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men encourage surgery men encourage surgery encourage surgery no most men believe most men prefer natural women really yeah most men prefer Natural Women how many ask anyone in here ask anyone in here who anyone who prefer Natural Women please raise your hand please how many men in here would go out with a girl that has done surgery like when we talk go you see what I'm saying sex sex and companionship is two different things but are you why the girl must outs surg they stressing out themselves because they see hundreds of thousands of likes on Instagram for a BBL girl and think because a man double tap on phone screen that is what he wants to Wi so you're saying that you see that's what I'm talking about a king because that's leading that's misleading because why are you liking it if you don't think it's worth what why are you liking it [Music] yes everybody welcome back to another episode of The Marin Nation Podcast I am your host Nega Sara and in studios we have a very special guest today but before I name that name I just want to let you guys know that this podcast is officially sponsored by the big bud Saka Saka you understand I said the buest roots tonic wine in Jamaica Main in Jamaica for Jamaicans by Jamaicans and the world you understand I deal with but ladies and gentlemen I would like to announce to you my very special guest C ladies and gentlemen can we get a welcome warm welcome for C ladies and gentlemen that is it that is it yes Hello darling how are you how are you check the F read back your application first of all thank you so much for coming out busy star life and all these things family life but you gave me some of your time and I appreciate it I love your stuff so yeah thank you say for the strength me that is it I appreciate you so now see I'm going ask you a few questions you understand say um I might know but you know a lot of people might not so we going ask them regardless you understand so I would like to know because you know when say this feel like try up it's fine I'm older than you let's put it that way a lot of people feel up a thing but how did you get started yeah in the music industry there are a few little stories my I I've always wanted to sing my mom used to listen to a lot of people like uh Rita Marley and Anita Baker and there's a song called sweet love I felt like I sang that song really well so I tell myself from a young age that I wanted to sing I didn't sing in school or anything I was very sh about it but I used to write I used I was very good at English language and English literature so I wrote a lot of poems and then my dad had a friend um rip to him di the other day the great IU Cooper from a band called third world you know third you all right so that was my Dad's friend and every Sunday my dad is a gambler we had horses and stuff so when they came to Kingston to gamble I would go to io's house and he would kind of like train me um turn some of my poetry into song so I was in high school and from them time I was singing some nice regular love songs and nobody wanted to hear them song I found that out quickly no cuz I released a song in high school and nobody want here I think it was called beat on my heart was my first song it was I was just way way way ahead of my time with the nice sexy coming into the dance I was rough and it wasn't regular like for nice girls like Le everybody never want hear them I think you had JC and klen Davis who my mom used to listen to and and those were the people I thought I could be because growing up I heard y I don't know if you know who those people are know naom who you must know that her mom is called klen Davis so my mom used to listen to people like those and JC large so that's who I heard growing up and so I it's just a mixture of my dad knowing IBU and then I knew I wanted to sing and then I came to Kingston I said okay singing is what I going do and then my friend had a studio and I said okay I'm going manage a studio for you in exchange to teach me about production long story and then I I scatter was an engineer scatter do coce and um my friend was doing R&B scatter scatter to another Studio we going to do our own production and our first production was sing it again that was our first production left side there so left side build yes you're learning St left side build me and SC the producer yeah right and that was my first juggling so it had the Sizzler the beanie man and a lot of people thought Ellie was mad at me weot we wrote the songs and be running it so that's how that way SI everybody and that's fire we look like certain people like especially like women you know women entertainers women singers you know a lot of them start off in the church so you're saying you were just solely influ by you know mus your mom listen to certain artist and you develop that taste for music and then Dr things the first nobody hear it yeah no yeah nobody know hear it and then I tried some other tunes and then I say no man is a rough life this it rough cuz I'm from Mand nice cute girl from M couldn't even say say say and I'm like all my ladies like say say G oh God that was the the hardest thing where the G one time I went to what the club the name of Port remember like all my ladies nobody hear that and they I had to be like being taught how to up girl no no no no a country girl yeah yeah yeah because you way how you like prounce I learned quickly even the song um wish DJ wish I'm supposed to say wish I never even know how for DJ when I DJ I just you know say filing for sing a song think of it sings ask for sing a song him him and I said what am I going to sing and I came up with idea of disrespecting DJs just like a d Play Because fire Lings is a DJ so I put sky and Rolex and some people and then I'm Like There's No More DJ and I added artist names in itag and baby I'm like ding ding ding I cannot give this to anybody I have to do this for myself this is going to bust me yeah so that's how I said no we're going to do this the Mal we knew it was going to happen it was was planned and but anybody pre no sir honestly nobody PR but it was good okay so there we did this controversy thing before the Instagram controversy and all these blogs and everything so I knew that that would work which is one of the reasons why I sang the song do it to my baby no matter nobody say me baby there you go all right and that's why I purposely sing that song I remember L me you know and and a lot of flack from a lot of males but the girls liked it because Tanya Stevens had done something prior to that goggle yeah so I wasn't the first person but it was the first person who said like it wasn't a bad thing like if you're this way guys come on we love it come yes do it to me baby well from them time know the girl I reive the do and liking it godamn I don't know I don't know Ian I don't know I feel like there are genuine um men that honestly don't participate in celing us just like how some women don't perform fellatio you know what I'm saying yeah that's that's cool so so during that time that that time period of of of of dance hall music did you did you come up with um sha Paul and Shan and sha Paul song um Jeremy Harding used to manage Shawn Paul this a to early 2000 just called me and said he had a beat and um he was like a need you and Sean sha song like I need you andan to do something and he played it for me over the phone I was like jery com to link you so me and Scatter drove up to Jeremy house at Jack and parked outside and he was playing the r and as he started playing it I said you know you're kind of cute boy can and he was like you're coming back tomorrow to record this and I wanted to record it then and there he like no come back tomorrow so that's how that song came out him just play the r liquid R and I just wrote that same time and Shan do you been through so he just did that from like yeah we can tell this right now I mean s St a lot of controversy as I said among the males but if a song it from and you know because at the end of the day you can't deny a product when it's good yeah you might like the product but if it bad it bad and you add some hit songs where stir up like even ofs them blaming me for help starting you know blame I mean I mean it is what it is it is what it is somebody say you bring Jamaica it is what it is because here's what they have cases where they're Ling and applauding me for being someone who brought kind of controversy so you can't only accept it when it's good I have to take the beat down if if it's and I take things very well well hey hey sorry my mind went somewh anyway I take critique very well yeah yeah that's