Fuslie and ExtraEmily didn't shower after waterpark

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I was actually going to go to this but uh Dave wanted to go to the gym oh my God Emily oh my God that was so [Music] funny how did dude that actually looks like so much fun oh oh it was so gross we go to dinner and I'm like yeah like uh it was nice seeing you guys I'll see you guys later they're like yeah we're going to go to extra EMES we're going to go shower I'm like didn't you go to a water park five and a half hours ago for kids yeah Emily and foosley did not shower after the water park that is made for children and they got dinner and then they were going to shower afterwards I was like that is [ __ ] disgusting like honestly that is so gross I'm pretty sure something wrong with me you're cold blooded yeah and you have a [ __ ] dude dude don't say that that is so mean no no no it's just true it's not you don't have a face it's your aa aa but the AA is good okay I'm I'm going to leak something that Ray and foosley actually said to me that they think I'm better now than I was a few years ago I'm like what do you mean they're like you're much nicer character development I swear to God they said that to me they said you're much nicer to us now than you were a few years ago yeah which means I'm just not funny anymore I don't know why I'm nicer now you know what I might be honestly I might just be more grateful like I'm very grateful that they're here when back then I just didn't think I was just like ah whatever like they're around I'm around I get around but I'm much more grateful now for them uh and I know Rosie is too but well I'm also just I don't know I don't know why when they said I'm like was I that mean a few years ago Ray was really happy she's like you didn't make any reflect jokes she's like I appreciate that cuz I I mean but I'm also told her I'm like what am I it's a [ __ ] four-year-old joke now 3 years old like you had no chill that one Mario party night 3 years ago with Ray fley and Tamia I had no chill and for what was it really worth it at the end of the day no did you laugh that's that's been my problem my whole life is it clicks in my head it it almost feels like a spark was lit Matt that's funny say it Matt that's funny say it right now you have to do it comedic timing you have to say it soon and I say it and then I'm like yep that just ruined a friendship I've done it so many times but most have been wor it but uh yeah we they didn't want to hang out with me afterwards they thought I was too much
Channel: Mizkif Clips
Views: 15,482
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Keywords: mizkif, valkyrae, mizkif valkyrae, mizkif clips, mizkif mario kart, emiru, emiru mizkif, valkyrae mizkif, mizkif leslie, mizkif fuslie, uncle fuslie mizkif, otk, mizkif uncle fuslie, fuslie clips, fuslie, otv and friends, mizkif fuslie valkyrae, mizkif xchocobars, mizkif mario party, mizkif fuslie mario party, mizkif janet, mizkif rae, extraemily, mizkif extraemily, extraemily shower, fuslie shower, extraemily fuslie shower, extraemily fuslie waterpark
Id: GuIbySLuU2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 35sec (155 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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