Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation - #AskMissionImpossible Cast Q&A

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ladies and gentlemen welcome live to the BFI IMAX in waterl hello uh we are also beaming to 13 screens around the UK all because we're here for a screening of Mission Impossible Rogue Nation and joining me on stage the cast and director are going to be answering your questions so without further Ado let's welcome them please make some noise for director Christopher mcari Simon Peg Rebecca Ferguson and of course Tom [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Cruz [Music] [Music] good to see you man ladies and gentlemen the cast and director of mission impossible Rogue [Music] Nation plenty of room lovely lovely to have you all here it's great to have you here uh we are live uh right now and I hope you're prepared we have had thousands what up bason we have had literally is any more shout outs go massive let's do it we've had literally thousands of questions H come in on Twitter for you guys this evening H so we've Whitt them down to our best 20 so if everyone's ready let's try and get through as many as possible you ready all right let's do this go H your first question uh is uh this is coming a lot on Twitter the franchise has evolved a lot how do you keep it fresh and relevant you know what we just go for it just work on the story and obviously locations are very important it's a Hallmark of a mission movie but every time we just kind of look at what do we want to do what you know this is a second one that Chris has worked on he wrote Ghost Protocol and then you know wrote directed this one it's really just what we love about the series and and and what what we feel uh inspires us so it's just each time we just it just evolves and I I guess a great question off the back of that is about the stunts the set pieces are they things that you have prepared that you want to do or do you have them a story and then you go do you know what this will work as part of the story yeah we kind of go back and forth actually I mean we talk sit down and we talked about what are the stuff we want to do yeah you know yeah we we we we are always talking about things we want to do any anytime we're working on a movie we're thinking this would be great on the next one uh and this time we sat down and roote F film together so a lot of times we'll talk about like we just like talking about stories in general and kind of cool stuff and we've traveled the world together so a lot of times we'll just kind of sometimes we just look at stuff like oh that's cool yeah you know that'd be fun where we going to put that the whole thing with the two female spies and Benji you shouted it down straight away it's going to come back it's going to come back put that in Star Trek put that in Star Trek just make him green he's writing Star Trek right now you got it just make them green you know straight in there uh Chris um as the writer director this is coming for you Chris as the writer director how do you balance storytelling with stunts uh it it all comes down to character and story first uh that's that's the thing that gives it to heart and soul of the movie and that that really has to take the front seat good then the action you just put Tom in the movie he will bring it it it must be fantastic having a leading man who you can do close-ups of during the stunts yes the trickiest part is getting the camera in a place where it's not going to get damaged or damage t i uh I just found out I found out tonight that you were I didn't realize you were in the plane that uh Tom was hanging on the outside of while that shot was taking place that must have been weird make it sound like that's a big deal I was is where you should be when when a plane is in the air I was not doing anything cool no we were where we should be we was on the ground I wasn't I got in he got in I had to go he was in the cockpit I was in the cockpit flying the plane at yes yes um Rebecca a question H for you uh what stunt has Tom done that you would most like to do yourself if there indeed is one all of them right all of them don't you want to do all of them actually I I I've been thinking about the plain scene I don't think I could ever ever ever do it I would like to say the plain scene and be on the other Wing um but I would actually like to maneuver the first one you did the the fall down and stopping right before the CIA scene uhhuh I'd like to do that but with a fall and about maybe we'll go two meters yeah but I but I got to say every stunt that Rebecca did in this movie is a stunt that Rebecca would not have done before she started this movie and her first day on the job we threw her off the roof of the Vienna opera house and she never stopped after that no you could do it I we still do it was fun yesterday when you did Rebecca you're amazing I I tell her like we we just can you drop my mic testing oh there I am sorry Hi like where am I I'm here okay yes that was so impressive