Monday - Faith For Healing, Healing Of Peter's Wife's Mother - Pt. II

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[Music] [Music] this ain't no time to turn back [Music] hi i'm keith moore and we welcome you to faith school faith school is the place where my spirit is fed my faith grows stronger and i learn how to be an overcomer aside other things that are going on for the next few minutes if you would get your bible get something to make some notes with and come on into the class and just like we we made this confession just a moment ago don't just watch and spectate when we make a confession join us the bible says that the lord is the apostle and high priest of our confession of what we say he works with what we say that we believe and so uh to get the most out of this you want to if we're looking at a verse you look at the verse if we're making a confession you make a confession we pray don't just watch this like entertainment that's why we saved you a seat right here in the front come on into the class and participate let's join together in faith and ask the lord to give us this day our daily bread father we thank you that you are so good and so gracious to us it's because of your mercies that we're still going and that you have kept us preserved us caused us to overcome again and again and we ask you for that which you know is the the thing and the things that will cause us to grow and develop and come into the next place and into the next parts next level of what you've called us to be and do we ask for it together in jesus name we ask for the utterance for the anointing for the light of life and the light of your word and truth it makes free and we purpose to receive it respect it act on it and we give you the praise for all the good things that happen as a result in jesus name amen praise god would you look in our great textbook at matthew the 9th chapter matthew chapter 9 is the account in verse 19 20 along through there of the healing of the woman with the issue of blood and when she pressed through the crowd and touched his clothes and received healing verse 22 jesus said to her daughter be of good comfort your faith has made you whole your faith has made you whole now he could have said a lot of things instead of that he could have said the anointing on me has made you whole he could have said the power of god has made you whole any number of things but that's not what he emphasized reason i say that is because many in the church world today they're emphasizing the will of god they're emphasizing the sovereignty of god they're emphasizing the power of god jesus did not do that that's not what he emphasized we should emphasize what he emphasizes right what did he emphasize her faith he said daughter your faith did it your faith did it now that's not what religion teaches but that's what jesus said hallelujah so you've got a choice which one you go with and we saw a couple of weeks ago when we were beginning this uh series we're calling faith for healing we saw this is not an isolated instance that in case after case after case jesus said your faith has saved you your faith has made you whole according as you believed so be it done unto you i mean he said it over and over again and some who try to say well i don't know about all that healing stuff you know maybe of course jesus you know he he could do that and maybe the apostles he gave them power but when the last apostle died all that ceased and that's a different age well no he said her faith caused it to happen has faith been done away with i mean no christian would say that i mean how are you a christian because you have faith you're a believer right without faith you're not a christian there's no church there's no salvation and if you can have faith to receive forgiveness you can also have faith you see to receive healing or something else and the great news is if her faith made her whole your faith can make you holy is it true say it out loud her faith is what made her whole and my faith can make me whole oh that's good news brother sister that's good news because they're too you know we thank god for good doctors and nurses and all that they can do but it's too quick that man has to look at you and say there's no more we can do there's nothing else and when with man it is impossible with god it is still possible and it is still possible with anyone who will dare to step out and believe so even though it might seem impossible and it could be from the natural for you to live a normal life and and be physically able and free to do what you want to do don't give up don't quit don't despair with god all things are possible and with those that believe all things are possible said another time my faith can make me whole now let's take another step with that and say my faith my faith will make me whole all right now we're getting somewhere now we're getting somewhere my faith will make me whole jesus looked at her and said daughter your faith did this your faith healed you your faith made you whole you might say well wasn't it the power of god it was the power of god but the power of god was on him while all those people were touching him right the power of god had been there you know as long as he's walking down the road and it wasn't happening for everybody it wasn't until faith pushed through and touched and laid hold and received then the power was able to flow with the faith the power of god flows in a similar fashion to electricity and you know not everything will conduct electricity you know some objects and some materials electricity doesn't flow through it but others are highly conductive right you know like copper wire i mean that's who electricity is going to hit that and go right through it well faith is the copper wire that causes the power of god to just come right in and the opposite of faith is this doubt and this skepticism and this uh unbelieving intellectualism that makes you like dead wood that the power won't flow to and won't flow into and won't flow through but here at faith school we are not dead woods we are live wires come on that was a great place to shout right there yeah we are live wires faith-wise for god now we began a couple of weeks ago on this series like i said called faith for healing and the reason we call it that is because faith comes by hearing but faith must be developed in every area of our life you could be strong in faith that you are saved that you your sins are forgiven that your name's in the lamb's book of life that when you die you're going straight to heaven you could be when i say strong in faith you are fully persuaded you never worry about that you don't even question it and yet in the area of healing have no faith at all still questioning if it's even god's will for you to be healed you see what i mean you're strong in faith over here but no faith over here why because you've heard something over here maybe all your life you've heard that preached and taught and you believed it and over here you've heard the opposite you've heard it might not be god's will and you just never know and all that's passed away and so there's a reason why strong faith here no faith here so if we're going to get faith for healing we've got to hear something about healing right and thankfully there's much in the word on this subject