MOMMY LONG LEGS IS TRYING TO KILL ME.. | Poppy Playtime (Chapter 2 Full Game ENDING)

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come on come on come on man yo come on [Music] so um we're back to hearing that very warming soundtrack that greets us at the menu and tells us hey you're about to have a very nostalgic time with this we see this toy factory in the background ready for us to just go ahead and explore see the issue is you remember those childhood memories you had playing with your toys having so much fun yeah in this place you get none of that so what is going on guys this is ryan here and welcome back to poppy playtime chapter 2 just went ahead and dropped and my goodness this thing looks kind of intense we got new environments new characters new story elements you know we gotta go digging into this to figure out what's going on with this toy factory before i dive too deep into this game though let me just play you a song that accurately depicts how i feel right now i'm afraid to play poppy playtime there's a thing i've heard that are not fine i don't know about you but i don't know what's true i don't want to get canceled you know between the releases of chapter one and two there's been a couple of drama things which have been popping up with the devs team down below i have linked a video from theft king which i would encourage you guys to watch alongside reading just some of the devs tweets who have been working on this game who are explaining these different situations because this is something you should definitely be aware of and make your own decisions with it is a very promising sign up to see them acknowledging the different things they've done and attempting to move in the right direction so it's going to be important to make sure they keep doing that main point though i still want to play this game i am very curious about what chapter 2 is because the first one was still a lot of fun and people were very interested with the story i know you guys are going to be curious i am extremely curious too and by the way also i did receive a key for free for chapter two so i did not pay for this thing enough with the rambling though if you guys enjoyed this episode i think you know exactly what to do let's go ahead and check out chapter two and see what's popping chapter two flying a web bro look at her extendable arm though how's she gonna retract that and not not that thing we're seeing her fingers twitch right i thought that was a static image so with the poppy now free the situation begins to change rapidly while you search for any way to escape the factory vhs tape goes in we've got some analog horror i don't want to wake up though yo you see your arm laying down okay we see the toy dang uh what the freak are we seeing i mean frogs for the effort what is that that's playing time codes new patented elastic plastic you can stretch pull and twist she's telling us to wake up though craziest ways thank you watching you play okay we're having fun we see that he's having fun all right creeping me out got me long legs yeah i'll wake up in a second the time mommy layla long legs layla when i say i don't even know guys this is creeping me out that's that introduction though [Music] right some darker elements coming into here the panic of the running oh all right we hear you we hear you we'll be waking up real soon oh moving through the factory in the darkness oh it's a doe that we saw at the very end right wake up yo you talk she freaking talks and that's it poppy playtime dude are you ready to dive into chapter two cause we're going in head first let's do this thing hear us land down where did we land we landed oh so we begin here just when we see the uh the girl and of course she's gone so great start for this one already dreading my experience yeah i was thinking like we kind of walked through the entirety of the factory last time where else could we really go like we'd done most of the advent that was me right we've done most of the adventure so we see the red get the freak back out of that we got our gravy arms too all right we see that so we're trying to get through this place how's that door looking we can't get through that all right we're seeing this oh here we go here we go hang on a moment before i go running down there let me just check this door here try bust that one up that one does not open so that one's sealed up all right so we're going to explore the different ways now this zone was one that i remember saying like hang on i wanted to see what was this way so now we finally can we got what looks to be yeah we got huggy wuggy this new dinosaur character never seen him before don't think i want him kind of spooked that door's locked and bait nine of course sealed up all right we see these guys again too happy uh all right give me a second let me just analyze this he's strangling himself from head to toe strange thing i've seen you do right there not gonna lie so we got the elliot ludwig building what the freak dude that's that's definitely blood coming from a toy that ain't natural floor been completely destroyed through let me just peek this way a second here all right yeah look we ain't getting around that looks like a swingy hang on a second i'm exploring man this ludwig's place is sealed up then so we can't even get through that all right we can walk down here what it looks like that's when we fall so hold up oh grab the arms double grab me maybe just one hit that thing hey oh okay kind of fun with that we see we see that so we're getting across yeah this place is decrepid this is uh this has definitely not been well maintained at all hey hey that door that door oh that suspect we see that one so can we pull these out the way maybe we can get out my way i'm exploring what's back here hold up secret maybe i have no idea we see what is this that's a dude that key was like this he had mass to it though all right we see we got the maze right there uh press this here tuggy woggy look him he's got like the gun as his arms we see he's kind of got them too that's probably something like we pulled the planks off maybe first of all we explored then the elliott building i don't know what that's all about hit that swing oh all right that is actually really fun pop the key in this bad boy hey let's go let's go so this is like uh looks like a kind of principal office headquarters you see this is well maintained tapes on his desk we've got toys that again they've got this bloody thing we see all right we don't need to see that okay you're going to inspire some people take the tape there's a piece of paper on the the desk too can't we could probably read that if i could zoom in a bit this experiment oh i can't read that bro i still believe in the potential of poppy flower it's research properties that lead to i can't read that bro too small with the text we've got a vent up top right there too pop that table so what we're about to see let's get nice and close with the tv sit down you know let's enjoy this one the fact that is the product of a great man by the name of elliot ludwig so this is his office but a family man at heart what's his facebook we're always set on bringing amazing toys to amazing children around the globe all right making himself spent countless hours in the factory working overtime always sensitive man always continuously innovate and surprise all right we hear that we hear that in the 1960s unfortunate family death had pushed ludwig down to his lowest oh my with so much ambition he rose back up and continued to fulfill his vision for the playtime code toy factory respect ludwig could never be content leaving a project unfinished how did one man come to create such an astounding to empire determined even after suffering such a tragic loss that's horrible it all began in the fateful year oh hey a demon corrupted my vhs tape man so that's the law we get here what the dude what'd i just get that was kind of sick though we see the little grabbies here oh all right we see that i don't know if we can get through this vent system it doesn't look like we can now we're not getting through that excuse me i'm coming through here so we got this ventilation system all right uh yeah we moved down this thing so i don't think we could get back the other way perhaps we could we heard elements of huggy woogie oh yeah this is not maintained at all hey how are you doing sorry what i didn't mean to scare you what the [ __ ] that's going to say it's just my friend my frame rate is dying bro i need to fix this do your boxing i'm watching my fps guys all right we're back on track here we go here we go no worries i was just trying to get the power back on thank you oh she's nice dude okay this is interesting she's really well animated holy crap that was sick uh ping man oh okay and then we connect it just like that how you doing wait what ah you want us to use these things too don't ya we see what you're trying to do look at her give me the side eye hit that we want to walk around this way it's my guess there you go connection we got that one we hit that one too easy work easy work you see what we're doing and then we connect that excuse me oh power is good there you go so we're