Mon Mothma knew more about Warfare than we realized…

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hello there friends welcome back to another episode of generation Tech my name is Alan a lot of people ask me Alan how do you do such deep dives into Star Wars lore especially when the films and TV shows give us so little detail about what's going on in the background well to them I would say that is the limitation of the medium when you make sound music and moving pictures together you get one of the most powerful ways to get a message and story across but it's also expensive because there are many moving parts to filming a movie or TV show and so videos have to be a little less detailed they have to be a bit shorter so that they can have Mass Appeal and be streamlined for larger audiences which will then justify the cost of such Productions but for me my favorite moments in Star Wars lore isn't always in the films a lot of times it's when I find in the novels and in today's video I want to read to you guys an extremely interesting excerpt from the personal files of Monmouth the political leader of the Rebellion it comes from the novelization of Rogue one man mafa is well known for her decades-long career within the Republic Senate and then eventually the Imperial Senate and her steadfast Devotion to The Republic and the principles of democracy but her post-galactic Civil War adherence to pacifism and demilitarization arguably opened up the door for the first order Invasion which has tainted her Legacy ever since now many people assume that Monmouth was just a naive person a woman in a man's world a civilian and what should have been a military role but as you'll see in this document Monmouth the truly understood the Dynamics of the battlefield during her era and she was a student of history and also past conflicts she also had a brilliant strategic mind Monmouth had paid close attention during the Clone Wars and watched with stoic horror many of the lessons that she learned from this conflict would help guide her decisions when she led the Rebel Alliance the thing we oftentimes forget about my mother was she rarely allowed the public to see what exactly was going on inside of her head I'm a polite sometimes indecisive Senator whose benzed his fighting and failing to protect which is do-gooders battle Empire overreach and irritation as you so harshly put it but she then just duped the Empire and Palpatine is a lie the Monmouth people think they know it's a lie it's a friction it's a front she also duped us the audience which makes sense my Martha was already a seasoned politician by the end of the Clone Wars she somehow managed to lead an opposition from within the Imperial senate for more than a decade somehow and still then get imprisoned by Palpatine she's a spy in plain sight and all he's eager to play the foolish idealist who was a threat to no one but the reality was she was just playing on the ego of Palpatine and his Imperial hound dogs a strategy that she could use only because she was able to suppress her own ego Maranatha was not only extremely intelligent she also had the wisdom of a seasoned combat leader Not only was she in the right place to lead the Rebellion I think without her the rebels would have definitely failed the Clone Wars redefined Interstellar conflict forcing us to Grapple with realities we blessedly forgotten after generations of Peace this was perhaps the very worst of all's crimes they ushered in an age when Mass Bloodshed was no longer Unthinkable rather an essential feature of military action this was in a very astute observation made by Monmouth or something that the Jedi and many Republic officers figured out way too late into the war just like the young and eager European soldiers ran towards the battlefields in the days leading up to the beginning of World War One many young Jedi Knights and their padawans along with their clones and no idea what Horrors awaited for them on the battlefields of Geonosis and the hundreds of battlefields that would follow at the Skirmish of petronachia Arena alone the Jedi foolishly got themselves surrounded by a numerically Superior Droid force and lost the majority of their Strike Force out of the 212 Jedi who would land on Janos who's only 30 would make it out alive the price of war was something that most people had forgotten thanks to the Thousand Years of peace roots on reformation and created but before we continue a quick word from our sponsor for today's video they are the premier sellers of lightsabers on this side of the Heidi and white has some truly Unique Designs like the hilarious last brick Lego inspired saber to the more intimidating Huntsman which is widely used by the inquisitors and right now they also have a great deal for you guys if you buy two Sabers from the same collection on their website you get one of those papers for 50 off for instance you can grab The Wraith Bearer from the Padawan collection pair it with the ssnx also from the Padawan collection once you add both of these Sabers to the carts the 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personally spent years and years