MLB | Oddities | Part 6

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hey everyone Thanks for clicking on this video and welcome to my Channel please take a second to hit the Subscribe button below if you like what you see and enjoy the video if you want to help support my channel check out my shop link down below Jam shot Baez has to worry about the bat and he couldn't make a play unbelievable I don't know if I've ever seen that I have not ever seen that before there really wasn't a whole lot he could do about it man that barrel head was coming at him [Applause] just a great pitch by Garcia and then Mikey stepped on the back and then he steps on the bat his foot gives away and he winds up having to eat it Ronnie Garcia's got to be thinking what the heck is going on this ending's working against me bat comes back into play and here he just takes a shuffle step and steps on it loses his footing yeah you can get hurt but do breaks for second zadino's throw into the runner and they got him Jimenez did a great job to hold on to that throw as it was tailing right into Purdue and Badoo is a little slow getting up that oh my God that's unbelievable I'll hit him and then Jimenez was able to catch it and tag him you kidding me it looks I was wondering why how he caught that ball that's amazing Connor phillipa going and is in there with a stolen base ikf whoa what's going on what happened there Tyler Filippo was safe and started trotting back to First and was tagged out what happened semian looks and discussed that he didn't get the call and ikf just left the bag got tagged out one two might have broken the bat right there and that's going to drop in front of Thomas Castro hustling into third and it's a pair of two out base runners for the Pirates have you ever uh played with a phone in your pocket no I mean we didn't have cell phones back when I played I don't understand that even a little bit and it's Rodolfo Castro is apparently playing with his phone hey you take it here it comes Runner goes first to swinging to miss oh and Heim tried to stop the throw instead squeezed out of his hand to throw back to him and they get him put it in the Playbook make it a new play going forward this is amazing to see from Jonah Heim as you mentioned tried to stop himself but Corey Seeger basically Fielding a ground ball thrown from Jonah Heim High Fly ball center field Kiermaier looks see ya another one over the batter's eye a monster shot by judge and boy did the Yankees needed to run home run and a 5-3 Yankee lead I think it might have gone into the restaurant area not sure that had to feel good for him oh my gosh that was just a monster blast oh there you go well he broke the maple leaf Olivares Towers won deep left field this game is tied but now that video board is smoking we just burn the house down oh man I thought he was going to put out a light too man oh man that's a charge right there 111 take that board Torkelson rips one foul at home just pulled it did some damage under Joe Mauer number look at that yeah talked about how hard he's been hitting the ball it's uh when we're chatting with Michael McHenry the top of this inning Christian Walker at the plate while coming right at you and that thing's moving man that is something else uh how does that not break I don't know launches toward the pole Dominic Fletcher goodbye his first big league home run number one for Dominic Fletcher did he step on this one looked like a slider that stayed on the inner third of the plate and down all of that one hit it up there above the pool in right center field look where it ended up I don't know whether that's guacamole or sour cream or salsa looks like guacamole run Louise Robert in the air left field well struck and it's stuck in the wall Burleson puts his hands up in the air immediately and it's a double for Robert just wedging the ball in the fence how do you do that you have to hit it in the exact perfect spot because otherwise it's bouncing back to him maybe back by him Nick reaches down and dunks it into left field Walkers home Longoria is right behind McCarthy flying into third and Nick Ahmed as a stand-up two-run double a couple big two out hits here you get one from Christian Walker to shoot that double and then look at that one he just picked that one off the ground just talked about it hit the ground he's had a knack of doing this all season long that's an Ichiro right there Vladimir Guerrero yeah yeah that's a stickball hit right there that's Willie Mays in the streets 0-2 to Sanchez new hustling hustling get there flaming on the brakes at second is cave man much like he did on the fourth inning onto the brown Ball but he got that lofted to the Outfield grass the labels Sanchez strong enough to hustling in the left field I thought it hit his bet twice I thought I saw that yeah you know it's the second it's the second contact that got him to hit backhanded by Guerrero and he can't get it out of the glove so the glove glove to first base as well the first time this has happened buddy we got to tighten those strings a little bit he did the right thing though if it's going to get stuck flip [Music] flip Trevor Richard's looking like a receiver can you imagine what's going through Richard's mind in that quarter of a second when he sees the whole glove coming at him [Applause] that or it went through Vaughn's glove it did save a run by slowing it down you're right it went right through the glove right through the web Vaughn does everything right I mean he puts the ball right in the pocket and that ball hits so hard it blows through the the web so the walk brings in the lead run and Gabe Kaplan is going to have to come out Taylor Rogers came into the Giants Dugout he you know he's frustrated I mean because I've walked over took his glove and threw the trash can 2-2 that's a pop-up on the infield who wants it Schmidt hustling in from third and he dropped it and then Judas picked it up and threw it away oh my goodness bets is gonna now the Dodgers will have two at third yestrovski throws to Crawford they've got mookie in a rundown they're going to throw home