock these out so I think I'm gonna pass one of these on to Mick down at the UC Berkeley mechanical engineering shop and because it was really his live rendition of one of these that ice that I briefly glimpsed that kind of got me going on it so I'm gonna return the favor and give one back to him you know I give him one with magnets in it so so you can use it at least anyway James thank you very much those look great and I've already tried this one out and it works awesome with the three magnets in it so the viewers that suggested the axial axial magnets works really good actually you can get too much force pretty easily and so it's nice to be able to move these around a little bit and then you can kind of kind of tune it a little bit so okay so let's move on to do let's move on to the next thing here okay huge pile of stuff here and I gotta zip through it pretty quick so okay so this next one here this is some Julis off here this is a kind of an all-natural cutting oil that was sent to me by Rick Brandt and he's in Minneapolis Minnesota and he he bought I guess he bought a case of this or something like that or he couldn't get it in a small quantity so he said hey you want to try some and I said yeah sure I'll try some and says eco-friendly and one of the things that he said is it smells good or it doesn't smell at all and it really has no no smell that I can kind of kind of pick up on that doesn't mean anything it just doesn't smell as bad as me let's just put it that way anyway we'll give this a try and see how it works and Rick thank you very much that's a really that's a nice gift cutting oil is always useful around the shop so we'll we'll give that a go and and test it out Thanks all right so this next one this comes to us from a fellow a YouTube creator Don Kaas it and he's up in Oregon and I find he wants to build a boring head or he started working on a boring head and so I sent him one that he could use as a you know kind of a model to help him visualize some of the stuff so he sent it back recently and yeah stuffed in the box with some of these really nice screwdrivers here and these are kind of gunsmithing screwdrivers they have a machined point in and with pair with parallel sides so it's a normal you know craftsman screwdriver whatever is kind of angled and these have parallel sides which which don't tend to lift out of the out of the screw when you rotate them you know why normal screwdrivers aren't really made that way I don't know I would get the answer for you but these are nice parallel ones and they look like they're ground on the ends real nicely but and it's a nice little set so you know firearms is one of those things where you really don't want to butcher the screws because it really looks terrible when you do it so Don thank you very much those are nice screwdrivers made in the USA and you know I'm sure it says wear safety glasses and they're screwed oh yeah okay and they're calling them gunsmith screwdrivers so officially so Don thank you very much those are really nice and who doesn't need a nice set of of screwdrivers okay so this next one this next one comes to us from Sam gable and Sam and I emailed back and forth a fair amount and just chit-chatting about stuff and he had I guess he got this with a I think he said a a box of ham radio stuff at a at an auction so he was after the ham radio stuff and and this kind of came with it and he asked if I was interested in it or if I could pass this along to somebody that could use this so let's open it up let's take a look at it it's kind of an interesting set and what we have here is a it's a stare at 225 micrometer and this is a multiple anvil micrometer with standards now this is metric just so you know and you can see the you can see the graduations on the barrel there so the symmetric Mike it's the whole sets metric okay what's interesting though is this is a whole kind of cylinder measuring set this lifts up here and we'll set that aside and then there's an inside mic here - all metric also a little set of feeler gauges okay and then there's nothing under there other than some instructions and some other stuff but what's here is one of these cylinder gauges so what this is is this is basically a it's a bore gauge okay specifically optimized for you know kind of automotive sized cylinders or whatever so it's pretty good sized and now there's something wrong with this one here the the indicator doesn't move so what I'll probably do is send this back to starett and see what see what it's going to take to fix that and this you can see that that rod extends out so the idea is now normally this would move and the indicator would move you would set this with a with a micrometer here to the nominal bore size okay and then you'd get a plus or a minus on the bore size now this one's a hundredth of a millimeter graduations here and then that retracts in there and then inside the handle is another one another rod here for even larger cylinders so that's kind of how about actually interestingly these uh these are not I grounded a radius which is kind of unsterile like I think so anyway so that's kind of how that thing works there so what up like I said what I'll probably do is I'll go ahead and ship this back to starett and get a repair estimate for that and see if we can get this set in in top shape here and and check it out I will Sam that's a really nice gift thank you very much and I don't particularly have a use for this myself it's a really nice set and I don't have a metric micrometer this large and these multi yellow ones are pretty nice too they cover a white white and range there anyway we'll we'll be talking about this later on - so get it fixed and see what happens Sam thank you appreciate it and thanks for sending something into the show okay so this next one is this next one is is rather large here and let's get it all together here and then one one spot here kind of look over here this comes to us from cliff fender and he's in Michigan and cliff has a machinery repair