good and you said said that earlier too like if somebody like making fun of you or anything like that because you You' say I'm from a family that we used to laugh after each other my brothers would Jer me and stuff so I secretly find things funny that people say about me I'll be the one at home read yeah you see what about me and we're dying of laughter I think that that means like you're super confident then you know I don't know if that's what it means but I find it funny like if I fall off the chair right now I'm not going to be embarrassed I'm going to get up laugh and then find it funny and we Contin your interview that's how I've always been I like that that's those are good qualities I don't know where it came from family you can literally make fun yourself I think also I want to laugh at people and I don't want you to tell me say I shouldn't laugh after you so I laugh after myself first me like a good joke true so you come up so you said like five minutes ago that you're you were you are a producer you produced that Rhythm yeah yeah and then the double Je I many songs give give us a few a lot of people don't know my had a him and him called me and say I wanted to sing on it uhuh his name was his name is cuz he's perfect he him Dale Virgo so um chronic I asked chronic to do a song with me and chronics went and did a song that's that we have together called African king but one of the songs on the Rhythm Is Me produce it and a lot of people don't know Mama by Christopher Martin yeah but yeah yeah I was in the student I remember Robert came in the stud he was like no can't put G man thing with Mama thing respectfully Rob know a man who respect Robert Liv said no no work work I to chis and I Chris mash up this and he wrote the song was like yes I eat this and Chris talented life come from dig Rising Stars yeah but lot of other songs that that I produce yeah most of my songs I produce even if I'm not the producer of the rhm I I have I take this the thing there's another RH I used to work with another company called danger zone I'm waai thatu the song songs on you have to ask other people about you have to talk to Penny bling and M and jig and tell youle come Jamaica St in the Jamaican industry music industry yeah that bad never know that know a lot of people don't know um that yeah yeah that's dope so like around that time period right it was it is still like dance hall you know even regular music it's a male dominated area yeah and you came up in in a time where it was pretty rough for Fe I mean it's still rough for females right now but it's easier better now like you you know so how was it like you know trying to perfect your craft trying to you know Stand Tall amongst these men who are dominating the field like how was your journey during that time period Well I just tried to create a space for myself yeah and I felt like music is big enough to do that and I was never I was an anomaly because I'm coming from the I'm trying to bring a little more softness to it to the game and it's not all the time that it was received well a lot of times I went on shows and what females are doing now which is confidently just being up there singing your s but you're not doing craziness and they said I flopped on the show because a lot of times they want women to be jumping up all over the place right and I tell I tell a lot of people that why a lot of women sing a lot of men bashing song is because we get more response from the females when we're bashing them because men don't Che for women unless you check it if a woman is on stage maybe if you're a r or something when a woman is singing they're appreciating it but they appreciate it a little bit more silent and nodding and looking but if it's a man up there going bust much much shot anything don't give that energy to women and what you want on stage is that type of fanfare so we always say your pocket you this that we have three man because the ladies now would respond you understand so and and that's what you want so a lot of times back then that's one of the thing that never really want to up man never I get the response I had to point it out to a lot of and they were like you know you're right so right now me I'm big up every man ER still move past them things there yeah that's a nice segue because you you recently like um you dropped a song We big up the man them you want to tell them the name of the song yeah it's called can't change and did it for ZJ Chrome and his new above the lines Rhythm which featur some other amazing artists as well ala Christopher Martin and some others and um yeah I I felt like I felt like I see a lot of things on the internet and there a lot of man bashing for sometimes not reasons like that made sense like M I just feel like we're we're in a time where men get a lot of beating and they say they're no good men I mean and you know and I'm like women we have fathers and we have uncles and we have wonderful stepdads and we have wonderful male figures that do that are there and I think in order to get our the best treatment that I think women should get cuz I think we're Queens I think we need to tell our men that they King and that's how I want to approach it now see get to much beaten and we can do life without them even when they're doing what they're supposed to do as men right I think we should applaud men for doing what they're supposed to do if they're supposed to do it just like women get the praise for being a mom yes and um doing something she's supposed to exactly and I mean if we big up the men that are doing good I think that's going to set the Precedence for the dead beats that are actually there but not focus on them so exactly I really want and I hope the men accept again what I realized is you know just like you back in the days you you know I mean you tried to cater to the women you gave the women what they want you know so it's like everybody just like give people where them want I believe we supposed to change it give people what they need because that song is a very powerful song listen to there's reason because sometimes sometimes it starts a conversation and UK EMB collect Vis man tell me the security tell me those conversations we need for tell our men the the the the garbage truck driver the man we Cho down the grass cuz we live in an age where Instagram is showing you what you're supposed to be and it's very unattainable for majority of people people don't understand that it's like you see the Lish lifestyle this and that and exact majority of those people they are fake it's not real and it's very difficult for our young men to not feel like I'm nothing we cannot afford to make our young boys and young men feel like that you are something true I like that so and and me personally I respect you even I respected you before but I respect you even more because we barely see that especially like the shows the movies everything it's all man bashing man bashing man bashing so that song is a super powerful song but yeah you understand will Society receive it the thing is we and when I say we I mean us Jamaicans too we tend to like something because somebody else like it and that's where trending comes in I like something first all when it's not a no like it because it does something for me or it's saying something that I know can help my fellow man or woman or whatever so I think sometimes you have to step back and listen we don't listen very well sometimes as well listen to to words and words need to come back to where it has meaning I like every kind of music I like slackness I like carelessness I like everything about cons motivation yeah so me I and over time you get to understand that and I think people like myself it's good to say stuff like that so A man where have a higher meds can pick up a one and two thing and help to balance because balance is important definitely and I urge all of the M wether right now behind the camera a man that's EMP empowering to see woman Speak Life we because like oh [ __ ] a [ __ ] [ __ ] my baby daddy like them man like like Baby Daddy come on top like I a lot of girls girls where woman can never R for them you understand you you hold woman accountable of course that's good and one of the things I I I always I don't know one of the things I don't like and I I've wanted to address it like and it's not one time it can be addressed it's like society makes women feel like they have to be this type of way and you have to have one man you do what you want to do it's your life but and why I say this is because men to me do one of the worst things in the world and is give a man a jacket damn and to me it's one of the the worst things in life