Monday Night Meatloaf 127

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[Music] welcome back to ox tools if this is your first visit to my channel i'm tom so i'm a lifelong metal worker avid tool collector and practitioner of all things mechanical during the day i work at a not very secret government lab doing what q does for james bond and making sure our agents or our researchers have all the tools and widgets and things they need to do there to do their research when i'm home here in my own shop i'm i'm on a journey to learn as much as i can about a trade that's been very very good to me so with that said part of my responsibility is to get back to the trade by sharing my skills knowledge and experience with people like you out there so i wonder what we got going on today well the troops have been crying for an episode of meatloaf and if you're not familiar with the meatloaf series what it is is kind of a mixed bag of shop and engineering related subjects that probably don't merit a video on their own but together they they make something really nice like a meatloaf so let's take a look at uh some stuff that we're that we're playing around with in the shop and new tools and items and all kinds of cool stuff going on let's check it out this next one is a uh a pretty nice ebay find um this thing was a bargain um you know if you if you prowl around on ebay and um look at tool lots and stuff like that you can still get good deals this was like 10 bucks okay now you know i had a little bit of corrosion on it when i got it but it cleaned up real nice i just used um a little bit i don't remember what i use i use a bright boy or whatever um stick on it and uh it's what it is is it's a little sign bar okay and it's a very cute little design and there's some kind of noteworthy things to look at on this um you know from a tool appreciation kind of standpoint so this was made by b kruppa uh bill bob uh ben i i don't know what um i can't remember what state this came from i'd have to look that up but uh we'll call him bob okay so bob krupa did a pretty nice job on this thing right and um let me let me uh this particular design is interesting in that uh now this is a three inch roll centers here okay um so it goes like this and then you you know you stack blocks up under here to get your angle right and um but it's one piece and what he did was he profile ground all this stuff okay so as opposed to this one here which is of this of a similar design right it's all one piece um this was wired cut wire edm right and you can see the telltale wire edm finish here right and from the wire now this particular one uncle bob uh krupa he ground all this stuff so and um so you can actually see the little minute steps that that uh so actually i'm not even sure how he did it if he did it with a a radius wheel and then and just kind of index this around or what he did but uh that's a pain in the neck and you can see it here a little bit too uh in that one and um and then when you look in the reliefs down here um they're they're ground reliefs too so same thing and same thing in this one too this this one's ground not not wire edm now here's another here's another interesting bit too you know we've been talking about chamfers lately right so here's some chamfers okay and you see you see this angular fade right here in the corner here what that means is he set this up so that the wheel came through at this angle and in fact if you look closely here at the grind lines on that they're at they're at an angle they're not perpendicular so he set it up like that in relation to the wheel and and then ground into that corner and then did the same thing going the other way so that takes some extra effort now hard to do and uh he had a little problem on this side here okay uh one's a little heavy here and you know this and you know we're not poking fun at uh bob uh in at all right uh we all you know we all make mistakes we all make boo-boos and bozo visits us in the shop and i'm sure this pissed him off to no end uh when he did it um but it just what i want to point out is it's very easy to see the difference in chamfers right so when you're doing chamfering you have to be real careful start light and and then slowly increase right and um so chamfers are one of those things it's kind of the last thing you're doing right and if you if you bozo it or whatever um you know it's it's a problem and uh and you're really mad at yourself and it doesn't look good functionally it still works typically you know they're for clearances or just to break heart you know break uh really sharp edges that don't need to be sharp um but you know it leaves you open for uh criticism a little bit so anyway uh so that's uh bob krupa's a little uh sign bar there thank you very much bob i don't know if you're you're still with us or what but uh your your piece is in good hands now and it's uh it's cute as hell and then this is a wire edm one made by david ramos uh i bought this oh which is about 10 years ago something like that and it's pretty nice because it's thin and it spans the five inch roll center span the flats and the curt vice so it's pretty easy to use in the curved vise although i think this one would make it across the uh the center gap and then this is a this is the one that i that i make here this is a laser cut here and some of you guys thank you very much for the folks that bought one of these um and anyway it's kind of modeled after after this one but uh even lower profile right i didn't want