business out there he does all kinds of machinery to repair and so there's a there's his car there cliff fender and so he goes out on call and they re scrape machines they put spindle bearings and stuff and I'm sure they do electrical and and all those things associated with machinery repair in fact cliff was telling me via email that they're working on a 12 foot Swing Blanchard grinder right now putting new spindle bearings in it and that's actually pretty impressive machine it's probably 300 horsepower something like that and it'll it'll grind basically a circle that's a twelve feet in diameter so pretty neat so anyway cliff I guess he was rooting around in the shop and in throwing stuff in a box over a period of weeks and because there's about 20 different notes with this and he wanted me to make sure to open this one here he says 100 K inside so be sure to open that up everything was kind of individually wrapped in paper towels and he did a nice job wrapping all this stuff up so you guys can see some of these things right out of the gate so we got some Cincinnati sheet clamps here okay and these are these these stamped ones here these are pretty cool super junior's I think Adam has some of these and likes them so we got a couple of those we got some little spring hand clamps these are always kind of handy for holding drawings up and schematics and things like that you know those always come in kind of handy and I'm just gonna just kind of scoot my way down here so these are some inspection mirrors here these are I'm not gonna open them up but there's four mirrors in there they're glass and I think these are replacement mirrors for those articulating inspection mirrors so anyway cliff thanks for those I always like looking at myself so we get a hammer handle here okay now this is a you see it's a rectangular cross-section this was interesting it it's got the the wedge cut it at an angle across Sarah which you don't see too often this is a carpenter's hammer handle here alright and 16 to 20 ounce apparently so those you know we can reshape those and put a head on that that's cool we got some a couple of multi screwdrivers and oh yeah this is a so this is a stanley one here and it has a bit that pops and you can flip it around so if you ever have to climb a ladder or something like that and take a screwdriver with you this style is my favorite here you can flip them around and they have multiple sizes of bits on them you know for one screwdriver so those are always really handy that's kind of my my favorite a tool kit screwdriver there those are great get a lumber crayon here or lipstick not sure which cliff so I'll try it as lipstick see how it looks but an ox with lipstick on it might not be that might not be that nice get a little Chuck on a Chuck on a stick here and this is kind of nice you can put a little reamer in it or a little file or something like that or a drill bit and do a little a little hand action there it's a nice set up little Jacobs and it's a stainless Chuck too so that's kind of kind of nice and then that they kind of go with that he sent me a little selection of Reimers that he had doubles on and wasn't using so I haven't looked at the sizes 1/8 I see in there what else we got so 3/16 okay yeah there's some some good sizes in there so that's one of the things I got to do one of these days is organize my reimers I just haven't been a drawer and they're not arranged I always have to kind of dig through them and find the ones I want I know use them a lot but they're just kind of in a drawer so maybe that's a good excuse to go through those so clip that's really nice thank you and then some taps we got some little taps here 0 80 172 and 256 little baby little baby taps so 256 is one of my favorite threads it's a really easy to tap it's actually a pretty strong fastener too so and the screws are not so small that they're they're impossible to handle like you know clocks clock screws and things like that stare at ruler that's really nice I mean this is my favorite graduation here - you got tents and hundreds and then on the other side you got 30 seconds and 64 so that's a that's a good at this what is that a-c-c 305 are - 6 so C means Chrome 305 5 R is a graduation that's the basic model number and then that's the link so it's a hundred 50 millimeter ruler for our metric our metric friends there this is kind of interesting too and some of the folks that do manufacturing and maybe work in packaging plants might recognize this norson makes hot glue melt for packaging is that squirts hot glue down and then you close the flaps of the carton and so they make the hot melt thing so those guys ought to get in a 3d printer business so they already do a lot of that stuff so what this is is this a little kit kind of like a kit for cleaning torch tips and so it's got a little little pin Chuck here made in France and then some little individual wires for cleaning the nozzles of the of the nortz and glue heads so that's kind of cool so I'm gonna switch the camera this segment is getting pretty long here so I'm gonna switch it and we'll go through some of the rest of the stuff here okay this this one this one just keeps on going here okay so this is this lot of stuff that came from cliff fender and get a little the continuation of the lot so we get a little can't twist clamp and this is a this is a just a real nice handy sighs I think this one opens up 3/4 oh one inch this one will open up one inch and you guys know I like these uh I like these can't twist clamps are pretty good they're lower profile on the mill then then c-clamps that's one really really nice reason for using them it's a Chuck and this Chuck looks like it belongs to a drill or something like that it's got a threaded shank on it or a threaded a threaded mount but this is brand new never been used and so it's a replacement drill Chuck three h20 four threads so anyway we'll pass that along to somebody that might need a 3/8 24 so another thing you can do with this kind of a Chuck here is