So Roblox RAINBOW FRIENDS 2 just dropped

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so hold up just one moment because I've been seen in my comment section people talking about rainbow friends too you're meaning to tell me that after the Antics that went down in that first game and we managed to escape the game somehow continues are you telling me those supposed friends are still trying to track us down on us well if they are I'm gonna show them why they shouldn't be I don't know rainbow friends 2 is here let's play this thing so what is going on guys this is right here and I said before welcome back to Rainbow friends do you guys remember that game we played on Roblox like seven eight months ago by this point it was very weird it felt like a somewhat mascot horror type game where the second one is here now let's go ahead and see what goes down what is going on is that a helicopter or is that the generator bro we just start here wait isn't this like where we escaped before so can I go back inside hold up should I be doing this this is the most pointless conveyor belt I've ever seen in my life why build this welcome back guys though to Rainbow friends bro like the game is back apparently I guess the last one chapter one we see all this thing I got memories of that we escape here what the heck what is that what is that no seriously what the heck is going on there hey I'm joining step inside the ring to play uh I'm on air inside bro but even though wait now I'm not on their side they have broken out it was an resting game last time like a lot of people had fun watching me play this thing and so I'm hoping we can get that same enjoyment for the second one is it gonna be crazy yes are we about to find out yes climb climb over the fence wait what the freak do you mean oh snap oh skip bro why is everyone phone skip no thank you what is going on Aaron's just taking up so much mass right there what is this yo what is going down like an amusement park which is not where we're supposed to go blasted security measures Hey look it's the KFC man if his business went down bro that's so funny though what the freak I can barely see him what the what in the world are you doing out here monsters you say I'm sure it's just your imagination what is going on with this big bad glitch bro yeah why don't you all [Music] have the West light every theme park has one bro dude is saying he can be chunky he's already taken up like eight nine hundred percent of my screen space can we not what is going on do not enter I'm the only one that hasn't skipped by the way or feels bad who is this bdr dude and why does he have a big old red button which he's gonna hit oh he's Lord all the friends oh we're the squeaky old toads we hear that and the blue dude I don't know their names guys I don't know the kennel likely right names for this this [ __ ] this is going to be fun I'll go get the others definitely get a poke in the eyeball bro here we go I'm like the brown rainbow friend monster how much screen space do you need to take up all right let's go I don't know what's going on here guys we got backstory Jerry I I can't see get out of my way dude let him go first okay they're in a box wait how do we deploy the Box though the Box I am now Solid Snake sneaking through even though it clearly looks like I don't need to my friends have run ahead bro I like I don't want to miss anything we got guns back here take one of those things with us all right let's open this door by the way guys you like this episode you know exactly what to do what is going on down here though got a maze see my friend oh we're already collecting things wait what's the so what's the objective though what okay I don't know what I'm doing do people just know what they're doing right purple's Lair what are these things down here right I have some light system yo can I groggy was found bro I wanna go what the freak is going on how the freak do I do this I'm doing it I'm doing it I don't care what's going on I got monsters trying to kill me but I'm playing this so find light bulbs no no we play this ride first wait how do I do it though I want to go up before I go up how do we get the right there's the big blue dude can this ride do its thing hey can you press a button like he's riding with me what's going on Sir why are we doing this when this thing's trying to kill us wait that's that's fire in the Box on the right we've won the game this is how we win oh snap you know what bro I don't think it's time to ride this thing let him go look there's the green dude I don't want to go through that hey follow this dude you go first uh skin walker man think someone's honest though hold up hold up hold up I'm crouching too what crouching too but this feels good dude you know what's going down I have no idea what's happening bro I where are we taking these light bulbs dude I need to take the light bulb somewhere okay we gotta help the squad otherwise the squad dies check this out though dude I want to ride that thing you know I'm gonna have some fun wait in the Box okay I'm just crouching right now don't need to do that I think is there a light back there though dang okay where are we taking these lights map please someone tell me what I'm squeak your feet man squeaky our toes just like that that's how you stay alive in this world okay take your items to the laser tag