Mixing All My Nail Powders Together (for sale if u keep it on the DL)

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excuse me excuse me do you know what time recess is okay thanks well hallo everyone it's me christine again a mangie she is ready for the holidays and yes I know my makeup is crazy today but did I have fun doing it yes anyways it's getting to that time of the year where we reflect on trends over the past 12 months in the nail world if I had to name one thing that kind of blew up this year and just never stopped coming it would be nail powders and in the YouTube world we've had lots of different stupid trends but one of my personal recent favorites would have to be the mixing things together trend as you may recall back in April of this year I posted a video where it makes 500 of my hollow nail polishes together to see what color we would get at the time I was inspired by hello May fee makes 160 of her nail polishes together and now here we are so for everyone who doesn't watch me for nails that's most of you nail powders are often used to make the hot new nail trend of having a shiny or reflective smooth nail finished basically the powder is buffed into the nail with a sponge or a flat and soft tool to give it that smooth shiny finish this technique used to only really be done by licensed professionals in a nail salon but in the past year we've had a bunch of different indie nail shops sell these nail powders direct-to-consumer and with that came a bunch of YouTube tutorials to teach people how to do it themselves and then all of a sudden you got big box brands like essence and Sally Hansen who caught on and started selling nail powders in the drugstore that hit the mass markets I tell you the government is now taking the war on nail powders very seriously you knew they were going to be drug jokes in this video shut up alright so what are we waiting for bring out the powders manche I said break out the powders myself and we've got here 15 different iridescent nail powders nine silver hollow nail powders six silver chrome powders twenty multi chrome powders eleven Hollow multi chrome powders and eight coloured chrome / other types of powders that did not fit into any one of these preceding categories and that brings us to a total of 69 nail powders no I did not plan that that's just what it is okay now for all those interested in the research methodology let me just briefly explain my selection criteria if the powder had any form of chunks in it or you could actually distinguish like the different pieces inside such as glitter or flakes it was excluded it was hard to kind of draw a line between what's a nail powder and what's a glitter or a flake because sometimes the pieces are so small that they could almost be a powder and some of them even perform like a nail powder but you have to draw the line somewhere and as the principal researcher on this project actually the only researcher wait no I'm not we have our research assistant Vinci I just decided to keep the scope somewhat narrow and only choose patterns that were very finely milled or finely cut you know like something you could snort now looking at the selection of powders we have here I would hypothesize that we would end up with a very colorful base because Multi chrome powders are over represented in this sample I would think that there's also gonna be a hollow finish but given all the multi crumbs I kind of have no idea what actual color this will look like in the yet and this is so much science I think it's time to bring in Christine the sign Queen Christine the science Queen Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris I scare everyone away even my cat hey these are gonna make lines and my makeup so we're gonna have to put them on my head so as in any professional laboratory you're gonna need some scientific mixing components as well as very accurate measuring devices here we have 1/8 of a teaspoon are you ready to the end part the sea of powder sealed for my protection sealed for my okay maybe on second thought and I do need to wear these everything is contaminated and another bachelor or a master of science only of the Arts so there's 1/8 of a teaspoon spoon is honestly still a little big I feel like I'd be wasting a lot of powder so I'm gonna try and do half of an eighth of a teaspoon which is also a sixteenth of a teaspoon Wow look at that heck here we go [Music] I feel like I have on head a lot of powders that I've never even used what kind of a dare hold drug dealer would I be oh yeah sure take iridescent powder number three I mean I've never used it myself but I hear it's a great time alright now we moving on to hollow powder this is the hard the good stuff now I know it looks gray and kind of boring but you gotta trust me once you buff that into the nail it comes alive you know sometimes people say that going to school doesn't teach you real life skills but excuse me do you see all of the skills I am applying right here right now now let's do the silver chrome powders these were the oh geez at least as far as I remember it was the silver chrome powder to hit the nail powder market first okay we're done - silver crumbs and now we move on now to the multi crown these are definitely one of my favorite types of powders basically a multi chrome means that it's a chrome finish so it's shiny or reflective but it ships between multiple different colors and not in the way that holographic things reflect a rainbow spectrum but just shifts in color depending on the angle of the nail