Mixtape: Love, Sex & Marriage | Part 1 | Pastor Jeremy Foster

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come on somebody give it a procedure but you guys look amazing hey and right now I'm excited about everybody that's in here and it's ridiculous the Amen Corner on the stage welcome some of us may be here for the first time and you got to sit on the stage that's awesome all of our additional seating rooms are slammed our Katy campus is joining us live right now and Katy come on let's welcome them in we love you guys got a bunch of people watching online all over the world and we want to welcome each and every one of them in and then it feels good in fact once you turn this to my next you need to say you look good make it weird at the first weekend after legend literally some of y'all were like I'm not doing that right I won't go is tell like four people third kill glad that you guys are here man we're fired up about this series how many of you have been to a relationship series at home city before just raise your head you've been before you've been before how many of you have never been to a relationship series just raise your minutes all bunch of you man we're glad you guys are here let's give them a great big hand in all of our rooms or campuses here's what I want you to know we we believe that this series will be one of the most life-changing events that you've ever been a part of because we've seen that we have a track record of watching what God has done if you're brand new to our church we just started our church in 2015 and got us blown our minds with explosive growth and a lot of people receiving Christ and seeing their lives changed and during this series we've seen people who were divorced get remarried which is awesome we've seen God heal broken marriages on the brink of divorce we've seen people who who've been married for a long time find a reeve iteration of their marriage we've seen single people find a spouse all the single people say my mind and a mind I mad amen we really like amen that's what somebody said over there amen zing last year we had a couple come and they were they were they were engaged to be married they broke up didn't see that one coming but you know what I just she was like all of these reasons no um so we had a couple colors over here together dude brought the girl here for a first date they did not have a second day she was like you're weird but hey whether you're married whether you're single whether you're looking whether you're divorced whether you're single again whether you've been married for 50 years or you've been married for five weeks we're glad you're here and we believe that God can do a lot in a little bit of time and if you commit to come in the next six weeks we believe that God will radically change the way you think about relationships now we love the series we have fun with it and we've had a lot of fun marketing the series obviously you can see the pictures on the screen but but a few weeks ago we found some old pictures of some of our team members will be showing to you throughout the course of the series but this is Robin Lauri and Robin Lauri are on our team and I'm just going to say right now that sweater is banging that is awesome the little the little poodle perm in the hair and the fact that Rob this was before Rob had a beautiful shiny wax dome and all of his hair had went and took off and so we update who we updated their picture and we kind of got a whole 80s theme for the series so this is this is the picture we took a Robert Lauri the other day Rob decided to be slash from Guns and Roses it was awesome and then I know Oliver all of our hope City family members and Katie will love this rkd campus pastor and his wife Megan Kevin and Megan took a picture and this is listen I wasn't anywhere around so I don't know where the ones he came from if you already had that but I'm just going to say pastor Kevin at some point you just need to bust that out we're at the church and uh come on give give pastor Kevin impacted a great big hair just just for me I never saw anybody nighties wear onesie but whatever maybe that was maybe that's somebody here and then pastor Josh he did that no tall enough he's so excited in every picture like mouth a lot open hey uh we do I want to send a shout-out to his mom for letting me borrow her shorts thank you very much today ha ha take it away my eyes are burning um how many guys were around in the 80s you remember the 80s you were cognizant come over my 80 people asked 80s were fun they were awesome and they were awful at the same time you know the clothes besides ponytails the jelly bracelets the pop collars the 80s you know the jean jackets that were too big for you you roll the sleeves up it was awesome the LA gear shoes who had la gear who had LA is here come on come on la gear anybody where British nights you has a British night that I don't have money for Jordan somebody wear British night a certain les boxes were real they were literally a real lunch box nowadays athlete these cushy things is weird back in the day they were a metal box that had a thermos inside of I remember the thermos and your mom would either put like kool-aid with way too much sugar in it or chicken noodle soup if she was feeling lazy that day just like heated up there that's lunch Sun looks all crackers ba you know get on the bus we all rode the bus you know you always had somebody you had a character on on the front of your lunchbox for me a team you know I have mr. T said pity the fool