Top 10 Cosmere Characters [Spoiler Free]

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Brandon sanderson's second secret project is officially out don't worry I won't be talking about it in this video at all but in celebration of that we are going to be discussing my top 10 cosmere characters actually that's a lie we're going to be discussing my top 10 characters in all of Brandon sanderson's work because there is one star side character in here but it's almost exclusively a top 10 cosmere list it's fine just the title is fine anyway if you do want to talk about the most recent secret project release if you want to talk about that book on my second Channel where I do reviews I will be doing a dedicated review for that book either on Tuesday or Wednesday just depending on how long it takes me to read the book so link to the second channel is in the description of this video that'll be up soon but we're not talking about it in this video don't worry it was extremely hard to create a list of only 10 so I have cheated a little bit but it's just a little cheats it's gonna be fine this entire video is going to be spoiler free so it's safe to watch it even if you haven't read every book that I'll be talking about if you haven't read from every character that I'll be talking about however I will have on the screen for each when each character is introduced I'll have on the screen the book or series or multiple books and series that they appear in in so that if you don't want to know anything about a certain series that you haven't read yet you can have that warning on the screen and use the timestamps in the description to skip the first character on this list is my is my big cheat um but there's a reason behind it there's logic here the first character that I'll be mentioning is then slash lift hear me out hear me out there's logic behind this then would make it on this list alone regardless Spencer and Lyft probably wouldn't but I want to talk about them together because it's important to me to explain to you why these characters mean so much to me I'll talk about spinza because I've talked about this enough times before that I feel I can keep it brief but Spencer is teenage Murphy Spencer being closed off having her walls up being defensive holding people at arm's length the way she's dealt with the trauma that is that she's dealing with in this book The Way She deals with it by being so guarded and by being so tough and by shutting the world out is the way teenage Murphy dealt with her trauma if you want to see what like 15 year old Murphy looked like read Spencer in book one there she is and I actually had I got the opportunity to tell Sanderson this exact thing in a video that I did with him recently where I made him tier list his own books and that got a great reaction out of him but in all the books and all the many books that I've read I have never related to a teenage girl character like I have Spencer on that same note Vin who would be on this list even if I weren't making it so if I weren't drawing how relatable some of these characters are she'd make it on the list anyway I love them the way she kind of curls up into herself and curls up into a ball and makes herself as small as possible tries to be inconspicuous tries to just kind of um disappear from the room as well as the way that she even as she gets more powerful and stronger and more confident in herself how she still second guesses everything and still has a lot of back and forth in her own head just very relatable to coming out of teenager Murphy I still haven't met adult Murphy yet in a book I still haven't actually seen myself as I am now in a story but if I'm ever going to it's probably going to be written by Sanderson and I'm not gonna lie there's a little bit of an identity complex that I have that stems from the fact that this middle-aged man has written many aspects of me so well in books like better than any other author I've seen it's very confusing to me anyway then there's Lyft who is inner child Murphy basically like even now my inner child that sometimes just wants to pop out and be awesome there's lift this whole list isn't about me but I do think it's important at least for me it's important to express how incredibly relatable I find some of his female characters like essential pieces of who I am are somehow there it's confusing honestly then at least as far as my list goes Vin deserves to be here on her own because of how strong she is because of how much she's gone through and how how far she comes uh because of how she learns to trust and learns to grow and lead and all of her failings and setbacks and I just I just really admire her but I also just real I really relate to her too next on this list is Hoyt but before we talk about hoyd a stick is going to tell you about today's sponsor Brave Mart I am a stick here to tell you about wraith marked creative's newest project not a book they've partnered with Travis baldry New York Times best-selling author of Legends and lattes to offer enamel pins each of the hard enamel pins were custom illustrated by Christina Hassan and will be roughly one and a half to two inches tall they come with a silver plated backing that makes the colors really pop and a polished glass resin coating to help with scratch resistance and they have a double clasp back to make it much harder for them to fall off your bag jacket wherever they go you can get the shop Crest and the wreath black blood pens separate or if you sign up for the entire kit then you'll get these as well as a deluxe signed bookmark by Travis and the Cozy thimble pen each with a unique serialization on the back plus if you use the code in my description it helps the channel out don't you think they should check out the kickstarter no yes oh um yes links in the description back to the video anyway next on this list is hoyd and check the tags because I will be talking about him in relation to tress as well spoiler free but you know I know that people are still looking to avoid spoilers for tres at the moment I don't always jive with sanderson's humor or his the way he writes wit on page not with the character wit like the wittiness on page and we'll talk about that later in this video but hoyd is an example of something that never misses for me and it doesn't matter in what role he plays whether he's being the banter heavy side character that he is in Stormlight whether