Modelling a low poly Snow Globe! | Blender tutorial

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[Music] hey everyone today we're going to be doing a short tutorial on making a low poly snow globe scene on blender it's been a little while since our last upload but with the summer coming up all of us at reach5 plan to return to a more regular posting schedule so definitely stay tuned for that with that being said let's get started by deleting our default cube and making our snowman for our snow globe so we're going to use shift a to spawn in an icosphere which will serve as the snowman body we'll use s to scale this out a little bit just like that with shift d i'm going to duplicate this sphere and use that to lock on the z axis and just place it on top i'll use s to scale it down to create the middle section shift d zed to create the head here like that s scale down and now we got the foundation of our snowman so let's go over to the middle east we'll use tab to enter edit mode and we're going to try to make the arms so up here choose the face select mode which we're going to use to select one of these triangles we're going to use i to inset the edges and then e to extrude out so this will be our arm about that much i'll use s to scale down this end to be more of a point with ctrl r i can create a loop cut just so we can make the hands of our snowman just like that also i'm going to introduce another loop cut just in the middle to create like an elbow for our snowman he's asked to scale this loop cut down and it just creates this bend over here that being said let's switch to face select mode and create our hands so i'll just select one of these faces here e to extrude out s to scale in we'll repeat this two more times e to extrude that's the scale d to extrude s to scale and i'll just use g to grab the faces and just move them around a little bit just so it doesn't look too regular g to grab just like that so now that's one arm done let's repeat the process for the other side so i'll just grab this face i to inset e to extrude out like that at scale in i'll create two loop cuts one for the hand and one for the middle of the arm let's scale that in a little bit but now let's create the other hand so i'll just right click this edge sorry this face extruded out scale it in instead we'll let's extrude this face instead right at the end just like that once more eat extrude s to scale not bad let's use g to grab these move around a little bit oh yeah something like that all right so these arms look about the same length so that's fine now we can get started on our parent nose so select the head let's choose a triangle face that is about halfway down the head so yeah this one looks good and set with i eat extrude s to scale down that looks pretty good i'll just add a little cut in the middle just to give a little bit of shape to this nose which i'll scale down looks good now for the eyes mouth and buttons we're going to create one icosphere which is set with subdivision set to one just to create a cold piece effect we're going to add a material to it to get a gray color and we're just going to duplicate it across to make our lives a little bit easier so now that we have our icosphere let's add a material let's set the base color to a dark gray all right normal gray whichever it looks good let's scale it down to add it to our snowman we're going to enable the snap to feature make sure it's set to face and snap width to center drag it over like that that looks fine i'll use shift b to duplicate this looks good let's duplicate this and make the mouth the mouth will decrease the size of the cyclosphere just to add some variation inside this move it over here just duplicate a few times just this adjusted one and that looks about good to me i always move this around later if you need to well let's duplicate one of these cold pieces i'll increase the size a little bit for the buttons it's like a medium size so the eyes are the biggest let's duplicate and duplicate it doesn't have to be perfectly straight down just introduce a little bit of variety if you like yeah just like that before we begin with the app let's color in the arms to brown like stick pieces and the nose well let's begin with the arms so let's just select that torso piece edit mode up here on the top enable the x-ray just so we can grab these faces just make sure the fade select is on i'll just i'll just drag select all these same with those i'm going to create a new material and i'll set it to a brownish color orange moves it down that looks good we're just going to assign it to these things if you want to see what colors are being applied you can go up here and enable this viewport shading mode so you can just see the color and you can see that the torso in the middle was colored brown as well to avoid this we're going to color uh this torso piece white do this press ctrl i to invert whatever you have selected so it'll deselect the arms and select the middle portion we're going to add a new material over here and assign this with normal white color to it now when i deselect you can see that the torso is left white and the arms are a brown color now let's do this for the parrot nose so i'll create a new material first enter edit mode let's just select the nose just like that let's go to an orange color that's probably good apply it to that but again we have the same issue with the entire head being colored orange as well so let's just invert it with ctrl i and create a new material and honestly here we could deselect that that old white material we used down the torso up on the head as well i'll just assign this material number six great so now we have our basic snowman next let's begin by crafting the hat let's introduce a cylinder vape