he's reaching around in there you see that you see that laser tag we see that five bulbs left I've got one by the way I've done so much for our team it's crazy like it's wild dude why is he throwing shapes near my friend and why is he not killing my friend he just snuck around him like that the green guy doesn't even know what he's doing like he's trying to dance to music in his head I guess can I do the same thing with the whole sneaking around him though like if my bud can do it why can't I right why can't I huh okay this is this is not good this is better this is better see you later sir see you later lays attack we did it I mean I did loads of work you guys didn't see him and I cut so much gameplay out hey did any of you here so we were finding light bulbs around this place bro Aaron I can't focus wait you know so it's like I mean wow you guys want to be so good at finding these things I wish I could see I can't see bro I just see Mass I don't know what's happening is that yes it's a giant bear discovered like blocking everything is that blue oh no coming here was a mistake we need to find a way out of here this has just come from bad to worse maybe this can help us bust out of here what is that like a drill dude it's like a drill attached to a generator why do we come here if we need to break back out immediately and what am I staring at that thing flies whatever that was look who decided to show uh I'm surprised you got over his stage fright is this like a more sentient version of these rainbow friends though but we're alive bro five friends down five friends now we're still good though so gas canisters one there I'm taking this one in here Bob hey I'm doing something wait I get that I think that person just stolen from me though we need 15 of these can we use this though if I let's go hey what the freak is going on bro this is insane what the freak I don't understand why I did but that was fire I love that and look at that for the team for the team that's how we make the plays bro wait wait get up Duck it up I don't exist in that territory now guys I'm in that territory there was another one just around the corner right they go heavy feet damn where's that dude gone oh they left are they is that what the freak am I saying bro I don't know what I'm seeing wait oh don't come through there goes the Bluetooth can we carry multiple can we carry multiple because you know I'm gonna do that we CA Oh no way we can be a team player I got three I got three for the team so where do we take them where do we take them take them back to the laser tag Plaza for all the signs follow the yo what is going on that's insane I love it laser tag Plaza purples layer we follow the lasers bro don't jump until you find a safe place to land um where no here looks good let's go I thought I could just land on the floor though I died mid-air bro I'm dead help me I can respawn oh I'm back in the game I'm back in the game and I'm back at the drill okay now we know where this thing is I gotta get back to my dead body you've got to listen so if you hear that thing flying don't try and be a hero you'll die oh he was running he's trying to grab us to do that look at that I know what's going on man someone's starting just you can't get too much you can't get too much though we need more gas canisters did three I lost did they drop nearby he's gone he's gone bro and I'm gone too just like that I'm playing for the team right okay as I get in a box for no reason come on gas canisters where else could they be did the three that I had on my body reset right that's my question that's what I'm trying to figure out yeah they did bro they literally reset they all reset one again here maybe it's like yeah I don't know how we avoid that guy we will do it somehow though that's the second one yeah I'm on the low right now guys I hate things flying I don't know how we know where that like Dragon thing is though okay here we go kind of stuff for the team for the team for the team yes sir nine Fount we got six left we've got five people alive left by the way that is not money at all bro I hate squeaky feet I hate squeaky feet he's got to be nearby check check inside of here I didn't even go in the bouncy castle man ah nothing in here where are these other containers man that's what it's all about right find the containers someone sees me nah bro nah bro I don't exist what are you talking about we gotta go Gotta Go can I I can't jump in this game okay maybe he'll forget I don't know maybe this is literally me trying to figure my friend there is so much happening my brain is in like overwhelm mode guys can you not tell so we avoided him the blue guy the main mascot character yeah we see that you tried to get us not today sir not we can go in blues later I had no idea this was a thing bro and I love it so we're in this thing and we gotta find these things right more gas canisters this is like security room a way up here there are so many flying Chris hey this is actually really cool can we get through though wait what the ring I can't no I can't this is worth no we need only two more gas canisters by the way am I gonna be the team player who gets this thing going is this where they are am I about to find the best things to set us free in this game wait we see them look I've got that x-ray vision don't ask Cal don't ask cow bro I got cheats in my