Mistakes I Have Made and Intake Manifold Info

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hey guys this is eric weingarten with weingarten racing today's video was going to be a little bit different from the others um i am going to talk about what's in this picture shot right here in a minute but i'm also going to show some manifolds and talk about some other things that i've learned through the week but i'm this is probably i don't know anybody else has ever done this but what i'm showing here are three heads and i say this because i really haven't heard anybody do it i'm showing you my mistakes these are three examples of things that i messed up in some way or had a part in some way of them not working out right so all three of these and i'll tell each one in other words i'm going to show you my mistakes you know um because i think you watch these videos and everybody thinks man you know this stuff's he this is really easy to do he does that everything goes good well you don't see the mistakes people make and oftentimes people just don't share them so i'm sharing so and i'll go through each one of these so we'll start off with this one this is an afr245 head a customer had asked me hey could you import it make it better and i had imported one before so i had no experience with this now i had imported the 235 and the 210 220s but i hadn't done the 245 so this is my first set i'm not thinking too much about i got a general idea where i'm going to go and and go from there well here's what happens and i'm gonna i'm gonna turn the head over and shine a light so you can see what happens and this was one of my mistakes so hold on just a second i'll rearrange the head so you can see it okay here we go that's light's probably gonna shrub on you guys just warning you so i'm gonna show you what i did wrong um i was supporting the head like normal just like everything i've been doing and then i got to this one and if you know anything about the afr heads the problem that they have i'll just go where the light's not strobing is the speed over the short side this area right here is really really fast um and so in order to get around that speed you can make the bowl bigger or you can lay back the short side or a mixture of both well the idea what i was trying to do is widen the bowl air or widen the short side area and get more air over here so doing just that there it is sorry about that light i probably need to get a different light for the next day when i show you but uh i know it's strobing like nobody business let me just back it up a little bit maybe it won't be so bad nope still looks like a light show for you guys sorry guys but there's the hole so there is water there now it's strange because if you i had this wasn't the first one this one's for a small block show you guys is the same as this one and that one didn't break through so i didn't think anything about it like okay we're good to go all measurements are good uh off we are nope right there so now let's say what did you do now here's a couple things whenever mistakes like this usually happen what i'll do is i'll take it to my welder there's a guy i trust in town that's really good with welding and not just heads he does everything and he could have filled that up and everything but the problem is when you go welding usually the puddle will grow uh you know that spot will grow and start going down you might have it might crack and then you're chasing your crack and you might pop that seat out and the guy was already short on time so uh that's one of the disadvantages of porting too in case you ever wonder there everybody's in a rush i mean even if they say take your time and never take your time and so you i almost try to never tell person when their job is going to be exactly finished because inevitably something's going to go wrong as soon as i say it i mean i could be done porting the head all together i got to put together there's missing a lock or wrong lock or something it never fails um so of course this guy was in um he needed him quicker so i was like oh crap so what did i do i ordered a whole brand new head because luckily this is the first one holding a brand new head ported it and poured the other one not taking out as much material had plenty of room got it done and it made about i want to say it was 30 horsepower over the stock afr245 however a thousand dollars lost in that job so i what i could have done because the port drops by the way at that time i think i was only charging 900 um but i could have gave him he could have said hey i want to order these afr245 heads from you uh ported i could have gave him like a hundred dollars and made him buy it himself and that would have been the same thing there was i lost money i i pretty much gave him money because of that screw-up and it wasn't his fault of course it was mine so there's there's one mistake that's that's that's just letting you know let's go to this next one real quick this head is super special i actually had the highest hopes for this head in case you're wondering what's happened here's what happened uh a guy in florida calls me up says hey i want you to see if you can you got a head that might compete with an all-pro i said well there's not one that exists but if maybe i could do something custom and maybe make something that might compete with it in case you don't know what an all-pro is on a small block chevy world the 23 degree head at the time i think they've got better stuff now with the razer under the 245 even though it was not 245 cc it's more like 272 cc's has way different valve spacing almost like an 18 degree head that's moved to a 23 raised up port baddest of the bad cost of fortune it's actually on my website and no one buys them because they literally could get a set of sp2 heads probably cheaper um so anyway he's like can you do that and i was like yeah i think i maybe