FAKE Fitness Influencer Gets EXPOSED!!

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so this influencer lies to all of her fans and she gets exposed why does she lie how does she get exposed why aren't you subscribed exactly we don't know but guys if you're not subscribed you should subscribe right now because we're trying to get this channel to a million subscribers by the end of the year and we can do it but anyways let's find out what she lies about hey guys so today I'm going to attempt to bench 3:15 what I was just at 135 like 2 months ago wo wo wo hold the phone 3155 lb that is saying what but let's give it a shot there's no way she does that right bro look how much weight is on the bar oh my gosh oh well hey yo you got to touch your chest wait a minute what what do you wow she actually did it though I'm trying to spot you this is this is 315 how did you I'm fine Orin no no no Frankie you don't understand this is amazing I know that's insane I've never seen you lift one plate before let alone three well you just ruined my video it's fine I'll just edit around it how does she do that I'm so confused seriously though how did you do it oh they're probably fake weights they got to be fake crazy new supplements that I don't know about she's on steroids baby seriously are you all right you got to be honest with me are you on steroids that's what I just said no silly if she was on steroids she'd be like jacked though because steroids make you huge like really huge oh hey baby I I I can get you oh oh oh they're fake WS wait a minute these are fake yes I know why in the world are using fake weights to get views duh she needs a million views oh my gosh what are they saying how are you benching this your gym routine is seriously insane how do they believe that what uh okay oh my gosh she's getting famous though so you're fake lifting heavy weights so a bunch of people can come and ask you for free advice who said it was going to be free oh that's kind of smart I'm not going to lie people want to get as strong as her she sells a course she gets rich off of lying yeah that's not a good idea though do you offer online coaching I'll pay oh my God come on it's fake you got to you can't believe everything you see online mhm she's about to be riding Lamborghinis Okay we're at the grocery store maybe we could have a date night in and I could fet some steak ooh St that sounds busting and I'll make us some cookies for dessert bro cookies sounds amazing Taylor guess what I got your favorite snack almond roas they're usually never in stock what is that I don't even know what that is or three um I'll have to pass I'm not eating any carbs right now oh she's on a diet okay oh she's got bananas salad pepper okay W diet really not eating any carbs yep I mean you need some carbs in your diet uh-uh zero carbs for me okay this is girl insta Fitness with Frankie she used to bench 135 and now she's at oh my gosh she believed the video she's really going on a diet so she can compete with someone who's fake look she even stored her diet a few minutes ago I like to focus on high proty diet no she's copying her diet she really went from benching 135 to 3:15 yeah it's fake all over social media don't believe that I don't know haven't you heard of the saying don't believe everything you say social media exactly don't even salt can be made to look like sugar that's actually a really good saying salt can look like sugar wow I like that you're beautiful just the way you are Taylor okay you don't have to go on some crazy diet if I want to stop looking like I have a spare tire around my waist then I dang no carbs oh protein shake all right nice lettuce lettuce has zero carbs Dam let's go come on she's going on a diet that isn't even going to work cuz Frankie is a liar so there you have it I'm so glad you guys could join me as I make baby I brought home piz I'm in the middle of recording yeah did I mess it up I'll edit around it later yeah you could just edit the video just don't say anything I'm almost done dang she gets so mad at her boyfriend so that's my meal plan if you're interested in even more secrets I'll be posting a weekly Vlog on my YouTube channel she is a liar also sign up for my online coaching program make sure to follow like And subscribe see you later friend she isn't line though like follow And subscribe right subscribe to this Channel right now I didn't realize you ra me dinner baby otherwise I would have oh she just spit it out oh she is faking everything why did you make it so healthy and Bland I need to make it believable that I was able to make such a big transformation wow she's got to be the biggest liar on the internet being extreme is what I need to do to make it as a fitness influencer you know how much competition is out there I'm not going to get ahead by being like everybody else that doesn't mean you have to lie what oh oh my gosh that pizza looks good and of course she's eating it listen some average girl but someone who can bench 135 to 315 in 2 months that's someone who I'd be taking classes from right she's saying all this while eating a pizza okay look Frankie I I I've been thinking about our talk yday and I've got to be honest all right I'm not a fan what