Miyazaki A5 wagyu steak course and grilled noodles | teppanyaki in Japan
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Views: 2,605,892
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Keywords: teppanayki, miyazaki beef a5, miyazaki wagyu, miyazaki beef steak, teppanyaki, teppanyaki cooking, Japanese teppanyaki, japanese teppanyaki wagyu, Japan steak, teppanyaki steak
Id: 7kouRE3ciSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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Was it frozen? It was either frozen or that is one shitty knife.
If they froze A5 Wagyu, they need to be shot.
The YouTube comments are roasting this "chef" lol.
He also needs a damn tissue. I had to turn it off after five minutes due to the sniffing.