Valkyrae thought Mizkif was dumber

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yo Austin what's going on Austin I'm making a podcast you going to come on it and talk about being gay I'm because I'm down to have you on and talk about being gay honestly like I'm totally okay with that um but only if we talk about why don't we talk about being why don't we do the opposite and talk about why gay people are bad and we do that for an entire podcast just to see who we get as an audience and then we ban them everywhere we find out who they are what do you think Austin I already made a podcast dude it's a one-on-one I literally already had but like I already made did you not hear the news I already had Ray and fosle and pokeon and I but I don't know what I'm doing about the Pokey episode my next episode is with baby no money and then after that I think I might have all steak and eggs and then I'm going to ask Lex fredman and I'm I'm just going to talk to him like that and I'm just going to say stuff and see if he responds but we'll see what happens was that weird okay that's weird I'm not doing that anymore Le Freeman's the dumbest [ __ ] on the planet that's okay I love dumb people do you do you realize you're watching Miz that's almost worse than like you're watching Toon Disney when you're 30 like you're like bro you're watching me an idiot I'm just a dumb guy who said I'm stupid before oh yeah Ry said this when we were out to dinner she's like you're not as I always thought you were so much Dumber or something someone said that and it pissed me off well she's like it was either Ray or foosley they're like yeah I thought you were more dumb in per like than you actually are I'm like do you not watch my Rumble streams where I plot everything I do like this is literally just a [ __ ] movie like I plot all this I I literally plan everything and it fails and I don't do well did rer already leak what she was talking about last night was really fun miss there's another clip of Ray did she say what she said last night to me Leslie uh Leslie uh took the initiative of like booking everything she booked like the hotel and like paid for things so I got to like venmo her like a bunch of money Leslie Sugar Mama well I mean I'm paying her back for everything anyways uh what else happened it was such a it was such a great trip that we were literally looking at places to maybe for renting and stuff cuz I I think it'd be fun to live there for like a month or three months or something three months I never going to happen never going to happen folks not a chance in hell yeah right yeah yeah I look I you know I'm all for it I know Rosie's for yeah right dude I think 3 months in Texas would be really fun um but obviously I would only go if everyone else went you're moving to Texas no what introspection stream [ __ ] it Miz you're cool we're all weak sometimes but Soldier don't give up what what is is is what the [ __ ] is this isuko schizophrenia what the [ __ ] dude it's on Spotify guys um our lease at this place is ending so we need to find a place to live soon I ultimately I did decide I am going to move back in with the girls I was thinking this was going to be my last time living with roommates but I'm doing it again oh thank God I thought I was finally going to buy myself a home but um alas here we are not buying a home can't renew oh hell no we are not bro how does her camera shake when she does that renewing this place this place is it's so expensive and we we barely are scraping by because because of the dove streams the dove streams the dove sponsor help
Channel: Mizkif Clips
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Keywords: mizkif, valkyrae, mizkif valkyrae, mizkif clips, mizkif mario kart, emiru, emiru mizkif, valkyrae mizkif, mizkif leslie, mizkif fuslie, uncle fuslie mizkif, otk, mizkif uncle fuslie, fuslie clips, fuslie, mizkif fuslie valkyrae, mizkif xchocobars, xchocobars, mizkif mario party, mizkif fuslie mario party, mizkif janet, mizkif fuslie janet rae, mizkif rae, mizkif rae mario party, mizkif valkyrae rflct, mizkif reacts to valkyrae
Id: vhL2YX4S17Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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