Mission 2 - Cloud Computing Hands-on Training

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[Music] i am someone who wants hands-on learning that that that is an easy way for me to learn myself so earlier i was uh only aware of azure basic surface and now i am also aware of the docker river rates and terraform all the concepts after register to this boot camp i really learn everything in very proper way in proper manners you can think amazing [Music] the hands-on format of the online bootcamp helped us gain real world experience working on the products me working on multiple projects right now it has been helping understand how to better architect without any confusions what can appropriately um apply to our environment what are the different pricings and how can i integrate between each of them i would suggest everyone to join this particular boat cam and learn a lot of things from gtf appreciate thank you so much [Music] there are two sides on the technology market on one side are the professionals increasing their salaries working interesting projects and being chased by corporations they get to work and be challenged by the latest technology with the possibility of working remotely anywhere in the world recruiters and companies are eagerly chasing them at great job opportunities their career thrive and they are able to offer a quality of life they've always wanted to the love at once they got to make dreams come true on the other side however other professionals whose salaries decrease as days go by their job roles are repetitive discouraging and do not offer any career growth possibility at all they are frustrated disappointed with little to non-job opportunities in the market many of them spent so long inside of a cave and didn't keep up with the changes they lost their jobs and find themselves in a critical position to return it to the market today you will learn what makes some technology professionals be chased by recurrence and also learn why others are staggered and stuck and ignored by the market my question for you is are you on the side of the professionals increasing their salaries or on the side of the professionals whose salaries are decreasing are you on the side of tech professionals working with perpetrative and discouraging jobs or the ones working with cloud computing in a highly automated and a high-tech environment now is the time for you to let go of everything that holds you back and be ready for the best job opportunities with companies running after you welcome the cloud comparing hands-on training starts now are you all set all right we are live for the mission to welcome everybody welcome once again very very excited to be here with all of you for the mission two of the cloud comparing hands-on training hope you are excited for one more day i'm very very excited because today we're going to put our hands dirty uh you know doing a lot of hands-on achievers i'm very excited uh for everything that we need to cover today and if you are if you are as well please uh leave us a thumbs up uh in the video just leave us a thumbs up just hit the like button so that you can see that you are ready for one more day to you know just go for it and you know it's been amazing to see um your your comments your feedback regarding to the mission one thank you very much just wanted to thank you so much for sharing your feedback you know i saw really really uh nice and um you know life-changing comments that you know made me and my team really happy right because we created this training for you so it needs to make sense for you it's need to help yourself so that you know we feel that our mission here on this training uh is you know gary accomplished so thank you once again and then let's go for it mission 2 and i'm very excited uh you know to share what we're going to learn on this mission with you and then let's go straight to the context because we have you know a lot of things to cover during our mission today we are here uh we are finally on the mission too so the first thing i wanted to ask you is if you have not watched the mission one yet after the mission true you're here you stay here you don't need to go out but after the mission to please go there on our dashboard and watch the mission one immediately right the reason for that is um as i told you this is a sequence all right so this training was designed uh with the four mission that complements each other so it doesn't make sense for you to move ahead uh you know after this mission you are here watch the mission too and then after the mission go there and watch the mission one because it doesn't make sense for you to move on without having all the prerequisites of the mission one all right so you need to that to have those prerequisites in place so that you can execute whatever we are going to share with you on mission uh two all right so basically um basically we're going to move forward now and then just do a quick recap on what we have discussed yesterday i shared with you a few rules uh to get the certificate at the end of the training all right so just need to go through everything i cover in detail in mission one i'm not going to go over everything again i'm just going to you know run very quickly to the main things that we discussed on the mission on just to refresh your mind but one of the things i was regarding to the cloud computing hands-on training certificate right just go and make sure that you're taking the screenshots that you can uh you are eligible for issuing the certificate at the end of the training all right and then moving on uh with a few things that i covered during the mission one i'm gonna run very quickly probably it's gonna take two minutes or even less so basically on mission one i shared with you the big opportunity of cloud computing right now it is right now a 300 billion us dollars market and it's gonna actually you know be three times bigger by 2027 right as you can see it's going to be a 900 billion us dollars by 2027. and there is a huge opportunities and i showed you that whoever is in here right camera one please production whoever uh you know picks this one in here right this growth is gonna you know do very well because it's gonna get all the growth of the cloud computer market so that's something that you need to keep in mind right and then also the other thing that we covered you know how many job openings are available right now in the u.s right so as you can see there are more than 400 000 job openings and in india more than 100 thousand job openings and also in europe european union more than 120 000 job openings and i ask you to ask yourself a question are you on the side of the technology market that is growing or not right because if you're not there you need to you know start moving to that side immediately otherwise you're going to feel that you are you know left behind for the rest of your life and that's horrible right when you go to the site that's not growing you're stuck you don't want to be there and then also we started discussing the cloud project which is going to be a airline company closing each data center migrating the data and applications to the cloud i showed you that you know this is getting um more and more common like the capital one which u.s bank closed all the data centers as well and i showed you uh on the project that we're going to implement during this week based in a real world scenario i showed you the you know ui of the application that we're going to migrate from premises to the cloud which is going to be a air crew control system and we also went through the essential concepts for whoever is starching from the beginnings you know you know would have a good foundations to help them to evolve on the next steps and then we discuss on what is a data center i showed you the main components we discussed on what is cloud i explained you that the cloud is you know very simple concept that allows you to put your workloads and pay for whatever you use in addition to the other you know um many benefits that are there and i also share with you a few cloud provider building blocks so that um you can understand what we're going to cover during this week so that's why it's so important you you watch the mission one because in there i actually explain all of that in a detailed way and also i showed you what is moot cloud and then why you know the ig professionals going forward need to have a really good grasp and practical hands-on exposure to multiple cloud providers and not just one because the companies and the market is going towards a multi-cloud environment as you could see in here in the survey i showed you that 92 percent of the companies are actually going to invest in multicloud strategy according to that survey right which basically means that you as a technology professional needs to understand very well the multiple cloud providers going forward having that knowledge in just one it is not enough right and then i shared you a little bit about the uh you know the history or the background around the cloud project that we're going to implement showed you that was based on my own story uh when i was still working as a senior principal called action oracle in silicon valley and one given day my manager invited me to lead the american airlines migration project was there and then went for the kickoff shared the whole story with you and then almost the kickoff ended i realized that if i didn't have the multicloud in addition to the devops uh to the devops tools like terraform docker and all of that i would be in troubles during that meeting because that was exactly what american alliance wanted to do right then also i showed you the um you know managed services team that would take care of the project right of the environment of this airline company i showed you that actually there was the existing team that didn't have any cloud knowledge and then also i showed you the problem that that airline company was facing right that was basically they wanted to migrate their data center two multiple cloud providers because they needed to close and actually their contract with the data center room building would expire in only six months so they would need to migrate everything in six months and then because of that the cio of the uh airline company basically uh shared that all of that with uh the managed services team leadership and then because the existing team which is under venca didn't have any prior cloud knowledge and was also you know most of them um didn't want to learn cloud only david was you know starting to get ready and because of that peter actually asked a recruiter to go after you know uh six people six ic uh individual contributor right and one manager to create a cloud team and that was exactly what happened right and then all that happened because the chin under venkat was inside of the uh route of you know router failure and then i shared with you the router failure which is something you know some place that you shouldn't be in your career it's a very very dangerous place and then the ones that are there ended up late later off right uh out of the market and that's something that you don't want to be on you know on your life or on your career and then also shared with you the project steps you know everything starts with the strategic roadmap planning execution and then i shared all of that with you so that you can understand that now that all the strategic roadmap planning is in place it is time for the execution and the first step that we actually did was the creation of the architecture right we actually built the architecture the uh our solutions our cloud architect senior cloud architect joseph in this one here he was responsible for picking the business requirements from the customer and creating this architecture and that was all that we cover on mission one so very very quick overviews that you can uh