AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals Certification Course Part 1/2

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join us today before we get started there's a few  housekeeping items we'd like to go over with you   now firstly you can resize the webinar windows to  cater to your viewing preferences you can maximize   minimize and drag the windows to your preferred  viewing size if you look at the bottom middle   of your screen you can click on the widgets that  you'll need to get the most out of this virtual   experience secondly Microsoft specialists are  on hand to answer your questions in real time   so feel free to type in your questions using  the q and a window and we'll answer them as soon   as we can lastly we've provided some additional  resources for you to supplement your learning you   can access them by clicking on the links in this  section without further ado i'll hand over to our   speakers hello and welcome to the Microsoft azure  training days fundamentals event this course will   cover foundational knowledge of cloud services and  how those services are provided by Microsoft azure   as we move from parts one to part two we'll cover  cloud concepts cloud models azure resources azure   core services and solutions and key services  such as security privacy compliance and trust   we'll wrap up with pricing and support as you  can see we have a lot to cover this course will   prepare you to run your az900 exam and obtain  your microsoft azure fundamentals certification   so let's get started let me start off by  introducing myself my name is lorraine lawrence   and i'm an azure technical trainer  based in the toronto canada office   it is both my honor and privilege to be here with  you today as we go through the fundamentals course the course has six modules module one  will be cloud concepts module two we'll   talk about azure course services module three  is all about solutions and management tools   module 4 will look at security and network  security module 5 will look at identity   governance privacy and compliance ending off the  module 6 which is azure pricing and life cycles let's start by talking about the exam  this course maps directly to the az900   microsoft azure fundamentals exam the questions  are pulled from a pool of hundreds of questions   and you're given 60 minutes to write the exam  the exam will be multiple choice and there will   be no labs if you look at the chart in front of  you the approximate weight of the subject matter   is indicated on the right hand side the higher the  percentage the more questions you'll likely see on   the exam in that area if you're new to the cloud i  suggest you supplement this learning with a little   bit more study we have a wonderful microsoft  learn course which maps directly to this course   with extra reading materials outside links case  scenarios and quizzes i highly recommend it let's begin with module one azure cloud concepts in module 1 we'll look at cloud models including  public private and hybrid cloud we're going to   look at cloud benefits and considerations  and look at why customers are moving to the   cloud and then we're also going to look at cloud  services and a term called shared responsibility cloud models in cloud models we're going to define  what cloud computing is we're going to look at the   public private and hybrid cloud models and then  we're going to compare the three models together so what is cloud computing it's the on-demand  access to a shared pool of computing resources   they are normally located around the world and  these resources can be anything from servers   networks storage database applications etc the  resources that you use can be provisioned and   released with minimal effort you don't need any  deep technical skill to use the public cloud public cloud it is owned by a  cloud services or hosting provider   they provide resources and services to multiple  organizations and users these users normally   access the network via secure connection typically  over the internet there's no deep technical skills   required to use the public cloud and the service  is usually available to everyone the public   so private cloud on the other extreme is owned  by an organization it is normally only limited   to that organization and the organization  is responsible for everything from actually   purchasing the hardware to the updates to  the networking and the security everything   the organization does not normally allow public  access to their resources it is normally private   and then we have hybrid cloud it is a  combination of public and private cloud   the organization decides what resources they're  going to put in the cloud and which ones they're   going to keep in their own private cloud deep  technical skills are required to maintain the   private cloud and also ensure that both clouds can  operate together efficiently there's flexibility   the organization decides what is in the private  cloud and what is in the public cloud and they   are able to meet any compliance regulations  regarding security or data requirements so let's take a look at the three models  again public cloud we talked about that   the organizations pay for only what they use  in the cloud it's available to the public and   there's no capital expenditure needed to scale  up resources the other extreme is private cloud   where the hardware has to be purchased by  the organization who is running that cloud   deep technical skills are required for the  maintenance and updates of this private cloud   the organization normally has complete control of  the resources and do not let the public access it   and then there's hybrid cloud the most  flexible of the three cloud models   the organization will determine which  applications and resources run where   meeting any data requirements and  compliance regulations they need to meet so let's take a look at cloud benefits and  considerations cloud benefits we are going to   look at some key terminology regarding the cloud  we're also going to look at capital expenditure   and operational expenditure we're going to  look at what a consumption based model is so why is everyone moving to  the cloud there must be a reason   the eight terms in front of you  are probably the biggest reasons   customers are moving to the cloud let's start  at the top high availability what is that it's   the ability to keep resources up and running for  long periods of time with very little downtime then there's scalability so we have two different  terms scaling out which is horizontal scaling   which means adding more resources or servers  or virtual machines as you need them and then   they're scaling up adding to existing resources  either by adding more cpu or adding more memory   global reach another big benefit of the cloud  is being able to access resources and put your   resources around the world and then agility the  ability to react quickly to workload demands do   you have a sudden spike in traffic do you need  to allocate more resources or do you have a   sudden slowdown and need to de-allocate resources  fault tolerance is that ability to remain up and   running if a component or service has a failure  or no longer working we all know what it's like   to when you turn on your computer and you have  that tap tap tap noise meaning your hard drive   is not working well in the cloud there's all  sorts of ways protecting yourself against that   and then we have elasticity similar to scalability  but i want you to think of elastic band so an   elastic band when you pull it when you release  it it goes back automatically that is elasticity   the ability to automatically increase  or decrease resources as needed   customer latency you want to be as close  to your customers as possible to reduce the   latency for them accessing your resources so  now with the cloud with that global reach you   can put resources around the world putting  them as close to your customers as possible   and then predictive cost it goes  with a calculator we'll look at later   helping you determine the actual cost of  what you're going to spend in the cloud   before you spend it no one wants that surprise  bill at the end of the month where they thought   it was a certain number and it's double or triple  in the cloud you you're able to quote what you're   going to spend before you actually spend it  and that will take a look at coming up soon let's talk about expenditure models we have  capital expenditure or capex as it's known   is the upfront spending of  money on physical infrastructure   when we needed to create our own data  center we had to get budgets approved   by a space or have a location go and physically  buy those resources and then network them all   together put them all together to build our own  data center so that's a capital expenditure model   in the cloud we don't need to do that we are  spending as we needed and that's operational   expenditure op x so the expenses are normally  deducted in the same year and you're paying   monthly or yearly for those expenses so capital  expenditure versus operational expenditure consumption based model another huge benefit  of the cloud previously when we used to have   our own data centers we'd have to plan for those  spikes and traffic in the data center when we're   actually building it so most data centers would  run at 50 to 60 percent of their actual capacity   having room for that spike whenever it happened  in the cloud we don't have to spend that money   up front and we don't have to plan for that in  advance we use the resources as needed and pay   as we use them think of it like your utility  bill you have a meter on it and you pay by   