other choice do I have I'm working at a retail store I hate driving that crappy car around a wearing this stupid old Michael K purse what's wrong with that purse that purse kind of looked drippy I'm not going to lie I want nicer things Warren don't you think I deserve that yes of course you deserve nicer things exactly but you don't have to lie get those things but the right way exactly not by deceiving people that is true okay just give us some time how much more time we've been living in this dump for 4 years okay wa that house is not that bad I saw it kind of it looks better than my house we've gone nowhere dang I feel bad for him I'm not going to lie do you see that number what that's how much a fitness influencer made last year oh my goshon doll dang they're rich I don't know what we could do with that kind of money a million dollars you could buy a Lamborghini you could buy a house you can buy another Lamborghini as soon as I hit 10K I'm quitting my job oh dang okay oh don't worry I'll I'll get something for you too I know how badly you've been wanting that Rolex ooh Rolex I don't want the Rolex by scamming people he's a good person scamming I'm giving them good advice because it's hypoc critical baby come on think about how many impressionable people are out there and you're creating this false sense of image it's yeah everything you do the wrong way won't work out in the end that is true H looks like it's working out just great wait what did that say some girl named Taylor is buying my plan no Taylor Taylor got lied to dang it Taylor is buying a fake horse and she's eating pizza wow I could use some pizza though not going to lie who's this oh it's her yo she she's working hard I'm not going to lie she works harder than the liar hey girl you ready to go I I still have another 15 minutes oh my gosh he's going crazy wa I've never seen go past 30 minutes of cardio before I want it I want it oh wait what is she trying to show her on the phone oh my gosh Fitness with Frankie got my daily 2 hours of cardio this girl is killing herself on the treadmill so she could be like this girl who doesn't even work out wow really this Frankie chick again I want to be man slim a you're going to kill yourself if you go this hard okay at least drink something you need to rehydrate yeah drink some water no carbs oh my God she's not even going to drink and rehydrate see this is you don't listen to people online oh my gosh there's no carb in this just drink it please no too many Cals to St under 800 under 800 she's going to go to the hospital Dude That's not healthy I'm pretty sure the lowest someone's supposed to go is500 got to do my business with Frankie does no you do not want to look at me that's why I just signed up for online coaching Ming no she got scammed too oh they're buying the coaching program hey don't kill yourself oh my gosh she's going crazy though I like her hard work and determination though oh she edited it she's editing the pictures look at this picture and then look at this she just cut out some stuff oh she made 8,500 in a month oh my gosh wow she is uh she is really making a lot from scamming uhoh she exit out of everything she's got to look like she's working what are you doing back here your break ended 15 minutes ago we need you on the register oh she's about to quit she's about to quit sorry I I lost track of times oh and were you using the computer for personal reasons uhoh of course not I was just checking inventory but like you said I should be working the register so uh-oh is she about to get fired oh my gosh that boss looks mean okay nice Frankie come outside did she buy a new car I feel like she bought a car I don't know why T I knew it I knew it what is this oh he bought a porch think with the new r i just Leed oh also check out these houses that I've been looking at I want your opinion da she about to buy a house suit how are you affording all this Mo I I reached my goal 10K a month now I can finally quit my job gosh I hate that place dang she's making the dough she is dripping in money right now anyway back to the houses um hold on you have 100 clients what are they exactly getting for $99 a month well they're paying $100 a month it's a one-on-one personalized coaching program where I review their meals and their photos and I come up with their diet and workout plan and I text some advice imagine when I get to 1,000 clients wait 1,000 clients $100 a month that's $1,000 a month oh my gosh bro she is going to be rich think about all the money we'll be making by then love I don't even understand how you're maintaining a 100 different clients for a personalized coaching program let alone a th and she doesn't even work out she E Pizza that I figured that out already oh I almost [Music] forgot a Rolex oh my gosh bro yo that is clean I'm not going to lie that is nice that is a nice watch do you like it and look at her she's just going crazy oh my gosh I feel bad for her what in the world are you doing wait oh she just canel her workout pass out don't worry don't worry I'm just I'm just following the custom plan that V Frankie put together for me it's great oh my gosh you look like you just got up Niagara Falls okay you were not going to believe