just do a quick refresh all right and then i encourage you to go and watch the mission one if you didn't do yet on at the end of mission 2. now today we're going to move forward and there's going to be a lot of hands-on on this mission but before that i wanted to just to show you because that's very important right open up for me please camera one so whenever you are there working in a cloud project you need to understand how the cloud project would work how the cloud migration project would work right because uh it's very important for you to have this understanding especially when you are there you know on the interviews and discussing with the hiring managers you're going to have a lot of knowledge um by understanding how the project would work from scratch how the project plan would work what are the roles of each team member inside of the project so that's exactly what we're going to start covering and then we're going to show you the next steps of the project and we are going to execute that steps which uh those steps which is amazing right so you're going to see how we can build these steps like if you're a project manager or if you're a program manager or if you are achieve manager right you can basically copy this project plan i'm going to share with you and in case you if you want to do the you know cloud migration on your company you can model that and do it yourself as well right so that's that's something uh really really that i wanted to bring to you because that's gonna you know make all the difference to the you know so that you can understand better how a project would work from beginning to the end right so my slide please again all right so cool in a given cloud project cloud migration project the first person that usually is assigned to a project is a project manager or a program manager or a technical account manager right it doesn't matter the name can vary but the role will be pretty much the same which is basically control all the tasks and phases of a given cloud project and usually that um that person is responsible for creating the project schedule or the project plan or the project calendar and i'm putting actually a version in here you know a simplified version of a project schedule so that you can understand right and rachel which is the senior product manager of this cloud migration project he actually she actually went there and created that spreadsheet and the first thing that usually happens in a cloud project is the kickoff meeting right and during that meeting camera one please during that meeting what happens is that was exactly what happened with me on american alliance remember usually uh if there is a managed services company working with the customer or a consulting company doesn't matter or if all the resources are actually in-house what's gonna happen is on the kickoff meeting all the expectations will be such they're gonna you know the leadership will share uh to where they want to go which kind of technology they want to use what is the vision um not only for that migration itself but for the company in the long term so that's uh you know the meeting the most important meeting that all these stakeholders who you know get together to define the next steps of the migration of the cloud migration all right so that's exactly um what happens in there right come back to my slide please so basically once the kickoff meeting is over then the project manager needs to you know put together and discuss with the other team members to start putting the tasks that you know is going to happen in each phase right you see that we are in a planning phase right now and usually the next step that is going to happen after the kickoff meeting is building the solution architecture right so that's something that we discussed yesterday at the end of mission one and this is usually something that is done by the cloud architect assigned to the project right so here uh at this step this is um usually this step that the solution architect will look at the business requirements the technical requirements and base it out of that is going to create a solution architecture so that you know the the project all the project managers uh you know all the project members actually can use that solution um to move forward and to take the decisions as to which kind of resources is going to be uh yeah which kind of resources are going to be provisioned um which kind of you know technology we're going to use to provision those resources everything usually is defined during the solution architecture right and it can really uh vary the you know how long that's going to take but i just so you know so you can have a a good idea but i just put one day here just uh one day is the minimum right for creating one solution architecture but it really depends it really depends um you know if this solution is complex or not right camera one please it really depends if the solution is critical or or not right so if it is actually complex or not so the more complex the solution is um you know the more time you're going to take to build the solution right but you know you just need to keep that in mind that you need to have that on your project plan as well when you're working there in a real-world cloud migration project because that's something that's gonna drive everything else all right my slide please okay cool so once the solution is ready and then if you remember we have already created our solution right joseph went there and then based on the requirement the solution was created and then now the next step that usually needs to be done is somebody needs to define how the team members uh would have the access created right and then in here we actually start on the phase which is the provision phase right on the provisioning phase uh one of the first steps is actually to define how the team members uh who have access to the cloud environment right you need to you know make sure that they have the accounts created on the cloud providers right uh that they have the proper knowledge and the proper privileges actually uh for each one of them so for example the dba should have access to the database services the networking engineers should have access to the networking services the you know infrastructure engineer should have access to the compute services for example and so on and so forth right at this step is the one that uh you actually need to plan well you need to define camera one please uh you need to define well all right and then also um you basically define that you that you then uh will have all the requirements to um create your accounts for all the team members right remember in a given iq team or technology team you're get you're going to have usually many different roles you have a group of dbas or you have a group of network administrators right so you have all of these team members and then all of them need to have a particular account one account for each person because you know it's secured best spreads you should never share you know a single account with many people right and then because of that uh all of that all of these steps you know the planning steps needs to be in place as well before you start creating the account right so if you remember uh we actually actually shared a mission with you at the end of the mission one so that you could go there and create your account on microsoft azure and other cloud infrastructure so that you could go there and basically uh start having access because you're going to have uh you need to have access to start the provisioning of the resources right please notice that here uh on this um you know cloud training camera one please all right so um whenever i i look through camera ones production please switch your camera one immediately all right thank you so basically uh during this during this um during this the last mission actually right the mission one the mission one when we did uh when we did the mission one at the end of the training at the end of the mission one training we basically went there and um i gave you a pdfs that you could create your account okay so that account it is just one account you're going to create one account and we are not going to create accounts for other team members okay but i just want to make sure that you understood that and that's something that we usually uh cover in much more detail on the mood cloud boot camp which is ours signature most comprehensive program that we go deeper on aws azure uh google cloud and other cloud infrastructure and then in there we have more time to go deeper and you know share with you all the best prices that you need to have to create uh the accounts for each area for each team member right that's something that we cover in there as well but um for now you don't need to have many accounts you just you just need to have one account and that's that that would be the account that we're going to use during this project right so my slide please okay cool so moving forward in here what's gonna happen is if you remember as part of the architecture as part of the architecture uh we actually went there and started to look at the provisioning right if you remember one of the requirements of the customer uh was actually they said that they wanted to start you know implementing a devops future inside of their company so they requested the managed services team to actually use infrastructure as code tools to provision their environment right so basically uh looking at that uh joseph which is our cloud attack he actually defined that the provisioning would be done with terraform and because of that rachel already put this step in the project schedule so that the team could go there and start developing the terraform coach to provision the infrastructure resources um in article cloud infrastructure right and look at the who column right now and you see that uh you know the terraform code will actually be created by two individuals in here right the first one is dania which is senior article dba and the second one is raj which is a senior infrastructure engineer okay so basically the way that it works is because uh in the article large infrastructure if you remember in the architecture we're going to have the autonomous database so that's something that you know that the dba would need to take care and we also um are going to have the object storage with something that usually the cloud infrastructure engineer would also take care right and because of that those two guys need to sit together and start putting together a terraform code to them to do the provisioning of the if infrastructure resources like the autonomous database which is something that daniel which is the dba needs to take care because you know he knows the database right he needs to inform which kind of configurations is going to be used during the database provision all of that is part of the dba and the other one is raj and raj actually is the one that's going to take care of the storage provisioning the object storage provision and because of that those two guys would need to sit together to put together a terraform code to provision the infrastructure resources in article cloud infrastructure right and if you see if you um you know notice that um you can see that basically um these two guys which are on premises uh experienced professionals and also have a lot of cloud knowledge right uh but in addition to that they also have the terraform knowledge you see that the terraform knowledge in this case will be really really unneeded so that they could create the coach to provision the environment right it doesn't matter that they are a dba for example the daniel is a dba for example but a article dba now needs to understand very well of the multiple cloud providers and also needs to understand very well of these tools that you know are used for provisioning infrastructure such as terraform right that was