Modeling a Screw - Phillips Head - Helix, Soft Select, Wave Deformer

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hi guys in this episode we'll make a screw alright so there's a couple things we need to figure out first how to make a spiral and then how to make the Philips head let's start with a spiral an easy way to do the spiral is to create under polygon primatives a helix so I'm just going to create one and then we can change some options here on the right first thing we need to do is let's reduce the amount of axis we're gonna set it to 4 that'll give us that screw shape and then we need to figure out how many coils and what the height would be so let's see except the height like this and increase the coils until we have something we like we can also change the radius so by the way when you're selecting if I select the radiation and start dialing it up and down and see how it happens really fast I'm skipping a bunch of numbers that I can use like right here I'm going from point 2 to point 3 and it's happening really fast and the way I'm doing this is I'm just clicking here first and then in here middle dragging the but if I want a little more precision just hold ctrl while middle dragging and you'll get to use a second decimal point and I'll give you a little extra control so now what we can do is just increase this or decrease it until we have something like and I think something like this okay that's good let's give it a little bit more height and maybe a little more coils now the next thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna look from the top view and what I need to do now is I need to make this something that I can work with and an easy thing to work with is a cylinder that has 16 subdivision axis so if I make a cylinder like this I'm gonna then take the helix here and I'm going to change the coils number to something even like 12 you see it still gonna be pretty much the same but then the subdivision coil here I'm gonna drag until I match that which is 16 now the reason this so keep it up there it causes 16 the reason that they line up is because we have an a an integer in the coils because if we start moving this you can see they start to spread so make sure you have a an integer in there a solid number no decimals then you'll have nice even a subdivision throughout we can delete this okay now we can also change the width and get it to how we'd like it like that all right so now I'm gonna delete I'm not gonna bleed I'm gonna select this face then shift double-click the face next to it this will select all of the interior faces and I'm just gonna hit delete all right so now what I need to do is I need to fill the space in between now I can go through and try and select this but it's gonna be difficult so instead I'm gonna use the pen to poly tool which is this guy it's also under one of these menus append to polygon and I'm gonna click from here to here just straight vertical like that then I'm gonna go to the top here and do the same here that now I can double click this edge inside and this will select all of the edges on the inside see we just made like just a stopper basically now I'm gonna deselect this edge here and then deselect this edge here this will give us to a parallel loops and now we can just use a bridge so I'm going to go into by the way the default settings for bridge might not be the settings you want so if you want to have the settings a specific way just go to the bridge tool click the little box and then the options we can then set the settings we want so if I reset this right it's pretty good but if you have more divisions you can set it to zero and when you click apply it will remember those settings so you can see what we did is we filled the space in between that looks good all right so now what we need to do is we need to close up the bottom and we need to close at the top and the way I'm going to do this is I'm going to create a cylinder subdivision 16 so by the way see this cylinder is subdivision axis of 20 I normally use a cylinder of subdivision of 16 so I'm going to double click the tool click in here - 16 hit apply next time when I make a cylinder it's going to remember those settings so man it's a cylinder with subdivision 16 then I'm gonna just scale it until i eivol it here you can be precise if you want I'm just gonna ball it because nothing is perfect just move it up here like this and delete so we just have that left over so now I'm gonna combine both of these hit combined this button here and then I'm going to select this loop and then shift select this loop but I need to deselect this and this because we can't bridge that and also we can't bridge this edge or this edge and now I'm gonna click bridge so this will close that off you can see the edges that we had selected when surfer bridge - working - have even edge loops then I'm gonna select this hole here and just click fill hole by the way all the tools that I'm using you can also get to by using my marking menus and you can get to them by either holding shift right click and you can also hold control shift right click which will give you some more options for the select tool and so ctrl shift will give you options for any tool you have active and then shift will give you any operation or tool you can use on a specific selection and control is for converting selections or changing selections alright so this is good now what we need to do is what I want to figure out how to close this off so we have basically a triangle here so the way I'm going to do this I'm going to go from here to somewhere here and here this will give us a quad you can see right there then I'm going to select this vertex hold shift so because I have a vertex selected if I hold shift this will give me all the available tools available that I can use on this vertex so if I hold shift right click I want to pick average vertices you can see what it does they'll just average that vertex I'm going to click G G will redo that last operation I'm gonna select this vertex if I press G it's gonna redo that last operation and if you're not sure you can also look right here a lot of tools that you use will show up down here in this section here and you can usually use either G or Y to enable them so Y is for tools and G is for operations or something like that that there that's a little too much so this one I'm just gonna move my hand like this there we go see if I smooth looks pretty good so we have a Pentagon here and so and you can see one two three four five now I'm not I don't like triangles but I'm not too upset about Pentagon's because Pentagon's subdivide pretty well so if I take this and just subdivide to preview you can see what that looks like it actually does a pretty good job of subdividing so I'm gonna keep it