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yes so don't know nation and marination welcome back again ladies and gentle G to my program you don't know the IM marination podcast we are on episode four of season 2 and a lot of people are going to be entertained tonight because I have a very special guest in the building I'm talking about the queen I say queen we talk about the queen from New York come straight down Atlanta you understand the one and only the queen lady Momo have to be careful you use the queen terminology you no Queen yeah but them still wave though but wear no Crown okay that is it wrong you see me but yeah people you don't know internet personality full of life very um colorful you understand hotted very hot you see me um very entertaining and you know don't know but she's a sweetheart as well you know to get the side of her you understand ladies and gentlemen I introduce to you the one and only Momo Momo how you feeling thank you for having me [ __ ] you're more than welcome darling more than welcome thank you for having long over do it's been a long time yes yes indeed and you're not weird you're not weird cuz a lot of these people I've met offline are weird J enough for them weird you say weird what you mean like I don't I don't want none of our friends to be upset some of them just weird they're they're not what they you know when you meet them they're nothing like what they the internet personality that they're supposed to be wow and you know a lot of these people are are in love with a character not a person are you are you um disappointed or you don't care that much I'm kind kind of disappointed because at one point especially when you look up to some of them not look up to I look up them and my friend and you believe this Persona and then when you meet them it's just like it's weird yeah it's crazy J yes well I'm I'm glad I'm not weird you know I'm glad I'm not weird but you know let's dive into the you know dive into the the meat of the matter because we see a little thing going on there you understand um yeah that's why me introduce you as the queen you understand little thing going on and feel like trouble tonight you know like I think I'm more like a princess at a princess so so so what what what what's going on oh you dropping in the midst of Queenie and Dewey situation right now wow so I was on a live one day and um did have on my BR P everybody know always my P my you can bring you can bring the M close it kind of it it kind of you know it make me feel like I see when it but get the mic from um it's like the perfect size though if you look it's the perfect size we'll get back to that though but yeah yeah let's get back yeah we'll get back to that I think I'm getting distracted so you were on a live so I was on a live and P on live live and said we move out of the way cuz one girl did say something the comment me say yeah so we get flu out so we get flu out go body like we get FL out a big man and by the time come the do a fat [ __ ] I mean it look so still no but friend play him friend said do it move out of the camera because married man okay have e then yeah know married man P married Mar mared p pap and have husband where r just pass away rest inace yeah and I CL some on the BMB one by one when think did a ramp with me with him de and man still husband so you know I'm like do we move so move out the way anyway talk to him Friend by the time come off just Queen yeah M do your fat front P your fat [ __ ] draws camera said never that you know so fast forward you know when everybody get lck fast forward now me sit on there one day and um me just fall back after that too I don't even think I was following Dy still have follow every day about 6 months underneath her comments and say so Queenie you not give me apology people laugh after me you get apology every time me see her go live say you not give me apology supp my man left me me she say somebody screenshot and send her the picture with do it or whatever fast forward the day live been going live everybody know must Canada get him Visa the two of them must apply but him get Fe on and him end up not going back I guess he's in Canada so he was on a live and through since the last incident I didn't interact with him at all because the same um thing with Queen so I said you know I just fell back even though and I'm aen I'm a Breen even at that time I was like do do was kind of frustrated like y I get blame for things do yeah so me I said brother you know you know you know just no pay no mind and sometime people on social media make things seem bigger than it's not I me I said do it that's marriage you know just no p no mind so fall back I not even want no me talk to him or nothing whatever because another time I think before that there was an incident where she go live and she said me have no problem with oh he came up with me while they were Waring oh so when he came up with me he started explaining I say yeah she call and tell me about live and R she said she was upset that he wasn't answering her calls but he came on live explaining to me so I got in the middle of the crossfire still didn't answer because at the end of the day I'm like this is someone's Real Marriage I'm not going to provoke her yeah you understand fall back make C me make do she her couple weeks now probably about two months now or a couple weeks ago I don't know live a live with not nice I'mma cam up cuz he's been going live ever since he's been in Canada everybody know what they were going on with but not nice cam me up always go on bri in them life I don't understand it was a regular conversation we end up on pink drama I don't know been going you [Laughter] P get me that trouble so all of a sudden we end up on P she start alive she start c a long time M [ __ ] do a long time M [ __ ] do [ __ ] get disrespect and still never answer do on the live because dwey was talking the day before he was having a conversation saying like you know how about he was basically explaining a lot about the marriage but he never disrespect her yeah it was the first time we got to see do we talk from his side like where there was no screaming there was no yelling that that's that's good though because not lie keep up with the the queen and doy drama but I barely hear that [ __ ] speak he you know he got a lot of backlash anyway it was like 50/50 but it was the first time though I seen a lot of people the woman the woman them love beating man him woman Queen is the main attraction so Fe flatten him no matter if him right or not as know the Dynamics know what going in them relationship but even if him right Queeny followers them not make him live down nothing and I just think that's that and that's a problem that I have with social media because I'm like real life separate the person look at the situation yeah and two people in a marriage or whatever whatever the only thing I said through the whole thing I said doy this [ __ ] just s like it's toxic to me yeah the two of y'all look like y'all both are toxic and it's not healthy if she's and he and he was taking accountability too he was like yeah not perfect do things to and he was taking accountability he was own up he didn't call her her name long story shot next day she go live me start get disrespected M more I [ __ ] do from long time bit Yeah from long time one girl come up last you know for Queenie you time bring me feelings as a woman do [ __ ] as a man yeah enough time tell you say y enough beat me out people say beat him there was a situation with a white girl and some some conversation did come up and um we did beat him I said yo you always put your wife in this position like even after me and your conversation I felt like like stop letting these females come in your DMR trick them but if you stepping out every minute that mean you're not happy M so you know I just felt like everything was toxic so anyway she cuss me me get one piece of cussing and then she said there with doy and really start talk to do and I like Dey I like him he's he's I hold on you like Dey yeah like like intimately I I I'm going to go see him I was going to go see him in Canada but you know I have a lot going on right now get me trouble you talking about you visit the man I am right now me do is dated do your dat serious do we dating I'm dating I just came out of relationship and I'm dating so I don't want to be in no serious relationship right now I really like Dewey deey when you sit on and talk to him he's not what what what he's portrayed as on the internet yeah and I don't I don't I think I even felt the way about it and I kept saying if this was my son how would I want to handle the situation how would I feel the first thing you call him a b man you know say man A B man you start calling all of these names then it's like one minute you're you're you're bringing him down and another minute you take back your hand and you say sorry it's it's confusing it's like beating a child every minute and telling them sorry and the child loves you because in the Jamaican Society you know the harm that can do to a man character and you put B on a man name and you know EV you know the next thing oh Su [ __ ] and say well me never suck for your but even though but that's the first thing Jamaican women like to do once them say Jama women love to emasculate man they love to they love and my thing is majority of you got um women are mothers to Sons that's the thing so would you want someone to do that to your son I don't understand like up and just go separate and be and leave it alone it's it's and it's it's the same for the other side men that have daughters and it's like bro you have a daughter like Lego the G culture Lego the G thing I like that yeah one some of woman them have male kids and it's like you deal with man like dog I can't do it I told them ever since I became a mother to a son it's like there was a lot of things that I did and I start thinking like especially the older that my son got my oldest I was like would I want