Lily's Best Sassiest Moments - Modern Family

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besides this is a happy occasion am i right Lily aren't you excited to get a new baby brother no hey honey say hi to the baby my daddy oh but I need her to detach for me before the new thing comes or who knows what she'll do to it why are you saying thing instead a baby [Music] no honey if you're hungry you can have some fruit here is weird where are my parents well the school called and your sister won a big award nice try the only person who would believe that would be Hayley she's in jail jail what did I say only a matter of time didn't say that I know sweetie but daddies are talking about what we're gonna wear tonight and that's a difficult conversation I near River Lily I'm not loving this attitude you seem a little mean you girls are so dramatic do I need to call you ambulance [Music] Haley I'm serious Alex it's weird you're big boy you made your point honey sorry you couldn't come to wedding it was no kids are you all coming yeah we don't say y'all yeah we do no well yeah we say it here but not normally what did you ever think this is how I really talk and that I talk different like when I'm not here like a little girl I need to squeeze something you know we're here Lily this is fine sometimes when he reads me IRA tend to follow sleep so you'll go oh no sweetie that's a costume you can't wear a costume to a wedding why not she thanks to me she stood up to the town people what have you done here today daddy's gonna do it up really pretty with flowers not you right no other daddy oh thank God we are taking a new photo far above our mantel Lily's not in the one up there now and we started to get the slight impression that it was bothering her Lily we're ready for dinner oh I know you sneezed on the cake okay I got a surprise for you be another baby if there's something fun behind the couch so Larry's allowed to sit on the couch and I'm not well Larry is white you chose me are you a nerd no why would you ask me that it's Friday night and you're doing homework it's my senior year trust me Louise will be tons of fun Friday nights in my future with artists dignitaries other scientists very good here boyfriend yes miss dork okay everybody I want to make a tough excuse to my brilliant daughter so not you okay do you have any Queens yeah two big ones you know what it was funny the first time now it's just kidding me myself he's just having a moment he's always having a moment we just wanted to ask if you think I cry too much and you can be honest I don't wanna answer because you might cry if you're going to keep giggling I'll take my own now Dwight is going to be staying with us oh come on you started without me no he finished without
Channel: ScreenBuzz
Views: 1,281,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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