this I just dropped 8 lb in 3 days dang in 3 days yes the diet's working I guess Taylor that's not a good thing I'm pretty sure rapid weight loss is not healthy don't worry okay Frankie said it's totally safe okay Frankie said yeah qualified to give you advice I showed you the video of her benching 315 it was a fake video knowledgeable the video wasn't real look that's not even her texting that's like a bot texting her back crazy how on top of it she is right you do that's a bot right there's no one in the world that can respond that fast that is true maybe some of the answers are pre-written I bet she gets a lot of clients asking the same stuff thank you you're so sweet oh no she's being lied to lunch oh thanks but I have my lunch right here what the that's lunch just a pill heck no bro I get way too hungry to just eat a single pill hey Guess Who on on her way to she eating a donut she's eating a donut oh my gosh are you 100% sure about this of course I am I everything's going exactly as I [Music] plann how are you responding so fast is this a bot hey uh are you okay bab uh yeah I think I just need to slow down my uh it's her she's about to get exposed uhoh I can't believe I'm meeting you in person it's me Taylor Taylor Johnson playb she doesn't even know who that is wow hi do I know you I mean we text each other all the time I'm a cent in your online coaching program oh uh oh this is not good Taylor Johnson of course yeah how are you doing so good I've made so much progress with your program that I'm buying smaller clothes W wait is that a donut uh-oh doesn't it have carbs that is a donut and it does have carbs and it's chocolate my favorite type this it's a carfree donut a carb free donut what that's really cool I feel like you can make a healthy version of just about anything nowadays yeah you know you look a little different in person what does that mean is she saying she's fat well she does edit her photos don't get me wrong you look great you just you look thicker in your photos she just called her you I would never guess that you can bench 315 she can't she can't I I think it's a pants they're an old pair but they just squeeze everything in oh okay well uh it's always nice running into clients yes but I do need to get going uhoh okay I will byee dang she got away with it she still hasn't gotten exposed uh-oh she's going to see if she text back it's a bot she just found out it's a bot oh no dang she's lied to oh she's she's still going crazy though oh my [Music] gosh oh she's about to pass out uh-oh oh no no she passed out oh my gosh okay that's kind of messed up look she's in a Porsche she bought a Rolex and I bet she's about to show him a house and her clients are passing out while she's eating Donuts crazy how much longer do I have to keep this blindfold on don't worry we're almost there way yeah just a few more steps oh my goodness I want to see what this house looks like okay you can now take the blindfold off yeah all right let's see the house let's see this Mansion yo that house expired baby no you what oh my gosh is there a new home yeah do you do you love it do I love it that house goes crazy yes of course I love it beautiful I I can't wait to see the inside yeah uh okay but first I need you to take a photo of me for my Instagram yeah she she's going to have to edit that photo too huh wait what's that in the bag what is that what is that wait I'm so confused what the what the E she's putting it on her butt oh my gosh things people do for Instagram all right that is weird baby what are you doing well I keep in person so I just got to keep wearing these butt pads people are starting to wonder how a skinny girl can bench 315 this is getting weird now that's because you don't bench 315 Frankie yeah yeah it doesn't matter what I bench as long as I keep earning this much money oh my gosh all right do people actually do that in real life butt pads ready I'm I'm so like my mind is blown her boyfriend's sad though oh he said no no I I can't keep doing this anymore baby this needs to stop you're not seriously asking me to give up everything I've dreamed of everything broke my butt off for are you her butt that that fake butt okay let me stop your butt are your butt pads Frankie oh he said the same joke as me and you start being honest with everyone or but you're moving in here by yourself he's going to leave her I can't believe this I literally just got us a new house and dang they're going to break up saying you're not even moving in with me there's no way I'm giving all this up dang fine I guess you made your decision he's given the Rox back I'll walk home dang when is she going to get exposed Frankie was upset and couldn't believe that Warren was breaking up with her that's crazy she doesn't stay mad for long as she focuses on all the money she's making how much is she making now she's probably a millionaire Frankie is so excited to finally be able to buy all the nice things she's always wanted dang she ends up getting so successful that Brands start sponsoring her adding to her income even more things all seem to be on the up and up for her that is uhoh she better to get exposed until more and more people start to wonder if she actually benches 315 oh