i can i could make a custom casting i get products to change some things in a casting and we'll make it so this was that was the plan so what this started off as is this is a 10x ri but what you don't know is they have a more raised up version of runner than this so i ordered this head custom and here's what i mean custom i had to move the valve center line so if you get the head normally it has a 40 60 valve spacing this is not that at all it's 75 135 which means this intake valve was moved 75 000 um from what stock is and the exhaust valves moves over 135 what that allows me to do is put a 220 intake valve in that and a 1 600 valve on the exhaust and still have plenty of room um anyway i could have really got a 220 a 2.22 or yeah 2.22 intake valve and a 1 580 and been just fine as well however here's what happened the head came like that this is the regular raised runner version this is you might as well call this a standard port because you could mill it down and be the same port height as a low port 23 degree head this was not what i'd ordered and it took four months to get so what happened was i called the customer up even though he knew it was all custom so all custom so call the customer up like hey man um you know brodix made the wrong head and they said they'll make another one but it's going to be like another they're going to rush her through this way before covet it'd be like about a you know a two month wait and then i can get started on it and i wasn't near as busy as i am now back then um he's like uh no i want a refund well here's what brodix will not give me they will not give me a refund they'll make another one but they would not give me a refund so i was like you know what i can't believe i'm doing this here's your money back take your money back and i was like it is what it is i guess because it wasn't his fault but i was like he understood the risk of with the custom he just had to wait for the right one to be made but whatever i was like sometimes it's easier just to get it out of the way um so sidebar to that he ends up later on getting a different set of heads for me that i just saw that he sold on a different um site and never ran them uh so in the by the way that was a fifteen hundred dollar loss so i ended up just sticking with these and i was like i'll pour them and make it work but i'm gonna tell you about a mistake with them in a minute so loss of fifteen hundred dollars so in other words i could have literally in uh in other words i gave him back his money i could have said hey when he called up here's fifteen hundred dollars don't talk to me ever again that's that's how much of a loss it was he later get some heads ported but it's still even at that i'm gonna port your heads and i'll give you 600 bucks that's how much that's how bad that deal ended up being um huge loss for the business on that month it's pretty crushing but anyway uh i think he eventually sold those heads so anyway here's what happened with the heads i just want to see how good they would be and it's kind of in a good way that i that he never went forward with it anyway because there was a mistake not that it could have been overcome you guys wouldn't know by the way just playing around with this it went like 370 and i have zero time to ever mess with it since what happened was my pointer which is not where i left it give me a different pointer because everything got moved over the valve center lines what i forgot to tell them do is file the water core so this never happens but it actually broke through right here i don't know if you can see it i'm not gonna turn on a flashlight you get the strobe effect right here which it never does in other words it pushed so far this way moving the bowl over and everything that actually struck water what i should have told them to do is put in that valve spacing and then also put in the one that fits the the water core that's for like the 12x head because that's the same valve spacing then the water would have been on the way and everything would have been fine so in other words when i go porting any of these other ones it's going to break through two and then i'm gonna weld up surprisingly i did this with my um spool gun you know what i'm just gonna do a flashlight i don't care sorry about the strobing but um i so it broke through right about here you can kind of see i actually got the spool gun and it seated right in which i was surprised because i'm i'm not good with the aluminum welding at all so at this case i would have had my welder do it but it's actually sealed up however there's no more progress ever came to pass with this and it just stopped so there's another ups messed up pretty good mess up now i got one more okay here's the next head now this one i don't know so much my mistake but um things just went wrong i should say these are all situations where things just didn't go well this is the dart small block ford and this is a 227 and start off cnc ported anyway the customer sent this head in for me just to port it and make it better and i was like no problem no big deal well here's a couple things to think about whenever they cnc port something i always do this i will measure right here and then i will see how much material i actually have to move the bowl over that way and the first part i'll do when i'm doing grinding would be to grind this side of the bowl first and only move it over just enough where it's safety here well i had measured here and thought cool 40 000 it's no big deal between here not not 40 thousands i mean it was like a 140 when i was right where i was measuring so i was like i could take off 40 000 so that's 100 000 in between we're good to go go grind and everything's fine no big deal get to the third port and i break through something like that again the strobing see that little hole there it broke through to the exhaust side now this is this