MLB | Weird Insane Pt 3

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[Music] this could be trouble Peterson way over to get it one run is in Hernandez throwing for the plate he lost all of a sudden he loses the grip and throws it and almost hits mty whoa it does he hits mty in the leather and gets deflected Harper running and that's a base hit it hits the Umpire so Harper has to stop Angel Hernandez drilled by that base hit well that would have been Bryce Harper's at least to Third Base here and Angel Hernandez couldn't get out of the way rice took a glance hits it on the ground to third Gonzalez this is so good oh my goodness wow oh you got to be kidding me you've got to be k out it's a ground ball to Third and and Javi stops short of the bag because it throw takes Craig up the line all Craig has to do is turn it goes fielders Choice RBI error catcher on the advance 32 is lined and R stays with it to First and he gets Reynolds to get back to the bag and make the play make sure that he was there to get the [Music] out hurt this is him big swing on a curve ball and a lot of times he'll go down to the knee and watch it leave the yard this time he swinging a miss and and watch this swing comes back with the old curve ball and this was a one that was down a little bit did not hit hits this hard the other way is it stay Fair it is gone and hit the pole and up again I've never seen that why wouldn't he go back review of the Home Run or they so appealed first one two runner goes swung on popped up runner's got to get back Davis nobody's going to get it throw to Second they'll get a for up know where the baseball is Chris Davis nice play sticking with it to get the out at second base but wow avado looking out making up eye contact a little tip of the Hat nice classy move coming on his Barns and continues to come he'll make the catch and fire on to first base but back in ahead of the throw is Donaldson talking about the NFL season starting right there that was a fumble and a fake punt by pitch from mono grounds one up the middle pñ there shovels it off to nobody and headed for third is Bryson stop Altuve thought the Peña was going to first Peña thought Altuve was going to Second tough play right whoa right at Dale and he's able to find it and recover nice play scary moment but it looked like it went right off the glove Dale appears to be fine home runs doubles RBI for Donaldson on top of that he's playing a better Third Base I think this year [Applause] Donaldson goes watch it's a curveball watch Josh just stick the elbow out there with the pad I mean he went out there and that floats up there that might have been the slowest pitch ever thrown in the long history of baseball and on the scoreboard to be able to throw the ball with that kind of Arcon and have it come down in the strike zone it is the closest thing that we've seen and this gets away from Murphy backed up by Walters they got him hung up he dropped it once and he throws it and it hits unbelievable hit into the to the baseball on the throw he's tossing the ball game right the throw to McMahon hits him right in the helmet I don't see anything illegal about that before he came to bat here in the sixth inning we spotted this well Ron's angry but you don't throw things and you don't kick equipment and then to add the insult injury he comes up there and gets drilled that's hitw way back center field here wow ref Snider ran into the wall thought he had a play B say he he doesn't know where he is and Wham that hat I mean if he he just see you laughing give what cuz sometimes you're too transparent the first pitch oh what what wait wait a minute go ahead say it oh we got problem just a little bit [Music] outside Haz will throw to first again that throw off the mark but oh look out LZ everybody all right man I don't know how try to tag an corosion on a wide throw I've never seen whoa what was that looks like a b to me yeah I don't know what happened there Wade LeBlanc he's thinking inside move so he comes up and tries to spin back towards second base but the runner at second for call into second base whoops and then Kershaw tried to go back to First reason is because the ball was over the head of the center fielder and to look at it on the replay it is really Priceless bats they need double play ball here Amed Flores for one and they roll it aunia is down halfway to Second B discretion is the better part of valor is 12th opening day start this one may stay fair but can and a collision Gallow never tagged them Brian mccan safe all the concussion protocols that's what you're concerned with and how about Brian mccan avoiding the tag nice job as far as getting those runs home oh you talk about a beauty that's going to stay Fair yeah go ahead and let it roll and hits the bag we know this place very very well anything down that line will not roll foul and that one's hit right back up the middle off of Boyd it'll slide to Kinsler who's going to throw him out look at Nunes he doesn't like it but uh M he just puts his arm up tries to make a stab at it and catch it off the for popped him up Elvis back pedaling into Center let it fall and they're going to have trout out and a mile high and of course Tim Anderson will catch it you know what he'd catch it if it was underneath the Halo but it's called off he should have caught it they should have let him catch at the hand score run mofin dropped it guys he got him on the head too this one's going to lift bouncer to the right side and they don't get anybody that's a big time mistake from Matt Carpenter there three-run lead get himself in position to try and get exit velocity on that single erro a little pop up in Shallow right Peterson's out there Jose has lost count of the outs and he is done doubled off first base little floater could be troubled that's going to drop in down the line story scurries over to get it bobbles it for a second he going to throw by the runner went too far Diaz is going to be put out extra base and it cost him and story to left field right near the rim of the track now on the track making the grab on that one is's perza and the angel out the last out that wasn't even close as far as tagging and scoring from second base broken bat monata got caught in between and gets the out over at first well that was a little difficult for him because they head of bag and he goes to First and yeah he did the shoulder turned there's no doubt that playing that's a pretty good ball player look at this stay fair and it will Justin smoke with a base hit H to the right side nobody on the left side Smoke Gets it off the end of the bat and he's saying stay Fair ball and it [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Sporting Cut
Views: 279,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MLB, Baseball, Sporting Cut, Major league Baseball, Las Mayores, Beisbol
Id: zrg3ulkf4JA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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