MLB 19 Road to the Show - Part 35 - Hitting Streak World Record

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well fellas we are chasing history on this gross rainy night here in Detroit we are currently on a 55 game hitting streak and we are hoping to break the all-time record tonight let's get it boys all right we're actually we're gonna tie in tonight we'll break it in the next games but some yeah man it's time I mean we thought we were on it sooner kind of prematurely celebrated a few episodes ago I was mistaken the word on him the all-time record is by Joe DiMaggio he set it back in the 1940s and it's 56 games so if we get hit in this game we're gonna tie it flicking it in the next game we're gonna break his share in the record for the two-seam forcing slider a change and it's tough to imagine what's going through it again right now the announcers are managing through his head right now the announcers are talking about it pop it up on the key step slider thing up there y'all y'all don't gonna make me nervous man I'm already nervous and nothing a hit every night he has slept like a baby he's done it in all different ways and he's got a chance to come on to you that tonight I put nothing past him we do have a bit of a disadvantage for us here I'm in the gap I do not care I want to see him get i an't Oh drop drop drop drop get it oh my gosh that would have been nice to have it early you know what I mean just knock it out reach back hit the base hit so we can relax check out the White Sox starting lineups like it's not gonna happen we do have a bit of a disadvantage so if you guys remember the last episode I kind of like vocal chords so like I just recorded that last episode a few minutes ago right as that ended I started this one decree uh we knock the difficulty down to the beginner so literally every pitch is a strike and we can swing in every first pitch and automatically guarantee it was going to be a good one Bob had some fun with that but I'm nervous that's gonna mess with our psyche in this like we're not going to be paying quite as much attention because we didn't have last game I don't know we'll see and now we'll look at the hometown Tigers starting with plants and defense here good you good catch you know kind of getting into the groove but it's not enough to put too much pressure on ourselves squads up by one with a guy on third this could be an RBI and a tires pitch of the at-bat that's low Oh in the dirt and that's gonna get him home good stuff Ralphie he's in the scores well to seem for some slider change here we go oh that's gonna be a groundout to second next up for Detroit Victor rains we're gonna be okay I'm not too hard about it big way typically get four to five at-bats per night so burned out 4:45 what am I talking about three to four sure would be to not gonna be able to get to get to is he beats the real a twofer here we go top of the fifth I think we should have two more bats this one in one more we'll see what happens slider man okay a little bit early on it looks like he's kind of favor in that slider but he's also got a bit of confidence in that four seam there just come on Trev don't leave this to the last at-bat of the game let's pitch an Outlook up to the steel one one count that works out in our favor three runs just two hits for the White Sox come on this is serious business drop that's that's good no sprinting after I thought that looked like it had more distance on it than it did it looked like it was gonna be going to the wall the first baseman Miguel Cabrera stands in the bottom of the fifth base a look to break through on the board for the first time in this one the squads up so that's good at least my teammates are playing well to be honest Detroit's not very good on paper but they most necessarily they've been giving our team some trouble this year to get the gun we had a series against them where we got swept recently it's good to see us taking care of business out here we're gonna have one more at-bat boys's he went down oh that's gonna be as much of a fight either Maddy gotta find a way down three pitches I don't care you're staring at him we're swinging on you have returned to here to make this picture working top of the 8th we should have it at Bastion that's the very last thing they needed at this point in the ball game as there are quickly leading off the top of the 8th got a new pitcher four-seam changeup to c---minus sliders dipping in he flew out in his last at-bat and with his speed he's one of those rare guys drop oh my god we did it I didn't want to speaking into existence but I didn't think it was gonna have as a tumble in a small rate these big strong guys can you imagine if we would have been that wasn't that bad of a pitch but he's just so strong can you imagine if we would have choked on the last at-bat I would have I would have lost my mind I honestly might have hurt the series 3 in the game so far I wouldn't quit the series but we just got caught stealing [Applause] [Music] second how