working with her kinda um i wanted to thank you for freeing me yo what the freak is gonna go there for so long trapped away all right no worries i'd like to pay you back okay how are we doing this thing she sneaks on through the bed station nearby train station what is it then huh she's over there oh hey ma'am there you are we see her get on up here okay so you want us to get back up okay uh short okay all right with the encouragement give me a sec i'm curious too you know i want to explore around so we get back up here i'm still a dog all right all right so we get back up and then we hop through so how you feeling we good bro that is just evil do you want us to like pull all the way up what do you want huh like come back up here you want us to run back now hey i'm up here um oh there you are hey all right we see you two should be able to follow you through the fence okay this way so we we follow her then like do what do you mean i can't get through that way though bro she's scamming me she's straight up scamming me so she's talking about through the vents that is uh you know her face animations are really good that's that's really impressive i like that okay all right open this shut thing up hey there you go and we do the the old-school swinging bro i love it i love it yeah we're dead you know i was you know just i was messing around right now you see look that's what we should have done that was what i was going to do but listen we give the game a chance to redeem and uh it looks like i'm kind of you know suffering my consequences we go that way open that door a second so she's probably going to come through here she's already here so there we go we see her hey ma'am how are you doing i'm going to need you to trust me oh am i hey about that trust what the f that's that new monster isn't it the the long legs thing do what actually don't tell me i deep dive down there that hole back there just taught me not to do that production game station what is that innovation all right um dude i'm about to just straight up go i'm doing it i'm gonna do it please don't punish me game you taught me last time this was bad but now oh we're falling oh we're falling how far down we going yo whoa we're going down oh it's like a shoot a game station oh so i don't know where we are elliot ludwig they install the slide so we got stella we've got leith eddie all these different names and we got power situation so we solved the power here again all right so this is talking about number one from hey what are you doing wait you see that it's like kind of cutting me up what the [ __ ] so the moment i touched that one it's saying like that's no good maybe interesting so this is a little bit of a different one there's a blue line there so i don't know if maybe it's saying use the blue arm is that like no okay it still cuts us up yo you see how it's doing that these things kind of like cut you off but you can't really do anything i don't understand ah ah yeah you try and get me now you see that you try and stop me watch this watch this no scams today no scams today so then we want to probably go like this way i'd imagine yeah you're trying it you're trying it you're not stopping so game station follow this follow the spark then straight to game station we don't want to see what's under there probably for the best all i'm seeing is blood and remnants of bad things okay this why is this ceiling god be so high like we can't even reach the top that suspect bro oh we're attacking oh [Music] code oh my goodness how is that bug dang oh that's creepy why don't we make a game out of it all right she'll think my participation is still working why [Music] she's faking it mommy loves that idea wow look she can't talk i'm going to have so much fun well she's blind and mommy will get things started musical memories obey the rules all right i see you i see you i'm coming up apart and eat your insides while you're still alive all right nice and descriptive with that wow guys like you can't you can't afford like this is this is like the highest production indie game i've seen so far like i'm just saying welcome to dude bloody mess i'm sorry about that dude you were consumed playtime hit that we want to pull that down so mommy long legs i believe her name is she's making a game out of this i'm gonna like when i saw her in the trailers i was like not too scary she's much more menacing oh holy crap man you see at the back there we got the train fascinating let's hit the button come on what's this oh you [Music] okay now i'm gonna imagine that was corrupted because if that was how you're meant to sound lady then no wonder no one cares about you look at this there's like a play area they'd bring kids back here mommy long legs playing she always smiles yeah not from what we've seen more about just kids loving mommy long legs happens hey with the freaks back here with me let me explore this place in peace all right so look we can go down the slides we can check through here i don't know why i would want to do this i just want to see the surroundings very uh interesting it's very claustrophobic too too industrial above with the lighting and stuff like that i can't see this being fun for kids man feels like this should be outside completely open this is just it's just uneasy it's weird but he's got the climbing frame back here too we got the slides everything like that we can see as well it's extensive it's like this roller coaster whatever what why is with the thud and that can't just be me right [Music] that's a shirt being open that's someone else trying to escape this facility i'm probably not the only one here spider-web all right we see the general idea behind this then so under-kept starting to really go downhill musical memory no one wants to remember that apparently whack-a-woogie what the freak okay and we this is beeping hold up press here preparing for departure three we ain't got that one scammy we see this thing completely stationary we pull this one right [Music] okay okay little tests show us just how crazy strong and smart you are oh follow mommy long legs down the stairs and we'll start by playing musical memory musical menu okay see you soon mommy longlegs please don't actually appear i will just imagine yeah i'll imagine you know crawling she's taking me whoa damn they got the whole facility dedicated it's like you could add a simple you know crappy little layout but you really went all in didn't you see that hit the button maybe can we hit that hold up we got you know when your birthday is maybe you don't 28. that was actually remarkably close it's june 24th so all right respect for that one you've got something going there four days off dang scams all of this place look even the janet was like no i ain't sweeping this because look at the dirt place is just a colossal a mass of dirt um so this is how we're about to play this musical game like we're going way down here beeping whoa how are you gonna get down here you know it's like a child i don't i don't get it guys whoa you see the eyes following us too oh no they're not that okay they're dead musical memory um okay we got this one over here that gives us nothing look at this we can't use our other hand we only got one hand can't hit this we see a tape there um that's his brain mass falling down we're gonna imagine so that's filling up with like the ball pits and stuff um but why oh we got it just sounds dude molding room that's mounting that down into a liquid-like substance this thing look at that like hands let me just take the tape a second hit that we'll find a spot for that to play in a second all right uh yeah your pipe's kind of broken sir can we fix that there you go there you go there you go all right let's try that again all right yeah there you go now it's draining it's gonna go all the way around to this dude here but what what's his part of the process look at that is that fun maybe it's like dumping the mold in there starts moving maybe to form something i don't know i don't know you see down there it's like molded the hands guys i'm i'm really not sure what we're seeing like a conveyor belt so it produces them and down they go down the assembly line and we're going to be able to get to them it says do not enter you know we're doing that one i don't know why i'm just pressing buttons right now guys the green hand right no paint in machine why dude we need that we need it we need that we need that whoa whoa whoa okay i'm actually getting freaked out right now i feel like i'm on edge let's throw this in a second so this is the tape for this zone here okay bro i'm trying to focus okay i'm ignoring that hold up a second this is about the green hand so shoot green power outlet with the hand so we got one right there oh i feel like it was going to snap me up electric charge lasts for 10 seconds okay so we can generate that and hold it within the hand after 10 seconds it runs out basic instructions okay i think that might be it i guess holding electricity shoot green hand receivers and that gives enough time to open the door and we probably gotta rush through temporary power of the systems then they slam down if you're next under that thing your neck is gone sir why