and I have a daughter and I couldn't picture if I didn't know who her dad was which to me is okay if you were if you had more than one Partners not judge nobody but I think Society put this thing on women so they're so scared I mean it can't be just wickedness to me that they're so scared to say I don't know who the father could be and we need to make it also Society shame Society I mean I I can understand why Society shamed them calling them h word and it causes so much problem it causes problem for the child it causes problem for the man who has gotten a kid and spending money that's not his about the real father some people care true some men actually want to know so I hate that is one of the worst things I man get trou in and I've had my share of but I don't think a man can do anything to hurt a woman as much as that and maybe a lot of women are not going to agree with me but it's something that I've thought about and I hate it yeah it's one of the worst things to me and I remember a friend of mine calling me she was crying and she said I said what happened to you she was like oh I just went up coming from the embassy cuz my dad filed for me and she said out of the four kids only one of us are are are are for my dad is my brother and she was Bing down the whole place and she said her mother was still saying she never cheated she said I must I must doy breed her that's evil none of the kids were his except one wow zero accountability four kids only one on only one and then no accountability adop breed me and this is not a Jamaican woman thing this is not a op up woman can't get jacket you think is get a get thing listen me researching it very very well Jesus I just saw a judge 80 something year old did you see this man look like he was about to die in his car okay you tell the story the man say him find out say the kids are not this man is old know the man old that mean send them through um kindergarten whatever them call primary school in America High School College this man is a judge and the kids are not his I hate that the man looks so heartbroken like he was on his final 10 heart beats yeah so yes of course women should be held accountable everybody should be held accountable and gender don't give you a pass no it doesn't give you a pass it doesn't doesn't it doesn't and you know I tend to appreciate women like you because you're a girl Mom right but you share the same sentiments as boy moms yeah I tend to get along with women that have boy kids because they understand that they won't they understand that Society is [ __ ] towards men right and they won't allow women to take advantage of their boys exactly so when we as men talk and say certain things them can relate and say yeah I know women that do that I know that give jackets to people and so it's like we as man have careful we have a job to do too we got to vet these women properly Don't just run up in any girl and because she look good and r she might be a a pathological liar men need to get back to Leading and get your values back up because the reason why women are all over the place it's because Uno un un you supposed to be leading and how can you lead someone that listen though no but not everybody doesn't listen and and when when you have you have lots of wonderful women right and I'll give you an example you have a woman that's cool with you and she's like I like you and it's good just let us be honest and I'm cool I like you and a man not every man cuz that's where we go wrong to will lie to a good woman when she says all I need from you is to a choice to not look like a fool you have three baby mothers I still like you I want to be with you you don't really like me like that you only want me for a year okay let's do it but when you lie that's the problem and a lot of women just become monsters because they don't want to be taken advantage of anymore and I don't know why man don't listen cuz it has happened to me if I like you and you're explaining your situation to me I'm good give me the choice you should be in prison for treason when you defraud me by thinking I'm getting something in a package and that's not what I'm getting you should go to jail prison for you prison people just need to be honest there's no rules everybody's relationship is different love is different for everybody give people a chance to be who they are stop judging people stop telling people that their relationship should be like this one me love man and I'm a one man girl so I get enough Bond but I prefer to be in a solid relationship I don't like to change change change change change man can't body something and then not change you and you do the same thing to me and have two Li man stay with my one Li man yeah right but at the end of the day I do wish when a woman comes out and say be honest that some men could just be honest so that we can make decisions based on real you know what I'm saying basically what you're saying is that give the women the the choice to say yes or no because I found out I mean when I stopped lying and just keep it real of course you're going to get more nose you are going to get more nose but once a girl rock with you she going rock with you but see that's the problem you want too much yes you want too much yes no I say want too much yes it's just that sometime you feel relax with with tree yes no the nose the nose are okay I know I'm not going to get everything in life I'm just saying stop lie because for one you got to remember these liesing and when you get caught in a or some get really upset that's a defense mechanism you off text me one long piece of epistle I man I don't know why so me personally I take it like cuz I got I got S I got a sister and I got nieces so and I would hate I would hate for somebody do my sister dirty you see me but before we come on for the topic here I don't know if you saw we want go back to your music I don't know if you saw that video with um the girl complaining that the guy sent her like 30 bucks for lunch but one one next one the father came give for his child and she should buy right you see I had to delete my comment cuz I'm like oh God C no you can't be acting like this I I don't like that yeah I don't like that and I feel like society would do well with more women like you because you you're standing on moral values and principles that was instilled in you by your parents you understand I don't want to man up my daughter but I also have to tell my daughter how she's supposed to be treated and treat you can't just do it one way because not say women are to be blamed for everything they're not but when I'm teaching my daughter to not be taken advantage of tell her she take advantage nobody neither because in society men are taught how to treat women but women aren't taught how to treat men they are taught how to receive blessings and receive good treatment but when you get the good treatment treat like a king treat me like a queen like me honestly this respect everything because your mindset is pretty rare especially in today's day where it's like get what you can f these [ __ ] just move on in a life yeah I I personally don't think a woman losing her life for being promiscuous or you know cheating I don't I'm going agree with that of course not leave the girl alone she about her business but at the same time women should not play with men's emotions don't play with them wallet don't play with them life savings same like the judge imagine at 80 plus years old you found out that the family you built was a lie yeah you're going to die a miserable death yeah I'm all for balance on every for male and female because I'll also tell a girl if you want to go into a relationship and what you require from that relationship is money that nothing no wrong with that because you will find men that that's also what they want to do give money and receive whatever else so but it's the using part that is the issue and don't make a girl feel like if she want money something wrong with her either just you don't try for trick her and not get her her money because she look good that's the problem but don't tell her that she's all of this and she's all of that if if everybody's being honest and some people don't want to love maybe she wants to go to college or something you know what I'm saying it is what it is yeah I want money I want this can we make it work do you have something to give me do I have something that you maybe you wanted Comfort or something and some and some people are okay with spending time together having nothing that is okay to we can't make everything look like it's all about money it's just a balance to me yeah so I don't only take up for men I take up