isn't what do you think get so bear with me as i explain so i was like oh well sorry for the cuss word turns out if you ever get a cnc head from dart where the program comes in on the exhaust side which i still hate when companies do this stop making the bowl bigger on this side on the exhaust port the air is not here the air does not come that way it goes that way so you're making the bowl bigger here you make the less room over here which needs to be bigger anyway what i didn't take into account was where the cnc lines come line up so if you do a dart in case you want a cc machine we'll go like this to a certain spot and stop then it comes in from this side and does it this way right here where they met it was 140 here it was like i want to say 70 like right where it met i mean anyway that's where it broke i was like you gotta be kidding me and i just missed it because i didn't measure the whole way down so what i do i had them welded up um popped out the seats had it welded up put new seats in and went about my business and on every other head sorry on every other port i by the way since i was on the third one i welded up that one and that one as well so they have the good amount of material in that area on all the other ports all i did on this side was nothing and i all my bowl side came from over here so anyway got them all together um got done porting them didn't even charge them for the poor work because i felt horrible about it um it's all fixed vacuum tested everything's good i mean it's it's good it actually flows a pretty good amount of air and i said don't put these on a nitrous deal and the reason why i said don't is because when you measure that it was 70 thousandths when a nitrous you have way more heat on the exhaust side then you got cold on this side from the incoming air that temperature difference is going to cause them to crack and that's exactly what happened the reason why you have these crack that hole there is because it started off as a crack then boom became a hole so this one like i said this this head is not the one that got repaired and that one's got a crack which you can't see the idea you can hole hole and i think this one's got a crack so it's and i didn't pour any part of this side at all or the exhaust part either because again there's no need to take out on that side take it out on that side but anyway uh didn't think anything about it sitting off to don't run it with nitrous he puts it on the dyno and it made he didn't make that all that great power to be honest with you it was like 560 kind of a letdown there's more to this story um anyway um he goes down drag strip and he runs pretty decent but he puts the nitrous to it and here's the thing you would think it would this is going to be bad no it ends up going extremely fast um and this head is not a big port at all so it went really really fast for for the nitrous not on n a but on the nitrous was phenomenally well well he calls me up and says um because he took off the header for some reason said hey man got holes in all these can you fix them up and said man i'll be honest to fix all this you could just buy a new head and that's the reason why it's still sitting here never got the okay we're talking over two grand to fix this thing so what he does is he calls up another cylinder head company starts with the m not that it matters and he orders a brand new set of these with their cnc program in them it made 60 more horsepower on n a than these did which wasn't a shock to me because it was a bigger intake valve um it was a it was a better a better port it started off better it was just better and then he takes it to the track and he runs when he runs in a he is faster than he ran n a with these he goes to put the nitrous on and it's actually slower than these were by a bunch and he couldn't get it to even come close to these so that was kind of a weird deal to me and he sends these back that's the reason why i sent him back is because he's like can you make them work because these were faster than the other ones once i told them the price they've been sitting here ever since however this this mistake or error might lead to something because i did blast the chambers i did not blast the intake ports this is the most amazing part about the store and i really wanted to do as soon as i get a dino and test one of these things because this is one of the things i want to test because this mistake might have been something better than i thought i would have thought having a hole through the exhaust port into the intake port you would see carbon on the ports in the ports you would see carbon through here and carbon through the thing because you know surely it's got more pressure than the intake and you would see it like a trail of exhaust or something no there it was just like you see i mean they've been blasted senses of course but i'm telling you it looked exactly that way no i mean they were spotlessly clean it was the weirdest thing ever and i'm not so sure that having that hole there didn't have something to do with i don't know making it run better there's so many questions i have about that being wrong that worked better when it did it so i'm sure it didn't happen when it was just running in a at first but the nitrous i'm sure that was it like a cutting torch moving stuff away um because even though i look at it and so thin between there it was not that way when i left so um [Music] mistake but i i this was one of the ones i want to get on a dyno with a say a chinese head dyno the engine take it off and just drill a hole through it and re-dyno that's all i want to do because that thing ran better and i can't explain it yet so there's my mistakes i wanted you to i wanted to tell you guys you know you think i um some of you think i'm really really good and i will never say i'm really really good and i want you to know i have made and will