actually one of the reasons that the chin under vanquish which didn't have any knowledge in cloud and any knowledge in those technologies like terraform for example was it was one of the reasons that they they was they were not engaged in those steps because they don't know that they had never seen that before so that's something that they couldn't do right so you need to understand that uh now you are is a i you know experienced that professional in addition to the on-premise and cloud knowledge you need to understand therefore very well as well if you want to work in large-scale cloud migration projects all right so coming back to my slide now and then i'm gonna explain what terraform is in case you are new to that don't worry i'm just going to go through the project schedule so that you can understand and of course that after you know creating the terraform coach the next step is actually to go ahead and provision the infrastructure resources in oracle cloud infrastructure right so basically you're going to do that you know hands-on with me today but basically the next step is going to go there on auto cloud infrastructure and starts the provisioning right of those resources using that code that code that was created in the previous step and that step is usually um pretty quick right once the code is ready it it you know it can run a minute so you see that the majority of the time is actually spent on the code creation like you know i put four hours just to give you one idea because uh you know this those two guys need to sit together have a meeting and define okay which kind of um parameters we're going to choose for the resources how we're going to put together this terraform code and then once the code is ready one of them is to go there and run one single command which is the terraform applied that you're going to run as well to spin up and create all the infrastructure and that usually takes minutes right i put in here 30 minutes half an hour but it usually is less than that okay it is actually less than that it's gonna be very very quick so you're going to do it hands-on um today all right but before i go in there and actually start doing the provisioning what i want to share with you now is um camera one please what i want to share with you now is a few concepts around terraform okay and usually let me give you some background usually you have two ways of provisioning cloud resources uh in the cloud providers you can either do it using the console right which is the graphical interface usually you do that when you're getting started on or when you're trying uh you know experimenting some new services or anything like that and the second one is the most uh in you know more professional way which is uh by running a terraform or infrastructure as coach two right and in this way you can actually provision large-scale infrastructure in the cloud providers in minutes right and then in addition to that there are many other benefits that for example especially for consulting companies or managed services providers they actually can create the code once for example for customer a and if you know tomorrow there is a customer b with a very similar project because they can just reuse the the code that they use it for customer a and reuse the same code and you know do just a few tweaks a few changes to use on customer b so it allows you to save a lot of time in provisioning those resources in a cloud environment so you know in a large scale if you work in a large company right in a large corporation you have you know really really great chances of being required to do all your provisioning with infrastructure as code tools such as terraform all right so please keep that in mind there are there are you know many differences between them we're going to cover uh you know most of them in here but you need to understand that all right and then now i just wanted to share with you a few things around terraforms that we can be on the same page okay a few concepts uh around terraform before we go to the console and start running it okay so basically let me see if the white board is good so it looks like it's good right so let me just move it a little bit for yeah there you go okay so basically terraform is the tool that we're going to use okay as i said terraform is also known as a iac2 which is a infrastructure as a code 2. okay so it was created by hash corp is it is open source today it's free and this doing here is actually in the top three of the uh tools that are most used by large corporations today supervision cloud infrastructure okay and there are a few concepts i wanted to share with you the first one is the provider okay when you work with terraform you're going to see that terraform actually provides you or gives you a provider which is a kind of a plugin you know that therefore will use to communicate with the cloud providers so you have a provider for aws for all cloud providers right azure you have a provider for google cloud gcp for oci oracle cloud so all of them you're going to find a provider so that you can use that provider to provision infrastructure in that given cloud provider right so that's something that you also need to understand and then also i want you to understand a few common commands that we're going to use today so we're going to use basically three commands that i want you to learn so that you are familiar the first one is going to be the terraform in niche second one is going to be the terraform um the terraform in each which one that we're going to choose so terraform okay so basically we're going to choose the terraform apply which is the last one okay therefore apply is the last one between the init and apply we're going to use another command to basically do a verification and see and show you um what is going to happen even before terraform goes there and run the terraform apply for us which is the terraform plan okay so terraform plan is the is the second one that i want you to learn so all of them are actually sub commands or sub options of the terraform executable that we're going to run okay so basically the init what the init does is if it is the first time that you're running terraform what terraform needs to do is it needs to go there on their public repositories and download the provider remember it's just like a plugin so that terraform can connect with your cloud provider account and start creating the resources and the second thing that you're going to run is the terraform plan all right the terraform plan as i already mentioned is going to go there and it's going to you know just check if uh the things that you're going that you know the things that the terraform will do right it's gonna show you all the things that that the terraform code will do even before creating the infrastructure okay and the second one and and the last one actually the third one is the terraform apply and the terraform apply is actually to go there and look at your coach and it will actually go and create the infrastructure in the cloud provider that you want terraform to create right and then all of that is going to actually reach all those steps are going to read the terraform files and the one that you're going to use is the main.df okay the main.df and all those terraform files actually are ending with tf right the terraform files which has the configuration will end with df so all these terraform files inside of this main.tf what's going to happen is we're going to have all the lines of you know terraform coding here so that you can go there and provision the the infrastructure okay now please pay attention to this terraform is not programming okay please repeat that with me therefore is not programming because i see a lot of people stuck saying hey john but i don't know how to program i don't know how to coach right you don't need to know how to code and you don't need to go to basically use and provision infrastructure with terraform it's completely different terraform uses a declarative way or a declarative format so that you can go there and inside of those terraform files you actually go there and write the if a few lines of blocks right which is not you know code or programming you're just giving the lines of um resources for example i want to terraform to create a new autonomous database you're going to have a block for that i want therefore to create the object status you're going to have another block for that you're going to look at that right now um you know in a few minutes i'm going to open the codes that you can see but i'm just sharing that with you because i see that a lot of people you know get stuck because they think that their phone is programming it's not programming all right and cloud computing is not programming all right so just to make sure that you understand correctly okay so what we're going to do is we're going to look at the main.df uh but before that the last concept that i wanted to share with you is the terraform stage therefore stage okay so basically the terraform stage the terraform stage is a feature of terraform that allows terraform to store the stage of the cloud infrastructure in a local file so that you know at the next execution let's say in our example we are going to create one autonomous database and one object storage if you if we wanted to create let's say in the future one virtual machine article cloud infrastructure as well we can basically go there and change the same file the main.tf and at the end of the file add a new resource but what terraform will do it it will not try to create all the new resources again it's not going to try to create the oracle autonomous database again the storage the object storage again it's gonna actually reach the state file okay that has the state of the infrastructure in the cloud it's gonna read that stage and then based on that it's going to see that there is already a autonomous database and object storage created the only thing i need to do is to create a virtual machine so based on that it's going to take the decision and create only whatever is not yet in the cloud provider for you so that's a very very important feature of terraform and that's one of the reasons that terraform is so popular because you can maintain the state of your infrastructure using code all right so that's something that you need to keep in mind as well and i'm just recalling now there is one project that we do on the um oracle cloud infrastructure boot camp which is part of the mood cloud boot camp that we basically go there and also use the terraform coach uh the terraform cloud actually to store this stage to start the stage of the provisioning right because you're going to see that you're going to do that on cloud shell but cloud shell is just a temporary location for you to run the terraform coach right in the real world production environment you should have a way to store your stage somewhere and that's exactly what we do in this project on the auto cloud infrastructure boot camp that we you know use the terraform cloud just it is a much more advanced implementation i'm just giving you a idea so that you can understand what can be done as well all right so basically those are the basic concepts that i wanted to share with you all right so now coming back to my slide what we're going to do is we're going to basically um start the provisioning now okay but before doing that i wanted to ask the production chain to release the first part of the coach can you please release the first patch of the coaching so that you know people can take the screenshot and do yeah there you go so if you want to be eligible for the certificate please go there and take a screenshot and write downs that you can unlock the pdf at the end of the mission okay all right so cool coming back to my slide now so let me explain what we're going to do now okay so basically as i mentioned to you in the project