MomoCon 2023 - Avatar Universe Cast Panel

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a lot of questions um so how this is going to work is I have a few moderated questions here that I'll be asking our guests and then about 30 minutes in we'll open it up for audience q a which will be about down this aisle here and I'll have my Runner um helping you out with those questions okay first our favorite tea enjoying wisdom sharing Uncle iro please welcome Greg Baldwin [Applause] coming up your favorite fire flinging and totally emotionally stable Azula gray de Leo Griffin [Applause] next we have our twirling cartwheeling and wise behind her Beyond her years highly Olivia Hack [Applause] oh I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go grab a chair over there you know what yeah we got we gotta share a situation hang on I'm not getting up always an afterthought it's fine oh thanks Greg give it up for Greg [Applause] Southern gentleman we'll figure this out all right next uh she's strong uh fiercely minded she's the Avatar and you gotta deal with it please welcome Janet Varney [Applause] and of course last but not least we have our Rock crushing fun-loving and friend teasing top bayfong please welcome Michaela Jill Murphy [Applause] oh my God the tough cat is so cute I didn't yes these little cats which is for our characters which are adorable so these are our names I got a Naga look at the butthole it's pink you know I for a second I was like maybe it should have been green but this just makes so much more sense uh you know it's just it's great phenomenal attention to detail it's not every day you get to hear Azula say show them the butthole yes it is I say that every day okay I feel like a thousand people will remember that forever that's right thank you so much for coming and sharing a piece of your weekend with us as well I always like to start off with a little fun question what's um if you could describe it in one or two words what's the thing that's made you happy this week that's made you happy this week in one or two words one or two words meetings [Applause] southern food [Applause] the bar at the hotel drunk he's drunk give them a break five words yeah uh in a more meta-sense communication okay Avatar family thank you uh because there's so many of us I feel like we'll only do like a handful before we all open up for audience q a so let's see who I shall start with let's see Janet so um your situation was a little bit unique from the others in that both you and Cora carried this Legacy existing Legacy on your shoulders I'm sure everyone here agrees that you really delivered on this character and her story and her emotion do you feel like um if you could do core again it'd be you would do it a different way or a different motivation or a different take on her I mean I wouldn't because I feel like everything I did was born out of the writing and out of you know Mike and Brian and and Andrea Romano who's such an amazing director that we all got the chance to work with um and and so you know that was I had to put my love of the first series aside because it's so intimidating yes to love something that much and want to you know bring something good to the next thing um so it I wouldn't change anything just because it was such a group effort and um it was a total dream come true it really was wonderful and then you also have like an immediate family too to support you through that Journey too absolutely and Nickelodeon you know they love having people record together as a group so as much as possible um both series recorded together and it was it's it just makes a difference it's really fun wonderful okay next one is for Greg you see awesome um so with all of the wisdom that Uncle iro has shared from his experiences and from his life I'm sure it's common to think that it's always him that Doles out wisdom and insight and advice but I'm sure that's not always the case what lessons what lessons or values do you feel Ira may have learned from his uh his more younger peers well you know I I it's interesting that the longer that I I mean people expect me sometimes to have you know iro level wisdom and I don't you know I'm not Uncle iro I'm a voice actor named Greg Baldwin who likes to drink so you know there's that uh but I do I do think I have as much wisdom as any 62 year old who's been paying attention has and and I will say that the longer that I have voiced the character and I sort of lived in this iro adjacent world where I literally have memorized most of his quotes and I cannot tell you how many times those will come in handy in my own life and I I do find that just as iro makes Zuko a better version of himself he makes fans better versions of himself he's actually made me a better version of myself I uh I am without a doubt a better and a Kinder human being because I've been blessed with the opportunity to voice this amazing role so I do find the older I get the more iro like I actually in an odd way become but but I would ask if I start to grow a top knot somebody just stopped me because you know that's that's getting sort of ridiculous you know and as far as any if I could impart any wisdom because people expect wisdom from me which is oh you poor suckers uh if I've learned anything in my life it is this lesson when I when I was much younger I was very self-conscious about the way I looked I I would never dance my wife would say dance with you know I don't want to dance everyone's looking at me it took me all of these years to realize that no one was looking at me and so if I could give any advice to my younger self or any wisdom to you it's this dance sing loud and dance whenever you get the opportunity and tell a joke now and again as well I think you know and and one more remember to drink your tea Kila it will always high motto is dance