would you walk like you deserve that all right man so we gotta look for some paint around this place now these doors did open up back here i think look we can go up these stairs so we're looking for green paint bro i was just trying to get out of this place green paint is about to be the thing that saves my life like that's where we are at with this game that's some green paint right there whoever i've seen this so now that we have that inside here maybe oh all right so now we hop down let's watch the assembly line do its thing and then the green paint there you go oh give us replacements in case we break the first one i like that all right that's the second one bring it down bring it down all right so last one is probably to just bring them out so we can see them let's go so we want to grab them maybe before it goes all the way down but my guess is we use the green hand there and get through there yeah yeah all right so we got more power all right this is uh really really interesting i'm gonna lie guys really really uh cool with the mechanics so far so we get through here i see that started bringing down watch that watch that watch that if i neck was there that's about to be that slow decaffeination you know yes i know what i said okay don't correct me oh we're back here where this thing was uh we got i think green reduce reuse recycle i like it i like it we already pressed that button tried to guess my birthday basically got it right oh yeah this isn't ominous at all this is only game one guys you gotta remember this we got three of these to go through whoa purple this is our game man they put you in this welcome to musical memory okay oh this advanced memory and cognitive recognition test is designed to stimulate several segments of the brain allowing us to see how quickly and efficiently your brain works what the freak i'm not going to test this experiment a sequence of colors will be shown right and you must recreate the exact sequences okay bonzo will slowly lower towards you when you complete a color pattern correctly bunzo will rise back up when you input a pattern incorrectly will lower towards you faster oh my god reaches you dj test is over oh my goodness the test will become more difficult as it continues all right you made me know you got me in in quicker succession that's all okay good luck i'm gonna all right guys i'm actually gonna try and focus for this stuff i don't know how difficult it's gonna be so buddy up there will be coming down and he's gonna clap has he got like isn't it amazing mommy hasn't seen the place i've been running in here [Music] don't give me music man no no that's the dinner good luck dude i'm really scared i'm i hate it no ready ready okay [Applause] [Music] red green blue blue ah okay i'm actually really worried yellow okay let's go yellow oh my god [Music] [Applause] okay okay this isn't so bad i ain't gonna lie i'm kind of on this thing he's pretty fussed with that red blue green okay [Music] [Music] oh my god again green red red blue green oh oh they do it's like that oh my god i'm dying i'm ready i'm scared guys orange orange orange orange white orange they changed the colors no way [Applause] okay uh where's my orange out we got my white where's my blue okay [Applause] orange white blue yellow all right here we go white blue yellow orange okay orange white blue yellow orange one more probably white blue yellow okay orange white blue yellow orange blue get out of here if they've been with the round four i'm out of this game [Music] i'm not doing this okay here we go [Applause] i'm [ __ ] jay i'm focusing okay guys here we go they've already hitting us like this jay okay i'm actually nervous blue jay ha violet what weird [Music] okay blue [Music] [Music] oh [Music] dude who broke it us for doing such a splendid job that was actually really intense i decided to give you okay out of the code yeah okay okay okay she's actually playing kind of kind of nice um thank you i think the game could last a little longer i i wasn't on the other hand i'm glad it's okay though wow mommy knows other ways to play with you i hate mommy so much guys i hate [ __ ] help me help me help me i'm dead i'm alive now you ain't trapped me down here break your vent off man scummy moves from mommy so we got part of the code let's actually look at the code what so yeah thanks thanks that's definitely gonna help me out all right break through this event as quick as we can i'm done with this mess bro one experience so far though that was that was actually terrifying and they didn't just make it like a simon says they made it like simon you better know your math okay because we've got pie symbols coming nope nope focus on moving just focus whoa oh we're in the back rooms guys rejected oh in the oven multiple case of children receiving third degree burns so this is like the rejected uh toys sir poops a lot extremely negative reception whoever's idea this one should be sorry guys that was mine listen man poop jokes are funny maybe not when you actually have like a character legit pooping down though rejection all of these things just uh close down oh gold one these are these are good collectibles so maybe pull this down come on give me that what's going on i can't get that this is a tour dude here look at him look at this who's gonna have that toy though you know what i'm trying to say we do we have to scale this thing i'm not really sure how we do this i really want that collectible though because i know that's what it is like we can't make that jump so maybe we need to build something here good luck doing it though with the ragdoll physics hey we're up can i take that like that's a golden one usually you can take these right i don't really understand that was like an achievement last time no idea i'm not sure all right so we need uh some kind of charge system there's a so there's a tape somewhere maybe scattered around here hey look we got looks freddy fazbear just a second thanks wow yep okay i don't care hit that button that raises him up but there's not enough power perhaps so we uh we got to try and generate more before then maybe we need him off that's the problem he's like weighing it down can i just like straight up pull this anyway i don't think i need the power for it okay so that powered something uh that door still locks up so we've hit the elevator incinerate kill me paul launch with every or avery fry call retail stores return talking about returning shipments i'm trying to find this uh this uh vhs guys i can't see it anywhere ah it's right there okay so we've got the blue tape let's uh give this thing a watch give me that loaf [Music] [Music] all right stop with that stupid motive down here to the freaking island of misfit oh he pooped big time why do i talk to myself i'll do it what am i doing now huh i'm talking to an anonymous object guys i'm talking to my camera as though you guys are apparently hearing me right now live but you're not are you yeah i am a bit crazy are we trying to get some power for this uh maybe hit the button with power break off that thing you're hey the weighing it down come on man so we need this power for something i'm trying to think like maybe uh walk away a little bit with the extension so we've got the power uh okay i'll retract enough so i've got the power generated for a little bit let's see where we can use this ah there you go grab ya that doesn't give as much time oh okay okay oh man all right that's actually really cool that this is actually really really interesting i'm really liking what they're doing with this game holy crap man so you're gonna come with me oh you make us go the wrong way around huh you make us experience the the true labor of having to walk down every single aisle just in case there's something we need to grab so we're probably gonna have to wheel it all the way back there to get the dinosaur off eventually that's what i'm starting to think we do yep yep yep look the track goes all the way around they already heard us with that one didn't they they really might just go all the way around uh so i'm guessing the button the red button it probably retracts the arm it's some budger a cool mascot but like it just it ain't trying it would you start oh i see what we do so get some power we hit the button and then wherever the the arm is over here we hit that so like that hit that button bring him up hey see you later bud and then we get him out the way and that's it we're done here we move it before the power of the arm stops let's go let's go we gotta move it we gotta move it the power's dipping bro i can't move it i can't move it hold it ready hold it ready so it picks the guy up now we immediately that's it so that's all we need to do so dinosaur enjoy your life for whatever you're doing if we drag it down the stairs what about if it breaks hold up bring it come on quick quick come on come on come on come on oh i wanted to drop down the stairs dang we can't get it again all right so we've probably done what we need to do hit the button um so yeah it was a heavy thing then empty little piece of equipment so there would have been some kind of railway system you see whatever that went all the way up there that's