what you actually use the same thing in the  cloud you're paying by what you actually use   and if you don't need a resource anymore you  can de-allocate it or remove it from the cloud let's talk about cloud services cloud services  we actually have three different types of cloud   service models the first one being ias which  is infrastructure as a service the second one   pass which is platform as a service and then  we have sas which is software as a service   each contain different levels of managed  services you can use a combination of these   types of services depending on what  you require for example you can use   microsoft 365 for your company's computers  which is sas in azure you can host your vms   which are an is model and you can use azure sql  database which is a pass model to store your data   the cloud gives you that flexibility and  you can use any combination you choose it's   important to understand these different service  models because they're used in conversation   documentation and training after that we'll also  talk about what a shared responsibility model is infrastructure is a service so what is it  it's basically the paying for resources   as you need them so it's like renting servers  and virtual machines in the cloud and you're   paying by what you actually use when you need  it think of that meter again on your hydro   so in this case infrastructure service you're  going to rent servers you're going to rent the   firewalls and security and you're renting the  physical data center or the building and you   put all your resources on top of that you load  your own virtual machines you choose your storage   you choose your operating system all  from that cloud solution provider   in the platform as a service model the cloud  solution provider is responsible for everything   apart from the customer's own application  they are responsible for managing the server   the infrastructure the operating system the  network and even the service configuration   this model provides an environment for building  testing and employing software applications   without having to worry about the underlying  infrastructure it allows your company to be   more efficient and more productive and then  we have software as a service users connect to   and use cloud-based apps over the internet for  example microsoft office 365 and calendars and   they're basically renting that software monthly or  yearly the cloud solution provider so in this case   microsoft would take care of everything else so  the servers the networking the operating systems   the physical buildings development tools  and even the hosted applications and apps summarizing the three cloud service models  we have the is pass and sas models in ios i want   you to think of the word flexibility microsoft  the cloud provider configures and manages the   hardware running underneath your application you  the customer selects the operating system and the   hardware a good example of an is resource  is virtual machines in pass i want you to   think productivity the customer focuses on their  application development the platform is managed   by the cloud solution provider which is microsoft  a good example of a pass product is app services   or containers and lastly we have sas which i  want you to think of the word subscription it's   a pay-as-you-go pricing model monthly or yearly  and i want you to think of microsoft 365 email   calendars or tools such as teams remember you  can use any combination of these infrastructures we've just reviewed the cloud service  models and remember it's all about control   you choose the level of control you want the  shared responsibility model in front of you   goes hand in hand with these cloud  service models let's take a look   when you look at on premises the very left on  that chart in front of you that's our private   cloud that customer is responsible for  that entire stack you see in front of you   so everything green from storage all the way up  to data and access the customer is responsible for moving to the right the  infrastructure as a service model   microsoft manages the compute networking  and storage which is the physical hardware   and the customer manages their data applications  runtime operating system and virtual machines   moving to the right one more time at platform as a  service the customer focuses on their applications   and data remember the productivity model and  microsoft manages the infrastructure underneath   for the very last model the software as a service  the customer manages their data and access   and microsoft takes care of everything  else for all cloud deployment models you're   responsible for protecting your security  of your data and your identities your   on-premises resources and any cloud components  you have control of which vary by service type we've covered a lot of foundational  knowledge in this module including   cloud models the benefits of cloud  and different levels of cloud service in module 2 we'll begin narrowing our focus  to microsoft azure we will start with azure   regions worldwide and then we'll begin  introducing you to core azure resources   we'll look at azure architectural components  looking at regions and availability zones   and moving on to core resources such as compute  networking storage and databases starting with   regions i want you to take a look at the map to  the right hand side take a look at those blue dots   around the world and those blue dots represent  regions azure regions we have over 60 regions   located globally as you can see  representing over 140 countries   azure actually has more global regions  than any other cloud solution provider   that blue dot which is that region represents a  collection of data centers it can be from 1 to   up to 16 data centers these regions help  organizations meet their data residency   requirements which we'll talk about coming up  when you select a region you want to select it   as close to your customers and users as possible  for that low latency we talked about earlier it's important to note that not all regions have  the same features built in since they are created   and built at different times now let's go a  little bit deeper we're talking about region pairs   so like those blue dots they have region pairs  which means two blue dots in the same geography   separated by at least 300 miles of separation  these are automatic region pairs so it's very   important when you plan your deployments to pick  automatic region pairs wherever possible for   example if i was deploying my resources in east  us i'd want to pick the automatic region pair   in the west u.s so if there ever happened to be  a wider azure outage one region out of every pair   would be prioritized to help reduce the time  it takes to restore data in applications so you   want to make sure you're in those automatic pairs  when azure plans updates they are rolled out to   one of the region pairs at a time to minimize  any downtime and risk of application outage these region pairs are 300 miles apart for data  protection and then we have availability zones   they are built to protect against  downtime due to a data center failure   so when we refer back to that map that blue dot  we are looking at an azure region so like the   diagram on to the right-hand side and inside that  region we could have multiple availability zones   up to three actually these are physical separate  data centers located within the same region   each one of these data centers is equipped  with its own independent power cooling and   networking and they're connected together  with private fiber optic networks so there's   very low latency between them so if one region  happened to go down in this example let's say   availability zone went down availability zone  two would be fine because it's independent   as a reminder not all regions have the same  availabilities you want to make sure they have   the the architectural structure you need before  deploying your resources so let's take a look at   an availability zone in dublin ireland so this  is azure facility in dublin ireland i'll give   you a second just to look around there's lots  to see in this picture let's start off with   the physical structure as you can see we have a  fenced wall that goes around the entire structure   all the way around and that's for security  so we want to prevent people from coming in   so adding to our security we have some  physical security so there's this gate here   we've got security cameras and if someone  was trying to ram the gates let's say   even if they got past here they've got to  go through a round driveway so they're not   building up any kind of speed they're going to  come around here have to make a sharp left to   be able to get in so they're not building up  any kind of speed that's meant for security   you can see there's not a lot of parking  it's because we don't want a lot of visitors   it's not open to the public if you get a  chance to go to a data center you're invited   please go because it's very rare to go actually  see a data center if you're not on the list to   go to see a data center you will not go in you  can't knock on the door buzz security and say   i think i have some things in here i just want  to take a look around we're not letting you in   it's meant for the protection of all  our customers inside this data center   so you can see by the size of the cars in  relation to the building how big this facility is   we've got three different colors of buildings  here we've got this blue one up front this   mainly white one back here and then another blue  one back here so you are actually looking at   one availability zone with one two