like no one's watching baby no dance like people are watching babysit like no one's watching just do whatever you want thank you gray and since I'm on you I'd like to ask you a question so your your path to your path to voice over is is so interesting you credit your family your father for your love of country music uh and you sang gospel for church and then you got into stand-up comedy you did invitations and Impressions that landed you with some advice to take voice over lessons and you did that alongside your growing musical career so what do you feel like was a common theme in all these different mediums that you kept pulling from that leave such a strong impression for you that you felt like you had to like explore further with like this genre of music or this kind of acting we can't hear each other at all at all we're always hoping you guys can hear us because we are like lip reading up here we're like and what did you say she's doing a great job too but I just I think she said what are the common themes between all that yeah yeah thank you so much I'm going to try to streamline this not your appreciate that yeah you've explored different types of music and exploration so alongside like voice acting and music what are some of the common themes that you're kind of pulling from them wow um I Heard I had a tumultuous God I'm sorry I'm sorry I take back everything maybe can you hear yourself can you hear me now I think that's a little better oh yeah can you talk you talk testing testing praise the heavens okay the one time I'm gonna thank God Hallelujah I had a very tumultuous relationship with my mother I still do it's up and down you know depending on you know just different circumstances but um that's why I draw a lot from with the zoo that my own mother thought I was a monster she was right of course but it still hurt um but so I write a lot of songs inspired by my mother and I I do a lot of jokes about my mother because she's not gonna watch my comedy anyway so she's like she's really religious so she won't ever see my jokes um yeah it's kind of there's kind of a safety and a Liberation and not talking to your mom but we're back together for Mother's Day we got back together and things went okay um so yeah I would think it's not funny because my dad's like I've always been there for you through your whole life and you never write songs about me you only write songs about your mom so anyways but I've written a couple songs about my dad um anyway they're always sweet but yeah I guess it would be the mother thing for me yeah she's you know when someone you want their acceptance so much because every time I send her a song or I do something like she just won't give me that she'll go oh I just didn't like that that sounds like too much like this other thing and you know she's just very critical on it but it's like you know when you go into a room like my friend will say like I'll go to a party and everyone loves me except for this one person so instead of talking to people who love me I just spend all my time trying to convince that one person that I'm a worthy person to like and man I can feel that I feel that you know but but it also fuels me to do all these things like I probably wouldn't be fueled if I wasn't trying to prove to my mother that I deserve worthiness anyway so Mom yeah so what what I'm hearing from that is like you're they meet the family that you have can play such an important role in your own personal development and how you portray that on all these different characters yes absolutely and I try so hard to be there for I'm a mother I have three children and I'm doing it by myself and and I mean if I miss one event or everything they bring me that sometimes they could bring they could bring me like a little piece of poop and I'd be like oh my gosh this is the most amazing little piece of poop you did it yay you know I mean it's ridiculous so um comfortable but that's wonderful and then I have one for Olivia you're not in trouble so as someone with potentially the earliest start um to their performance career I learned that your first commercial spot when was when you were eight months old yes already already got that link that LinkedIn IMDb page in a very very very short career in child modeling yes wow so like with that perspective of like um kind of having that early start in in this industry with performance what kind of skills are pers what kind of skills or perspectives from that experience has like stayed with you now oh God um I mean we'll see people go up you see people go down you see careers go up and down um and it's really just about uh one of my friends who's a well-known voice actress wrote me and the other day and she goes will I ever get on a show that's like popular at cons again you know and and I said yeah you just gotta stick with it you know and really that's the trick is like you just gotta stay at the table and if you stay at the table long enough the chips will come your way but they may only come your way every 10 years right or every 20 years or whatever like I'm not Avatar would be successful again right like yeah you just don't know right so I so I think the thing in in just watching people you know like that it's all cyclical but um it's just staying at the table really um and also uh you know your reputation is all you have right and so and your good name is all you have so it's being professional I don't know showing up and and being kind and and yeah I don't know that's lovely kind of it yeah yeah those are like skills that are applicable to like any career absolutely it's just really just sticking with it but it's um you know it's a privilege to be able to stick with it because as actors there's this misconception that we make a lot of money and all these things so a lot of people they don't stick with it because