that's what mine said I don't know what your said pity the fool to touch my peanut butter and jelly sandwich those were good days man back in the day we had members listen I want to ask you a question right now poll in every room every campus if you owned a Members Only jacket go ahead and put them up go ahead put them up come on look at that look around you know what that tells us it wasn't Members Only You anybody could get one Liars is what they were before you felt cool in your maroon jacket with the sleeves pushed up why because Don Johnson said so that's right that's why some of you don't know who Don Johnson is that's okay we're not mad at you and you had remember Atari yet how many concentric tari gaming since we had one race yes you know not a lot of choices which button do I push the red one which one is that that the only one on there the red one they'd have to learn a whole lot just work the joystick push the button man it was awesome and the Nintendo came out remember the Nintendo yeah we were fired up of us innocent Oh play all the cool games and then when the games are having a problem put it in even then we're like you don't have to do that liars you do too it works Mike Tyson's punch-out you absolutely javadi blow body blow still no and they came out with duck hunt had the gun number the gun you didn't back up you put that thing right up against the screen like what you don't want none of me so the kids have no idea what life is really about movies in the 80s were the best they were the best so unrealistic and awesome dumb sound effects ridiculous special effects you could tell it was all faking you loved it you learned about life in 80s movies you don't I mean like rocky thank you Rocky's taught me about overcoming you know how many guys have seen all five Rocky's you've seen them all you've wasted your time on the last three those are dumb the first two are awesome 80s Rocky come on Apollo Creed hello remember Apollo comes out the American music James Brown is singing remember J remembers how many guys do not know who James Brown is raise your head Oh [Applause] I felt as a bath how many times have I come here and I mother these words I feel good huh and I knew that I would Jeremih didn't say that it's not in First Samuel chapter 3 verse 2 it's in the book of James Brown come on somebody freaking good if this is your first time this is actually normal I'm sorry is it I'm already preaching okay I took a text you don't know it if somewhere in Exodus right now use don't Rocky meant taught us about life he'd love that it was up we didn't understand anything rocky said we saw a lot of Korean we're like I understood that no Apollo dies in the first one Apollo he beats Apollo and then he apologized in the second were like one powers the best in the draaga number Drago Drago the Russian if you're Russian Bobby was so glad you're here we hated you in the 80s we were scared of you not because of rocky because a nuclear war how many feet were yourse we're all gonna die in the 80s remember that we're gonna die oh god we got to know where to go got to have a bunker in the 80s we don't have one report we're just gonna die better get right with God rocky went to Russia went to Russia they don't give him anything Rocky has nothing it's got a leather jacket a tank top pan and a barn that's what he has Drago has everything is a gym government built Jimmy's like he has a treadmill remember treadmills treadmills were big Drago had a treadmill you're like rocky dude he's doing pull-ups in the barn Conkel Poly's what cocoapods quiet soon Hageman angry good course all he has is a tire that's all he has he's listening tired he's chopping wood that's what he's doing he's listening to log you know you know who invented CrossFit rocky ah CrossFit we had that me 80s called no money workout in a hot room with no air conditioned illicit tire that's called the junkyard is what that's called in order to pay $700 a month for that he's gonna do that at my house rocky we loved it man we knew he's gonna win we didn't have any questions right we knew you know when we knew we knew when he drank the eggs remember when he drank the eggs yeah but you didn't think oh when you were a kid you were like that's it that that's his secret rago's not drinking the eggs he's doing the drugs Rocky's doing the eggs the raw eggs oh we're like he's going to win and then later on you watch it as you get older you're like ah there's a better way and it's so bad for you bro pink egg white omelets avocado man come on I know how the colors are bet it's a good fat rocky come on you can do it he wins we love the 80s movie Karate Kid come on I mean given hope to bullied nerds everywere Danielsson moves to a new city doesn't know anybody you know gets beat up by the Cobra God come on I wanted to be Johnny he had Bieber hair before Bieber was even born he put this hairy war little headband come on where's my homies after wore a headband at some point you wore a headband cuz don't raise your hand you were a nerd and I wanted to be I loved it man and I was like come on and then he finds a friendly Asian gentleman costing us the stereotype Asian people forever like he teeth like he takes him in and we all know we know we know he speaks broken English but his soul is not broken and the gift is strong with mr. Miyagi mr. Miyagi's teaching him to wax a car we're like come on danielsson stop being just stop being a you're so disrespectful teaching you a move what was that move that was I was whacked on come on right