like that let's drag it up let's squish it down scale z axis oh let's first disable the snap to feature up here let's try that again that seems to be a good thickness let's see how big it looks that's a bit too large so scale it down with s like that that seems to be good to me let's enter edit mode make sure you have the edge select enabled up here and we're going to select this entire top ring by using alt right click we go to i we're going to insert with i extrude up and now we have this basic shape of our top hat let's stir the top out a little bit by scaling these top edges out with s let's extrude up a little bit scale in and now we have a beveled top along with the flare up now that we have our basic hat let's add a red stripe across the middle to do this we're going to create two horizontal loop cuts with ctrl r just like that with your vertex select tool enabled up there we need to select both of these rings so with alt shift right click just choose the edge and as you can see this entire middle region is selected we're going to separate this by selection by pressing p and then choose selection and now this is an entire new object so if we enter object view and just right click on this middle region we can move it separately like this the reason we did this is so that we can introduce a solidify modifier to make the colored band stand out from the rest so before we do that we're going to first add our red color to our stripe i chose red you can choose anything you'd like let's make a little darker good i'll add color to the rest of the hat and the material i'll drop the color down to say somewhere like this and now you can see that it looks really flat so we're going to add the splitify modifier to the stripe as i mentioned you can increase the thickness like that i'll just peel this down a little bit oh never mind i won't slow it down a little bit oh it's good actually that stands out a bit too much drop that back just like that perfect so now that we have our app done we can begin with our actual snow globe set up the base of the snow globe we're going to add a cylinder and i'll just set a top down view just to get an idea of size i'll probably make it about that large perhaps i'll squish this down let's fill this with zed just like that onto edit mode i'll select the top ring of edges with alt right click i'll inset with i it shoot up with e about that much we're going to create another lip up here and we're going to do that by pressing e to extrude but i'm not going to move it anywhere i'm going to scale this out with s extrude back up with e and i'll extrude once more to create a beveled edge similar to how we did with the top hat so extrude s to scale it down and now we have the base of our snow globe so let's just put this into a side view and let's just line these up with the snowman is that let's drag this whole thing up like that we'll probably move it again later but just for now looks good to make our glass we're going to add a uv sphere with this menu let's scale it up a little bit since it is a full sphere we need to cut off the bottom half so we're going to go into edit mode select the bottom half delete vertices great next we're going to go to the materials tab to make this glass transparent let's add a new material increase the transmission to one decrease the roughness to zero and change the base color to pure white for some reason it's not set to pure white so if it's darker then uh in our render the insides of the snow globe will appear darker than what they should be really that being said let's go to the modifier tab let's first add a subdivision surface modifier which i will set to three this will just fix the jaggedness of this glass sphere next we're going to add a solidify modifier which we will use to introduce a little bit of thickness to the glass pane because as it is before we added it it was completely thin with w we can also shade the surface move and that concludes the glass peak so with h we will just hide that next to make our snow base which we will sculpt and add our trees and rocks to we will first add a circle scale that up a little bit we can probably tweak this um afterward uh it dies what we're gonna do first is edit uh enter edit mode and with f we can fill in the face between these edges f just fill that in with i we will inset as far as we can go it doesn't really matter how precise you are we did this so we can introduce some loop cuts so we're going to do this horizontal loop cut and add about six of them with the scroll wheel so that is about six that's good i'll left click and then escape leave it there and how we're going to sculpt this snow is we're going to use a proportional editing tool up here and the idea is if you're in vertex mode you can select one vertice and with g you can move it around and if you scroll in a little bit it'll select how many points it's affecting so with that just proceed to stop the snow and i'll probably time lapse this because it's very repetitive now that we have our uh snow base done i just added a few elevations around the outside probably add a tree here and there and a few big rocks scattered around but for now at least let's start with the tree let's add in a cube which will scale down a little bit to get the width could be trunk let me just drag it outside here let's scale it with z to increase like this about that much that's good let's enter edit mode select the vertices up here we're going to hit e to extrude which i'll leave it there and then i'll scale it out with s extrude it upward then scale it in wait i can see let's scale it in if you hit m you can merge these points into one central point like that now also since this is a winter scene we should add a layer of snow on top a thick layer of snow