they can't afford to you know they gotta go and they gotta get the regular job and all that stuff so I've just had um the privilege of like uh I mean like I live with my dad to save money do you know what I mean so that I can't keep making my art and stuff like that so um yeah just things like that just sticking with it I don't know yeah I'm also hearing like such a strong level like resilience and like understanding what your values are and how you're going to prioritize them in like your personal life and in your career for sure and some of it look there's so much luck I mean there's Talent absolutely but I know a lot of talented people who don't work you know and so so much of that is just luck and uh yeah I've just been lucky I've been very lucky yeah yeah I never forget where you came from because I remember moving to L.A and got I got an agent and everything and then I was I got my first voiceover audition I was so happy just to have an audition I was like I haven't I was telling everybody I have an audition you know and then after you know decades in the business I was like sort of annoyed that I had to drive to this casting office it was like across you know it took me a couple you know an hour and a half in traffic and everything and I was like I don't know I could drive all the way here and then I saw I used to clean houses when I moved to LA I cleaned like offices and houses and I was waiting waiting tables and just doing all this judging and singing telegrams and I had to like and when I was cleaning I had to bring all my buckets and all my stuff with me and I didn't have a car it was just awful anyway but I looked over and there was this woman at the bus stop with all of her cleaning stuff and I just thought like like he's a wake up you want to do you have this amazing career why don't you shut up and just be grateful because you could be right there back there again so just be here now and be grateful yeah that's understandable too that you're caught up in the moment it's important to take time to also reflect on the good fortune that you have yeah I was always so happy to get a tip and not a lot of people people don't think that that's like a thing has to do tip your hotel wait and I always put the Do Not Disturb so they don't even have to do any work so I'm getting we're getting a little lesson life tips over here all right um Michaela so you were featured in a in an article early this year about what you would say to Toff in real life um and you you said you would oh it was like that's a face of do you remember no yeah remind me okay you had said uh that you would say to Toff that you can love a little bit more not everybody is going to like close you off not everyone's out to get you could you expand a little bit more of what you meant by that um yeah it's fun I think we get that question stir piece of advice stuff like that so there's been a couple different answers so I was unsure which oh thing had been pulled from uh I I definitely you know we all have kind of interesting different backstories of like figuring life out in Los Angeles and I'm an only child of a single mother and we were like a team and we were so used to just doing things as a team and we you know we carry our own weight uh and so I think getting into high school and college that's where I started to run into like hey you literally can't do things by yourself you can't do Life by yourself you need to rely on people you need to rely on classmates you need to rely on peers you need to reach out to teachers create relationships and I think that was honestly the maybe not successful but definitely the most well-learned lesson in undergrad for me because I was like how do I navigate like maintaining and making friendships um without like over sharing like upon first meeting and without being a so I just think it's kind of takes a learning curve and so that is what I would tell her because we kind of watch her trajectory through quora and you know she ends up being a mom albeit maybe a questionable one and we don't really know what the family Dynamic situation was we never really heard about a father figure and then tough kind of pieces out after she's police chief and like runs away to the swamps and like she's like I'm done so I think a lot of that was probably because she had a hard time making those connections she had that kind of the rift with Katara at the beginning and I think it was just hard for her to trust because she was raised in what was supposed to be a family like loving environment pretty isolated constantly shut down constantly you can't do anything you can't you can't you can't no and so I think it's just a hard lesson but that's why I would tell her that because then life gets so much better when you have friends and you like have people in your life so yeah share that share the way yeah rely on your friends and your community for tough times yeah thank you um I like to ask uh were there and this is for anyone who's interested were there any scenes that left such an impression on you that I would do this again in a heartbeat Greg from the show I mean my predecessor did all the really good work but of the work that I did and I would do that scene again in a heartbeat would be the scene where it's what usually I hate listening to myself in the show because again I'm comparing my own voice to mako's voice and some people oh I couldn't I can't tell the difference well I can tell the difference let me tell you right now but I am very proud of the scene in the tent where Zuko comes to Uncle iro and you think Uncle iro is going to be angry with him and he brings him into that bear hug and he says I was never angry with you I was sad because I thought you had lost your way and I love that scene so much and I think I think this is one of the reasons why we still talk