I Steep Myself in a Bath of Tea and Address the RuMoUrS About Me

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you were popular in high school well hallo everyone it's me christine again welcome to my bathtub you've been here before though last time it was a shower now it's a tub it's amazing I know recently I saw it one of the best video ideas I've seen in a long time Amina 3373 on Twitter said you should make a giant teabag and then take a bath in it genius now that's exactly the kind of thing I want to do on a Sunday afternoon so I sent them out to get me three kilos of loose-leaf tea [Music] but $100 of bulk tea okay this is a lot of tea but we have a big bath to fill right Siler what do you think of the missus green tea he's not a fan he look prefers black tea we're gonna need a giant tea bag but they don't really sell those so I had to improvise I found these giant filter bags on Amazon I think you're supposed to use them for like milking almonds or something but look it's got a string it's huge it's perfect and it came with a few extras in case I want to do this every weekend everything's okay let's make a little knot here there we go ready all right there we go got a giant bag tea [Music] [Music] now ideally you want to seek the t's between 175 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit depending on the blend but I also don't want to burn myself so working that map to settle for 109 degrees Fahrenheit like a hot tub [Music] I am ready for my teba [Music] Oh boys wanted a hot tub in the home I guess your bathtub can be your hot tub getting your sweatpants and ice and what that's right I still wear sweatpants even in the best ready it's time Wow oh thank god it looks like I murdered someone in here what are you doing oh it's not what it looks like I'm not having a baby even for you this is weird oh no I like to top myself every weekend look at the sea of tea oh it's Christine in the sea of tea Oh what is that but you have my peace and serenity [Music] chairman that was a little curious if this was safe to do so I googled is it safe to see your entire body in teeth there were no results that returned all I could find was what are the side effects of drinking too many cups of tea a day like no I'm not drinking I've been sitting in it there are side effects to drinking too much tea you should probably know about that yeah the side effect is happiness and self-care so I consider myself to be doing an experimental groundbreaking research here because Google just doesn't know the effects of steaming your body and tea but soon I will you kind of stay in the bathtub that's something I also should have googled just tea stain your best this isn't the only bath we have in the house is this gonna stain my skin I don't know well it's stain my shirt I guess so I'm just glad someone's doing this for science so obviously I knew that this was a great idea for a video but I just wasn't sure what I would do in the bath once I sneaked myself in the tea but recently I saw this trend going around where youtubers will ask their subscribers what assumptions they have about them and then I would respond to them are your assumptions about me true do you assume the worst of me days like today maybe yes I'm gonna address [Music] hot I'm in the tea and I'm ready to take on your question I didn't think this through I really don't want to drop my phone in the back I'm actually like it exists when you well I do you wanna come in what is wrong with you first assumption you are actually really smart but you act like a dumb [ __ ] your assumption is correct I'm actually really smart that you make jokes because truly you are just socially awkward yeah I make jokes and I'm uncomfortable which is 99% of the time I assume you are very work oriented and quiet at your 9 to 5 job I also assume you are not as helpless whiny girly girl as you have girly-girl dog and [ __ ] for those of you who are unaware yes I still work a day job I am a crime statistics analyst for the can you go grab your really sweaty or you just highlighted nervous maybe it's like a little bit about the tea is so hot today guys the second this is not a hyperbole what's my heart rate 120 I'm dying I see this question a lot do people really think I'm running around my office saying is it real halal is that what people think maybe yes in my day job I take the work seriously well imagine that oh my god I'm dripping yeah everything really sweaty how odd is that 109 degrees Fahrenheit you spend a boil yourself what the tea had to eat then for science you don't sleep the recommended eight hours per night that is true and I haven't dated a back that up I assume you make more money than the people you work with is that straight or sometime you assume correctly and I guess a lot of the internet could have told you that what is simply no logical network well any of those websites will tell you that it's more than what would make us a government employee also please don't tell my boss I don't think she really understands this and is it strange that I make more I I don't mind it's not a serious note when I think about you know the silly work I do for this channel and then the the serious what I consider pretty important work I do at my day job and I think about the discrepancy and how much I make it's kind of ridiculous that you actually don't love tea [ __ ] I'm in the tea I'm up swimming in the team I'm so hot in the teen Michael Brown tea but actually best day here you're sweating your makeup off it oh you know you're gonna see my real face you're the type of co-worker who is constantly showing people pictures of your cats you have loads of money but don't buy anything designer excuse me wish okay Swarovski that you only wash your hair once a week because it just takes so long to dry this is kind of true because in case you did not know my hair is very long it takes so much time and effort to wash it so usually once a week I'll do that and then the rest of the week oh just like you know just wash the bangs blow dry editor you know dry shampoo is the answer you own at least 10 pairs of sweatpants now that's an insult I own at least 40 pairs of sweatpants including these ones which the Beavers now state think you only wear sweatpants because you are insecure about your body I hope this isn't true at least in the beginning when I started wearing sweatpants that was definitely true but now girl I almost passed away I wear sweatpants I want to wear sweatpants you know why because I think I look stylish and most importantly they're comfortable comfort over design at any date honey that you can talk about your feelings but not on camera it's kind of true I'm really bad at emotions when there is a camera in front and when there's not a camera yeah is something wrong you hate wearing dresses true I hate dresses because gotta wear good-looking shoes you have to shave your legs and get cold so they're not from me I assume that you eat healthy and work out I assume that you watched my I paint my nails on me Lilith I assume