Molly Makes Cheesecake | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appétit

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Okay that looked amazing. Really wish I had a better kitchen.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BathTubNZ 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Might make this tomorrow it did look really nice

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/onens5 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
anybody I was trying to like faceplant into this right now [Music] today we're gonna burn a cheesecake we're gonna do my birdbath cheesecake which is the recipe that I developed after a trip to Spain to San Sebastian to the temple of Vasa cheesecakes it's called Lavinia and the thing that's so friggin great about this recipe is that it's the anti cheesecake which means it gets cooked at very high heat and you burn it it will crack it will Brown there's no crust there's no water bath it's the easiest cheesecake and consequently the most delicious cheesecake I've ever had into the stand mixer I'm going to paddle a shit-ton of cream cheese this is two pounds of cream cheese Philadelphia's finest so this has two pounds of cream cheese and one and a half cups of granulated sugar and I am just paddling this on low this is a ten inch springform pan and I'm gonna grease it with some butter and then we're gonna line it with parchment in a kind of a wackadoodle way but that's what's gonna give this cheesecake a really interesting ridged edge which you'll see when it comes out of the oven but for now it's gonna look like I'm just cramming a bunch of parchment really messily into a pan which is what I'm doing so normally the first thing you would do is make a crust and press that into the pan to blind bake it this is a crustless cake and I don't miss the crust in this cake because it gets so burnt on the outside that you develop some of that crust like dark flavor without actually making across two pieces of parchment you can kind of fold to create some pleats so that it stands up well so really don't need to be a perfectionist about this as I said it's the anti cheesecake we don't fuss over it we just go for it we're gonna cook this cheesecake at a really high heat which means that it's gonna really rapidly rise you see when it comes out of the oven it's gonna be puffed up and then as it cools it will fall but you want to have enough support through the parchment when it as it's rising in the oven so that's why we do this double layer of parchment all right back to the cream cheese you'll see recipes for this online this one differs from other recipes for Burt Baskin cheesecake in the sense that I have added in some vanilla and some salt to it which you don't often see because there's a lot of neutral fat in this cake there's a lot of cream trees and there's a lot of heavy cream and I think that it needs a little bit for me to bring all of that flavor off okay so this has been mixing for just a couple minutes you can test by just putting it between your fingers and if you don't feel any grit from the granulated sugar then you know that it's dissolved now the eggs so there's a lot of egg in here and a lot of egg white in here and that's what gives the cheesecake all of the lift in the oven and subsequently results in a really light fluffy texture if you've ever had Japanese cloud cake it's not unlike that so when I get a time the beating until each of them is combined before adding another okay so the first one is incorporated in with another and then I'm gonna scrape down the sides because I can see that some of that cream cheese still hasn't been incorporated with the egg you could do this with an electric hand mixer as well just on medium low speed two cups of heavy cream a lot of heavy cream I don't know what to tell you other than that it's delicious if one teaspoon of vanilla extract as I said it's not a traditional ingredient but I think it helps build a lot of flavor in this cheesecake and then one teaspoon kosher salt which is doing the same thing okay so we're mostly incorporated and now I'm gonna sift 1/3 a cup of flour right into this and this just helps bind the cake ever so slightly it's not a cakey cheesecake it's a custard e-1 but you need a little bit of flour for structure it's Friday why do we shoot on Friday my brain is fried my brain is fried eight so this is the consistency that we're looking for in the batter and then we're gonna pour it right in to the pan and you're gonna see that some of the batter gets caught in some of those folds and that's all just fine smoothing it out a little bit so we're going into a 400 degree oven on the center rack for about sixty to sixty-five minutes we'll keep an eye on things we're 20 minutes in this key key is nowhere near being done but I just want you to see what it looks like at this stage it hasn't developed any color yet and it looks more long lines of what you expect in New York style cheesecake to look like but we're gonna throw it back in there and let it go for at least another 40 minutes okay so it's been about an hour and I think that the cheesecake is sufficiently burnt so let's go check it out Molly have you been waiting all day to say that yeah I mean I just love the fact that they get to burn this thing here we are so not only are you looking for deep dark color all over but you're looking for a good jiggle this is approximately how much jiggle you're looking for it's not a joke this is a real indicator in the recipe so this has risen probably four inches and as it cools now it's gonna collapse and fall and compress into a shorter cheesecake we have waited patiently and the cake is now room temperature so I can remove this springform pan and then you'll just peel away the parchment to reveal that beautiful burnished crust and then we eat it I'm so excited about this right now look at that beauty I'm telling you this literally this easiest thing I've ever done in my life and it's also most impressive okay cheesecake time [Music] great okay hmm delicious how much color it can happen that's why I like it it's breaking all the rules all the rules I'd like to break bro so like so let u plus my mistaken I always even see my use so much of this so fast and then I always it's kind of deceivingly light like it's actually a gut bomb even though it's quite light on the palate so you kind of have to take it easy for its two pounds and they're each half a pound so it's four bars of cream cheese and two cups of heavy cream we are not Andy hasn't had this much fat ever in his life no I have just anyway thank you guys you know just overwhelmed by the huge party we just had so truly it couldn't be easier I think it's kind of a showstopper because it's dark brown on the outside and bright white on the inside it's really really really hard to mess it up and it's really really really delicious it looks relatively smooth in here I'm not gonna happy Friday everyone she's Louise
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 2,981,290
Rating: 4.9524469 out of 5
Keywords: cheesecake, molly baz, from the test kitchen, molly, molly makes, molly makes cheesecake, molly cheesecake, cheese cake, cheesecake recipe, how to make cheesecake, make cheesecake, making cheesecake, how to cheesecake, cheesecake bon appetit, molly bon appetit, best cheesecake, best cheesecake recipe, molly test kitchen, basque cheesecake, make cheese cake, bake cheesecake, baking cheesecake, how to bake cheesecake, molly baz 2019, food, bon appetit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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