now you know what I'm talking about Miyagi starts teaching and moves I was like yeah it's not couldn't believe it I started looking for a gentle Asian man in my community that could teach me something you think I'm kidding and a buddy is at a friend his name is Kevin his dad was from Hong Kong I was like dude your dad could teach us man he's like my dad's from Wyoming he knows nothing there's nothing he builds model airplanes that's not a joke that's true why is the Asian and why creation in here I love you this is normal it's not a non harassment it's awesome man then he gets beat up that one last time right Miyagi gets fired up right it's like okay I'm gonna teach you the one move he didn't say it like that he said if you do right no can defend never what he taught him I remember what was there wasn't just a kick it wasn't the kick what did he teach him yes some some men in here some men in here already doing it because we practiced there's a dude watching right now at home by himself online and he's already doing this right here you stand up sir you do that you do that what kind of kick left it was the that was the crane kick that's a single man over there single man the crane I'm fine I'm not looking over there I'm not looking you're too big I'm not looking the crazy what is the crane kick I'm glad you asked young people you don't understand that doesn't look lethal it just looks like you're off balance I am I'm 40 I'm not hold up so well right now kind of hurts but you know what you come up to me and it's like what are you doing haha yeah I didn't see that comment issues and I pulled my hamstring I'm walking with a limp kick them right in the face he one week the Cobra Kai we watch it as an adult who you're like if do right no can defend with the help of pause and rewind slow-mo you realize it not only was mr. Miyagi grammatically incorrect he was also karateka Lee incorrect you mean like if you do that dumb purse am I going to punch you in the face before you can hop to the other foot you're going to get a fall down and be hurt we love to the movies the movies were great say the 80s are coming back do your that do that they're not ma'am we loved we loved back we loved the 80s music you guys love the eighties music 80s music was great how many guys to make a playlist on Spotify now that's what you do you make a playlist on Spotify anybody Spotify to give you a Spotify playlist 50 point ham on Spotify playlist raise your hand you make you swallow fun yeah it's cute it's super cute um we worked really hard we had it we call it a mixtape that's what we called it so we're called a series of mixtape because it means work that's what it means it means I love you so hard I'm going to work I'm going to work for it because we didn't have the money to go buy the tapes right when we had to decide when we made a mixtape kids kids how many guys under the age of 30 raise your hand you're under the age of 30 all campuses look at that all these people haha you don't know the agony all you have to do now is like paying ninety nine cents a month and you get Spotify or whatever back in the day we had to get a TDK tape that had something else on it we had to decide how much we loved that person whether we going to rather whether we're going to make a 60 minute a 90 minute or 120 minute mix it 18 amens come on and we got our Magnavox jam box with 83 speakers in the end the EQ and the bass boost and can we forgot to press the bass booster work why does it sound so empty bassist yes sit put it in you pull the antenna up kid you like what's an antenna I just don't have time to go into it but you pull the antenna up and we depend on what station you were looking for looking for the quiet storm look for the quiet storm I'm looking for slow Jamz that's what I'm looking for now slow Jamz you know want to diversify slow Jamz and you call it all requests and dedications hotline and give it a shout-out to your homies remember those days right yeah yeah and then you would listen because you had your tape in there you had your tape in there you had play record and yeah and pause pressed at the same time right some of y'all enough and you had to wait for the DJ to play your song you just waiting you're waiting you're waiting you're waiting come on man come on come on get past the Debbie Gibson no way I could put that on a mixtape no Tiffany no can't put her on new keep a little calm no no I privately like them but I could never put that on a mixtape and then your song comes on you unpause yeah it's playing you had to get ready because the DJ start talking to some small because that's how you mix a tape that's a mixtape right come on and we put all kind of music on there whoa we're halfway there [Applause] you make me proud hook City you make me proud there's all kind of songs we would diversify I just come [Applause] that's beautiful let's do it we're going to sing together here's what's going to happen I'm going to start this next this next part and then and then I'm going to ask you to do something right before you sing your part occasions can be fast you got to listen you'd be alert okay all right I want to know when love is husband's look at your wants and say yeah so here's what's happened in every service some weird dude over in this corner looks at a lady he's not married to it like creeper section might as well face it that's a little older people took them awhile or yeah I know that song had to go through my catalogue of Chicago music to finally get to skin it some of you guys you won't