disconnected though man that is just straight disconnected we're done with that mess so where to next like this is the unkept zone no colors here i don't want you seeing anything pretty couple of connectors small puzzling wait hold up how are we going to generate power what's that one first of all ah interesting all right so we see that but we got to get it to connect to two so i guess we probably no no no no no no no background that just like so this lifts us up all right so this should be that easy level puzzle how the freak do i get back down ah you want that speed run level don't you that's what you want speed run okay what's this button dude what i don't know what that does though uh i hit the button uh hello i hit the button that button doesn't seem to work so i'm a bit confused what that's trying to get us to do this button has some kind of importance maybe there's something else we're missing somewhere oh i can scope that oh i can absolutely oh okay so wrap that around there um all right your puzzle is wack look at that oh who's trying to solve that man you're trying to slow us down from the inevitable yeah oh yeah so now we get the power together makes sense that makes sense moving on through excuse me nice to you know nice to experience your little puzzle but we're done with you so one next that was my fee right and i just wasn't conscious about it dragging my feet down here not being aware of what's happening hey you got me in chapter one not in this one i was more prepped for you okay i see the pipes all around this place i was bracing all this time and i was ready for it where's the audio there you go all right that was the awkward silence but you know between the machines right here wait yo that was a one-time experience the game just went dead oh man like an accident happened here so all right we have to analyze like someone blocked the door from the other side they didn't want what was here getting back through look at that like a spiderweb holy cow man so we are back and they've barricaded that up with the webbing so that would be like act one of different the different games done number uh one of three do we oh we go back up and we pull the next lever i hide for this next game guys ain't gonna lie we can we can kind of we can high five that though now hang on a second let me just see hey before we start the next game okay if i was in a place like where this was really like happening this would be incredible so the first part of the code aha now i'm starting to see i just want to see what it does like we can't hit the buttons do we ah interesting it's gonna be a way to like rearrange these i don't really know how we do this though like that all right well that's wrong you're gonna beep yep okay so let's get this first one done so we've got this one poppy this one and then mommy so that's i don't know if that's good or not so i'm gonna leave this game number two bring it bring it we get that nostalgia it's fantastic thank you who gave you permission to be this smart myself man mommy is super proud of you all right i'm sure she's already told you that herself a few times you know a few times next game is this one here downstairs head downstairs okay this is kind of sick and twisted i ain't gonna lie like this is an extensive way to you know play these games so weird let me stand on the door if this opens while someone does it break my legs let me see no i'm good all right so we see that's that looks like a different colored hoggy working we see here grow happy healthy kids what a weird statement everyone wants to do their part any child between the ages of 2 months and 16 is a legit 2 months what the 2 months though all these different colored huggy wuggies grab pack storage okay look at that oh so when we want to play the games and stuff you know we could go back and get the packs now i'm fully loaded i don't need you i don't need you so wakawagie oh oh oh sam here i want to build them sand castles they got the whole saying here let's go so i think i get how this gonna go like hit the waggies as they come through this welcome to wacko work dang this is gonna get intense this advanced test is designed to assess the extent of your reactionary abilities again about the brain oh hitting the knee hit the palm grab pack will be provided to you for this test we got it we got it we got it around you are 18 sizeable 18 an adorable huggy wuggy could appear out of any one of these holes oh i'm scared for this one guys i'm gonna lie one comes out hit it with your grab pad smash it straight in the dome just dome it immediately that's all good luck okay simple concept but this is gonna get really scary guys i can feel this one especially with mommy like pulling the levers at the top she's gonna make sure we struggle the toys in this game used to have strings attached to them so they could be pulled back when they got too close to the children severed those right let's hear it have fun she severed them all right so we're in this we're in ah i'm gonna lie i can't see anything ah i can't see anything wait where where whoa whoa i don't see them yo guys i don't see them wait there you hit you oh my god oh my god this is actually really intense it's actually very intense yep yup now i get it i see the hands at the top there let's get that one uh oh my ah okay this is actually really intense i'm i'm actually freaking out here because it's it's quieter than what i thought it would be you've got to be really on it with your eyes guys you gotta really see those hands when they come through you know up there no one up there i'm gonna lie i'm starting to freak out i'm here okay okay okay okay there like how long do they wait in between these look dude i'm hitting you i'm getting i'm seeing you i see that one it's very dark it's hard to see this okay yo this is sketch just sketches freak i'm hitting you hit you holy cow i can't i can't see them no no i'm going concentration mode on this one no no no no we hit that one i heard that one so when you hear them growl that's like you've got like two seconds left for that one to respond otherwise you're done oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh it's actually this is actually intimidating it's free this is actually intimidating for you guys i ain't gonna lie i can barely see this i can barely see this i'm scared oh oh okay whoa yes i did yeah he was so proud that was horrible i hated that here mommy has another hint thank you now yeah that felt intense guys uh where's that hitting that though i heard the oh thank you mommy all right we got that hey let's go two hits down two is down one game left to play yes i'm done with this i'm done with this guys i was hoping you'd stay here forever i don't want to be here man it's never too late we'll see about that we'll see about that at the end yeah you laugh away we are getting out here success rate has been decent i don't know if like most people get that thing first try that was very intense at the end i was getting very very scared guys so make about like things crawling behind and i thought the ambience would be a bit more obvious but it wasn't it was still enough though for you to be able to think like oh maybe i should go ahead smack that one evil growling as well like huggy woogie army question mark i thought that was just you know one of these guys makes me nervous to think like all the rest of them not good man not good you what you want to do you want hardcore parkour my knees aren't built for this can we not hit that at the top excuse me come on through the middle we got it look at it oh wow we just cheat the system we just cheated the whole system how about that yeah gimmicky and we got through it all hold up oh i see the golden statue man that makes me feel like that golden statue that i tried to get but it wouldn't let me get maybe uh maybe i should have been able to collect it but i don't really understand why it didn't allow me i needed to use the grabby thing didn't i there you go it wanted me to use the grabby arm to pick it up oh man so i was on to something but just not quite with the way it wanted me to do it okay that cat's cute press the button to feed me candy oh he's actually really cute anything back here we've got nothing i was hoping for secrets did not get them seeing numbers do i just move do i just move i hear someone definitely trying to come for my brain like they're one that consumed well i thought they were christmas trees for a second you know convince me right there uh all right molten lava type saying let's do it you guys when i usually see this i won't be coming up to it but my brain is apparently small in this universe so i would like to get close to danger to foresee what might happen i gotta stop that bull crap man so we need to go oh who's this yo oh man they're coming up oh it's like a lady one hello hi um she's like looking at me curiously we seeing that please may you we we can read the personality please lady come on man thank you oh gosh oh gosh um thank you now that was aries freak she just walks off she gets the whole advantage on our backside look at that uh excuse me ma'am i want to thank you for helping me i would like to thank you blood coming from