developing and researching new doctrine for the last war when one arrives from the civilian sector like mon mothma they bring a lot less baggage and so they're more willing to throw away ideas and try out new things and so instead of trying to recreate the Republic military man Martha simply analyzed the previous conflict and what was going on in the current war and tried to adopt those lessons to the rebel alliance consider a brigade of Clone Troopers served by a Jedi Commander such a unit might penetrate a World's orbital defenses and seize control over the entire planet while taking and inflicting minimal casualties I do not mean to understate the role of Naval Warfare during the last conflict in order to denigrate the sacrifices of Starship pilots and crew who were lost but what blockade could be thorough enough to keep out a handful of determined starfighters and a single clone Dropship yes such blockades existed and in greater numbers towards the conflict's end but their cost helped to fracture and bankrupt the nascent separatist government mon Martha has several good points in this passage here first without the Jedi the military Doctrine for the Rebellion will need to be drastically different the Jedi were essentially hero units and their clones were amongst the most skilled infantry forces the Galaxy had ever seen the Rebellion would not have the ability to replicate such a force mon Martha also rightly remembers that in the earlier years of the war the separatist's ability to blockade planets was not that great the Republic didn't even have access to the benedor-class Star Destroyer during the Battle of Geonosis the entire Invasion fleet was spearheaded by Jedi starfighters which were Then followed by a relatively vulnerable acclimator class assault ships with the Clone Wars end the destruction of the Jedi Order and the decommissioning of the kamino and cloning facilities the self-proclaimed Emperor and his military advisers determined that the future of warfare was in large-scale Naval Weaponry in a fleet of battleships and battle stations that could atomize any enemy whether on a planet's surface or Among the Stars they rebuilt the military not for precision strikes but for Hammer blows a military that could counter the interstellar movement of any mobile infantry than Uprising might feel this was the vile Genius of Emperor Palpatine's plan he knew a rebellion like ours would have difficulty assembling a vast Army of ground troops from thousands of oppressed worlds but his Stormtroopers could curtail a local uprising's growth on any single world and his fleets could decimate space-born troops during any attempted Landing no potential Rebellion could dare eschew infantry altogether but lacking the elite support of jedio loans the cost in lives would be abominable see for example the affair of the 61st mobile infantry at ferric packs thus the importance of the Rebel Navy in this paragraph mon Martha uses her inside knowledge of the Imperial military as an imperial Senator she would have access to the military budget and more detailed information on Military projects and she was able to come to a conclusion that the new Imperial military would be centered around the Imperial Navy and amassing Firepower she also was smart enough to understand that this new Imperial military was not something the Rebellion could take on head first this explains why manmatha is extremely hesitant to engage the Empire early on during the alliance to restore the Republic period sawgrer one of the more short-sighted and hot-headed individuals that was a part of the wider Rebel Network for a period of time but oftentimes clash with manmatha on this very issue you continue to allow this war to be fought on the Empire's terms not yours you are going to lose even Lutheran would criticize Monmouth for not being willing to do what was necessary to fight the Empire and it was manmatha who had to keep these more aggressive members of the Coalition in chess and at the same time she didn't force the members of The Alliance that saw the Republic to engage the enemy until they were ready themselves to do it yes Juan Martha didn't want to be a dictator but she also understood the heavy price any Rebel force would pay if they went head-on against the empire and therefore she wanted the individual faction leaders to actually support the idea and volunteer their forces instead of being forced into action being forced to fight in a disastrous defeat might lead to the complete collapse of the alliance that destroyed the Republic but if the faction leaders were in on the plane in the first place there is the possibility for the Rebel Alliance to regroup it was monmouth's patience and understanding of the Imperial military that allowed her to reserve the rebellion's strength until the critical moment on scarf which led to the massive Rebel Victory on Yavin 4. the Rebellion really only had one shot in Monmouth and made sure that they spent it wisely on a battle that was truly important while the Empire constructed its Behemoth Star Destroyers and its TIE fighter swarms another fleet was forming in less mechanistic fashion in the