look at this comment she doesn't look like she benches 315 Frankie's all cap are you even qualified to give advice no she's not they start to question everything uh-oh one YouTuber even calls her out saying that she photoshops her pictures that she post Frankie starts to feel the pressure Rising as all of her followers begin to doubt her dang so one day she decides to do a live stream to try and prove all of her critics wrong oh my gosh she putting the butt pads in bro what the heck is this she might get stream sniped in real life uh-oh hey Frankie fam it's me I know there are a lot of people who question me so I want to put the daughters to rest uh first off as you can see I really do look like this in real life it's not Photoshop it's hard work okay there are people who question me and think that I can't bench 315 well you can't you're lying what so I'm goingon to do it live all right here we go someone's going to stream snipe her oh oh my gosh it's her uhoh she about to get exposed oh my gosh fake weight oh my gosh that was so incredible and it's even crazy you're seeing you do it in person thank you so much I'm not sure if you remember me I'm Taylor I used to be one of your clients oh she said used to be I guess she stopped being one of her clients that's great used to be yeah um to be honest the program was too intense uhoh I actually ended up in the hospital I really wanted to keep going though you see I've always been pretty unhappy with my body a ever since I can remember I was always the bigger girl and I got bullied for it throughout school made me really insecure which dang it looks like Frankie doesn't even care look at her she does not even care only got worse when I started dating this guy when I was in college he left me for a skinnier girl who looked well perfect like you a even since then I really hated my body and honestly too insecure to to start dating again until until I lost the weight which is why I signed on to your program wow um Frankie an she do even care your story um maybe I'll see if I can come up with a lighter program that's not as hardcore for you or people that are in similar situations I love that yeah sorry guys I was just talking to one of my fans anyways he just saw me hit 3:15 I hope that settles everything how when is she getting exposed please expose her S I didn't know that you were going live here let me help uhoh no no no is this a fake weight uhoh what are you talking about no it's not oh my gosh these are all fake they like 5 lb at most dang she's getting exposed she said she recently came from the hospital so I think she's very confused I don't even know no she is oh her butt pad is coming out what really Frankie butt pads what are you doing everything about you has been a lie D I should have known when I saw you eating a donut and when that bot was responding to me my friend Harper was right about you she's about to lose all her money now you shouldn't believe everything you see on social media because even salt could be made to look like sugar yep that's true I can't believe I looked up to you dang oh no no no no no don't it's not real it's just a prank it's just a prank it's a prank one month later what she doing hey guys my name is Taylor and some of you might recognized me from Fitness with Frankie's Instagram live last month wait is sheing her who suffer from the lies that Frankie told a but it made me realize how much we base the idea of the perfect body and the perfect life on what we see on social media that is true but most of the time what we see isn't even real that is amazingly true I've decided to start my own YouTube channel to Vlog my I bet she's going to get richy yep she's going to beat Frankie body positivity because one of the most important things I've learned is that no matter your size how much money you make or whatever it is that you're going through you will never be happy if you don't learn to love yourself and that starts with not comparing yourself to what you see online anyway dang that got 1.1 million views oh my gosh subscribe if you want to follow along with me on my painfully honest fitness journey until then I'll see you l B bye oh that was so good I'm so proud of you thanks I guess something good did come out of that whole Fitness with Frankie sit that is true tell me about it and you already got over a million views yes and that's exactly why I'm going to celebrate with my favorite snack almond roopen oh oh oh my gosh I'm so sorry wait is he about to date her now I feel like they're about to fall in love were you going to were you going to grab these yeah they're actually my favorite snack but they're always sold out oh dang they're about to fall in love oh but anyways guys that's going to be it make sure you like subscribe I'm fton and I'm out
Channel: Foltyn Reacts
Views: 2,173,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Foltyn, Foltyn family, family friendly, foltyn reacts, reaction, foltyn reacting, foltynplays, roblox foltyn, foltyn reaction, foltyn roblox, fake influencer gets exposed, dhar mann, sssniperwolf, fake fiteness influencer gets exposed
Id: oQzBtrrzXwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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