plan we're going to move forward with the provisioning step let's assume that the terraform is already written right is already uh you know was already created by danielle and raj even though i'm going to show you how was how it was created let's assume that was already created now it is time to provision the infrastructure resources in other cloud infrastructure and for doing that raj is going to go there and do it and because we need to have the terraform executable install it somewhere we're going to choose the oracle cloud infrastructure cloud shell which is a web-based terminal that comes already with terraform pre-installed and terraform will be already available for us in there but one thing that you could also do is to install terraform on your own laptop and run terraform from there right but to make your life easier and usually you need to make your life easier when you're working in a cloud projects uh so that you can you know do the things in a you know faster way and in a proper way uh you know in a more smart way you should use whatever resources are available for you in the cloud providers and uh it's gonna give you a much more a much better experience all right and one tool that we're going to use on article cloud infrastructure is cloud shell you're going to look at that we're going to open cloud shell and then as i told you cloud shell it is a web-based terminal which comes already with their phone pre-installed okay and also we go there uh we are going to basically use terraform uh and along with the code that i'm going to show you right now and the code we actually be placed inside of cloud shell and what's gonna happen is once we run terraform it's gonna reach uh for it's actually gonna look for terraform files right dot df files and if it founds it it's going to read the file and see whatever needs to be done and then once it finds out it's going to go there and provision the infrastructure for us in the cloud provider which is in our case it's going to provision the object starters in our cloud infrastructure and the autonomous database in the oci right in the auto cloud infrastructure as well so two resources will be created and please notice that during the provisioning in all the project steps uh you know the management will be always foreseen whatever is you know happening right here mahash which is the manager of raj he is you know basically uh following up with him and looking if everything is executing executing uh in a proper way so because of that you see that's very important for every management to be aware of what's happening uh in a cloud project and what technologies are actually being used right think about that if you are aig manager and you don't have any technical knowledge how are you going to lead your chain properly right how are you going to uh see if terraform is the best tool that they're using right now right so i see that many management people or leadership directors managers they think that they don't need to be technical right but that that's a huge mistake because one of the uh most promising roles going forward is the technical leadership right it's somebody that doesn't need to put their hands dirty to create the infrastructure to do all these things that needs to be done um you know in a hands-on way but they know very well everything that's happening they know very well every single technology right and then i also i always like to mention uh one example from american alliance i also i always like to mention uh one example from american alliance right um which is basically one of the senior uh managers in there he was uh a you know really really technical guy right but he didn't need to be hands-on but because he was very very technical he had actually very good grasp of all technologies and he could understand and lead his chain effectively right and that isu remember one of the escalations that we had during the project one bug that happened inside of one of the resources at that time and that guy you know joined the call right that manager that management joined the call and then he was so technical he was able to drive the call entrant on their side i was in the oracle side and they were in the you know customer side but i could notice that he was really really technical guy and then i was you know feeling confident and very happy to work with him because i saw that he was really technical and then that's something that you also need to keep in mind if you need to have rapport of your qing right your team will not respect you uh you know very very well if you are not technical they don't like to work with non-technical people i'm telling you based on my own experience right when i was working for oracle my previous director he was a very technical guy but i had no technical managers as well and was horrible so a technical manager or technical leader is somebody that can create a very good rapport with uh his directs right because um you know whoever is working under them wants to work with technical people right wants to work with somebody that understand what's happening in the project all right so just keep that in mind coming back to my slide please okay cool so moving forward then we're going to go there now and execute those steps and i'm gonna share with you the terraform coach at this time okay so that we can see um you can understand what's gonna happen so come back again to me please camera once that they can share my screen with the coach all right so please let me know if you're ready to put your hands dirty on terraform uh if you're ready please give us a thumbs up hit the like button and also subscribe to the channel so that we can see that you're enjoying this training all right and i'm gonna open right now the terraform codes that you can see right uh how it is going to look all right so let me open in here one second just let me just open that okay all right cool you can switch back to my laptop please all right excellent so as you can see here um i have the main.tf file which is that there from file and please don't worry now you're going to receive you know the link to download this file inside of the pdf that you're going to get at the end of the mission right so you're going to get a link to download these files that you can do it yourself as well and here in in the terraform file like i told you right it is a tf file so this is the main.tf file and you have a few things in here right of course you can have variables and the and the variables can hold values that you can pass those values inside of your code right and here you have the provider right remember i shared with you the meaning of the provider which is just a plugin that you need to pass a few configuration inside of the provider so that it can go there in the cloud infrastructure and communicate with the cloud infrastructure cloud provider and start creating your infrastructure and here we are using the oci provider all right so the oci provider is going to ask you a few configuration parameters the first one is the region right uh where we want to create our resources in which region and then we can give the region in here it's going to actually run the region from the parameter which is coming from the val from the variable right but when we run the code you're going to see that the terraform is going to ask us to provide all those values in here the tenancy of cig which is basically the ig of your auto cloud infrastructure account right the tenancy is just your account on our cloud infrastructure and the oc ig means the or stands for oracle cloud identification it's just the id of your account and also it's going to ask you for the compartment id which is basically a logical entity or logical i would say logical folder that you can create on autocad infrastructure to organize your resources you can have you know multiple folders which as also known as compartment and then inside of those compartments you can put your resources for example you can have resources um database resources in one compartment uh compute resources in another compartment and then we're going to give the compartment ig that we want to create our resources okay and then the other one is the region uh as i mentioned and we're going to mention which region we want to create and then again coming back to the provider uh here on the parameters uh it is going to ask us okay in which region you want to use what is your tenancy or cig and then you see that all of them you know both of them are actually coming from the variables right it's going to reach from the variable so see how simple it is to put a few lines of uh you know terraform code it's very very easy to understand because it is a declarative way of creating infrastructure right you don't need to know code for that and moving forward here i put a few comments uh in english and in portuguese as well because there are a few people um you know running uh the same training in portuguese so i put those comments in here to you know help uh everybody that um you know is native in english and native in portuguese as well so basically this block uh is going to go there so if you notice in here there is a block uh which is the resource block and the resource block is basically something that you can get from uh terraform documentation to provision a new resource on oracle cloud infrastructure or any cloud provider right i'm gonna show you how you can do it as well so that you can understand okay but here on this resource for example we are we are going to you know create a new uh oracle autonomous database right remember you could do that using the console and you could do that using the terraform right as i explained you so this blocking here from line 25 up to line 44 is the block that we are going to use actually terraform is going to use to provision the autonomous database for us using um code right and then giving a quick pausing here i'm gonna just hop to the console and show you how you could create that using the console so that you can correlate that to the code right so here's the auto cloud infrastructure console if you come in here in the menu and if you go to article database you're going to see that there is a article autonomous transaction processing option in here you can just click in there and then once you reach this screen there you go you are on the article autonomous database creation screen you can just click on the create autonomous database and then here if you wanted to create that using the console for example you would uh you know give all the parameters that we are going to give on terraform like the name the database name the compartment uh you know the type of workload how many cpu and all of that the password all of that you can give from the console and if you look at the code again right so if you look at the code again all the parameters that need to be actually passed in the code are the same exactly the same that we need to pass on the console right for example the admin password we're going to set that password in here but if you wanted to do that in the console you could come in here and put the password right here right everything is going to be the same right so that's very important you understand the both sides the two sides that you can the two ways actually that you can use to create your autonomous database and this block is basically coming from the terraform documentation all right that i'm going to show you right now so if you want to learn more about terraform you just go to terraform docs right and then here on google it's going to be probably the first link so if you put terraform oracle cloud docs you're going to go to the oracle cloud provider documentation right so which is this one here so let's just click in there and there go here is the article cloud infrastructure provider documentation on article or on terraform portal right and then here if you look