this tall uh this tall leg on it there so okay so a little uh little sign bar action there and uh and uh let's uh tip our hat to mr mr krupa okay so a bunch of viewers have uh spotted this particular machine in the background i've had it for a while now and i was doing some work on it and i replaced the spindle bearings twice and that's a whole story what i'm gonna do right now is i'm just going to give you guys a kind of a quick overview of the makino ke 55 uh tool room mill so it's a full cnc but um it's also uh it's also can be operated kind of in a manual mode too which is kind of interesting for quick little jobs so um i don't know let's let's talk about it so a fanuc control okay pretty standard stuff anybody that's run a fanuc won't have any problem with this it's a 40 taper spindle this particular one is a 6000 rpm it does rigid tapping thread milling the whole nine yards um i'm you know some of you folks kind of think of me as a non-cnc guy but that's really not the case it's just i hadn't had the opportunity to get a machine in my home shop i don't have enough room for a you know a very large machine and this is this is great for my needs i don't need to go fast i'm not trying to prove anything but i do have needs of doing some cmc type operations um to not limit my design work on my project so this is kind of what this is about um let's see what else um and like i said i'm gonna do a much more in-depth uh kind of demo of this thing so you can uh you know you can control it manually with levers and i can feed it i can control the feed rate here okay and all the different axes i can feed multiple axes at the same time okay so you know all kinds of fun stuff and if i want to just you know mill something off by hand i can just use the hand wheels to do that so um flood coolant which is great and i also have this kind of minimal um this is one of these uh accu lube kind of missed applicators so it just spits a little bit of oil and air intermittently and really cuts down on the uh the amount of lubricant that you use it's not great for uh heavy cooling if you're doing some hogging and stuff like that but it works real good it came with the machine so twist my arm right um i bought a orange vise this is one of their kind of multi-purpose tool room vices i kind of wanted to go away from curt and try something different and once again i'll do a full in-depth review of the orange vice i have some some commentary on this vice so far so good i like it um a couple things that you know are different and uh and then i have some minor complaints too nothing serious but overall really a really nice vise let's see what else um i don't know so we'll talk about it more in um um in depth and uh when we start doing simple excuse me let me start doing some projects on here and boy i got some projects so stay tuned and ox tools is going to the dark side so drill america contacted me and asked if i wanted to try some of their drill bits and i said yeah sure go ahead send them i said here's my deal i said if i don't like him i'll say so but i won't be a jerk about it i'll just tell you what i don't like about them if i don't like them so honestly i have not drilled anything with these yet and you know i had probably a lifetime supply of drills here in this joint but this is actually kind of a neat set and and i'll tell you why it's mostly about this container right this kind of unique container so this container is waterproof it's got a rubber seal on it and it's actually a really nice organizer too as you'll see here and you can get them out really easily so the container is pretty awesome um the drills the drills look good um i kind of looked at them under a microscope and the grinds look nice and now these are uh these are plain high speed here okay this is the uh kfd uh high speed uh drill set and they call this you know they kind of name the coloring of black and gold now if if you weren't paying attention you might think these were cobalt drills and they're not uh although these guys do offer uh cobalt drills too now these are 130 135 degree split point drills uh like i said nice grind and also the they are the heavy duty drills with the thicker webs so um this is a great set for um you know hand drilling out in the field where you're kind of uh at a disadvantage because you're uh you're hand guided you're not in a machine and things like that and you probably break more drills in those situations right um and this oh hey look somebody wrote the price on there you can find these on amazon 63 bucks and i think it's a decent value and uh i like i said i have not tested the drills for uh for drilling um you know so what we're going to poke a couple of holes what am i going to be able to tell from that these take a little more thrust because of the thicker web and that's why they split the point is to thin the web at the tip um so that it doesn't take so much axial force to uh to penetrate the nice penetrate the material um anyway so drill america thank you very much for sending these along and i will uh test them on some materials although it's kind of a subjective test it's not anything that's quantifiable right but this container is a winner if you're gonna if you have a field box or uh you know you're out in the field or something like that or a truck toolbox and whatnot this kind of keeps all your drills together um the the hewitt uh metal containers get all beat to crap uh this one you know i could probably throw it across the room and it would be fine and