jesus spent a lot of his earthly ministry ministering to the sick and oppressed i mean a lot of his ministry involves this and we see cases where multitudes were healed but when it comes to individuals there are about 20 cases where we're told something about who the person was what was wrong with them how they came to be in contact with jesus and how they received and so since we know there was much more than this we know the holy spirit hand-picked these for all generations to hear and read and feed on why because faith for healing is in these accounts of healing and so we would be wise to feed on it and see how it happened because god never changes he's no respecter of persons if he did it that way then he does the same way now so we begin uh like i said a couple of weeks ago on this and the first one was the healing of the leper and if you weren't with us go back go online and go back and and and watch these and feed on doesn't cost you anything there's no charge uh and we got through that one and we're down to number two now so we hadn't moved very far in our study but uh we're not in a rush are we we want are these important so we're taking our time we want to look at every word we look at every phrase take our time let it get in us let the faith of it get in us so we're down to number two which is the healing of peter's wife's mother we'd say mother-in-law today peter's wife's mother look with me in matthew 8 this is recorded in matthew 8 also in mark 1 also in luke 4. so we're going to go and read these one by one matthew 8 and verse 14. it says when jesus was come into peter's house he saw his wife's mother laid and sick of a fever and he touched her hand and the fever left her and she arose and ministered unto them when the even was come they brought unto him many that were possessed with demons and he cast out the spirits with his word and healed all that were sick that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by isaiah the prophet saying himself took our infirmities and bear our sicknesses so peter's mother-in-law was healed and then that same day many were healed and here it says that this all these healings were taking place is part of a fulfillment of scripture and this is from isaiah 53 uh some would have us think that you know what jesus only uh did these miracles to prove that he's the son of god and demonstrate his deity and that kind of thing well you wouldn't have to heal everybody to prove that right you could do a couple of spectacular cases as signs and wonders now here we've got masses of people being healed i mean thousands of people being healed and and the spirit of god said through matthew that this was a fulfillment of isaiah 53. now we know in isaiah 53 it didn't just say he took our weaknesses and sickness the whole thing said he he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities now everybody understands that's the work of the cross right and the same passage i mean in the same verses and it goes on to say he took our weaknesses he bore our sicknesses he carried our pains and by his stripes we're healed what we're seeing is this revelation is this healing is not a side thing it's not a side issue it's not just something well god could do it if he wanted to it's a special thing it is part of the work of the cross it is part of redemption when jesus went to the scourging post did he have to do that to go to the cross was it unnecessary was it superfluous was he just a victim and had no control over no when they came to get him he said who are you looking for and they said jesus he said i am they all fell to the ground demonstrating he's no victim he's letting them do this he's allowing this to happen he said i've received commandment from my father i have power to lay my life down i got power to take it up again and he went through the the scourging of the cross he allowed the spiritual cause and source of all sickness and disease and weakness and pain to come on him now for why when he hung on the cross he was made sin with our sin so we could live in sin so we could bear the punishment of sin no so we could be free from sin well why at the scourging post did he allow himself to to take our weaknesses and our infirmities and our sickness so we could be sick for the glory of god no same thing redemption is he took our place paid the price so we could be free amen he didn't go to the cross just in spirit he went to the scourging post the whipping post and the cross and the mock trial in spirit and soul and body he redeemed us spirit and soul and body class said out loud he took my infirmities he bore my sicknesses he carried my pains and by his stripes i am healed i am healed hallelujah somebody might say well what what if i don't look healed what if i don't feel healed how can that be well what about the other part of it the the forgiveness part have you always felt forgiven have you always felt like you and even though you've been made the righteousness of god in christ have you ever had any symptoms of unrighteousness you know you have but does that change the bible no does it change what jesus did no that's what faith is all about you receive cleansing and forgiveness no matter how you feel you believe it's done is that right you receive the righteousness of god no matter how unworthy you may feel you you push that aside and say no he has made me i didn't earn it but he's made me the righteousness you got to do the same thing with healing no matter how sick you look or feel or how bad the reports might be you say no he took my infirmities he bore my sicknesses he carried my pains by his stripes i am healed hallelujah say it again by his stripes i am healed oh glory to god better news you have never heard than that right there get this in your mouth you know the bible said let the weak say what i am strong and romans 4 talks about abraham and faith and god calling those things that be not as though they were what does that mean it doesn't look like it it doesn't feel like it but if god says it's that way that's what i'm going to say too i'm going to call it what he calls it i'm going to agree with him and so that's what faith is you call your body healed you call your body whole you call yourself forgiven you call yourself clean right and and your feelings if they're not in line well they'll just have to change they'll have to get in line and if you hold on to what he said they will change amen they will change he said many were healed and it was in fulfillment of what isaiah said turn to mark the first chapter please same healing but mark's account of it mark 1 22 or 29 i should say 29 uh forthwith when they were come out of the synagogue they entered into the house of simon and andrew with james and john but simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever and a nun they tell him of her and he came and took her by the hand and lifted her up and immediately the fever left her and she ministered unto them it didn't amazing how quickly that changed i mean she is maybe at the point of death and then how soon is she up and buzzing around doing wow how quickly things can change you know you see that in numerous places in the word of god one time the people of god the city was besieged by enemies and it had been that way so long until they were there no food in the city and people