MLB Baseball's Seasons: 1977

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to baseball seasons 1977 turmoil and triumph [Music] there are some landmark seasons in Major League Baseball history that take on a great significance because they ushered in a new era in 1935 baseball was played at night for the very first time in 47 the color barrier was broken in 69 divisional play the game [Applause] 1977 would also be one of those seasons as it would see the advent of league-wide free agency no longer bound to their teams for their entire career many players viewed this development as their declaration of independence we had no power we had no say in what was going on in our careers once we signed the contract you were with that club for as long as they wanted you and this gave us some options but from the onset of the first free agent re-entry draft that took place before the 77th season it was clear that for some owners the idea of bidding against each other was less than appealing cut one another stroked for Finley's Oakland A's three-time champs from 72 to 74 free agency would in fact prove to be a death knell as six of his stars left for greener pastures but for others like California Angels owner Gene Autry who signed slugger Don Baylor and all-stars Joe Rudy and Bobby Grich it was a chance to gain instant credibility Gene Autry figured you know I'm going after it I'm gonna bring in the people I me not only compete in the American labor to seriously compete with the Dodgers for Southern California but perhaps the most interesting contrast of free agent philosophies was between the two teams who had met in the 1976 World Series the New York Yankees and the Cincinnati Reds the Reds who swept the Yanks for their second straight title refused to participate in the free agent process while New York led by their aggressive owner embraced it we're going to put the best team on the field that weekend for New York and if it takes plowing back the money that the fans have given us through their admissions this year and the following of the team we're gonna do it eager to add to the Yankees twenty World Series titles Steinbrenner signed Don Gullett one of the Reds top pitchers and then landed the most high-profile free agent of them all Reginald Martinez Jackson I'm a Yankee because George Steinbrenner was hustling man and there's no other way to sit he came across to me is different than anyone else you know he's like me he's a little crazy and he's hustling as the former centerpiece of the Oakland dynasty Jackson had been a two-time homerun champ an MVP and a World Series MVP he was a player who lived for the spotlight he loved to be in pressure situation he wanted to be on center stage no matter what it was and he thrived in that situation he loved the attention and he didn't mind at all being put on him he was unique I never met a guy like him in baseball Reggie's skill and bravado seemed to be a perfect fit for both New York and the Yankees he was joining a pennant winning team that was loaded with all-stars and like Reggie catfish hunter Lou Piniella Mickey rivers Sparky Lyle and Greg nettles were all so confident and proud players and the proudest Yankee of the malls Thurman Munson Munson was the 1976 AL MVP who impressed the Cincinnati Reds with his play in the World Series the heck of a catcher he was a captain of our team back home and you know you don't develop leadership by saying I'm gonna be a leader you earn it and he earned it by the way he played on the baseball field [Music] he was always in paint knees thighs he was always bruised he was a walking cast it was all bandaged up he could barely move but he'd run he'd slide it died whatever it was to win again he would do and with the intention of winning the World Series in 77 Munson helped bring Jackson into the fold it was Thurmond who really pushed Steinbrenner to go get Reggie he remember him saying you know go get go get the big man he can carry a team like nobody else but with Reggie the honeymoon wasn't going to last long he was a walking massive neuroses but he was also the greatest quote machine in the world they did worse things to Christ during the course of spring training Reggie did an interview with sport magazine the famous interview now where he said I'm the straw that stirs the drink Thurman can only stir it bad Thurman I know didn't take that too kindly was always weather that day can you imagine it was an ill-advised interview and immediately divided the clubhouse 24 guys on this side with Thurman and one guy on this side with Reggie I had a lot of dislike a lot of angst just uncomfortable relationships on the team but his most uncomfortable relationship would be with his manager Billy Martin as a player Martin had been a key member of the Yankee dynasty in the 50s his love for the pinstripes ran deep you have to play for the Yankees once and being World Championship teams to really be a Yankee and I think that I'm as much Yankees inning Yankees ever played in Brooklyn a fiery and savvy player Billy now managed in the same manner it's kind of like a trite expression to say he was a few steps ahead of everybody else but he was and I mean I had other managers admit that Billy was famous for turning bad teams into winners and then became infamous for turning good teams against themselves he would hang out with the players he would go out with him at night he drink with him he'd fight with him and you didn't hustle Billy