for the autonomous database for example if you go under database so let's just search in here on the filter let's say autonomous right autonomous yeah there you go and then here under database you see all the resources that you can create under a autonomous database right or under your account on autocloud infrastructure and the terraform documentation is so powerful that even gives you examples that you can literally copy the you know example and basically make the changes according to your needs right so you see that this example in here is pretty comprehensive it's giving a lot of options right our example is a simple is a simpler version of it right see it's the same resource oci database autonomous database and then the name of the resource same thing here right and then you can basically use the documentation to create your terraform code right you don't need to memorize or keep that in mind right or you know note that every single resource um on the top of your mind because it is impossible and it's it also changes every single day right because the cloud providers are changing and adding more resources adding more features so what i recommend you to do is what i recommend you to do is every single time that you are creating your infrastructure as a coach uh you know codes like the terraform for example you should rely 100 on the documentation to give you the resources and the references that you need to create the coach right that's something that you need to keep in mind because that's something that will completely uh change your game right you don't need to have everything on your brain it's impossible right uh no one would do it but you just need to know very well where to get the information and the best place is of course the documentation as i'm showing you right so coming back to the to the console uh to the laptop now and here you see that we are actually giving a few parameters that is going to be used to create our autonomous database like the password with compartment how many cpu the database name and please notice that all of that is going to be done by a oracle dba and infrastructure engineer working together in a given project right remember in the project that we are working right right now that's something that is being done by raj and daniel right and imagine if raj and daniel didn't have this knowledge they wouldn't even be hired right because that's something that they would need to do in the project that was exactly because the people under vankage did not um was not part of this um you know kind of tasks right because they didn't have any terraform knowledge they didn't have any clue right terraform is it for eating or drinking zero clue and you are here and then you are way more uh you know way ahead of these guys so that's a good thing now you know what's there from and then you can you're able to create your code as well that's exactly what you're going to do at the end of the mission all right so coming back now just to wrap up in here on on the database so all the parameters you can give like for the tags you can give the tags so that you can organize your resources for example you can give tags like department so that you can know that for example that database is from the air crew department or is from the financing department or from the sales department right you can organize your resources very well uh we cover um you know a lot of that in the mood cloud boot camp exhaust that you can you know see how you can um you know even organize the building of your resources based on tags so that's something that you keep in mind as well and that's it right so here is the resource uh for creating the autonomous database basically a few lines 25 up to 44 and that's how we're going to do it in a minute there in the console now moving forward if you remember in the architecture we also need to create a object storage bucket remember right and the um role of the objects of the object storage bucket in this project is the following right um basically you're going to see that during the migration we will need to you know do the export of the database running in the on-premise environment and take the dump of the database and that dump has the data of the database running you know on-premises environment and we're going to take this dump and upload that dump to the object storage blockage city in auto cloud infrastructure right once the dump is sitting there on the object storage bucket what we're going to do is we're going to use a imports tool the data pump 2 to import the data inside of the autonomous database but it needs to be inside of the object storage first so that you can create the connection between the autonomous database and the object storage that's exactly what we did in american alliance by the way that's exactly which we migrated a few databases following this approach that i'm showing you right now of course there are a few other databases that are more critical that probably you would need to use more advanced techniques like gold engage to allow you you know real-time replications that you can migrate with zero downtime but that's something else that was for a you know big database that we had to migrate uh but you know the same concept would apply right if you are a dba that you know gold engage and if you are edging the cloud knowledge now on your skill set you are going to be able to do it very easily because you you are going to you know have the true uh the true size of the knowledge right the on premises along with the cloud that's something that makes you you know really really powerful really really strong right so keep that in mind okay so basically the object starters will be used for that and then here is the resource that we're going to use to create the object storage in there right very simple uh just a few lines of code we're going to choose the resource type which is the oci opti object storage bucket and then we're going to create the bucket and the name of the bucket will be dbf crew one right so that's gonna be the name of our package and the namespace is something that we're going to get from our account on oci so that you can uh update on your coach uh with your namespace value okay so that's something that's exactly what we're going to do right now okay cool so excellent now let's move forward and what we're going to do is uh i'm going to show with you uh share with you actually uh a few notes all right so don't worry now these notes actually will be inside of your pdf okay i just want you to follow step by step uh what i'm going to do but right now just pay attention i don't want you to do it now okay just pay attention just try to understand what i'm doing i don't want you to do now because you're going to have the opportunity of doing yourself at the end of the mission okay so now just follow along with me and let's go for it okay so cool the first thing that you are going to do is you're going to basically go there uh on your oracle cloud infrastructure account okay so basically i'm going to go back in here on my article cloud infrastructure account i'm just refresh my browser uh since that it got hung let me just close this and open again oh okay there you go it came up okay so please go there log into your auto cloud infrastructure account right not right now but once you're doing it of course and then here on the top you're going to see the cloud shell just go and click on the cloud shop and the cloud shell as i mentioned is a web based terminal okay it allows you to run commands in a fully fully uh web-based way okay so here is our cloud shell and the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to download the terraform coach right i'm going to add the the wgatch in here uh we're going to download the terraform code okay the terraform code inside of cloud shell okay so all of that you are going to have inside of your pdf okay just go there and copy that command just run the wget and the wget is basically a command that allows you to download files using command line okay so wget and then give the zip file let me just clear the screen and then as you can see i just downloaded this file dcn mission 2 i'm just going to unzip that file now unzip that file and it's actually saying that i already have a um yeah you can just replace that that's fine and then also it's uh it gets unzipped let me clear the screen that it can be better a folder mission 2 is going to be created see that so inside of this folder if you go inside of this folder mission 2 you're going to see there is a terraform folder inside of the cell phone folder oci folder and then finally you're going to have the main.df file right and clear screen this is the main.tf file which is the same file that we actually um saw in a you know minutes minutes ago a few minutes ago uh which i showed you the terraform resources right that you are we're going to execute to um spin up our infrastructure all right so now what we need to do is once we run the terraform code it's going to ask us for a few parameters right remember that we are going we are using a few variables in here so because of that we need to you know get a few data from our account write it down so that we can use it later so basically the first thing that you need to do is go there on your account and you're going to get you know the values for the compartment ig that we're going to use your tenancy ig and also i want you to check what is your wrong home region all right i'm going to show you right now so coming back to the console let's minimize the cloud shelf for now the first thing that we need to get if you look at the our nodes is the compartment ig the way that you can get the compartment id is you just come in here on the navigation menu and then you just come in identity and security and then here under identi you're you're going to see the compartment all right and probably in your case you're just going to have the root compartment which is the compartment that comes already created with your account when you create a new account on our cloud infrastructure so the third column you see that it is the oc ig so basically the the third column has the ig of this compartment you just need to uh come in here and click and copy to copy your um id of your compartment just copy that come back on your notes and you know put it in there because you're you're going to you know use that uh when you're running the terraform too and the second thing that you need to get is the tendency of cig all right for forgetting the tennessee oci you can come in here on your profile and you can click here in tenancy and the tenancy as as i explained to you is just the account that is created for you on our cloud infrastructure and once you're here on your tenancy you're going to see the oc ig of your tendency which is under ocig field i just need to show so so that you can see right uh how uh the ocig looks like and then once you do that just clicking copy and then you're going to get your oc ig for your tenancy copy all right and then now i want you to check what is your home region when you create your account on our cloud infrastructure you need to define a home region it's basically the primary region that you're going to use to provision your resources all right and in this case you can basically go there and pick the home region that is showing up in here in this future for you can you please put myself a small on the side of screen from your production yeah there you go and then people can see me as well so then here you i just want you to see what is your home region all right and then uh just write it down okay because you're going to give that uh when you're creating uh your infrastructure in terraform as well okay so in my case in here my home region is ashburn u.s east okay so just come in here and say us ashburn so that you can get that information all right and then you're going