about Avatar all these years later it was never dumbed down for kids what is that scene about what that scene is really about Grace and forgiveness the the leaves from the vine scene isn't really about death although it is it's about grief which is a lot more complicated than death and indeed you're dealing with genocide you know from episode one and I truly think that that's that's one of the reasons why we're still talking about it and I think one of the things that happened when Netflix aired the show is that people who watch the show as kids suddenly Revisited the show and you go oh my gosh this is so much deeper than I even realized was back when I was 12. and so yeah I think and I also if I if I may I'd like to thank God this situation here is a lot better now we can all hear each other oh my God it's a better panel than yesterday thanks God anyone else that are like there's a scene that are like yeah I'll do it again that was great time I in the studio I have a little moment like that you have sometimes gray where if life is crazy and I'm trying to squeeze in an audition or even just going to the job sometimes if I wake up like a little extra tired or I'm like nervous about my throat not cooperating whatever and then I'm like in the booth and as soon as we're like in the middle of just doing the thing I think almost every time regardless of the project but Avatar included there's just like a warmth of like I'm doing the thing it's happening yeah and so there's almost just like a relief and then like a touch back down to reality somewhere in the session where I'm just like this is cool that I get to do this so I feel like there wasn't one moment but like I don't know the whole experience maybe honestly it wasn't in the show but every time I had to buzz the buzzer for them to open the front gate to the studio to let me in it was like we get to push the button again yeah yeah and they know I'm coming I'm not a random person they're not going to send me away you belong here they don't want any I love that scene in the episode the beach where they're all around on the campfire because there's so much someone was talking about that scene today and they were like oh I love that scene for you and I was like well I actually got to act not that it's not acting but it's very emotive you know and I love origin stories just in any show or movie and so you get a lot of origin story in that and a lot of kind of back and forth and I like big cast recordings as opposed to just kind of solo stuff so to get to really act with other actors in that scene is nice and and play off each other kind of back and forth quickly you know yeah of course we get to read each other's social cues really like read the vibe and go off of that because that's also something that some people may not know too is like even if you're one of a set of characters in the show sometimes you're recording by yourself and you have to be able to to be able to perform as if like there's a back and forth there's a dialogue going on so that's like an additional challenge too to convey that emotion um okay I think it's almost time I'll have I'm gonna do one more question but now is a time where if you have a question up line up burning question for one of our guests we do have an audience q a my experience don't run over each other um some ground rules for your question please make sure they're they're appropriate they're kind that they're family friendly and only one question per person sometimes people yeah don't stop don't double don't double dip we may also just since there are so many of you have like one of us answer so just as a heads up so we can try to get through as many questions in the past yeah we'll try and Rapid Fire yeah we'll steer away from the question for everyone wonderful and as they're finishing lining up I have a last uh fun question if you were uh in a band if you had to form a band right now just all six of you oh what genre and what's the name come on Jay you're doing [Music] Janet yes oh yes he's saying a Patty Griffin song We Sing oh I love to sing Janet has an amazing singing voice and plays guitar yeah yeah of course I really want it to be a rock band because duh I mean I feel like we might have to be the white lotuses there are five petals aren't there or there's it six how many petals are on the Lotus there are one two three four he has a White Lotus Tattoo seven seven yes I am the only Avatar cast member that really loves real tattoo I just wanna I don't know so the white lotuses and was it Brock if they're okay with it but of course country wants it to be rock rock is a very broad genre okay well thank you so much for humoring me with that question in my head I was also thinking you could also do a solid Earth Wind and Fire cover band I know I know Earth Wind and Fire and Water is it's in people's minds now all right we're ready for our first question all right my question is for uh Greg um toward the end of the series when iro got in really good shape how much do you think he was able to bench press oh well you know I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you guys a fun fact I don't I don't like to advertise this but the animators did indeed model buff iro after my own body I mean it's obvious and and I really I really I really have to give a shout out to those uh I was working with a very talented costume designer and they built me a fat suit so that I can wear it when I'm out in public so that people aren't you know you know intimidated by the old guy and I and I think they did pretty good thank you for your question there wasn't an answer but not really but there was a funny story press uh 300. how's that is that good that's a lot hey this question's for everybody uh this question is for everybody in the room because you know we're gonna ask can we hear secret