someone to treat my son like that would I would I want uh me I'm so big on cuz I've got broken up many times you know I got divorced before and I I remember people would chastise me and say hold your new your new husband that o with the kids them your ex-husband me said we're eating dinner together cuz I want them to understand if we break if they break up you and your baby mother don't got to go through the court system you don't you could still be cordial you could you should be able to understand that it didn't work out between us but we're both adults because you want them to be able to do it if you're not example to your children then who's going to be able to do it facts I like so but it it really hurt me when me he yeah B man and this and that thing matter of fact people that are social media influencers we know that we have our certain followers we know say even if five people yet I got 25 people are ball out again even if we wrong they would take up for us and that's messed up so when you're putting that out there on him and he never gets a chance to talk but honestly when I talk to him the doy that to be honest I'm going tell you some cuss him out different Queen yeah come say yo she a woman me a feminist you know and the lady me have this big thing about bman from Jamaica bring from Jamaica right me and then to be honest n I'm so always all over the place when you bring a man from Jamaica he's going to meet all type of different type of women he's never had access to before in America don't know about England but in America from you see a Yan girl and you put on your little accent hear them oh you want to make them oh you could cook curry chicken you know to make ax still thematically come them yard so are you saying that Jamaican men are a hot commodity what you mean the little Yan them you know that already deos come on soal like that noal like Expendable no that's why would have go to the Yan them because the to me Jamaican women are aggressive I'm very aggressive so I have to have aggressive man but me personally I only like Jamaican men I can't date only other culture I've ever dated was a haian Man Too Much FR to me love first never hear complaints you upset right now this [ __ ] that turn me yeah yeah you definitely upset she definitely upset so to me that's not something if a man tell Mees care I'm not going to go crazy over it and even if and if I'm with a Jamaican man cres me not tell nobody want come out and say it and sometime me look on them like bro just cool now we're still Jamaican you know people you know I would never I can't no I can't you see that go back to the AR the the Doone a liberate himself right now basic Canada even to be honest like when you talk when you talking you could see the different sometime you I don't know since he's been removed from the environment I guess yeah cuz he's been over there for a while and we're talking all the time he's just even I I never expected to have conversations with him like that so it's different but the only thing love do him take accountability okay and him still not sty because me a man sty a woman the myy me that's like man man expect him woman that turn me off look like the same way you have do to me is L to this [ __ ] but just don't tell me nothing about her at all it's bad enough we already smart you understand so he just it's different it's different though I don't know I like I'm happy for him I don't know what's going to happen but you know well do thing gr on you guys are consenting adults do thing man but not lie to you you see if if Queenie was a relative of mine I would be concerned about her mental health and we know how Jamaica stay this is not no disrespect to Queenie I don't know Queenie or anything but I can only go off when we sit online and she seems a little bit unhinged like it's either she still suffer with some loss or something I said that to her the other day chck completely I said that the other day when she was cursing me out I said you say you're crazy after you honestly what I told her on the live and I still didn't dis there was times I've answered her back cuz she was getting really disrespectful but there was a time I really just had to catch myself and not go to our level and tell her say y Queen I feel like you need for heal yeah have to stop putting so much interest in a man if you your previous relationships have been on the social media and they're toxic as [ __ ] and it's like you're bringing it over from one to another to another it's just a different person and so even though when yeah me atti the time I'm telling her like yo you need to heal you need to take time out and say yo maybe you need to stay by yourself maybe you need to cuz you got to take accountability as well if you're always in the same situation you got to take accountability would like resp come and do me to come over 4 disrespect me come blame me take the some might as well go take the hood now oh take you just you just it up the she long time take blame for things you do so say all right and then but me end up start talk to do you know when some and I'm I'm mourning I guess and we talking and we conversing and we got close it is what it is as I said you guys are consenting adults um fee relationship mash up you free single and disengage rest in peace to the G but I mean y can do what y want to do manes disrespect disrespect me I really don't care about anybody feelings just I live my life boy I tell you like she's a very popular lady you know she full of Vibes you know yeah and and that's why I like foll double and another one um something one to her goody do but she full of Vibes but that's why I liked following her that's why the first time when she did it I knew her her behavior so I didn't answer her cuz one person I always say on the internet I Like Queenie will come even if a craziness and people say dis she really portray her life I'm a type of person that do a lot of controversial [ __ ] and I know how people going to chastise you for being yourself but I'm like she's being if you want to call me a junker a dog [ __ ] me I be myself that's me you understand not put no thing on it but then when do say a lot of things was calculated so now me say this is kind of crazy so when they say when they say calculated what what exactly like what the the the the the the going for clout thing or the whole relationship when he was on my live it's and that's why I'm talking about it because he was explaining himself he said a lot of things he beli was calculated as far as for views and numbers that's why sometime will be calm and if nothing not going on she have to make something go on and the arguing go on and them something oh okay so when I was looking at that I sorry I even felt away I'm like damn that's y'all really married that's really this is real marriage I could never use my man for clout I'm thinking one person cannot go through so much mental breakdown without actually breaking down you see me so it's like it all makes sense now it's all for clout I I don't know but that's what he said that's what was said on my page so he was in the relationship I don't know mo wasn't in the relationship she's going off the word of do we yeah it's it's on the live it was on the lives and people were screen recording you know posting it on the blogs yeah he really sat down and had a open a open like a open conversation we were quiet sometime me I ask something to people rush me Shut up make him talk the first time want hear do we talk and him said a lot of things he believe was calculated he said even he gave example about at the airport when they were at the airport and the video recording and even that was double standard he said a lot of people call him say him a waste man and this and that but him say if it did lick her back now it would whole different conversation not going to be a Wast man if L going to be a abuser yeah cuz he's he was like once the the phone was being recognized the whole Dynamics change and that's when the hidden began this was his words you understand so I was glad that he was able to talk so other people could see him from other like a lot of people just see JY as this user that married her for paperwork comea England I I swe that that was the narrative for the longest use because she's an older woman too she was like in her 50s ain't it yeah and do we what you I'm early 30s early 30s so like people see the age difference and say y yeah use her for papers you know for get him get ahead in life and blah blah blah that was the narrative but I want to know and and that's why I say people are crazy because even if he take away himself and leave and I hear people say oh yeah you you need for go back on your wife why who would want to go in that situation again like how many them but you know what is crazy a lot of people live so you know but not live so in front of the camera you know damn that's real [ __ ] you know a lot of people are living most people can't come on the internet as a so like a social media person and really tell their real business yeah it has to either be controlled content where they're posting certain things a certain way they leave out certain things and that's why even for me I've always Tred to just come out directly and say things as long the only person I'm going to always protect is my kids and my man mhm if I know it's going to affect them in a certain way yeah and I just experienced that because the guy that passed away I called him my husband is that my husband on paper no but fit that role there very well he plays that role my kids know him as his step the stepdad he calls me his wife I called him my husband you understand and the the worst thing people did was oh you're so-call husband IM know you're married whatever I was with that man that's who I was with and please you don't need that's a a marriage is a piece of paper that is true and a lot of people get married and and and unhappy over a piece of paper and not really in love I know my situation I was I