to do that let's select all four faces on the outside enable x-ray mode select these four faces we'll hit shift d to duplicate escape to leave it there we will scale it down and then drag it up along the z axis and now we have our snow cover top now to make it actually look like a thick layer of snow we're going to have to separate it similar to how we did earlier so we're going to hit p separate by selection to make it its own object so now this is separate like this let's add a solidify modifier to this top bit we'll do something like that now to make it look more like a tree let's add some color to it so let's first start with the bottom half of the tree we'll add a new material and let's add a brown color so actually first let choose the brown color that we made earlier for the arms this one and we will assign it to the tree trunk over here let's sign it there and for the rest of the tree we'll hit control i to invert it will add a new material new material and we will change this to a green color make a little darker to more of a foresty green like that how does it look yup that looks pretty good and the snow cover top is white perfect okay i think this future looks a bit too long so i'll just grab these faces wait grab the bottom face and just grab it and drag it up cool so let's add this to our logo scale it down move it around [Music] like that good i will duplicate this with shift d to create another one over here that looks good i'll rotate it a little bit so it doesn't look too perfect just make sure to grab the snow cover top when you um rotate this tree nice let's just hope this fits underneath the sphere so let's spawn that in nope it's too tall so let's just shrink that and we can also shrink this nice i think our snowman here looked a little too large so i'll probably just select everything here and just shrink it down like that that looks much better next let's add some rock so to do that we will spawn in an icosphere and make sure the subdivisions are set to one let's drag it up we'll do something similar to how we did the eyes and the mouth and the buttons so we're going to modify this and then just duplicate it a couple of times let's enter edit mode and manually just move around some of these vertices to get a shape that you would like trying to get a more flat looking kind of rock that i'll just set along the side even something like that is good enough for me so now that we have a rock let's add a snow cover top similar to how we did with the trees so we're going to select a few faces but how this technique differs is we're going to extrude these faces up so we're going to hit e let's extrude a little bit to get a thin layer and what we're going to do now is add some color by adding a new material so i'll just select the rest of the snow faces add a new material and this will be our white snow so let's apply it like this with control i invert your selection add a new material and set it to a dark gray color just like with the rock now if we see in our material viewing mode we have our gray rock with the white snow so let's find a place to set this one down oh it's too far it's all we rotate a little bit like that and from this angle here even something like that's pretty good now let's repeat this a couple more times so we can duplicate it with shift d and with the edit menu you can select a few vertices change up the shape a little bit make something new and while i do this i will probably just time-lapse this section it's a very repetitive process if you would like more rock or have some formation or certain organization of them feel free but i will be back as soon as i am done adding these rock do all right so i'm back i've added a few rocks over here i've added a couple larger ones on the back uh sorry on the front the huge one on the back and i made these two a little bit smaller because i think i plan to have the camera set around here somewhere looking down like this so you'll be able to see the variation in shape that way now that i look at it i didn't help the hat which i should fix right now let's rotate it a little bit on the y-axis drag it down oh that looks a lot better i will shift this back a little bit and rotate it a bit more perfect with this done i will now probably add one more thing is a small pile of snowballs on the side here just to add a little bit more um stuff to the scene because it's a little bit lacking on the front so add an echo sphere which you will set the subdivisions to two not one this time and this will be very simple we'll just shrink this down and just duplicate it a bunch to get a small pile going here now let's start setting up our scene for rendering so first create a backdrop which we will rest our base on let's create a large plane and let's go to the side here drag this plane down to make it flush with the bottom about that much should be good let's select go to edit mode select the back edge and extrude this one upward like that we'll select this edge over here hit control b to create this beveled edge and just scroll up to round this corner up say like that that should be fun let's add a new material over here and we will no not preview let's add let's change the base color to a very light blue i've experimented and i seem to like this one quite a bit a nice pale blue yeah about that much a little bit brighter like this just like that nice now let's get started with the lighting so i'll do shift a and spawn in a light area let's drive this up here in the lighting settings i'll set the power to about 1500 and i will also set the size to 0.125 meters this one i will leave a little bit higher and it will serve as kind of a spotlight effect on the scene i can move it around like that good i'll duplicate this with 50. drag it over point