i don't think i'm gonna be wearing this on my belt but if you were near a job you could hang this on the uh the edge of something or whatever one thing is it might be nice to have a tether on this but uh you know that's that's pretty pretty nitpicky there okay drill america uh what do they call this thing the uh it's kind of named for it the uh the uh oh a bit cooler that's what it was yeah i was thinking hexagon but it's called the bit cooler and a super cool container and uh pretty nice drills for a reasonable price put that down so you don't stab yourself with the uh the scriber there so the next thing i want to show you is this little guy right here and what we got going here is a dirty surface plate what we got going here is uh this is a little cylindrical square okay um i made this one recently uh on the uh covid lockdown i was uh uh you know fooling around in the shop and i uh actually i was trying something else and that didn't work and then i ended up with uh with three of these uh uh nice pieces of shaft here uh and i said oh hey you know what let's make a little cylinder square out of uh one of those and uh anyway the reason i'm showing you is that pretty much any of you guys out there even without any grinding equipment um could uh probably make one of these and inspect it and use it okay so that's why i'm showing it to you because uh it's a fun little project it's an exercise in metrology and and some lapping and a little bit of patience okay so let's take a look at it here and what this is is this is a piece of thompson linear shafting and i was surprised to see in mcmaster carr that you can buy uh two inch diameter in such a short length okay so we don't even have to cut this off so it's two inches in diameter okay and this is three inches long now you know ideally uh you know a nice cylinder square would be something like this long okay but hey whatever right we got a short one or a shorter one and this is case harden so the surface is 60 62 rockwell something like that uh or 58 to 62 rockwell with a pretty deep case and um and the diameter is uniform and they're pretty round okay so if you look at the specs they look pretty good robin and i um were having a conversation about just how round they are and just how straight they are um and if you really want them round and um you you can make a lap and you can actually lap these and uh and make them rounder and um and if there's any diameter variations you can take those out too by lapping that's that's another subject uh my argument is for joe average and uh you know a hobby shop this is actually a decent little uh a decent little cylindrical square okay so let's take a look at the the salient features uh what we have here is we have a rim and it's stepped down in the center so that we're only contacting out on this outside edge now as it turns out with the case hardening that's about the depth of the case right there what you're seeing there 100 000 something like that and with a carbide tool you can machine away and i just use the 45 tool to remove i don't know looks like about 30 thou step to create this rim and then uh um i did a little lap you know just to make sure that it was flat and then i checked it and then i did some kind of differential lapping um you know to change its attitude until basically i uh can run a squareness comparator around the i didn't bring one out sorry uh all the way around it i can check it on all sides and i get the same reading okay um and that's how you kind of qualify a cylindrical square okay now let's look at a let's look at a a real one a quote unquote real one now this is a brown and sharp okay and um um so same thing we've got a we've got a rim and what they've done here is they've ground some notches in it these are dust notches so if there's crud on the surface plate it tends to collect in these uh in these little notches now these are this is a kind of a a special piece here that um this end is lapped at an angle to the cylinder and these these dotted lines here represent um different amounts of of tilt um so that you can put something like this against it and where where in fact i can see light to it right now so as i rotate this around oh i'm on the i would have to turn it over dumbbell to the tilted side i can rotate it around until that light goes away there and then i can i can read the four tenths uh between three and two and four tenths uh tilt on that particular one so that's this one here but very similar features uh and you see this one's longer a lot of the kind of proportions are similar right and uh but that's a real one now these people collect these okay uh so they're kind of expensive on uh on ebay now you got to get lucky or be looking before anybody else and that's how i got mine i was looking before anybody else okay anyway that's kind of what i want to show you uh so you can create one i'll put the part number up on the description for for the piece of shafting and if you want to try your hand at making one um i think these were nine bucks okay nine bucks or 18 bucks or something like that i don't remember now it's pretty cheap so you're you're not gonna wound your pocketbook uh doing a little experiment and then on the differential lapping basically you can have um you can do the aluminum foil thing like i've shown before and on one piece of aluminum foil you just have a little bit of oil uh so that it slides and then the other you have a little bit of diamond compound that way you can you can lap a particular half of this