and the light I guess you could say the same thing about Hollow but it's very confusing it takes years of research okay so this one would be an orange to red multi chrome you can't open in you know gee I need your supreme being strengths oh yes thank you thank you thank you you got some olive green to gold multi chrome and all sorts of beautiful beautiful colors so those of you who are new here fun fact I'm a crime statistics analyst to everyone who starts laughing because they think that's not possible you're an idiot on YouTube and honestly yes it is really cool just like this [Music] everybody hold on they must do a little cleanup that's why I mentioned we gotta stay sanitary in the lab next up we have our Hollow multi chrome Packers these I gotta say are a beautiful hybrid wait a second I wonder if these special hybrid powders is really just a mixture of all the extra supply that they couldn't sell it playing dirty they playing dirty this isn't really terrible but I just had a thought if you were to actually take all the different types of drugs in the world and mix them together what kind of trip would that be I believe that respecting your country or state's laws is important but having a sense of humor is not a criminal offense you know what should be illegal though people without a sense of humor how did we even like it on this topic Oh too many powders for me okay we're down to the last line oh I think this one's kind of hollow oops who coded this in the wrong category mange mange mange one of my best interpersonal skills is being really easy to work with hi to my boss and the final powder well would you look at that on the top of the unmixed sample we mostly see the colored powders and the multi crumbs and hollows have been kind of pushed around to the sides of the glass and the iridescent powders are lying at the bottom but what will they look like all blended together let's find out time to answer one of the most important research questions we've had on this channel you ready [Music] kind of just looks looks like dirt whoa oh no don't spit let's check check check who I'm gonna get secondhand hollow from this it looks like a very dark gray maybe a tinge of brown base but I can definitely see the iridescent and hollow flakes scattered throughout when I add my phone flash I don't know why I hypothesize that it would be like bright colors obviously when you mix a bunch of colors they make black I should go back to elementary school and now it's time for the most important test what does the mixture of 69 different nail powders look like on my nails so I've already prepped my nails with some plain black nail polish and my preferred way to apply nail powder is over top of a cured gel topcoat so first we're just gonna make sure there's no excess powder on the black oh wait did you notice what's on my other hand it's a stunning magnetic multi chrome polish you may have seen me experiment with these polishes in a recent video they are magic and that is the only conclusion and now we apply a nice thick coat of glassy gel taco so then I take my LED alien portal machine and I faked that for a minute and now immediately after we've cured the nail and it's still fresh baked we're gonna take our eye shadow sponge applicator and dip it in our custom powder and then just buff it into the nail whoa that's so cool that's so pretty wait Ben are you there do you haven't seen anything I've done right no cuz you've been out all day yeah getting me tea no I mix 69 of my nail powders together what color do you think they made answer the question it's gonna be a purple ho come look is it hollow yeah it's got a little bit of hollow in it obviously you dumped like way too much of oh no no y-you scientific measurements but it's kind of like like a brown suede gunmetal like this would be really nice in a men's dress shoe okay anyways we're gonna do the rest of our nests thank you Ben [Music] and we're gonna add a final coat of glossy gel taco to seal the magical mystery all into the end result of mixing 69 of my different nail powders yields a very unique custom finish its base is like a slate gray color with an undertone of brown elegance and it's definitely got that chrome effect going on it is very reflective understated but beautiful I feel like I could wear this to the office and not be questioned now what am I gonna do with this custom mix of powder sell it obviously [Music] [Music] hey I got some simply special custom mix not drugs snail powder alright kids don't do drugs hey boys how you doing don't be shy I got one for everybody fifty bucks a baggie but if you say my code simply I give you 10% off you want to nail powder how about you you look like you could use a little nail rubbin how about you gentlemen and I offer you some nail powders no okay maybe next time I won't tell your wife I got the good yeah limited edition don't forget to subscribe to my channel thanks so much for buying and I'll see y'all later [Music]
Channel: Simply Nailogical
Views: 13,300,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nails, nail art, nail tutorial, beauty tutorial, nail art tutorial, diy nails, easy nail art, diy nail art, simply nailogical, nail powder, chrome, chrome nails, diy chrome nails, chrome powder, powder for nails, nail buffing, multi-chrome, holographic, silver chrome, mixing together, mixing, mixing all my, cristine the science queen, simplynerdlogical
Id: ta6sV6WrElE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2017
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