did the care dude I think he was trying to steal that bag to keep them alert about the plague my heart was so far inside my throat I can hardly breathe all right we made it in this we tied it so they are very happy we tied the record we just need in the sea one hit in the next game oh my goodness we've been through this once that means we can do it again boys let's get it I'm just gonna stay confident I'm not gonna let the nerves eat away at us we're just gonna come in feeling good feeling great dude we're gonna hit a home run with the play really a home run that sealed the deal you know what a meet foreseen curveball to super cutter to change up do you think we can do it that'd be pretty nice not gonna be in no runs like that right we're gonna calm it down calm it down here pump the brakes a little bit place in batting average we're okay what a great start to the second half for him this guy really likes his curveball Hodge two of them in a row I'm gonna guess the low curb is he to go three curves in a row whoo oh my gosh dude that foul back that could have been a nice one does he need to go for curve balls in a row the o2 once more Oh broken bat that sucks well at least we're gonna be safe because we got some G's in there we've got some speed on us but unfortunately that's not gonna count as a base hit I was a builder's choice so we're over one of the day not gonna get it done shoot that curve we could have we could have crushed that one whose clothes we had some good contact on it but stepping up now not quick enough these questions of cuts here didn't really swing enough I'm gonna play some normal defense here looks good easy play doesn't make it happen it's kind of get back into the groove of things you know this is just the average game no no pressure here do not just don't have to worry about anything not even know what I'm talking about dude I'm like stumbling and muttering and O's messing up my words I'm gonna keep guessing those low curves we're gonna play he's going after it Oh Oh baby let's go that's it it's gonna be on the triple I'm going three I'm going three baby yes sir as he now holds the all-time record for the longest hitting streak I can't imagine what the last couple of weeks has been like dear Oh for this control every time he goes to the ballpark knowing that he's so close to catching Jody he finally does and passes the legendary Joe DiMaggio I'm not you I'm not trying to interrupt it at all just stand here they kept the ball for us all right and let it breathe real quick because I didn't the squads a B what's up boys let it be up 56 games would ever be touched and now to watch it get broken what a special moment dude and we did it with a triple I called the Homer unfortunately we did not do it with the homerun but we did do it with the triple we'll take it man Moncada hit me home bro I'm trying to come home bring me home bro I'm trying to get back into that dugout and party I want a big old bucket of Gatorade pour it all over my face charging in on it there it is that would be cool if you could see him like celebrating down there and everybody freaking out and stuff like that could you imagine if that was actually broken in real life what the celebration would be like people would be going into yes we did it boys oh my gosh we did it his arms I I can't believe that I'm like I'm sweating I'm retired you guys could hear me to start out an episode I literally I couldn't even get my words out I was so nervous excited and worried I think it makes it worse that we thought that we had done it last week it put even more pressure on me to be able to do it so that's good stuff we're gonna have some fun with it though like we're uh we're probably gonna end up up in the difficulty well knock it up one see how we end up there I do like like I mean it's it's challenge to to get good hits at this difficulty I like being able to go the distance and you know I feel like a lot of times it's little things like this like we end up popping up we had a lot of groundouts and stuff like it's pretty fortunate we were able to make it this far but we might make it a little bit tougher for a while I also definitely want to check out want to check out the hardest difficulty for an episode like we did the easiest last game prepared slider four-seam changeup a tattoo scene Oh in the dirt here why did I swing at that and ask I think I did I'm just into scoring position high on life right now man let's go all right intentional walk they're gonna go for the double play I don't blame them and there's the fourth wide one so is your board on the intentional walk I mean that kind of sucks but oh wait a second too bad we'll be they don't need a double play they're just scared of us bro that's hilarious and it ended up being a good talk is that that's all right bro no worries he was the one that hit his home last time some I'm not upset about aah oh we got the win that's a 3 oh sweet on Detroit newest Lea in this ball park we freakin we got swept by them last times