to change its uh change its lean a little bit and then go back and lap it uh so that it's plainer again so i hope that makes sense okay little uh cheap dog meat uh dog meat cylindrical square so a couple people have mentioned actually and i think rightfully so um you know some of these things that i build on on the channel um you know i talk about maker's marks and how much i appreciate guys putting their names in in tools that they make right it gives us this kind of personal connection with the with the tool um and the person right this person that's you know he probably long past right now that said i you know i guess i've been kind of slacking myself because i i kind of rarely puts my own mark in some of the things that i make right but let's go ahead and do this and i'm going to start doing it and now i got this beautiful cnc mill that uh can do um you know sweet engraving like that right and this is just to help me position it on the work you know kind of visually and make sure i like the way it uh it looks so it's one thing if you have your engraving on the on the model of a you know a 3d model part or whatever that's all fine and dandy but most of the engraving work that i've done has been kind of after the fact something's made and somebody decides they want marks or part numbers in it or whatever and you got to go back and and position it and justify it right and when i say justify it i mean justification centering or you know what have you right so anyway that's what we're going to put in there we'll put the logo in there and uh and the name and i'm all centered up i'm kind of ready to go and i've got a 30 000 uh carbide ball engraving end mill but we're gonna stuff in this buckle here okay and we're gonna use our um our little here the uh this is the accu-lube setup that just pips pips out a little bit of vegetable oil basically uh you know during the cut now this is hard so we're not going to go very deep and cross your fingers uh we don't snap an end mill there but let me go get it set up and then we'll we'll run this monkey that's uh running at 4000 rpm right now and think of the 5 inches per minute is what i programmed and plunge rate is 2 and a half inches a minute the engraving depth is three thousandths of an inch looks pretty good cooperating yep pretty happy and you can see the little uh accu-lube is poofing out just a little bit every once in a while you don't need much i mean i filled the reservoir um a few weeks ago and i think it's down an eighth of an inch or a quarter of an inch or something yeah not much all right saunders see if you can get in this far into your enclosure on uh your umc [Music] all right right on let's clean it real good so i um i stroked it on some 220 grit to take the you know this hard material it raises a little fuzzy burr so what i'm going to do now is i'm just going to put some uh i can unscrew the damn lid what the hell i can't unscrew the lid to my fingernail polish [Music] i don't think i screwed maybe i got some oh yeah i got some on the threads that's what that's what happened there so we're just gonna um fill the engraving with some black fingernail polish and let this dry and then what we'll do is we'll re we'll re-sand it very carefully and that should very nicely highlight the uh um the engraving [Music] so [Music] okay okay now i'm going to let it dry thoroughly uh so that the the paint is at oh actually you know what because it felt kind of soft there yeah it still feels kind of soft i'm gonna let it dry a little bit more and then i'll i'll sand that off and uh you can already kind of see how it's gonna highlight that pretty cool okay so here's a so robin renzetti uh showed uh his uh magic sanding plate the other day and i said you know what that is a good idea i need to try that and i had this um this little cast iron surface plate here so i uh i ordered some uh 220 grit silicon carbide paper and basically it's glued down to the surface it's real nice it's real stable and it's great for uh detailing parts like this like what we're gonna do here and hold it nice and flat i don't want to do too much here okay going to do a little more than that let's see i want to get lined up with the with the world there oh yeah so i'm gonna stop while i'm ahead and it looks i don't know if you can see that very well it's reflecting it looks like it's reflecting in the camera a bit but let me just tell you it looks pretty good okay so uh let's figure out what we're going to do with this i think we're going to give this away to a viewer so let me figure out how we're going to do that okay first rule of craigslist is you don't talk about craigslist all right so second rule about craigslist is when you're at the place you always ask do you have anything else for sale okay this is a winner so uh what we're gonna see here in a second is uh the result of asking that question and uh it's a pretty interesting piece of hardware and um it's it's nerd central so let's go take a take a look at that thing so when i was at the uh the estate sale uh this is about what i saw here and uh so we're looking around and i asked the guy i said i go hey what's in that and he goes oh you wouldn't be interested in that and i go okay i said now i'm really interested and he goes yeah well that's a laser interferometer and i said really i said is it a mickelson or is it a uh a doppler distance meter and he goes oh have you played with these before and i go yeah maybe a little bit and uh anyway we got to talking about it and he bought