was I'm fine if my husband when Mar to P paper know call next my husband and can't tell me nothing I really care what nobody else say but when it come to him the only thing could have come out and tell people say yo oh I'm not really married to him but I gave him that title to show him respect that I respect him as much cuz he knew knew I wasn't I couldn't divorce my husband at the time on paper so I'm going to give him that title cuz he earned that he earned it as a man you understand but I could have came out and say yeah Mar him P paper and call him a boyfriend but that would have been disrespectful and harmful to him I chose social media he did it yeah so to me when I see somebody relationship like that to me the only thing I had to say was like yo you should protect your king I'm big on that I feel like you should always protect your king your king should all is chess fact you you protect your king because if me go there you know but after my relationship not perfect when come to me and tell me with my man tell say you know about me yeah that mean you make a choice have go deal with it m remember used to take people man when we younger take take them you know you borrow him for a little bit more time come back home more time tell leave me alone you understand go there think tough man no yeah cuz I'm I'm I'm not insecure either I'm very secure myself so when go out there and you come text me you know about me right supposed to do you know what they call me you're enabler you're a cheater you're this I had cancer during covid I even see that where people talk about oh you lied about it and they try to use that [ __ ] as cloud or when they want to cuss you you got some sick individuals out here I'm tell you this feel like majority of people are tun in 24/7 social media feel like them sick no they're trying to escape from their real life cuz their and real life [ __ ] up what you mean that's why have nothing but negativity for throw away them disgusting them just want bring down your blood clotting and and and it's very evident you can tell who miserable in them real life that's what I told them the day I said you're trying because honestly if you're if I'm going through stuff you think me somebody everybody look up to and feel better about myself that's majority of them think a big levels though if if if M reach out to you I apologize you accept it Queenie what what is there apologize about that remember remember you said typ and you know you're not going to apologize because she apologize she supposedly apologize and I got cursed out afterward she AP okay when he had another incident I had cammed up and was cursing out Dey I said Dy why you keep on I put her in this situation and you Queen you you love argue with the when you find the start beat the too that's a c and she turned around and said to me oh what she tell me say she said oh come come like you come up here for argue with me say yeah apology and she say you want your apology but it wasn't genuine you know it wasn't genuine look look look a styl in this yeah you would have did it you would have did it from the beginning me a big woman me a big woman to the point say me get blame for something where never especially after I fell back and I didn't you know how much people did that tell me about somebody watch yeah that's that's I can admire that though everying would be no problem I did a poll and I put up a poll I made a it was it was like a you know when you do the real voice over girl say hey big [ __ ] and the girl cuss out the person and do me laugh me say and the person cuss me and me say should I answer yes or no and everybody know say everybody know say say everybody know say she did a cuss me and when I did the poll everybody tell me yes wow me know say a fact you never afraid for C take the road let me tell you this people you see if let me tell you this one thing with she she ramp like she not ramp at all she not she cuss out anybody and she good at it to and I like to curse out people though you could have fool me no I don't though you any woman M feel you know feel bad afterwards know more time more time know the people so take it out me so you know that you're you're inflicted I will start warning I be like like please leave me alone one thing with me in a NE I don't like to start trouble I never start trouble if I'm trolling you it's different if [ __ ] with you and then say all right all right don't no that joke play with you but if a real argument tell just all right love me leave me alone anybody who here tell us say please just leave like leave me alone all right they going to kill you they going Mash you up I be like hello hello what's up babe I'm on a I'm on I'm on a podcast right now we were we were just talking about you [Music] you okay you okay with you you okay with this right now but right now we were recording okay um so nigas I don't this is nigas Nas do blessings blessings that is it that is it [Music] liveo yeah yeah that is it iwear man [Laughter] greatest is it hey hey I come like a love story to blood CL Shed Little tears Real Love [Music] Story yeah [Music] hey hey know you believe you m m in love m in love oh man you you D me you know hey hey hey no business do the thing see me more blessings blessings man yeah I was just telling him I'm proud of the growth and everything and getting to know you separately from social media is different that you're a different type of person I was telling yeah I was telling him that to be honest I wish more people could see that side of him I wish I'm hoping like he could walk away from this stigmatism and people see that side and people have started seeing it anyway you want know why bro I mean queen but you know as vocal as Queeny but the time is now you know for get your make your voice heard you understand because man know okay just the energ know Jama scientifically know you see [Music] [Music] me true Real Talk man a real talk bro real talk man the time is that is it father that is [Music] Med yeah [Music] it's a good look man a good look know couple years now and she seem solid bro she seem solid so feel like you know it that's [Music] [Music] boy what a beautiful love story Your Love [Applause] Story [Music] over oh we have a song to we have a song s yeah just stay tuned stay tuned for withen real get all right F start get right get what the [ __ ] when start tomor yeah you run like but just watch get me time I never realized that they didn't have a song together I thought they had a song together the man I swear have song together that was wow oh [Applause] yeah [ __ ] song you know yeah man yeah look late 2024 look look lit right now cuz you know can't talk about my front you know talk about my [Applause] [Music] throat [Music] oh yeah last time [Music] get your [ __ ] belong to my to me who that tell get Dr Queen drug py like [ __ ] belong to me say Queenie leave me alone I'm going to tell all you I swear don't sometime you know BR make front bring in front for bring front bring in front [Music] for cl do just make sure you know say we're not doing no share thing I'm not in that you know [Music] bring okay okay like something you know yeah that is it one front at a time in the room and something there that is it yeah that is it that is it give thanks my G she she preoccupied right let her go in few call when that is it father that is it father y [Music] any that is it that is it bad G from see me follow back to don't know bro blessings that is it brother all right babe call you when we done all right babe I call you back babe bbo CL babe is not supposed to know that I'm not but you know me from long time though so you know you know mad but you know some really is a sweetheart listen I've always had a thing about mad people because myself I'm kind of mad too you know you play 15 characters you have to be a little bit mad over there you know my favorite one though little boy boy before Oh yes sorry something on the phone um them uh throat goat goat troat go tro yeah oh go tro tro go goo go tro yeah you say lava G name there laa give me the name go over you remember quar everybody know chat and okay yeah the biggest thing from there tell story out to laa B lovea UPA laa make enough people know me and him him just he's just I don't I don't know who could laa like go over there the first time and just instantly click with him all during him did come and do an interview with me I I never and and everybody you know that's why say you can't follow people people tell me say no don't ask him I'm not going to do it he's not going to do it and me why say why tell me that but anyway so go over the page one day say sir I reached out to you because someone had booked him in Atlanta and I reached out to him and asked him to do an interview and he said yes to me the promoters them felt some type of way they felt like that I should have went through them to ask him for an interview yes the party promoter what party promoter for do the interview I I don't know that time I was doing the radio I was doing radio just started doing a short time Mom how much have tell you do enough things by mistake Momo is the real definition of a Jamaican M have 10 job no I true get sick during get cancer other than that I did I did so much things that people that's why I respect all y crafts because I know y'all put a lot of work into it I feel like I just bucked up into it by mistake and everything that I try works out for me yeah so now good run with it yeah that's do music the music talk about music hey talk about fire song Fire song [Music] Bad till it drop we it I've been playing it be playing play the know the song they're the ones that gave me the feedback and inspiration like set it Ro and Shout out once again rest in peace to to toir that that's that was my um bab's name he um he's the one that when I sang it to him I wrote something before that when write that him said bab that's the one you take go and so I got to do it like even if I didn't want to do it I have to got I'm nervous