eyeballs and I didn't even think I am literally I'm a box bro I'm just a box look at him [Music] bro here we go here we go gas canister for the team for the team we keep going there's five of us left I think I might be able to get the other one too it's right there look at this the Green's there green is there which way is he about to go though that's my question depending on this answer will be my next decision uh oh what does that mean he's leaving okay the blue one is scaring me if he comes my way we're in big trouble we're big trouble he's right he's trying to get that first date he's in trouble look at that I'm gonna back it up back it up look oh Buddy's there Buddy's there yes yes follow follow him if they're good we're good right oh no oh no they're about to come my way or are they fine yep we shut the freak up is the green one still around dude I think I might just go for it let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go man yes for the team and here we go help me with doing it we're helping everyone hope this works five of us remaining gotta bust that open come on man what did that launch ER bro KFC man just got absolutely destroyed he ain't thinking no more oh how did he end up there yeah my question exactly I I don't know but I wish I could answer that you we need to get him down we need to get him down is it this thing there's like canisters all over that did we take him off somehow all right everybody let's try this again what is that collect all of those lookies you've just released and I'll let the old man live lookies oh and this time there is a nah that's moving up quick oh we got no chance we got no chance old man is about to kill him anyone else die no one else did well I died but like then I I lived again five of us we're gonna make plays we're gonna make plays okay yes you can get a secret ending if you wait but what what do you do you not want to save him though no I don't trust them I don't trust them we've got we've got stuff to do and I've got eyeball things my hearing just got sharp in the infirmary dude like I've got that stefestyle to the concrete wall listening I think he's gone there I see my friend in boxes so I'm just gonna buy default Aaron Aaron no no Aaron isn't bro isn't Aaron the freaking like the bear one you can lead him to me stay still stay still I'm a cardboard box don't go can you wait yo you can move around him like this as long as you're in a box he's like oh what's going on I'm a big Goofy's head and I can't do anything how's that timer looking though okay you know that does move up really slowly actually I'm not stressed oh I'm gonna just be quiet I don't know what this dude does maybe I'm dead anyway and we'll learn if we are interesting very interesting I need this dude to take off I see that one there right there with my little Crosshair thing I don't know why I have it we need to go that way oh and of course the icon of this game comes through look at it drooling at the mouth he ate Aaron when he got three people alive by the way yo this is tight It's tricky because there's two there can I get both I need you to go you've got to go we already got seven wait is that one two I don't know bro I might do it I might do it we gotta make plays we gotta make these plays big dude he's coming so I'm still and still and still why can't they give me one moment with these lookies alone dude they can't they won't let me they just won't let me gonna take this in the Box nope nah bro I can't take him when I'm in the Box he's gotta keep going dude it's like all or nothing right look at this this is insane it's all or nothing and I'm with the last remaining two as are all of these guys this this is stupid take that can I take this one please take this one bro there you go bro's got it bro it's got it bro's got it bro's got it look around this dude I don't know if the green dude can run for me no we're good look this is place this is how we make plays right here bro this is it yes all the way back bang come on Sir hey what are you doing what the what the frick are you doing hey what are you doing bug bug please bro bro don't do this don't do this why is why is he doing this I don't understand why would he do that I'm just gonna chill in here until we're done I think he's coming back do it please [Applause] yes good job everybody where he's climbing down on the dynamite bro that's risky though what happened now though what's going on hey he got down I would not ride that thing with the dynamite equipped like that so what happens now are we done I don't feel like we're free yet don't worry I'm okay there's no time to waste it's like dude it's a running sequence my first Escape Plan failed but there's actually one more way to get out of here you gotta spill all man there's a way out through the orange roller coaster we just need to find a way to get this lucky to move what the frick do I do if only we could find some cake around here bro I'm here uh oh you mean actual cake he'd do anything for a slash of cake why is he David Attenborough now that was not the intention of this plot but here we are your bank what is that bro what is that what on Earth that's like a gecko thing Zion now my name's Ryan but that's close enough how you doing I wonder why she's so interested in that bug that feels like a puzzle hint Erin bro we lost Aaron though we lost Aaron