the setup to calibrate machine tools okay and that's what this particular model is and it all came in this case and there's a whole big story about getting it operational but needless to say there's the case and now we're gonna see the thing so let's check it out okay so here's the setup um so we have a laser laser module here and this is a very special laser in that it's very stable the wavelength and the frequency is very uh extremely stable for doing uh for doing measurements and so the this particular one is has a coaxial beam which is a whole other subject but anyway basically the laser beam comes out of here it bounces off of this alignment mirror here and then comes over to this guy here which is a retro reflector yeah well you won't be able to see the i'll bring it around so you can see the you can see the beam here and so what it's doing is it's taking a measurement to that retro reflector and so the way this normally works is you would set this up on the the table of say a milling machine okay and this would be mounted to the table of the milling machine and and this guy would be in the spindle for example and so you do an alignment you get the laser beam going into the retro reflector and then coming back okay and uh and then what you would do is you would do a series of step measurements like this with the machine okay so you tell it to move 100 millimeters or one inch or whatever several times right over the travel of the thing okay and what you're doing is you're mapping the linear errors so this is used to put the compensation in on the machine tool so that errors in the lead screw or whatnot can be kind of taken out so to speak and then we have a some software here that's running uh on this old laptop and i i had to have an old laptop because this uh program came on floppy disks so that's interesting i can't even believe i did that so okay so this is actually pretty funny i pushed it back just kind of randomly right and uh it basically landed pretty much exactly where i started and i'm gonna bring you in closer so you can see this display and uh you'll appreciate how uh how lucky that was so here's the software here and um see you have a laser and then you can set up some target dimensions and then actually record into an excel spreadsheet um the delta between the laser measurement and the target dimension so we're not we're not doing any step dimensions we're just fooling around okay so it's keeping track of uh air temperature and humidity and uh don't go to sleep on me computer and like i said i haven't touched anything and um like i pushed that sled back and i landed basically where i had zeroed this before and that place that's tickling right there that's micro inches that's millionths of an inch okay and that's half millionths although i don't think it actually resolves in that it's repeatable to um you know what i can't remember the spec now but it's better than a microage it's repeatable to that and this particular unit can measure up to 60 feet i think something like that so you can actually calibrate a pretty big machine tool here so we can zero it here boom okay and then um i'll move the microscope stage here a little bit all right all right you get the idea right and uh so you can calibrate uh indicators and length standards all kinds of things like that or build your own um gravitational wave observatory if you have two of these [Laughter] so there's a there's a little laser dot right there hopefully you can see that little red laser so the way this works is the outgoing wave has a particular frequency okay and so it bounces off of the retro reflector and a second beam is created and it's also has the the same um the same frequency but because there's a distance in the path lengths um those two frequencies are shifted from one another okay so there's they're shifted by um it's a doppler shift and what this does or actually the the brain of this thing does is it analyzes that that doppler shift and translate that into a measurement which is pretty cool very accurate measurement because the frequency of the laser is known to a very very uh close limit so that's kind of the kind of you know the really quick uh you know explanation of kind of how it works so now this is a air temperature sensor here and then this is a humidity temperature sensor that i just attached to the straight edge and i put it on a straight edge just so i could move the sled kind of in a predictable fashion um this particular this is an old microscope slide that was part of some instrument or whatever so it has kind of a coarse adjustment here and then it has a very very this would be the fine focus on the microscope and it's graduated in one micron increment so i can move this um a thousandth of a millimeter per division there which is about 40 millions for our inch folks out there okay and then you know getting this aligned it's actually pretty quick to get it aligned um so when you align this you bring it close and you do displacement measure you do displacement which what that means is you're you're physically moving the laser or the the target to get it lined up and then you send it down to the the far extreme of the travel and then you do angular adjustments at that end okay so that's kind of the theory it's the same way the same idea as bucking in a a transit or something like that um you know you know you can't translate it at long ranges it doesn't do you any good you have to correct by angle and so you do that a couple of times and then you uh you're