for women I just want I just think there should be somebody that is saying what the balance there and the honesty and and and stop making it look like man important and then only thing they bring to the table is giving you money and stop make it look like a girl her thing is just be honest and and we can find the right people for the the right person for you and the right person for that person I I agree 100% and say this right now real quick cuz somebody told her off camera that she should start a podcast Cecil I genuinely feel like a podcast you know women's etiquette something you know I mean something something like I feel like you could breathe life into a lot of these women who are misguided you know just like how you have you know males we we grew up supposed to yeah you're provider you're protector Dr your head yeah and some of your friend would tell you say you're Fool If you're trying to to to do that for opening a door for a woman and when when you're a king you do kingly things matter somebody have a cin call Every Woman princess and open a door for and stand wait just how the way you and your daughter if you have one is going to see you and she going to know how a man supposed to then women are going to if you know take up your nice self and want to some girl who don't deserve it that's your business that's on you that is true it's on you because she her ass is fat and you want to have 20 woman so you're going to go over there now and say and then a good woman because woman take anything anything them no feel like them dick is worth is priceless and is is a king attached to it come like not attached to it Prim example why I believe what you say the man them sex is a fair exchange why are you paying for [ __ ] you shouldn't everyone pay for [ __ ] indirectly you shouldn't I'm direct baby got College because you could do this you could do this you could do this this a this you go work or if you're doing something nice for a girl but to be actually is you encouraging it that's why the woman them want I deal with it that's why I said before men have stopped leading yeah you are encourage them something there men encourage surgery men encourage surgery encourage surgery no most men believe most men prefer natural women really yeah most men prefer Natural Women how many ask anyone in here ask anyone in here anyone who prefer Natural Women please raise your hand please how many men in here would go out with a girl that has done surgery like you see what I'm saying sex and companionship is two different things but are you why the girl must dress outs stressing surg they stressing out themselves because they see hundreds of thousands of likes on Instagram for a BBL girl and think because a man double tap on him phone screen that is what he wants to Wi so you're saying that you see that's what I'm talking about a king because that's leading that's misleading because why are you like it if you don't think it's worth what why are you liking it I like I like when anytime I see like I like anytime I see like expensive houses and I like it too more expensive oh so this is a teachable moment okay I understand I see a car I see a nice car where it B it fast double it like but what about man say all drunk would Mar to she but sleep with her that's the thing yeah encourage drun but if sex and companionship is two different thing so a lot of women need to know that then they need to because look you physically you're physically appealing your body right body [ __ ] up thigh gap strong legs you understand boobs everything but your personality and your attitude sucks but wife the personality and the attitude is amazing too then get wife up but I'm just say how many wives you want me yeah want one there's no let's talk seriously now I'm just say don't don't answer for no no no I'm being real because I can barely use Tik Tok and Instagram day wives yeah but take the Ning out of it you you're one woman and not cheating on her I don't you're lying me take two okay right that you see if you said one I know you're lying no man don't feel this way man so just be honest which one one woman which one one one wife me look you you have enough man want one woman so so I I I I would think right that it's that if a man can afford and when I say afford I mean in all the ways the time because it's not just about money and stuff but you them are go rush me for this but I think I think based on the ratio as well and based on um a lot of men are gay you know what I'm saying especially in Atlanta some some men I mean being honest and everything it's bound to have happened so I think men need to look at being honest maybe like some of the African are Islamic faith Africans I have more than one wife like legitimately say my culture true definitely amans are like that anyways just have 20 girl multiple girl say it's okay to okay if you can take care of theming juice one taking care if she okay with it nobody to tell her that she can't be okay with it neither because some women want mansion and a little girl may want a small but I understand what you're saying for me but anyway like all right we we can do a whole podcast about that but it's not about that we have the queen inside the building right now ladies and people TR take with spice crown queen of a categ queen in general that okay love that I consider you a queen love that based how yeah based on how you speak yeah your mindset is so attractive you're attractive woman regardless but your mindset put you on a l over 100 J you so please like don't ever get rid of that mindset that mindset is needed especially here in Jamaica for the young girls because Dance all music are promiscuous devil sexual deviant and all n you so we have to balance it have to balance it yeah and you have to be able to teach Our Girls the moral compass that they need to be on and once they have that you know them can balance out listening to everything else is the balance is necessary cuz I don't well right now my daughter don't listen to certain things listen to but then they're going to hear things somewhere else so you have to know how to guide them I to talk to my daughter about everything and she's becoming such a wonderful young lady I'm very proud of the time I took from my career to just because that's important to spend with her to grow her wow so that's so dop CU it takes work motherhood I big up all the mothers out there God know that's why some of them when say them are single mothers just give it to that because sometimes you have the father and money is there but you see presence presence in your children talk about gifts we talking about being advice a lot of little girls need to see their dad so that they know how it is that they should be treated treated so it's something very important that I would encourage even if you you don't have the money fine little time little time that's it yeah because I you have a lot of people that spend out and Sh out on them kids but kids still feel alone you know so man your mindset is so refreshing yo I tell you this right now with all the [ __ ] that we see on social media better clip and cut and R everything viral you know they they cut it up to out of context and then so but but anyway off that topic back to your music now seem like all over the place so you release a song a big up the man them change and I have another song with a friend ofine Nate winter that's called happy cup so we're promoting that now and then I have mym cuz we talk about me being a producer we myh coming out this month nice struggling what's the name of it call it I think a slow slow maybe call it yeah but um yeah man nice nice looking forward to collant let's do a song understand sorry ell but um your dad was uh the mayor my grandfather was the mayor grandfather was the mayor of Mand for many many years did did did that Aid your rise in dance hall or was it did didn't contribute you I hit it because that's why I only named Cecil okay I didn't use my last it would have been easy for everybody say I'm I'm I'm I'm succeeding because I was cuz my my grandfather um we did had horses so he owned a lot of horse betting places and was very influential and then he was a politician again so he knew everybody and then they would know me so I also didn't when I wanted to to do anything crazy also didn't want to attach the name the child name was such a you know a fluent family I never want that that's say ambitious and a go for yourself because some people you know use them last name to try get not so your rise to success was solely on yeah you did it yourself yeah yeah yeah yeah wow look at that I mean you had people along the way that introduce you