three data  centers so these data centers have their own   heating cooling and networking and there's power  generation sources here for the buildings and   there's actually a physical gap between these two  buildings you can't see because of this high wall   but you can see this one a little bit more there's  a physical gap here between these two data centers   there's also some power sources over  here for these data centers so remember   if this one happened to go down these ones are  independent of each other and they would still   operate so this is the dublin data center  this is actually three four and five data   centers out of almost 15 in this area to give  you an idea of the size of these data centers so let's talk about availability options in  the cloud we have a lot of flexibility to   plan for backup and resiliency in case there's  a data center failure or some sort of issue   when we talk about availability options we  want to make sure we're getting as high a 9   as possible so starting on the left hand  side i've got one single vm and it's a 99.9   uptime sla which is a service level agreement with  premium storage but that's a single machine if i   wanted to do better on that number i'm going to go  to the right hand side and i've got that same vm   with an sla of 99.99 so it's a higher sla because  i'm distributing that vm and its backup across   availability zones remember that's separating  themselves from each other independent power   cooling and networking in a region moving over  one more time to the right so if i'm dispersing my   virtual machine across multiple regions i'm  going to get even higher sla because i'm   diversifying and spreading out my risk so in this  case on the right hand side i'm looking at region   pairs so remember 300 miles apart minimum  is the region pair rule we'll talk about   that in further details in another module but  i just wanted to introduce that concept we're   having a plan for backup plan for resiliency and  that's the benefit of the cloud it's easy to do now let's start talking about azure  resources so in the cloud what do   we put in the cloud we of course build our  environments we build our our applications   we put our databases there and these are some  of the resources we have available we've got   of course virtual machines we have storage  accounts we have databases app services functions   many different resources in the cloud so  you pick and choose what you need to run and then we have resource groups so we have those  resources on previous slide we want to make sure   we're grouping them into some sort of logical  group it could be by project type or project life   cycle which is normally the preferred way of doing  it so when that project is ended and you no longer   need those resources you can de-allocate them off  the cloud and it's easy to do other companies put   all virtual machines together and all storage  together and all their web and databases   together so different ways of organizing you as a  company should organize how you're going to do it   resources so if i had that virtual machine or that  app can only exist in one resource group but that   resource can be anywhere in the world it doesn't  have to be in the same region as that resource   group you can move resources between different  groups if you needed to and applications can   access multiple resource groups they don't have  to be in one resource group we're also going to   talk about role-based access coming up and that's  ways of securing your access to those resources now let's talk about something called azure  resource manager or arm short arm or reserve   resource manager provides that management layer  that helps you create update and delete resources   within your subscription the best benefit of it is  allows you to automatically deploy and configure   resources using different automation tools and  scripting tools such as azure powershell azure   cli or command line interface the azure portal  rest apis and client software development kits automating the creation of resources help  you maintain consistency and standards   across your deployment so suppose you have several  business units around the world and they require   10 identical resources you can use an arm  template or resource manager template to   deploy those resources consistently so that's  one of the benefits of using an arm template then we have azure subscriptions an azure  subscription provides you with authenticated   authorized access to azure accounts in the diagram  to the right-hand side you can see we have in blue   and azure account and underneath it we have three  subscriptions i want you to think of subscriptions   as the billing account so take out the ask from  subscription and put a dollar sign there so the   bill would come to dev would come to test and  would come to production in this example so the   billing account is the subscription and it's an  automatic billing boundary it's also an access   control boundary as well where you can access and  manage control to those resources within a certain   subscription an account can have multiple  subscriptions like you see in front of you we're going to jump into the portal  and take a look around so let's go   here we are in let's take a  look at what the portal looks like in azure   starting from the right hand side we're going to  make our way left as we cover all the buttons we   pass so hovering over this is my account tells me  my email address my directory and also my domain   moving towards the left i've got a  happy face so that's my feedback icon   i can give feedback on wherever i am in the portal  if i find this page confusing and understand   give us that feedback so we can  use that to improve our products   moving over to the help the question mark  i can get help and support starting here   there's also a lot of links below and  guided tours that you can take from here   going over to the cogwheel  icon let's click on that   that's the portal settings itself so this what  you see in front of me is my home page which is   right here i can also switch to a dashboard view  as my homepage so whatever i choose i prefer what   i see right now but you can use dashboard view  and i'll show you what that looks like coming up   i also have an option to have the portal  menu as a flyout or docked i prefer flyout   so i have more real estate on the page but you  can have it at whatever way you choose you can   also choose between different themes and you can  select here high contrast white black as well   moving over to notifications when you see  a number there in red it means you have   not seen something in there so maybe  you went to lunch and came back there   might be something you hadn't seen  that's just alerting you about that moving one more over to the directory description  tab i can filter between what subscriptions i   want to show up when launching the portal you  can see i have many subscriptions down below   i'm going to keep hr tests because  i'll be using it all throughout the day this next button on the top is called cloud shell  it's a greater than symbol in an underscore is   what it looks like but it actually pulls up a  scripting environment right inside the portal   without us having to go anywhere it's very handy  moving over one more time to the left i've got the   search bar and i start to type in a word and it  starts to filter in services resources marketplace   and there may even be a video or two that pops up  that helps guide me through what i'm trying to do moving one more time over to the left that's  my portal menu that we talked about earlier   you can see what's in there right now i've got  some favorites as you can see there let's take   a look at the favorites i'm hovering over function  apps that star on the right hand side means it's a   favorite if i've removed that star by unclicking  it you'll see it will disappear from my menu   looking at other things in that  portal menu if i hover over   virtual machines i can see recent resources i've  created even some free training from microsoft and   some useful links along the bottom hovering  over load balancer is another one i can see   description it describes what it does  let's go to virtual networks it shows me   recent resources i've created in virtual  networks so this menu is really handy let's go take a look at dashboard that's  the other homepage i have an option to have   as you can see i've got a few resources here  i've got some quick start and tutorials in the   center there i've got metrics i don't tend  to use a lot in this demo account so it's   pretty empty right now i can set up time  zones users and groups as well i can also   put help and support or any other metrics  i'm trying to track this could be your home   page remember we just have to set it up  in the portal settings if i select edit   a graph paper shows up and i can move  these features around to make my dashboard   continuing on to back to the portal i can see  all the other resources i have in front of me   including the most recent ones i've  created i can go to all resources   and take a look at all the  resources in my subscription   if i go to all services these are services that  are offered by microsoft on the left hand side   are all the different categories and featured  ones are on the right hand side and there's even   some video training as you can see down in the  bottom if i click on storage accounts i can go   in and actually create a storage account by  just clicking add and continuing from there starting with azure compute services  so what are compute services   they're basically on-demand computing  services that provide computing resources   