Martin was going to be waiting on that top step for you when you got in and he would go up against anybody and the person he would go up against in 1977 was Reggie Jackson Billy didn't care for Reggie's self-aggrandizement and didn't want any part of Reggie with their contentious cast of characters the 1977 Yankees were headed for a season that was worthy of a primetime soap opera as they entered the 77 season the Cincinnati Reds and their manager Sparky Anderson had to be oozing with confidence they were coming off two straight World Series titles and had a roster that was loaded with Gold Gloves all-stars and MVP when you look at that club positions one through eight their defense their offense is one of the greatest lineups in baseball history in order for a team to even think they would have a realistic shot of stopping the Big Red Machine they would have to either be half crazy hopefully Dodge or blue [Applause] after spending more than 25 years in the Dodger organization as a player scout minor-league skipper and third-base coach Tommy Lasorda was named the new Dodgers manager for 77 taking over for the legendary Walter Alston who had skippered the team for almost a quarter of a century restaura finally had his chance and he wasn't gonna waste tommy's damage guy remit I mean he is the most positive taken baseball man I said they work together more than we are with our families and we gotta act like a family and we got to be like a family and we got to play like a family Tommy genuinely cared about the players and to each one of us he had something special that he wanted us to do I've never had a manager ever come to me and say I need you and the sort of knew that he would need more offensive his Dodgers were going to unseat the Reds in 77 so we began by specifically challenging his four biggest hitters Reggie Smith Dusty Baker Ron Cey and Steve Garvey Tommy said we need to hit four more power you guys haven't hit for as much power as you're capable of I want you to start to swing the bat I don't want you going up there feeling for the wall and Garvey you've had all these 200 seasons but I want 30-plus home runs this year and as if on cue the Dodgers burst from the gate with a power surge and began to pound teams into submission as their four big sticks led the way [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I think all of us got caught up in this atmosphere of this is a Power Team let's show everybody and made a difference and Tommy worked his magic with the pictures as well the Dodgers needed another top-of-the-line starter to complement Don's sudden and the sort of wanted that hurler to be Tommy John problem was John had suffered a tramatic elbow injury in 74 it was a kind of injury that if anybody had anything like that you never heard of him again but John had an experimental surgical procedure to try and save his career he missed all of 75 and in 76 came back as a 500 pitcher who lacked the confidence of his manager with Alston I would get into the seventh inning I'd give a runner up on book that's it you're gone oh and why can't I pitch out there in fact Davey Lopes came up to me one time and we're playing Cincinnati and I get a guy on base and he said get this guy out don't let that old man come out and hook you you're pitching the ball too good but in 77 with the full backing of Lasorda John emerged as the improbable staff ace that was Tommy Tommy made you feel that you could do things that you were not capable of doing the Dodgers were the feel-good story of the first half of the 77th season as they took a double-digit lead over the Reds into early June the way that we matched in the way that we gelled we were like an octopus we said if one arm didn't get you the other would and a statement that Sparky Anderson made with Cincinnati says yeah they're running together now but by August they'd be running in nine different directions and that seemed to spur us to well we'll see about that because we've got this lead and we don't intend on giving it back as for the Reds they responded to La his blazing start by making the most dramatic trade of the season as they acquired legendary New York Mets pitcher Tom Seaver it just made everybody giddy I mean like I was just added Tom Seaver to the read starting rotation we're gonna be a juggernaut Seavers trade not only gave the reds hope but devastated his former franchise I think Tom Seaver was the New York Mets who is the heart and soul of this if the Metro has one of those Sun they should have just bought the Seaver trade also left Steve Carlton as the most decorated starting pitcher in the National League East Carlton's Philadelphia Phillies were the defending Eastern Division champs and were loaded again in 77 they had an all-star shortstop in Larry Bowa a shutdown relieve ace in tug mcgraw a gold-gloves centerfielder in Gary Maddox an offensive catalyst in bake McBride and one of the most feared power hitting duo's they Greg the bull luzinski and three-time homerun champion Mike Schmidt [Applause] we were young we were hungry we were passionate about the game we were all in it together like a bunch of fraternity brothers and it was a really neat time to be a Philadelphia Philly in the wild baseball season that was unfolding in 1977 one of the storylines that seemed to take a backseat was the birth of two new American League franchises bringing the total to 14 the Mariners were now in Seattle and the Toronto Blue Jays became the first