you got to honor his name look tell you your man every time you start something new It Go I feel feel weak your stach feel weak you start sweat if you have overactive sweat glands people do this stuff y put yourself in these CRA for years but listen when I just started I had the same feeling you had same feelings and then when Once the people react and said boy you know say look like I got something here you know good me feel go on R live and R say mo who write this say me say stop r with me you right this right now you tell me to try the music when answer you you say something answer yeah yeah that's good that's good one and go over there and lava laa say yeah we did a suck one boy and did Big so when me sh it me want see him did have 12 in but then me think later on probably about 10 cuz water botle this water bottle is 8 in and have to discover it the hard way one day one man did dickfish me how would that work what you mean like catfish but dickfish me to a man wait wait wait that [ __ ] send you somebody else dick no I Fe him body bro me explain it to just make sure you pick up back when we go back to Lava yeah me did we did meet him through the internet you know time we meet man through the internet M and the B send me money think do interview with Ric Vibes and Ric Vibes said Mo we say something about some money argument on the internet and say something something what's the most anybody ever send in cash app one time said 2400 said 2400 I said back to back two days and just beat the man say you he said he said you're lying show it to me I'm bust me cash up and show him so are you with that man now I said no said why so the man dick fish me so then feelings and tell him the story but after come up with a solution so the man fly in town and put up the [ __ ] for two month for the man you know and me say yes the man fly to get some blood clot and the PO no no no it's all right but then reach hotel room and take off him clothes and ready know clothes pop off you know when me look down say that another that's another Hood you send me and he said what you talking about we going on the phone now start look so you said that as him take off him cloet you said that out loud or you said that in your head huh you said that in your head or you said it out loud I said it to him supposed to feel shame direct can't help it look down look up the phone look and have a little beauty mark so look CL the same so said brother what you do your zoom in and say yo what you mean but it's mine like I said but it look big in the pictures bro so say can't take that you know couple weeks before that man tell me say just beat out one girl and never make no one time say give me one story tell me story beat big make andig make say yeah so the first thing flash my head when me see that so you come my and tell people my [ __ ] big right and me love back shot get the man keep underneath like Jack Rabbit like Jack and you got ass too bro you see big yeah can't underne me like that like you know RH 12 the [Laughter] man hey when M turn when M turn to side she shap like a pee said godamn do Sor sorry oh my God so then the man say all right said make me eat it say you eat it but then say You must have eat it with size the man not lie you know the best head I ever got was from a female you [ __ ] [ __ ] too I I've did polygamy before just I'm cratches you know what me just petrified because me smell too much crutches like go in a bathroom after girl and I'm sorry yeah no I'm glad you brought that up I'm sorry remind me for talk about this to because I said something um about eating crutches and I said one of the main reasons why a lot of men don't eat eat crutches is because a lot of youell women don't know a lot of them smell no they should know I don't know how they don't smell the S I don't understand that but I've literally sat in a car with a female and said you just that fish and she said no ma her three different time the third occasion leg on the dashboard until me and I look on each other and we figure it out and we just get quiet one time smell squat in front of me you know when you leave crab your garbage overnight in summer weather that's why I saw me personally cuz I'm a sexual person I'm very sexual everybody know I love my teeth I'm obsessed with my teeth you see this new age of eating and all of them know something either yeah but me te them I love me te them but the crutches I I I don't no so me know so the best ever get was from a female before me meet that man rest man me come squirted the man face know the man don't move Mighty Jesus so tell me say you squirt in a Ras man face hey know the man move move move that's P you know that's not it's only it's 72% p where you get your percent you piss in his face it come from the same place them says 1% it's a female ejaculation it's p m mix with other bily fluids no it's mostly pedo they did a they did a they they did a um an um experiment like this stop the man from drink the squirt them drink squirt yeah the man what the man do the man [ __ ] before skang one time near and nearly trick me nearly [ __ ] him because him start then him start rub up like him start come up on me and me feel but then feel a little feel like [Music] finger get up put on clothes M say feel like a little finger on her yeah like move up I feel it know it feel good you know I ain't going to lie the best had ever got besides a female female I think because a female know exactly so yeah so and I did polygamy with one girl before need to this and I did polygamy with one girl before not really would I say polygamy so I was married and um I get bored I'm a very sexual person and I get bored very easily yeah yeah I was in a relationship after what seven years and my husband was a great husband at the time I mean I say yo you know let me I get I get I like to watch like I'll go to trapes and [ __ ] too what is that trap is a sex club here in Atlanta and stuff like that the yeah you go and you watch people have sex you could participate I'm not participating though that that is here in Atlanta outside you're not going outside [ __ ] no I ain't going there yeah you got to you know you got to go to see the experience it's crazy I got to pay to go in there yeah but we it's pour pour you see you see husbands with their wife and but know how the man them just watch them wife and get bang out and it's always the Caucasian people I want big old black man just a slaugh the wife P damn you know a Jamaican man take me first come here 2008 this Manama freak say be friends my small white girl me [ __ ] at least the white girl Jamaican rud shame blood CL nice make me feel like Champion all when she not feel nothing and bring me tell me say bring me get go with him bring me salute that [ __ ] glad never it look like tell I'm very I'm obsessed with hood I would tell a man like yo y a decent size yeah like I'm obsessed with like what's your ideal size I Told You So the water bottle is 8 in so they say your hold is 4 Ines deep I think like five is if this would be five I think five you can't get buckers with a five more more I well if the guy know what he's doing I don't really get those I'm just saying it's not bad yeah yeah okay but no even seven is good but you big woman and them young girl them want nine and 10 no and you know want a 12 12 in tell you have a 12 in wouldn't want that every day I don't know because afterwards it's uncomfortable I did a I did a um I put two of my friends together right one male and one female and create some content with them and give them some question for ask them one another and the dog ask her what's her ideal penis size mama said 12 they don't know that they're they're delusional because she said 12 this is eight so they're delusional that is just hear that and when I did get a 12in HT I told you when he stuffed it down my [ __ ] throat and pulled it forward the hangy thing was it pulled forward and was swollen I could feel it on my tongue I just wanted to deep throat it to see if I could deep throat it that's what tell said I'm kind go so go say upgrade and you push your down mouth and breath through ear B CL say that one more time please you push the hood down me troat and it can't catch breed through me ears you know on the plane and you get pressure your ears learn that technique there Mighty Jesus G tell woman when gag all you have to do is your brain trick trick your CH just swallow while in your throat swallow so while you're swallowing your brain think you're swallowing food you won't gag might Jesus class but blood clly blood CL i'm like [ __ ] what the [ __ ] look CL outside R blood CL I never like sucking dick at first because I was so mentally with the stigmatism that it's wrong yeah because all right the first time I ever suck my first kids them Father I was with him from I was 15 and when we did about 17 of just about turn 18 one day me and my friend talk and she was like yeah yeah so eat him suck your [ __ ] and me I say yeah suck my [ __ ] know forget not supposed to tell nobody them something that's why I'm a big p that if my man do it now as a yard man I would never ever ever say it if he's openly talking about it that's fine but when it comes to that because of the stigmatism I won't talk about it cuz I'm scarred with that so the man she call me tell her 12:00 by 12:5 the man call me phone say n tell you say you're not supposed to tell nobody cuz he used to do it to me and I used to be like I don't like how it feel I didn't even enjoy it wow I didn't enjoy it when he would do it I just felt like it was so wrong yeah so I I didn't enjoy it took a oh I'm lying I did have another female that e my [ __ ] too took a big py feel like I get [ __ ] I I got a wife on the shout out to my baby NOA man I get [ __ ] but I feel like you're a big love them love woman you know why Always Love woman butes um you know why I love them because a lot of women see women and get intimidated I love when I see a beautiful woman I'm going to tell her like hey you're beautiful