we got very lucky uh please please continue continue continue continue we just got very lucky with her an amazing athlete a great actress and the camera camera loves her as do we as do we so I'm excited to see what she's I could actually not have done any of it and and it is so impressive I've Loved Mission Impossible from the beginning I mean and to be able to see how much work is put into doing a stunt movie it's hats off to anyone who tries to Endeavor it because it is it is so particular in body movement and understanding Anatomy MH I give that to you baby um well I mean this is a great follow-up question H which luckily is coming up next H you mentioned that the stunt in the first movie and the stunts have been so important throughout this series what was your favorite stunt this has come from Andy what was your favorite stunt to perform from the whole mission impossible series and why sorry gosh it's hard to kind of think about what was a favorite one I mean um I've had so much fun I mean from the one the C knew it oh yeah the car Chaser Benji I mean s the car that's right I'm sorry the car Chas sorry sorry I loved rubbing the the car his side up against and smashing it into youy like the I did enjoy that Benji's side of the car Benji's side of the car I was like driving I was going okay getting as close to that wall and rubbing and crashing it in there yeah but it's been so much fun doing all all of them really you know I mean from Moab Utah the climbing and of course the car chase and the RO jumping off the roof with with Rebecca yes the water scene you know we have a list uh it's hard that water scene is anyone who has a fear of drowning should just be aware that scene is terrifying it's it's fantastic but terrifying um we've got another question and this is coming from Kelly uh are you looking forward to seeing the stunts you did on a screen this size it's so much fun seeing the whole movie on a screen this size uh we just came from Vienna where at the Vienna opera house they put it on the right in the Vienna opera house it was just an epic moment and uh it was surreal because there's an opera scene and when the curtains opened we're in the Opera watching the Opera it was incredible so yes I can't wait to see it again I know it was amazing and that was the first time you saw the movie yeah and the first time you saw the film both of us we just finished it sorry I didn't mean to cut you off no go no please please no we continue please please Simon you're the actor I'm the guy no go go Chris go I just can't get over the size of this iPhone it's ridiculous you actually have the touch screen you have to hit with your whole body yeah you got to hit with your whole body what app is that that's amazing no what yeah we just finished the film last Saturday at 2:00 so the first time we all saw the film the film the final of it was in Vienna yeah but you were watching me and Rebecca through I was watching you guys the whole time I was like this just watching you guys each time like here it comes here com so much fun so much fun when the car Chas I was like okay here you go oh gosh I had my mom next to me she was screaming I was trying to quiet her D because I felt so embarrassed after a while it you scream sorry B Ferguson everybody FG we're talking your language guys I I swar live I swear live television earlier like this is live I did say we were live and now I have to apologize I am sorry for the swearing on this live television program to the viewers watching sorry about that one Z I win the cake right Simon a question go yeah go do it again Rebecca go go H Simon a question for you good yes for Simon everyone hold Simon than you would we ever see a Benji Standalone film and what would the plot be done and dusted is a film that I've pitched fre two members of Paramount sky dance Bad Robot and they've never returned my calls uh it senses around Benji obviously uh he is on the road with a very hot agent not you because you're in there I mean there's all right you're in it h no I you know what I feel like the thing about this this story continue continue yeah okay so uh this film is so much about a this film has become about a team you know this is one of the things that we've really sort of we found with Ghost Protocol was that this idea of the family Ethan Hunt is a lone wolf but there's this fantastic thing where he has to learn that being a lone wolf sometimes you can't do everything you need to do and sometimes you do need your team and this is even more the case in this movie it becomes about a sort of a a family and with members and you know people that we've seen before and it's uh it's such a great Dynamic I think yes of course it would be hilariously fun to do a Benji Standalone movie done and dusted in cinemas 2018 uh but you know I'm very happy to be part of you can Cameo Tom honestly I mean you get someone else to and then at the end you can pull a m be you no l low low commitment low commitment um half a day half a day half a day half a day huge