al team to play north of the border and while the fans in those cities were thrilled to have baseball the main attraction was playing just off-broadway in the Bronx there was so much controversy there was I mean the Yankees just took over the whole baseball scene I had one player I'm kind of a five-page article about me and roofing pretty good anything that's usually said about Reggie Jackson is usually in a detrimental way I used to walk into that clubhouse day after day the I felt like I was like walking into a funhouse you know you didn't have to think about what you were gonna write about something would jump out at you I think the air was cleared in Detroit and I just hope that it stays clear the burden of the proof and the burden of the challenge lies with Billie that scene would ultimately become known as the Bronx Zoo Reggie wouldn't get along with Billy once and wasn't getting along with Reggie George wouldn't get along with Billy but it made great stories so what did you do and your first got up in the morning everybody ran outside to get a Daily News or the post to see back page front page Hank is fighting fuel then in Boston during a lopsided loss the Yankee saga took a dramatic turn Jim Rice I see but we all felt was a routine fly ball to right and ready not only does he not catch it he left him last get to second base for a dunk and I ranked Billy Martin responded by sending Paul Blair out to right field in the middle of the inning Reggie says you're coming in for me I said yeah he said why I said belly's of manager go and then as Billy Reggie Jackson has been taken out of the game and been replaced in right field that's cool his best play here's out of the ballgame after that half I went Wow let's go hit the fan now Jackson if the top step of the dugout I went fine right at Billy Martin this shows Jackson up for not hustling on that buckwild it was just a way for Billy to start something with Reggie it was a chance for him to embarrass Reggie the Yankee dugout to the place up turmoil the Yankees were self-destructing and their rivals couldn't have been heavier what I was thinking at the time and said we've got these guys we've got him they're fighting amongst each other there's no way that these guys are gonna be a factor the Boston Red Sox on the other hand we're having a stress-free season in 77 as their superb group of young stars Carlton Fisk Fred Lynn and Jim Rice were getting an unexpected boost from the ageless Carl Yastrzemski this was a 17th year and he had been the previous couple years back and forth first base D H he had had some injuries and then all of a sudden in 77 he had to go play left field [Applause] and you want to go in glove didn't commit an error while he drove in a hundred runs and hit almost 30 home runs he had a phenomenal year by midseason the Red Sox had slugged their way to the top of the division meanwhile Earl Weaver's Baltimore Orioles were making a run of their own by getting another exceptional performance from mound ace Jim Palmer and power boosts from the switch-hitting duo of rookie sensation eddie murray and all-star Ken singleton there's no pressure been put on the Orioles nobody picked us for anything and we just go out there and play the best we can we're all Weaver's misfits and that's the word of no names but we're doing the job in Kansas City the defending AL Western champs were using a different approach playing in Royals Stadium on the fast artificial turf KC and they're aggressive manager Whitey Herzog embraced an attacking philosophy that utilized teamspeak whitey was really a manager that loves speed there he goes he never backed off of anything he always took it to the other team he wanted players that ran hustle that tried to stress singles and the doubles he wanted guys I could break up double plays Whitey's Royals played that game to perfection and his two biggest stars George Brett and Hal McRae ideally reinforced Herzog's image of what the Kansas City Royals should be McRae competed with a seething intensity I would do almost anything to win a ballgame that's basically the way I play while their all-star third baseman possessed an unshakable confidence George was always able to maintain the mindset that this is competition this is what I'm about this is who I am and I'm willing to bail on myself anytime anyplace anywhere with their relentless attitude and their huge home-field advantage the Royals motored into the stretch run looking like a sure bet to return to the ALCS back in mid-august the same could not have been said of the Yankees who were stuck in third place and would need to rise above their dysfunction of they were going to join them for most of the summer of 77 the Yankees had been embroiled in turmoil by mid-august New York still languished in third place still fighting with each other but they were also desperately fighting to win regardless of how you felt about anybody when we stepped on the field it was like this Time Warp anything on this sides fair game everything over here is one team and when we went through that time one thing is like okay who is here tonight that we can just clone and the Yankees would need that fighting spirit with their most celebrated starting pitcher catfish hunter ineffective for much of the season they got help from Mike Torrez and Ron Guidry with Ritchie not living up to his immense expectations they got big hits from Piniella and medals and a banged up Munson and when all else failed