to click on the cloud shell that that's something that we actually already did and then the other thing that we're going to do is we're going to go there and basically copy this command i want you to copy this command because we need to get the object storage namespace and the region name the ig of the regions that we can use in the terraform code so basically the oci is a command line interface right it's the cli of autocall infrastructure that you can use to run commands on your oci account so this one that we're going to run oci os for object status nes for namespace and gatch we're going to get the namespace ig for uh my object storage uh namespace in here on my tenancy right so what you need to do is just come in here and copy that the result of data because you're going to need that as well and then just come in here and write down put in here on your notepad and then finally i want you to just run the region list ocim region list that you can see what is the code of your region so that you can use as well during the terraform code execution so let me just clear the screen and then pass in your cim region list and then once you run that basically this command is going to output you the list of regions of oci around the globe right and then as you can see it's going to show you all the regions but i want you to go on this list to move on this list and see what is the name of your region what is the code like in this formation here of your region in my case my region as i showed you is ashburn so this is the code of my region all right us ashburn one just copy that and put on your notepad as well because you're going to need that um to you know inform them in the terraform code creation all right so once you do that you have the prerequisites in place which is good right now the next step that you need to do is you need to go there on your terraform coach right so this one in here which is already there on your um cloud shell but uh i'm going to show you in here in my editor i'm going to show you how you can add that in a cloud shell as well but here on line 53 i want you to go there on your notes and copy your namespace right the idea of your namespace and i want you to come in here on namespace field and just replace that with your namespace ig right because you're going to need that for um you know creating your object scottish everything else you can capture as the same right the database name the password everything just keep the same because um on the upcoming steps i'm going to assume that um you know the database name is going to be this one in here the password is going to be this one you can you can change that but you are going to need to change it in the application files as well so that it can communicate with the database i don't recommend that especially if you're you know still getting started just leave everything else as it is but you know change the line 53 on the namespace okay and then if you are there on the cloud shell you can do it from the cloud shell as well which is easier you just need to run vi and then the name of the file and then you can go there scroll down to line 53 just come in here and you know replace it uh with the ig of your namespace right that's very simple okay so close the file and that's it okay once you do that you're ready to uh the next steps so the next step the one that we just did was the step six right and the next step is actually run the terraform in each right and that's exactly what we're going to do now so let's uh you know come in here on our cloud shell let me clear the screen now i want you to make sure that you are in the right folder so just run a pwd uh a pwg and run a ls and make sure that you see the file main.tf right otherwise these steps will not work okay once you do that just clear your screen and then run the terraform image first all right so once you run the terraforming in niche what's going to happen is terraform is going to go there and download the terraform oci provider remember and then it's going to install it inside of your cloud shell right so it just did that we are good now we can move to the next step the next step is to run the terraform plan as i explained you what it does just run that and then as you can see it's going to ask you a few parameters right the first one is going to be the compartment ig so come back on your notes and move forward in here to the step three and just copy the compartment id that you just copy in the step three all right that you just wrote down step three copy that and give it in here same thing for the region it's going to ask you for the region ig and then given that you have the region ig here actually on um step 5 you need to give that region name in that format all right us dash one if you're if you're region it is if your home region is a different one you need to make sure to give that in that format right you shouldn't give it in the name like in the name of the region because it's not going to work it's going to look for this coding here okay so just give the region name and then finally it's going to ask you for the set for the tenancy or cig you can just copy your tenancy or cig from your notepad as well and give it in here all right so once you do that it's gonna run the terraform let me maximize in here choose so that you can see it better it's gonna run the terraform plan and then at this time terraform is you didn't do anything right it is just checking to see if you already have this resource already created on your terraform stage file right this file in here that uh we already uh here on the whiteboard and then alms it sees that there is nothing inside of the stage fire it's going to go there it's going to tell you what are the changes that are going to be made inside of your oci or arc large infrastructure infrastructure right so basically uh here you see that whenever you see this plus green sign it it means that the terraform will create a new resource so it's saying you know here for us on this output that's gonna you know create a new resource uh of of the database which is the database the autonomous database right it's gonna create the new database and then if you scroll down here it's going to create a new bookage object storage book edge first right and then it's actually gives you a summary saying that it's plenty to you know add two new resources planning to change zero resources and planning to destroy zero resources basically gives you peace of mind to understand what the tool will do prior to executing the apply which actually goes there and you know create changes on your cloud infrastructure okay all right so cool and the next step now that you're going to run is the apply but let me just come back in here on the console and make sure that i don't have any autonomous database with the name that i'm going to create right um in my case in here i think i have yeah i just have the dbf crew without the one so the one that we're going to create has the one at the end the b a crew one in my case i just have one created the test one that i was attaching right and then you're going to see that the big crew one is going to be created right this one here is actually terminated uh it was the one that was created while i was testing the script just make sure that it's working fine and then this is not there anymore you see that the stage is terminated it doesn't exist anymore and let's have a look on the object storage bucket as well so for you to look at object splash bucket just go on the menu storage and then click on the buckets and then here in in the bucket you see that we don't have any bucket db uh air crew one nothing is in there all right so you just have that bucket db just down uti but this is not applicable and then probably you don't you are not going to have any buckets because your account is fresh okay so all right cool we are good now let's come back to the cloud shell restore and maximize now let's just clear the screen and let's run the terraform apply command okay so once you run the terraform apply command you just need to give the parameters again and then maybe you are wondering uh hey john do i need to give it every single time uh actually no right i'm showing you these ways that you can understand how the two works but in a production environment you can create one variables file and then put all the files all the variables right with the values inside of this variable file or you can set the variables using environment variables as well so that it can be ready for you to run any time that you need to spin up a new infrastructure right but just show you the options because it's important for you to understand how the tool works okay so now just giving the region the same thing that i was doing for the plan command right nothing new so that's why i'm going a little bit uh faster so then it's gonna run so if everything goes well it's gonna ask you if you want to really perform these actions right it's gonna ask you hey if you type yes we're going to go there and create the infrastructure or make the changes uh that are showing up in the topic here on your infrastructure are you ready and if you say yes hit enter if everything goes well it's going to go there on article cloud infrastructure on your couch and given that the terraform is already pre-authenticated here um on on your cloud shell you saw that we didn't give any authentication information right we didn't give any password any keys anything like that because terraform is already you know pre-configured inside of your cloud shell that's one of the benefits of using the terraform when you need to provision infrastructure in autocloud infrastructure you can use the terraform inside of cloud shell because you don't need to deal with uh authentication issues creating keys and all of that right it is much more convenient and given that it is already going there and start creating the resources in my account so let's minimize it here and see how it's gonna you know if it it already started creating the autonomous database so let's come back on the autonomous database screen let's see if it is already showing up yeah there you go and then as you can see the db crew let me restore this one the db crew database db crew one was provisioning and it's it is already available it has already finished guys oh my gosh how amazing can that be less than less than two minutes actually right less than two minutes we have a oracle autonomous database fully provisioned for us in our cloud infrastructure can you believe right why did you think about that right it's pretty pretty amazing if you're liking it please give me your thumbs up so that they can see that you're enjoying the content so far all right and also as you can see it also created the buckage right the cloud stylish bucket or the object storage baggage and actually took uh zero seconds right it actually took less than one second to to create so now we have the db accru one that was created our database and we also probably have the buckage in the object storage so let's see if the bucket was really created so let's go to scottish and then come in here in buckets and let's see if the bucket was created and there you go here we go book hdb crew one it was just created if you remember the bucket was not there yet right so it was just created and yeah that's amazing bucket is available for us all right so cool so now let me share a few other things with you quickly in here so that we can go to the mission come back to camera one please production um all right so while i'm switching to camera one please uh let me know give me the thumbs ups and subscribe to our youtube channel if you are enjoying this content that we can see that you like this kind of content and we can do more for you more trainings like this all right cool so all right come back to my screen all right so cool so if you look right now in here