such as disks processors memory networking  operating systems we've got virtual machines   we have app services container instances  azure kubernetes service and windows virtual   machines we're going to go into each one of  them in a little bit more detail coming up so starting with virtual machines what  are they they're software emulations of   physical computers so virtual they include a  virtual processor memory storage and networking   if you remember our is pass and sas  models this one is an is offering   it gives the organization total  control and customization ability and we should also mention virtual machine skill  sets at this time remember that automatic scaling   we first talked about one of the benefits of the  cloud well virtual machine scale sets allow you to   automatically manage fluctuations and workloads  in the cloud remember that elastic benefit   it's still an is model there's no  pre-provisioning of the vms required   but you can plan for them to scale out and scale  in as needed to manage demands and workflow   here i am in the portal and let's get started  creating our virtual machine so i'm going to   create the virtual machine and then i'm going  to connect to that virtual machine and then   install a web server role and then test it let's  get started so i'm going to create a new resource   i can also go to virtual machines or i can also  look on the left hand side here and look for   all services and then compute   and these are all the compute services we're  going to touch on some other ones later   let's start with virtual machines clicking on it  there and i'm going to go add a virtual machine   and it pulls up a graphical user interface that  will walk me through the creation of my resource   so let's get started on the basics tab which is  where we are right now i'm going to slide down   as you can see a little better we've got these  tabs going across the top they also will repeat   across the bottom starting with my subscriptions  we're going to talk about subscriptions that is   your account where the billing goes to so you want  to put those resources into a subscription account   i'm keeping the one subscription and i'm going to  use that throughout my demonstrations but now i   need to start by creating a resource group we talk  briefly about resources and then resource groups   so i want you to create your resources preferably  with the same life cycle i'm going to go ahead   and create a new resource group for this  demonstration and i'm going to call it my okay so my resource group vm the name is available  because it's in green you can see that right here   i'm going to go ahead and create sliding down so  you can see a little bit better just moving down   to the bottom next thing i need to do is create  a name for my virtual machine so what name am i   going to give it when you create your names i want  you to pick something that's meaningful for you   and your organization for my demonstrations i'm  really going to pick a really simple name because   i'm going to delete it at the end of the day so  let me go and create a name i'm going to call it   my bm 3 okay so make sure you pick a name that  makes sense to you mine are really simple and   because i'm in toronto canada i'm going to  pick a region closest to me or one of the   closer ones i'm not going to pick asia i'm  going to go actually to usa east or east us sliding down again giving a  little bit more visibility here   something we talked about very briefly we  talked about availability zones if you recall   that region the blue dot on the map has  many availability zones inside of it   so i can choose that as my resiliency plan or  there's something called availability sets we   didn't really talk about it but it's another  way of protecting yourself and they're putting   your virtual machine on different servers and  different racks in the same data center so those   are availability sets different from availability  zones were actually separate data centers as i mentioned before not all regions  have the same availability so i'm going   to switch this so you can see what i'm  talking about let's go to canada central   or canada east let's pick we're going to go  look at that availability options and you can   see availability zones is grayed out so in this  i only have an option to pick availability sets okay so every region is different make sure you  research your regions before starting to put your   resources in there in case there's a particular  feature you need so i'm back to usa east   i'm going to keep these off for now don't have  to pick them there's no asterisks there so it   does not mean it's a mandatory field and i'm  going to pick an image for my virtual machine   this one's going to be windows 2019 data center so  i'm going to pick this one here there's many other   private images i'm just going to show you what  that looks like so there's a lot of images here there's a particular build you want and it goes on  and on and on okay i'm gonna pick something simple   keeping my 2019 data center uh spot instance  that's your chance to save some money if you've   got something that's temporary we tell you not  to put anything production on there but if you   have um maybe you're just running a few tests for  a couple weeks so use a space on our server for   very cheap spot instance tells you right there  discounted rate versus the pay as you go price   and has to be tolerant to infrastructure law  so we may need that space as you'll notice   there's an information icon beside everything  hovering over it gives you information about   what they're talking about what they're looking  for as an answer okay so i'm at size right now   i'm going to keep mine pretty basic as you can see  there's a price here right beside it and that's   part of that predictive cost so i know what i'm  going to spend per month on this virtual machine   and tells me how many hours as well so i'm  going to let you see other options these are   ones i tend to use more often there's many  more sizes i'll let you take a peek quickly   so there's more sizes here i've filtered between  certain gigs but you can see very much more let's   go down the scroll a series i've got d series b  series e series and i'm going to show you pricing   just so you understand we're talking about it can  go in the thousands of dollars depends on what   you choose okay that predictive cost going back  over i'm going to not pick any of these i'm just   gonna pick my default one which is the d2s version  three so i have two cpus and eight gigs of memory   now i've got to choose my administrator account  sliding down so you can see my administrator   account let's call it azure admin and i need  to choose a password so this is it meets all   the criteria for my password between 1 and  20 characters it doesn't have any special   characters and it's not a reserved word now in  the password i'm going to go pick a password i want to show you something it does  not let you pick the word password   that is a reserved word well now you let  you choose it and it has to be between 12   and 123 characters long so i'm going to hide  that i'm going to put in my real password there you go it's okay confirming that password  again they match so i'm good to go sliding down   a little bit more now we're at inbound port rules  so as i mentioned before we're going to connect   to this virtual machine so i need to have some  public inbound ports open so i'm going to make   sure i'm allowing ports and let's go through  and choose i'm going to definitely rdp do it   so i'm going to put that on and i've got http  as well port 80. so i've got two ports open as   you can see and i'm allowing access because  i want to check and connect to this virtual   machine that is allowing ip addresses to actually  access my virtual machine which i'm trying to do   and it gives me a warning that there is public  access to my vm which i want sliding down a little   bit further licensing so if i bring my own license  you're going to talk about that when we go through   the cost calculator i'm saving on the licensing  fees which if i have a license i will definitely   bring it i don't have one so i'm not going to  click that box but there's a way to save up to 45   49 moving over to disks so i'm going to choose  premium storage but i have other options   premium storage with only one virtual machine  running no backup into an availability zone   or an availability set gives me a 99.9 uptime  sla and we'll talk about that coming up so i'm   keeping premium storage scrolling down a bit more  i'm going to go into networking next and i want to   make sure i can connect to my ports scrolling  down so you can see it a little bit better   so virtual network is going to be created a subnet  will be created and i'm going to get a public ip let's check the ports that i have open and i have  to make sure both of them are selected rdp 3389   and http 80. warning me again it's going to allow  public access to my virtual machine which i want   we'll talk about load balancing coming up it's not  part of now but you have a chance to load balance   across various machines if the load increases i'm  not going to touch that we're going to go down to   management i'm going to turn off boot diagnostics  for now because i not donated it's a demo machine   let's take a look at this screen a little bit  closely while we're here i have an option to auto   shut down so suppose i'm working on a test project  and i don't want it running over a weekend or   maybe the office is closed for a few weeks i can  actually shut down that virtual machine and i can   set the shutdown options clicking on it briefly  show you what that