Mizkif can't stop bothering Uncle Fuslie [with DELETED Intro Audio] - ft. Valkyrae, Emiru, Tina

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foreign no no I'm not mad at Leslie I'm mad at everybody this is just crazy he's been mad at me for eight months and I don't find Outside walk into this room and he just does this weird icon look at me myself not answer my messages and she only just does you said love yeah all she does is sponsors and she doesn't talk to me she just does sponsors and she doesn't talk to me you're the one who lacked his communication oh my God I took two communication classes in college it says communication communication you guys show up late to every stream you do is that true Leslie no I'm always here on time yeah she was late today says this guy yeah oh you're always late I'm like what am I late okay when you show up on time you complain they are on time like what did I have to be here I know I know I know all right are we done with this oh no the mic is unmuted oh no way oh crap how could the beef has been exposed now my blood pressure is [Music] your rooms are way cooler every single time like OBS more than 720p should I restart the stream wait why is it 720p I don't know oh no hey good question it was a good stream yeah get your tree why it's so shiny at the mic now this is awkwardly oh [Music] [Music] let me get one okay wanna do wait you like fortnite too let's play fortnite fortnite 2 is called Valor I guess yeah you're an idiot oh my God I'm tired I'm tired you know what let's wrap it up let's wrap it up nah come on let me use this a little bit all right we're stalling we're stalling Tina's not here yet sure we're just stalling it's okay okay fine yeah sorry they had to do a quick sponsor so they're doing dude [Laughter] oh my God it doesn't stop I was gonna make a joke about layoffs but never mind this is why I get invited anywhere anymore I'm just the reason I just like these people a lot I do yeah I'm in L.A you guys are from the other side of the world like I'm from the other side of the country where everything's just you [ __ ] on everybody oh yeah oh really in Jersey yeah everyone's just a jackass that's like a jersey my mom has never said I love you it's always I love you what oh I see where you get it from yes [Music] everyone's really funny and they're really annoying so it's amazing I think you're really cool but oh yeah a lot it seems like your feet goes the way you use the way you you're tone on your voice it wasn't finished no I think you're really cool yeah like I think you're really cool [Music] Instagram sponsor here Instagram story I'd be really cool [Music] changed sponsors down today well you're walking upstairs why do you get so many damn sponsors listen you guys want a real sponsor you should go to rumble all right listen that's the real place [Music] while you guys are all hanging out that just hijacks everything to attack everybody why oh my God that was something that was something good call right I'm getting the mic yeah I told you he just came in here we needed a witness he just wants validation he just need to work it out work it out later miss on the street or he'll just or he'll just come back up here it's fine he'll be back there's a TV like in the gym but it's like not I should have bought small trains yeah he's gonna get really bored oh no I walked in I looked at him and he rolled his eyes on me and then I rolled my eyes back and then he's like and then he starts never mind that's not what happened at all you literally were on the phone with your agent you said hey about those two sponsors can't do it and then he rolls your eyes I mean I rolled your eyes back at you it's like oh my God sponsors as always for fun you're not alone in this he attacks me and Emily too for having sponsors okay really it's just he's jealous no I'm not jealous I just think look there's uh what Smite huh Smite what about what about slime that was so Random congratulations what do you do why are you frowning I'm just shocked that they did that for you guess how much I made on that skin zero dollars not even close way more than that actually yeah they paid you for it yeah 108 108. something like that that's crazy yeah I didn't make any money on this for that anyway what can I do while you guys are doing it's been really bored um you can talk you can take our trash out I can clean her house it's great streamer house nice yeah you can organize our pantry yeah no yeah yeah I could do that once you open the cabinets prescription for a year I literally just walked into Walmart was like can I have an eye exam no we're bored and they're like yeah yeah not not you stepping on her rug with your shoes on take yourself first of all it's her rug so how do you feel about it you don't like it you hate it I hate it yeah well I I don't mind because I have a dog you know so it's like oh okay same thing it's kind of the same it's almost worse later [Music] that I [ __ ] something up Dr Pepper or anything those are the last two years ago you don't call me anymore I didn't call you how many calls have we had I don't know why there's a 30-day subtle song where we call every day those are the well days you're right wait do you have one of those filters to make me look prettier nope nope I wish I did I want that filter did you finish taking out the trash huh [Laughter] you mean what the hell why do you have like one glove on it was hot let's play yeah you want to dress up as a bee really yeah bumblebee yeah because like my young and I we played B simulator so we dressed up as bees so I have a b fit and like instead of speaking you can just go it's kind of similar anyway so I have it if you want to dress up yeah you don't need to be a [ __ ] B yeah be funny I'm not like Big Bird yeah yeah let me go look for the pieces I did I did just break the headband today oh I did earlier I ripped off the the B parts because I was using it as a headband like this you know MLB costume cool it's not done yet Chad we still have like bee costumes