because women don't like to compliment other women and I don't understand that I think women are beautiful I love it no well no hell no not all them man all of these girls feel like other women are ask one ask one pretty girl ask a ugly girl ask a pretty girl about a ugly girl pretty girl say she's a 10 of course I see a lot I love the girl look like M from thund no no no ug play with any flirt with and standards like nurse work at least she she have ambition want look fo Locker no no not big up the 95 Gall no say I mean nurse a 95 we big no no still all right you know circum Sor you have some just feel like supposed to give them money and and really don't have nothing and meet you you just to put them up [ __ ] and get me see why you know say I interview my friend um the other day and she said the same thing you I don't like those girls so makes the girl them just feel entitled just just because [ __ ] yeah what you think about that you have how much son you have two you have two son yeah and your son meet a girl and you catch a pre oh I taught him this [ __ ] already you going to pick up someone with substance baby [ __ ] everywhere talk go go deeper now you say so with me is I I told my son you should have standards a lot of women think men shouldn't have standards and if you have standards you know them call you sassy oh or you you're B man or woman if you have boundaries as a if you have standard as a man you're sassy you're feminine you're man gay all of them it's crazy weird oh that do it no oh that's the man that said he ate my [ __ ] like rice and pees on the internet Mighty Jesus so but yeah anyway see you have two son and me know for a fact just how you talk yeah because what I what I realize I tend to get along more I used to be like that though you used to be like the girl yeah but but but experience I grew up in I grew up in New York so New York was like but see in New York in my days it's like [ __ ] but it's different now back in the days is was I'mma get this [ __ ] for his bread yeah without giving him no [ __ ] that's when you know you was a finessa a real finessa J that was different I'm going to I'mma me if I could beat him out his money without giving him [ __ ] that's the best thing that that would set me apart yeah but if I happens to do give him [ __ ] he better be on he got to be on some different type of time I used to feel like that like I just feel like what oh what you got from me [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] you want [ __ ] [ __ ] I want money that's how I used to think so so you think that's an Unwritten rule amongst women like it was T they to wow it was taught to me by older women I was even taught like when I was with the older man like it's okay for him to have 10 [ __ ] whatever he wants to do long as he's taking care of you I was taught that so a lot of stuff but when I became a mother I remember looking at him like listen you see when you have different women in stuff I'm not you're not going to do that to me no more I value myself yeah I'm a mom now I don't have to take none of this [ __ ] I don't want my son see me crying I'm not going to so there's a lot of things when I became a mother it was like damn you can't have that mindset no more because it's not about you anymore it's also about him cuz my son is my oldest one and then it was like would you want someone to do that to your son would you want somebody imagine you taking his money he's just giving you money and in my heart I would even tell these like yeah you love I I love you no damn well I don't love you sometime you have tell them say Oho you love me I love your dick [ __ ] that's how I was I was a different type of Beast though because I didn't grow up like and then I could talk about it talk about it all the time I was molested when I was younger by my stepdad one time and yeah but I was always taught to because he came out of prison and my sister let him stay in the house with us my mom was nowhere around they wasn't together and I was always taught and I'm heavy on this conversation all the time on social media to talk if someone taught you to talk my dad always taught me that my mom Grandma everybody and when it happened to me I was fortunate cuz he touched me I was sleeping and I felt his hand in my panty and I jumped up and I got up and I went and laid at my sister Bedford and he left the house but I always developed a thing where I hated men after that yeah that's that's come natural a lot of women are going through that but they don't realize that I hated men like I think until I had my son is when I started respecting the male energy I even when I was with his father that made you I went to school took care of me did things to me I I still in the back of my head is like you could never trust him he's a man well you see that's a natural reaction though that's like that's what we call it defense mechanism it's like it's like you recognize this is this is the The Entity that made me feel cuz I remember I was 12 and I the and I and after when I woke up the next when I was the the the night I went and laid at my sister's bedf foot but the next day like in the morning getting ready for school I was just scrubbing my body I felt dirty wow I felt dirty I felt like I was disgusted I never felt no feeling like that before for and all I knew it was just this person this man made me feel this and you would I would I would grow up and hear Little Sisters of people going through little [ __ ] and like people or raped or molested and [ __ ] like that but until I experienced it it was different for me it was just like and it's just like you trust this person too the night before I'm walking home with him this this man know me from I'm like four years old you understand what I'm saying and the night before I'm walking home and he's walking me home and saying holding my book bag and telling me stay away from boys make sure you stay away from these boys and get your education cuz all boys want to do is hurt you and touch you so I trust this person I've seen this person as my protector yeah so when your protector goes against the grain with you and and that trust is broken and then I just became angry I hated men I never hated my father though my father wasn't around but my father was um and at that time he was around cuz he was locked up but my father I grew up with a father and that's why I always say I'll never be one of those females I believe men belong in homes yeah because definitely if my father wasn't around to tell me like no one should touch you down there my father bath me my father combed my hair my dad I remember am I right though my first book was Cat in the Hat and he wrote hat sat Matt wrote the things on the car the time my time till me go Fe time I'm sit on and read with me I had that male figure even though it was the beginning years of my life probably the first the most important years the most important years I realized and that's what I I always say but I really hated men after that after that and then he told people I was lying um at that time I was in a house we my grandmother had passed away my sister was only 18 and she end up taking custody of me and my sister and she had a one-year-old damn she was 18 the house now the family members they were fighting over the house everybody's like oh who name it was going to go in the lights cut off they left us in there with no lights the adults moved out so she couldn't make a police report because she knew they would take us away and um damn yeah and I remember her crying because the main thing was when my grandmother died we had uncles that wanted to take me and one wanted to take my sister my sister said no so y'all could molest her like how y'all molested me and that's when that's why was a woman now this [ __ ] happened a lot but no one talks about it everybody she sweeps it under the rug that's why I'm so overprotective I don't want anybody in my house with my kids not even family members on I don't blame you and sometime it might they they will even say can I spend a night at somebody house and I'm be like no and I'm vocal with them and I explain to them like it took a long time and I still don't trust anybody still to a degree why the world I not TR people neither yeah so it's like but with that situation I really hated men so I know a lot of I looked at men as you only want one thing from me and I could only get money from you then I ran away at 14 too so I've been in the street so it's like [ __ ] I'mma beat you and use you before you think you're going to use me yes like survive yeah so but then and that's the world that we live in why men women right now we not on that wavelength and if we always on that different wavelength because there's a lot of hurt and there's a lot of trauma a lot of hurt even sometime you don't even have to be molested as a female sometime the mother went through it and inflict that pain on you and you become that angry female and don't know why you hate men that's true but sub yeah so it's like that's why I'm grateful for social media and I always be myself because I realize I've helped a lot of people even when I don't know it cuz they come into my DMs and they don't want to talk about it out loud some people do yeah but come to you const and be like Dad you know I'm surprised that you would talk about that every opportunity to get I always talk about it because I love men now like once I had my son I I had unconditional love with him and it's like once you learn unconditional love cuz I never had low self-esteem though but after the situation with my stepdad I just felt dirty I felt like I did something wrong while he touched me because even afterwards he said I was lying and then he would see me and my little sister and one day he was calling my little sister and I was like don't ever talk to him and he was like Monique I'm sorry come talk to me so he's whispering to me across the street while you're telling everybody I'm lying so from 12 my mom wasn't here she came