he's delivering some bit of wisdom or uh helping a character work through her trauma and what she's been through whether he's telling an abstract story or one that holds a lot of weight that I want to explore further even as he is Tres which is completely different a very different format than I've ever seen him in a very different um way that I've ever seen him it still was just not a mess for me on every page even when he's just randomly a carriage driver that's here to say a couple of silly lines and then run away he's just always a hit for me tie all that up tie all that into the fact that he holds so many mysteries for this story he holds so many answers he knows so much that I will likely never know he's been everywhere he's seen seemingly everything and I know when we do get that Hoy backstory it's gonna be one of the most intense things that sanderson's written a lot of people don't trust hoyd I trust him with my life and if that means that I'm going to be stabbed in the back someday so be it I love a good backstabbing plot next on this list is yasna another character that some people love and some people hate I love her I I appreciate characters that are written to be intentionally pretty rough around the edges but that have so much value she's incredibly smart she can see through what people need from her and will respond accordingly whether that means being dismissive to a person on purpose in order to kind of force them to respond force them to test their resolve she she's a straight character where she's very serious she's very smart and uh responds to the world in such a logical way I don't agree with everything that she does but I don't have to in order to like a character and I think that she is such a fascinating character to follow such an empowering character to to read about and again so much of the story is going to be unraveled through her when someday when we get a backstory for her someday when we get more information on her I just I have a feeling that the more I learn about her I'm she's she's just going to be a character that I will continue to love more and more and more the more I get to hang out with her next up navani another character that comes off as pretty unlikable especially when we're first introduced to her another character that I do not always agree with her actions and in fact there are times where she kind of pushes is herself on people and on characters in the series that I feel are quite inappropriate but again I don't have to morally agree with everything that a character does in order to appreciate them and to think that they're a very strong character and navani is a very strong character not only in the role that she plays for the story and the role that she plays for dalinar as a character but also in the role that she plays as just an incredibly intelligent person who is fascinating to watch her mind work and watch her work through problems I find her really inspiring as an individual in the way that she has handled a lot of a lot of domestic issues keeping it spoiler free I talked about this in my oathbringer review specifically there were a couple of lines that navani gave that just really I find very inspiring pretty sure it was the oath I'm almost positive it was the oathbringer review but I also just think that she's another character that's kind of rough around the edge is and I can understand why she might grade on people especially because there are definitely times where I wouldn't I wouldn't call her like a woe is me character but there are definitely times where she's willing to acknowledge that life is hard but I think that there are plenty of characters that do that I've seen this complaint and I just feel like you know it's okay to complain sometimes she I feel like she's earned the right to complain here and there but I personally as far as a character that isn't one of our main Mains but that is getting more and more page time as the series progresses she's a character that I simply Define to be fascinating and inspiring I love navani I love her so much next up is pattern pattern is a great example or leads me into a great example of of sanderson's humor being very his humor and his his display of of wit of wittiness being very Hit or Miss for me because I find Shalon to be near insufferable I think her story is fantastic I love her backstory I love her struggles I mean I don't love her struggles but I love reading about her struggles um and her her Arc like everything on paper is amazing about her story but I find her the person insufferable and a big piece of me finding her so annoying is because she's just supposed to be so witty and I find her very dull she'll say something that's either only mildly interesting or uh or just outright cringy and people will fall all over themselves to tell her how witty She is again I've talked about this extensively in my reviews I'm pretty sure the oathbringer review is when I really went hard on it because because in Words of Radiance people came back and they were like well she's supposed to be cringy that's the point no it's not people fall all over themselves to say you're so witty and she's not and she thinks she's so witty too when she's not I feel like half the time I'm hanging out with her I'm in one of her perspectives she'll say something and then just like immediately Pat herself on the back because it was so clever she's not anyway that's an example of Sanderson writing wittiness in a way that just really doesn't work for me wittiness and humor and lightheartedness but then you have pattern who essentially saves all Shalon povs because he's hilarious he's so much fun the way he thinks about the world the way he processes the world the way he responds to situations his brand of making everything awkward is brilliant there's so many lines that pattern says that make me actually laugh out loud while I'm reading anytime pattern is talking I'm listening anytime shalon's talking I'm probably making a very angry face I'm sorry I'm so sorry to those who love Shalon this isn't this doesn't even belong in this video I just have so much bitterness inside of me toward her anyway I love pattern because I love his character but he makes my top list because he saves shalon's perspectives for me not only I the thing is I think that Shalon is such an interesting the story I just don't like her as a character and and pattern makes it easier for me to