tunnel okay here's the thing about secret tunnel we're not so good with the word so can we make it a sing-along let's do it okay but we need you we need you to start us off fantastic [Applause] [Music] everybody come on [Music] but then it goes [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] this question's for everyone and would love to hear this in your character's voice excluding your character who was your favorite character and why in our character's voice though yes Katara because she kicked my ass and I would respect that's a feat in itself um I'm not answering as my character but I'll use my voice I love Zuko because I think it's really Zuko's show it's not Avatar it's really tsuko's Redemption and um yeah it's the Zuko show anyway whatever next okay probably oh Saka you saved I mean um maybe uh APA but I don't really want to snuggle so my favorite character is tough because she rocks hahaha [Applause] thank you um I'm gonna go with Uncle iro four very obvious reasons and especially because I think we all needed him so much during the pandemic yeah me too frankly me too thank you for that question and also soft reminder make sure your questions are for one person on here so we can get through as many as we can that one was easy because like a one one or yeah hi hi hello do you guys think that Azula needs a Redemption Arc no she's perfect everybody from that episode where they're all little kids like they prove that in that episode she's born bad there's Redemption it's just a bad seed I think some people are just allowed to just be evil I know everything's all so everybody's making all the villains nice and like all these origin stories where they really were really a really good person something bad happened to him I'm glad that I just started out that way perfect he's crazy and needs to go down you're a you're a quitter and a loser shut up hi so this is for gray who do you think would win in a fight between Azula and Vicki oh well I'd bring my chainsaw but then but then I'd light it on fire and she'd be gone no way you're banished [Applause] [Music] um hi hi um my question is what is your favorite Avatar ship from the Avatar fandom Tai Zula [Applause] I I really wanted to see more of uh what is it like jatara jatara whatever yeah tiro hero hero yeah um corusami [Applause] to kneel down I'm very tall hello I have a question for Greg so at the time when you had to take over for maca when he had passed away you also had to take over for him in the Ninja Turtles film that was coming out at the same time because he didn't finish recording all his dialogue for the film and I guess since you had taken over for that and for Aku and for iro what was it like having to live up to his performance in those roles you know it's still even now as long as I've done it the challenge was always I'm not just taking over for this iconic role I'm taking over for the iconic actor that played the iconic role who everyone knows so that's always been a challenge for me to do it but I bet you know the thing is I have been literally a fan of Mako since 1977. and the way I ended up being the actor they chose to do the voice match and you know a lot of you have heard the story but it's an interesting story and it's true and I'll try to tell it quickly uh I knew from an early age I wanted to be an actor uh and so and I loved musical so I would ask for musical vinyl albums that's what we called him back in the old days vinyl and my parents would give that to me for my birthday and Christmas and in 1977 on my 17th birthday I got an album from a musical called Pacific overtures it was by Stephen Sondheim and it had just opened in New York and man from the minute I heard and indeed Marco has the very first lines on the record you hear him saying [Music] and from the moment I heard that voice I thought oh my gosh this is the most unusual voice I've ever heard in my life and then I listen to the rest of the musical and it's wonderful if you like musicals you should give it a listen I fell in love with this I would sing with the entire album over and over and over again and what I didn't know at the time was I was actually working on an impression of Marco so that when he died in 2006 and they were looking for someone to voice match I had actually been doing a voice match for Marco for 30 years at that time and so what makes me think you know as I get older you're able to see how point a leads to point B to you know to point C you can sort of see how it caused cause and effect a little more clearly and it amazes me you know Cairo says Destiny is a funny thing you never know how things are going to work out if my parents had given me another album that year someone else would be sitting here right now so it's amazing to me that something is seemingly innocuous as one birthday gift among several would become by far the most important gift I would ever receive in my life so you know you never know hello my friends you never know thank you so much I've heard that story so many times but it's still so cool to me I know I love it they've all heard it ten thousand times it's funny that you just like you didn't know what your destiny was as a kid I used to take the I was like I'm gonna practice my screams and I would take the hall pass and like second grade and go to the bathroom and just I was screaming bloody murder and like a custodian and a teacher like raced in there and they're like what are you doing and I was like I'm and they were really mad at me like I mean because they didn't see anybody around I was like I'm just practicing my screams and they were like why why are you doing that why would you do that and I was like I no no and now I know it's like you knew you're like Destiny I just had to scream I just loved it was just such a good Outlet like I just love to like go I would