Monday Night Meatloaf 76 D'Andrea Boring Head

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hey guys welcome back Doc's tools on top so this is your weekly meatloaf episode number 76 got a couple interesting things it's got some flea market clients did pretty good actually at the flea market got a few interesting items got a new tool to show you guys and let me just say I'm bending to the dark side a little bit so I'll explain later you guys can check that out oh we're going to test a tool that a viewer alone beat mr. Gordon Valentine he graciously loaned me a very interesting tool that we're gonna test-drive I made some little love there was a couple of little pieces that were missing and I remade those and so now we can actually kind of test that out and then I test drive it and then we got my buddy Randy Richard he sent me some some stickers here I got a sticker up on the bulletin board I'm getting ready to rearrange this whole thing so I'm a little reluctant to stick my precious stickers on here I got to find a better way to display them but Randy thank you very much these are nice stickers and we'll find a place for my gather I'm collecting them in a drawer right now I'm gonna put them put them on something so anyway let's pop over to the tool box over there and then we'll take a look at the flea market stuff and then go from there so let's get to it alright guys this is this week's tools we got full of flea market deals here we have an actual purchase here I hate to admit it but I I dipped into the pond of the the evil empire of Harbor Freight there's a little story here so I'll tell you the story when we get a little closer on this so let's come in a little closer I'll try to get the lighting good so you guys can see this stuff nicely and we'll kind of go through it got a couple of good deals here and we'll check them out let's come on in closer okay so let's look at this flea market stuff first this guy here this is kind of interesting this is a it's for tensioning steel banding now normally these things are kind of expensive this was this was ten bucks and this is actually a really interesting one it's got a rack and pinion and then it's got these kind of multiple details here which are kind of neat so you get actually a appears to be a half tooth out of it which is kind of neat and then to release this one you push it all the way forward and then it comes back in and then it has the the grippers for the the steel banding so it looks like it's all here now I have this kind of idea that's been floating around in the back of my head that uses a mechanism similar to this and it's it's for electricians and in pulling wire but I haven't done anything with the idea and whenever I see one of these for a reasonable price I just kind of pick it up it's more to kind of I don't know to study how how some of these guys have worked this out now this is a says the tool is a property of Acme steel company and it's in this old time he fought here like you see the plumb tool thing which is kind of neat anyway that was bucks for that guy that's pretty cool so let's set that aside a couple of these quick grip clamps here these were five bucks for both of these I don't know they're they're twelve or fifteen bucks apiece normal and I like these for these you know woodchuck work and stuff like that they're kind of nice because you can you can operate a one-handed which is kind of neat this is a good good handy size so five bucks for those it's kind of they got some weasel snot on them here so we got a we got to get the the Dee weasel fire those next one here actually the first thing I found was this guy here this is a blacksmith's hammer and then say it's called a flatter her and it's a according to Kyle that's it blacksmith they call these topping tools where you're using this on top of something and then with another hammer to produce a nice flat surface now Kyle you keep threatening to come up here I've been collecting these blacksmith hammers and for you to come and look at so one of these days you got it get your tail up here and we'll look at some some blacksmith hammers and maybe do a little horse trade in there buddy okay so anyway and this is just a a punch here once again it's a topping tool or a top tool where you you put this down on the hot metal and then you give it a you give it a SWAT you drive it through the hot steel there so this is 3/4 diameter got a little nick there but I don't think that hurts much on this because you drive it down on onto the shank here this handles a little loose but we know what to do on that this is a to CH e w2 brand I don't know if you guys can see that there and and then it's got the size 3/4 so this is I would call a modern hammer and because it says warning wear safety goggles so to me that's an indicator this is a relatively modern one here but this one is in pretty good shape it doesn't look like it's seen a lot of USERRA this one I would say a shop made here this is a tool that a blacksmith would make themselves and this has the kind of the hallmarks of hand forging on it anyway yeah see this was ten bucks and then this was seven or eight seven or eight so you let you know about 10 bucks apiece something like that so you know once again you can't walk by him so okay then the next thing I got actually this is the last thing I got at the flea market here this is a nice starett 3 to 4 micrometer it it's just got plain faces it's in great shape and I checked it on a standard and adjusted it a little bit it was it was pretty close appears to work fine 20 bucks for that I said hey we'll put that in the in my tool collection there that my horse trade bucket or whatever so anyway 20 dollars for that guy here so ok so this next one here this is me dabbling in the in the dark side here this came from from Harbor Freight now there's a little story here let's pop this guard off here we actually have one of these at work and you're like oh wow national laboratory has a harbor freight saw well it does but what we did was we took this blade off here this pops right off okay let's pop it off here a little quick and you guys can see the arbor all right so it's just it's just a 3/8 hole yeah roughly a 10 millimeter hole and to mount it to the saw well what we did was we got rid of the high speed steel blade and we put a little two-inch real thin abrasive disc on here and it turns out what it's really good for for us is we have to cut some really odd materials like tungsten wire and molybdenum wire and things like that right small diameter stainless tubing or small diameter tungsten tubing or whatever or moly tubing even in with this with a thin abrasive blade this actually turns out to be kind of a handy little saw you can cut off hardened music wire you know things that you can't that are harder to cut and actually hang on to you know with with another type of soft anyway these a friend hooked me up his buddy works at Harbor Freight and gets a healthy employee discount so he got a couple of these and so he hooked me up with one of these one of these little saws here it's at Harbor Freight it can't be that expensive even so I got this for 20 bucks okay so my guess is there thirty dollars you know