Modular Walls Part 1: Textures | Blender / Substance Painter

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hi guys it's roy from bellados 3d here with another video tutorial and in today's video tutorial i will be delving into the world of modular wall assets if you follow a friend of mine xerobio on youtube you'll probably have seen the image that's on screen right now this is a quick render i did it's unfinished i haven't finished texturing it yet for one of his challenges as you can see i've created a corridor scene here with walls and fixtures there and each of the pieces of this wall is actually not one big piece it's lots of small pieces they're all modular and designed in such a way that you can fit them all together in whatever shape you like so you can create your own floor plan within a game engine and that's what i'm going to go through with you today so without further to do let's head on over to blender and let's get started okay so when modelling modular walls i like to start by creating the texture first and then i can create the wall and lay it out over the texture as i'm making it that also means that all pieces of the wall are the same texture and all conform to the same scale so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to create that texture and the method i use is i make a template in blender i export it as fbx and then in substance painter i apply the texture to it then export the textures i'd find that a lot easier and then once it's all in blender we can just overlay the faces of the model and even use the parts of the template as a base for the model so we can get all the scales and sizes right so let's do that first thing so let's get rid of this guy here we don't need the default cube i'm going to delete him and i'm going to turn my screencast keys on so you can see what buttons i'm using although it's very basic you shouldn't really need that but uh let's do it anyway and we're going to go into front orthographic view with one on the numpad and let's press shift a mesh and a plane and now we want that facing the cam facing the view so let's press rotate r for rotate x to lock it to the x axis and 90 to rotate it 90 degrees and we have our basic plane there and what i'm going to do is i'm going to break this up and i'm going to map out the different areas of texture now for the wall pieces we're going to need a texture for the main wall itself and we're going to need a texture for the glass of the windows that we're going to add and we're going to need two textures probably both wood but different types of wood one for the skirting board and one for the coving at the top of the wall so let's divide this up i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to press ctrl r and i'm going to scroll up once so i can have two loops there but i don't need this second loop here i'm gonna get rid of that by selecting it pressing x and then select dissolve edges and that gives me one large piece so in face mode with three on the keyboard press select that face and press y and that separates it from the rest i'm just going to move that gx minus 0.1 to the side and the reason for this is to help substance painter create clean textures if the two of the if the two materials are butted right up to get to each other you get a kind of a a line between um a line where the the textures conflict so just shift it across slightly okay in this piece i need to put a horizontal edge loop with ctrl r and i'm going to right click that now i actually needed two loops there because i only want this square up here so i can still do that by coming down to the menu here and changing the number cuts to two and there we have it so i'm just going to get rid of this one x and dissolve edges i'm gonna go into face mode again select last piece and press y i'm just gonna move that up gz point one and now i want my two pieces of wood so again i need to put control r put an edge loop vertically through there and that's perfect interface mode with three select the right hand piece press y to separate it and gx 0.1 and now we have our separate pieces there's one last thing i want to do with this because i'm going to do glass on this and i want to have the traditional looking dirty glass with the corners little curved corner bits of dirt in the corner and a bit of curvature around it now if it's a flat piece in here substance painter won't pick up any curvature for this these edges which means that it won't create that dirt in the corners so what i need to do is i need to select this face and i'm going to extrude it forward just slightly and i'm going to delete that front face and what that does is that gives me a little bit of geometry which i'm not going to um uv but it gives me that little bit of geometry that will give me a bit of curvature around the edge there and what i'm gonna also gonna do i'm gonna go up to the drop down for the overlays and turn on face orientation and as you can see the orientation on that piece is the wrong way around so if i press that press l over the top of it and if i press alt and n and then select flip that will switch the direction around again and now because um blend is pretty good at auto unwrapping if i select everything you can see it's all unwrapped and that's exactly how i want it almost as you can see it's all laid out all my textures are going to be on there but what i do want to do is i want to select this uv sync selection button on here make sure it's all selected and then coming up to the pivot point i'm going to click that and select individual origins and i'm going to press s to scale i'm just going to bring it down slightly because again we need a bit of blank space between each of the uv islands and that's it that's this piece done that's the main wall piece done i'm going to create two more planes and this is going to be for the floor and the ceiling so first things first shift a mesh and plane rotate with r x 90 and i'm just going to bring that to the left gx minus 2.1 um five if i go into that now you'll see that that's already uv unwrapped that's fine and i'm just going to give that a material click new double click the name to change it i'm going to make that the floor and again i'm going to go back to this model because i forgot to do this click on the wall piece click new double click the material and we'll call that wall and now i want to duplicate this with shift d