told the kids I was great childhood and you go to kindergarten I told the kids I was possessed and I was like they're like no you're not and I was like yes the devil's inside me and they're like oh my gosh and I was like like as a little kid I was doing this like demonic laugh and they told the teacher like she's possessed anyway I feel like at a at a different time and place that would have been some deeper repercussions for saying you're possessed [Laughter] thank you for that question everyone but Janet get a little closer to the mic hon okay uh I wish I could say this to everyone but Janet what was your favorite line and can you say it in character oh boy um well it's hard because you know as a fan of the show I remember the first time we see Cora and like I was just watching it as a fan and this tiny little kid jumped out with a little Potbelly and I don't say it D Bradley Baker's daughter Cora says those words but to this day still I'm the Avatar and you gotta deal with it is a big favorite thank you thank you yeah I mean we could do one line do we want to just do just do in our boys sure yeah I really like this line and you a few of you may have heard me say it already but look there it is that's what it'll sound like when one of you spots it thank you that's rough buddy [Laughter] [Applause] that's a sharp outfit Chan sharp enough to puncture the Hall of an Empire class Fire Nation Battleship leaving thousands to drown at Sea because it's so sharp [Applause] if you look for the light you will often find it if you look for the dark that is all you will ever see [Applause] okay so oh wait let me back up like really quick uh if you all lived in the world of Avatar personally what elements do you think you would bend Azula I'd have to say fire again because I'm you know I'm hot is is elbow bending a thing with that could I do that elbow bending yeah I think I would actually be it's a toss-up between Earth and fire but I do love nature and climbing trees and all that jazz I think I'd still be an earthbender no I don't have to choose [Laughter] [Applause] question for Janet I just contributed to a Kickstarter for a short film called but I'm a shoe which I believe you are involved with uh what was that experience like for you and are there any other short projects like that you'd like to shout out oh that's so I'm there's a short film being made right now it's about 10 about how this woman who in order to fly more comfortably she gets transformed into an object and it's one of her own shoes and so I got to be a yellow Converse sneaker for the animation that's being done right now and it was it was super fun um it's always so fun to see um so that's that's in terms of short projects that's the only one I can think of off the top of my head um but it is it just remains so magical and fun to see yourself a as a person who doesn't look like you but also just as a creature or an object for those of us who have gotten to do that it's like you start to feel like you're stealing their voice instead of the other way around and it's that is a very childlike Wonder feeling to be like like ah it never goes away yeah thanks for bringing that up what was the name of that short film but I'm a shoe but I'm a shoe okay hello my name is Theo um and my question is for Azula um how do you think azilla would order a pizza in azula's voice how do I think what order a pizza oh my gosh it opens up a whole can of worms because there was someone in my family who had sort of a mental breakdown and they started a tumbler for me a long time ago that I wasn't they were like can I start a template for you and I was like sure and so they were like hey you should order pizza and do all these different voices and I was doing all those things and it was really fun because I didn't know how to work Tumblr or anything I had a Twitter account and I had like some things but I didn't really know how it worked I didn't really know what it was and then the person kind of went off their meds and like started like it was just like a really dark time they were going after like teenagers did they just ask you how you'd order pizza well but the thing is I think you might be saying that because I because I did that a long time ago on Tumblr so I don't know if anybody's even maybe I'm just talking to her but if anybody was affected by that horrible Fiasco it was not me but anyway um but oh gosh I think I'd say um oh gosh you know um I'd like some fire roasted crust please because you're crusty and disgusting and you're banished if you don't do the pizza right thank you thank you anyway sorry I probably shouldn't have talked about until more but it's been a horrible scar because like some people are like adults now and they're like you you bullied me when I was like I don't know what you're talking about and then oh my God somebody showed me like all these messages this person sent it was like horrific anyway yeah yeah all right but where we'll get some drinks cool hi friends um first of all thank you for everything that you've done and continue to do of course but my question is for Miss gray um you do a lot of panels you do a lot of cons is there one question that you wish someone would ask you just so you can give a sassy remark oh my goodness wow that's true you don't give sassy remarks very often that would be highly unusual I guess I wish they'd asked me to marry them so I could say no never again I've had enough names for one lifetime that's awesome thank you so much so when did it when did you first start to see that The Last Airbender was getting this huge Revival this Renaissance Era where all these new fans were coming in and you were getting all this new recognition dude covet changed our life like it's crazy I mean I changed everyone's lives yeah ours most Suddenly It's like it was it was number one