know this song it's okay I'm not mad at you not upset with you at all but but you have to know that it takes two to make a thing go right I don't know about you but I want to rock right now I'm Rob Basin I came to get down I'm not internationally known but I've known to Ruckle microphone okay stop right now that stop radio edit that was the test these are the unsaved people that need Jesus that's what they still have some things in their spirits they haven't been delivered of yet but we're praying for them right now Lord we just we are living on a prayer Lord that's what we're oh and I've been preaching now for 15 minutes um we're gonna have blast in this series we we remember we look back at the teenage love cycle and it was it was unrealistic expectations you know we we were back in the day we were going together nowadays I don't know what you guys call it like for a while it was like we're talking now do you know what that means now back in the day was like hey hey you guys are going together I think this is dumb wasn't dating was we gonna go with I don't know what that means unrealistic expectations out of control emotions poor communication I talk sometimes in adult talk I don't know how to talk we don't text we can text back in the days we wrote letters we wrote letters and then we folded them he folded him into the tiniest possible little thing and there was this one little Swan tail sticking out and when you pull it seven pages front and back you know what I'm talking about [Applause] preconceived ideas self-esteem issues lack of responsibility and what's funny is as we look at that we realized that doesn't look like a club that looks like love right now some of y'all like that's my relationship right there and what's funny to me is just as he just kind of 80s are coming back around and decades Styles come back around we never really mature past high school in the way we look at relationships and many of us have walked in here unfulfilled with unmet needs uh none communicated expectations brokenness loneliness and that's not the way that it's supposed to be God designed us for relationships not for all of this stuff that somehow creeps into our adult relationships and now you find yourself 32 saying and it feels like high school doesn't have to feel like that you realize this wasn't as big of a problem 6070 years ago because our expectations were different we looked at people who had great marriages and we saw he's hard work and she's hard working they love each other they care for one another and then the dawn of the rom-com romantic comedy just abbreviate for those taking notes romantic comedy creates expectations in us that are not realistic like love at first sight he sees her she sees him next thing you know it's like they're at they're getting married you're like why can't it happen that fast for me because it's a movie it all needs to be done in 90 minutes you know we get our ideas about love and our cultural norms about love from movies funny but it's true think about it like they don't they don't know each other they bump into each other just this summer they bump into each other they kind of like each other she leaves he's broken hearted he writes letters he writes she writes letters she doesn't get the letters she pines for her she doesn't know where he is she moves on with life because she's wealthy he's poured he has a house he works on that house she works on that house he works on that house she writes letters he writes letters he sends them that she doesn't get she meets an officer he's handsome she plans her life out I love you I love you too I gotta come back to this city should I be worried no liar she goes back when I'm out working on out we're gonna ban June it's me I love you I love you I hate you I hate you I love you too punch each other I hate you I love you it's raining I run I run I wrote a letter here's the letters oh my god there's letters what are we gonna do I love you hate you why do we fight this is us married man never seen the notebook make yourself some time I just made some ladies mad in here with that what was his name what was his name he remember I know up it's not his real name but that's the name you use why can't you be a little more like Noah fight for me because no is a fake person we get our ideas my heart was go on there was enough room for both of them on the floating piece of ship right there and they could affect whoa come on you could have done better for Jackie could have made it we get these ideas myth number one that we begin to believe and input into our psyche and our relationships as if I can find the right person everything will be all right and we think that somehow this person whenever I find them is going to fix me they're going to love me they accept me for me they're going to appreciate all of my faults and my flaws and my idiosyncrasies I don't have to change anything because they love me and they're going to fall in love with my gambling addiction they're going to think it's cute they're going to think it's perfect I don't have to change anything and married people go ha ha ha that's dumb but that's how we think and the problem with that whole idea of when I find the right one everything will be all right is it stays with you even when you find the right one and when they start behaving in ways that you didn't expect and some things you don't like anymore you say that must not be the right one we're so messed up with ideas from Disney and I love Disney but come on Beauty and the Beast he's a