there's only three of us left how the heck do we do this bro how do we do this we have to make cake what does that mean huh what does that mean uh-oh uh oh so can we move when we're in boxes near this thing what the freak was that bro it's like boxes make you invincible in this game move as a pack and get out as a fact right let's go guys let's go guys making place I'm going I'm out here wait packs of sugar found we have to find sugar now yo that makes sense and then we take it back we make some of that cake perfect we ain't good tonight here we got my dude down here are they finding them huh are you finding them or not I'm hearing lots of doors open this way I'm gonna play this carefully I'm gonna go through Blues layer I think I'm talking the bull crap don't know what they're saying do not also care what they are saying by the way Leo boom I'm in here where's your sugar huh where's your sugar dude what they make it in here just like a play thing fake set all right having respect at least they're trying to revolutionize the game but uh where's these where's these sugar packs though huh is that the layer maybe we got a thing like this guys ain't nothing here ain't nothing here box it up and then go through because I don't know where these rainbow friends can come through guys I have no idea at all I don't see sugar what is happening where's the sugar sugar sugar man one of our dudes is dead what about we've got there's two of us there's two of us and I haven't found any sugar at all I haven't found any sugar like not one single sugar guys this is bad this is actually very very problematic there's the new there's the new one interested in bugs huh interesting do you ever stop throwing shapes if you actually move and help your friends I don't think so I got a bad feeling guys it's just it's a bad feeling I have and I don't think I'm gonna be wrong here we found no sugar I actually haven't seen any sugar either I don't get where it is stay still stay still that thing definitely saw me whoa does it not like noise maybe it's like if it sees movement it's like I'm gonna eat it good now so it's like stop dead in your tracks if you see a move okay where am I what the heck am I supposed to be down here this was scary maybe there's little like these things are safe I don't know sugar sugar sugar sugar I got sugar I want sugar sugar maybe I don't I think I might be safe here I don't know I am I'm safe on these don't want to know what that one is I really don't want to know what that one is but we have one sugar like that we literally just have one sugar bro that's it this ain't good it's kind of sick though like a ghost what what are you chatting about bro is there any sugars in here like my other friend I don't know what he's doing he's got no dude he's got no sugars at all I don't think we're winning this thing I just I can't see any victory in this one any sugars on Rainbow racer any sugars at all seven wait why did I just jump to seven poke box been doing the work and I've been just slacking we only need one more we need guys we need one we need one no bro we need one sugar give me that give me that I've got it I can't believe it I might actually make plays for our team if I make plays can't do it can't move can't move okay especially can't move now really can't move like I can't move times two [ __ ] [ __ ] I see you bro I see you bro you hold tight you hold tight I'm coming I'm coming very slowly and then I'm gonna go very quickly I can't believe I'm doing this I can't believe it we've made cake bro I met we made cash bro two of us two of us making plays look guys for the cake look at him he can't even make it down here why is my station there did I mean kick that I guess I did let's go let's go man it works let's go is it gonna be a Chase sequence now please tell me we can follow the old man it's just two of us hey bog [ __ ] me and you let's go bro let's go we gotta do this together I'm following you know I'm following him if he's a veteran then we know he's done it right right or nah I don't know look the old man's moving the old man's got Pace the old man's got peace the crystal Caverns he leads us down here what the freak is that old man don't ever pause like that wait is this it what is this what's going on bro what's going on do we get in what happened no way nah nah nah dude what is going on Old Man join wait all right everybody pick a caution get in but we yo we can lean like this look at this look at the lean look at the leap let's go let's go do I need to get in my own car or something I don't get it bro okay I'm in my own car I programmed the car after my head that would lead you to the maintenance exit what does that mean are you not coming the timer make sure you lean your body to follow that card I'm following bog bog I hope so we have to follow the one car let's go bro let's go bro okay I'm leaning bro let's go let's go lean to choose your path copy oh I'm glad I'm second that's all I'm saying it's very slow but maybe that's good lean to tune follow him you better not be done good for me bro I'm leaning I'm leaning you oh yellow don't oh that would have been instant death there's no way you would die here ah beautiful yeah it's very pretty yeah it's very nice bug bog way up man lean early why is he leaning this way lean early lean up wait wait hang on let him do his thing I don't see any