on Netflix and then it was like number one on Netflix again and I think to this day it still holds the record for the longest running show in the top 10 on Netflix right um yeah it's wild it's wild and it's because of you guys you know you guys changed our life um yeah and then I mean coming out to cons and saying you know we would do cons before and hey sign some Avatar things but now it's all Avatar and it's so freaking cool um yeah so I mean really 2020 with everybody else yeah child and now we have social media much more connected so like before when people loved it it was kind of missed because you know the first iPhone came out in 2008 or something like that so now we had like a place to actually like connect with people and then that's like we'd never gotten record I had never gotten recognized before and now people have recognized me just because of social media and Avatar I don't know I I I like flying under the radar occasionally but um and it's kind of fun though like I my son and I and to impress myself we went out to eat dinner and the guy that was waiting on us was like hey wait until the end of the meal but he was like I just have to say like oh my God you know Azula but and I was like oh my God and my son was like oh Mom's special and I was like me I'm very very worthy mom see I'm someone come on thank you thank you hi oh my gosh I never thought I'd be doing this in my life um for this my friend Nala told me to be here so I'm so sorry um for gray howdy on Earth do you recover after doing so many dramatic scenes and like how do you make your throat recover gosh I I do so many I've been doing voices since I was a little kid and I just thought I was like a weird kid I have ADHD and I was always doing voices from the time I was really little so I can't even believe this is a job so they're just all in there somewhere somebody was asking me like how do you prepare to well Jeepers you guys there's a creepy mystery out there you got a badge it twerps I'm just a little old lady just sitting on a park bench my favorite baby and my voice just seems to be kind of sturdy if it if I ever do lose it though I I suck on little arnica tablets so if you ever lose your voice really answer your chords it means your chords are swollen so you need to take that swelling down take down that inflammation so that's my little tip but no but there's I'm just there's a lot going on in there probably from childhood trauma and I thank you just practice your screams I was practicing a lot at home anyway all right thank you so much hey afternoon hello hello first of all first of all thank you all for everything you've done on Avatar you're all practically Inspirations for me going to voice over myself and um this director for the whole panel but if only one person could answer um I probably would miss Janet answering it um I've been recording for auditions here and there for a couple years now I've been in very small projects but never really I guess find that role that like really clicked with me so was your primary motivated to get you through those early stages in your voice over career they keep going despite recording audition after audition and like nothing happened well that still happens we still record audition after audition after guys don't get most of them we probably uh do 20 auditions a week and maybe book a handful of things which is great we're very happy for her I'm just kidding I don't even know if she has to audition anymore so no I mean it is it's a marathon and like Olivia was saying earlier you know it really being grounded in like believing in yourself and I know that sounds so cheesy but a lot of it too is like having a community and for me the comedy community was a huge part of that like I get to go do improv shows that have nothing to do with whether I did a good audition that day and having something that your mind can move on to quickly that you also care about and that isn't you're not beholden to someone else for that Joy is so important so whether that Joy is going on a hike or being with your dogs or doing improv or writing a song or whatever it is having that rich life that it falls outside of someone else telling you whether you can or can't do something is vital and that should be true for all of us at all times can I say I think it's I was taught this from because I auditioned from a very very young age you do it and then you never think about again you don't talk about it don't tell your friends about it because then they'll be like how was that audition that you do it and send it off into the ether and let it go that's it and Dante always says you know we always say that was your job your job was you got to be that character for five minutes for one person or for 10 people and that was your performance and maybe you get to do it again but yeah you're just like you didn't yeah pretend like you didn't and just like own that moment and go yeah maybe I didn't connect with that role but I did the best version of it that I could and I'm proud of that you know yeah thank you yeah hang in there it's worth it thank you and uh Miss Gray whatever's going on between you and a mother just know we appreciate you okay [Music] we thank you so much I really appreciate me follow me on Spotify on Spotify and mom won't follow me she won't even be my Facebook friend and she tells me stuff that other people in our family are doing she's like did you see on Facebook that so-and-so had a baby I'm like no comment no hey thank you so much for saying that you're so sweet it's really hilarious sorry I'm just gonna she's always like I don't want to follow you back because I'm never on there so we shouldn't be friends on there and then she tells me almost every time I talk to her something else that's happening to somebody else I almost feel bad that I brought her with