pay packet obviously I'll give you all my money uh but uh you know it's it's it's it's fun enough to be to be in this uh as a group but think about it we have a lot of fun together think about it thinking about it we have a lot of fun and they're incredible I feel lucky to be working with such talented and fun people keep talking well that's uh that's great CU sh incredible Talent C Shannon's question is who jokes around most on the set of the film oh these two him this guy I'm very serious I'm very serious extremely serious we have a lot of fun don't we yes we do actually everybody has their own style and and and in a different combination uh and the one we're not talking about is rener uh Jeremy rener is hilariously funny he's the king of the bloopers and is is the absolute funniest oh my God I can tell a funny Rena story I can tell them not the photograph no the photograph no where we're filming we're filming the no don't go to the photo go to theot it's important I'll catch it nicely don't what the photograph the photograph me is a family it's an amazing look my daughter is sitting here I don't mind if she finds out about photog we're in this train station sequence Tom and Rebecca are doing an amazing me and Jeremy and Ving are kind of background artists for that day I didn't mind it I'm not a man of great ego but I was a bit bored and uh so so I Jeremy Rena in a moment of Bard this uh do we have this is you know Rebecca opened up the room so it's really Jeremy sent me a picture of his middle bits uh which I received on the set it wasn't the full uh Arrangement it was just one of the items that comes in a pair and uh it became very difficult to keep a straight face out of that to the point where we and then he started mopping the floor in front of me Tom was like who's doing that like cuz he could hear laughing and then we felt like naughty school boys because we've been misbehaving so you know Jeremy Runner is very unprofessional actor and but you kept the picture I did keep the picture but seriously we had a [Applause] [Laughter] ball I'm just checking whether I need to apologize for anything you [Laughter] just okay um uh let's uh let's I'm just checking these uh who is most similar to their character uh is a question for the cast I guess killed as many people as I can tell you who is the most different Tom Cruz is the most different from Ethan Hunt in one specific way uh Ethan Hunt does not want to do any of the things that he has to do uh he's always forced into doing it he would rather do it any other way uh Tom Cruz loves every single one of the things that he do the the best acting you've ever seen in your life is him not laughing during everything that he's do doing and and anytime you yell cut he's just it's he's like he's like a 12-year-old kid is making his first movie it's true it's very true I feel very [Applause] [Music] very which conveniently leads us on to uh who is most likely to mess up a scene because they can't stop laughing that happens to us sometimes it does happen and you're not averse to laughing on my coverage by the way I do everything I can I swear to you you I hold it in we have moments sometimes there are days when we get the giggles and yeah because you're working so much and he comes in and the first thing with like the uh dress there's a vien the thing when we we arrived it's not in the movie but it was a shot we pulled up in the car and we were looking at each other over the roof of the car it was like our first shot together and we got bad Giggles that day it was just terrible yes sorry boss that's not why it's not in the movie he's actually hard doing scenes with these two because they will just generate each other into a frenzy sometimes and it is Absolut hilarious and you're doing a scene where there's explosives and there's stunt works and you have these two nearly on the ground laughing themselves to bit and you're just trying to you start laughing you start laughing you had tears coming out your like no then we got to start we got to Fus um oh this is one for you uh Tom that's an interesting one what does Ethan Hunt do in his downtime push-ups yeah push-ups heal heal yeah he heals he heals he heals do push-ups pull-ups heels um and also this this is this is this is fascinating because you do sort of raised the bar with these films and the stunts in them what would you like to do for your next big stunt do you have something in mind already at this stage or are you still getting over hanging on the outside of a plan no we have a few we've been talking about but we can't say it publicly I don't think we should say it publicly no probably not that would be a bit old we have it we have a bunch kind of lined up that we're working on right now NASA are on board though and that's the [Laughter] main but someone said something who was it who said we should look at the next five films and work ourselves man God sake it was you work our way back yeah uh Simon if you had Benji's Tech in real life what's the first thing you