in the new tech gym right you look at the you know there are literally two sides right look at both sides in one side you have venkat and his chin please pay attention to that right please 100 100 attention to that right now in one side you have venkat and his team and at this time as you could see in the project they're just not part of it right they're they're just set aside and right now looking at mahesh's team executing very interesting steps in the project in the cloud environment like you just saw the you know terraform step was you know just um uh executed by raj right in conjunction with daniel right so you can see that venkat and his chain are being literally being left behind right and my question to you now is if you had the opportunity to join this team right this managed services team on which side would you go on vancouver's side getting ignored and losing relevance in his company or mahashi's side executing interesting projects and paying very well for his highly skilled club team right because as i have been mentioning you have to decide on which side you want to be right you see clearly here there are two sides and if you remember the recruiter that had had to you know literally run after the people on linkedin to hire them so that they could join the mahesh's team right and i just wanted to be you know open and quick for interested in here now to show you what attributes those people developed you know meaning those people under my my hash developed that coach the recruiter eyes to hire them right because you know the cloud technical skills you know were very critical to hire them but it was not everything right they developed what i call the irresistible professional theory right please pay attention to this now this can change completely your career please pay immediate attention to this now irresistible professional theory was something that has created based on my own career so i started as a trainee and i actually landed in a really high pain position in silicon valley so during that journey what i noticed um you know i started you know seeing what was making sense and what was working in my career so based out of that i created that framework which is i call as an irresistible professional theory that is exactly what is going to you know make you to be chased by companies willing to hire you right if you follow those this you know the three building blocks i'm gonna share with you right now there's absolutely no way the companies would not go after you right you're going to learn it right now so the first thing or the first pillar of the irresistible professional theory is that you of course need to develop technical skill sets like you're doing on the cloud computing training this week but those technical excuse and they they need to be deep and they also need to be validated and aligned with the market what do i mean by deep right you need to actually have the technical use but you need to you know uh make sure that you practice them that you go there and execute projects like you're doing here this week right because that's gonna help you to make your knowledge deep and also validated means that you can validate your knowledge by taking the cloud certifications right i have the opportunity to hire so many people and of course i would prefer to hire people which has which have cloud certification right absolutely because in addition to the skill sets in addition to uh the knowledge being deep if they have the cloud certification they show to me that okay they have a you know certification a you know um signature or some kind of validation um assuming that they did not or anything like that right because if they if people go there and just you know do cloud certifications using dumps i'm gonna cut them i'm gonna cut them during the interview process right so camera one please right if you have this mindset to on cloud certification like using dumps and you go to an interview with a technical guy for example like myself i'm gonna catch you in less than 30 seconds can you imagine that any technical recruiter or heidi manager or somebody which is really technical can notice immediately if that person took certification of have any fake knowledge immediately right just with a few basic questions that can catch you so please don't make the mistake of thinking that okay cloud certifications are not work because they can on them you can on them but uh people will catch you sooner or later right that's uh that's something that you're not going to be you don't want to go right so please keep that in mind coming back to the itp ipt right and they also need to be aligned with the market right something that we are doing here cloud migration is one of the top three cloud initiatives in big companies nowadays so that's something that you understand you need to actually have the knowledge with something that the market is willing or looking for right uh which is in our case in the cloud migration on the mooc cloud boot camp we do many other projects as well but you just need to develop this pillar and the second one which is one of the most important when people actually ignore that and because of that they keep stuck is to develop the soft skills networking and personal skills right think about that do you think that the people under my hash would be noticed in linkedin if they were not there on linkedin or if their profile or on linkedin were not updated if they were not active on linkedin do you think that the recruiter would find them they wouldn't right so that's why it's very important for you to develop this ability here networking personal marketing with goals on your linkedin of course and then they're in the mood cloud bootcamp we do a lot of that as well you know giving you a lot of advice as you how you can do it uh how you can basically update your linkedin to make it so attractive um that the recruiters will contact you um you know almost every single day right and also you you need to develop soft skills right like communication negotiation because issues are going to happen in cloud projects so you're going to need to you know be well positioned to uh you know resolve these issues and move forward right and then because of that you need to develop the soft skills as well and the other pillar that many many this one in here i think that you know only five percent of the tech professionals would develop today which changes completely your game which is the strategic view right so basically the strategic view allows you to see to where the market is heading without anyone telling you that right so basically that's the way that you can develop uh by you know looking at what the sea levels of the you know uh iq professionals are actually the executive tech professionals like the sea levels are thinking what they are planning to do next what they're moving towards you right all of that comes with the strategic view and how you can develop that you can basically start looking and reading articles from you know vehicles like cio.com forbes.com wall street all these you know um flex air reports all these um places that can help you to understand what the sea levels are actually thinking of the technology future of the cloud future right that's something that i actually developed myself and i also i now teach that to my students in the mood cloud boot camp and that's something that is you know getting them a lot of results right because uh if you want to be really irresistible you need to understand that you need to develop really well those three pillars and only that technical pillar would not be enough right and now my question to you is are you on the side of the professionals right uh that are increasing the salaries or on the one professionals whose sales are decreasing are you on the side of tech professionals working with repetitive and discouraging jobs are the ones working with cloud computing in a highly automated and high-tech environment are you on the side of iq professions who are feeling frustrated and discouraged or on the side of your profession who are confident and motivated to go and get the best opportunities right because you need to decide do you want to be a irresistible professional or do you want to be a ignorable professional there are just two options right and i'm gonna share with you right that today um given that the ipg has been already applied to other people i'm gonna show if you share with you a few success cases really quick from the move cloud bootcamp so that you can inspire yourself and see that you can get there as well right the first one i wanted to share with you is this gentleman here dj dj uh was a senior network engineer without any cloud experience he actually um you know joined one of our free trainings like this one that you are right now right uh but he actually decided that after the free training he wanted to you know take the next step and then he joined it the mood cloud boot camp and the result of him was in less than 30 days after joining the mood cloud boot camp he actually is still on the program right he's still there but in less than 30 days after the mooch cloud bootcamp program implementing the hands-on projects that we do during the boot camp right so many projects that we're doing there like this one that you're doing this week but we do actually 30 plus projects in the mood club bootcamp can you believe you do it you know more than 30 times in addition to more than 30 cloud challenges it's crazy right he developed all of that and by applying the irresistible professional theory on his career he just got a offer by a us-based company for a google cloud position a google cloud engineer full-time position right just because he actually uh went for it he actually wanted to go to the next level and the and he's already seen the results on his career right so that's something that you can um get as well the other success case is is another ig profession without any cloud experience right wagner actually is a senior infrastructure engineer uh and with a lot of experience on database and then after completing the mulch cloud boot camp getting the new cloud certifications he actually took cloud certification and applying the irresistible professional theory on his career he got hired by oracle corporation for a senior cloud engineer full-time position right so that's something that you can get there as well there's no difference between them and you the only thing is that they went for it right but now um please pay attention now right very important okay we are just going to we are almost going to you know i'm going to share with you the mission so that you can do it but please stay attention on this now okay very important all of that will only happen okay all of that we only have on your career as well if you shift your mindset you continue writing your own career to take the next step to go to the other side right you see all those examples from the mood cloud boot camp and you feel motivated right you feel that okay that's cool but i know i know what a few of you are thinking right now some of you are kind of fearing of the new you are afraid of changes but let me tell you something you will not grow without changing you need to take risks to grow on your career to achieve your dreams otherwise who is going to do it for you if you don't take the lead on doing it on your career who's gonna do it for you you cannot be left behind please keep that in mind right you need to uh you know basically left behind everything that blocks you to succeed on your career right and for that you're going to basically control your brain you need to control your brain in your mind and remove all the blockers that will try to stop you to evolve right things like i don't have time a lot of people say it i don't have time the problem is that you actually are not prioritizing your career and if you don't do that no