they called in Sparky Lyle reliever extraordinaire to bail them out Lyle who would lead the league in appearances managed to rescue his teammates with just one pitch his trusty slider everyone know he's not thought of slider and Thurman at Todd won't even put a sign down you me just go and hey just throw it and still can hit it Sparky was the all-purpose answer for the pitching staff but for the offense the Yankees needed to find a new solution Reggie wanted to be the cleanup hitter that's what he saw him to clean up here on the start Reggie needed to be stroked needed to be told he was loved but Martin wouldn't do it myself and Thurmond went up to Billy's office and as Billy missmiss put Reggie and into the four spot it'll really help the ballclub it'll give Reggie some more confidence finally Munson Munson remember the straw that stirs the drink bad he for the team went with Piniella Martin listened to his two team leaders Reggie became the cleanup hitter and a team took off the Yankees stormed past Baltimore in Boston to take the division as Reggie drove in 49 runs in his final 51 days the rest of the Yankee players maybe they weren't so crazy about Reggie sometimes with all his outspokenness but one of the things they admired about him was his own personal confidence he had a big ego there's no question about it but you know what he produced he produced the Kansas City Royals produced as well in 77 cruisin to an Al West title and the best record in all of baseball the most productive individual in the American League however was a Minnesota Twin a sweet swinging Rod Carew who flirted with hitting 400 but ultimately had to settle for a mere 388 and the AL MVP his MVP counterpart of the NL was the Reds George Foster who hit 52 homers becoming just the fifth different player in NL history to top 50 but despite Foster's brilliance and Tom Seavers excellence on the mound the Big Red Machine was overpowered by the Dodgers who ran away with the NL West an LA made history in doing so as the first team to have four players had over 30 homers in a single season a soda had asked for more power and Steve Garvey Ron Cey Reggie Smith and Dusty Baker delivered it all year it was a matter of these four forces just coming together and that whole season was just like one explosion after another is phenomenon and it was only fitting in this story book Dodger year that Dusty Baker would complete the feat in his last at-bat of the season against the league's hardest throwing pitcher James Rodney Richard I couldn't stand facing that guy's rough and I said man I don't think I'm a kid at the time he goes I don't want to hear that don't you think like that he was a children of Israel was standing by the Red Sea and the Lord part of the Red Sea and you gotta believe I said Tommy that's enough and I believe no more preaching to me please I believe then I go up there hit a hole ready as I told you I told you you gotta believe he's preaching to me right there in the dagger without Tommy Lasorda's year-long revival of the Dodgers was complete but good times were not exclusive to LA in the East the Phillies were also feeling their oats Steve Carlton captured the scion award Greg luzinski finished second in the MVP voting and the team won the most games in the National League all due respect to the Los Angeles Dodgers we probably wore a man for man the best team in baseball and with the playoffs approaching the confident Phills were about to get the opportunity to put that belief to the ultimate test [Music] as the Philadelphia Phillies got such a square off of the 1977 NLCS against the Dodgers in LA they couldn't have felt better about their situation I know and as a team we were entering in to the playoffs we went in there thinking we had the best team in baseball to win the series the Phills badly wanted a split in LA and they would get it as they recorded their first postseason victory since 1915 the team with the best home record in the National League was going home just two wins away from the World Series the Dodgers are in a situation where they have to win at least two ballgames in Philadelphia well that's gonna be pretty tough on the win two games and Philadelphia the way that we played in Philadelphia and as this series shifted to Philadelphia for Game three LA's task would soon get even tougher when in the second inning their starting pitcher Byrd who began to unravel here is Burt Hooton a couple of balls couple questionable calls by Harry wendelstedt the home plate umpire close pitch is frustrated and then of course the fans stood up and took over the game [Applause] with a filly crowd in a frenzy Hooten walked four straight batters the last three with the bases loaded to force inroads he could not throw a strike just because Philadelphians got into his head it was a beautiful moment Fillie would ride that wave of emotion into the ninth inning of the two run lead and then reliever gene Garber would retire the first two Dodger hitters he faced [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there was two outs and nobody on base in the place is going crazy you think it's over if it was with one out away from taking control of the series but all year long the Dodger manager had given his team a belief in themselves and now when they needed it most they would reach for it Tama Saudis talk about all the time is this having that one ounce of breath laughs and all I know is this we still had life garbage gets in