me to this Con I'm totally kidding hello what's your question hey um my question was in your personal opinions if there was a fight between iro and boomi who would win boomy yeah iro of course come on come on where are we here I see the thing that catches me off guard with boomi is that he's just so unhinged like he's amazing but I just feel like there's a couple marbles that just don't so if if Uncle Ira like is especially buff iro at the end there if everything's plugged in like I feel like you could you could totally take him because you know boomi's kind of just flying by the seat of his pants but he's very very talented experienced but if you zero in Uncle era knows what's up so I don't know I think Uncle Larry come on someone is they often ask me the question who would win if iro went up against Aku from Samurai Jack and and the people don't like the answer because they always say well Ira would win iro would win Aku is basically a demonic God of evil he can only be defeated with a sword so if iro doesn't have the sword I I am afraid Ira will be toast very quickly kill the samurai kill the samurai can I get a kill to Samurai everybody bless me hi hi Andrea I'm a big Nickelodeon fan so I love a lot of Nickelodeon shows love Avatar my favorite episodes of the series finale my dad loves the show one question to everyone what's your favorite episode the beach the beach for me too oh the library Tales from Boston say awesome that's awesome thanks and Janet and and nothing for Janet oh no I'm just because of braving the elements the podcast I do with Dante I am so immersed in yeah this this part of the series that I I might actually say the beach also Papa's last days too but you got to be in the mood to have your heart shattered yeah that's true thank you thank you thank you so much you guys are the best thank you good afternoon so I got a question for all of you with the Avatar Avatar show they're working on in the future if they gave you the option to voice act again would you like to play your original characters again or play different characters I think with anybody at this table it if anybody wants us to play anything we'll be there yes absolutely that's kind of the mentality if you want us to work we will work for you how are we doing on time should we go into a speed round because nothing breaks our hearts more than if we can't get to every have about five minutes left let's go yes let's do a speed round speed round hi so I know you guys were saying that you don't want Zulu to have a Redemption Arc but there is a comic book where they kind of Explore her relationship with her mother so if they ask you guys to come back to finish the series of after the whole War would you guys do it same answer yeah of course as a fan I don't like it when the voice I'm I'm Jean and Bayonetta you know the bed Bayonetta and darling I had to come back for that there was a there was no budget for this one movie they did but I as a fan I was like they were going to replace me because I wouldn't do it for this terrible amount of money they offered me but then I was like ah it's a fan I really am annoyed when neither it's not the same thing that I'm used to so just for the fans I would come back no matter what the prize no matter what anything was I'll cut back for it yeah thank you yeah thank you hey uh I just wanted to ask if there was a concept that you guys maybe talked about or a deleted scene that you guys voice oh god get a little closer yeah we can't talk was there a concept that you guys uh talked about that never made it in the show that you would have liked to see and this would be loved life come on tough girls deserve love too right right there is stuff that I'm glad they didn't do I heard that azulu was supposed to be initially in some kind of arranged marriage in the beginning I was like oh no I'm so glad she's just a badass on her own yeah um yeah so which previous Avatar yeah yeah would you like to see a show about oh which other app like what are we've heard about I mean Roku I think would be amazing Avatar won I would love to see more of yeah yes and let's do one more question it'll be our last question oh no no but if we could have you stay so we can take a selfie with you guys in the background and also I'm gonna go back I just there were people in my line when I had to leave for here if there's anybody who has a burning desire for a thing I'll be there for 30 more minutes yeah no I'm not supposed to be back at my table if you have something you just have to have sign in it's your last day I'll be back there 30 minutes okay last question yeah I gotta make it a good one don't I oh if your character found out they were the Avatar what do you think is the first thing that they would do yeah yeah so well I died I can't imagine so you go I I feel like they couldn't make tough an avatar because she'd be too powerful like oh like the the answer the gods had to keep everything balanced we're like we're gonna make you the greatest Darth vendor in the world and don't you two dunderheads ever forget it but like if she was the Avatar it would be way too too much power so I feel like if she had all of that she might implode I don't know it's just too much yeah I think I'd just be lying on the beach and everybody could come with me I would just drink tea thank you thank you so much thank you so much thank you guys appreciate you and we're gonna take a big group photo real quick yeah we're gonna take one quick photo and then yeah a couple of us will be back at our table thank you guys so much thank you all for coming
Channel: MomoCon
Views: 7,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oxbnFiDRdNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 17sec (3257 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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