to stuff and Stu but yeah man I did and I I I like being that type of independent person I've never been a call Up Artist nobody call me up on stage I hated that don't want nobody introduce me I'll do it for others no because this is me giving back I I I i' been trying to work with different different females some of them are very ungrateful with that's another story you don't want to hear that story now no why not but no no no no we go come back next time and do it but um yeah I I I oh God I got stories yeah but um I've also coming up I looked up to females that were before me that were amazing Tanya Stevens lady saw talented Dina King Patra I remember watching patcha on 106 and Park on the bike with Tupac and I was like oh God that's a Jamaican girl fire I can't see myself never having respected those who came before me and what they did to paved the way you know and probably miss some some people but even Mak Mak still going strong now and she's been there long long long long time um I don't I I hate calling names then you miss some people and some people say never call but I'm just just using that as an example to say um there's been a lot of powerful and then on the reg side CU you know I'm a reg artist well reg to me is dance on reg but um from Rita to Auntie Maria Judy M who the singer oh my God see man oh my God so there are so many people that P the way for what's happening now that had it very very hard to always big up those people that were before me I'm a music person I love I love music cross the board that's awesome I like that you know and it's it's good to always give homage and pay homage you know to set the thing for you and you know you look up to for one as a I said I do music and my favorite artist man being one of them inspire me for do music I want to be like I used to go on tour with beanie I remember take to sing part I remember amerines wez sh to beanie man this beanie man is a legend you know I don't even like beanie man in Jamaica I'm like beanie don't nobody see too much once a year people Beanie beanie is a star and I remember I'm backstage and I'm going waiting for the song to come on and then per then beanie man it's all Rome 20,000 iing it like have Legends like we're such a tiny Island and we have so much great and I I hate when we the popul We the People go like beanie and a legend and bount and a legend and there so many of them so many of young kids it is young kids we know Legend and and and a lot more people like before there was who who singing out de up there's tant Metro and Devante with everyone falls in love nobody don't know over dayly Wonder like original song but when GH are performing GH love ghost love Michael Jackson and some other people pop off shirt you know yeah and G listen and sometimes I see a little pie other singers where do get if you know you know yeah but we so where where Islanders filled with talent definitely yeah still Jamaican people you know that's why we get the term but with so we go up on these International um stages these International um music segments like betra thing so you call some names were those the only women you um looked up to or remember only I mean lady saw di King Patra lady G um Nadine souland I mean action everywhere in the world you go um there's lots of people I hate calling names but you have to call the names you want to pay homage to the people there's so many um and as I said I couldn't I could never not respect those women and then there are so many now that I like you I said Tanya Stevens so I can't forget Tanya there's so many that I M there so many know that I like um Alain is one of my favorite because I love writers if you can't write I mean you could sing but if your writing is is is is pure it's just ABC level I like you but but I love Al that's why I love alen and Tanya Stevens because right yeah man Al Al T Stevens is my girl oh God St that's my girl right there she bad like oh my God Tanya is so bad that it goes over people's head the way she's super talented T could write for some of these men hell yes and I'm sure she's done it she could she could write she's crazy and then you know as we get older we don't want to sing certain things anymore CU I have songs in the vault that I could give I just don't want to be at that spot anymore because at the end of the day it's a business I'm trying to find people now to I have some crazy songs and I cringe thinking that I should put them but I look at music as art you know so so for me it's different and that's why I keep stressing balance have a balance of everything because you want hear AA I you want hear Queen who I some morals off there somewhere you don't have to agree with everything that she's saying but you cannot not have this these types of discussion and things that she's she's having so there's some there's some and and and off the new crop oh my God there's so many there so many the new girl now you don't talk about the veteran the legend stev legendary oh God D legendary who now in this generation you say got your ear right now Shen I got my ear from like I was one of the first persons no well yeah from l but I heard her singing she was singing my friend showed me her and then I clicked on the what was it was it l cuz to this day I think that's one of the baddest song no no no man jiggle jiggle it's a song she do name jiggle jiggle and I heard his big thunderous voice and I said what the hell is this to this day I feel like she should be doing that so when she don't do that I miss it yeah that big voice jiggle jiggle that I think they should have remixed that and put Chris Brown or somebody on that because it's it's it's old to us it's it's new to the rest of the world like that's so I love sh of course I love J J is a writer yeah J is a writer bad man J no joke and um sometimes artists have to dumb down their music I say going at this age of likes and it's sad but so I don't I don't judge J on maybe a song that I don't like a particular lyrics that she she she sing because I know how much of a writer she she is what the song she just do for genius the old um problem yeah man that song Bad like being able to do that on that type of rhy and not being onedimensional and then she go win and then she go you know if we were in a different Society you wouldn't even hear her sing certain songs I bet yeah if we were in a different space you know that's true well she's you know both both of those women you call they are super talented love now now when it comes to Morales her message is kind of different still you her a lot um there's a lot of others too there's a lot of others more that's good like that right singular [Music] music say somebody another foret foret know but you have a younger brother right I have quite a few younger brothers but I have one artist one of them artist Cub AR I us to like this you money him can't play the drum I used to send him to drum classes because you know he when he was a a baby he was white py with blonde hair and I used to be on the road with him and people used to think he was a doll yeah like for real like Is that real yes in I I I felt like man I could make some money off of him that's how I felt so I started carrying him on the road with me we went to certain places and he was mashing up the place and and um they loved him like the the girls loved him but um Carrie Carri was about to get Carrie that's his name Carri was about to get a major deal and Carri walked off that's another story was about to be signed to a major deal and Carrie thought it was taking too long yeah yeah it is what it is J yeah and this is a few years ago say of tune no we didn't do anything I had a whole crew that I had signed of about five people um and he was one of them um and I had this whole plan and everything but um you know how business are some things work some things I had a girl called laen um Sparro blacks I was Cuban as well and some other people because I love music is what I do even on my downtime I always doing music always writing always producing or whatever so I that's still one of my dream I like being uh label exec I like that I like that part of it and I don't like to fly I mean I have like eight passports full that's how much flying I've done over the but I hate flying people don't know this I have a really bad fear of flying so you got to you got to you got to take sleeping pills take a couple shots you have to be a g for make money you don't drink my bad no just not like flying hate it with a like like I don't like I don't I don't I don't like flying I like was going Australia I'm King and this is my third time cuz I tour a lot outside of Jamaica that has always been my