Modern Warfare 3 on the Asus ROG Ally runs Amazing

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hello everyone and welcome back to another video today we're going to be taking a look at Modern Warfare 3 running on the Asus R Ally um only things I've done to this thing is I just replaced the joysticks to Hol ofix and uh other than that this is just a Bare Bones we're plugged in here got the max 30 uh watt turbo mode of course now I'm going to give you guys a heads up I have ran into quite a few issues we'll go ahead and turn this down so my first boot into this optimizing shaders now that can take anywhere from 1 to 6 minutes it it really just depends I had to do it twice both times were kind of all over the place um performance right off the bat I'm going to let you guys know it does run good but you have things that you need to do to this um as you can tell it likes to take its time I've had it crash twice but both times it crashed were when it was optimizing so um let's go in here trying to figure out why this isn't going full screen obviously the Modern Warfare 2 that I've been playing is very well optimized they uh I've had no issues on there so here says it's full screen let's go ahead and make it windowed and then make it full screen see if that fixes it there we go all right let's go over some graphics things here that I'm going to I'm sure that you guys are going to want to see um so of course we're going to want to make sure that your refresh rate display resolution all of that is set to how it should be that kind of goes without saying it'll say recommended instead of custom but make sure you have AMD FSR set to Quality filmic SMA 2x I won't say all these out loud but I'll go kind of slow so that if you wanted to go through match these see your performance most everything is set to lower off it's kind of how it was with Modern Warfare 2 they're very very very similar games very similar performance um not a bad thing um I'll I'll get it out of the way I think this is a great game so far I have nothing to complain about um I I'm a sucker for Call of Duty not all of them have been my favorite of course um but I think Modern Warfare 2 is fun yeah uh in-game purchases and crap kind of annoying you know but uh it is what it is modern gaming right can't get mad at one game without getting mad at the whole at it as a whole so I'm just happy to be playing more content getting more videos out to you guys so let's just jump right in here to mosh pit um I'm already level 17 I've been playing pretty much uh most of of uh my free time today I've had a very fun time uh heads up the striker or the UMP fantastic gun uh even with no attachments fantastic gun um I've been really enjoying the I think it's the ACR they're calling it The MCW in this but hopefully we can get into a match in real quick I'm not going to be editing any of this out I want you guys to see loading times how this compares to other things it's it's very similar kind of up up to par with everything else not incredibly fast but it's not lagging behind I mean we've got a SSD in here go ahead and turn this back up a little bit I'll try and keep my talking to a minimum just so you guys can enjoy the game play if that's what you're wanting to do I can't promise I won't be cursing and stuff cuz uh this game can bring the demons out of me sometimes it's kind of hard to see who's friendly and who's not I will say that that that's a complaint that should have been a double I don't know where that other guy up to I saw him up there enemy SEC Bravo enemy I have liked the hall effect joysticks I installed um if you guys are interested in maybe me giving a little bit of commentary on that I mean of course there's the oo some frame dips there it's more it's not even like a frame dip what you just saw that was like a it's like a hitch almost I might change the vram amount oh yeah let's see I don't know if that's Graphics or vram let's turn that down to 70 see if that helps at all maybe not oh man I think that might be internet it's not like this on my PC I can tell you that this is kind of long range to be taking a gunfight with this this might be a long video you guys this is what is this domination I'm not even playing the points I'm I'm the worst teammate I'll try and switch around a few guns just so you guys can get a feel for how everything looks and who knows maybe if you're not even interested in the Ally and how it performs this will translate um hopefully to the legion go um just because of the same uh processor chip in there um or maybe you're just interested in the new cod in general however you got here glad you're here thanks for sticking around let's try out this I have not seen many people use the oh boy the battle rifles I was never really a big fan of them I still feel like you have you have less ammo usually for the promise of more damage and half the time I just feel like that's not really the case enemy enemy incoming go back to the striker I've ended up killing myself with the frag grenades probably more than I've killed people because the the cook time is so long I'll throw it and then run out forget it hasn't exploded and just get cooked totally forgot about that you guys I'm so sorry there you go so it'll it'll kind of average it depends on the map somewhere around 70 80 FPS it feels very smooth the uh vrr the VR on the screen is fantastic a that's a goofy grenade but you can be deadly on one of these things still no I've changed my Crouch button to the joystick I've had it like that for a year or so and I still it still feels weird to me like I like it but it just doesn't make sense to me to me sometimes when I'm doing certain movements granted most of the time I'm playing on keyboard and mouse anyways oh dude let's try this thing out I hit the no what other guns do we got let's try this thing I mean this looks really good to me I'm I might go on a limb here and say like if this is your only thing to play on you only have an ally like getting Cod just to play on that it's not even a bad it's not even a bad deal you're not even sacrificing that much cuz think about it you've got more FPS than the Cod players on Console Maybe by depending on what the situation is at least 15 more and you can play from your bedy that's funny the battle rage when you use it it just turns on film grain which I have specific turned off I see you up there man we are getting maybe it's the servers are just kind of full you have to tell me what you guys think do you guys think that's a performance thing those hitches that we're getting or is that a oh boy I need to put back on the one that has a sight I can't see much keep in mind I'm I'm trying to hold this at an angle so the screen so you guys can see this like breaking my neck [Music] here that you would try and lay down wouldn't you you can die like a coward ah GG well there you guys have it I'd love to hear your guys's opinions thoughts on this I know this was just one map this was rust um kind of a smaller map but I've played this for probably about half an hour uh got the two other more popular Maps high-rise very very similar performance here um The Hitching though what do you guys think is that my internet is that the servers kind of just being a little bit more full uh performance I'm I'm not entirely sure what's going on if that's the case um FPS was definitely hitting just like it did in Modern Warfare 2 I'm not nothing to complain there whatsoever um yeah hopefully you guys enjoy the beta just as much as I have and uh when the full release hits um hopefully a very fun game that we'll play for for at least a year come on Activision give us give us one year to enjoy this before dropping something else on our plate but with all that being said I appreciate all you guys I think it just froze like I like I said at the beginning it's it can get a little rough I mean oh no we're back we are back if you guys appreciated uh the video I I would appreciate a subscribe um like follow you guys know what to do have a good one y'all
Channel: Gamers Digester
Views: 12,904
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Id: ckBgCWOpeyE
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Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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