continue to make mistakes i just try to learn from them and hopefully show you some stuff so that's the mistake part of my uh video this time let's get to some other stuff oh the floor is a disaster i have a 14 going to be 15 in a week son supposed to come out here and clean yeah i just finished pouring this intake manifold this is the wine track warrior i know you're like dominator it started off looking like that yeah this was going on the dyno soon so we'll get to see what it does i'm kind of curious he hasn't said it 496 afr 315 heads it's a solid roller like a 256 cam and it's going to have this intake manifold on it and this is 4150 and we'll see what it makes he's like do you think i'll make 600 or sorry 700 i was like yeah it should so this would be interesting i i do like this manifold by the way some people said that team g nah this one name looks way more way closer to a 454r than it does the old-school team geez from wind so anyway there's that next thing if you've been watching my videos and which if you're still sticking around you probably haven't you watch the last one where i float a whole bunch of single plane manifolds on my superflow attached to a head and someone said you should do the same thing with a dual plane um well i would if i had more so i'm gonna these are the manifolds i've got because i want to do it one the heads that were on there those are getting assembled here in like five minutes so those are done the ones that got flowed with all the single planes but i'll have to get another one which i've got afr220s here that are in in line to get ported they'll slow about 300 real popular head and we can test them with this stuff but let me show you what i got so this one is not available anymore because it looks really different this is called the torque link this was a special manifold made and if you look at it it's kind of a weird design now it's a dual plane it's got dimples for all you guys that love it it's got dimples on the floor but if you look at it it's got an extremely long runners and this is the bottom and it comes down here and into the head extremely long and it looks like it actually has more cross-sectional area at the openings than most other dual planes do as well this would be interesting to flow now here's what's weird so this makes two people i've talked to about this manifold this one's sitting here because an australian asked me to port some stuff and he sent me two of them he said just keep this one here until i need it that was nine years ago so i did part one and uh this other one's been sitting here ever since but anyway uh the two people i know that have ran and one was joe carroll he tried this manifold the engine master on his 327 he said it sucked and the engine masters were doing average horsepower and torque from 2500 to 6500 rpm and he said it was horrible and then i talked to richard holder because i was asking about um he wanted me to do the 3 3800 heads v6 heads which he still hasn't sent to me but i will port them and i know they're cast iron for him not not anybody else so the only two people all port cast iron for is done with machine shop and enid and richard holdener so those are the only two if you're not those two i'm not doing it but anyway he's supposed to send those and we're gonna do some dyno tests with that but i asked him he said anything you want to see tested i said you know what i do i got a couple things i want to see done i want to see what would happen if you cut out this divider and start cutting it down how much it actually changes and he said i've got some tests on that already been done and then um i said there's some few other things but i can't remember now but i asked them have you ever mess with the torque link because i don't mind testing out a few different dual planes he goes you know we tried that and it wasn't it wasn't good he said the rpm air gap beat it you wouldn't think that with a long runner should make a lot of torque looks like a better straighter shot i don't know anyway i'm going to try flooring this on a head and i've got this one this one by the way is for sale so if someone needs them i'll sell you this one this is a wine speed warrior it's got an air gap design like the air rpm it does not have a notch down the rpm does and that's it so i'm going to flow that one then i've got this this was actually on my s10 when i picked it up from my father because i'd put an engine in it with this and in it and this is just a summit looks like it's probably just a chinese rpm air gap i'm sorry not air gap just rpm deal like they took an edelbrock rpm and perform rpm in just china or maybe someone got them to put their name on it i don't know that's what it looks like and anyway i'll clean it up and floyd would attach to a head then there's this this is another story about weird stuff so this guy sent me a set of uh this is back when i was doing cast iron some dart 227 cnc heads for a small block chevy they were cast iron asked me to port them and he sent me this and he said just leave it there and then i tried getting a hold of them and i couldn't and it's been sitting here ever since and i would love to have tried this manifold but i don't have the top and i don't know holly will sell me the top this is for their holly annihilator set up but it's all it is it's a tunnel ramp so if there's a box that goes on you've got a forward scoop or four throttle body but i'm i can float against the head with this just because it's a straight shot i mean look at it just straight they're just small i mean look how small that is which by the way about the same opening size as all these two except for that one that one's way bigger anyway if there's another dual plane manifold you want to get in this test and someone asked and they'll you could send whatever i could do it real fast it won't be this weekend or whatever but send an intake