basically kind of a coaxial here so and it doesn't it doesn't matter very much if uh these are perfectly 90 degrees um because we're not building a uh a gravitational wave observatory we're just playing around and uh um and besides it kind of corrects it's just measuring the distance change is all it's doing so that being 90 degrees doesn't make any difference for that anyway i'm excited this is pretty cool now i need a second one so i can create my own uh my own lego so uh let's do a little experiment here so what we're gonna do is we're just going to see um oops how well this indicator reads or i don't know just kind of fool around with it a little bit all right so i'm moving the uh let's make sure they settled up here i'm going to move that and i'm going to zero the indicator oops it's hard to see from here all right come on that's pretty good okay zero the indicator so now i'm gonna zero the the readout on the interferometer so let's click that all right we're zero and it takes a little while for the the laser to stabilize now i make sure i go the right direction here and let's move a half a thou just for fun it looks pretty good and the display says 00514 so 13 millionths uh discrepancy there um now that's probably pretty uh easy to do just trying to look at the uh the needle position there right um and um okay let's let's see if i get back to zero let's go back and then i'll come back to zero all right that looks pretty good from here oh that is pretty good so i i landed back according to the display one millionth of an inch two millionths three millionths so it's bouncing around a little bit so everything if you know the whole world is made out of rubber at this scale here right if i lean on this uh on this surface plate you know the display jumps right because the the surface plate is bowing right because uh because i'm leaning on it right so if i put some weight in the middle here you know i can influence the display right so when you're down at this kind of region in these regimes here you know nothing's very stable and nothing's very rigid so uh and temperature kind of dominates uh the universe at this level so anyway kind of cool huh let's do that again so i'm back on zero here so i'm gonna reset this display here pink okay and then i'm gonna move it uh i'm gonna move it one thousand this time on the indicator so keep your eye on the uh on the deal overshot a little bit there you can't see it very well from here i got some parallax going on here with the with uh indicator all right something like that oh yeah pretty good ah that's real good so just me moving around the room here and moving around the edge of the surface plate you know the things are bending and tweaking and uh and moving around so okay this next one's kind of weird um i got a little explaining to do here so what we're looking at here is we're looking at this and we're looking at this and then we're looking at this turning around you guys everybody's well aware how much filing i do or that i like to file and what we have here is we have a file that's attached to a flat bar that's attached to a rod and if one were to stick it in this eyeball and attach something to be filed to this uh this platen here one can control their filing to a very precise degree and thereby change the angle of filing to anything they damn well please okay so now don't get too excited this isn't my idea this came from the knife making community uh where some guys made some kind of t-shaped fixtures out of wood and just basically kind of a screw-in eye bolt uh and what they were doing was creating hand filed bevels for knives and i said wow look at that that's kind of cool that's a good idea and i had this stand right so i wanted to play around with the idea um but i wanted you know being the nerd that i am and i wanted something that was uh a little easier to adjust okay um so i had this little stand here and this is a i believe this is off of a taylor hobson uh tally round machine it was getting jumped anyway i ended up with the uh this other from an estate sale but so there's a couple of things i want to illustrate here one is that you can file at a precise angle okay and by using a little you know magnetic uh uh one of these magnetic levels right you can kind of set whatever angle that you want okay so we level the platen and then we can adjust our height at this end right to get whatever angle we want now if we can't get the angle that we want we can always move this closer or move this farther away so very shallow angles and steep angles can be done too the i have another platen here that i can actually uh add add some tilt in either direction to kind of double up on the angle if i want to right now here's an example of something that i made purely by filing and you guys will recognize this this is a little a little tool maker square and it's a knife edge tool maker square right so there's no grinding in this at all it's all filing and you can file very very precise bevels like those inside and out and with a little bit of layout work you can leave a nice little land in the middle now this was uh this started out as a square now okay i will admit that i did cut that little finger grip in the in the milling machine with a ball end mill okay so you did see a machine but so you start out with a square you notch it out you get these perpendicular okay and then you get these parallel and then you get these parallel and then you check it all and then you add the uh the knife edges and pretty soon you