the toys with one of those power things oh man barry the freak is barry though she's straight up ladies behind okay so we pull this um we're needing to try and get through that i've seen vent systems so there's a lot that we uh we got to try and do here we can like power this up with this somehow but oh wait oh oh just like so and then we powered this one up too but the power is limited so if i go on through let's see where this vent leaves first of all i think this is what we need to do kind of make our way through these um all right so well what the freak was the point and let's try this thing differently guys okay but look oh wait wait we can pull the current from it interesting so now this gives us access to this area back here um is this not just allowing us to uh do loops at the moment oh it is not so we're trying to get barry through come on barry come on there you go sir barry the barry the car thank you for helping me as well as a fit to break off hold up getting a bit closer all right he's got some googly eyes that's kind of cute actually new root opened up great ambience as well i like the sound design it's very kind of mysterious we don't really know what's going on the game is teasing that something is uh not quite right with this situation let's go through i've learned like once i see these things just move on through see what you get on the other side oh i can oh so i can continually uh like recollect the power in order to do this uh-huh that makes more sense come on barry come on barry wheel down we need to get those things prepared for you sir i'm not gonna lie best character in the game barry so far he's like the most friendly put this tape in so this is a blue one uh we've got a gated door this one might be a bit more complex okay we've got direct law wait what no way hang on a minute i was not expecting this oh not just all sir okay so marcus what happened you see i was heading home for the day when my apart realized that i left my bloody wallet in the cafeteria oh silly so i'm running through the lobby and that's when i see it a map handle lodged under the innovation gate so what'd you do okay well i just thought hey nab the bloody york could be on me merry way okay he's got the irish accent really coming through i'm reaching for the thing and the mob handled jewels on its own huh had me scared stiff i i thought i was the only one there i i took a peek beneath the gate and some massive bloody thing was gathering about the bloody hallway oof all right you're sure it wasn't a person means no person that's 50 feet long with a thousand legs marcus you're losing man maybe you just saw a bunch of people walking by look it wasn't people i'm trying to discourage his mind he notion white it was but i wasn't human so he ends up shifting his game about this besides me obviously just you sir obviously okay is that truthful i'll have security skim the cameras and take a look what there's a massive bloody monster he's mad skinner ain't gonna get rid of it you're on a line marcus wow toys not monsters that's shot him down get out of my sight actually uh grab me a coffee william actually never mind get out of my sight but without the coffee wow they already worked him like that all right sean we see you in the game we see you so you're also working for these guys and you've got the wrong job talking about monsters being in this place so he's aware okay i'm gonna pull this all the way back so that's some interesting insight from the employee marcus though so now that we're here let's just assess what we can do we need to get through there they generate the power hit that one so then we want to get the power again from this one hit this one uh and then wait no no no that there okay pull that back let's take the power from this one hit that one all right now we go on through quickly maybe we gotta all we need to pull barry through quicktime come on come on come on come on back come on bye oh they didn't rush us with that one all right barry it's me and you it is me and you now you might not like what i'm about to use you for but bear with okay it's for my benefit and yours down the line to barry uh just added some wood covering that right there you know what you're about to be right wrecking ball whoa thank you so much mary no one cares about you was all a lie okay i'm sorry that sounded like a pretty nasty way to go i heard him hitting multiple layers of flooring right there we dip down you want to dip down that door does not open i think this is the only thing we can do guys we go further down this mess and look we can already see back into the factory what are you guys saying ah ah my knees apparently not i need to just build for this thing so the grab pack storage oh we're way back so this is us looping back now for the last time i guess let's hit that lever and see what happens all right well you got up your sleeve man i'm not looking forward to this one have you played these before you're so good all right seems like you're ready for the final game statues statues mommy down the stairs one last time status which one are you looking for stay at the game station it's been great see you next time it's been amazing okay it's been the best experience statue oh my gosh what's this game about go come on excuse me you broke up oh you're really that trash huh dude it's so it's so poor look we can't even move it two hands two hands on this thing two hands there you go this is that like heavy duty doors they're trying to seal like what these games are oh this is uh yeah this one's been left it looks like the paintings once really beautiful you know nicely decorated now they've just been left to wither as a result you know just abandon all right let's let's go through them this one oh what is this back area what do we even see some kind of like 3d printing system perhaps this was in 91 if i remember correct at least the the video we saw at the start was like copyright 1991 so interesting to see that oh my god play with pedro you know if you don't kill me sure one power next uh so what is this we'll pull ourselves up i guess um what we trying to do here two different ports at the top we can see both of those so if i do that yeah there's no way where i can actually grab this or be able to get up so at number one what do we connect this up to like number two like this and then fire again come on come on fire that's oh that was kind of easy so we don't need to mess with these or do we i don't really understand what the freak is that guys i don't like i don't want to do this something is running oh my god oh my gosh something that did not stop running that was a busy bunny they were wanting to move a lot okay and this is the third this is going to be bad man i'm not looking forward to this one welcome to statues okay this advanced obstacle course is designed to test your physical endurance and strength okay we hear that we head out the rules are simple the [Music] once the lights turn back on what is this the lovable pj pillar will follow you if pj reaches you your test is over oh that's all good luck okay oh oh my yo i see him he's kind of cute though kind of cute look at those wide eyes fixate like the pupils like going huge you know so they can see they call me mommy because i was the closest thing they ever had to one okay and never come back they left mommy to die alone mommy didn't deserve that she didn't like that you you worked here we did everyone deserves to die alone it's us yep this is personal then this is absolutely personal all right see you soon he's moving over there we go over there we see this in here oh this is creepy it's creepy jump maybe jump oh this takes a long time guys oh my god oh my god he's he's definitely gaining he's making ground he's making some solid ground i ain't gonna lie i think this was the baddest this was a bad idea go oh i see your system we went the wrong way i'm stuck i'm stuck i'm stuck i'm stuck we shouldn't have done this this is easy easy dude i've definitely messed up there was i think there was a way around the side there was [Music] i'm gonna go medium because i feel like easy is gonna be a scam oh this is really intense very intense so dude i can barely see what i'm doing here how do you know when i'm how does he know how does he know like we could be straight up just scamming him and he has no idea follow this follow us [Music] like is he looking through i can't see where i'm going i can't see anything i already can't see oh my god okay i'm trying to see oh he's behind us come on okay i'm jumping i'll start running i don't know if this is better okay okay okay yeah he's definitely he's making ground on this guys i think we should have been using these platforms to jump and run along yeah this is bad we're dead man we are so dead absolutely i'm using that next one to run along he's very close very close very close come on come on come on come on baby come on baby yeah this was it this we might still have time oh if i run and jump if i run jump yeah good good good okay hit the jump this bulp is bull crap man i hate running in those things okay go go go go go i don't know where i'm going i don't know where i'm going i don't understand where am i going [Music] you gotta hit you gotta hit that oh oh my god oh my god i'm not letting go until uh the music stops okay so we're up here uh break this door what am i trying to do here i'm up here though what do you want um okay wait what does the game want us to do i made it up here so what now wait what hold up oh here wait okay guys i don't know why what am i doing oh crap oh oh yo let's go oh now our head we're dizzy oh crap we gotta move we're not done here we're not done we're not done whoa we got that velocity do we trust her um guys i don't think i trust her right now you know what i'm trying to say i feel like she's going to talk [Music] really hard dude what do you what do you want to do i don't should we actually i don't know the rules are so simple now what true covers are coming out about like we die now we're escaping mommy and family so she had the whole family at one point the whole gig was on the enough talking like that she's giving it that tour she's absolutely angry about what we're doing here she really wanted us she thought that last game right there was a guaranteed gigi and we were being taken out no chance though no chance we bested mother but the last time i'd call anyone mommy was like mother miranda you know what i'm trying to say probably playtime making me do the same thing now for whatever that amalgamation is not good we've got to be getting to some key point in the factory though we just need that code so we can get out of this mess and then we're good we're really climbing high up like we're in the deeper depths of this place but we're starting to get on the upper floor i'm dead i'm going to die and i'm how am i good am i good i'm i'm surprised that's all you got there you go hit that forward authorized person now uh yeah well done that really keeps me out my guess is we follow the pipes right now guys follow them all the way up um escape we don't pull that talking about caution just behind i won't vandalize that what what water treatment take a look up what is this rotate 90 degrees so oh you see game station stuff like that all right so we first of all we need to get on that but how do we control that after that point ah now i'm starting to see so rotate top 90 degrees and then the bottom one is only like a half correct let me see oh that's a straight up 90 degree rotation okay so we have that one going that direction i'm not really sure where our goal is to get to so for now let's just take a look there is a monitor also with a tape here so maybe we can find that let it down there oh it would be too simple if it was right there so we can we keep our eyes peeled then for a tape that may be lying around somewhere on the floor might give even more context to the situation we i guess we can't swim though i guess we really can't swim in this one unknown location number one on this side here nice whoa they're still look they're still high like mass producing these toys do we see all of this what does that level do i don't know hit that button guys i'm just pressing buttons right now i have no idea so we're changing the direction of uh where these things are going but why that that sends the toys along so are we trying to get them to go up maybe let me just see that's going to keep going up right let me see that one goes that way i did see a button just at the very top i don't know if we can hit that now look our hand can't it can't squeeze through not quite or this lever um all right i i really don't know what we're doing oh ellipsis oh my gosh i'm so stupid man now i'm trying to get it so we have to uh direct the toys then to go the right way so i don't know if we maybe want them to go this way here we can kind of follow this around so first of all we definitely want this blue one changed up lift this up so uh okay that's that's pretty good so we hit that button that sends the toys along a bit more all right so that's good so far uh then we watch yellow one goes along we want that red one to go the other way that should be it right because then they're going to go in it goes in there that's just like throwing them off do i really do i want one of these toys yeah i stole a toy do i want to steal more toys i don't really know why i'm i'm collecting toys but for what purpose what's this all right thanks i'll take that what am i doing yo i have no idea what the freak i'm doing do i hop over i'm so bunny okay so i'm actually collecting those as an item would i just bang my knee or something look at that there's a there's a toy scanner so we need oh we needed the toy i wish i looked at that first man i've just skipped a complete part of this and no wonder i was confused oh we can actu we can pick those you are kidding me i did not know we could pick those up mommy long legs has the unique ability to stretch any of her limbs for several hundred feet this includes her fingers arms and hair neck waist and legs she's very hostile towards the staff but is very motherly acts warmly towards the other experiments she is protective of them the hostility is quickly becoming problematic but perhaps there is a solution to put her in her place mummy longlegs would be perfect for facilitating everything with the children in the game station she has the warmth that a mother should and any rowdy children can learn to listen to their mother it makes sense that her seeing these children daily would improve her behavior and it is very unlikely she will act out in front of the children have her transfer to the high security maintenance immediately conditioning can begin all right so we want to uh we're going to rotate this twice together over there and then we hit that one uh no no we hit this one more time and then we've got the straight run across yeah that's what i'm liking to see we still need to find the uh the vhs tape which i'll look around for in between just in case it's super obvious all right so pop the toy in there oh okay we just press e on and it readily equips it oh it's that creepy one man all right so we should go through hey thank you guys thank you please maintain your equipment this place looks like crap bro literally like you you broke this down to to keep it with the uh the creepy aesthetic purposely making it terrifying you know guys don't quite get it if that's the that's the way you're going right there warehouse locked up look at that there's a there's a wheelchair right there okay that feels like some kind of uh you know foreshadowing some story wait look at this that looks like a kind of medical bay you know what i'm trying to say we got wheelchair operation table got that slot for that red vhs uh we got youtube kinda cute kinda cute all right we see that we got these two doors they are not opening uh my guess then we gotta do something with the power this feels a little bit euphoric are we feeling this maybe our character is getting a bit of nostalgia being here maybe uh maybe he remembers much about this place that's how we're gonna think i'll break that off all right try that next one hey it's like that nice kid friendly hey did they yet did the rain come down you know what i'm saying guys i'm saying i'm hearing that so we oh oh we need to get that some power what that's like some older toys back here we just swing across interesting this is this is definitely some kind of nostalgia that's the vibes i'm getting with this one so okay we see the green one no green it's saying ah okay okay so we don't want power for him boom boom and then thank you thank you so much uh you might want to drop that thing now sir so if we let go of that let me just i see i got the power i got the power swing back real quick because there was something over here if i remember correct that right there hey hey we got that door open but uh why did we do that it's gonna cut out maybe the door will close again let me see oh that that power's staying there for a very long time look at that that's just staying uh readily hooked up pretty much okay we got that first one done yo they gave us off so we can't go back again once we do this what what was the what was the uh the need for this we've got that number two oh okay now we need to link up maybe one and two i don't know if we need these powered up too i'll do it just in case hey all right that goes here we go what i was talking about before we're gonna get some power back here that door oh we can explore that hey so we can see what's going on in that room ow i got scam guys come on i was so close to seeing what was behind wait oh we're going to play one last game [Music] i'm breaking these i'm breaking these i'm breaking these three this is twisted this is freaking twisted i ain't staying still i ain't staying still einstein's death this is messed up it's messed up she's trying to mess me up and she's actually she succeeded new staircase new staircase i guys i just run i've missed so many vhs tapes i feel kind of bad i thought i could check back on them what is this go through sorry about the vhs tapes guys but my life matters a bit more right now look around these areas for any secrets is does she make obvious noise when she comes close dude we just we just keep running keep running keep running keep running yep i'm breaking out good luck