FIGHT WITH GIRLFRIEND: The Search for Terry Shinaver?

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- Cell phone ping last at the river. Cell phone ping is our smoking gun. - This is where the cell phone died in this area here. Oh, what's that? We got a car. We have a car right there. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a vehicle. If a car is here, it's foul play. - [Josh] That's the top of the pickup right there. - You never know what you're gonna find out here. You never know. (chuckles) We're definitely working a foul play case and it's hard to not say what I know. The original press release by the St. Helens Police Department who has jurisdiction over this case is as follows. "The St. Helens Police Department is, once again, seeking information relating to a 2021 missing persons case. St. Helens resident Terry Shinaver, 33, was reported missing to the St. Helens Police Department in May of 2021. Shinaver is a white male. He is six feet tall, 155 pounds with brown hair and blue eyes. The last confirmed sighting of Shinaver was at the Ilani Casino in Ridgefield, Washington on April 30th, 2021. Shinaver was driving a black 1993 Ford Ranger with Oregon license plate 356LDG. He was last seen wearing a yellow long sleeved work shirt, blue jeans, and Carhartt boots. Neither Shinaver nor his vehicle have been located. The St. Helens Police Department is, again, asking anyone with information about the possible whereabouts of Terry Shinaver or his vehicle to contact St. Helens detectives." That's their original press release. After digging into this, contacting the St. Helens detective that's in charge of this particular case, we've been in communication. There's a lot to Terry's case. Terry was drinking that day. It was his girlfriend's birthday who was at the casino. The girlfriend was posting pictures of her being happy on social media. It appears as though she was with possibly another guy there that TJ had had problems with in the past with this guy. I believe he had had fist fights with this guy who was at the casino with his girlfriend on her birthday. Terry went up to the casino, sat in his pickup truck. All we know is TJ never went in the casino, never left his pickup truck. He left the casino headed north in this direction. His cell phone died right in this region. We have the Lewis River. At the detective's request, we are here. We do not have a big search area today, specifically because of the information that I cannot disclose to you guys in this case. This is a very rare case. I apologize that I can't discuss all the other information. It's protected by a grand jury at the moment. So with that being said, this is going to be one of two locations that we search today only. In this case, we have a cell phone pinging. We have a river. It aligns with everything else that we've done. It would make sense that TJ and his vehicle are here. It's unfortunate, but he's been missing now for almost 15 months and his family needs answers. His dad needs answers. One of the last things his dad texted me this morning was, "Thank you, Doug. I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate you guys looking for my son. I honestly figured nobody cared." And we get this from a lot of families 'cause not a lot has ever been done. There can never be too much. And it's never enough when you lose somebody. So you never feel like you've gotten the help you needed. So I am honored, we are honored to be here today. We're gonna do everything that we can in our power to put forth a great search effort today. Jared's getting ready to get in the boat right now and run sonar. Fingers crossed, we'll be able to bring TJ home today. (somber orchestra music) - [Narrator] For families who have all but given up on finding their loved ones, this team is a last hope. (somber orchestra music) To a new phenomenon, civilian divers cracking cold cases for free. (air whooshing) - Ilani Casino in Ridgefield, Washington where Terry was last seen on video surveillance leaving the casino heading north on Highway I-5, where, shortly, after his cell phone disappeared right near the Lewis River. You have Paradise Point State Park and the road down here dead ends directly into the river where there's a boat ramp. And this is what we're looking at right there. This is where we're at. This is where the cell phone died in this area here. But we also have a boat ramp right there. If we're unsuccessful at this location, it just makes sense to come down here and check that as well while we're here and kill two birds with one stone and go out of our way and go and go the extra mile. And again, this is a very different case than what we're used to. There's circumstances in what brought us here to this location with the detectives. This is at their request. And there's a lot on the backside that's preventing us from moving forward into other areas we should be if we're unsuccessful here. And there's legal reasons for that. And I'm sorry I cannot disclose that. So just bear with us as this entire search today is