would do with it make a Tom Cruz mask and what's the second thing you the second thing [Laughter] [Applause] everything fastic everything I would get Stark naked and I would through the center H so who would make the best IMF agent in real lifea oh yeah Elsa most definitely Elsa Ethan these guys are both I me the commitment on you know this film was such a challenge in many ways we had an amazing time making it it was a lot of fun but when it came down to it there was some really serious things that they had these guys guys particularly had to do you got thrown against a wall we had challenges training you don't like watching it when we do stunts it's funny I don't I get worried for them yeah that's odd though it's when you on a plane checking out the safety for everyone else yeah that's I was literally want to make sure everyone's okay that was one of the few times you left the set when Benji was taking a beating and I remember I turned around to look and I was like you were gone I was like just take it easy but you know I mean it was ridiculous I'm sorry I just you got through you got thrown so hard in that wall I was like is he going to be all right what what was that like it was great I I love doing it's great he did it great I mean he was perfect he was perfect but I did get punched in the face didn't I you did you got punched in the face and the other thing is it's it wasn't me it's benj and you it's Benji and also Simon and so you both and so you're used to seeing Tom get thrown into things and off of things and then suddenly somebody picked Benji up and threw him bodily into the side of the set and I thought it was a mistake it was it was so loud it was so horrible looking and we were all very upset for a minute that Benji was getting hurt he got up laughing he thought it he loved it he was it was great fun yeah he crushed it you don't like see happen to benj crushed it yeah Str she's my friend I don't wow this is how serious this one is it even Benji gets yeah um guys we're almost out of time unfortunately uh but uh we've had a lot of great questions there all that's left for me to say is thank you very much to the guests if you are watching here in the cinema the BFI IMAX or at one of the 13 screens around the country you're about to see the movie itself if you're watching on Sky movies Tom Cruz you're going to get an exclusive look at a scene from the film all that's left to do is to thank our guests this evening director Chris mcquarry Simon [Applause] Peg [Music] and Rebecca Ferguson and of course joh Cruz thank you very much for watching thank you guys hey TR you want to take a seat I believe you want to do a message to the cinemas around the UK if we've got time yeah we've got time we've got plenty of time you've got time we sitting yeah just down there if you want to say a few words to the screens around the country being watched around the UK Tom we just wanted to thank everyone of course can we have a minute is this still live this is just now in this just in the cinemas now yeah you can swear if you want to Rebecca would you let's go guys let's just go off come on but before every every Premiere I mean uh mchu and I like to thank everyone I mean we want to thank uh of course Paramount Brad gray Megan Colligan Nick Nick Crawley you know Mark Vain markon and Ian George you know Brian Burke and Don Granger and Bad Robot and JJ who helped out BMW Airbus along with our partners uh on the event Sky movies and IMX thank you for that really appreciate you guys been incredible really incredible David Ellison from Sky Dan David Ellison and Dana and can I continue no just yeah just Paramount Pictures you know I mean it means a lot to this is I've been working with them for 30 years so every time I see the Paramount logo it's uh means something to me so brilli you want to say something else now we're a fresh out of time unfortunately Tom everyone's going to have to see there's really one more thing that's most important no I want to thank the city of London yes and I want to thank the UK before we cut it please know and and the people of London uh it's a Hallmark of a mission movie shooting here and I just I you know we wanted to have a love letter for the city and the country and I think you'll see it in the cityscape and the streets so please thank you we can't we would not have been able to do this without all of you all and I I love you know how I feel about this country and this city so thank you thank you so much ladies and gentlemen for the cast and director of the movie enjoy the film you guys we're going this way all right
Channel: Mission Impossible
Views: 540,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mission: Impossible (Film Series), Mission: Impossible 5 (Film), Spy Film (Film Genre), Run, Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, Chris McQuarrie, Chistopher McQuarrie, yt:quality=high, Ethan Hunt
Id: 48azENVbpZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2015
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