Modern Family | The Most Iconic Cam and Mitch Moments

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we adopted a baby her name is lily oh exciting just turn it off i can't turn it off it's who i am the music yes emergency assistance this is trina well we locked our baby in the car and people are judging us do not break the window you'll get glass on her sir please tell your wife to relax everything is going to be okay that's a man really don't worry lily lily daddy's coming for you sir we just sent the signal the door should be unlocked check out check the door check the door check the door it's not unlocked oh oh okay that is amazing how did they do that i don't know it's just we got it thank you you come from spain we met at one of pepper's legendary game nights i remember mitchell because he kept rolling his eyes every time i would get a little boisterous i did not a little bit yeah maybe a little bit we were we were playing charades and i i had no idea how to act on my clue and all i could think of to do was and without missing a beat cam says casablanca all i did was this casablanca [Music] casablanca [Music] [Applause] [Music] tonight we dine on the traditional colombian recipes of my abuela my grandmother and even though she's no longer with me i am very happy because i have all of you tu ana maria rosa de la immaculada jimenez morales morales it's beautiful gloria just like my mitchell slipped right out there day four of the juice fast and i'm hungry but i'm i'm feeling pretty good cam on the other hand has gone all girl interrupted after one throwing out all of our food and two blaming me he entered stage three soap actress i just wish my sister would put herself out there more if she had so much to offer why are men so superficial that was followed by stage four a rush of epiphanies i don't need food oh look at this architecture's everywhere oh spaniards make amazing athletes into stage five despair daddy we hide it but you didn't seek cam then came rage [Applause] hey what you got there all right guys that's it pack it up you win for today see you on monday that's it that's it so i'll go to city hall on monday and see what i can do but you didn't cam no we did it i had to run away and you stepped in and like an understudy you gave a brilliant performance yeah but you're the star can we stop doing this and go home yes lily but i want you to remember this moment the day your daddy's made you proud is that my cam chair graham graham [Applause] there's been some storm warning so marge thought she'd be safer over here when she dropped her off so fast that we didn't even have a chance to straighten up oh we never told graham about the gay you know after they reach a certain age you worry that it could be the thing that sends them over the edge and she's been on the edge for a long time we're actually on deathbed number two mitchell mitchell okay what what's this this is me ready to slop bail or milk something you don't need to do that no i did cam i i know i know i gave you hell for for being who you really are and i want to make that up to you yeah but you know what putting on my sister's sunday overalls is gesture enough what's this oh it's my chewing straw it's not strong oh it's just show okay for sure come on you know you love the man you love the world he comes from yeah i don't know if it's these farming clothes or what but i am feeling so close to you right now that's so sweet give me a kiss not right now well don't make me wrastle you down who's this oh dear uh well grams this is bud our new farm hand bud yeah bud's a little simple-minded on account of getting mule kicked idney and you know the rules on being in the house but now go on outside we're gonna milk the cows in a few minutes get on out there have a treat afterwards this is not at all how i saw the evening going oh honey you have no idea do you remember our first apartment yes what what made you think of that i don't know the stars all right come on let's do this yeah [Music] yes we're gathered here today to join two amazing people so naturally i was a little picky when it came to who was going to be replacing me and then i met this cam and sure he was warm and funny and loving cameron do you take mitchell to be your husband i do cameron would you please place this ring on mitchell's finger [Music] mitchell do you take cameron to be your husband i do then by the powers vested in me by the state of california i am privileged to pronounce you spouses for life you may now kiss your [Music] husband okay listen i know how lucky i am to have you but i can't possibly keep up with this level of affection oh boy i apologize i'm a monster no obviously i'm the monster obviously you know can i just point out that when we were in cabo you didn't seem to mind all the flowers or the back rubs or the attention well that was our honeymoon and yes i loved it but it was weeks ago well maybe some of us don't want it to end well it has to eventually and all right cam did you have this lipstick you know personally i feel sorry for you that you're so shut off that a few simple romantic oh my god what am i looking at here well i guess i'm crazy because i've taken pictures of you sleeping every night since we got married because you're the man of my dreams super quick if i was the man of your dreams wouldn't you have to be the one sleeping don't pull that thread mitchell speaking of which what is don't pull that thread mitchell oh cam come on even you have to admit this is excessive excessive really oh struck by cupid's magic air hey mr pritchett there is a connecting flight through dallas that leaves in five minutes you can catch it if you hurry i don't want to go to dallas we're going to turks and caicos dallas is just where you make your connection i'm sorry i'm having a really hard time processing information right now yeah we took sleeping bills just make your way over to gate 32. okay okay i can wow wait why do these say dallas sorry there's been a horrible mistake we don't want to go to dallas okay listen carefully you're connecting in dallas to turks and caicos you need to be at gate 32 in four minutes do you understand yes i'm not an idiot okay we have to be at cape 4 at 32 no gate 32 write it down okay oh why is she so angry it's not obvious she's totally into me she gave me a mocker that makes sense all right okay i'm gonna follow you okay wrong anyways instinct are you sure we put the car seat in right what do you mean we i i don't know it felt shaky oh god this is bad this is really bad we don't have diapers we don't have formulas i don't even know where we live if somebody asks for an address what am i supposed to say some new house someplace guys oh my gosh oh oh my god oh my god we're awful we haven't even checked in with you you you must be freaking out too no i'm not and neither are you this is just your process you get hysterical you worry about every detail then you turn on each other no we don't yes we do how dare you and after all that craziness when it really matters the most you what what what do we do our son he's beautiful we got this you
Channel: Peacock
Views: 2,234,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peacock, peacock tv, peacock streaming service, modern family, modern family scene, modern family funny scenes, mitch and cam, cam and mitch, jesse tyler ferguson, modern family funny, eric stonestreet, cam and mitch scene, cam and mitch clip, modern family show
Id: eEiMdw3eA-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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