with 3 to 1 so that feels good I was not expecting Chicago no pressures stress-free but we did it I don't care but three or we could go for a hunter game hitting streak no we're not gonna do that yeah I don't think it would happen and I'm not even worried about it - we checked something off the bucket list we're gonna move into some more fun stuff like I said we're gonna start mixing up the difficulties and stuff a little bit nature's wisdom and a great chance we'll see what you do I've got some interesting ideas of my sleep coming up in the next couple episodes - makes you guys stay tuned for that we kind of switched up there a little bit - first we got the double play dude I'm gonna be honest those last two games we want one for 400 one for three that was a little bit scary - four-seam curveball cutter and it changed the first half of the campaign whoa well hit ball I don't think that's gonna have enough to go to the yard though you swing it so you're not gonna make the patio fly out to right-center in first place in batting hat I'm not gonna lie did I miss the easy easy batting difficulty can we rewind to that go with something super simple here ball cutter change same thing here just missed it with this guy's big power he's feeling pretty good at the dish look for him to trick didn't something and drive it out of the yard baby one rikes to kill me announcers calling for us to drive it out of the yard huh the one Oh home it's outside look dad for ball number 2 - Oh Cal gonna have to start giving us something lying hard toward that's gonna find the gap maybe yes good stuff it's a basin right challenge completed a digit I mean we're gonna keep the heading streak alive I'm gonna shut up about the hitting streaks I literally I don't I did not mean to go that early but it ended up working out for us that was like perfect timing stepping into the box Michael Sanchez returning to here straightening out his last time up we can and if fallen hot sway it's gonna get thrill patient that's fine the Rangers I feel like they've been a decent record it's not the best in the world but it's decent I'm just excited we we swept them into the box first three pitches he's single elissabat abuse to it leading off the bottom of the seventh for sinker ball cutter chain you know that old slogan a booth and a blast they could Chloe use them boom we were way behind on that and it wasn't even in the zone I don't know what that was about either innings and this guy throwing over 60% of his first pitches for strikes he'd like to do a little bit more but so far so good [Applause] I'm swinging and he reaches it if there get there get there get there get the kid thinkin well let's go bounce is is he can't hang on what second account has error and he gained this late tool okay I mean that was a pretty tough thrown button oh it's a oh never mind it was an error on three that was an error on the first baseman noise now three two pills there on the first baseman there so uh I think you dropped it all right Robinson Cano we got two guys on and no guys out this is a great opportunity for us to try to come back here here's the two to hold into ice dude I should have taken off I knew he wasn't gonna catch that I'm going I'm going I'm going you can't you can't throw me out yes you can I was upset that I didn't start running quicker we definitely should have started running quicker when we saw how far he was running to catch that ball and I tried to make up for it cuz we definitely should have scored there and that we ended up yellow potentially blowing this game for our team and he'll indeed square on three and one it's not blowing the game but and good hustle to get over and tag him for the out you know what I mean that could have been a great opportunity for a team you never really know what could have happened but Mota the d8 got a guy on first and second forcing cutter sinker slider ready to deliver here's the first pitch well hit ball but that is not gonna get it done I mean we'll take it whatever this was not this is not our best episode ever there's our first time back when I go a legitimate difficulty so I think that kind of has something to do with it but we were 1 4 4 1 4 3 there's 1 / 4 one of them I think this series is maybe 1 4 5 Tara we were Texas Rangers 3 for 11 in this one which is pretty average but it's just not something that we're used to so anyway hope you guys enjoyed drop a like you did subscribe you how it already I'm gonna see you guys in our next episode baseball now on a Wednesday night in the Windy City of Chicago tonight the 2nd of 3 to start
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 76,333
Rating: 4.9324675 out of 5
Keywords: mlb 19, mlb 19 the show, mlb 2019, mlb 2019 the show, playstation 4, ps4, playstation 4 pro, ps4 pro, gameplay, game play, road to the show, mlb 19 road to the show, mlb 19 gameplay, mlb 19 ps4, mlb 19 ps4 pro
Id: B7WurJbsFUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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