one you uh will do that for you and when you don't prioritize your career you're actually uh you know just being away from your dreams right just being away from where uh you want to get so this is not something that you can allow your brain or your mind to tell you right you don't have time that's not true you can just prioritize all of you all of us right we have 24 hours all of those guys they have 24 hours the you know dj wagner for example uh we got a lot of success on on on that careers right they also had 24 hours it's just a matter of privilege right are you going to prioritize your career or are you going to prioritize watching tvs or you know um browsing on the social networks whatever it is right you need to decide many people say i don't have money right the problem is usually you are not willing to prioritize a investment on your career so that you can go there and actually stop having this issue with money and start making more but you are not going to make more if you don't have the knowledge if you don't have the job position that are really well paid you're going to keep you know making less and less right you need to change that a lot of people also say i don't have the knowledge i don't have you know the cloud knowledge it's too much to learn ah oh my gosh and i need to share something with you right while you're thinking about that there are a lot of people in the market getting the best position and you're thinking in that way so you need to change your mindset and a few people also say my company is not using cloud yet i don't want to learn cloud you don't need that right and then that's one of the biggest mistakes because the problem is when those people are let go for example you that think like that if you are let go for you know but by your company and if you go through to the market to get a new position you're going to see that most of the positions are requiring the multiple cloud providers knowledge nowadays and then if you don't have that you're out of the game right and all of that will try to stop you to evolve but you need to be in the control of yourself now and say that's enough that's enough right you apply for job positions and no one calls you you need to say that's enough you see everyone on your linkedin network and you're stuck on the same place for years you need to say that's enough you lose so many life change opportunities because you don't have any cloud knowledge that's enough you don't deserve that you keep doing that boarding tax you know or working with that body manager just to get a paycheck at the end of the month that's enough you deserve more than that while others are actually working less in making more you are being underpaid with the workload of two people that's enough that's enough you live that only one life that you have fully frustrated and i need you to say that's enough you don't deserve that right that's why i want to encourage you to say that's enough please put on the comments now say just say that's enough that's enough for everything that you know is actually you are already sick of right please mention what else you're sick of you you want to get something you can't or you want to get there you are not there yet please let me know but whatever it is you just need to say to that thing is that's enough i'm gonna get there right i'm gonna get there as well i can be there as well is it going to be easy no it's not gonna be easy right you're going to have to renounce a few things to get there you see those you know examples in here the success case there are videos that those guys were sharing their experiences they had to you know uh spend their time studying and putting efforts while their families were waiting for them because you know they actually got in a agreement that they were doing it for the future so that's something that you also would need to renounce to growth right it is very normal to structure to sacrifice a little bit of your time with family of friends when you want to achieve it more it is normal to take risks and fear in the new i understand you right you're all all human beings okay i fear the new as well right i feel the new as well camera one production please one one experience i'm gonna share with you and we're going to go to the mission right when i uh when i actually left oracle to join the cloud boot camp don't you think that i was fearing the new as well right i was there on my comfort zone making you know high multiple six figures here in the u.s with a lot of rcos our our rsus actually the stocks uh you know waiting for me and then i just had to throw everything away because i wanted to go to the next level of my career i wanted to you know develop myself as a person i wanted to you know experiment something new that is prepare others to you know get best the best positions as well but you think that you know that would be something easy for me just get out of my comfort zone uh and and you know being here doing whatever i'm doing today it was not easy but i wanted to grow as a person as a professional i did that and then the same thing you can do it as well right that's something that i wanted to encourage you because i see a lot of people stuck because of this you know uh fearing of new right that's not something that uh you can do right think about that i didn't need to be here today right i couldn't be in oracle i got offers from amazon from microsoft there are more than 400 000 job openings available in the us right now i could be one of that no one would ever hear about jean rodriguez at the cloud bootcamp but i decided to be here i'm committed to be here for your success right and then i want you to be committed with your success as well because i'm here for you and i believe that you can do it all right so the question i have to you now is are you ready to go to the other side put on the comments if you're ready but i'm ready if you're ready to go to the other side you're going to you know have to go through the process it's normal it's going to pain a little bit but you know you're going to get there all right so having that said let's move to you know let's just recap what we did today switch to my um this light please it's very hot in here on the studio production if you can uh raise the ac it's very hot in here a lot of lights on my face now all right so looking at the solution architecture what we have covered today basically we have provisioned the autonomous database all right uh using terraform i showed you how it works and also i also basically uh showed you how you can do it in a fully automated way and also how you can do that the same thing using the console and at this time we have the autonomous database and object storage bucket already created uh in article cloud in infrastructure right so basically we are done with this piece of the project in the next upcoming upcoming missions we are going to move forward with other steps right like we're going to do the application conversion process we're going to deploy that application inside of the azure app service uh we're going to do you know the migration of the database connect the application on azure with the database on our cloud infrastructure so what i want you to do now is your mission is this one first thing i want you to go there after this mission my chain is going to share with you the link of the dashboard so that you can go there and get the pdf with all the instructions that you can do yourself as well this mission right so you go there and implement the part one of this project using terraform and then once you do that just go there take a screenshot of your infrastructure resources up and running on oci on other cloud infrastructures that you can get the evidence for the certificate at the end of the training and the other requirement that you have is you need to go there on your linkaging and create uh a post using the screenshot telling the story behind um of what we did and tag myself at john rodriguez and tag the cloud bootcamps that you can see that you did that and you can get the crashes for the certificate as well right and at the same time you're going to start you know sharing with your network that you're searching learning cloud that's going to make all the difference uh on your networking and personal branding going forward all right and then also please go there on my uh on my linkedin profile and share uh your experience right and actually tag uh five people right on on your post when are creating your post go there and tag your people um on on your post or you can even use my last post as well that's fine i didn't change in here but actually you can use your post and tag those people in there so it's going to be easier for you and invite them for joining you the cloud training just copy the registration link and share that with them and if you're not there yet just join the the cloud bootcamp community um on slack and introduce yourself and network with other participants all right so that's your mission for today okay so what i'm going to do now i'm going to show you where you're going to get the pdf just to make sure that you're comfortable with that and and then we're going to wrap up um and also on once i do that i'm going to release the code that you can get it okay so just one second let me get the link um all right so one second please can you guys please share the link with me should let me check in here i think i don't have uh the link all right so let me get the dashboard link okay give me one second all right okay mission true yeah there you go okay sweet back to my uh laptop please yeah there you go here on the dashboard you're going to see that there is a button in here to access the challenge too right here you're going to click and you're going to see the pdf um to um you know get the instructions and download the zip file with the terraform files that you can do it uh yourself as well okay so basically that's where you're going to get the pdf and then again the pdf password is gonna be uh the you know the the part one of the code along with the part two of the code i'm gonna release in a minute the second part of the code right and then you can also join our isla community and please if you're still not part of our whatsapp group to receive all the links to the missions and the pdf materials please come in here and click enjoy so that you don't miss out right and the other thing is if you're not there on the whatsapp group you are not going to get the link for the mentoring over zoom with me on saturday all right you need to be there okay so now having that said please release the last part of the coach production please and then come back to camera one actually and is there anything else that i need to share um that i might you know have missed can you please share with me okay cool so basically uh that's that's your mission for today all right so now if you're willing to go for it so just you know let me know on the comments please hit the thumbs up if you enjoyed uh the mission too all right and tomorrow we're going to continue and that's going to be exciting as well please be ready we're going to do a lot of hands-on tomorrow it's going to be a little bit more um dense than than today you're going to do a few more uh tasks tomorrow so please come ready right and please let me know if you enjoyed that and if so please left uh you know your hashtag i'm ready let's go for it and i'll see you tomorrow on mission three right yeah tomorrow omission three here at the same time on the same place alright thank you very much for watching see you tomorrow bye [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: The Cloud Bootcamp - English
Views: 2,677
Rating: 4.9016395 out of 5
Id: 8btrCRL31Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 19sec (6799 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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