a little bit different from what we've done in the past. (air whooshing) - Nice. - Yeah, we're only four or five feet deep right here. Five feet only here. Four feet. It's the other boat ramp. (suspenseful synth music) Oh, nine feet here. That's good, we got a bigger hole. 10 feet. (suspenseful synth music) 12 feet. (bridge rattles) There's an old boat ramp over here. We're gonna go scan this one and then we'll jump into the Columbia River and go scan the other one. (suspenseful synth music) Yeah, it's only two feet deep right there. (water sloshing) (suspenseful synth music) It's 25 feet over here, 30 feet. (suspenseful synth music) A little unclear on that that I just went over. So we're gonna go back over that. (suspenseful synth music) Could just be part of the rock outcropping. I'm having a real hard time ruling this one out. This right back there. (Jared inhales and exhales) But the way that that rock outcropping comes, older bridge. We'll drop a magnet on it and we'll see after I hit some 45s and some 90s as well. (bridge rattling) (suspenseful synth music) (bridge rattling) (suspenseful synth music) Yeah, this is rocks, rock outcropping. (suspenseful synth music) We are halfway there to where we're going. - [Carson] To the boat ramp? - Yeah, the other boat ramp that we're gonna go check out. Yeah, we're already halfway there. You should see right around this bend, it's gonna open up to another river. We're gonna jump out onto that river. And I think that one is the Cowlitz River. Yeah, in fact, if you looked right behind you, there's a white truck backing his boat in, that's where we're going. So this is the Lewis River. We were on the east fork of the Lewis River just now. (engine rumbling) Oh look, there's another boat ramp on the other side too. All right, I'm not sure which way the river's running here. So let's drop some sonar in. We'll just start scanning from here to the boat ramp. (water sloshing) 14 feet, plenty deep. Boat ramp is angled that way. So that means that it's going to be running down river, is that direction with our nose pointed up. So if the truck is in here, it will be in here anywhere from the boat ramp to the big set of trees is going to be my guess. We're currently 12 feet deep, plenty deep to hide a vehicle. And this is really the farthest I would suspect that he's going to be (water sloshing) if he was coming off the boat ramp. (water sloshing) (suspenseful synth music) But nothing immediate (engine chugging) for where we would suspect. (suspenseful synth music) We'll head out into the river just a little bit further. (engine chugging) (water sloshing) And all I have is a tire in there. One tire, no truck, cell phone ping last at the river. Cell phone ping is our smoking gun. So what are we missing as far as any locations here? And particularly, off of I-5. Like the cell phone pinging was not this far over. (engine rumbles) So what are we missing? So we head back into the East Fork River here. There is a northwest Hall Road and it's not really a road, it doesn't, eh, kinda sorta. So we'll go check that one out. We'll go back and we'll just check that from the other side. The one that I had kind of in question. I mean, to me it looks like a, you know, just the big pile of rocks from up there, but that's where his cell phone is at. So I think we're just gonna have to go drop a magnet on that, Carson, and double check, and verify, and triple check. I said the cell phone ping is that smoking gun in this one. By chance, did he? I don't think he would've gone up to Woodland and gotten off and then come back down that road. So we're gonna go double check that. Just make sure I'm not missing anything. But let's scan this a little bit more here. (engine chugging) (somber synth music) (engine chugging) (somber synth music) So a Ford ranger doesn't have that much compartment space within the cab for it to float. So if you take it compared to like a smaller car that has a, you know, is a lighter vehicle, if we're dealing with a car, a lot of cabin space, that's going to float a lot more than a Ford Ranger that has less cabin space and is a heavier vehicle. Same thing with like SUVs. SUVs will actually float for a lot longer as well because they have so much cabin air space inside. It's just simply not what we're dealing with with a ranger. So it's going to pretty much go in and sink probably within 75, 80 feet usually. And that's where it's gonna stay. Storms, big floods that come through, some people say, oh, well, there's a big storm, it got pushed down, it's down a mile. It's just simply not the fact when it comes to vehicles. When they go in, think of 'em as turtles. You know, they go down, they hit the bottom of the river. And now you have the river that's coming and pushing over the side of this to try to push it. But it creates what's a called a back eddy. So as it comes over, it's also creating an eddy back here that's pushing it this way to keep it from being pushed down. So you have pushing force, pulling force and it's cementing itself down as a turtle. So