trying to find she's still on me she's still on me it's not over look at this is like an abandoned sectional entirely we never got to see the game room either man i thought we were gonna be able to you know get back there i still hope we can whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hey what are we doing here we're like blocked up there's something we gotta do is that this was that this here was that this if it wasn't i don't care i will stop oh no oh i wanted that secret again excellent that didn't work the exit's out this is very ominous look at this this door does not match the aesthetic of this zone at all not like it was just kind of thrown in there real quick none of these doors do they look almost like a hole you know what i'm trying to say it looks it looks wrong we've got colors here um red yellow blue green let's try it red pull that one and we put the yellow maybe there's a better combination we try the blue i don't know if mommy's still trying to stop me down either that was not right that was not freaking right oh wait hold up maybe we don't need it mission impossible star mission impossible star so what's this trying to say look one so red wait here we go red blue green i'm just gonna remember red blue green that's all i need to remember red okay then we pull the blue because then the last one has to be yellow right green green green green green and then it's gonna be that yellow it's gonna be that yellow give me that okay yeah buddy yeah buddy run back on that run action back on that straight run action so i don't get caught by mrs longlegs she can stretch those things she's gonna form that nose hey wait what the freak where do i go oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh where do i go oh what what was i doing that was that was so unclear try one more time one more time is this really what we do oh you want to turn that flashlight off sir oh oh whoa whoa whoa she's trying to fight she's like he kind of going far she's kind of going fight he fails to see my light system um i ain't gonna lie guys i do not like this if we really follow back the same one she went through do we have any other choice she's forming like these spider webs then so like a spider like character almost i don't know that might just be like a boundary thing to just stop you going back can we go through maybe we shouldn't kick things like that here we are we are back here then mommy says be careful around fire yeah mommy says she's gonna take me out soon my power uh powered that one let the sparks go up so that's like that ain't good man mommy said so be careful around fire what do i do i begin the fire i'm busting these open i'm busting these open hey mommy you want to come greet us there's uh there's a hold slot hold slot maybe we need something here uh that could just be complete cosmetics though we've got no no no no no you come with me that thing has got to weigh a few hundred pounds you know yeah buddy yeah buddy slam that shirt so that might perhaps keep the fire going this time high five that's what that dude what's that doing maybe maybe we punched something in there that's awesome it looks menacing even the the fire has character great man really cool all right so we have the fire raging but it does wait wait wait we burned something i wasn't really paying attention uh what'd i take i just picked something up i'm working ahead i'm working ahead so in short maintenance it's like clearing debris stuff so dude i'm getting this let's go we got some debris maybe now that was kind of cool that looks good so dang that imagine solving the problem to one that you didn't even know was the puzzle welcome to my world apparently somehow i just did that i don't even know how oh oh my okay now what do i do oh my i'm gonna electrocute you yo i'm electric in your basement you fire firefighter i'm tortured by not with me she killed me so hard my head clipped through the ceiling [Applause] oh god you can shut them from the inside you can shut it from the inside dude if she turns this on i'm dead though ah wait this actually oh my gosh she's running around so wait this is it oh my goodness all she has to do is hit that button and we're dead she needs that power guess what she don't got it she don't got the grabber like we do so that's it we're good gg mother long legs whatever the freak your neighbors i don't even care i was beyond this point so she was blocking us from getting through level sure same thing again i'll do the same thing oh whoa oh my okay we're being led by okay this is crazy yo jump for this jump monies i brought my knees uh and we are going backwards we are in the depths man i don't i can't even like look back oh yo there's there has to be more than one there has to be more than one we can hear him behind and we see multiple arms reaching out for us oh my i was trying to poor man come on grab the thing pull yourself up thank you yeah she had to i knew she was like super close like that oh my gosh and the chase doesn't end ah my legs ah the screen flashed wait dude am i dead i don't understand you are getting no time to process i don't even understand what's happening now all right so okay there's another way just here other way right now right there okay so just run just run move your legs get down here all right cog spinning just look wait that's not good that's not good that's not good that's not good hit that come on come on come on dude i've never been so glad to be in this creepy place from the creepier place ah so we can get out of this imagine if that was the red hand though imagine how crappy this would be like the last part of the journey completely done you know you make it all this way congratulations but guess what yeah when mommy stole that red hand that was it come on come on come on man yo come on ah it's done it's done i'm crouching all right run whoa woman what what's going on oh oh my god yo this is brutal it's slow and painful okay yo oh actually feels bad that was actually wait wait oh my gosh what the freak is that that's gonna be the next thing isn't it an even more evil force at play guys that was freaking brutal that was actually brutal for real that was actually extremely intense a slow and painful death and she experienced the whole thing hey i'm sorry ma'am but also why you know get ready for a bay nine look at this this looks awesome dude this the lion looks so great with this pie here things we can spin do we wanna can't spin them so i don't know what we're doing here but mommy was definitely here you can see the elements of the the web that's been spammed and we break up this thing it's uh it's so quiet now you know it's so quiet obviously the the other thing that was nearby that dragged mommy away after she was done in like it's been aware of us the whole time it was ready to kind of claim her you see that like it's been just following this whole time it must be aware of us progressing maybe we'll uh we'll we'll know that whatever that thing was at some point i don't know yeah i don't care that that door don't dude i'm done exploring one more take this is probably gonna have some law though where's the tv oh over here code zero eight five zero two in relation experiment one zero zero six okay prototype a close call occurred this week in which he nearly breached containment it's him the prototype seemingly disassembled the digital alarm clock within his room and utilized the battery along with several other components to create a laser pointer which he then fired into the security camera disabling it these actions allowed him 28.3 seconds completely unmonitored one surveillance specialist went in to confirm his absence however upon opening the door she realized that the prototype had hidden in one of the camera's blind spots the prototype attempted to escape through the open door however another surveillance specialist was able to remotely re-lock the door despite the other specialists still being inside one casualty occurred the prototype seems to possess an unprecedented level of intelligence all other test subjects as well as an alarming willingness to commit violence further suppression treatments will need to be enacted to ensure that no other experiments develop these qualities we feel experiment one one seven zero huggy wuggy remains the optimal outcome due to his sufficient intelligence paired with maximum obedience okay end of lock that's it more talk about that guy than dang so he is very smart or whatever it is they are extremely intelligent and it is crazy when we face down with them we're leaving the bay we are leaving the bay and back out to wherever we gotta be open that door swing that good stuff open so what now look oh it's time for the train it's train time oh please let me se i want to ride that to the game station freedom is right there but i'm not feeling it you know i kind of want to get in that thing and give that a good go we've got the codes and we know what we're doing so it's just time we've already put this thing into play hey you okay oh the spider web on her face she's good hello did you kill her yeah um okay i'll bark the train what does she do to you um all right we're gonna be a bit suspect of her that's corrupted