Past Fuslie asks Present Fuslie about Mizkif - Ludwig gets cursed

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dear my 30 year old self um so I just watched my 29 year old self wait no my 28 year old self talking to my current self I'm 29 and I'm 29 talking to my 30 year old self so when you're 30. that's Leslie you watching this right now you're 30. I am and yeah I am honestly I was like really sad watching that my 28 year old self tell me a billion times how married I am when I'm not married at all and instead actually I'm very alone and single um so that's that was that was really sad but I'm gonna say that it was actually kind of like it kind of just showed me like wow like you don't know where life is gonna take you like you have no idea right true and wow preach 29 year old self and are you still friends with all your new friends oh gosh that's not awkward but you know I hope you meet a lot of new friends I hope that's one thing that you will always like keep doing that's one thing I learned when I was 28 is just like there's so many wonderful people to meet out there there's so many incredible people outside of your little bubble go meet them like people are way nicer than you think well at least so far I've had great experiences and I hope that you're still friends with so many of them Miz are you here you're gonna be a Smite Pro and eat tacos oh are you still friends with miskief balls here too wow how about him he's not friends with them oh God dude this has been so painful I'm just thinking about like bro thrilling the fact that I'm not married in like over and over and over and over and over again she was mocking me she was like future me I'm still a leech my past self was like what are the chances married like oh my God what's married life like and how is the honeymoon oh my God [Laughter] pass off blow made me cry in a code names game okay he made me cry playing code names not it's okay you're okay you're gonna be okay I hope you're not um squid case game season two squid games that doesn't make sense it would be out right it's coming no that doesn't make sense could they hey LED Oh I thought for some reason I was recording to My Future Self and then you popping in I would have said hi to you in the future just like I said hi to mizkiff in this one oh yeah let's talk about kovic and then maybe that one of age how is the world right now there's news about a new variant and it's 20 in South Africa and I don't know where else it is that did it make it to the U.S we don't have it's called Omicron oh it's kind of a cool name unfortunately oh I didn't say squid gays I said squid games oh yeah oh my God we are going to record our birthday video for next year three two one action dear Leslie this is weird I feel like I'm not ready for this I feel like I'm not ready for the video but we're just gonna go you are 30. no that's wrong I'm 30. I just turned 30. so happy birthday to me you are 31. and honestly good for you oh eyebrow check eyebrow check because right now this is filled in but your eyebrows probably all grown in unless you did another stupid dare maybe you did another brovi bro versus bro against Ludwig and are you still friends with Ludwig oh hopefully that one doesn't age poorly um not that because last time like I talked okay well we don't have to say it um oh um okay so let's move on um hope nothing ages poorly talking about oh God okay that's gonna age well no I'm sure I'm sure you still are um but yeah I'm missing an eyebrow oh right it's here you can see where it's filled in every single day right now I have to wake up and fill this eyebrow in because it's that weird spot where it's like growing back but then it's like you know it's it's growing back what else what else can I ask My Future Self because you never sell I never you know the Strat we never sell so you're holding you're probably thinking today me should probably buy some more stonks I got you I'm gonna do that tomorrow no I'm not if I remember I'll put on my calendar okay see the schedule um
Channel: Mizkif Clips
Views: 12,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kkatamina, mizkif, mizkif clips, mizkif miyoung, mizkif fuslie, mizkif fuslie car, mizkif and fuslie, mizkif and tamia clips, fuslie clips, mizkif fuslie finding nemo, mizkif fuslie nemo, mizkif roasts fuslie, fuslie, fuslie mizkif, fuslie roasts mizkif, fuslie mizkif xqc, mizkif xqc, fuslie rejects mizkif, mizkif gets rejected, mizkif xqc dramaejected by fuslie, past fuslie self, ludwig, ludwig fuslie, ludwig mizkif, mizkif fuslie ludwig
Id: lrSQChgB7UE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 8sec (308 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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