when you're on the bottom, as divers too, if we're in a river and we need to move across the bottom of the river, we're going to hunch down as close to the bottom as we can. So that way the river doesn't push us. And that's why vehicles, once they go in, they pretty much just cement themselves in place and they do not move. (engine chugging) (somber synth music) (somber synth music) Horseshoe Lake has always been a question mark for me as well, for if there's any vehicles in there. - [Carson] Is that nearby? - Yeah, it's just up the road and there's a boat ramp there. And it's right off the freeway. (somber synth music) Yeah, nothing there. (somber synth music) Woo, that's a steep road coming in too. Look how steep that is. It looks like they took a bulldozer, and yeah, no vehicles making that back up that. It's almost like somebody lives up above and they made that to come down and enjoy the river from their private home up above. Ah, well, just one spot over here. I just wanna throw a magnet real quick. But you know we have a cell phone ping on this one. You know, that's our smoking gun. That other ramp is clear. But why do we have a cell phone ping here? Now we have the next exit up the road, like two miles is Horseshoe Lake right there in Woodland. And over the years, I always thought that if somebody's going to do something that that's a great dumping ground for a vehicle and I've always wanted to scan it. So if you're up for it, I think we might want to head up there after this, see if I clear it. (bridge rattles) (walkie talkie beeps) - [Doug] Yeah, we also have another location that Josh pointed out right down the road on the same river. I'll send you those coordinates. You might wanna just run down there. - Yeah, Doug, mind if I go upstream still? (walkie talkie beeps) - [Doug] 10-4, right where you just pointed. - All right, yeah, I looked at it, it looked like it was a little too shallow, but we can go check it out. (somber synth music) (person speaks indistinctly) - [Person] What? (person speaks indistinctly) - This place got busy in the last like 30 minutes. (somber synth music) (bridge rattles) Yeah, there's nothing there. (somber synth music) - So there's a little pond. - [Jared] The pond in Woodland? - No, no, no, no, no, no. There's a little pond right here, but man, it's in a multimillion dollar community all the way in the back. Pristine, really pretty pond. The stuff that was in the back of his pickup truck would've been found if he would've went in there. - Right. - You know, so that's why I'm ruling that out. - Okay. - Josh saw it on camera. I looked at it and it just, if it was a car, we'd be over there right now. - Right. - I have to bail out 'cause I actually have a family commitment. So I mean, at this point you needed to discuss with your team what is it you wanna do. - Now that we're done with our first location here on the Lewis River, we're heading over to a second location of interest on the Lewis River that Josh pointed out to us that's not too far from where we're at now, but also directly down the road from the casino he was last seen as well. So let's head right over there and see what we can find. (people speaking indistinctly) Here. So here on drone, you can see all the different anomalies here as we, as we fly around. So there's no sense in us putting a boat in or the sonar ball like we were thinking about. You can see everything there. You can see sticks, you can see logs. It's clearly, you know, probably is about six feet deep. That's why on floaties, they couldn't touch the bottom with their feet. But there's everything there, you can see. So, (sighs) all right, we're gonna go up to Horseshoe Lake now. Horseshoe Lake is really one of, I mean, right now, where we first started, you know, before we came here was our number one target with the detective. Based on other information that we have in the case, we are really going out of our way right now, until other things play out. You know, in a lot of cases, we have speculation of foul play, but you guys have seen time and time again, we uncover cases where there's been a lot of speculation of foul play, however, it was just an accident or it was self-harm. So we can't always come into a case and ignore it with rumors and speculation. You know, we have to go with what we know has worked in the past. And right now we're gonna go and rule out another area that could possibly be self-harm and or an accident. (alarm beeping) So we're gonna head over there right now to Horseshoe Lake. (mellow synth music) So we're pulling up to Horseshoe Lake. We have a lot of activity here. It's almost a 100 degrees today, so it's gonna be very hot. We have a lot of people who are using the lake today, so we're gonna have to be courteous to those around us. We're probably gonna have to hike the boat down in so that we're not near any other parking lots that are just crowded. We can't get into the main parking lot at all. It's so packed. So we're looking for a Ford Ranger. It's gonna stick out like a sore thumb. It's not gonna look anything like a vehicle unless it's upside down per se. But the width and the length of a Ford Ranger is very unique. Hey, we're at 17 feet right here. Over there where everybody's standing up is really shallow. This back corner here is a nice little corner to get a car in here. (water sloshing) Nothing out here. (water sloshing) So we're gonna have to scan this and in front of all those people real quick. That's our main target area right there. 