for now and then we'll see what happens later okay so shift alt D or clear history now next thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna duplicate rotate 180 degrees move it down and then here I want to line this up so there's a couple ways to line it up an easy way is to snap a vertex to a vertex and you can see that if I start moving this at some point some of these vertices line up like right there so if I just move this down a little bit I'm gonna hold D and first make sure you're in the move tool so press W then hold D and V and then middle drag the mouse and you can see all start to snapped over two vertices I'm gonna pick this vertex here so now my pivot is on that vertex I can now hold V and select the y-direction and just left click and drag and they'll start snapping to the closest vertex so I'm just going to snap to this vertex so now everything is lined up then I'm just going to start selecting faces like this there now if you just right-click you can click invert selection and delete and then here we're going to select the faces that are overlapping which is this now you can see we have this part here just press for just to make sure that there's no overlap no double faces and then we can select this now we can hit combine and merge I'm going to hit three for preview just to see and if the if something is collapsing or not merging you can use the threshold here slide it back and forth there we go alright so the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to close this off and I'm gonna make a point but I'm gonna I want to do it the easy way so for that I'm just going to fill this like this and then I'm gonna look from like arrange this I can see it this way I'm going to look where the grid is I'm going to just start cutting across that so the multi-cut tool likes to jump around you can also use this tool which is the split polygon tool now if you want to get the split polygon tool you have to get it from an old shelf because I don't know how to see if I can get the code for it there it is yeah see I don't know how it actually works because there's no command for it and the way I took it is I took Maya 2015 took the shelf from my 2015 and copied the command for in the text file anyway you can still use this TT cut tool so I'll show you just so you guys can use it as well and you just go like this I'm gonna cut across and I'm doing this to make it even in all in all four directions and I want to leave quads right there now I'm gonna use the insert edge loop tool and add a loop here oops let's make sure that insert with edge flow is off and this is set to relative order complete with that now I can select these vertices here shift right click average vertices and then I'm gonna click G just to keep smoothing it like this there so you can see that's all quartered nice and neat now I'm gonna move this down - all right that's good and the last thing we need to do is we need to make sure that we can pinch this and also I want to add a little bit extra detail here so the way we're gonna do this is like this I'm gonna first click insert edgeloop tool' I'm gonna put a loop all the way around so like let's go from this side like that and then like see like this yeah that fits this later and what I want to do is just add a loop to contain this one subdividing so it doesn't collapse and then one here this so of course we don't need this edge we also don't need this edge and then I'm just going to reconnect and then I'm gonna make a wide loop this way and then come back around here and so when you mess up just hit delete and then read draw and then I'm gonna select these two and hit ctrl delete so now we have nice clean JIRA you see it looks pretty good then we're gonna we're gonna go up here and do the same and so the hot cam using now is G I can also use Y so if I press Y this will enable the tool that's in here so any tool that I use that shows up in here you can use Y to enable it again so when you're done with a tool like you're finally making a cut if I use let's say this tool I can make a cut like this and if I want to finish this cut but then we and then turn the tool on again I can just press Y this will finish this cut and let me continue using the tool okay so here the bevel looks nice and sharp so we just need to add a similar bevel here and for this I'm just gonna double-click this edge so give me a selection all the way around and I hold shift right click and I'm going to bevel this like that and then we don't need a huge battle we just need a little small little thing like this and if I subdivide you can see it's nice and sharp now this does make a Pentagon here right there but that's okay I don't mind it it's gonna give us nice geometry if we subdivide alright also what I like to do is I like to just click this button which is the soften edge you can also get to it under mesh display soften edge and you should be able to get to it by holding shift right click and then soften edge soften edge and include history this will just soften all of the normals and make everything nice and clean and smooth alright so now let's pinch the bottom we're gonna use our nd lattice I use lattices all the time so this is the lattice tool right here you can also get to it by holding spacebar the form and at the top here there's a lattice and if I open the options I'm gonna reset them and show you what they look like by default so I'm gonna set this to to set this to 30 30 30 so 2 2 2 30 30 30 that's the default values click apply and then you have st and new divisions so they kind of relate to XY and z so if you think about s T u X Y Z T divisions is the vertical so we can set two vertical divisions now if you right-click on the lattice if you don't have a space to click on the ladder look if you're trying to click here and you don't and you miss you'll hit the object and go to vertices instead you can select the lattice which is right here and right click outside and click lattice point like that then I'm going to select the points down here and then scale them down like that okay now as we're scaling what happened is that the space between the the threats doesn't change so I'm just gonna bring this up as well this will give us a nice clean point I'm gonna clear history that will get rid of the lattice but you can see we still have a flat point here so I'm going to select this vertex here like this and then I'm going to double click the move tool this will open up the options for the tool settings for this tool and I'm gonna hit B this will turn on soft select B and then I can hold B and middle Mouse drag and this will give me a fall of it you see right there and as soon as it touches the edge I'm going to stop and if I go to the soft selection here there's a couple of soft selection options here