I'll go look for it okay I actually have it um I got this and I I have an extra headband and one sock okay I think yeah yeah do you ever just think about forzan yeah he was the first streamer I ever watched that's true you did talk about that yeah but I don't know someone dressed oh okay yeah oh my god oh so why do people watch it is it like every time I see me saying like it's just a clip of him not saying much oh yeah he just he just sits there and plays I don't know it's oh it's like a nice change of pace because it's like he's just so quiet yeah and then the chat says the most like his chat is like the complete opposite of him like he's they say the most say what you're gonna say something I can barely look at you I know you're having trouble making icons you make me scared nowadays I know that we have to work through some actually I think I think you guys actually my therapy we're gonna talk through it not on stream off straight he can look at you for two seconds two seconds like a second the soul even happens what do you want you're actually the best friend my water well but nice okay we're almost done two more pieces what I feel strappy let's move out and think about us I just want one more Mario Party game that's it okay thank you she's so good at the mini games I didn't want to add in that I'm better but I'm just saying you're really good it's awesome I've been humbled okay well I could do like a massive Mario Kart night or something wait why did Costco just message me we'd like to thank you for being a loyal customer please help with the 30 to 60 second survey well you owe it to them at least yeah give us the survey maybe I'll get sponsored I'll I'll do it you guys want to play Smash later yeah you have it [Music] um smash I'll just I'll just let him down yeah it hates me we can make it stay up for them not as hot it's so hot today what [Music] oh my God I'm so excited someone said why is he talking about sponsor all the time OMG because I'm jealous there it is okay and then because I'm just [ __ ] jealous at the bottom it's time to go bald I might have to look up a video for this you can tie the tie you can tie it on wait I don't hold the camera easier okay oh God like this right I'm home oh filling the wrong thing [ __ ] oh yeah oh God why are you so close let's see we'll just cut all the footage it's crazy what the hell what gotta get to go to Eagles oh we're live she's oh my God the key is the flick you see that please don't know Josh ready it's it's people get motion sick oh okay my life lately are you gonna [ __ ] do it what you got to do the emote what's the emote oh that looks fine no don't do it yet not yet not yet we need to get the full fit the red maroon hair this is crazy I might have to oh wait the bangs look like they're already cut pretty well we'll see yeah you just [ __ ] did the amount it's over oh but she's gonna do it again don't don't make the email yet I was mimicking shut up yeah well don't make an emote yet because there will be a better one later okay like can I make it a move sure it doesn't be this what do you think why don't do it again it looks sad but make sure they can see all of us just looking at them I feel like that's good I don't know why don't make that anymore oh God you have so much hair oh wait it fits wow whoa it feels like it's a little tight oh my I'm surprised it all fit back there wait yeah yeah that's a slip that's a cute emo that's one of my faves play I just can't be like that one here anymore oh it's like every every time I try and talk you just gotta stop you know what you're thank you all right wig time Tina she's like uh yeah I don't talk to you on stream that's crazy you want to go bold on camera or do you want to do it off I'm too shy yeah well I didn't know what the heck I was like you're gonna see a like an anime character and a hologram wrap my mind around it now I understand it a lot more it's cool we're leaving Big Time one but then like I try to ignore him and then he'll like tap me on the shoulder like you know like what yeah well if you guys have Netflix I'd be watching the birdie Madoff document right now but you don't have anything just workout gym we have a gym I don't actually work out when we have uh yeah is that what you're supposed you have a lot of books I don't I don't like buttons I have Bremen Rock's book you are that [ __ ] you want to read that you know what yeah I read some prize mostly you're so [ __ ] cool why do you say it like that like I think he means it you know but then hey is he not you remember when we went to high school together no we didn't go bicycles yet you guys went to high school together yeah that's how we must start what was he like in high school didn't go to high school together aren't you from like I feel like I went to Pacific Coast Academy isn't that the school from Zoe 101 yeah look at me so simple but I found a way okay I should have put lashes on I feel like you can't even see my eyes wow Tina if you ever dyed your hair you would pull off every color actually if I dyed my hair I wanted to do this color wait really I like turquoise oh EDB this is the best what is so bad at sitting still you're doing good yeah I'm sorry this is gonna it's gonna be a bit slow because we honestly don't think I wish this guy's just a bee this guy is just the Beast it's working for you shut up don't in in her house oh my God yeah that's wild with your shoes on Leslie's house yeah with your shoes on house this guy the bee guy in the front I'm like cutting it from the side then you want to order food here I'll order food no who wants food thanks oh my God I know you're hungry no Applebee's oh true I mean I guess since you're a bee I have one for Sacramento because my boozly fettuccine boozley's moves relate it Jeff stole my joke oh I took it from Chad apparently he really thought and then um I think you're gonna do cosplay um [Music] wait you guys aren't done I call the first time Chatter's like who is that okay yeah next time we'll go to Texas right guys