and right click to snap it back into position gx5 this will be our ceiling piece so we can remove the uh floor texture off of that material and click new and change that to ceiling so we now have all the components of our template so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click to select the first piece select the last piece and select the middle piece so this is the center of the model the the pivot point of the the whole thing and i'm going to export it to xbx fbx by clicking file export fbx and i'm going to save it in my meshes folder i'm going to name it modular walls template and click selected objects and export to fbx so now we have the template model we're going to jump into substance painter right so now we're in substance made so let's bring our model in so go to file and new and we don't need to change anything on here i think 2k is about right for the document resolution let's click select and choose our model and okay and that should bring that into substance painter on the left we've got our 3d view on the right we've got our texture our uv view and as you can see we have our three materials here we have our layers and we have our texture settings so let's go to texture settings and click bake mesh and we're going to change that to 2k to match the original texture size and we don't need an id maps we're going to delete the id map and bake selected textures and that should go through each of the textures and bake the textures that we need for our base mesh okay right the first thing we're going to work on is going to be the wall itself so let's go to our texture set list and click wall and then we have our uvs for our wall um i think this area this piece here the main part of the wall i'm gonna make brick so i'm going to go to the search bar on the materials tab until i click brick and i find a nice brick and i think this one will be nice so let's drop that in like so and just wait for it to update and there we have our brick let's go to our layers tab i'm going to delete this default layer i don't know why that's there okay and we have our texture on on our uvs now if we have the material selected you'll see there's a bounding box here and that is the bounding bounding box for the texture itself so this zero to one space is the tileable texture so it's actually tiling the whole model of course we only need it on this piece here and if we just baked the texture as is this wouldn't be tileable from left to right which is what we need so what we need to do is we need to scale this down inside this area and to do that i'm going to go zooming right in i'm just going to move that to this corner and zoom right in move that in again just to get that perfect and we just keep doing that until we get it lined up perfectly just there and need to bring that in slightly i think i should do it and let's zoom back out and we'll pan over and zoom back out now we need to scale this uniformly so that it it scales down um and the width of this texture is the width of this piece here but we don't want the y to stretch um and if we just click this and move it like so the y is going to stretch it's going to be all out of proportion let's control c but what we can do is if we left click this piece here and hold the shift button down we can scale it down uniformly like so and then again as we did before we'll move it right in left click shift and drag and scale it all the way in just to make sure that that is perfectly lined up with the edge there and we now have this area tileable as you can see there to there will be tileable and the brick below will be tileable with this brick here and so on and that's that piece done we just need to add a black mask now and go over to our left hand toolbar click on the polygon fill and select our polygon fill and then left click on the wall so we now have that piece of the texture baked next we're going to go for the glass and i have a glass material i think this is a default material but if i click on smart materials and in the search bar and type glass there we go glass film dirty mirror now if i drag that onto this model over here like so you'll see that it creates a glass on there now you can see here that this has created the dirt around the edges lovely that's perfect that's brilliant but it hasn't created it on these pieces and the reason for that is because these pieces don't have curvature because they're flat objects whereas this piece because i've put this border in there does have curvature so we have the dirt around the edges and that looks pretty perfect like that i could do with a little bit more dirt but for the purposes of this tutorial i think that looks pretty fine that'll go well into blender like that so we've got the glass we just need to add a black mask to that material and again we click on the mesh fill and click that piece and that's all ready and textured there so we now have our wall and our glass next we need two materials we're gonna have our skirting board and our coving so let's do the wood first and now this is gonna seem a little strange i'm going to go to some smart materials i'm going to type painted and i'm going to actually use a metal for this because these metals these smart material metals have got a paint layer on them so what i want to do is i'm going to take this still painted here i'm going to drop it on the object there but i only actually want out of all of these items inside here the only thing i actually want is the paint layer so i'm just going to delete everything from inside this material except for the paint layer and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to go back to my shelf um materials find wood and i'm going to take a wood let's see this one should do i'm going to drop that into that folder there just make sure it's in the folder yep that's in the folder and as you can see that now puts a paint layer over the top of the wood and let's make that a white color and off-white color for the wood so let's go like so bring it up make it a bit more yellowy i think and just bring it in so it's just off white like so and as you can see you got a nice wood texture there with chips out of it so the wood's showing through and a paint layer on top and let's have a look at the scale of the wood i'm gonna make that three and give it a bit more texture and i think that looks quite good let's have a look at some of this paint the the worn