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so today this Karen calls the cops on a little boy all right and this little boy isn't just any little boy this little boy is homeless why does the Karen do that I don't know she's a Karen okay all Karens are just mean but anyways let's just find out what happens a he doesn't come up to our car wow yep I already know who the K is town is going downhill that is why they need to elect me as mayor oh heck no I am not electing her as mayor if she's getting little boys in jail do not vote for her so can clean this place up clean this place up why do she say clean this place up does she think he's trash yeah I don't like this girl oh he's knocking on the door a what do you want Oh My Gosh She's So Mean my name's Oliver a what's up Oliver and I'm trying to sell water bottles so I can buy some food for my sick mom and I give him some money come on buy one that's $3 a bottle okay I'm not not going to lie $3 a bottle is expensive but for Oliver I got you Oliver all right we love Oliver first of all how do we know that your mom is really sick wow probably just taking advantage of hardworking people like us and second of all what why would we want to buy overpriced water from a scammer oh my gosh she just roasted the heck out of him she is ruthless yeah I am definitely not voting for her I can't help but feel a little bad at least the daughter what if he good brain yeah for real right taking money out of our pocket and putting it into really needs help help taking money out of our pocket and putting it into his come on serious don't I can spot a scammer a mile away trust me his mom probably put him up to it wow so she can cash in you know what I read an article it talked about a fake begar actually made over 100,000 in a year gosh more than what I make that doesn't mean he's a scammer I mean what if he was really trying to get something to eat exactly saying you never really know what someone's going through that is true you should always be kind the daughter is smarter than the Ken have a great time at Hot Yoga okay please be careful though honey you know how dizzy you can I'll be back in an hour after my press conference we go I love you love you have a good time all right let's see what happens why does she get him in jail okay her car broke down see that's Instant Karma all right oh God that's what you get for being mean to the boy hi yeah I need a tow truck oh there's the boy right there I'm at the corner of um oh what's he doing hang on a second hey get away from my car what do you think you're doing wait I'm just trying to help a you're probably trying to steal the catalytic converter what what even is a catalytic converter and why would he know what that is I don't even know what that is I'm not look get lost before I call the cops oh my gosh she is so sorry such a Karen yeah problem is yeah I was driving and then all of a sudden it started smoking oh it stopped smoking now okay hang hang on a second no problem wait oh he fixed the little boy fixed the car oh all right so the kid is smart he knows what he's doing it's okay um I'm so sorry it's a false alarm no problem give us a call back if you have any further issues okay I will thank you dang okay a see come on she needs to apologize to him I'm not going to lie she needs to go say sorry exhale we're going to hold this POS for 20 seconds all right so they're doing yoga hip is pointing toward the floor Carly are you doing okay do you maybe need to get some air oh uh no I I'm okay I can finish thank you okay what's wrong here we're going to transition into Warrior 3 okay Rel oh there she is ladies and gentlemen our city is facing a crisis okay what's the crisis of homelessness and rampant criminal activity all right and who is responsible for that our current mayor who has failed to address these issues and has left our town in Ruins just earlier today I was driving through our streets uhoh what she about to say a homeless boy approached me and pretended to be selling water bottles to help him and his sick mom wow now she's lying to the people he's actually homeless where's his sick Mom though we haven't seen his sick mom yet it was all a rose he then attempted to rob me what taking advantage of the compassion that we hold for those less fortunate oh my gosh when did this boy try to rob you she is a straightup liar if elected as your mayor she's just going to keep lying to you guys immediate action to banish homeless people like that boy people like that deserve to be in jail what a 7-year-old needs to be in jail oh my gosh she is such a Karen she is the biggest Caren ever restore safety to our streets protect our community all right what's going on with her daughter what's wrong with her exploit our generosity is she all right oh my goodness I know what's going to happen I know what's going to happen the little boy is going to save her I know it I know it I predicted it oh my gosh is punishment really the best approach shouldn't we seek to help the homeless especially kids that is true help the homeless yes absolutely not we Cann notot allow our sympathy to Blind us from the realities of the situation and what real ities of the situation are that homeless people are criminals and drug addicts what bro I don't like yeah she's a Karen I don't even know what else to say I'm sorry I need to take this it's an emergency no further questions see the little boy's helping her I have 911 on the phone Mom stop hi this is Betty Thompson yes I need you to send a unit over to Grand and Piner please as soon as possible