her mind we can hear that guys we can hear that so two more collectibles there let's uh let's take a look at what these say employee instructions start by reporting the control station always keep a minimum of 20 yards from mommy long legs the train will arrive with the children of eight all children will be gathered inside the game station all at once the order of the game should be the ones we played series of bridges and doors the control station should gudge to each one mommy long legs can assist in escorting the children in each one and only one child should ever play the game at a time children not playing the game will wait in the game station there is a playground where they can play record each child's performance as it is relevant to each game okay so this is basically what we did give all reports to stella to sort through okay we see that one and then the next one here i will try to read this one uh windows and game station dr matthew wayson i don't know if you've ever spent weeks on end in a windowless artificially lit room but let me tell you something it's far from pleasant the kids are getting rowdy too you can just see it on their faces i know there's not really a way to get natural light down here but there's other things right i'm thinking about fake windows all around do that and bam there is some action life down here i saw on a tv last week the underground place had fake windows pairing lights behind glass it makes the whole place feel sunlit it's nice when everyone the right headspace for these games don't you do the right thing so all right that means that the windows where i was saying like oh we can escape no guys no no no we can't escape that one this one so we do that uh i don't know what i'm doing really maybe i just simply keep moving down to uh get back down to that level i mean this slide looks kind of lit you know guys why don't i why don't i just do this not sure what those letters did and here we are we'll back down all right so something has happened i believe now to uh poppy she doesn't sound the same something's corrupted her mind maybe i'm not running that let me just um let me just take a quick look back here you see this small lip space you can't actually trail back there so that's that's off limits for us so now comes the important part the train code so we want the kind of clown poppy one three four and then we want one two that's our first one i don't know what that beeping means maybe we go to the next one red yellow red blue i don't know if that means good i'm gonna have to assume it does four two three one so four two three and then one these these don't sound like they're working like it's i don't really understand wait maybe that's the order it's saying like that's the order we need them in so we need to start with this guy yeah that matches the order okay so part one uh this information icon must be oh now i got it then oh these can be oh we can change the colors of them too so the colors on this first one well there is none it's irrelevant okay so now we need it red so this guy has to be that red we just saw that red yellow red and blue just like this and then we input the order all right four two three one that's pretty genius actually that's quite a fun way of doing things i wonder if you'd do this before can you like speedrun the game you know what i'm trying to say like get through everything before even that like doing that part of the puzzle why can't i pull that though i can't i can't pull the lever it's like stuck look at this completely jammed ah wrong lever silly me silly me youtuber coming through so i guess we just uh we just observed this then for the kids would be all stacked on this thing they get to ride this round it is pretty fun this is a pretty incredible thing fake windows making this place feel alive hey man i i'd have if i was a child i would be in my element right now this would be beautiful as an experience i hope i never have to greet you again it's like weird that almost looks like a kind of train station type thing you know guys that better not have been a gold toy you see that i have no idea uh what's that ahead you see that blinking uh okay we're picking up steam what a contraption hey consistency consistency we see that so we go down oh we get the good view here we go we go we're on the front so scared she put me back in that case she's talking normally now saved me you're welcome you are perfect too perfect to lose oh be obsessed i can't let you leave oh no i've never met anyone like you do you know how long i've been stuck in that case oh no too long [Music] but i know that whatever i need you to do you are capable we will whoa whoa what so she's taking us down a dog crew and she's been hijacked again poppy is like useless man she just gets like done in every time trying to be evil whoa whoa whoa we pick up speed we pick up speed what are we seeing on the tracks this is way too quiet guys it's about to disrael oh my gosh oh my god um why was this constructed oh my god the train's starting to pick up you see it's like bucking like you know when boats go too quick whoa can we stop this we can't do anything oh my goodness and we're going far down this is deep underground dude what have you done oh we ain't getting out of this one easily bro how how is it still going what's happening do i pull the brake on this oh my god i'm stupid i'm stupid hit the brake hit the brake in the brake oh holy crap dude we derailed that thing we had no choice he's walking in the back right now play cat no we ain't playing nothing what's without walking though man dude i was walking on the spot whilst i was knocked out like completely and that's how chapter done that is the entirety of chapter two that was a wild adventure that was uh that was really really impressive actually i gotta say like the facial animations the character animations just the overall creepy vibe that this game is giving i i really like what this game is doing man like the game itself i i'm really excited to see the developments from this so mommy longlegs is taken care of i thought she was going to be some kind of a bigger character that would maybe persist throughout the entirety but chapter three is going to focus on that new artificial intelligence that these guys had created that was far smarter than anything else so that's gonna be a wild experience however that goes down and i am not excited to encounter that guy whatever that thing is it is probably gonna definitely give us a run for our money and we're gonna have to do a lot to try and avoid him much more so than what we did in chapter two cool with the inclusion of those weird huggy wuggy characters like good to see him appear again it's cool as well how we have the the female version she did actually help us out so i wonder if maybe in chapter three we might learn more about that that character maybe the huggy woggy cash they're not all bad there are some good people in there because she looked at us with so much interest and then led us through so it was that we kind of gave that feeling should we say and that is going to be it for puppy playtime though guys i feel like i probably discussed that most of my thoughts you know as the the credits were rolling right there from a gameplay standpoint it was really fun and very very interesting too with the story i do really enjoy the story this game is having to offer i still wanted to experience this like i said at the start already you know like i just want to play this game for you guys you know i'm curious you guys are probably curious too so this is this is what this video was all about i'm hoping to see the individuals in the company continue to improve as time goes on as i said before they did make some good at necessary steps which i'm very pleased to see so good job guys on that front and yeah guys that was the entirety of poppy playtime chapter two i wanted to wrap this whole experience up just in one video and i had a lot of fun with this thing i really hope you guys enjoyed watching this too with all that said though this is gonna be it for this video this was poppy playtime experience in the chapter two and i really hope you guys did enjoy if you did why not drop me that like crane and hey if you're new around here want to subscribe for more videos just like this one right here so thanks so much for watching this video guys of course i think we did enjoy i will of course see you on the next one [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: 8-BitRyan
Views: 2,992,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 8bitryan, 8-bitryan, 8 bitryan, Poppy Playtime, poppy playtime chapter 2, poppy playtime chapter 2 full game, poppy playtime chapter 2 gameplay, mommy long legs, poppy playtime chapter 2 ending, poppy playtime gameplay, poppy playtime secrets, chapter 2, poppy playtime horror game, poppy playtime game, poppy playtime chapter 1, poppy playtime ch 2, poppy playtime chapter 2 jumpscares, Poppy chapter 2, 8 bitryan poppy playtime chapter 2, 8 bitryan poppy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 47sec (4667 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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