Mom’s Deviled Eggs

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Hello friends and family welcome back my name's Tom my wife Melissa is videoing for us today I am so happy to have you come sit at my table we are going to do a really easy dish today I wouldn't even really call this a recipe it's for deviled eggs now the reason I'm doing this video is that we had a friend contact us and say I need to know how to make deviled eggs would you share your recipe so I'm doing this for her but hopefully other people will benefit from it too it's very simple you don't need much all you need are some hard-boiled eggs you'll have to boil them peel them and get them ready to fill and you need a jar of Kraft sandwich spread this was my mom's Secret ingredient in her deviled eggs and for my entire life I think she passed away when I was about 50 three is that right Melissa I think so I think it was about 53 and for my entire life up to that point she was the person who took deviled eggs to church dinners if we had a church dinner planned I can remember numerous times people would say would you please bring your deviled eggs because they were so good and they are so simple um a lot of people don't even know what sandwich spread is when I tell them that I make my deviled eggs with sandwich spread they'll say I don't even know what that is what is that well this has been around for my entire lifetime and I'm 61. so it's been around a long time and you can find it in the same aisle in your grocery store as the mayonnaise and mustard and that kind of stuff it's right there with it in fact this is everything you would need to make your own dressing for deviled eggs it has mayonnaise mustard pickles onion paprika garlic everything is in here that you would use to make your own dressing so why gather all those materials all those ingredients and make your own when it's already here in a jar so just get yourself some craft sandwich spread and use it this is pretty simple guys um all you need to do is boil your eggs and peel them and really boiling and peeling eggs is very simple I have tried a million different methods in my lifetime and you know there are people who complain about peeling eggs because you can't get the shells off but it's a pretty simple process and someday I might post a video on how to do hard-boiled eggs but once you get your eggs peeled I will tell you that I do them the day before I'm going to fill them I'm going to make them and I once I peel them I put them on a paper towel lined plate just because eggs have a tendency to get all give off a little moisture and you don't want that on your deviled egg plate so just put them on a paper towel lined plate and then before I cut them I always just take another paper towel and dab them just to make sure that I've gotten any moisture off and then you just slice them in half from end to end just like that pop out the yolk and put the yolks in a bowl together now I've done a dozen eggs today in my plate oh by the way between slicing the eggs you'll want to wipe your knife because it does get some of that yolk on it and that'll get all over the top of your next egg um but I've done a dozen eggs today because that's what my plate holds so here's that one's gonna have to be squeezed in there turn that around my fit a little better okay let me guess this last one we're gonna eat yeah because it doesn't fit so yeah because the sacrifices you're willing to make that's right well you know what they say to the Cook goes the spoils all right so we have our eggs boiled peeled sliced we have three Oaks in a bowl now as you can see I've already started working on those yokes when you get the yolks in a bowl you're just going to take a fork and smash those yolks to smithereens there's another fancy culinary term you're using Smithereens yes well yeah you know I've heard that word my whole life I don't know I guess that's a real word just means to do it until it's pulverized I guess okay you can see I just took my fork and mashed down on the yolks and it just kind of mashes them up into small bits and you can see here it's it's not like sand or anything but it's pretty small pieces so just smash them and let's make some of The Smithereens all right let me rinse my hand off now once you have your egg yolks mashed smashed you're just going to add your sandwich bread I'm going to be honest with you until this very moment I have never measured my sandwich spread I was thinking about this and I thought how much do I put in there I need the measurement to tell people I don't know I just always scoop some in there Stir It Up if it needs a little more I scoop more into it um well it would depend on how many eggs are making too yeah but usually I do a dozen because that's what fits on my plate yeah but not everybody would do that not everybody would do it doesn't so just to try to have a measurement I'm going to use should I use half cup I think I'll use start with half a cup and see I may not put all this in there to start with just to make sure because I've never I've never measured before I don't know okay so there's kind of a scant half cap we'll put it all in see what happens all right now I need a fork and I'm just going to take that fork and start stirring cool and I'm just going to stir those mashed egg yolks into that sandwich spread and I can already tell that's probably not enough you can see how thick it is already so yeah that's not even close to enough so let's do maybe another fourth of a cup that's about half of the half so let's say that's another fourth we may need more than that you don't want it Loose you don't want it to be ready but you sure don't want it really thick actually it's pretty close right there now my mom never put anything else in it no salt no pepper nothing that's pretty good right there okay so to fill them I'm almost took two spoons two small little teaspoons got just a little dollop like a little ball and put it right down into the cavity now some people like to fill them more some people don't like as much in them um I like them full I I don't like an empty deviled egg so I feel them pretty full I might have a little too much but you know that's okay oh no that's perfect now are they going to be perfectly smooth on top and perfectly round no they're deviled eggs by the way there is a funny story about deviled eggs we had a friend that we called granny she was no relation to us at all but everybody called her granny we absolutely loved her her real name was Ruth Hayes but I never I don't think I ever heard anyone call her by that name everybody just called her granny and she would not call these deviled eggs she called them dressed eggs dressed eggs because she said I'm not giving the devil credit for anything I just always thought that was so cute so you can call these deviled eggs if you want to or you're like granny you can call them dressed eggs okay I'm not gonna make you watch me feel all of those now after my mom would get them all filled she would take a little bit of paprika and sprinkle over top of them and I usually do that too um it just makes them kind of pretty some people don't like it on there especially if you're doing them ahead of time sometimes the paprika gets a little runny on top so if you're going to put paprika on them you might want to wait and do that right before you serve them it just adds a little bit of smoky taste to them and I really like that but that'll be up to you I'm not going to put it on here now because I'm doing my eggs the day before Thanksgiving and I don't want it to sit on there and look yucky tomorrow that's how you do deviled eggs I'm gonna eat one you want me to eat one of them well I figured you probably would oh if you insist let me fill this extra one right here laugh for your mama yeah for my mom I miss her she did love deviled eggs um it's just my cars I miss my mom all right if you would do us a favor go right below the video and click the thumbs up that just says you like their video on the 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Channel: Come Sit At My Table
Views: 69,873
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Id: _VSPeMqm2n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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