monster he's a beast he has causing teeth you don't have a anakim lady Little Mermaid's is a mermaid who hoards things she's creeper man come on she doesn't even know the guy she's in love with him weird she's a stalker let's be real okay [Music] the dazzling place I never sit same place you just had a ceremony a week's vacation you come back neither one of you still know how to balance a checkbook come on you find out you've trusted somebody your heart that with your heart that you wouldn't trust with your credit card and you realize we have problems because we've been looking for the wrong thing because we bought into line number 2 and line number 2 is we just need chemistry and passion just need chemistry and passion that's what I'm looking for I'm gonna find the right one they're gonna look at me I'm gonna look at them we're going to know and what's got me looking so crazy right now laughs come in looking so crazy right if you're going too crazy and crazy crazy you're going to know think about all every love song you've ever I'm having a blast with this series I'm just telling you just it's just wait it's gonna be fun I think about every love song you've ever heard is all about your physical response to somebody I guess all we can these acknowledge because is our control with something ticks off me anything's amazing it's not a phase I want you to stay with me stop stop it right there stop then that song with such a big ears they have to tell you hey don't go - sorry - stop no stop it's all physical it's all physical chemistry and passion because we bought into lot number three and that is we need sex some of the guys in your life faster come on help you go out you know listen if you brought your kids I think it's important that you know I'm not a shock in all passion I gotta say anything nasty accrued or crass that's not how I do but I am going to give you some great information that you could talk to your kids about because if you don't talk to them they will get these preconceived ideas from movies and from their friends and from what pop culture tells them and they'll think this is an old archaic book that has nothing we believe we need sex and so jump right in test drive the car before we buy it you know cuz I want to make a commitment that it's not good you know I've got to do that and get we need sex and sex is not a need water air yeah and that's where the problems start because we take the relationships under the covers before it's covered by God and now we're broken and don't know it sex is not a need sex as a gift we're going to talk about that in a non nasty way because it's not designed to be talked about in a nasty way God created sex he created it created Adam and Eve and he struck a match and said they got his idea and it's awesome and it's beautiful inside of the way that it was designed to be brought out problem is the world took it and broke it and I meet so many people who are broken by sexual things in their past and in their lives and we have relationship problems because we were only focused on chemistry and passion and we know a lot about chemistry and passion and sex and physicality and not a whole lot about each other now we have relationship problems but that's okay because we've bought into line number four and that is America where marriage is full of drama it's all the drama this is normal but this is what we see they fight they scream they holler they throw things and then they looks all good happily ever after so let's go ahead and have kids because that's smart let's bring in some little innocent children into this dysfunction and here's what happens her body changes for little over nine months and because he doesn't know anything about relationships he's expecting chemistry and passion and there's not a whole lot she's getting more frustrated the things that she wants are like like a sonic blast with crackers on top and he's like she wants to put her feet up well he wants his chemistry and passion he goes to work one day there's a new girl sit at the desk walks by and she's like hey and he goes hey how you doing she's good he's like she laughed this is definitely not like high school she laughed the next day where's his best shirt is wife like why are you wearing that shirt got a dress where you're going up where you are come on hear the preacher come on walks in sucks it in can't talk to her long because he can't breathe you know it's like hey how's he going good to see ya ha ha and all of a sudden Ian's light bulb comes on and says my wife is not the one anymore cuz we don't have chemistry and passion but I got so much chemistry and passion with her she must be the wine she'll be the one who makes me happy we're looking for an outside answer to an inside problem and we build our relationships all wrong because we start physical desta uh that's the winky-face emoji yeah poor semicolon years went unused no one knew what to do with him now you know we say to all the other keys on the on the typewriter how you like me now that's really sad this represents physical happiness get physical with the relationship it makes us happy and then we move in we begin to an emotional phase in a relationship it's kind of is kind of is kind of it's awesome because it makes you feel what you feel so much do you remember whenever you just couldn't quit talking on the phone to him you're like yes gone why do you want a to talk to you me do what are you listening to right now Bon Jovi oh my god I love that she speaks to my heart of you listen sweetheart