Patrick Bailey will flip to junis who tags out Bush bets ends up at third and that's one of the craziest plays in the history of the game oh my goodness the Giants got bailed out Casey Schmidt dropped the pop-up and then all hell broke loose what was Bush doing I mean mookie wasn't hustling but still you're not getting mookie and then if Bush he thought was going to score you're thinking Mookie's going to be at third base with one out tying run and then Bush just stopped a lot of panic right there in that inning off the right-hander and his first pitch line to left yeah Austin Hayes up against the wall what in the world just happened Trey's gonna tag the base runner farmer he's out farmer can't believe it everything is a mess this is a double play and he owes her heading off the field it looked like it was off the wall it was off the wall he caught that ball on a Ricochet Off the Wall which you never see happen like that how that happened I don't even know because Austin Hayes has run into his back to the infield Ricochet right there and right into Austin's glove owner Ricochet David Bell's coming out for next playation but senzell overran farmer yeah it's all messed up because farmer thought of course the ball was caught in the air so he's trying to get back to first base this is gonna be like one in a million I mean how does that ball I mean running wide open Ricochet he's back in the haze's glove that's into short Center and now they'll get the force play at third and the double play what an intelligent play with Merrifield left the ball land and he got the force play a third in the force play at second from Draco baldelli to come out and talk with Rob Drake about the play but you're right that was a heads up play and not high enough to be an infield fly even though it looks like maybe he had some intent but backed up played it on the Hop and then recognized where the runners were incredible that's going to be the appeal here for Rocco baldelli as he talks to the umpires infield halfway Josh Bell comes to get this one now he's going to throw it a third they're calling him out on the line drive so now you touch Third Base you touch the base runner and that should be a double play [Applause] nobody's going anywhere great and here comes Derek Shelton to argue with first base umpire Mark Wegner it sure appeared to me that Mark Wegner put his hands right up in the air to indicate the ball was caught and now the Nats are running off the field then he caught it that's a catch that's a catch we got ourselves two feet in Josh Bell comes to get it and then soinski didn't even hesitate he booked it for home and adrianza and now they're saying the runs scored no because here's the the Nationals are livid wait it's a catch here's the only thing uh Park was on third so the tag would not apply so here's adrianza right after the throw from Josh Bell okay so he tags him in the park and then touches the base right Runner goes pitch swung on and missed and that is an inadvertent backswing the runner is going back to First there is no out on the play if it's deemed to be intentional interference then the batter would be out in the inning would it be over but that has been called an inadvertent backswing and you'll see immediately there and you'll see the call from Ramon DeJesus kind of the way he's moving his right arm and he points the runner back to first so you don't see these very often but this is what we call a do-over and now he's running Mitch swung on and missed throw down safe at second a rosarina number 30 on the season they're going to do the same thing again they're going to send him back to first remember to Jesus now he's going to hear it from The Dugout you might not see that twice in a season never mind twice in the same at bad let's take another look watch the Wild swing yep got him again and Danny quickly turns around to the Empire and if Kevin cash I mean it's hard for us to know exactly what he's saying but maybe he's saying you know as the catcher gets up as Danny gets up he's kind of moving forward a little bit and into the the path of the Swing but I mean this is a play again you rarely see it and now we've seen it twice in the same at bad which leads me to believe and well Margo's got a very long back swing Runners are going and a ground ball in the hole and Guerrero is on his way home but the ball didn't get out of the infield Baez made a great play to keep it on the infield but now we have obstruction cold on the defense I believe and Guerrero has been awarded home and AJ hinch is out for an explanation yeah the third base umpire Marcus has indicated there was contact between the Fielder and Guerrero and after the ball went pascarrero the shortstop bias field of the ball in the Outfield [Music] [Applause] Phil Miller I heard him say something about a violation do they call McNeil for being on the other side of the bag yes that's exactly what they're calling as McNeil was playing like a first baseman holding volpi on the back actually straddled the bag two out the O2 reached four grounded slowly up the middle Swanson will go the short way and kronoworth ends up colliding with the second base umpire Ryan wills and now Jake's like what is going on here I'm on first base trying to get to second and somehow you're between me and the back that kind of afternoon so far for the Padres inning is over Andre is getting unearned run and we'll go to the fourths shortly and it hits the Umpire fielded by Volbeat he steps on the bag dead ball hits Laz Diaz because he's inside the bag he's inside second base everybody's going to be safe yep even though Volpe made an outstanding play on the Ricochet off of Diaz well evidently there's a little bit of a carryover from last night's game to today's game the lineup part exchange just happened this Martinez coach for the Blue Jays who rarely as far as I'm aware Tabby brings out the lineup card he shakes Doug Evans hand addicts is at third today he had the plate last night and the strike zone is everybody who watched the game knows just was all over the place and somebody although that wasn't eddings