somebody is robbing my daughter what bro I'm sorry for laughing this is kind of funny at the same time like how is she getting robbed by a seven-year-old how is that even possible why would you do that stay out of this Carly stop stealing my daughter's purse I'm not stealing anything oh sure you are be quiet Carly how could you take advantage of someone with a medical condition he wasn't taking advantage of me he was helping me I asked him to my bag to see if I had a granola bar or anything you dumb mom I'm sorry honey I I just when I saw him going through it I yeah well if it wasn't for Oliver I don't know what I would do he found me lying here on the floor and gave me water W Oliver W yes good job Oliver ma'am oh um I'm sorry officer this was my fault it was a false alarm are you sure ma'am yeah dang earlier when you cardbook down I was just pouring water in it to help you a so that's why it stopped smoking yes I am so sorry sweetie so what you were saying was the truth you really do need food and your mother really is sick duh why would he lie and you used your last two bottles of water to help us yep Oliver can you do me a favor wait oh that's his mom baby a Oliver did you cause some trouble oh not at all ma'am hello I'm Betty and this is my daughter Carly okay are they going to help him now oh dear are you okay um Oliver go get me some water sorry Mom we have no more water a what did you say it all I don't understand dang what' you do with it I am so sorry Ola gave us his last two bottles of water to help my daughter and I he's been such a blessing oh okay in that case good job baby oh I'm I'm so sorry um I'm proud of come on give him some money why don't you take this to the convenience store and get water and food for them yeah no of course Oliver come on let's go a that's so kind of be please it's the least I could do if you only knew everything that Oliver has done for us today and you tried to put him in jail Karen ma'am if you don't mind me asking you and your son are such lovely people okay how did you get into this situation what happened same way a lot of us do by finding ourselves in unexpected situations okay you see what happened not too long ago Oliver and I were living a great life life we didn't have much but we had everything we needed but boy oh no did things take a turn she got sick and she I had to go to the hospital this cough hit me like a ton of Pricks and I couldn't catch my breath and fear gripped me I knew I was about to flip upside down no I ended up in the hospital and I heard the two most horrifying words ever said to me what is it lung cancer no couldn't believe it dang and to make things even worse was the prize tag that came along with oh my God gosh 28 grand that's crazy hospital bills do be expensive though very expensive the government ended up denying my requests for financial help wow and since I was sick all the time my job ended up firing me literally everything that could go wrong went wrong dang this is sad man and if that wasn't all bad enough they got kicked out of their apartment I then got a letter from my landlord an a fiction notice dang you're hereby required to [Music] evacuate D I feel bad for Oliver he's just a kid man you know he doesn't know what's going on that's we ended up on the streets dang so you see my life turned upside down just like that I'm so sorry jitha I just can't imagine what you've been going through and the government hasn't tried to help you unfortunate and you know what crazy during Karen's speech she was saying they don't need to help the homeless remember when you're homeless they just see she a criminal yep I knew it or druggy that's what she what she does people like me that's all going to change I see that Mom what oh well baby hey let's go they got some food thank you nice you don't know how much just means to us hey Oliver when was the last time you got cleaned up I don't know how would you like it if you and your mom came over to our house yeah oh no W okay no I insist but I have to make one stop first wait where's she going oh I need to address some of the comments that I made earlier oh she's going to change it now well all right nice I've had a change of heart a big change of heart finally all right good job I looked at homeless people like they were the problem I judged them before ever hearing their stories okay nice we're getting somewhere now something happened to me today that changed everything the boy that I described that was selling water on the streets and I assumed he was trying to scam me and no he was just trying to help was a scammer that is it but a hero aw Oliver gave his last two bottles of water to help my daughter and I water that should have been used for his mother who is very very ill he gave to my family instead someone that has hardly anything give ol of her a million dollars everything and it opened my eyes to realizing something that my daughter has been trying to tell me all along that you never really know what someone is going through exactly you never do so we should always be kind bada bing bada boom always be kind
Channel: Foltyn Reacts
Views: 1,352,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Foltyn, Foltyn family, family friendly, foltyn reacts, reaction, foltyn reacting, foltynplays, roblox foltyn, foltyn reaction, foltyn roblox, Woman CALLS COPS On POOR HOMELESS BOY, dhar mann, dhar mann reaction, socksreact, karen puts kid in jail, mom puts kid in jail
Id: 5bIFxt9WnF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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