back from Jamaica cuz that time she didn't get deported and she always come back kill her and she come back at 14 and I had to tell her I had to tell her and my mother went crazy my mother went insane and I remember my mother found him brought him to the house woke me up on my bed like 3:00 one morning and I never cursed them from my mother until that day and I was like you told everybody I'm a liar I said I would never want to wake up with your hand and I cursed him out I was venting and I cried and he said I'm sorry sorry maybe I was drinking it was you know what was the worst part for me I grew up in that City and everybody knows my family everybody knows me when he told people I was lying the men that I would consider like my uncles you know your play uncles they knew he was capping they no no I would walk they would walk across the street from me what the f they stopped saying hello to me what the I felt I felt chastised I felt there's a time where I think that was the first time I ever felt like I wanted to commit suicide I didn't want to be there I didn't want to be there anymore and it was it was one of the worst [ __ ] I never broke it down to the tea like this but I'm just remembering now it was one of the worst feelings to know the place that I grew up with where I will be walking by go to the store where I felt safe to where grown men started looking at me like they would be scared to even say hi of me cuz they think I was lying and I went through that until my sister moved out of that from Corona till we moved to Southside Jamaica but and then I came back when my mom came back and confronted him until I confronted him down to his own brother his brother was like a little older than me like four years older than me and his brother me and him was close at the time and after that he stopped talking to me a lot of people stopped talking to me and I just felt I felt like I was disgusting like I felt like I did something wrong I was confused and I know I didn't do something wrong but I was like why is everybody treating me like this that come from a family where it was hard so for you to inflict that MRE I'm still a child that's what I'm just about to say like it's a it's a child and see walk road and cross the street and a reasonable adult would be like Momo like me a little thing like no what go on nobody the only thing my I remember my sister having a breakdown in crying cuz she just said Monique I can't make a police report right now got she said they're going to take you away from me and I can't let them take you away from me I remember that [ __ ] like yesterday and I didn't feel no way about it but I felt you you understood I felt good to where it was like I'm glad she told me about it so I felt good where she she taught me to talk up and I told her when it happened cuz if I didn't say to her the next day it probably would would have still still went on again and again I went step further so I understood stab him blood CL I man I had to hold it though until but when I got to tell him and curse him out and you know what's crazy the whole Community was out there and those same people started coming over him and I hugging me like joh know he had to leave cuz it got to a a moment where it was getting violent so he had to leave kill him what that after that but it was just like damn I walked around that [ __ ] heavy for two years like heavy so where now even on the internet why people trigger me if you call me a liar and I know I'm not lying and now some people figure out so them tell your Li P me it triggers me because it's like it brings me back to that space to where it's like it doesn't feel good so I'm big on not lying I rather tell you the truth and hurt your feelings than to lie because I see what lying could do or how much damage it could do I rather I rather you look back and say y Alicia telling me the truth but not practice to to police even sometime pull me over what he is doing speeding you want me to do but it it it I just I talk about it because I want there's a lot of females going through it and don't even realize subconsciously that is deeper than this it's with our mothers grandmothers especially in Jamaica like oh yeah it's a big thing but nobody talks about it and like Jamaica nowh like them thing that get sweep under the rug like I hate that [ __ ] it it it's not take it serious like America and but in America here too when I you know what it is what's hard for me I was the first one to be born here I was actually born in my house I'm first generation here okay even when I was growing up I was if I did anything stupid yeah y but you better not act like them my first dialect I learned to talk in jamaic that was it okay I don't I grew up to straight immigrants so there's a lot of [ __ ] I had to learn the American culture like I had to learn for somebody come here every summer go Jamaica mother get deported all ship all the way with never care don't come and look for we I learned that me learn that a long time ago but I had to learn certain things about the American culture so when I really sit down with American people and they telling me like even in the black community this [ __ ] is happening to them too heavy too so I'm like yo it's just like a everybody thing we just don't talk about it damn I know that That's Heavy and then I even had some people say oh that's why you're over sexualized no not over sexualized because of that I could never I never and I don't even know when they say [ __ ] like that like well I think they said it's a study and most people that are molested are sex over sexual I was never sexualized I got older and and I just got older even after my first children father he grew me that's what I was telling you I remember the that's what we was going at when I told that he suck my [ __ ] me get in a trouble with him say you don't tell nobody that we Jamaican and him say yo you go suck my Ood you know say what say go suck my Ood back say no we can't do that that's wrong and said but you tell me right py Road I swear play on my head under the sycamore tree dy I look up the bed then me Tanya Stevens don't gole and me look at can't do this do this love him leave me you know say teenager Jesus Christ cuz he the whole week he didn't talk to me and usually on Friday imagine imagess it was a moment my friend just so get your pet man the I swear to God the first time the man for years the first time even look on the man notice penis have a shape over never me start St tellig mushroom tip yeah never know what that is me look at him said listen don't use no teeth said what you mean don't use no teeth and you brush off just come off of the shower said know supposed to do say yo put your mouth on it you don't wipe it look know know said no put on a porn and said put your lip over your teeth look back you can tell me look back I was so [ __ ] disgusted I was disgusted out hell I was because the stigmatism behind it it was we not supposed to do it even when he ate me I never like it give thanks to cartel Cel fly the G do it do it Li the say jamaan community when yeah that's true when cartel Liberate the me in high school yeah Cartel Cartel s make me get my first Ood suck when when come remember cartel make me get Myck when man say [ __ ] want [ __ ] do your deep because of your [ __ ] and your m them say yes my M and say yes girl it's your mou now come put it right [Laughter] there I was mixed though so I already had American friends and [ __ ] so it was it was I like they've been sucking dick since 12 from I'm 12 in middle school in America girls is getting run trains on there 12 what you mean when I was in Middle SCH I grew up in Southside Jamaica 99 them girls was running getting trains run on them big AG no they cut school with kids and doing all type of [ __ ] I never did that [ __ ] but when at 12 at 12 no they was outside and then I had white friends who would tell me like oh you could take it in your ass so if your mom brings you to the the the GYN you're not going to know when just suck his dick you know when you know when anal sex become like this thing where it's regular seeing it and hearing about it in America was when I just got introduced to the alarm industry the alarm industry come out of um Utah and a [ __ ] so the girl them preserve them [ __ ] by [ __ ] um make man [ __ ] them ass white girl been doing that [ __ ] yeah come a big thing [ __ ] you know that is I did it one time I I did you say one time if you like multiple time couple time couple time well is you get pleasure from that the man did trick me still no man can't trick your woman he did because I was drinking we mix anyy and Moet and smoke weed problem that or you trick yourself no free free after that M drink anything weed smoke some weed M anything at that time massage warm dip it warm but then start M me and say relax but just so relax a drink yeah and him him push it in and but it did feel good I'm not going to lie my [ __ ] came so much till I was like I understand but I don't like how you feel afterwards it feel like want [ __ ] every minute like it take two days your B for just feel right back to normal me never like it every minute it's like feel like need for go [ __ ] well one power button you see me that that's somebody I one don't first [Laughter] yeah [Music] me dir long do something never did do it to me wash your with peroxide yeah a dirty guy is a dirty guy but yeah you know take things down a little bit you no no sorry enoo butou ask outside of interview one of my sister the other day no actually it wasn't her video one interview Bobby sock and I made a video say yo if a man if a woman if a woman she not do wife things at a girlfriend level you as a man know do nothing husband type as a boyfriend if if that's I think that's fair that's fair right I think that's fair okay good then now I said another thing I said if my woman not listen to me I won't be protecting her I agree I'm leave her I feel like a man should be a man I feel like a man should lead I had to