WORST Series Endings

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okay I have been very slowly doing a series on my channel where I have been talking about the worst fill in blank I had the worst first books in the series I had the worst middle books or something we're sequels and now let's talk about the worst series Enders ever this video is going to be about the worst series Enders and we're gonna start out with a cheap shot one that most of you probably almost all of you will agree with me on let's chat about Harry Potter I thought I still own my copy of the curse child but apparently not so first the series ended with that epilogue that you know we don't really like that much or at least most of us don't it's not the worst thing in the world it's just it it wasn't necessary and it sucked but we moved on we lived our lives some of us pretended it didn't happen it wasn't the worst thing that's ever happened to us until a curse child and because JK Rowling whoops there we go because JK Rowling is bent and determined to ruin her own franchise she tweeted that we should consider the curse child Canon I know she didn't write it you know she didn't write it but she did help come up with the plot that created plot holes in her own story and that didn't wasn't true to the characters that she wrote and then she gave it the thumbs up and the go-ahead and then she said treat it woman why do you hate Harry Potter so much more than we do why don't you love it like we do next let's go back in time a little bit and talk about The Giver quartet is it called The Giver quartet I believe so The Giver was amazing it's a dystopian or our utopian depending on what kind of person you are and it is so good you likely read it in school it's about a young boy who lives in a society where everything is mandated scheduled and ruled over and everything is exactly as it should be people say what they're supposed to say they do what they're supposed to do this child has been placed in his career that he will have for the rest of his life and his career is the receiver which means that he receives all memories in the world and he is the person that society goes to that the leaders go to to make decisions because he's the only one that has knowledge about how horrible the world can get if it's not so sterile and and then you know he decides this is a bad society as one does and he takes it down then you have the messenger which is a companion and it takes place in another village in the same world following different people but they're connected and and that one was amazing and then you have wait a second I said the messenger I'm at gathering blue you saw the book you knew what I was saying then you have the messenger which is also in a different village in the same world still connected to these two not as good and then you have the one so here's why the one sucked all of these are connected and they and you know that they're all going to come together eventually somehow you still recommend it because book 1 books 1 & 2 were fantastic but just don't expect to be satisfied we've got another cheap shot I'm gonna go with the heart backs because I own both another easy answer will be the Hunger Games book 1 was fantastic I don't care who you are I don't care what you say it was beautiful it may not be the most well written story in the world but boy is it a good story and by good I mean horrifying in the best way book 1 was fantastic book 2 has some mixed opinions but I personally like book 2 even more than book 1 and then book three happened let me tell you all the things you did wrong you had a terrible love triangle throughout your entire trilogy that was not resolved in a satisfying way ie the main character pretty much didn't even make a choice she just ended up with the one that stayed the longest your main character who was great and had so much potential didn't have any development she wallowed in her PTSD until it took her over and then love got her out of it slightly thanks for that I mean don't get me wrong I appreciate the PTSD representation I appreciate that that the character actually felt something for everything that happened but it would have been cool if she came out of it without like being dragged out by her love interest and only half-heartedly so those were mild spoilers but maybe I'll put some phone screen this one I'm not happy to have on the list but let's do it anyway Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens so this is a prequel so maybe it doesn't belong here but you know my video my rules Peter Pan is my favorite book of all time Peter Pan in Kensington garden was written afterwards as a prequel not only did this book suck because it wasn't interesting and it was pointless honestly is how it felt I mean the whole thing that was happening throughout the entire thing just felt entirely pointless it felt pointless until the end and what I will say is the end of this little little dandy did actually contribute where we going did actually contribute to Peter Pan I actually am glad that I read this horrible book because it ends in about the most tragic way it possibly could have to the point that after I finished the book I gave it one star and hated it and wished I had never read it because I thought that it was just the meanest thing the author could have done to me but after having read it and then reread Peter Pan I realized it does actually add to the story so I appreciate it for that purpose but that doesn't change the fact but the entire journey getting to the end was terrible and it still hurt me so bad but it did not ruin Peter Pan for me in fact it it did add to Peter Pan so I do think that you should still read it if you love Peter Pan like I do okay let's talk about vengeful so vicious by ve Schwab actually gave like four stars and give it a really high rating vicious is about these two fellows who are besties and then they realize they learn how they can gain superpowers and then they gain them and then they become enemies and they want to kill each other and I thought book 1 was great but two on the other hand well I really don't want to go into as much depth as I did with the Hunger Games because I don't want to go into a lot of spoilers so what I'll say I can't believe this is a duology I came out of this book thinking it was a trilogy and I came out thinking book 2 was so pointless and all it was was a bunch of build-up to get us to book 3 but it turns out there is no book 3 what what it was so you know what what I'll do for vengeful just because this is still a fairly new release and I really don't know how to quite explain this one without spoilers we'll just direct you to my Goodreads always linked in the description of my videos and I do have spoiler sections so if you've read it or you don't want to read it and you want to know why I feel so strongly about this book check it out ok this is a good one young Murphy pre booktube Murphy loved the selection series one of my favorite series now I have recently tried to reread it and I don't feel the same way as I used to but it doesn't matter it was a story that I loved so much book 1 was great book 2 was horrible did I put this in my worst sequels video cuz it really belongs there book 3 was fine it was solid it wasn't great but you know it was fine I was satisfied with that ending and Kiera Cass did us dirty we got to follow America's daughter who is a brat and who well in her book her parents don't act the same as they did in America's book books I just really didn't need these books I really didn't need them from this series next book I'm once again going to direct you to my Goodreads because I've actually already ranted about this book a lot and that's clockwork princess so Cassandra Clare is an author that I gave 9 books before I decided she wasn't the right author for me I didn't love her Mortal Instruments some of her books I thought were fine some of them I hated and I continued reading because everybody was like just get to the clockwork series so I did that and then I thought that books 1 & 2 were fine and then book 3 came along and everybody was like just read book 3 it's the best thing you'll ever have read it was my least favorite in the trilogy clockwork princess made me so mad and once again I'm just gonna have to direct you to my Goodreads I personally don't like Cassandra Clare's writing in general and I don't like her romance and her books are very heavily focused on the romance she I think personally that Cassandra Clare doesn't she uses insta-love I think that these characters are in love so darn fast and for no reason and I cannot for the life of me understand what happened to make these characters love each other so hard but then you have the daggum story that happened and I just really didn't like it you should check out my Goodreads review and interrupt this video up I'm just gonna do some quick mentions of some other books that I've I don't really have very strong feelings about I just didn't think they ended well divergent I don't really know that I've ever heard anyone say they liked the ending and plus the last two books just weren't good to all the boys I loved before I thought the last book was really boring and I also didn't like who she ended up with and Vampire Academy which really doesn't even belong on this list cuz I didn't even finish the series but it's a six book series and I read five of the books and I liked the first three and I didn't like the last two so here it is but please talk to me in the comments if you have if you agree with me on some of these if you disagree let's chat I know that some of these a lot of my subscribers feel differently than I do about and that is totally fine I love discussing stuff like this and so let's talk I post videos every Sunday Tuesday Thursday and Saturday see you guys [Music]
Channel: Merphy Napier | Manga
Views: 127,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worst series endings, worst, book, worst boooks, books, read, reads, reader, reading, worst books ever, worst series endings ever, the giver, the hunger games, the selection series, harry potter, harry potter the worst, vengeful, vicious, divergent
Id: QaQGaLyE-lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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