looks like i can shut down say   it's 7 pm do i want a notification before shutting  down and who does that notification go to i'm   going to turn that off for now but that's where  you'd find it i can also enable backup and start   that i'm not putting that on right now but i can  set that up right while i'm setting up my machine going to advanced i'm going to leave everything  as is i don't have any extensions anything else   i'm loading it's going to be pretty simple i'm  going to review and create oh let's go to tags too   i mentioned before that my subscription is a  billing account if i have multiple projects   and multiple resource groups in the same  subscription i may want to divide up that   bill by tagging the resources in it and that's  where i come into tags i can put a name for my   my tag so i can say maybe hr so this is belongs to  the hr department and i can maybe call it project   abc so i can filter by that project so that  tag will stay with this at the end of the   month when i've got several pages of bills or  many bills i can divide it up by project abc   so let's go ahead and review and create the  options i've created sliding down below it's   verifying that everything makes sense and there's  nothing that's unusual giving me that predictive   cost as you can see here it's 24 cents an hour  for that virtual machine so everything is passed   the validation is passed and i just want you to  take a look at this part down here it's download a   template for automation we're going to talk about  that later when we talk about arm templates but if   i had a lot of complicated choices i made along  the way i may not want to do this every single   time when i'm creating a virtual machine so i  could save that template to reuse again and again   i'm not going to do that because my options were  quite simple but i'm going to go ahead and create as you can see it's starting to work and  create it's also moving up here warning me   something is going on so it's really going  to quickly create okay so my resource is   created i can either go here or the other  spot so i'm just clicking on the top one   i'm in my virtual machine called  virtual machine three it is running   it's in east u.s so it's ready to go just sliding  down so you can see a little bit more so now i   want to connect to this virtual machine and then  i'm going to load a file so let's go to connect   i'm going to connect through rdp because i open  that port and i'm going to download the rdp file file is downloaded okay you can't verify the identity of the  connection the remote connection i know it   is it's me so i'm going to connect  i need to sign in as another user   signing is in a different account so remember  azure admin is what i used putting in my password there you go and i'm gonna  sign in so i can identify   the remote computer i'm connecting  to that's okay i'm going to go ahead and i'm getting into my virtual machine so here i am in my virtual machine i'm  going to go now connect to powershell   i'm going to go down here and look for powershell there it is there i'm going to go run powershell here i am in powershell i'm going to install the web server  feature in the virtual machine now   so i'm going to paste the commands i've got ready   so it's install windows feature the name  is web server and encoding management tools selecting enter it's going to run there you go so it's finished installing my  web server role you can see success is true   so now i'm going to go back into my actual  portal and take a look and connect to it   back in the portal i'm at my virtual machine it's  virtual machine 3 it is running and i want to now   connect to that virtual machine by going to the  public ip address on the right-hand side here   i'm going to copy the ip address to my clipboard  create a new browser window paste that address in   and there you go i'm connected to that virtual  machine so we just came back from the portal we   created a virtual machine where i had to pick the  resource group name the vm and then i connected   to that vm through rdp i loaded a web server image  and then i also tested to see that i could connect that was one type of compute resource there's  another type of compute resource options and   they are called serverless computing options so  serverless computing is different from virtual   machines where it doesn't need storage and an  operating system to run they run as needed when   needed so they are that past service the middle  model of the three services ias pass and sas that   we talked about so it's a past service and the  first one we're going to look at is called azure   app services their fully managed platform to build  deploy and scale your web apps and apis quickly   they work with net net core nodejs java python  and or php remember this is that pass offering   so they're cheaper to run faster to run as well  and you're just paying by that short usage time now we're looking at another  serverless compute option   which are called functions what functions  are are small pieces of code that you can   launch without worrying about the application  infrastructure think another pass offering a   function is triggered by a specific type of event  such as changes in data responding to messages   running on a schedule an http http request or  even an event triggered by another sas application   they're designed for short run and  they're little tasks that are stateless in simple terms logic apps provide automated  access and data across clouds without writing code   every logic app workflow starts with a trigger  which fires when a specific event happens   or when new data becomes available many triggers  provided by the connectors in logic apps   include basic scheduling capabilities so you  can set up how regularly your workloads run remember part of the serverless compute option  these two tools run instantly in short bursts   and now we're going back to look at serverless  compute options azure container instances   are a lightweight virtualized environment that  does not require that operating system that   virtual machines need and they respond to changes  on demand so aci or azure container instances are   preferred ways to package deploy and manage your  applications you simply call the aci endpoint   and the aci service takes care of  managing that infrastructure for you   again it's a pass offering if you remember  the ias pass and sas models so they're quick   to run very economical and they run  for you they're taken care of for you with aci you can choose to have them event driven  but you can also have them sit there and be long   running they can run for hours days weeks or  months basically they're containers that you   spin up or down as you need to go you can deploy  public and private docker images which are stored   in registries to your container and we'll look  at that in the next demonstration and then we   have something called kubernetes service and it's  a type of orchestration service to manage these   containers so when your applications start to grow  you've got multiple containers across multiple   servers operating then becomes a more complex  issue that's when you can use kubernetes service   in simplified turns you would use aks for  running multiple containers with sophisticated   orchestration managing rolling upgrades  automatic scheduling and automatic scaling   to help you remember the word kubernetes i  want you to think about a large container   ship traveling across the ocean the captain  of that ship normally manages the placement   of those containers because he is in  charge of that ship the word kubernetes   loosely translated in greek means captain  so that may help you remember the word kubernetes we are going to go back into the  portal to deploy an azure container instance   configure and deploy a docker container  to an azure container instance   and it's going to display a  hello message on an html page we're back in the portal and we're going to  create configure and deploy a container instance   using azure container instances the container   itself is a welcome to aci web application that  displays a static html page let's get started so in the portal i'm going to search for  containers and i'm looking for container   instances right there clicking on it let's  go ahead and add we're going to create one similar screen shows up just going to scroll  down basics i'm putting in the same account   resource group i'm going to create  a new resource group for this one okay make sure your name and convention  makes sense i'm going to scroll down   so you can see there we go yes scroll  down so i can see a little bit better i have to pick a container name and  i'm going to use that is available   it's between 1 and 63 characters long region  again i'm going to keep all mine in east us   there i go right there scrolling down a little  bit more and i'm going to use that docker hub it's going to be publicly accessible and the  image i'm going to use is the hello world image okay that's an image i have  available it's going to be a linux   os i'm going to keep the size default i'm not  going to play with that going over networking   i need to choose a dns name label and it has to  be globally unique so let's find a name i can use that name is available  scrolling down so we can see and i'm going to leave everything else  the same going to review and create looks like the validation has passed  i'm going to go ahead and create   again i can save that template  going ahead and creating okay my resource has been  created let's go to resource   i'm in my container resource instance here  i'm going to close this window right there   it's there it is running as