Mom Calls Cops On Guys Doing Parkour

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what just happened Austin so apparently we are this kid was this like 7 year old kid was punching and kicking us in the back and so we were just joking around at first and then this kid like runs up to us and kicks us in the back same kid and we like it and we like just grab him because she said you stopped my son yeah really hard and I watched and then I'm like I have a witness right here he saw the whole thing no he didn't he was right next to us Michael was too she's right there on the phone and I said I said when the cops get here are you gonna tell the truth in say that you don't know anyway so I'm gonna put this back in my case but I'm not gonna shut the door the way so you stop sound and she probably she's humbly mounting a bunch of lies Rogers maybe like a salted yourselves like he punched my kid watch he has a black guy punches him oh yeah watch watch watch she's gonna she's gonna try and find a mark on his body and like find it anywhere and say he did what and I'm just looking what if we all just got off inside he didn't tell us we're being equal he built me a little real out - hello-o you your mom heard everything what's going on so that really you - but you what's going on with you well okay so we were sitting around playing we were just gonna play a little game of tag and so we had all of us playing my friend was here but he left he wasn't really a part of it he left like an hour ago but we were playing and then all of a sudden a bunch of kids start it first it was a joke they started like barely punching him like that they started lightly going like that then next thing I know we were playing tag we're sitting there and then the kids start just comes up in with all his force I heard it like I heard a big that and I looked over there and he like goes he puts his leg up goes right into their backs yeah a couple of times it starts punching them and it actually heard them they were going ah dude stop and then so then I go up to the building one of those pirate ships the closest one right there and I'm sitting down and then she comes up to me and she says why did you hit my child and I said I first I did I forgot who she was and I was just like what and then I remembered that they were hitting them and I said they were hitting my friends but I didn't touch your son and as far as I remember I did not touch him I wouldn't I wouldn't hit a kid I know they just play around like that but I was about to record some you know we're the whole first person tag from it but we were ending up not because she pretty much just interrupted well she's saying that all this happened in horseplay well well she was asking questions pretty much she was asking questions and to her answering questions pretty much is talking back as to every a lot of parents it's like she was asking like why did you hit my child I said I didn't she said are you talking about she was saying stuff like that saying that I was talking back when it wasn't I was just answering her questions pretty much I wasn't really horseplay huh when an adult tells her to do some especial knit kids around you guys are a lot bigger especially you he went over one of these kids you're fortunate and I'm gonna say this you're fortunate it was a parent of sound mind we didn't go ballistic on it she actually also mentioned that we were too big and that we were not allowed to be in the car go quick input um there is no age restriction of the park there is a recommended recommended does not mean restricted there was a recommended age you know an age-restricted I recommended eight okay it was like six to twelve is what it said on the sign there either six to twelve or five to twelve either way it's recommended we win it we have never hurt any kids ever in our time of going there even today when she accused me of hitting and slapping her son which was very false I did not touch her son that was false there is no age restriction and later on in the video you'll see it was on to say that there's an age restriction when there clearly isn't yeah I saw that but there's a you know I'm not trying to be offensive or anything but there's a big word that says recommended not restrictive recommended is when you guys are doing things they're gonna endanger these smaller children they're here maybe it's a better idea to do exactly what your mom thought you guys were doing was playing over the humps doing those parkour things yeah okay once you guys transition into the puck doing that stuff you crazy we create what's called a hazard okay and then maybe you guys know what you're doing but these other kids don't you know and chances are they'll be in the way and you're one them down like I said parent watching that's not the case today it's gonna come here I should I say my height is deceiving I'm actually only thirteen but really [ __ ] that being in mom taking that into consideration your size is a lot bigger than most kids your age yeah 9 5 10 and I'm 15 and 5 5 5 6 since the assess the accusin today Iraqis you know since being accused today I've and even still counting today I've never ever hurt any child here and today I haven't but not in a manner that was defensive yeah what's old manner that was you know employ but she didn't like it so which is why she contract okay if you're running you can easily kick them that is an excellent point if we're going by the age restriction then there are a lot of kids right here like you could say those ones right there that shouldn't be in here you were in one of those seats when you were only four months old I know I know if it's in all choices parking there's an age limit a recommended age limit that says 4 to 12 then 3 year olds or 2 year olds shouldn't be able to come here and be in that little toddler swing just like we shouldn't be here right now 5 to 12 that's just to understand what we're doing it's a bit reckless so basically from that point on he said if we come back to the park and he sees us doing parkour he's going to say they were trespassing and not let us come back anymore and then if he sees us after that he's gonna arrest us for trespassing or whatever but but I'm gonna say what he said was contradictory to himself or to his own argument because he said that the age restriction or well in his case it is restricted but it is actually just recommended so the recommended age limit is you know 5 to 12 or whatever 6 to 12 which means and he said that since we shouldn't be there since we're above the age limit shouldn't toddlers not be able to come and since they're below the age limit and what he said was contradictory so I really don't understand I see toddlers like little cookies they look like you were just given birth to like probably two months olds I see them crawling around on the stairs while there's like eight to 10 year olds running around near it and they almost get hit all the time I stay away from the little infants like that and I always have I still I still do but I guess I can't go back to that park anymore and I think you guys for watching and I made a new awesome outro hope you enjoyed it this video is either in 1440p or 1080p nothing below [Music]
Channel: NickyBuddy
Views: 21,835,414
Rating: 4.766768 out of 5
Keywords: Youtube, Parkour, Parkour Montage, Parkour Adventure, Parkour with friends, GoPro Adventures, Gopro, Psycho Mom Calls Cops On Guys Doing Parkour., Parkour VS Security, Parkour security
Id: czaxkdxbqZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 16 2015
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