it like this and i will change the size to about 0.25 as you increase the size of a light area that would make the shadows that cast a bit softer so you'd get overall softer lighting with a larger emission area before we go any further let's add some snow to our snow globe to do this we're going to grab our glass sphere let's just unhide that over here and let's create a new particle system which we'll just add one here let's increase the number of these particles they'll click to 4 000 let's change the brownian motion to 3.33 and let's also come down here to render and change render as to object so what we're going to do here is we're going to create a circle and fill it in with edit mode by pressing f just like that and we're going to essentially use this circle as the snowflake let's rotate this by 90 degrees and we're going to use this to create our snowflakes so now that we have this set up here let's add the object that we set up here so let's grab this dropper tool click on the circle and now it's there so if you were to [Music] play down here you'd see the snowflakes fall and when we render our image at the very end we would essentially play and then pause at a random point in time and the snow would be falling his v-scale typically set it to object rotation let's just get that out of the way right now as we rotate it these orients towards the camera because i think we're gonna have the camera set up somewhere around here like this you can see the base and a shower that would be cast by these lights i think we can find a fine tune the snowflake position right afterward first let's get this camera thing set up so let's go over to this view tab in the toolbar if it's closed you can open it up with n let's set the camera to view so now when we go here to toggle the camera view as you move your view around the camera will follow that's weird there it is so we can just orient this around like that something like this and then we can adjust it in a second you see the thing back here this odd camera clipping this can be fixed by going over to the camera settings down here and changing this clipping end to some large number and set it to like 500 for example just so we don't get any of these issues just like that as we wrap up our small scene here let's change our render engine to cycles for more realistic lighting let's change our device to gpu if the gpu option doesn't come up and you have a gpu you can come over to preferences and select it to the menus next let's change our render sampling let's increase it at least i'll set it to about 750 you can change it depending on how much time you want to spend rendering it and that will depend on your computer and whatever specs your computer has i'll also enable render denoising here just to avoid any static or grittiness that can decrease the quality of our final image as well something that i seem to miss earlier on was coloring uh the base of our snow globe so we can do that really quickly so we can just go create a new material and set a brown color just like that in render view here the color looks pretty good i think but there's a shadow being cast under the glass so earlier when i was making the snow i must have missed this but the issue here is that there is a little bit of space between the snow and the base of the snow globe and that casts a dark shadow so this should be a rather quick fix let's align it with one of the axis and we can see that there's clearly a lot of space so a quick fix would be go into edit mode alt right click to select this entire edge and we can simply extrude it downward just like that so now there would be no shadows that are being passed underneath and there won't be that black line we saw in that render view so let's unhide the glass from the side menu here all right next thing we should fix is the lighting as it is right now the world is looking rather dim so let's go over to the world properties and increase the brightness with the slider so let's just move it up a little bit more maybe or around there something like that all right that looks good next what i'll do is i'll move the writing sorry the lighting around a little bit since it looks a little bit too close together so i'll just point them back like that move them away move them up a little bit or spotlight with this one and more of a shadow with this one just like that right before we run the render let's just make sure our snowflakes are falling so let's just check with the x-ray and they're stuck on the sides so let's press play and then okay that did not seem to work so what if i set it back to zero there we go pause i think the particle system is looking good all right i think let's give it a shot let's hit render let's go so here is our final render and the end of our tutorial right before i end off a to raise a little awareness about the suppression of the weaker people in western china these people are a muslim minority that are being persecuted on ethnic and religious grounds and are also being arbitrarily detained into indoctrination camps the mistreatment of the uyghur people by their government is an attack on fundamental human rights and freedoms and must be stopped in the description below i've included a few links that go into this topic in further detail and i encourage you to look into them further that being said however if you enjoyed the video make sure to like and subscribe if you have any questions leave them in the comment section below and i hope to see you all in the next one
Channel: Reach 5
Views: 4,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N6Nl7rGhKG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 16sec (2056 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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