changes in the path right now leaning is safe don't worry you can't fully hit those Corners let's hit look at that drift action bro drift action let's go okay but why ah look the lookies look The lookies look oh my head ah he's leaning this way which way which way don't freak me out like that where's he go bro where do I lean lean do I have to lean now what's going on bro I don't know um did you make it with me or did I choose the wrong path oh my gosh I'm nervous oh cake cake I'm leaning for it I want that cake you want it too me too bud okay what's happening man uh that looks like a dead end oh or is that a drop into the abyss we're going straight down cake there he goes give me that cake oh oh no bro this okay this was scary okay this was less scary we gotta go let's go bro let's go do we have to live like choose the right follow these qualities okay bro we're going right I'm following look what's going on oh oh my gosh where are they gone bro they're gone keep your eyes on the lookies the lookies will tell us the right way I don't know how we speed up in this thing let's go let's go wait is there any siba we just like somehow glued to this thing get where the look is going I'm trying to look man go where they go they get that cycle yo I can't see them they're too fast they're literally too fast okay here we go this is wild danger ahead where they going turn back seriously Nah Nah if the look he's gonna do I can do it let's go okay this is crazy now this is crazy now Lucas hey oh this makes me want to go to a theme park bro okay what the heck is going on like why why is this happening huh why are we still alive why are we not dead right now oh look he's going on you just do this every night all right where they going where they going where they going oh we choose this one skip on that one skip on that one look at this I don't even know what's happening guys I'm so lost okay yeah all right money I'll take the money where we going guys [Music] anyway so we're safe so we're gonna keep going interesting oh you waited for me Sparkle thanks for visiting it will be going employees only bro oh yep yeah don't want to be eaten by the salamander dude he that's actually a pretty cool one whoa bro what what oh am I right [Music] um oh [Music] we made it we made it and we lived exit sure oh he fell down oh you can't get back up though bro you're stupid you're Street like a toe look at that go run Gotta Go Gotta Go oh it's a chase the water line water under my eyes is starting to pick up so we're taking a left here got it got it let's go man let's go let's go Crouch oh he's coming he's coming he's coming okay we gotta watch these buttons uh this way we gotta go this way we're gonna go this way he's [ __ ] once he's not so close behind me though um yeah he's actually really close he's ready I feel like I did right let's go let's go yes I think yeah what are you gonna do about that you could literally Crouch under there by the way but the brain sounds say no he can't he's only got one of them so there is no debating in there it is we done here huh we're done here freaking Dingus freaking [ __ ] take me to this [Music] [Applause] lots of good moments crazy gameplay higher tonight you'll never see this much crazy gameplay on a Roblox game ever on YouTube unless you stay on this channel there's more where's blue he's sleeping we're going to be late yeah well dude needs a nap once in a while right look at him he looks comfy in that thing or does he is that maybe why chapter three happens because he's mad I don't know not gonna lie I don't know I got money I like money to be honest hey that was actually pretty fun I I do like this game it's so simple it's got some nice little basic character designs and it just fills that little indie game raw that you can play time and time again this I can see this being kind of fun to speedrun for example or play with friends there we go guys that was rainbow friends chapter two so we escaped or rather didn't Escape initially we broke into a theme park and we started building up these weird things with the KFC Mana this is an alternate universe where KFC didn't actually take off I did have fun with this one hopefully you guys did enjoy this one too if you do want to play the new Rainbow friends chapter it's linked down below but that is going to be everything from this video and I really hope you guys did enjoy if you did why not join me that like green and hey if you're new around here want to subscribe for more videos just like this one right here so thanks so much for watching this video guys of course if you did enjoy and I wonder what's gonna go down in that rainbow friends chapter three [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: 8-BitRyan
Views: 183,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 8bitryan, 8-bitryan, 8 bitryan, Rainbow Friends, Rainbow Friends Chapter 2, Rainbow Friends 2, Roblox rainbow friends, Roblox rainbow friends Chapter 2, rainbow friends roblox, roblox, roblox rainbow friends chapter 1, blue rainbow friends, rainbow friends ending, roblox funny, roblox horror games, roblox funny moments, roblox horror, roblox scary, rainbow friends chapter 1, 8bitryan roblox, 8 bitryan roblox, 8 bitryan rainbow friends chapter 2
Id: rbihWu6g-xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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