I HATE Mitsubishi MiniSplits

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so we've got us a Mitsubishi here at this house everything about this kind of tells me that it's probably low on charge seems like I got one right there another one over there you're supposed to weigh it all in pull it all out I'm not doing all that this video is brought to you in part by truetech tools quality tools essential support all right so we've got to submitsubishi here at this house I hate Mitsubishi the training sucked and I've not been happy since I've taken their class so I didn't learn a whole lot they are one of the better units but just not I don't like working on because I don't work on many of them so anyhow we got four heads on this thing everything about this kind of tells me that it's probably low on charge just looking through the history and things like that here's the unit I've got her open got my leak detector ready to go most of the time it's because people don't do the flares right and they don't use proper flaring techniques and all that it's got all the metering devices back here never's here it's always on the inside somewhere behind the wall in the Attic in the crawl space so we've got one's got across here going up this one is running because the metering device out here you're mainly just dealing with low pressure just gonna have to go around checking all the heads give me 410A so we can go ahead and use my high pressure gauge yeah we're running 50 pounds let's see what happens if we kill that see if it'll see if we'll go up there we go that'll give us a little more pressure to work with hopefully we can find the leak a little easier that way you can you can just tell because it's not coming back cold it sounds noisy scan the they got it kind of sealed up okay that's good yeah we're going to go around look around seems like I got one right there another one over there oh there it is like on the very bottom there is what I needed yeah I just couldn't see it on the other one because there was a thing right underneath of it yeah well so far so good on this one oh that's not good bad right girl yeah not good it keeps going off right there must be right about there well they do get crack in them or something well they're paper thin because they want to get all their efficiency out of them so they leak easier if you have any sulfur water or anything like that that'll cause them to leak too but we've got a lot of iron water iron won't hurt nothing it's just that sulfuric yeah the Big Gas I forget the exact science name but it just eats into anything it's copper well yeah hurts without everything yeah appliances you have in the house pretty much this one's an 0-9 so it's a little smaller than those 12s all three of the others were 12. well two of them were I don't know what that one was we'll have to look at that one again I was hoping we just find a loose nut on the back of the flare fitting or something not not coil leaking that kind of kind of stinks for you yeah and me because I don't want to have to change it dirty job huh it ain't bad I mean these are smaller than the ones I had done the ones I did was on a commercial unit and it was about three times the length of this yeah well good well at least at least that one's not leaking we didn't use them all winter well that's what are you using for heat we got electric baseboard here oh boy what's your electric bill run though too much I was gonna say this has got to be cheaper than that ain't it uh well or is it just not comfortable all right first year and there wasn't much difference oh about the same and it probably felt like cold air blowing on you it was cooler air yeah they have came out with one called the hyper heat and that one's a lot better at getting the house warm at lower temperatures but yeah I don't think this is the hybrid so we're going to go ahead and get this turned back on and we're going to juice them up uh we'll measure in while we're going back this thing's kind of dirty too there's that let's grab the garden hose he's got over here which is kind of nice horse this thing off so that it breathes it's kind of warm out here so finally in the high 80s and uh got pretty pond so yeah guys this is this is some of the places I work at this is a little more desolate than some but I mean you can see the big windmills out there I think our power goes to over to Illinois somewhere they ain't using it year round as you heard they're using their baseboard electric key you're supposed to weigh it all in pull it all out I'm not doing all that what we'll do they claim you can't do it but then I had one of them tell me you could do it with superheat sub cooling actually the sub cooling but I'm not pulling everything out just to weigh it back in specially when it's leaking out anyway you're wasting a lot of extra time you do what you want you do what your company tells you to do this is how I'm going to do it because that compressor is going to make uh for the speed it'll speed up slow down and pretty much offset the fact that it's low on charge or whatever that's the only nice thing about those being more intelligent so let's grab the gauges and the the juice bottle and pump it full of love well my gauge is down to about five pounds 10 pounds of pressure that's not good there's discharge right there on that one we're gonna monitor this charge just to be happy all right so we've got everything bled out we're on that discharge we're running a 218 head on a 410 system and we are on 410 let's go ahead and go into our menu until we're new on a charge so let's go down here refrigerant charge and go to manual charging there's our meter scale we'll reset this thing to zero like zero yep boom down to zero so simple and let's start adding slowly don't want to get too stupid it's rotary compressor but you know our fans not even hardly moving here as we get closer we'll see if we can find a liquid line in there to tap into and kind of get us a ballpark green total pressure green total poundage on this was eight pounds 13 ounces and that's good for 131 foot so eight pounds 13 ounces is good for 113 foot and I about bet you 150 yep I'm right they did not Mark how many feet they used because that would be nice of them there we go so there's 14 ounces now you can hear the compressor just change pitch we're at 35 ounces I need to go inside and make sure that he's actually