there he gets said he throws that sidearm pitch Vic coxey's leg up and he dragged bucks it's a beauty by damned Alejo base hit manny mota comes up pinch hits can still see bull you know drifting back back back towards the wall and you think he's got it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] then the game would become even more bizarre davey lopes game on the line [Applause] he's out we don't score we lose [Applause] he was out out out not in time and we have an argument they all thought he was out but I didn't think he was out I thought he was safe oh so close oh so close and when Bill Russell drove in davey lopes with the go-ahead run that dodgers had risen from the dead Los Angeles nobody expected us to tie up that ballgame er to take the lead in that game I guess but our guys plan the next game Tommy John finished off the stun Phil's who with all of their talent were going home while the irrepressible Dodgers were going to the World Series in the 1977 ALCS the Yankees and Royals got set to square off for the second straight season each team was facing a distinctly different form of pressure we know that the fans want to win in New York we know the organization wants to win doesn't even need to be a said how much we want to win for the Yanks their burden was one of expectations winning it all or total failure but for Casey their motivation was rip finish a year earlier they'd suffered through Christian Liz's series ending homer in the fifth and deciding game [Applause] you know that broke the hearts of the Royals that had to just be I can't imagine what it was to sit in your Clubhouse after losing that game the utter disappointment despair the disbelief of the Kansas City confound and to make matters worse while the Royals won more games than any team in baseball the Yankees got all the attention if KC was going to grab the spotlight now was the time we knew to get the respect we needed as an organization we had to beat the Yankees and as the series got underway the two teams attacked each other with savage abandon there was very intense look at the cast of characters they were just very hard-nosed players who played hard slid hard you know when you play a team in such an impact situation you know it carries over Alma creates led into it Willie Randolph laid on WA was waving Freddy pot dick go on I got Willie I'm laying on him that's just the way it was a lot of battles a lot of shouting the players on the Royals literally hated the Yankees did the players on the Yankees literally hated the Kansas City Royals and when we played each other you are off from blood he tried to hurt people [Music] and the Royals look ready to put the ultimate hurt on the Yankees up to the one in the series they would have two chances at home to win worn for the pennant the Yankees had their backs firmly against the wall and in the fourth game Billy Martin showed just how desperate they were when he called on his fireman Sparky Lyle to protect a one-run lead in the fourth inning I didn't care when he brought me in or how many eggs I could fix and that's what I had to do I think we were all at that same juncture there that whatever we had to do to win this thing we were going to do Sparky would be the first relief pitcher in American League history to win the Scioto Ward and now he would show why as he delivered an epic release performance the response again the Yankees still e5 before [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Sparky Lyle was heroic it was unbelievable Lyle's heroics had set up another fifth and deciding game and the Yankees approached it with guns blazing at each other if the Yankees don't win that game everybody's fired George is gonna blow up the universe so what happens before the game Reggie's not starting Billy Martin did not start Reggie Jackson and simply the biggest game in Billy Martin's career and from Martin and the Yankees the game did not start well as the Royals raced to an early lead and seemed on the verge of an early knockout but while Casey may have staggered the Yankees they couldn't put them away on one day's rest Mike Torrez came in and pitched over five innings of shutout ball Reggie delivered a huge pitch hit in the 8th to bring the Yankees to within one run [Music] ballgame and then in the ninth the Yankees would stage a three-run rally to take the lead and it was only fitting that an exhausted Sparky Lyle would secure one more game that his Yankees had to have that was the whole thing behind me and everybody else in that club he was gonna get the hit I was gonna get him out or throw a double play ball I have him hit the ball to Nettles bang bang bang [Applause] just completely mobbing Sparky Lyle I'm Bob all the Royals had had their hearts broken for the second-straight October by arguably the toughest and most resilient team in baseball the New York Yankees the rather chilly 59 degrees in New York City but what a place to be at Yankee Stadium when the Yankees and Dodgers met in the 77 Fall Classic it would mark the ninth time they'd squared off the most in World Series history you can call it legend fantasy I don't care what you call it but this is exciting this is dramatic there is nothing in the world like a rematch of the doctors and Yankees in World Series play this is tremendous spectacle great for television West Coast East Coast Lasorda Billy Martin it played out like a morality play it was evil versus good or good versus evil you know brash and