that you watched my I paint my nails on my elliptical video you have a lot of good recipes for overnight oats please give them to me one day and I thank all night motions day that total but there's more assumptions that I need to clear the up the rumors I assume that you are [ __ ] at sports [Music] yes everyone picked me last I don't think I've ever seen you play any sports I mean I painted my nose a lot of challenging places I consider that a sport I assume you became a YouTube star kind of by accident not just kind of but actually by accident as some of you know I started off as a male art channel let's drink to that and then I painted a hundred layers of nail polish on my nails and that blew up in the media because this is very important news and then suddenly I was a big youtuber I guess oops you find this whole YouTube thing ridiculous and are surprised by how far it's gone when I first got big on YouTube in 2016 I remember I had a youtube friend that told me okay Christine he's got two years two years to make the most of it while you're still relevant cuz after that no one will care it's been three years and I'm still waiting for the two years to be a you love your subs but feel socially awkward when you meet them this is true and I feel so bad I love it when you guys come say hi to me but 99% of the time I feel like a caught off guard because I just forget that this is even a world out there I'm sorry if you've ever met me and I was awkward let's just be awkward together makes it easier that Jen and Ben are your only friends I have a lot of YouTube friends the bootie community I'm their friend I'm in I'm in the cool kids group but aside from that it's been Jenna another very select few people your feet are always cold the rumors are true my feet are always cold except for right now conveniently I shoved my feet this is the weird anecdote but I show my feet in between Ben Lex what we're sleeping because they warm me up you just want a normal life oh I'm entirely pinkness normal life what's that I only live the simply life that you will greet the cat of a home before the people this is actually true and probably not a good thing what are you going to someone's house I always looked down to see if there's an animal first I go hi there then I say hello to the human that you had your first kiss when when you were 14 [ __ ] you have intense neck and back pain from sitting at the desk all day how did you know are you also 30 see this back pillow couldn't it on this video without it I assume you and Ben are married but never told us and take off the ring for videos and post [Music] we're secretly married you're secretly hope Ben would propose oh my god there's so many of these indoor kitchen for Ben to propose already I think you and Ben are secretly married and just haven't told us secretly wants to marry me you secretly wish that one day Ben will propose to you one day you actually really want um let me address I don't want children and I don't want to marry Ben that sounds like me okay let me clarify Ben and I do not care about marriage to us it's a piece of paper and legal work and it's a medal around my finger I don't really like wearing rings anyways I also don't want to wear a dress so marriage is important to some people some people really value it as a sign of commitment in their relationship but not us we're also not religious and there's no tax benefits for marriage so like for us it really doesn't matter and neither of us want kids yeah I don't want the babies okay I want the kitties we live in that dual income no it's like triple income kids like it yeah people always like assume you should want kids or like oh when a woman turns 30 something's gonna change and she's gonna want children all of a sudden I mean I hate when people act like that but such a caring understanding man seems like he knows exactly what I feel I'm a xxx old lady sitting in a bath of tea and I don't want children why do you want kids I think you shouldn't ask people why they don't want kids you should instead ask people who want kids why they want kids why don't you want to bathe in a tub of tea you're really [ __ ] tired of people asking if you'll get married / procreate Cheers I assumed that you used to be really self-conscious but now you don't give anything this is true now and just stay when I'm gonna say do what I want to do do you have a whole team working on you and your videos like a professional crew yeah let me show you my career one sec look at all this seven people in my bathroom no there's no one here but me in bed that's it we don't want to hold team crew people I edit my videos that helps me film and that's about it I started YouTube as a hobby and I still consider it very much a hobby dicent it's like a different one but I know a lot of youtubers when they get big they hire on a bunch of assistants and production staff and editors and that's really cool if they want to grow into a much bigger different kind of to live but it's just not funny I like you know just me in this back just like I like watching you you were popular in high school that's funny okay here's a sad fact about my life since we're sharing I used to eat my lunch alone in the bathroom stall because I didn't want to sit with anyone in the cafeteria and no one wanted to sit with me so if you don't think you'll ever be popular in life you are wrong because look where I am [ __ ] this video goes up to all my high school haters I assumed that you have to go pee a lot because of all the tea you drink right now I might have already gotten this you got way more responses than you expected that is correct so many of you guys let me know your assumptions about me I see you think very highly of me I wish I could go through more but I'm fully steeped also is my body going to be stained you'll find out next week if you subscribe to this channel so when you steep yourself into you again first science yeah I mean maybe we try and like a different flavor see if we can get my shirt a different color it doesn't seem like it was the most pleasant experience other than the fact that I'm just hot but you don't get me wrong smells really nice doesn't it it's like a spa welcome to the stinky sock you wanna end this all right everybody trying to get closer to the camera thanks so much for watching and hope to y'all later [Music]
Channel: Simply Nailogical
Views: 5,261,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nails, nail art, nail tutorial, beauty tutorial, nail art tutorial, diy nails, easy nail art, diy nail art, cute nail art, simply nailogical, tea, steeped, bath full of, full body, challenge, steeped tea, tea sis, tea bath, assumptions, assumptions tag, addressing the rumors, rumours, gossip, q&a, marriage, wedding, cristine and ben, truth about, my truth, spill the tea, spilling tea, how much money do youtubers make, youtuber net worth, engagement, proposal, secretly married
Id: DoLeK6z11VY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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