career so you know go what Kingston Miami Miami Dallas uhhuh and then me say all right then box off a good little time say yeah my box about a 14 hour much left you see when I woke up it was 14 hours left it was an 18 hour flight whoa from Dallas to Sydney like I ha like this stresses me out bad damn stress me out man stress me out and I can't take anything to make me sleep that is crazy that's more than half the day what go one place new one time Sy AUST Madness like depends on where you you know you could also you could also if you want to overnight you could go like through Dubai or whatever but man I hate flying I like to go to Miami one 20 the road yeah that's for me that's good enough so some ask something Australia Australia what there's a whole cre I mean I've been going over the years andama was there was it22 de dancing just like you dancing when you go to Australia where was pear I can't remember but the Jamaica and they've gone over there and made Better Lives for themselves and it's amazing they doing the dances and the the parties and everything it's really good yeah so where which other place you perform surprise you go some Place everywhere Jama cuz I've been touring Europe was my biggest fan base for a long long time specifically Germany everywhere Jama find a Jama speaking the language too that's what used to impress me the most speak the na language the language of the place wow y work at Albuquerque year before last Albuquerque New Mexico know and Jamaica H [ __ ] doing over here anywh Jama cuz it was when you go when you travel a lot you realize just how big the world is and I've traveled a lot and Jamaicans every you been to Toronto right yeah man you see all people toron Toronto like Jamaica regular place and and same thing with the UK cuz sometimes people all this Jamaican language brother straight straight straight yeah man I never been to come explain out with the UK and can Jama something Toronto and you know like in America get point across to certain people and R you know cuz I was in the alarm industry like you know cameras and security system yeah y used to you know yeah the girl laugh and if your boyfriend's cheating on you I can put some cameras up for you know I'm saying to do that all over America and I'm not going to lie to you Toronto to Toronto last year December and I went back in February and it was the time of my life because for one yes and yes ma'am and talk straight and another thing they love the culture so [ __ ] you asked me a question and a li you asked me where I went that I was shocked it's not necessarily where I went because it's not I've been to Japan yes but it's not just going there you know say and what struck me as amazing is the Japanese people they love our culture so much and you know they came and and they've built lots of stuff from this culture I mean Mighty Crown was built from the the D plate culture but you know that the Japanese them speak P more than speak English that amazing to me more than English and that to me was amazing believe you yeah when when you know RDX when RDX can go to Japan and do a show everybody man yeah everybody St and sing it and then know you be on Tik Tok and Instagram you see dancing just like us you know con crew and I mean went there I went there it was me myself dingdong and D we did like five cities like we we did to extensive we did nice and um it's amazing but what I love with for them culture which I I wish we could adopt some of it is a discipline have as are super there was a um you remember the dance all Queen Junu I don't if you know but there was a Japanese girl that got crowned dance hall Queen here in Jamaica Japanese girl she was called junko how do you feel about that I love that because I know how genuine they were to us to the culture and and how much they spent listen I used to make so much money see like a Iranian one miss Germany and like people are say yo you're ugly and R and she not win cuz she's not a native there you don't feel like Jamaicans should I spoke about this earlier with um Tri X about gatekeeping like Jamaicans are super like heavy on gatekeeping the culture but don't you feel like we should hold off some parts of it we don't have any feet to stand on with that because we are not the biggest supporters of our music so we need to sh up right if Jamaica people with dead AR no you are telling the God Almighty truth Germany was my biggest fan base for for years and I do big Festival some of the festivals I go on is Shaggy JZ make Robert Livingston tell you where where he see see seeing me wow when people are saying I'm not that much of a big deal like no I mean it's the same thing with the guy um I forget the name of the B that won the Grammy the white B but the called Jacob so Jacob Jacob is somebody those people are people that are coming to our festivals in Europe they perform before us cuz we did bigger than them and they come when it's our time to perform they're there standing like this watching us appreciating it and learning Y and them love it love what word use say you're relevant no you're relevant and you never hear those people tell no former Jamaica artist jamaic people have the attention SP of a goldfish tell jamaic people exactly so man over there like oh yeah we love that that bad man not we used to be a culture I say taste making is I think taste makers where we say yeah but no them people they they have fans that support them and you're not hear nobody say the artist shut up because you're irrelevant you're I think the further back we go in time is the more authentic everything was of course from the people to the culture itself like everything was how we consume music How Jamaicans consume music for the most part YouTube free free when when when when when a legend over there per how much of the people person there they won't okay they won't I spoke to um Cornelius Grant um we did an episode with him and um well I don't he came into the Bob Marley movie as Bucky Marshall the tall guy the tall dark guy everybody taller than me so yes wait it's that nice actor guy that's really really and he's in a lot of stuff I like him so he was saying he went viral a few weeks ago when he said that um Jamaicans don't support they don't they not buy nothing R so it's like in the comment section you could see people say oh we have exposable income Muse disposable disposable exposable what the [ __ ] was that hold on people are saving up them last things for Drive 3 for come watch but the thing is the point that he made him said oh so can buy things from she Amazon though but your Jamaican brother yeah your Jamaican brother and sister drop a project you know on the part site and they're the same people cussing you underneath it underneath whatever you say they cussing you that's wild yeah so don't don't don't don't speak on it that is wild the same people that are that are saying cussing when anybody else does anything is the same people that are curing yeah the people that they're supposed to be taking that they're trying to take up for this is how we are yeah oh leave with alone you're artist supp you mean you fact you're not acting like it's yours act like it's yours then you can have feet to stand on to complain when somebody who appreciates it and genuinely loves it does it yeah we we don't own it we don't own it we have to you have to appreciate something before you can say you claim it come on I I agree you're claiming something you not like or you're not acting like you like it agree 100% yeah no joke do you know that we so when you play music you you get paid so when the radio station plays it when the car wash plays you're supposed to be paying for all these things right we pay out so jaob collects money for every time a song is played anywhere and sound system Dance Play you have to pay Jacob we pay out Millions to outside of Jamaica than we pay to Jamaicans here meaning more foreign music is being consumed in Jamaica than Jamaican music is being consumed so even that alone consumption is free yet we still consume more outside you understand and that's Revenue that would come in so a lot of people speak oh government this and government that there's Revenue that you could be making your fellow man make or maybe it's ignorance I don't know but you choose many foreign artist is the hottest played artist in Jamaica we're not telling you who for listen to but don't act like you own no music J act like two years ago when I saw thinking name X N X come up on the devil you know n x was the number one streaming artist in Jamaica dirty stinking up on the de and that could be because of curiosity and people need to understand say because