you can see in east us  and there's my container resource group and i have   nothing going there yet as you can see i've new  no activity so now i'm going to look at the fully   qualified domain name which is here and i'm going  to connect to this container copying that here going to the browser pasting and i've now connected to that container with the shift to remote work and working from  home having access to a great computer is a must   but buying provisioning and securing and  shipping this computer and maintaining it   is an i.t department's worst nightmare what if  a company could purchase a virtual desktop in   the cloud for each one of their employees and  that could run on a standard os with a standard   set of applications and be managed and maintained  remotely that is what windows virtual desktop is   windows virtual desktop gives you the flexibility  of virtualization for a wide range of computing   solutions which support linux windows server  sql server oracle ibm sap and more all current   generation virtual machines include load  balancing and auto scaling at no cost we have many networking services in azure  the first one being azure virtual networks   which enable many types of azure resources such  as virtual machines to securely communicate with   each other the internet and on-premises networks  a virtual network is scoped to a single region   however multiple virtual networks from different  regions can be connected together using virtual   network peering we also have virtual private  network gateway vpn which is a distinct type   of virtual network gateway that sends encrypted  traffic between an azure virtual network and an   on-premises location over the public internet it  provides a more secure connection from on premises   to azure over the internet and lastly we have  azure express route it's a dedicated private   connection from your on-premises location to  azure through a direct link that you would set   up with a connection provider it can be expensive  you would pay a flat rate or by traffic volume   and it's meant for large enterprise customers  who need the speed and secure connection we're back in the portal at  and we're going to do our next walkthrough   in this walkthrough we're going to create a  virtual network then we're going to create   two virtual machines and we're going to have  one ping the other one so let's get started so   we need to start by creating our virtual network  i'm going to go search for virtual network up here   and as you can see it was also one of my favorites  one i've used recently so it's there as well   so i'm going to click on it here and i'm going  to go to add and create that virtual network   i'm going to use the same subscription i'm  going to create a new resource group so my make sure your naming convention makes  sense to you and your organization   so i've created my resource group  let me name my virtual network that name is available i'm going  to choose the region closest to me   like all my demos i'm going to use usa or east us going over to the ip addresses i'm going to continue to use the  default one not changing that   i'm not changing anything else i'm going  to use default settings for this example   there's tag scan we talked about tags tagging  your resources for the billing and going to   review and create so validation is passed on the  very basics i put in let's go ahead and create as you can see it's starting to deploy that was nice and quick i'm going to close  this down we're going to go to that resource   let's just make sure it's running so it's my  virtual network too that's what i named it   it's in east u.s that's the resource group i  just created so it's there so let's start by   creating my virtual machines i'm going  to go look up here for virtual machines there it is right there clicking on it  there going ahead and adding virtual machine sliding down so you can see my screen  a little better i'm going to find that   same resource group because i'm going to put the   two virtual machines into the same resource  group so i'm going to go look for here there it is remember i'm picking a simple name make sure your  name makes sense to you that name is available   east us again sliding down i'm going to change  the image to windows server 2019 data center   sliding down again i'm going to keep the size the  same i'm just going to use the default i'm paying   175 a month if i'm using this one i delete at the  end of the day so i'm not worried about the cost   going in and adding my admin  account adding a password confirming that password sliding down a bit more now we've got to  look at the port rules which ports am i   going to allow access to my virtual machine  so i'm going to pick selected ports because   i want to be able to ping them so i need  to put a selected port i can't choose none   and let's see my options here so i've got http 80.  i've got https ssh and rdp so we're going to use   rdp for this example so i've kept that highlighted  and it's chosen and it's warning me that this ip   address will have access to my virtual machine  which i want sliding down a little further   going to disks i'm keeping the defaults again  just to make it easier premium ssd remember   that gives us a 99.9 sla i'm not going to worry  about anything else here going to networking i've   chosen the virtual network i'm using i'm going  to keep the subnet the default the public ip   default as well not changing any of these  making sure my rdp port is still selected   and i'm not choosing a load balancing option  for this one going over to management just so   we can see i'm going to disable boot diagnostics  and i can worry about these later this is just   getting us up with a virtual machine and virtual  networks going to review and create right now looks good let's go ahead and create now this is  my first virtual machine in my virtual network there you go my resource has been created i'm  going to go to resource just to verify so this   is my first virtual machine that i just created  vm3 it's running and its location is east us   so let's create another virtual  machine i'm going to go up to   here virtual machine is here so i'm  going to select that go ahead and add we're going to do the same thing with another  virtual machine sliding down so you can see a   little bit better i'm going to put in the  same resource group so i'm looking for my   resource group virtual network and  it's two there we go right there   and i'm going to name this virtual  machine so very easy for me   so i have virtual machine three and now i  have a virtual machine of four keeping in   the same region i'm going to use the same image  again i'm going to go to my 2019 windows server that's my size it's fine i'm going to  go add my administrator account username typing in a password verifying that password sliding down again i  need inbound port rules to say allow selected   ports because i'm going to ping these machines  they're my options again i'm just picking rdp   everything else is the same i'm just going to  show you just so we know premium ssd going to   the networking options i'm going to keep the  default it's using the same virtual network as   if you remember vnet2 keeping all the other  settings as default to the subnet the public ip   it is warning me that all ip addresses will have  access to my virtual machine which i'm aware of let's review and create first validation is passed i'm going to  go ahead and create so let's go to that   resource i'm going to verify it's running so  this is vm 4 and it's in the same resource group i'm going to search for the  first one i created so it's vm3   let's take a look there it is i'm  going to go take a look at that remember we checked it's running i'm going to  connect to this virtual machine or try to connect   so i'm going to go to connect i'm going to do  an rdp connection i'm going to download rdp file file is downloaded let's open it to connect it is warning me that this publisher of this  remote connection cannot be verified do i want   to continue and i'm going to say yes i'm aware  i'm going to sign in with my admin account put in my password it's warning me again it cannot be verified  the identity of the remote computer   i'm aware i'm going to go in here i am in my virtual machine three  let's go in i'm going to get to powershell   searching for it in the bottom here there it is there and i'm  going to sign in as admin here i am in my powershell session it's just  starting up there i go and that's my user that   i'm signed in with so i'm going to now try to ping  the other machine and if you recall that was vm4 so i'm typing ping vm4 enter circle request timed out timed out again so it's timed out it sent four packets so  it's not able to connect and the reason why   it's not able to connect windows  firewall by default blocks icmp   requests we're going to have to go back into  that virtual machine and allow icmp requests we're back in the portal now and i'm  going to go to my vm4 let's search for it there it is now i'm going to  connect to this virtual machine   and then i'm going to allow icmp  requests so i'm going to connect rdp   download the rdp file there it is they're loading  let's open it up again it's giving me that warning   the publisher this remote connection  cannot be verified i'm going to connect i need to sign in again   again another warning the identity of the remote  computer cannot be verified i'm going to continue here i am in virtual machine for  so let's run powershell again i'm going to run as admin again here i am in powershell i'm  now logged in as admitted user   i'm going to paste in that command  that will allow that icmp connection so i'm allowing a