yeah yeah Texas a Texas trip you're gonna come to Texas I've always wanted to go to Austin because I hear it's like the LA of it it's pretty much I used to live there yeah oh my god I've always wanted to really in their kitchen oh yeah breakfast oh and Nickelodeon no no no Abby do not believe their lies they're not going well now that's what I'm saying it no you've done this for years you say you're going and you never go well I'm ready I'm not listening in the hallway I'm listening downstairs five minutes you're working out at the gym he doesn't know what he wasn't no listen you guys will never come because you have been saying this for two years now okay well I mean we might have sooner if there wasn't a lot of drama it's been wonderful yeah but listen I came here to ask a question oh God is the Chipotle here oh it probably is here wait that's fast I promise there's gonna be like five people here that are like they actually had beef I swear I feel like people actually believe I I've sort of believe you guys actually gonna be no beef what there's no beef with me that's crazy no B nothing ever happened no it's just crazy we're not forced to face it today definitely not it's Uncle fusley no we're good so we're good yeah you didn't respond when uh oh my gosh please stop you're stressing me don't stress Tina don't worry Tina don't worry it's good to come here at the beginning because they were screaming at each other during my intro and Ray unmuted the mic I did what do you mean oh my God I thought it was a bit Jack me and her are yelling at each other and she's like oh well time to click the um and I did I was like I'm gonna unmute the mic there's only one advice I thought we were squashing some beans no there's Chad it's honestly nothing look it's all jokes it is it is it is it is but he actually is struggling to make eye contact which I'm not sure what if that's a bit not I genuinely can't tell I just see dollar signs in your eyes I can't look at you okay I'm so jealous you get a lot of sponsors if he got all those sponsor offers he would have done all of them and you turned some down I did so Leslie gets all the sponsors I've stopped all of them I've stopped I've actually I'm on my anti-inspenser arc the entire aisle nine yeah but before it was like you know Oral B and Doritos and Captain oh my gosh she has been sponsored by all of them like toilet paper toilet paper and paper Dr Pepper a lot of people want the toilet paper one remember we're doing like the deuce um it was like wait did you get the call of dragon sponsor no Saudi Arabia I was shocked you didn't go me too I like how no one remembers I was involved in that yeah I know they're like oh miscuits you know would you cosplay again after this experience oh yeah you know I I would make sure I do my um eyeballs thicker because I feel like less like a character yeah I feel like I I we didn't do like makeup like cosplay makeup like but I was already late so stressed so I like brush the eyeball apart okay you've been taking your time we were like literally what I'm trying to a heart attack dude maze like encouraging it sounds sarcastic every time it's kind of Italians everything I went out that sounds like that'll go it doesn't sound cool thing he's okay it does sound sarcastic everything you say one is nice why do you have to [ __ ] bring it up on stream what do you mean she just said the same thing why is it such an issue I didn't say anything different you know what this guy's crazy you know what right next when we talk in an hour about stuff you should go live secretly you are ridiculous right I'll have you know listen you're a Content demon listen we are having a discussion you know what something right that's something I would have done I said it that's something I would have done well maybe I learned from you have you thought about that thank you yeah that's right really yeah taught me the way are you inspired taught me the way inspired me to just go live on this drama happening sometimes you know you just want to like just do it all on stream actually that's what people are doing I genuinely thought it was a bit I I asked I was like hot mic you know we asked him like three times ignored us and kept yelling the Emmy was like just covering the unmute button I was like just do it yeah yeah I actually wait do you can you guys like see in the sun like outside no I can't open my eyes outside it's too bright I can when I'm wearing contact stuff really I I my as soon as I like go into sunlight my eyes start like crying no same really yeah okay [Laughter] all right then why are you like this you look like the emo I don't know she's going on about our story I'm just listening it's interesting going trying to formal doing nothing yay wait is that that's Lily your job yeah so I I can you know I recognize that yeah by doing nothing is doing the most sometimes he stormed out dude I'm not this yellow is upset true true wait why do they keep saying yellow what is that that's the emo but I can't get it to work for some reason I'm just sitting in the bee costumes looking uncomfortable yeah so much drama refresh you think you'll ever forgive them Leslie I'll try if you can make eye contact with me for more than two seconds bro they're freaking me out he really can't and then he rolled his eyes and then I'm just so confused or is this a refresh button never forgiven I won't never forgiveness
Channel: Mizkif Clips
Views: 73,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mizkif, valkyrae, mizkif valkyrae, mizkif clips, mizkif mario kart, mizkif vakyrae mario kart, mizkif sykkuno, mizkif sykkuno mario kart, valkyrae chat, valkyrae chat mizkif, emiru, emiru clips, emiru mizkif, valkyrae mizkif, mizkif leslie, mizkif fuslie, mizkif and valkyrae squash beef, uncle fuslie mizkif, otk, mizkif uncle fuslie, fuslie clips, fuslie
Id: vdBeap32soA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 46sec (1966 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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