paint i think let's have a look at that and let's see if we can adjust the level maybe not let's have a look at the cracks and do let's change the balance a bit oh that gives it a bit more dimples and dump bumps so always good on paint when you're trying to get old chipped paint there we go and let's have a look at the actual paint there and let's look at the global balance and we can stretch that out a bit more and can bring out more wood like so or we can give it less make it smaller i think that's probably enough we don't want too much on there we don't want it looking too chip doing about there probably okay so now we have our wood we just need to mask that off so we can right click add black mask and using the polygon fill click on this piece here and now we want our coving so our coving i think is going to be a plaster so let's have a look see if we got any plaster we do have some plaster let's have a look off-white that's a bit too clean that one i think i think this is probably the best one and we're going to drop that on the model like so i think we need to make the detail a little bit smaller and that's what we'll do is we'll scale that up to three as well yeah i think that looks about right and then we just have to mask off that area there so we now have the main texture for the walls all completed let's have a look at the next one the ceiling and for that i think i have a perfect texture just here it's called circle smear plaster and there we go nice little our texting sort of pack pattern that you see on a lot of older ceilings and that's that that's that's all i need for that i think that's fine that should tile perfectly it looks like it's seamless so that should be fine so let's go over to the floor and again with the floor let's have a look see what i've got um tile um we could possibly what's this one ah ghetto tile yeah let's drop that on there and we don't need to do anything more than that because that's tiling as it is so let's export this out and we go down to export textures and in this page we choose where we're going to save it so i'm going to go to the lost three day videos and let's find somewhere textures and i'm going to create a new folder i'm going to call it modular walls put it in there and click select folder now let's see the output template let's go down to because ultimately we're going to put this in unity so i'm going to put the unity universal render pipeline metallic standard file tape type we'll make that png and this size we will make that 2048 and padding dilation i want dilation plus transparent and that should give us a bit of um dilation on that and maybe i'll drop now i'll leave that at 16 pixels so let's export and just wait for it to do its thing and eventually it will export all of the textures let's close that down and before i get um close this down i'm going to save this and i'm just going to save it in the base walls file as the wall underscore template and now let's head over to blender okay so now we're back in blender let's bring these textures into our materials to see how they look so first things first i'm going to select the wall piece and as always i'm having difficulty um negotiating the window because i've just been using a piece of software with completely different controls it's hard to switch between sometimes but we'll get there let's go to the shading tab just up the top there i've got to do all that again i'm going to click on the principal bsdf um shader there press ctrl shift and t and let's find my textures come up one textures and modular walls and this is gonna be the wall piece uh so let's have a look i'm gonna assume that that is the one wall floor ceiling yeah wall and we'll select all three of them and click principled texture setup now that should set that up on the screen there and there it is and obviously it's not quite right because the textures used in unity use a metallic smoothness which means the metallic is in the uh the color channel of the texture and the alpha contains the smoothness or roughness in this case um so what i need to do to make them right is just connect the alpha channel of the metallic to the roughness and then press shift and a click the search button and type in invert and then i take that and i drop that between the alpha and the roughness and what this does is in here is a smoothness so white is smooth and black is rough whereas it needs a roughness which is white is rough black is smooth so what this is doing is it's just inverting that channel so it's getting them around the right way and if we go back oops you can see the smoothness has righted itself and it's looking quite nice and shiny there right so that's our wall texture imported into blender let's do the do what is this one we'll do the floor next and exactly the same process let's find the wall of the floor it'll be this one here select all three click and then connect the alpha to the roughness shift and a invert and add it to that and finally let's go over to the ceiling do the same and select all three click principle texture setup connect up the roughness shift a invert and drop that in there and there we have our three textures already set up ready for us to start modelling and that's where we're leaving it on this episode um next episode i will start building the modular pieces based off of these textures i hope you've enjoyed this video i hope you've learned something if you did please hit the like button it really helps with the algorithm getting the channel discovered please subscribe if you want to see more and again if you want to get notifications when i upload a video hit the notification button thank you very much for joining me and i hope to see you in the next video
Channel: Belidos3D
Views: 3,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, low poly, understand, texture, paint, 3d, art, painting, how to, gamedev, animate, modelling, blender low poly, blender game assets, blender unity low poly, blender unity game assets, blender assets for unity, blender game asset tutorial, blender game modeling, blender to unity, blender 2 unity workflow, unity, low poly unity assets, blender 2.8, blender 2.9, low poly unity game, blender 3d, blender tutorial, 2.8, 2.9, texturing, modular, walls, substance painter, substance designer
Id: lQq4HC-B4bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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