I don't even like in zinc but they sing myself over here you do stupid things guys write poem I can't even write a poem we get online and search a poem that somebody wrote that no one has ever heard of and we say it's ours this is for you get crazy it's emotional you don't I mean it's all emotional and in this phase you act upon listen you've got to hear this you act upon what you already know and your own experiences not on what you find out about them because you're meeting the best them that there can be so you create a persona of them that's not them it's in your head it's created by every guy you've ever seen on a romantic comedy and now you're emotional about this guy so you say he's the one I've never felt this way before and in this stage love is blind it's plain so then then we take it we take it social and we uh we kind of introduced friendship into it we start meeting people's friends and family you know it's in this stage that like everybody is like oh my god I love him you know and then you divorce him like three years later they're like I could have told you it's crazy not a good friend maybe one family member tells you hey you need to watch out for her I think there's something you said you don't even know you don't know what we have a lot of people get married in this phase right here it's where they get married or buddies happy for them hashtag you guys are going to last forever there's a reason people are laughing it's the married people of it then you take it interpersonal which means you start kind of getting to know them this is the stage where you go not only you weird you are not who you were like six months ago you know why that is see that red stage right there that will read emotional stage because this stage lasts between six weeks and 18 months according to psychologists this is where Hollywood shows up big time all the couples the dazzling stars on the red carpet look at that dress Johnny it's amazing I know Karen she's wearing her Alfa Loren and he's wearing a coat from back rack I don't know it's beautiful and then they get divorced and they blow up and here's what they say we weren't in love anymore and this is where many of you are right now married folks well I love her but I'm not in love anymore well congratulations chief you graduated out of the second stage like second grade the in love phase goes away married people are like it does you can't you can't keep that up like huh my god if one person stays in it longer than the other one the other ones like and that's what creates it'll feel the way I feel like not really no does I have to go to work yeah it's in the interpersonal stages also the psychological stage where you begin to learn how they think and how they act and what they think about politics and what they think about life and how they think about child-rearing and you learn like then we don't like weird it's also called a psycho phase just abbreviate second psychological you know what happens is we end up broken a lot of people end up getting married here as well because I can't tell you how many people first I can't tell you how many people that have come to me in this stage ready to get married can I tell you something probably don't get married in this stage because you don't know each other yet and this is number one thing I hear from young couples who are ready to get married Wow always asking this question why are you getting married pretty good question right number one answer right not dumbest answer you can get of course you are it's crazy about each other but how does he how does he manage money I don't know we're in love son what do you do right now I don't have a job you don't have a job I love you oh my god I can show you the that mean come on no you can't you can't even upper somewhere you know I mean I can't shove anything the in love stage now we're broken and we come to a church we hear a pastor we go to a group we begin to realize I'm broken messed up life's not the way I thought it was going to be like many of our relationships have ended before we even got married and this chaos and we have brokenness in our past that's caused all kind of preconceived ideas now and in our future we will blame somebody for something that happened down here on this level in our past and you bring all of this brokenness to church maybe you talk to a friend and you're trying to insert God into your relationship but here's the problem oftentimes whenever you try to insert God at this level you feel the weight of your sin and your guilt and I did it so wrong and listen is so heavy when I come to church I just feel I just feel heavy like I want to I want to believe that God loves me and he cares but I feel so guilty so I just i'ma wait till I get my life together and that's exactly what Satan wants you to believe here's what God's saying hey yeah I'm I'm not gonna climb on top of everything and crush you that's not what I did God saying hey listen why don't you take a load off for just a second because my burden is light my yoke is easy who says come to me all who are weary heavy laden and I'll give you rest so he says listen let's start over you and me and it gives you a place to come and sit a place to come and soak a place to come and learn about who he is and about who you are I mean so many people are trying to find themselves I've met 65 70 year old people get a divorce kind of find ourselves like man you had a lot of years to do that so I'm trying to find yourself find him and let him tell you who you are so