new net firewall  rule display names allow icmp4 taking a look at what we see it has been enabled  now we're going to go back to the virtual machine   first one virtual machine 3 and we're going  to ping it again i'm back in the portal in vm3   and i'm going to connect again  using rdp to my virtual machine and then i'm going to ping virtual machine  4 again i'm going ahead open that file sign in going back to powershell signing in admin so let's try  again to ping virtual machine floor as you can see it connected with virtual machine  four four times four packets sent four received   so because i allowed that icmp connection on  virtual machine four i'm now able to connect   congratulations we've just successfully  completed this lab we created a virtual   network created two virtual machines in it  tried to ping the first one it did not let   us because of the windows firewall security so we  went ahead and allowed an icmp connection to that   virtual machine which was virtual machine  four and i just pinged it and it connected   we have a variety of database services in azure  including cosmos db and sql databases cosmos db   is a globally distributed database service  that enables you elastically an independent   scale throughput and storage across a number of  azure geographic regions it's a non-sql database   it allows you to take advantage of very fast  millisecond database access using your favorite   api tools such as sql cassandra mongodb and  gremlin and it's the first and only service to   offer 5 9 sla and then looking at our sql database  offerings we have azure sql database which is a   relational database as a service based on the  latest stable version of microsoft sql server   it's a high performance reliable  fully managed and secure database   azure database for mysql is a fully managed sql  relational database service for app developers   based on the mysql community edition and then  we have azure database for postgres it's a   relational database based on the open source  postgres database engine we also have an azure   database migration service the database migration  service is a fully managed service designed   to enable seamless migrations from multiple  database sources to azure with minimal downtime many organizations have sql databases on  premises what if you can move those sql   databases into the cloud without having to touch  the code structure and security and what if that   cloud database ran the same sql software and was  managed patched and maintained for you by azure   sql database managed instance the goal for sql  database is to provide customers wanting to   move to the cloud with as close to possible  zero friction platform it has a 99.9 uptime   and a 99.99 parity with the on-premises sql  server because it runs on the same source   code so instead of worrying about the expense  to re-platform an application and database to   run in the cloud you can just move it to azure  sql azure managed instance combines the broadest   sql server database engine compatibility with all  the benefits of a fully managed evergreen platform   sql managed instance has a near 100 compatibility  with the latest sql server database engine   enterprise edition it provides a native  virtual network implementation that addresses   common security concerns and a business model  favorable for existing sql server customers   it allows sql server customers to lift and shift  their on-premises applications to the cloud   with minimal application and database  changes at the same time sql managed   instance preserves all path capabilities  including automatic patching version updates   automated backups high availability all of which  drastically reduce management overhead and tco   the last thing we need to cover in this module is  the azure marketplace what is azure marketplace   it's where you can find try and provision as  your applications and services from certified   service providers microsoft partners independent  software vendors and startups we have close to   10 000 products in the marketplace let's  go take a look at where we can find it we're back in the portal and we're gonna look  for a marketplace let's go search it up here there it is let's click on  it so here is the marketplace   and here are some of the  categories of the products we have   you can click on any one of them let's  start at the top maybe compute resources and if i'm looking for a particular  build of something i'm using you can go   more and more and more you just  keep looking there's ten thousand   products in here products and services  in here go back to maybe database tools go into machine learning okay that's marketplace you can search  right at the top and that's where i found it how are you doing we just  covered global azure regions   management groups subscriptions compute networking  storage and databases that was a lot i'm going to   give you a chance to stretch your legs refill that  beverage and come back and meet me for module 3. welcome back from the break i hope you're  refreshed and ready to keep learning   in this next module we'll introduce azure  course solutions and management tools are you   ready to get started with module 3 let's begin  module 3 azure solutions and management tools   we have several internet of thing  offerings including iot central iot hub   and azure sphere iot central is a fully managed  global iot solution it makes it easier to connect   monitor and manage your iot assets at scale  there's no cloud expertise required so you can   bring your connected products and devices faster  to market while staying focused on your customers   and then we have iot hub a central message hub  for bi-directional communication between your   iot applications and the devices it manages use  iot hub to build iot solutions with reliable and   secure communications between millions of iot  devices and a cloud-hosted solution back-end   you can connect virtually any device to your  iot hub and it handles massive amounts of data and then we have iot seer a  comprehensive iot security solution   including hardware an operating  system and cloud components it includes azure sphere  certified chips azure sphere os   and azure sphere security service  which monitors threat detection use the iot product selector to  determine what product best suits you   azure big data and analytics azure synapse  analytics provides limitless analytics   and brings together enterprise data warehousing  and big data analytics it accelerates time   to insight from all data at any scale across  data warehouses and big data analytics systems   it combines the best of sql technologies using  enterprise data warehousing spark technologies   used in big data analytics and pipelines  to orchestrate activities and data movement hdinsight is a fully managed open source analytics  service for enterprises its analytics at large   scale it is a cloud service that makes it easier  faster and more cost effective to produce massive   amounts of data hdinsight allows you to run  popular open source frameworks and create   clusters such as apache spark apache hadoop apache  kafka apache storm and machine learning services   and then we have azure data breaks a collaborative  apache spark based analytics service use it to set   up your apache spark environment in minutes auto  scale and collaborate on shared products in an   interactive workspace it supports python scala r  java sql as well as data science frameworks and   libraries including tensorflow pytorch and second  learn artificial intelligence and machine learning   machine learning is a predictive intelligence  that data scientists and data engineers use to   speed up the slow training process and tedious  deployment tasks machine learning provides a   cloud-based environment to develop test train  deploy and manage machine learning models   you can use the service to auto-generate a model  and auto-tune it for you use it to start training   on your local machine and then scale it to  the cloud if you're new to machine learning   get started with our writing code using machine  learning studio it's a collaborative drag and   drop visual workspace where you can build test and  deploy machine learning solutions and predictive   analytics solutions without needing to write any  code go from idea to deployment with a few clicks   you can also integrate our many microsoft services  to build a more intelligent business application   cognitive services you can use  ai to build business impact   bring computer vision to your business or  add a human touch to your online interactions   spot animalities or extract information from data  no machine learning experience is needed and then   we have azure bot services provide an experience  that feels less like a computer and more like   dealing with a real person or at least a highly  intelligent robot shift simple repetitive tasks   such as taking a dinner reservation or gathering  profile information onto automated systems that no   longer require direct human intervention a baud  interaction can be a quick question and answer   or it can be a sophisticated conversation  that intelligent provides access to services azure devops services provides development and  collaboration tools including azure repos azure   pipelines azure boards azure test plans and azure  artifacts github provides hosting for software   development and version control using git it  provides access control and several collaboration   features including bug tracking feature requests  task management and wikis for every project   and then we also have github actions for sure  it's automation tools to build workflows from   github to azure automatically using an open  source