a lot of view a lot of views to get because you say something people say oh that is stupid we need to get even even let's let's Jamaica only have 3 million people how curious could you be for the be the most number one s in Jamaica I don't know people worship we have to look at these things we have to look at these things so when I hear people cussing um WI music you don't the music you don't the artist no you don't Mighty Jesus I tell you this right now you see the generation rise up you see after them Jamaica done final know that the mindset Cil the mindset your mindset even though you're older than me I have the same mindset that you do because grew up I watch you so therefore people from your generation and my generation we kind of mes well and we kind of have the same identity when it comes to certain things have the same stance on certain things because we listen noways young youth artist but I believe that's where the degradation started I mean I mean probably cartel was doing at the highest level probably cartel was just making his money and didn't care how he made it who knows because he's a smart man but the fact is again is a balance because musicians not raising the children so if you're not having these conversations to make your kids know what's happening at home first so that when they see something that they don't necessarily have to follow or follow 100% again we spoke about this this is where it it breaks down because I realize that and it's so sad you cannot fight people that are D and that are willing to say anything to you to win an argument and to disrespect you so I don't even take on some of the because if you would have intellectual discussions you could show them where they're wrong but they're come on and say go suck your mother and and I realize that a lot of us here we're not well read and we're not well traveled and well read and well traveled is super important to go outside and see values and and how other people and go to museum because never some people Jamaica never go Museum put because appreciate art know how appreciate certain things from a classier level them dark and d and that's a thing now so me say you're you're irrelevant but at the end of the day balance is important it is is important I believe so 100% because right now I'm more degradation than upliftment back in my days you know 9s youth you see watch you watch gr up watch beanie killer you understand we wonder I riches spice SI had to take a backseat to culture music early hurry up and come back y yes you got to be strong you know what is B [ __ ] [ __ ] I mean what the [ __ ] is going on in Jamaica you you have to be able to balance again balance is important so you cannot have a song like that being played on a man I mother you have a balance because it's important I could never dream of anybody not thinking iway is amazing I want to hear some of the things so I I I find out that a lot of people know I don't know I don't even think it's a generation thing I just think it's trending they are not okay with the boundaries that Reg music had music tell you say do certain lay upself don't your accept the POR beef chicken seafood but at the end of the day meat but want stop pre certain things this like I love it I love having borders and boundaries and we go Loose as a society if we don't stand for something fall for anything anything and Jamaica is falling warri come the same sentence but criminal bad you up if you come in with positivity and righteousness as a punk no that's why that's why that's why people say oh if me God is good God is great and a man box me as a Christian You Know sayek M put the ground right right don't touch warri enough Bible espe yeah yeah chop you up and I believe that boundaries got to be set because it's in Jamaica right now 2024 a lack of boundary is opening the flood gates for a lot of decadence and fil too much too much so even the people that are trying to help make sure that certain boundaries are there not right all the time but the people get the most B but I respect the people whole firm I respect certain things Queen honestly Al sometime the things say oh my God you understand fir to much okay I talk a lot yeah so my friend too much okay me your friend I talk a lot right so tell me because I talk a lot right no you don't like [ __ ] yeah so so is one of the truth right now Jamaica need more [ __ ] that even though may go overboard sometimes yeah exactly and and when him go overboard certain things even need for say that's different but you can't tell the man I a lot of people saying the same thing like he chats too much what are you trying to talk chat too much because I said boundaries and borders and certain things exactly we have to have some of that we have to have a balance exactly I agree and when he speaks and like nobody go in a prison so he's just Shing his opinion mey respect hyp talk certain things that we don't like and when he does that we skip passing yeah black fo never like him did say not about me cuz as I say when people say anything about me I don't care whatever but think come to hard P coffee one time and could have bother with it cuz at the time coffee was such a pleasant voice for for for my daughter but I could understand what he was saying I mean I can understand what he's saying later on down I got it maybe but at the time I was like to me was loading up something where where she never did that L you know what I'm saying so I kind of like was like like leave the little girl alone man but footer and and people like that is necessary I agree is necessary necessary reminder and stuff like that and enough people learn a lot of people who who listen are not necessarily people and who have this type of way to live are not low up the internet so you it will look like it one-sided sometimes and it will look like or people thinking that you're you're not what you're saying is foolishness but a lot of people just not on the internet but they agree with you mhm so that's if you num likes stra alone everybody yeah I can honestly say that um I'm surprised by your mindset you are a talented artist um and you have a lot of respect in Jamaica especially from me because you know represent for the woman still you know so when woman rise up especially in a male dominated field I come out top like sister Len to and even some this but if it don't apply Let it Fly Right you see me so I can honestly say Cil I have a new found respect for you thank you you understand like when we had the conversation earlier about you know modern women and you know their mindset and blah blah blah like like you I'm taking a back I'm like wow because the music I know that you made don't if always had that mindset or it was maturity that took place it's what you're here and I'm not the totality of that I mean I I have more music out that Jamaicans have not heard than music that they hear so sometimes you can't know the totality or of someone by just maybe one interview or a set of songs because the the wholesale go sell bleaching cream or whatever but maybe nobody that owns that wholesale would ever it's a business you see what I'm saying it's a business at the end of the way at the end of the day so um I realize maybe it's after I've had my daughter that saying stuff is important because you don't always get to sing what is important again it's a business so using your voice as entertainers because you can't be role models in your songs all the time to be quite honest and we cannot tell tell artists that you know they have to be role models using that Medium but say you you don't feel like they have a moral you don't feel like they have a moral obligation to what they're putting out in the airwaves you do to a point but moral obligations don't pay bills it doesn't that's a fact but it's like it's like we should let music do anything you want to do like I'll use an example littering do you think no one have a moral responsibility to not litter I think everyone shouldn't litter of course no why are they polluting the airwaves with decadence right that's so that's why balance is important and if you can't do it in a song because I think from what I understand and what has happened with me for every song that maybe is polluting the air Airwaves an artist has done two songs that was doing would have done the opposite had it reached somewhere well done ceil that's true yeah so sometimes you get frustrated as an artist as well and you have to stand firm you know enough time sing things in no put it out it was a moment of weakness cuz I feel like damn it they're not receiving this that would do so well and that people need to hear it's not being received