now I want to make a nice round tip here so if I want to make a point one I could just make linear this will give me that if I want to make a little bit more round I can make my own so if you just use the linear I'm gonna set this to smooth and this one too or just sublime smooth as well I think that's gonna actually it now let's make it all linear I'll be good whoops okay all I want to do is linear there we go all right so now I'm going to click here I want to try and make a an arc inside here so I'm going to go like this okay I can then right click on this and click store custom so I can then recall that one so now if I pull this up you can see it'll give me a rounded point here like this when I come down from this view just gonna select press B to turn this off create a new lattice I'm going to select the lattice points here and just pinch them a little bit and you can see now I have nice clean round geo here if we subdivide you can see it's nice and clean there's no pinching yeah that's okay that's pushing out a little bit but it landed too much I can bring this in yeah that's fine all right so that's good and that's good it's not what we need to do is make the cap right so I'm gonna hide this for now and the way we're gonna do the cap is we'll make a cylinder and because we when we made the helix threading part we used subdivision 16 so I'm gonna make a cylinder sub there's in 16 and add a couple caps something like this that should be good I'm gonna delete this much and just look at the sphere at the cylinder from this view and now I'm gonna make some cuts to make the so that we can make our the plus in here the Philips head alright let's start I want to go from here to there so first let's do this I'm gonna go from here to here like this I'm just trying to figure out the best way to do this all right should be fine now I also don't want to work on the whole thing so I'm gonna work on the section like this now I'm gonna make a cut from here to here then we'll go from from here like this you didn't have to select those faces I just did for some reason that it's good all right now I'm gonna delete this much as well because I don't need it now we're just need to clean this up a little somewhere delete this just move some of these vertices around and because it's flat this makes it much easier because what I have to worry about all that stuff okay this should be that should be good we need to make actually kind of like this yeah that's good right now gonna clear history we're gonna duplicate and do this scale negative 1 in Z and then rotate negative 90 and why I'm gonna combine both combined merge take a look it's pretty good we don't need this right here so that let me draw this a little bit so I'm gonna go from here 70 there so 70 here is well holding shift to do that that means I don't need this is to control delete control to beat that go from here to 40 there and then 40 here like that and then we can go to this okay it's fine and maybe we should just redraw this loop a little bit so I'm gonna use the insert edge loop tool set its relative and put a loop this time I want to spread this out a little bit so I'm gonna get rid of this there all right that's good so that's not I'm gonna go to modify freeze and modify reset and then clear history I can duplicate put 90 in here and then shifty shifty select all four combined merge look at that it looks good now I'm gonna select this edge loop here when you to extrude a little more so I'm gonna click extrude just scale out okay that's good okay so now I'm gonna select a vertex in the middle and there are a couple things we can do I'm going to show you a couple ways that we can round this out make this into a nice round shape we can use soft select and using the same self selection we just made I can just hold B scale this until I get to the edge and then move this out and you can see we get that nice shape another way to do it is to use it the former so I'm going to select the whole thing go to the forum nonlinear and click select wave now when you first turn the wave on turn the amplitude on you get this but if you increase the wave length you can see you get a nicer result now once you have a little bit of volume you can add a lattice to this and if you subdivide the lattice vertically we can drag this up let's give it actually a couple more so I can bring this down and select a little more bring that down up down bring it out and you can see we can really control that shape like that clear history and then it would just scale the whole thing to what we want all right so now that's done turn self-select off I'm gonna select the plus here when I click extrude and just move this down like this then when I hit extrude it hits scale and then invert my scale although I don't know why it's not letting me usually you can scale right through the whole thing maybe set this it's okay if that doesn't happen just put a lattice on it and select lattice points at one side drag them down and then we look from here what we're gonna do is I'm just going to move this up and make this shape down here scale this a little bit in and they're pretty nice they can shape inside alright so now we can unhide our helix select the cap here I'll bring it up and scale it now I can extrude this edge this so I'm using f to focus when it then add set us to multiple set this to three I'm going to add three loops here like this when I then scale them out and I can delete the loop in here I need it okay I select both combined and I can change this afterwards but in the meantime which we're just gonna add a bridge now if the your bridge doesn't line up you can use bridge offset to cycle until it lines up okay so now we can bring this down scale this and add a couple loops so it's relative and the loop here one there one there and then soften edges and that's it pretty easy now it took a little longer because I was explaining but once you know how to do this you can do it in a couple of minutes so I hope you guys enjoyed this video and please subscribe and like and also if you want me to keep making videos you can support me on patreon links will be provided in the description and thanks for watching and see you guys next time
Channel: Alex Cheparev
Views: 50,614
Rating: 4.9696741 out of 5
Keywords: 3d, 3d printing, ninja, character, modeling, alex, cheparev, maya, tutorial, 2015, polygon, nurbs, curves, animation, layout, camera, vfx, visual effects, 3d animation, image planes, extrude, split, boolean, uv, uv layout, texturing, textures, hypershade, demo, reel, cartoon, design, Ext 2, Extension 2, extension, screw, helix, bevel, model, 2016, multi-cut, tool, phillips, head
Id: aPtUcZKxZdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2016
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