got all of them running we're going to run them all at maximum cooling so that we put it under full load here it was hot with as hot as the houses yeah you can hear it sounds like it's slowing down some let's go inside and get that done and then we'll see what we get taking it easy there buddy hmm keep them cool on the floor there we go fan will kick the fan up time yet yeah it's running out there I'm going to turn this one up to all you got okay yeah I'm gonna turn it down in temp and we're gonna crank up the fan speed we're gonna make them all run at maximum and then I'll okay shouldn't take too long once we get those all going yeah usually anyhow you have to reprogram them or no I'm just cranking up the fan speeds and turning it down to like 65 or whatever yeah that way I ain't messing with your location of your other thermostats there we go this one's already cranking that's good he's got this little intelligent sensor it'll follow you around the room oh no it's out here in front yeah trying to remember right now there's one more somewhere yeah it's hiding yep so you ought to I'm out of the uh I used to do a lot of residential I don't know more now I do more commercial stuff now so yeah that's what they said had to get somebody that was probably off of a commercial to stop there yeah we're down on people and it's just busy it's hot and everything everything's breaking at once and but there we go now removing some air but yeah we'll we'll have you up and going here shortly and then we can like I said we'll get you a price on fixing it okay yeah you can tell that fan blade needs cleaned I'll definitely calculate that in on it because that thing's dirty don't mind me buddy go back to sleep take her easy there you go I don't look too bad we used to have a pond just like that I'll listen to her whistle and humming to me now we're running 400 pounds ahead 20 degree sub cooling 37 degree evaporator so we may only been about 47 ounces so about two and a half pounds that ain't horrible there she's slowing down a little bit that fan it's going to speed up to modulate the liquid temperature so we're 114-ish now subcoin's gonna start adjusting down but let it run for just a little bit here what I did is I tapped onto my line right before my metering devices right here for electronic expansion valves that's liquid there here's your suction line coming back uh theoretically we can come over here and tap on there do your superheat it's got an accumulator back here in the back so you've got room to work it can be a little tricky here is the fact that you add the refrigerant the head pressure comes up fan speeds up to counter it brings the pressure back down so yeah unless you're going to get your meter out and actually clamp onto this find out exactly where your frequency is at I really like my 376 FC I've got two of them I have been using this a whole lot lately got a hellacious Steel on it on Marketplace what this one can do is Major frequency come down here get right on your there hit the yellow button run 145 Hertz so yeah these run stupid frequency wise I don't know what the max is I forget like I said at Kentucky class they had sucked it was one of the worst classes I ever wasted my time on 145 on the red leg I said something to one of the other YouTube guys that used to make a lot of videos and he's like come to my class and it's like well I just don't work on these that much anymore um which is fine because I really don't like working on them because I just don't I haven't had good training I've been City moldy I've done it all there is the white and it is at 145 Hertz also current 6.7 there we go I like that 6.6 versus 6.7 not too bad now we'll see what our total amp draw for this thing is 10 point three [Music] ten point five and we're right at 60.0 Hertz see what our line voltage is see if they got much of a drop out here 242. all right let's see what our incoming versus our outgoing temperature is here it might be 95 only because we're coming right off that sun right there kind of trying to get back here let's just say 95 feels like we're kicking some heat pretty good so it's about 15 so 95 and 100 505 would be 10 110 is five more so it's 115. somewhere to move around it's about 15 degree rise across the condenser let's go inside and see what we got going on in there I think I'm going to make the title of this video I hate Mitsubishi see how many people I get watching it about 81. 53 verses so versus 57 or so 75.7 so yeah it's that's doing good let's check the front one and then they can turn it wherever they want hey this one's taking it pretty good too this one's getting the ketchup in the packet it's up to 157 Hertz now we're on a little harder I think was 140 something earlier huh this thing's all right maybe you can do 180 I don't know what this thing can do I tried doing a quick search but yeah we're we're doing pretty good I'm gonna let it roll and like I said we're gonna yank this out and we'll recheck it a total weigh-in amount when we come back because that's that's just going to make it easiest to get the refrigerant out of it since it's only eight pounds no real great way to valve it off I guess there is we could valve it off here I'm not doing that well that way we know exactly how much is in it uh we're all about not having fallbacks because we do we don't get paid for them so we want to make damn sure that we get it done the first time we get bonus money for not having them so you know take good with bad all right guys it's gonna wrap that one up pretty simple easy call the joys of residential world so got her going good to go may not agree with the way I did it don't really care that's fine so anyhow if you enjoyed the video hit the thumbs button until next time guys we'll catch you on the next one later
Channel: HVACR Survival
Views: 115,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hvac/r survival, hvacr survival, hvac survival, hvac refrigeration, commercial refrigeration, refrigeration repair, hvacr hvac videos, hvacr videos, refrigerant leak, refrigerant leak detector, hvacr, trutechtools, promo code survival, save 8%, mini split, mitsubishi heat pump, d-tek stratus refrigerant leak detector, heat pump, mini split air conditioner, hvac training videos, hvac technician
Id: XFFkHYWdqjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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