version of devops repository it makes   it easy to automate all your software workflows  build test and deploy your code right from github   and then we have azure devtest labs which allow  you to quickly create development and test stages   using reusable templates you can use pre-created  images minimize waste with quotas and policies   and minimize cost by using automatic shutdown  starting with azure management tools we were   in the portal before where i gave you that  demonstration we also have powershell which   we've used a few times we've got the mobile app  command line interface rest apis and cloud shell azure powershell is a set of commandlets  that allow you to manage your resources   directly from the powershell command  cli is a cross-platform command line   program that connects azure and executes  administrator commands on azure resources   azure cloud shell is that browser-based scripting  environment in the azure portal that we've used   before it provides flexibility by allowing  you to choose your preferred shell experience   linux users can offer bash and windows users can  offer powershell and then we have the mobile app   you can diagnose and fix issues quickly run  commands to manage your resources and you   can also run ad hoc as your cli or powershell  commands straight from the mobile app azure   resource manager allows the automatic creation of  resources using different automation and scripting   tools such as azure powershell cli the portal  rest apis and client software development kits azure resource manager i showed you in the  portal when there's ways of saving that template   those are called arm templates and they allow  that automatic deployment and configuration of   resources quickly consistently and fast if your  company had several business units that required   10 resources of the same type you would use  azure resource manager templates to create this   that would ensure you have consistent  deployment across your environment so i'm back in the portal and i'm  going to create a vm using powershell if you recall cloud shell will take me into that  browser environment so i'm going to click there   and since it's the first  time i'm launching powershell   i have to set up storage it says i have no  storage mounted so i'm going to go find an   account i can build my storage too and i've  been using hr test go ahead and create storage   i'm creating a storage account  where i can store my code there we go just going to move it  up so we can see a little bit better   so i've requested cloud shell environment it  succeeded it's connecting to the terminal now   so i want to make sure i'm using  powershell in the top left here so   i'm going to switch to powershell it's warning me  i'm switching i'm going to confirm i'm switching and it's connecting me again as you can see okay when you see this you know it's ready to go   i'm going to place in some code i have ready  and it's going to create a new resource group   name the resource group and pick  the location which is east u.s so there it is my resource group name and  my location it succeeded as you can see   so i'm going to verify that  that resource group was created paste that code here and what am  i looking for so it's get resource   group i want to make sure i can  see that resource group created   as you can see from the table it's showing  me what resource groups i have created   in this description and you can see the  one we've just created at the very bottom   i'm going to go ahead and paste some code i  have ready to create that vm pasting it here   you can see it's called new azvm my resource group  location subnet security etc so i need to put a username and put a password and it's creating those resources as you can see it's completed here   let's go look for it i'm going to search  for it's called my vm powershell there it is so it's the one i just created  it is running as you can see here so let's jump back into the cloud shell and  execute a few commands making sure i'm in   powershell here giving us a chance to reload so  i'm going to confirm some information about my   virtual machine i've got some code here  i'm going to paste in let's take a look   so get azvm the name is my vm powershell i want  to find that status and put it in a table so   there it is it's showing me it's in my resource  group powershell it is running as you can see so   let's go and stop this machine i've got some code  ready for that again pasting that in so i'm going   to stop this vm let's enter it's asking if i do  want to stop it and i'm going to say yes so why you can see it has succeeded it stopped  my vm let's verify it it has stopped and as you can see it's  been deallocated or stopped okay let's close this down so i've just stopped  my vm going back into the portal i'm going to refresh and you can see it has stopped so while we're in here i just want to   review advisor recommendations i'm  going to go and look for advisor this is azure advisor microsoft takes a look at  your deployed resources and makes recommendations   based on best practices in categories such  as reliability security performance cost and   operational excellence as you can see they're in  categories in front of me just sliding down so you   can see i've got 44 recommendations in security  some are high impact which is red i've got medium   impact which is yellow and i've got low impact  which is blue or green i've got some reliability   recommendations as well a couple in operational  excellence and some in performance or one in   performance if i go to security i can click  on that that category drilling down a little   further i can scroll through and see my impacts  i've got some quick fix buttons as well let's   log into one of them clicking on it gets  a little deeper tells me what the issue is   and i can look at remediation steps as well going back out to advisor let's look at  operational excellence i've got two here at   a high and a low impact so i've got two there  the low impact one says create azure service   health alert so i can do that for sure and that's  two recommendations under operational excellence   so these are my deployed resources azure  goes in and looks at best practices   sees ways they can help me save  money look at performance issues   and it's meant to help me out i can  also go into service health from here service health is basically the health of azure  resources and data centers around the world   you can filter by subscriptions if you're in  many different subscriptions i've got quite   a few on i can take a few off if i want so i can  just click my main one which i was using hr test   maybe i put a few other ones so i can see what's  going on around the world i can pick the regions   i want to be alerted for scrolling down i've  got all the regions here so right now got 17   i can add a few more forgot more resources in  those areas and i can also select my service   i'm going to select all services because i want  to be alerted for all services in those areas   i can see if there's any planned  maintenance coming up and there is one and i can also look at health history these  are issues that would have happened in the past   i can click on for example monitor tells me the issue what was impacted   summary the impact preliminary root cause and  mitigation so that's service health coming back   out these are azure resources around the  world and the health of those resources another free resource we have is azure monitor  as soon as you launch your resource in azure   launch a vm or setup database we're starting to  collect metrics and log information metrics are   telling you how your resource is performing  and logs record when the resource is created   or modified and we're using those metrics  to tell you how your resource is performing   how much the resource is consuming for  example network bandwidth or consumption   and you can also add monitor agents to collect  this operational data for your resources   in applications we're monitoring data such  as the performance and functionality of the   code you've written regardless of the  platform looking at resource modern   data we're looking at the operations of the  resource itself and giving you recommendations   azure subscription monitoring is telling you  about the operation and management of the user's   description as well as data about the overall  health and operation of the resource itself   you can also set alerts in module  3 we covered azure core solutions   iot machine learning and cognitive services each  one of these topics are their own multi-day course   we wrapped up by looking at monitor and  many ways to manage your deployments   this concludes part one of this course where  we covered cloud concepts the benefits of the   cloud azure regions as your core solutions  ending with management tools thank you for   participation today and we look forward  to having you next time for part two um thank you um next time um   so oh foreign
Channel: GO Trends
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Keywords: azure fundamentals, Exam Ref AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals, AZ-900, Exam AZ-900, AZ-900 cERtification, azure, Microsoft Azure, Azure Web Apps, azure outage, microsoft azure outage, azure percept, azure by yelken, azure network wather, azure certification cost, azure lane, azure stack hci, azure issues, azure nsg, microsoft azure fundamentals, azure fundamentals az-900, azure fundamentals training, az900 dumps, screen recorder for pc
Id: Dvxf7yBE3UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 1sec (5701 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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