Mizkif shows BBNO$ the hot tub section the day before TOS change

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uh MC B TR this goes uh wait this rocks all drops it's crazy like it's easier to listen to the dub [Music] stuff wait say it it gets [Music] crazy like I can't listen to this [ __ ] unless you you have to have like you you got to have like some girl twerking in the background or something like what the [ __ ] is going on this is what you need in the background if you're going to play this kind of [ __ ] you know what I mean like like I get what you're saying like my God that's a thing what the [ __ ] is [Music] this wait wait wait how is this hold on how is this legal bro [Music] how is this not to you know what's crazy they actually just changed the to today and this is getting banned in two days so they're they're just going all out like they know this is The Final Countdown so they're just [ __ ] going like you know balls deep like they're just going as hard like they're trying to make their chat as slow as [ __ ] possible right now like that's their goal my my goal is to make my chat spam emotes they goal is to slow it down as fast as possible dude I got to start streaming bro bro that is is this whole section going [ __ ] crazy right now this section apparently is all [ __ ] going down down bro you would never get this [ __ ] on Rumble by the way period never like I'm all for it absolutely abely that goes hard now this my kind a stream R the a driving a golf cart this is [Music] good this is the most Shameless I mean there just they know it's Shameless this is I mean look look look in my opinion get your bag absolutely any time of the day absolutely I'm totally for it it's just like I didn't know I didn't I didn't know that was to I didn't know it wasn't to that's all good song bro this is so like here's the thing people get mad about these kind of streamers I I respect a lot I what is this bang thing their creativity is unmatched compared to every other streamer everyone just plays games these guys are always figuring out how to push the envelope farther and farther and they do it it's crazy like I I respect them for how hard they go for like the H who thought dude you should do this to smack her ass like a genius play and like like they're just going all out it's incredible I mean [ __ ] man I'm [ __ ] with it I I mean like can you wear a red bikini no you [ __ ] Lucian I'm not going to wear a red bikini this is this is so bad though like who started this meta was it morg yeah the oil is the crazy part hey hey shotty oil up he wait wait yo chat how much for us to oil up right now yeah how much how much to us how much for us to oil up right now how much for us to oil up right now live on stream why is the camera up her ass um well look man internet I want Cano to do this why don't we do this you want to put a cam up our ass right now for the last 48 hours you you would you would do this you'd put a camera like you would have this as your ass we would get two thongs and you would do this you would do this I definitely would do you can only do this one more time it's over after today I mean let's do it K me hello yo I'm live can you get me two banana hammock um uh baby Dooney wants to try to copy Mor pie right now so can we possibly get that going you want me to like order them I'm moving oh yeah yeah can you instaart in my house yeah I can try to find I don't know if that's like a thing they just sell to instaart can I just borrow some ones maybe we just finish the get why don't you just like get underwear and then just cut it yeah you're pushing out admit it you're you're pushing out admit it I'm not pushing out I will totally do this you're ping out admit it all right I'm down okay get underwear and cut it okay I I'll get underwear and cut it all right by bye you think I'm a [ __ ] you think I won't do it that shit's crazy though that one there're strawberry Tabby crazy this [ __ ] is okay yo let's finish the on a yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is so okay uh speed that was his name um I mean he's musically inclined I think he's I think he's a tier really like I I get what you're saying I mean bro the song the the the World Cup song he made is no joke fire is a [ __ ] wait this it's so fire
Channel: Mizkif Clips
Views: 9,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mizkif, mizkif clips, emiru, emiru clips, mizkif emiru, mizkif emiru clips, pokimane, mizkif pokimane, mizkif pokimane wow, sodapoppin pokimane, mizkif ban poki, mizkif and poki, mizkif bbno$, mizkif bbno$ pokimane, mizkif apologizes to pokimane, bbno$, mizkif bbno$ stream, mizkif pewdiepie, otk, bbno$ joins otk, mizkif hot tub, mizkif tos change, mizkif bbno$ hot tubs, mizkif hot tubs, mizkif hot tubs section, mizkif analyzes hot tub section
Id: aI-m5z3d2FY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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