I think that was the first first base on Lance Barrett who made the signal and then Guillermo Martinez gets into it with eddings and unless that whole thing was fun in games and we don't think it was Guillermo Martinez is gone after trout hit a two-run homer to put the Angels up four to two he came in Tejada did and went one two three in the tenth that's a fire alarm in the building nobody's moving it hopefully just somebody accidentally bumped into it now Phil Nevin now out to talk with the umpires try to figure out this fire alarm can you uh can you pinching this Jackson scores the Orioles will see them next time we come home that'll be next Monday talking about a slugfest get some more details on that as we move along right there saying hey let's let's play on any distraction look at this [Applause] umpire holding it up [Applause] coming out checking out the game couple good seats is that what distracted Turner I'm not sure we're playing on now and a 2-2 to Turner he swings and misses for strike three Red Sox will strand three Trevino getting loose Peralta will throw that change up anytime in any count and he's wearing Jameson tyones number 50. it was usually number 56. [Music] realize he's got the wrong Jersey on it has to be that yeah they have the real Jersey there [Music] when you put your jersey on right in a clubhouse did you look to see if the number was right or you just as soon it's your jersey [Applause] well he's got the right Jersey on and he's hoping not to have to use it if Peralta retires McKinnon that's the ball game [Applause] that's it high in the air to deep left it's got a chance Grossman at the wall Target ERS sends it out well not a bad effort from the Heen dog but he is a non-factor at this point tell you who is a factor that dude right there they call him bangoliers next stop how about the fan make a play over the rail that's right yeah it takes a good rip here deep out to left again Rooker going back it is gone a grand slam for El Bombay that same guy caught it he sure did about 400 feet 104 miles an hour off the bat for Garcia have an inning adolis Garcia with a double a home run four RBIs and two runs scored nothing bottom of the third first pitch to Jordan Alvarez Mrs Lowe here's the 1-0 big breaking ball and Hill lands that one and it's one-on-one sidearm breaking ball pops him up foul territory left side a long run Hills there too and they can't get there the 1-2 sidearm again fastball is a strike that strike three is Alvarez is down on strikes he's still standing in the box that's three isn't it I thought so Jim wolf doesn't think so neither does Jordan neither does Rich Hill so it must be one two now all right wrecking ball pulled on the ground to the right side first baseman's got it dalbeck shuffles into the pitcher Hill covering the bag and there's one away Charlie 2-2 pitch swears to bun did not go the ball just went under his foot I was gonna say I thought it may have grazed it watch this I think he picks up his foot and it goes under or between them between between the legs the five hole look at Charlie's reaction he's thinking how the heck did that not hit him as Kyle Tucker who is now four for five in his career against cease with an RBI double his last time up she's just trying to intentionally balk just like what Texas did in Minute Maid Park yeah they are there is a serious amount of paranoia going around the league but they're willing to move that Runner 90 feet from home plate especially in a two-run game where a wild pitch makes it a 3-1 three-run game when Texas did it it was an extra innings when they were up five or six yeah and Hobie Milner the former Phil is the new pitcher and like I said it's the only Lefty they have in their pen outside one ball one strike Bryce is trying to figure out the release Point you're not used to this hope he can get down there pretty low still not used to it that's interesting three and one three and two what do you think is going on here I I don't know I don't think he saw any of those pitches the way you would want to all right so one out here in the sixth that was very odd that was off of Pablo Lopez made it 4-3 at that point in time ball outside which is and a ball okay be careful Richard Richard knocked in love with the ball call by first base umpire John trumpain he said that's a set caught up like that that's a tough fish to catch and now another ball oh boy wow Flyers going to lose it here yeah and now Donny's out to defend Richard blier leywin Diaz playing a little defense on flyer as well [Applause] well this is a good job of Dottie coming out he escalate the situation I I the first one I thought was a buck we'll see how this one looks I mean I thought that one possibly could have said a little I mean I could have set right there so [Music] he did it again he did it again he called another boss [Applause] the first three box of his career and now Donnie is he's losing it and he just got thrown out of the game and here comes the first base umpire John tapain who made all three of those ball calls yeah get your money's worth right here good nine games left Let it Fly he's still protecting his guys he knows that he's not coming back he's still doing what he needs to do I have chills watching that action that's it he stopped on that one I thought I thought that one I thought that one wasn't at this point it's almost like Tom Payne's just trying to make a point [Applause] to ground out and end the inning after balking and now he's been thrown out of the game after ball King McNeil the second third and home and bliers got words for the home plate umpire now as well yeah well he's telling him we're gonna step aside and if anything else happens we'll tidy that up for you when we come back thank you for watching this video if you want to see more content like this be sure to hit the Subscribe button below
Channel: EXE-Edits
Views: 510,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MLB, Baseball, Baseball Highlights, MLB Highlights
Id: FHhY9QhYDwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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