sass in New York and you see the choir bars over there in the North End and when you watch him playing a game you know they always hugging and you looking oh man that we'd never do that over here with this deep in Game one the Yankees showed that you don't have to love each other to win as they use three more innings from Sparky Lyle and timely hitting to beat naa 12 days in Game two the Dodgers as they had all season answered back in a powerful way [Applause] la crushed four homers to hammer the Yanks and tie the series at one in LA in Game three the Yanks raced out to a three-run first anyway and hope their starting pitcher Mike Torres would make it stand up I can remember Dusty Baker hit a three-run homer [Applause] I'm so mad at myself I remember going into the dugout hollering and screaming and I was really through my glove down and says all right that's it they're not going to get another run from me New York would retake a slim lead and tourists would live up to his bill with [Applause] and in the fourth game the Yankees scratched out another win behind the four hit pitching of Ron Guidry and a defensive Jam from the familiar a great cat we play but again using that familiar formula the Dodgers responded with power and buried the Yankees in game 5 through the first five games of the series the Dodgers had out homered outscored and out hugged the Yankees and as they celebrated their game 5 round LA was hoping that Lasorda's lung and the long ball could carry them to the ultimate trials but overlooked and their game five jubilation was a meaningless Laden blast by Reggie Jackson in his last at-bat and while the Homer seemed to be a mere footnote it would turn out to be a foreshadowing of what lay ahead as the series headed back to New York with a Yankees leading three games to two [Music] Thank You Stadium on the side for game number six of the 1977 World Series conceivably the Yankees had been a baseball melodrama all season and now before Game six they would provide another plot twist by publicly promising to bring back Billy Martin according to Time Magazine's current issue Reggie Jackson told them that he would not play for the Yankees next year of Martin whether manager Reggie Jackson will be back next year there's no doubt in my mind that he'll be here he's gotten to like New York New York likes him and as far as I'm concerned he'll be here but the Dodgers also had a Reggie Reggie Smith and with his team down three games to two he hit his third home run of the series [Applause] but Reggie Jackson wasn't about to be upstaged in the biggest game of the season as he was about to put on a theatrical display that would be a fitting final stanza to a storyline rife with turmoil [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jackson had put New York ahead to stay all season long Lasorda had come up with the right answers for the Dodgers but on this night he had finally run out [Applause] you can see that he was feeling it it was really excited he knew that this was his moment to really really shine in New York it sounds like he came there for that reason and once he hit the second home run I knew he was gonna hit another one [Applause] [Music] see we hit it pretty good I guess I guess it 450 feets pretty good he got it that game that day was something that justified everything that had taken place I honestly felt like I finally proved my mettle and proved my worst on that historic day when Reggie hit three home runs in the final game of the World Series and there's no bigger smile in the Yankee dugout than Thurman Munson's Reggie astounded people who were on his side in the clubhouse and people were on the other side against him in the clubhouse and they just marveled [Applause] [Music] [Applause] was just just unbelievable it's just a personal performance that's something you know none of us have ever seen before with three bold strokes Reggie had provided a dramatic ending to the Yankee soap opera and a championship for his team [Applause] the Yanks were once again atop the baseball world and for a change they were in complete agreement about the future can you tell us what will Reggie Jackson do next year like to win another World Series all right let's talk a little bit about what you intend to do with this club this club next year I'm not gonna touch it George did bring most everyone back the following season but Billy Martin wouldn't last long he and the boss would end up having five different stints together as they played out one of sports most fascinating love-hate relationships Tommy Lasorda on the other hand became a model of stability for the Dodgers he would go on to manage them for 20 consecutive seasons capturing three more pennants and two World Series as for Philadelphia they would finally taste victory in 1980 becoming the first team in franchise history to win the Fall Classic coincidentally the team they would beat was the Royals who would have to endure five more years of frustration before they would save her a title each of these storied teams would end up taking different roads to a championship but together they fashioned a season in 77 that would be remembered as a classic drama that would resonate for years to come [Music] you
Channel: cacable7
Views: 38,029
Rating: 4.877676 out of 5
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Length: 44min 58sec (2698 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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