got a uh you got a toolmaker square and um so yeah you could buy these for you know imports for 20 bucks or 12 bucks or whatever the heck they cost but to me this these are exercises in generating right angles generating uh straight uh planes and and surfaces and things like that now i'm going to show you something else you can do with this i'll get in a little closer so you can see it and this will be of importance to folks that that do scraping and have to sharpen their scraper blades okay so here's your uh you know your basic run-of-the-mill scraper blade here so this is a carbide insert okay and it's it's a two-sided insert okay and uh so it has a a negative angle on it on on both sides so it has a witness line down the center and its neck it's negative uh which means the cutting edge is like this on the bottom and like this on the top okay but what we're going to do is we're going to touch up the one that i have blue there and it's glued so that you can see what you're doing right so the angle was set on a diamond grinder in this case although not necessary and what we're going to do is we're going to use our uh our little filing fixture here okay and then what i have is i have a one of these little cheapo dye sharp uh deals this one's 1200 grit here and what it is is it's diamond that's plated onto a a metal backing right and uh so all i'm gonna do so now i don't even know if the angle is set right right now but let's let's check it so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna give this a little a little stroke okay and you see there it it hit on this on this outer edge so what does that mean that means that we're tipped too far this way so i have to lower my uh let's see let's lower that a little bit and then let's give it another little little stroke there okay and you see how it widened out a little bit all right so we're gonna go a little more down like that okay and it's a little wider and then you know once you you know once you have the uh okay so we're pretty close there i'm just gonna go a little more all right and once you have the uh once you have the angle m to go a little more okay now i think you know so a lot of folks and see you can kind of go around the corner too which is kind of nice too i think i still want it a little lower i don't have my magnifier on so so i'm just holding it against the bottom here okay but you can see now look at that witness line in the middle so you see how uniform that is right that's because this thing is is basically is guiding me right and it's not letting me bozo the uh the angle and that's one of the reasons that you can't that these are these are hard to sharpen by hand or touch up like you would a knife or something like that right oop is this thing moving yeah just move tighten that up a little bit okay so and and i can go all the way around get that radius okay and i'm and i'm going on to the edge which is the way carbide wants it right so now you don't need a uh now you don't need a diamond grinder because you got a diamond filer right look at that look at that edge man that's coming up real nice okay and keep in mind this is this is 1200 grit so you could start out with a 600 right and go a little faster and then touch you know just switch over immediately to a without moving anything and uh and go so let's uh oh yeah it's catching the fingernail so it's nice oops don't split your fingernail there okay so that's kind of what i wanted to show this is a real simple way to to build something that you can do some diamond filing with and touch up scraper blades and you know if you if you stop if you stop at the same place right when you come back after scraping uh some and you dull your blade you can just drop it in here and just just like a a butcher touching up his knife right you just touch this up boom back back you go you don't have to take it out of the uh you don't have to take it out of the handle you touch it up and you're back in action in uh literally seconds probably so okay so here's a little better shot of the of the setup here and you know there's the up and down and this is just literally it's an eye bolt and i made a just a plastic liner that kind of pushes in there tightly and you don't actually need this whole structure you just need to be able to change the height of the of the eye bolt right so if you have a long eye bolt you can uh you know run it up and down however you want i just happen to have this one here and and this allows me to kind of pivot too which which is nice and have a a pretty good fit let me stick one of the rods in there and you can see so there's there's not a lot of wiggle here i did i didn't want a lucy goose you know machinist right didn't want a loosey goosey eye bolt right you know that would uh that just doesn't fly with me right so this i can it's basically a linear bearing okay and you could put a thompson bearing there if you wanted to but it would have to pivot um it has to be able to accommodate a uh some angle change too so anyway okay box tool filing guide make one for yourself [Music] you
Channel: oxtoolco
Views: 45,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drill bits, Laser, Interferometer, Sine bar, Cylinder square, filing stand, Scraper, Scraping, How to sharpen carbide, LDDM Laser, Making a cylindrical square, Microinch measuring
Id: nUqX4XWB2gA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 40sec (3160 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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