you can make you can make a little rig like this although this is a this is a pretty good size Chuck for that you you generally want something a little smaller for a handheld thing so but you could put an arbor on there too you could do all kinds of stuff so pass that along to somebody that can use it alright so can't twist get some machinist squares here okay these have seen a little bit of use but they look pretty good still they're not they're not totally chewed up here and let's see yeah this looks like it's a minute or set minute oil made in England so that's kind of a new one for me I don't know maybe they have a manufacturing a manufacturing plant there in England I don't know but anyway it's a nice little set they're three and we can clean these up on the surface plate a little bit to knock any burrs off and and maybe we'll check them and see how square they are that might be kind of a fun fun little side thing here and then the last thing in this this huge a lot of stuff that the clips sent along here is this little uh so this is from chars this is a little tool supplier and we get a very small indexable tool set so these are in there pretty good so this seizes this little what is that a teeth that's a positive insert so it's a TP something or rather and with a little chip breaker on it looks like about a ten millimeter shank on that three ace 3/8 shank I've got some extra inserts here okay and pretty big radius on them but they'll still work and wrench and then a pile of extra screws here which is always kind of cool if you drop one of those in the chip pan anyway we got those too so anyway cliff that's a really nice a lot of tools and I'll find some you know I have a set of these I have insert tools you know you guys are pretty familiar with what I have and so you know cliff said hey listen send this out to the the viewership if they if they can make use of this stuff and and you know put it in hands and somebody that they can use it so we'll do that okay anyway let's move on to the next thing thanks cliff okay so this next lot of stuff comes to us from Melvin helm MD and Melvin and I met each other kind of online he's into telescopes and he got a kick out of that work that we did down in Arizona and Hopkins and in fact he knows the folks that were putting the instruments in that enclosure that we put together so we started talking back and forth a little bit and have had a little bit of email conversation so now if this isn't the what I would call a a push to do some scraping videos I don't know what is so dr. helm sent along a machine tool reconditioning book a DVD a neurologist approved scraper some by axe scraper blades that go with the scraper and actually these are made for the powered unit here so although it looks like you can use them here and and then you get a little bit of you get a little bit of spring to the blade to so looks like a three-quarter wide and the name one-inch wide and with this padded this is a scraper made by D opera and then in addition to that he sent me a little a brayer here for spreading the the bluing compound and then these are pretty cool too I'm just going to pull the clean one out here this one's got a this one's got ink in it or and I don't know what ink that is actually I don't want to open that up you know so this stuff is like like a DC's right yeah one little drop of this and you find it everywhere everywhere you walk so anyway it's a cool little uh I don't know a lotion dispensing bottle or something like that let's get a little seal there and then ramp ramp a little fill plug there or what is that oh no no that's a suction cup so you can stick it on I guess you can hang these in the shower and you know put soap in them or something like that maybe I don't know pretty cool and then a little brayer and then so goof off and I don't know if this is a subtle pun here but this is good for removing tape residue and sticker stuff and general Hickey gloppy weasels today actually this is a commercial weasel snot remover so so Melvin thank you very much this is a this is wonderful I'm gonna watch these DVDs and and see what's on here because I am interested in scraping and and I've told folks I haven't done a lot of it in my career and but I'm interested in it because it's this hand technique that you can produce these really nice surfaces with so this is great and it gives me another scraper to try out here now this one is kind of designed so that you can you can put it against your body and then use your body to kind of help push so you're not you're not pushing with your palm and using high force on your on your joints and your your your hands and stuff so we'll give that a try and see how that works out it's got one of these furred file handles on it too which is nice so this is an ice scraper I kind of like this one it looks pretty good it's similar to the Sandvik but but different so you know and guys you can make these yourself I think this is over a hundred bucks from Deborah but you know you can see it's a pretty it's a pretty simple implement there anyway Melvin thank you very much this is great and so Melvin is a neurologist down in Fresno and he his specialty is headaches and then inner ear disturbances so if you have inner ear problems or some kind of a severe headache thing you can look at dr. helm up in Fresno California and he may be able to help you so check it out okay gonna help out uncle Adam here we're gonna bend them one of these TIG torch holders here okay so let's just get two three four bends but they're out of plane so we have to rotate the the bending plane 90 degrees so let's go ahead and get this set up here we're gonna put the smaller pin in here and then I think I want sit down I have to do kind of it this first Bend is a little bit short here okay and so I'm going to use a different we call a shoe I guess we call it a shoe yeah this just drops on here and it gets up nice and close here so that we can do a short return here now this is just cut off with a bolt cutter so I'm