what else we need for and in a moment of weakness you you you you do something that you know it's like when we did sing changes I knew I strategically sang it because I knew there's a lot of other stuff that I could have sung over the years and it just wasn't sitting Well with My Soul and some of us some of us no matter how hard the builds pile up are not okay with moving forward with some of us God bless those who can it go you it's like anybody somebody you know oh yeah you just got to pissed off to the point where and then you have to have the the heart to say yeah make up your mind say yeah do something but what make you different from me especially you stronger than me probably say you know can't do it something stop you it's the same thing yeah so everybody has a responsibility and but sometimes it doesn't happen in the song or the song that you thought would have people would have loved because you're saying all the right things that would benefit Humanity it no work yeah so you could say it with your voice that's what I'm saying it is important to speak and I learn this I never used to talk and I never used to want to show I I kept that side for me and my friends in private people don't want to hear that but sometimes it's important cuz imagine now you have there call girl bch and said dirty [ __ ] and then he goes to a school for girls and he says you are not [ __ ] I'm doing that's my job that's like an actor that goes you know how good this would be for the little girls because I'm telling you at least one of them little girl consider a [ __ ] from that song this is a different thing she's like and this is more personal this is the artist oh my God yeah so now she listened to it with different ears repetition is brainwashing you know um when s up on them something of there it's like T that they'll play like you know an audio over and over and over until it drives you crazy you know some people confess to crimes that they didn't do because they're tired of being tortured you know so when it comes to like the brain and the psyche yeah right these lyrics that are the legend of the kids them brain you understand I mean it's to me now the worst you can do is a fast sight bus the more the worst you could you could be the most like horrible shocking thing that you could say is the fast that go viral there are some people online now that I can't believe are popular they're getting endorsement deals left right and with the most horrible human beings you couple years ago sing like this cigarette I'm like where is this girl's parents and somebody will look at me and saying oh you only criticizing them because you're irrelevant so there goes that people find some of the dumbest disrespectful things to say for suit them argument a let's say you were irrelevant which you're not because you can go to Germany you can go to Australia you can go to Austria all them Place perform how does that even matter an opinion is just that you don't need to be a special person to have one boy am I tell her this right now s even know like the podcast four five podcast already tell this right now I am surprised not say artist and to hear you speak like this r car right now it's very difficult to to to say those things in this societ make it hit yeah yeah on a song on a song that is true in this societ think have the front seat culture have the front seat years culture put culture drop Le Seasons message music is very important and I hope I don't know if the message is being received but hopefully we can find a good balance because um there are songs that I don't really gravitate to that I've that I've heard but it has played so much that I ended up liking them but then I can make the I know how to balance listening to it so it's just again it's all about our kids being advised on how to balance things accordingly so definitely hopefully we can get back to where the reg that lots of people are claiming as theirs can be respected and the artists can be respected and looked upon as the legends that they are and how and and as a country we and as a culture we can really say we're blessed M cuz we are yeah I agree 100% now C before we go I would like to ask you is there anything you want us to know you want your people to know you have anything to plug you can do it right now yeah I have two songs out now can't change yeah for the men the M before go watch that video and read the comments iate yeah but you realize a lot of a lot of this is my African fans so I would love to see the Jamaicans under there yeah they my they are my Africans my Kenyans my Ghana Zimbabwe they have a special appreciation for that type of thing um so I would love to see a lot more Jamaican men watching it and commenting Go YouTube it right now Cecil changes yeah so that's called can't change and then um I have the song with Nate winter happy cup and I have my juggling rhm coming out coming out when and yeah yeah with start the month supposed to come out so the latest is April because I've been it's ready and I'm very proud of my song on the RH it's actually a dub my song was a du that I did for Tan like three years ago and the song supposed to the real song the fans been begging to put it out and it was just not the right time but it's also a song that's now coming out for women well not just for women but I can say that cuz then I had the man song and it's it's very positive very nice and it's one of those things that I'm also very proud of what it's saying and stuff like that so I can't really wait for that to come out I tell you this right now you have a friend in me oh yes anything we it all right we shut it up yeah and I tell you already I really loveed your stuff because I I saw the depth in you I wasn't just seeing one-sided things so I'm very glad you're good with this conversation cuz some people AR them prefer czy like like Consciousness you ible da in both worlds want make it sound like I'm this moral person listen to the slack s come same like like for work I travel for work so I fly sometimes and I drive I drive most times for me I drive we listen to everything of course I listen to podcast I listen to lectures I listen to dirty dance listen to regular music everything so I appreciate everything but popular popular DEC is a no no for me especially for theer kids I understand what the elders were saying when I was a childel demon and say something demon and devil yeah Daddy devil never like that but anybody dead dead dead oh okay okay so oh my God it was a pleasure I appreciate your time I appreciate your energy and as I said you have a friend in me because you didn't have to do this and I appreciate you 100% remember go check out our new our brand new songs never change can't change right andn you understand before we even go want to try one of themad boy like the name though if you know you know if if if you have grandmother you know that word so we're going to I try it try so you can try it my already let me try it that is it let me smell it wow mhm cheers my brother cheers it smell it smell like if had some roots in it that is it it have about seven different routs tonight back side well on day it have a Vibe at first it tastes like C medicine but that's a good thing hold on there me kind of like it is it alcohol you have alcohol in there much a tad bit a tad bit just a little I think it's 11 it's smooth yes when you taste it and then it has this little tongue for the wine part that's I like it actually 177% actually yeah but it bad it bad it bad and look it's the ingredients a a beer root and it's not just for the men either it's not just for the men it's for the women nice activate Li drink so much like it judge not AC yo ladies and gentlemen don't know say thank you for tun another episode with your host and the one and only the queen C it to me babyes gentle nation sponsored by Saka Saka you have a son already drink it you get a DA blessings boom y
Channel: Negus Imara
Views: 43,155
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Keywords: Negus Imara, Imara Nation, Imara Nation Podcast, Negus Speaks, vermouth tonic, vermouth and tonic, sanatogen tonic wine near me, wincarnis tonic wine, jamaica rum, popular jamaican rum, jamaican rum brands, jamaica rum brands, jamaican rum for sale, jamaican rum from jamaica, real jamaican rum, appleton special jamaica rum, appleton jamaica, appleton jamaican rum, appleton estate jamaica, appleton estate jamaican, appleton estate jamaica rum vx, appleton overproof rum
Id: d5XZAtc9AUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 51sec (5091 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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