learn the hard because you want a leader right because he a man is supposed to be a man he's supposed to protect me you know what iar how how how are men going to be men nowadays when and wanting to lead and protect is seen as um seen as a prison sentence independent [ __ ] that's that conspiracy where they want the man and the woman to conflict with each other yeah because at the end I was like that my I had to take accountability for my last marriage and saying that and he said it to me towards the end he said yo me a man cuz if he said put on your shoes me so where we going what time it coming back why why I got to put on my shoes why this why that at the end of the day if you my husband married to you I should trust you you should be able to tell me I should be able to close my eyes hold your hand and you lead me that's it's when I it's when I look at relationship that's how I look at it too but these people they're coming from their responses indicate to me that they're coming from a place of trauma because it's when I say yo a man supposed to lead for them man a leader first of all why do you care about those men that are not leaders facts but a big topic too though leaders it is a big topic but look but that goes back to the home homes the broken homes true if you going to if you get pregnant by a baby daddy and the kids in the house is not seeing a male figure a husband they don't know how to lead cuz they never seen it that is true back to the comment of me saying men are needed in the home a lot of men are not leaders that is true just like how just like how not every women are gold diggers right but why would I care about a gold digger when that's I me I'm not going to I don't give a [ __ ] I meet you and I see you can't lead I keep it moving exactly so why bring them up in the first place if a man if I say a man supposed to lead and your response is no a leader why do you care about the ones that are not leaders them just like how when man say woman a gold digger if me my woman upright and she firm in herself and she love me for me why the [ __ ] do I need to say gold digger I don't give a [ __ ] about the gold diggers my woman buly beef rice with me yeah so so it's like when you when men are standing firm and standing on their purpose right it look man as controlling because if you look at the definition for leader is someone with authority because leaders give commands but the men is supposed to lead he's supposed to lead I'm assisting but why but why do I love that see as a woman you assist me right but I had to learn this [ __ ] this has come with experience too I had to learn this I'm assisting you I'm not behind you I'm not in front of you I'm by your side that is it so but you know you got this old this city girl bad [ __ ] independent no man can't tell me you know what sunny I look like that type of female but I'm not that type of female that's I'm going tell people enough time say yo don't judge a book by it cover yeah cuz I look like that yes some of them girl some of them girl she she dress sexy and r r r but her mindset yeah our clothes don't dictate the mindset I even have men say oh your man will let you walk outside like that I'm like why wouldn't he what's the problem know know go know who I am I know who I am no man can never play with me from you walk up to me my face you going to it's a demeanor but men I believe men should lead like and then again why wouldn't y'all want them to lead yall so busy we already have so much thing honestly the woman run the household you dealing with the kids you dealing with your man you dealing with everything why wouldn't you want a man to lead to take that my man is my safe haven when I go through my day and he comes home I'm laying on his chest I'm telling him about his day that's me and his time that's when we cut out the Universe I want to feel that I need to I need to feel that masculine energy where I know I'm safe yeah if him SE there was a if if I'm right now even here for example you see me here and I came here what I just told my son soon find a man soon get man because my man is supposed to be side of me he's supposed to be my protector yeah I could protect myself but I'm still he's a man I'm still a woman you know I'm me hear some woman I say them just want function autopilot the younger I'm like yo yall are lazy want I don't even know what the [ __ ] out just want just basically want do nothing strenuous really and look say that's good a man is supposed to take them big burden there right but some of the some of our boobies they are in competition for seea dick bigger let me tell you something something if my man don't have it tomorrow I'm supposed to have it he's supposed to put me in a position that if he doesn't have it more need need make a class need make a woman class real talk though if tomorrow that's why I always tell people I Love Money everybody know I love money name a money I'm love a man with money it just turned me on whatever we could supposed to so we can live stress free yeah but we supposed to have my own toe is you have a table me have a table the two hour have a table it makes sense but if tomorrow me get a money man have everything lose everything tomorrow if me know the [ __ ] for do it then what happens you lose it tomorrow I'm supposed to be able to say yo babe I got the book you took the book bag off my back you've been holding it all this time something happened to you down I got the book bag babe we good I got it yeah take you you got to heal you got to go through what you going you're you're still a human being everyone goes through things yeah you understand I don't understand that concept that's why when I meet a man and a man yeah love a man with money but if you come and lead with have money I don't care about none of that yeah that shit's kind of whack too yeah because if you you lose all that tomorrow cuz there's a lot of [ __ ] gonna be upset a lot of [ __ ] a lot of men that have money that only have access to women because of the money if you take away the money them [ __ ] is lame ass [ __ ] and a lot of these [ __ ] with money can still be lames you go you're just a lame with money L just with money you're a lame just in the back of my head I'm going to look I can't respect you either you know one time one African youth to me throw on over me and the girl the ones over me try get attention look can you stop that please that's what look him that was one of my proudest M far and um a lot of African men would come in there but one time they always hit on me but I used to get annoyed cuz they like I have money so there's a concept too though it's their culture too a part of their culture as well okay cuz I used to ask I said why you always come in here and tell you you have money he said I have money I don't have credit like America you guys have credit so in I thought it's because like maybe because Africa is considered poor I think they have to no he said to me present their money first for sure well you got to tell the woman you got to let them know like if they see a woman listen I have money it's a part of the introduction man them African [ __ ] Ain got no game man a woman is not going to deal with you if you don't have no money because that's the thing it to be honest with you [ __ ] every other way where I go in the world the men are leading they have money they run their homes and they're lead except in America they're lead real talk every when they be like oh feminism no I'mma go Africa I'mma go Dubai I'm go bar and the men are lead so what is going on in Jamaica and America I don't I I just feel like feminism but that's the CI you going to get me in trouble that's what the CIA made the feminism this independent thankk because they wanted to break they don't even realize in America we were the black people were the original married people until especially till civil rights started taking the jobs from the men then the woman had to start working for the white women and then after that it started having broken homs cuz now I'm angry with my man cuz he can't protect me cuz now I got these white people disrespect we going to get in trouble [ __ ] no I talk about this all the time this this is right my so it's both of us now now the black man hates the black woman when we used to originally protect each other and stick together we are we were married like 86% yeah we were married in the 60s we were together like this I keep I tell them that so when time and government assistance kind of [ __ ] up to that feminis you see feminism them never give a [ __ ] about any other woman L Spanish woman not black woman these white women they only needed numbers so what them do them go for the black woman and go for the Spanish woman and get B number so the more the more them thing look the more people are the more serious take them even in housing like Section 8 in New York growing up they say men can't be why men can't be why can't a couple struggle together okay and that was crazy and then we come your and look for man thingses make sure man shirt yep that's why I always see me I said I just always my main goal for me was EXC me my main goal for me was I always wanted to make sure that my kids seen healthy relationships so they'll know so right now if you talk to my daughters my daughters is going to naturally say me when you talk to me when me young about married me say yo I get married y [ __ ] is stupid married what [ __ ] I'mma Be In These Streets y'all want to have babies y you dumb y dumb that's how I used to talk to them and then now when I my daughter them grow up on I said no I'm going to have a husband when I get older and stuff like that and it's because I naturally already set the tone for them yeah so even if after divorce or whatever even right now when you hear them talk about a relationship they will never witness could I talk about my throat my front anything on the internet my household was is run different with man and a woman settings they know that they see where even