were starving they were eating garbage and the man of god said by the word of the lord he said food i'm going to paraphrase a little bit food's going to be dirt cheap by this time tomorrow it's going to be so plentiful it's going to be cheap and one of the guys that was the king's right hand guy he said ah if god open windows in heaven ain't no way that could be in other words no way no way no way and he said well you'll see it but you won't enjoy it you won't partake of it and sure enough in 24 hours they went from starving eating garbage to plenty of food dirt cheap can god do things quickly can can things turn around the the enemy tries to get you to be so discouraged and defeated that you think well man it's been this way for x amount of times been this way for a year been this way for 10 years and he he tries to convince you it'll never change it it's only going to stay this way and get worse but these are lies if we look to god things can change so quickly and so completely that you look back to yesterday and it seems like somebody else some other life because things have changed so radically so fast immediately the fever left her and she ministered to them and it even when the sun did sit they brought unto him all that were diseased and them that possessed were possessed with demons and all the city was gathered together at the door he healed many that were sick of divers diseases and cast out many demons and suffered not the demons to speak because they knew him turn now to luke 4 luke's account and i think you can see why we take the time to read all three for one thing if the lord saw fit to have it recorded three times it must be important right so let's take the time to look at all three and you can see matthew recorded something that the other two didn't and mark recorded something that matthew and luke didn't and you've got to put them all together to get the bigger picture in luke chapter 4 and verse 38 it said he arose out of the synagogue and entered into simon's house and simon's wife's mother was taken with a great fever and they besought him for her like we noticed last week it says that in the amplified she was suffering in the grip of a burning fever mark 1 30 in the amplified says she had been for some time lying sick with a fever the week's translation says she had been afflicted for some time with a chronic fever a severe one so she's not just running a few degrees of temperature she is basically bed fast maybe incoherent maybe almost comatose maybe near death she's in a bad way and this is something that's been going on for a while so jesus and and peter and and john and some of the other guys they had been in the synagogue they had been in some meetings some things had already happened they come from that to the house and it says when they got in the house peter's house so he owned they owned a house uh is it god's will for you to own a house too it is a lot of things you can see here and uh they besought jesus for her they said lord or maybe peter came to him and said lord you know my my wife's mother is in the back here and she's in a bad way and this has just been going on for some time would you minister to her they besought him for her and like we touched on last week this is one of the big benefits of serving god um there is a principle that if you will take care of god's things he will help you with your things i remember some years ago i was about to go well i was on a uh in a meeting i don't know a thousand miles from home and uh something came up with part of my family that was you know states away and the natural part of me said well you need to you need to go and check on that and but i had learned enough to not just do something but to ask the lord check with the lord and so i i took a moment and started praying about it and i said lord what what about this and uh this is what he said to me he said uh your your folks are my people and he said the people you're ministering to here they're my kids too he said you minister and take care of my people here and i'll take care of your people there i thought and i knew that was him i knew that was him well your emotional part of your being thinks i have to do something i have to go i i have to get back and of course uh a lot of the emotional stuff people think well if you don't drop everything and panic then it shows you don't care you don't care you don't care enough and that's a lie if you care you want to do the thing that's going to help right the thing that's going to make a difference well that's not always you dropping everything and running over there and and panicking is that going to help is fear going to help is unbelief going to help and i've already heard from the lord he said you you take care of my people here and i'll take care of your people there he said you're not the only one that can minister to them and so i said lord i okay i trust you with it and sure enough well you know the lord's faithful right i mean sure enough before the week was out the lord had raised up local people that were there with them sent them to them ministered to them better than i could have and they got their answer and it was fixed and i didn't miss a beat in the meeting where i was is god good or is is god good but can you see this right here peter has been with jesus taking care of ministry business in the synagogue and these other things they're doing and now after that they come home and peter's got family problems at home his mother-in-law is in a bad way well did the lord forget that and when he asked the lord lord would you help me out with my family issues even his extended family the lord had mercy on is that right when you serve god and you put god first sincerely and and on a regular basis you can count on it if you're busy taking care of his things when you need something he's going to help take care of your things is that right you take care of his people he'll take care of your people he will do things just because you asked him to she's delirious i suppose so it's not her faith that's getting anything done here but they asked him for her and out of mercy he came touched her hand took her by the hand rebuked the fever pulled her up and just like this she comes alive and awake and the temperature's gone and she goes oh praise god are y'all hungry cause it says she ministered to him my my my how many believe this happened exactly like what you see here has god changed no and he never will hallelujah i want you to lift a hand and say thank you lord thank you lord i'm glad to help take care of your things and i thank you for taking care of my things thank you for your faithfulness hallelujah praise god praise god and we're out of time for today said out loud i live by faith i walk by faith i overcome the world by faith i am strong in faith giving glory to god we'll see you next time here in faith school thank you for joining us at faith school class is dismissed for today but you can watch this and other episodes of faith school free of charge at for more information visit our website or call us at [Music] 941-702-7390
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 1,476
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Id: KIzo2ILFG3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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