listen if you're if you're single if you're single in here this is how you begin if you're single whether you're single for the first time or single again this is how you start right here get complete in him stop trying to find the half that makes you whole it doesn't exist find God and He will fulfill you and make you home that way when you enter into that marriage relationship you won't expect something from someone that only a holy God can give you then then after you become spiritually whole and you can be in the process of that you start realizing that your values in Christ and not in what somebody else gives you very next step quick next step is getting a connect group start building your friendships if you're a married couple and you're in here on the rocks can I tell you this before you try to fix it go to God start building yourself in Christ stop looking for the right person start looking for the right person and start becoming the right person if you open this Bible and you look for a way to find the right person books not going to tell you very much but you open this Bible and you start looking for ways to become the right person this book will come alive to you and the joy of the Lord will become your strength and it'll change the way you talk and think and act and the fruit of the Spirit will exhibit in your life listen if you don't have love joy peace patience kindness goodness gentleness long-suffering self-control your life you need to go back to this because those are the fruit of the Spirit and when I'm in touch with him that comes out of my life and I'm telling you it blesses every relationship around you you got to get this right then your broken marriage getting a good connect group get around marriages that are successful and healthy not around people are always telling you ought to leave him get her out get around people who are encouraging you get around a good marriage and if you're one of those people in here who has an awesome marriage and you're always looking at younger people going man I cannot believe how broken our society is and marriages and I believe that God is calling you and I am asking you to start a group for married people to come into your house and see how much God has blessed your relationship and your marriage so that they can learn the things that you think is common sense that is not common at all and if you're single go to a connect group good godly people because hey you never know and then you begin to get to know that person notice I'm holding the emotions at bay the whole time I trust God I've got good solid friendships in my life out of those friendships that are connected to Jesus I began to get to know somebody we like each other like the way they think like how they manage money we have a lot of same goals hopes and dreams appreciate life the same way then after that time I allow emotions to get info now this is beautiful this is a beautiful stage right here because it's done right and it's mature did I get married and [Music] doing fast this is the way is supposed to be done well we're married it's already broken fine here's how you fix it very important don't blame each other emotionally right now we understand what he does he makes me feel so stop go to this level you're not ready for this you're not ready to have emotional healing until you've had spiritual healing so go to the spiritual level first let's talk to God you go talk to God I'm gonna talk to God well he won't talk to God that's okay you talk to God for him Ari are you you talk to God for her the Bible says it to become one I promise you if you are on your knees talking to God for that spouse then God will start talking to that spouse on your behalf then you get in a good group get around some good people who can give you hope when you're emotionally distraught and when you don't understand each other get around a good group go to counseling go to counselling yeah I say unto thee go to counseling get thyself to a licensed marriage & Family Therapist quickly even if it's broken beyond repair I'm gonna tell you a story later on about that then you start getting to know each other again and you start appreciating each other's differences and you're both at the same time trying to become the right one then there's emotional healing and physical happiness stop trying to find the right one and start becoming the right one Andy Stanley says it this way and we have several resources out there that you can purchase his book is one of them he says are you who the person you are looking for is looking for because there are many of us who are writing people off that wouldn't look at us anyway are we expect so much out of a spouse and we're not even living up to our own expectation because we're so busy looking at somebody else Andy Stanley tells the story where he had a focus group a called a bunch of 20-somethings together to talk about this new book the new rules for love sex and dating and a girl tells the story in his group she said you know I was raised around church and in college I kind of went wild it kind of did my own thing it kind of you know a lot of drugs a lot of alcohol a lot of party it was just crazy started kind of sleeping around just things I've never done just kind of forgot about God forgot about church and after about 2 or 3 years of this a friend of hers said hey I want you to come to a dinner party on Thursday night she said ok it's not a party party it's a dinner party so she came to the dinner party not to dinner party she met a guy