early years of what would become our Rebellion there was little coordination among Insurgent cells yet each on its own understood the need to obtain Starships for military strikes and transport a retooled freighter here augmented with illegal weapons salvaged from separatist wrecks a pirate Corvette there donated by a sympathetic underworld contact a handful of starfighters stolen in a daring raid on an Imperial base as Insurgent factions in different sectors began to coordinate and share resources new challenges arose one Thai fighters little different from another its mechanisms and its Pilots can be swapped with ease when repairs or injuries weren't not so with the variety of ships flying for a rebel course Staffing and maintaining a patchwork Fleet is a task that under less expert leadership ship I do not include myself would have should have been impossible Rebel captains proposed a three-fold solution to our challenge first an underground pipeline was to be established through which both Smugglers and legitimate Merchants would obtain and distribute badly needed Starship Parts this distribution Network would need to rival those of some of the Republic's larger corporations to operate effectively the assistance of former separatist advisors would ultimately prove invaluable second Pilots would be encouraged to coordinate and learn from one another and to train on as many types of ships and simulators as possible this would not only allow skilled Pilots to be placed on new vessels should their personal spacecraft be destroyed but also prove vital for multi-ship engagements as Admiral Radice puts it no one wants to fly in formation with the stranger third Rebel leadership would expend whatever resources were required to obtain additional Starfighter squadrons these efforts would cost credits in lives and the details must remain confidential for now nonetheless our access to X-Wing fighters in particular is Testament to our success in this larger section we see that manmatha was also involved in helping set up Starfighter Doctrine Recruitment and procurement she seems to understand the importance of logistics when assembling such a hodgepodge Starfighter core Monmouth knew that the Rebellion had to adjust its Doctrine to fit its very unorthodox Fleet and Personnel situation and although the system didn't work perfectly it held together long enough to give the Rebellion time to grow as our Rebellion gained visibility New Opportunities arose as well the arrival of the mon calamari City ships was a shocking and perhaps given a limited Effectiveness against the occupation of Mancala undeserved Boone emphasizing the significance of winning the hearts of the Galaxy's civilians above all else over time leaders like Radice and general Merrick performed the startling feat transforming what might have amounted to a pirate Armada into a genuine fighting force we've long since known that our Pilots Crews and commanders can easily match the skill and bravery of the Imperial counterparts what remains to be tested is whether our vessels can engage in a full-scale fleet battle and Triumph against a technologically Superior opponent My Hope Is that such a test is never needed but if the day does come I believe we will emerge Victorious ultimately despite Monmouth was very cautious Behavior she was an optimist at heart and she truly believed the Rebellion had a chance to win the war it wasn't a Fool's optimism though it was backed by her understanding of The Wider Galactic political Dynamics at play she had stayed in the Imperial Senate as long as she could safely do so she had seen how bureaucratic and slow-moving vampire was and how uninterested the average Imperial official was at doing their jobs correctly seeing the Rebellion she had worked so hard to create energized her and as pieces began to fall together she realized that the hearts and Minds strategy that she had created would ultimately work see Luther and taught Monmouth a very important lesson early on during the struggle the Empire has been choking us so slowly we're starting not to notice the time has come to force their hand you see the longer the Rebellion survives the more damage it'll do to the Empire the more damage it does to the Empire the more tyrannical the Empire will get trying to defeat the rebellion and the more throats the Empire steps on the more recruits the Rebellion will have and so as you can see this was never really Luke or Leia or even Han Solo's Rebellion it was always mon Mathis all along
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 46,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generation tech, star wars, mon mothma, Rebel alliance, Alliance to restore the republic, new republic, chancellor mon mothma, senator mon mothma, imperial senator mon mothma, republic senator mon mothma, mon mothma military leadership, was mon mothma a good leader, mon mothma leadership style, mon mothma saved the rebellion, mon mothma rogue one, Episode VI mon mothma, mon mothma best lines, rebel alliance
Id: VBWydvjWkIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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