enjoy her story because he makes her perspectives so much fun oh man that please don't be mad at me over that next is another character that's difficult to talk about spoiler free so I'll just say Vince Wolfhound I love a side character that is very loyal to a main character I love a side character that has a lot of Intrigue and mystery wrapped up in him we learn so much about a specific group of people that fascinate me this group of people fascinate me I love a certain storytelling device that I can't actually say in this video because we're keeping it spoiler free it's in his story and that's naturally going to make me like him more I found him fascinating I thought that he was so much fun to follow I loved his personal Arc I'll leave it at that I love him so much next up is taravangian which is one that I'll keep brief because I think that it's basically impossible to talk about him spoiler free so super brief with him but um I he's fascinating every page we get of him I'm on the edge of my seat because I just want to know what he's gonna be like today and what he's going to say and even on his bad days a lot of the stuff that he says are it's very thought-provoking his the conversations with him are deep and meaningful no matter no matter what day you catch him on keeping it spoiler free I feel like that's really all I can say but he is one of the most interesting characters Sanderson has written in my opinion one of the most fascinating characters to interact with even though we don't get any we don't get an extreme amount of interactions with him just who he is is so fascinating to me next up is zeth which is another character that I'm gonna have to keep brief because it's very difficult to talk about spoiler free but his internal struggle is very compelling to me and his personal Journey that we've been able to witness so far has been one of the most interesting journeys of a side character that I've read from Sanderson so far I just find him so compelling and what little I know about his story and his and his personal struggle I find so compelling and I expect that after book five my opinions on him are only going to be deepened it's probably it's honestly it's probably the thing I'm looking forward to the most about book five next up is Caledon and it is going to be considered a mortal sin to a lot of you to have Caledon so low am I I mean there's a lot there's a lot of characters and there's a lot of characters that I find that I relate to on a personal level or that I just think are so fascinating that they have to be really high up on the list but there's a lot of really great characters it's kind of hard to it's hard okay especially Caledon from books one and two especially Caledon from books one and two his again internal struggles his personal uh his personal Journey what he has to work through what he has to face against who he becomes this the strength that he develops and the leadership abilities that he steps into he's just a really inspiring character he's just an incredibly inspiring character and I still enjoy him in books three and four as well but um it's books one and two Caledon that I'm just genuinely Amazed by I know a lot of people relate to a lot of what happens with him in books three and four especially book four and I think that that's amazing and I'm very excited to see what we do with him in book five I'm very excited to see where his where his journey takes us but the thing that I connect to the most about Caledon is his strength his resilience his resolve who he becomes especially in books one and two man he's an inspiring character to me now now we're in spot 10 and I still haven't actually decided Who belongs here because I have a list of characters that I want to put in spot 10. it's very hard to pick one I'm gonna go with rock I'm gonna go with rock it does it's it's a strange choice but it's what my gut is telling me is true rock is a side character that is simply a ray of sunshine again he gives us a peek into another group of people that I find very fascinating his personal story what little we know about it just adds so much to to who he is and his the way he views the world and the way he interacts with people the more you learn about him the more he just becomes a delight a treat every page that he's on every line that he says makes me smile he's just a delight to read about and I love him I love him more than I have any right to love a character that gets the amount of page time that he gets but I think it's honest I think it's the most honest thing I could do to put him in my top 10 list and here comes my final cheat my final cheat in this video is to say is to tell you that this list was so hard to make because characters like dalinar really needed to be on this list but there weren't enough slots but he's he's personal again I don't agree with so many things that he's done and said and he's not but there's his story is so fascinating characters that are just really easy to love like renaren and Steris that I just I they're they're like my people I just want to bring them in for a hug characters like Marsh Brees night blood that I just can't get enough of and so many more I know this is a top 10 list and I just spotted off a bunch of names but I could keep spouting because there's so many fascinating characters that I love so much and a top 10 list is hard but that is my top ten those are my those are my people that at least for now are in my list this is obviously an incredibly subjective thing so please let me know what your list would look like what are your top 10 if you can manage to make it one you can make it for the cosmere you can make it for just anything that Sanderson has written I'm curious to know who you love the most or who you relate to the most again if you're interested in chatting with me about the second secret project book there will be a review up on my second Channel either on Tuesday or Wednesday so check that out if you feel like it look out for that I post videos every Monday and Friday on this channel Tuesdays and Thursdays on the second Channel I'll see you again soon [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Merphy Napier | Manga
Views: 42,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brandon sanderson, cosmere, characters, top 10
Id: HDwXb8rBeZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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