in fact she went home the next weekend and told her mother this is the guy he's amazing he's sharp he thinks he thinks the way I've always wanted a guy to think he respects women he honors he honors me he's got a great career solid guy and mom he talked about Jesus for 30 minutes was off we talked to me about the purpose that God has for my life I think this is the guy that I could see myself with and our mother looked at it with tears in her eyes is at all honey did you get your number she said now he said he wasn't interested in you he was witnessing he wasn't attracted he was he was trying to share the gospel with you because you're not what he's looking for I wonder how many of us are hoping for somebody we haven't even asked God to help us become who he's called us to become whether you single whether you're married whether you're divorced that's good preaching records whatever we just stand with me all across our campuses I want to pray with you before anybody goes anywhere before you leave I want to pray with you then we're going to do one more thing I'll dismiss you bow your heads and close your eyes lord I thank you for each and every person is under the sound of my voice all our campuses and additional seating I just pray that you will have real has spoken some hope to somebody's hopeless life somebody who's in the turmoil of a broken marriage broken relationship maybe out of a broken relationship but they've got a broken past and they're saying I don't know if it can never be fixed of course of the next six weeks you are going to heal people we're going to see amazing things happen to cook a pray for singles are praising Mary those have been married 55 years upper those have been married five weeks but if strength would come in this but this conversation would spawn a conversation later on where we can look at our lives and say hey what are we foundation on and if we're not foundation correctly if you're in this room and you know your font from Ghana don't anybody looking around don't mind wherever you are and whatever room you're in you know I you know what I'm far from Yemen my foundation is not solid right now maybe maybe I gave my life to Christ some point but I know I've kind of drifted I just need to make my life right or maybe I've never made that decision I just I'm broken and I'm far from him nobody look at her as you don't mind but just a real moment on honesty with you I'm asking just a second to raise your hand and put it right back now but if that's you just acknowledge it with God just put it up in the air right now thank you take your hands all over the room everything thank you I wants to pray this prayer together will you pray with me every campus all across Memorial Campus let's pray this prayer together dear Jesus I'm broken I'm a sinner and you're the only one who can save me so in this moment right now I'm asking you to forgive me of my sins and be the Lord of my life in Jesus name Amen come on let's give him an ovation of worship all campuses listen before you go anyway very important it's God's job to save you I can't do that I could preach the gospel I can tell you the truth to give you practical points but God's job to save you but it is my job once you're saved once you give your life to Him once you make that decision to help you on your journey and here's how we're going to do it I want you to text you're going to see a word on your screen at Memorial and on streaming its text the word hope 2 7 7 4 5 3 @ kt it's text hope k py 2 7 7 4 5 3 this is so important that you do now I'm not trying to capture your number we're going to do nothing with your information to send you one text it's the easiest way for us to get discipleship information in your hands 1 text when you click that link doesn't capture your information you'll have an opportunity to opt in if you want it we'll give you a free membership to right now meeting you comm which will allow you today to start Bible studies via videos and some of the most prolific powerful speakers all over our country and you can study that any hour of the day on any level will also be the information about connect groups and growth track because you've got to go beyond just a decision let's see you walk it out in your life and I want to see God do great things in your life in your marriage next week I'm gonna give you a foolproof test as to whether or not you married the right person and I'm also going to answer the question what is love the answer is not baby don't hurt me okay this is my prayer for you uh pray the Lord blesses you and teach you make this face to shine upon you afraid that he turns his confidence towards us the favor of God and appraised it this week it gives you peace do you receive that come on let's give them an ovation of worship god you're good I love you guys you're dismissed have a great week if you need to our prayer partners are available the front would see you next week commence to come back to save you life [Music]
Channel: Hope City
Views: 93,092
Rating: 4.9280958 out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy Foster, Houston, Hope City, Hope, Christianity, Jesus, HILLSONG, hillsong worship, hillsong united, elevation, elevation worship, transformation church, mike todd, carl lentz, kanye west, sunday service, hillsong nyc, who is jesus, how to understand God
Id: uPQq4imc5mA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 1sec (2941 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2017
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