manifold in at the dual plane you pay for the return shipping and i'll put it on there and make a video and you can see it so there's that next thing i want to talk about real quick is this i got a hold of superflow um they were really kind this time and i asked him some questions about the oval 750 here and because if you've watched my videos i said it will not pull when i'm throwing my brx head it will not maintain 28 inches when it goes to 520. they said that 750 number right here is at 10 inches of vacuum not 25 like i thought which means this bench really is only if you want to pull 28 inches of vacuum which i measured it will only do it up to 500 cfm at 500 cfm it will do it actually 520 sorry i wrote down 540. that's where max i've got out of this bench at 28 inches and i'm got 240 volts all that so it's not not electrical it's just that's all it's got anyway the weird part is i called them up because i was like man you know what the sanyas is amazing because this one by the way pulls 712 at 28 inches so i'll never have a head that flows that but then i got to thinking yeah maybe i'd get rid of this one and get a 10 20. you know the bigger bench and just pull more air just to have something but then it's more like it's just a really expensive toy it's not making you any money expensive you want to know how much this bench now is cost 17 500 and that doesn't include this so if you're like i'm thinking about getting in the cylinder head pointing i think i'll buy a flow bench it's 17.5 for just this bench that doesn't include any of this which means you still have to pay that's a thousand if you want a swirl meter 1100 sorry 600 the plate which isn't on here this one is plate 430 bore 200 and remember you have to have this plate for every head you're going to flow and bore size you're going to flow i cannot begin to tell you the amount of thousands of dollars i have and just fixtures for the flow bench so you'll be in 25 000 if you get this that bench to actually do anything useful because you still have to buy the valve opener device that so anyway but i was like i wonder how much a 1020 is 29 400 so i'm tempted but uh even if i was to sell this one which i'm still debating it i really am that's dino money so i want a dino i do it that's another thing i ain't got make me any money hardly on it i guess i could but it's just going to be a time killer but at least i'll get more research and development stuff done anyway there's that last thing the power glide is in this s10 keith i haven't haven't introduced you my guy that works one day a week here in the shop he does cleaning and tear down on heads and he blasts a few heads and re-faces some valves does a pretty he's doing a good job he won't be here this friday but he actually put the power glide transmission in this truck for me and got it all hooked up and i went for a drive holy cow i know some of you like well aren't you afraid that they'll slow down because it's only got one gear i i'll tell you right now when you take off in this it doesn't gain as many rpms as it did before when you hit the gas but you're going faster like you look at the speedometer as you're doing it you're accelerating quicker so it doesn't the engine's not just revving up but you're going nowhere this it's moving and here's a big thing so i had and by the way you have to shift manually with this which is no big deal it shifts hard hard and which i love it's the same type of transmission that's in the camaro except it doesn't have the pro tree trim brake this has a trans brake it's just a bracket style the thing i could tell you for sure is um i had it in final drive so it's in second gear cruising down going 40 mile an hour and stepped on it and it broke them loose kicking it sideways it never did that before with the turbo 350 never um so i cannot wait to see what this thing does at the track so i've got the slicks and stuff for it too i bet you the slicks make it i think if we ran it just like it is now one it won't hook up because those tires won't but when i put the slicks on i'm betting what happens is the et drops and the mile power actually drops as well and the reason why i say that is because you wouldn't think it but those radials versus slicks it's there's a few miles an hour into that even though the power glides putting out more power to the rear end because there's less gears to move and stuff i'm thinking the et will drop but so a mile an hour just because of the slicks but i will see anyway thanks for sticking around on the video i gotta get some stuff done uh last thing because you made it this far and i'm just gonna go ahead and tell you i've got so much stuff in the shop to get done just i can make videos for which i don't mind but here's what i want you guys keep asking questions and comments and then i don't have i i hate typing on this phone it sucks so what i'm going to do is i asked you guys i want you to very simply any question you want to ask me write it in the comments and what i'm going to do is i'm not going to respond back probably unless it's like i can answer within three words or so i'm going to make a whole new video and i'm just going to read every comment on this that's a question and i'm going to answer all the questions during that time and so in other words i'm going to make a video answering your questions from those comments so you i won't be typing back on it unless it's real short so if there's something you want to ask ask and i'll make another video probably next week and it's going to be next week that will be sundays either be wednesday or friday that will answer your questions okay thanks for watching this long take care
Channel: Eric Weingartner
Views: 8,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: head porting
Id: PeHgKr_l40o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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