if we have an argument we sit down and have a conversation about it it is not the gring thing and if we go fight mad still ship away the kids overnight to a family member house go over my sister yard for the night now we have to play Mr and Mrs Smith man so that different yeah and then after that and after we do what we do we go [ __ ] it out and lay down and regroup and start all over again Back to Basics that is good like that so that's a that that's how I I don't believe in all that that [ __ ] this this divisive yeah and they don't real a lot of when when I hear women oh there's no good men out here are they really so the men are Hur hating hurting the women the women are hurting the men and a lot of women y yah y'all will meet a man that have like five baby mothers he never stayed with none of them you picked them up he makes you number six he leaves you you turn around and you cursing out the child oh you're a bastard your daddy this like dadd you this you dog [ __ ] now you already inflicting pain in your son to hate women cuz that's what he witnessed you know a lot of people don't talk about that though a lot of people don't talk about single moms bullying their sons on behalf of the dad a lot of them don't talk about I keep telling you I said if you go it's a cycle when you can't blame the woman and blame the man it's always a cycle because we yeah you got me pregnant now you raising this boy you telling him all this and he grows up and now he sees women like I ha same thing like how I felt like I hated men then he has to go through the parir like I hate [ __ ] y'all females this and that and inflicting all that that his mother gave on that he can't trust women because the woman that was supposed to love and nurtured him already broke his heart so it's just a never ending cycle then when he meets a good woman that really showing him love he end up Hur her she turns a dog [ __ ] now junle yeah [ __ ] these [ __ ] that it's a NeverEnding cycle it's you like like I said one of my biggest thing growing up is I didn't have my parents in a home you know what I said I never want my children I should always be there for my kids that was my biggest thing so I don't want my children to grow up in a broken home even when I don't use my degrees I have them under my belt just because I said nobody went to college I want to go to college so I want my kids to know like this is you set the tone it works out most of the time not going to say all the time cuz you could grow them to do anything they're going to turn out what they want to be but if you lead by example most of the time it happened naturally and even when we get older I don't understand when yall recognize the problem why yall don't want to change it adults man stuck in their ways on audited yeah that's a whole other that's a deep ass topic it is deep you know and and just let me say this real quick because I don't like how the black community is being run right now man nor woman n right both sides both of we [ __ ] up up and until we come together we're going to keep on blaming each other because both sides men and women they have legitimate complaints yeah true the women have legitimate complaints and the men have legitimate complaints but the reason why nothing is being resolved is because we're not listening to each other there's more women than men and the women them though feel like men shouldn't have feelings and I don't understand you want him to be masculine and then when he's masculine he's controlling he's toxic and then when he is communicating oh he's emotional he's a [ __ ] so I'm confused [ __ ] Can't Win I don't so now you have a thing with in passport Bros where they're going to like um foreign countries to find traditional women yeah submissive yeah traditional submission is a part of that but yeah and I mean like they wouldn't have to do that if everything was good at home you see what I told you I learned it's crazy my last marriage I realized I I submitted to him sexually in all type of maners but I didn't submit to him as a a wife yeah like like as my husband as Authority if you said this so was sex easier to submit than to the man first of all to [ __ ] you first before we fall in love with you the [ __ ] go on we have do a [ __ ] thing yeah and then you see and then see because yeah I'm a sexual person so [ __ ] him and that's natural cuz sex animal know some people act like we animal we animal maritan seven days straight for see and get creative have some money come buy some [ __ ] something there you don't know me you me don't call my name understand pull up time how much have you know something that so it's to me I got to fall in love with I got to before I fall in love with you because honestly I'm a sexual person and I don't want to cheat on you yeah and if you're not going to satisfy me I'm going to cheat on you and that's a big thing for leave and even if I don't like you too I'm still going to [ __ ] you like even if we mad seeck like and then do no yeah no no no no no I mean if I'm in a relationship if me not like you at the time every day a good oh yeah [ __ ] you definitely don't even call me by my name know know you from way boy and then you know roll over on my side when we still lay on the bed together that is it so you know I'm different but yeah I don't want to I don't want to cheat on the person so sex is a big thing for me so yeah I don't want to I don't know that's I tell people people like oh [ __ ] all what's your favorite color tell you have to [ __ ] you by two business day yeah we need two bus two to three bus to get the [ __ ] out and then we learn want family andone of that [ __ ] after the [ __ ] and sister the first all right and then maybe we can work okay well not enjoy myself we have five minutes left right and take half of the five minutes there and say something motivating something uplifting to your followers and these new people you're going to be introduced to Oho that's a lot take your time take your time no so when it when it come to my followers they know I preach it every day live your life just live your life Instagram social media Facebook a lot of these people is controlled content never be scared to talk your truth because sometimes you don't know who you saving you don't know who's listening you don't know one message one thing how it affects another person cuz there's a lot lot of times I've been on live and I've been talking about something and someone would come in my DM like yo you know yo I had a girl literally wanted to said she was going to commit suicide one day and I was on my life crying about something and she said you know it's like God sent you on a live for me when when you hear certain people and it's and be nice it's okay it's not you don't always got to be negative like I don't know why it's so hard to be nice sometime you say good morning to a person you know it can offset them there people are going through [ __ ] people are going through real things out here and I feel like a lot of us is so caught up in watching other people suffer that they're not living and you got to really live like live do whatever makes you happy do whatever just live your life that's the only thing I can say and I've always said that even before I had a the a a Deb recently I've always say just live your life cuz you don't know how long you're going to be here and [ __ ] thein opinion is everybody else opinions everybody's going to have an opinion you damn if you do you damn if you don't do whatever you want to do for yourself stop comparing yourself to other people cuz most of the time the people that you're comparing yourself to you don't even know what they doing a lot of y'all that feel y'all hate people y jealous or they struggle they could be struggling but they manage it different than how you do it that's all I can say and I'm just transparent I'm always going to be myself I'm always going to I talk about real life stuff most of the time I'm negative is [ __ ] when you play with me though sometime see and this is I need to realize the way the world is running right now y need to be kinder that's how I see I feel like not even Kinder you don't got to be friendly cuz you still have for protect your heart out here always protect my heart but a lot of things people do is unnecessary and we feel like say people are so busy about the getting validation from other people that they don't want to deal with they truth TR and they what they believe in and what they feel to even be true to their self is hard to do just to be yourself that's that's basically just be yourself be yourself be yourself and if you are parent be mindful because you you you basically raising the future we can't make changes if we doing the same [ __ ] over and over again if we repeat the cycle over and over you didn't like something growing up don't take your children out of that environment remove them from that make them know let them see other things if you if you went through a lesson try not to let them go through it by verbally telling them and being honest that's that's that's pretty much it it's just it's a lot that's all I can say that's pretty much it ladies and gentlemen let don't know one nation and Nation thank you so much for pulling up mama I give thanks and I would definitely have you back multiple times you call we right here you are amazing and shout out to my work Places Dance all at seat and bab Baga TV have those are my work places yeah but yeah I got to um I need a check too thank you that is it know Nation Nation thank you guys for tuning in make sure like comment share subscribe and hit notification B so we can get all of the notification forward you understand more more it's been a pleasure and we're out bye
Channel: Negus Imara
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Id: drI15haAy1s
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Length: 101min 19sec (6079 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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