gonna go belts in there real quick and we'll go ahead and bend one up okay so we did the end there put a little end on it and let's go ahead and do one here so I'm just gonna gauge these fins with a scale right off of the pin here and I think this what it was yeah like seven ace okay and this first Bend it's not quite 90 a little short of 90 something like that can always add a little more layer we'll just leave that and we're going to come out and then we're gonna rotate this is our first out of plane here and then gauge the second Bend so we make them all the same and I'm just going to go one inch from the pin to the center of that Bend right there 25 millimeters and I want to make sure that I'm straight with the world that way yes so this will be a 90 degree bent I ball 90 okay looks pretty good all right then we're gonna go one more now this one here I'm gonna go three-quarter between the bend and I'll just use the scale and once again I want to get it lined up with the world like that quick look yeah it looks pretty good and this will be 90 also make look you know visual 90 here you know it's pretty tasty all right and then one more so this will be the same length as this one which is one inch go out to one edge like that and I'm gonna take this one there's a tendency for this one to roll so I'm gonna just take it out a plane just slightly and when I come around and what I'm looking for is this parallel with with our our stock there come around like that pretty good okay there it is so the TIG torch drops in there and kind of slides down with gravity but it won't jump off the front if you bump it cuz it's got a it's got a gate on it I like that I think I like that it's for Adam I think yeah I don't you know I didn't ask him what TIG torch is good today okay all right well there it is I'm gonna bend a couple more form and we're gonna throw them in a box and for guys that are interested in this bender if you go look on my blog there's plans for this on my blog you can make your own this is a great little great little rod bender that you can add all kinds of appliances to to bend all kinds of rods and flats and things like that so alright alright Adam there they are bud coming to you okay so here's this a bait purchase I got this off of off of ebay recently and it showed up in time for this time for this meatloaf and what this is is this is a frame level this is what I call it anyway actually while er calls it a precision frame spirit level so so this is Wyler sold by Fowler at some point here anyway what this is kind of a unique level and you guys know I have a problem with tools in general and level levels in particular but this one's interesting because you can level but you can also check perpendicularity or you can check a vertical surface to very accurately so we have a smooth surface for the vertical and we also have a V surface for the vertical and here you can actually see that this particular level has been scraped on these reference surfaces here and somebody was Harold was asking about scraping of levels so this is one of the reasons I want to scrape that pratt & whitney level is because many many many precision levels are scraped now this one has kind of both surfaces on it it has smooth ground surfaces and then it has scrape surfaces as well so now this one like I said you can you know you can check a wall or some vertical component the ways of a boring mill for example the vertical ways of a boring mill things like that so you can set up machinery with this this is a machinery level and this one the sensitivity of this one as you can see that down there so one division is five ten thousandth of an inch in 10 inches and this is what is this it's 200 millimeters right so this is about eight inches here so in 10 inches one division on the on the bubble is five ten thousandths of an inch for the metric folks that's five hundreds of the millimeter per meter which is about 10 seconds of Arc okay so if you want to convert it to an angle and this is you know ground and fabricated very square you know it's a one-piece construction actually we have a job that we're working on at work that we have to align two beams to one another right and we have to we have the level my hand signals here or actually you know what I'll use these as simulators so we have these two beams that we have to align right so we have to level them this way in relation to one another very accurately and then but that does you can still be you can still be tipped like this so we're gonna use a level similar to this to to plumb the front so to speak so this has enough resolution that I we can hit their accuracy targets just with simple levels anyway this was a 150 bucks off ebay which is a screaming deal not as good as the deal that Paul Compton got on his I think he got is 4 he got a bigger one than this for 10 pounds out of some guys trunk on the side of the road somewhere so and I saw that and I was like oh man I've been wanting one of those so I've been keeping my eye peeled on eBay and this one came up and actually the guy I was bidding against I think he forgot to bid so he's probably he's probably pissed right now that he forgot the bid so because it went fairly cheap these are well over a thousand dollars new and 150 bucks is you know ten cents on the dollar basically so pretty good now this is a this anti-corrosion paper here it's kind of this vapor VCI paper here and things like this that I would use all the time I tend to put that down in there tend to put that in with it just to keep it nice and I put some new foam in there and I'm gonna take it to work actually so I put my name in there and actually oh this will be on the Show and Tell on Instagram probably alright guys anyway thanks for watching
Channel: oxtoolco
Views: 12,386
Rating: 4.9372821 out of 5
Keywords: Wyler level
Id: QN-SA5_reL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 31sec (2071 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2015
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