kind of retail or something and then there's you can still focus there so two-inch benchtop cut-offs drillmaster item number 6 2 1 3 6 and mcmaster-carr sells some 2 inch a 35 abrasive disc which I ordered I don't have them yet or I would demo this but if you have music wire or hard wire or odd materials that you want to make a nice clean little cut this is a handy little handy little saw here and it's got a cheesy vise but you know there's an opportunity for for some clever guys to you know come up with their with their own advice I mean you could mount a little machinist vise on there or any number of things so anyway well when I get those blades in I'll put one on here and we'll do some test cuts on some little some little tubing and we'll try it out and you guys can see that alright so without further ado let's go to the action part of this episode of meat loaf loop all right so we're putting this D'Andrea this D'Andrea boring head here on the on the mill we're gonna test drive this I think I want that in that attitude there that sounds about right it looks about right so this tube here is kind of the reaction arm so it clamps to the spindle to keep the hole this part of the mechanism is fixed and the the lower part spins so so we'll go ahead and clamp that on there so now that won't rotate so I'm gonna bring this up till it bottoms out or against the surface of the quill there okay so that feels pretty good now you got to use this is the stock drawbar here you have to use the the extended upper part so this is the same length but the this upper part is longer so that when the quill is down you can still reach the hex so needs the longer the longer drawbar and or something else that was gonna do here I think these were loose for some reason oh let's just one in the back here it was loose and I noticed it okay alright so let's get this in kind of position here so you can see it so as I rotate this I've got a readout dial here multiple turns and then actually direct reading to thousands this is a little lock and then this is a automatic feed now this is a really this is a cool one here and one of the things that I did make sure good view there I'll bring you in a little closer to but Gordon was missing the there are some trip dogs here so I made up a couple of quickies here so that we could actually test the auto feed and it's had a little trip mechanism here so when this is when that's engaged when that hits that it releases the or when it hits the trip dog it releases the fee and so these are set up so we can move them around and a little little ramp on them so trips the trip dog okay let's see what else what do they want to do you probably I checked this with an indicator and this is direct reading to in inches okay so and I can reset this the large scale here I can set that on zero anywhere I want and then here I can set the the minor scale anywhere I want let's see right there and I can walk that down and then I can keep track so I just moved that 200 thousands on diameter okay all right so let's get it let's keep we're gonna we're gonna face something off I'll give a tool up in there give me a couple minutes to get a tool up in there and I thought what we would do is maybe we'll face this guy right here that's kind of rough on the end and it might be something that you had to put a recess in okay yeah and let's have some fun with this thing it's a real beautiful it's extremely smooth it's very very nicely made and yeah I would love to have one of these and this is from Gordon Valentine and he loaned me this thing so that we could kind of test drive it and and play around with it so we're gonna we're gonna try it out okay I think we're ready it's trying to get used to this thing I've set the stops just you know kind of arbitrarily for for a diameter and what else so what we'll do is we'll we'll back it up first because you can power feed it back to zero and then you can power feed it out so let's just go ahead and do that okay so it's running in Reverse now I'm gonna go ahead and power feed that back to my starting position and this should kick out in a sec all right you see it kick it out think okay so I kicked out which is kind of nice alright and then you can see the stops here so let's see it'll be feeding it'll be feeding this way right when we turn it back on like so and then it'll come up on this on this stop here which I will put us out in a little diameter something like that so alright so I'm just gonna I'm gonna feed it down with the quill here let's take a I don't know let's take a let's take a twenty thousand cut and see what liquid love on there alright and I'm gonna feed it so this has two speeds a one and two here we're gonna feed on the excuse me the slow speed then that's forward and I'll show you the difference so that's that slow speed there okay and then that's high scale assist try the ice penis is go for angles like it's working get the swag and shift on the fly there too it's pretty tasty I like it I can't see the stops while it's turning but I think we're getting close here yep there it is okay so pretty cool I like this better than the I have a Chandler the you hold on to the ring this one's really cool because it's automatic all right so let's that's actually what we'll do is we'll fire it up again when I lift it out so and then we will reverse it coming back to our starting position and we'll take another cut just for fun Gordon this is a sweet tool buddy thanks for letting me play with it pretty awesome because kicked it out all right whoops there in liver there mr. wizard all right so I did 20 let's go - lets go - I don't know 40 or something like that let's do that little liquid love he's a fast speed see it looks like you got to hold this a little bit until it gets off of the off of the stop dog there's a lot of creds winging around here so kind of watch out and that's been it very fast here I'm only going about 200 rpm something like that yeah close the gate that's pretty Boston over there all right what else can we try in this thing I don't know so this thing has the ability actually you know what let me just kick it into neutral here if I loosen these guys here so this this tooling bar I can really as you can see I could get away the hell out there and now this would be pretty frightening actually because you're getting pretty close to the the handle there although you probably wouldn't once again you probably wouldn't be hand feeding that right you would be you would be power feeding that so anyway that's the D'Andrea boring head this is a quick little test there just to kind of try it out let's actually pull that out of there and you can see this tooling bar and it's got a bunch of different holes and I think this was shop made here this isn't a factory made tooling bar so but it seems to work fine so I don't know what else well if you want to see something else with this thing you know let me know and we'll we'll try to try it out so anyway d'andrea boring face
Channel: oxtoolco
Views: 27,367
Rating: 4.9457459 out of 5
Keywords: Dandrea, Boring and facing head
Id: tDZgg1XcKj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2015
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