Model A Low Poly Floating Island In Maya | Rocky Platform

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hi everyone welcome back today we're going to make some low poly floating islands but you can use today's technique to make some cliffs or floating platforms if you like as well uh let's not waste any time and jump right okay let's begin go up to the mesh tools tab at the top open that up and down here we have something called create polygon click on that tool i'm going to tap the space bar to go into the four panel view and then hover my mouse over the top view and tap it again and how this tool works is you click on the viewport to lay down a point and you can keep clicking by the time you get to three points it'll make a polygon but what we're going to do is keep clicking on the surface and draw out the top of our floating island when you're done press q or enter and now we can still adjust these points if we want to i'm going to hold down my um the right mouse button to get to my's marking menu and i'm gonna choose vertex mode i'm just gonna move a couple of these points out a little bit all right let's go back to the perspective view now tap the spacebar and i'm going back into object mode right using that marking menu and now what we want to do is give this polygon some thickness so select your mesh open up the modeling toolkit and here we have this extrude button we'll just use that and now what i want to do is just pull this blue arrow down and then i'm going to press r to go into the scale tool drag that middle box in to create a taper for the bottom all right i think that looks pretty good i'm going to press q and then go back to object mode and select my mesh i'm also going to turn off the grid and it looks pretty good what i'm going to do though is give the top a bit of a lip right a ridge so i'm going to go into face mode select the top face and then click extrude again and give it an offset i'm going to hold down control so the slider doesn't move as fast and then i'm going to drag this blue arrow up a little bit all right let's go back to object mode select our mesh and let's open up the channel box we have a bit of history here so let's delete that history and now let's give this a little bit more topology so the first thing i'm going to do is give it a quick rematch it has a nice effect in the sense that it can make the edge distribution a bit more even so go up to mesh remesh and just gonna reset this click remesh and then select the mesh again delete history and now we're just going to re-topologize it all right i'm gonna reset this for you guys uh i'm gonna turn on her preserve hard edges for target face count i don't need very many for this first phase you can choose 300 and for face uniformity i'm gonna bring this up to one thou keep the faces as even as possible and click retypologize there we go pretty good distribution now what i want to do is displace some of these vertices to give it a rocky kind of look so i'm going to go into vertex mode tapping the space bar and i'm going to go either into the side view or the front view and i'm going to box select all these vertices let's go back to the uh perspective panel and up here we have this edit mesh tab click on that and go down to transform and open up that option box just gonna reset this by default it's at zero it's this is sort of like a strength slider so i'm gonna drag this slider up around the midpoint and click transform vertex now what i wanna do is pull this blue arrow out a little bit right and it'll pull it out in that local position if you want for some reason to go into the global you'd click on this blue ball and it switches to global but we're in the local and then pull that blue arrow out until you get the look you want um i like this i'm going to leave it i'm going to go back into object mode select the mesh and this time what i want to do is retopologize it again so i'm going to delete the history and what this next retopologize phase does is it redistributes this um edge flow to better match our new mesh so i'm gonna turn off preserve hard edges now and for target face count i'm gonna choose a number that i feel is enough to capture this form i think 5000 should be good and for face uniformity i'm going to bring this slider back to zero i want maya to calculate and give the faces the size it needs to capture this form so click retopologize and after a few seconds we have a new edge flow to better match this mesh all right now what we want to do is something very similar to the other tutorial the rock modeling one we're going to triangulate it and then reduce it so select the mesh delete the history and then open up your mesh tab click triangulate and then let's harden these edges click the mesh again go to mesh display harden edge and let's have a look i'm going to turn off wireframe on shaded and it's starting to get that low poly look so i'm going to select the mesh delete history and then now let's reduce this geometry open up the mesh tab click reduce and now all we need to do is drag this slider until we get the look we want let's take a look maybe a little bit more and this is just a personal preference right something that suits your own game alright i like that now what i want to do is um just i'm just going to delete the history but we can call this done but what i want to do is maybe pull out the bottom a little bit and maybe maybe pull out the side a little bit to make it a bit more random so i'm going to select the mesh i'm going to go into vertex mode but if i try and grab the vertices like this what happens is it grabs the ones on the other side i don't want that so i'm just going to click off that i'm going to open up the modeling toolkit we have this option here called camera based selection turn that on and now if i grab these vertices it doesn't grab the ones behind so what i'm going to do is first grab the ones on the bottom i'm going to press b on the keyboard to open up the soft selection and sorry switch his soft selection and if i hold down b plus the left mouse button and drag it can increase or decrease that falloff and then what i want to do is just press w to go into my move tool and bring this down a bit just drag a few more vertices and bring that down there we go and what i can do is uh do the same maybe for the sides just to give it a bit of a random look right sometimes you want to do this because um some of the processes are a little too mathematical here it's random enough that it's fine but i just want to give that a little bit extra attention extra touch all right i think one more should be fine now let's take a look at our mesh i'm going to go back into object mode one thing we want to do or something we should remember is soft selection is still on so i'm just going to turn that off and also let's turn off camera based selection as well now let's go back into object mode and let's have a look and it looks pretty good i'm going to give it a material that i had from earlier it's nothing special it's just a lambert so this will be the top and then i'm going to go into face mode tap the space bar go either into either the side of the front selecting all these faces i'm going to give it the other material i had and this will be the rock the rocky area all right and you can see without too much time and a process that um has created this we can use it to um make rocky islands platforms or some type of landing for your character right and um it's pretty easy and it's fun so there you go hopefully um this will help you guys out all right that concludes today's tutorial on floating platforms hopefully you found today's techniques useful if you did please consider leaving a like helps this channel out a lot we will see you in the next video until then this has been digital dream box your destination for game art [Music] you
Channel: Digital Dreambox
Views: 9,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Model low poly floating island in Maya, Create a low poly floating island in Maya, Create low poly floating island in Blender, Model a low poly floating island in Blender, low poly art, low poly modeling, Low poly Blender, Maya, Blender, How to low poly Maya, how to create low poly art, low poly modeling tutorials, low poly art tutorials, low poly water, low poly art style, how to make low poly art, Maya for beginners, digital dreambox, dreambox, model a floating island Maya
Id: K7HruLyS-jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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