10 feet where we're at. Definitely big enough to conceal a vehicle. And as Josh was just saying, there's a memorial right here. The gentleman that lives right here in this house told us about a car that came off I-5, the highway right there, through the guardrail and into here. Never made it out of the vehicle. You just never know, man, you never know. Window breakers, window breakers save lives and it's really important. (emotive orchestra music) 20 feet deep right now. So there's a hole out here. We're looking for a vehicle that's only been in here 14 months. So I'd say it's gonna be well above the bottom. It's not gonna be that sunken in. It's gonna be really easy to see it. And it's coming back up. Still 20 feet deep right there. Come back up, we're already at 10. Real good visibility in here. We're down to 23 feet. It's coming up a little bit. The main area we're focused on is this front here, where the cars are, as well as the ramp area as soon as you come in. It's 10 feet, 11 feet. The problem we're having here at this location is over there, it's really, really shallow. You gotta get out to here until it starts to drop off. Coming up on the boat ramp right over there, right where that's a red, white, and blue American flag awning is, it's 12 feet deep right here. Come on, give us a car. Give us a car, Come on. Give us a truck, I mean, let it be a truck. Coming across the ramp. I can see the edge of the ramp over there. (water sloshing) (somber synth music) (people chattering) (water sloshing) (somber synth music) Nothing, nothing at all. (people laughing and chattering) Crystal clear. I mean, the boat ramp being there is more of a, you know, self-harm possibility. Definitely, I don't think we're looking at an accident or an accident scenario here. Definitely self-harm and or foul play. 16 feet right here, so we're plenty deep. We're also away from the boat ramp. We know cars clear guardrails. Guardrails get replaced without them being questioned. It's possible. (water sloshing) (somber synth music) It's coming back up, 12 feet. Yeah, the road's right there, parallel. Real clear imaging. You can see everything out here. We're working with 12 feet deep over here on our Garmin Livescope. Real clear bottom. - [Josh] Nothing right there, huh? - [Doug] Nothing right there. - [Josh] Do you see all the way to the shore? - [Doug] Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. You look over- - You see that log that pointed out? - [Doug] Yep, you can see right here. This is our shoreline right here. You see these tires? Those are tires. Beautiful image of tires. So they gives you guys an idea of what we can see out here. A car is gonna stick out like a sore thumb. And you got a log of some type right there. You see the trees we're going over right now. You see the trees right here. Now we're over here behind these houses. We got another tire out here. Two tire, we got a big tire, look at that one. - [Josh] Ooh. - Oh, what's that? We got a car. We have a car right there. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a vehicle. (somber synth music) Right off the backside where those dumpsters are. It's not a pickup truck, I don't think. Hmm. Looks like a vehicle for first scan, definitely. Nine feet deep. So if it's tall, depending on how far it's sunken in, it's probably like six feet down to the vehicle. You never know what you're gonna find out here. You never know. Should be coming over it. We should be almost directly over it. Mmm. From that scan, it definitely doesn't look like a car. We should be right over it right now. Seven feet deep. (suspenseful synth music) (air rumbles) Ah, you know. - [Josh] What are the dimensions on it? - That angle definitely doesn't look like a car. You can look at it. I'm not sure what that is, maybe a boat. (water sloshing) But it's 18 feet right there. It's gonna be right along our other line. Yeah, it definitely looks like a boat there. That's why you gotta re-scan things. - [Josh] Like kind of hollow, right? - Yeah, with the one seat in the middle. But we'll see. We'll get a good idea. We also have a magnet. Magnet doesn't lie. I mean, theoretically right now, this is, we're working, if a car's here, it's foul play. If our car is here, it's foul play. Ah, man, from that direction, just. (engine chugging) From one side, it looks like it could be a car. From the other side, it looks like it could be a boat. But I need to get right over it to see how tall it is. - [Josh] Okay, gotcha. - That's what I'm trying to do right now. (engine chugging) And we just went over it. It is only a foot tall. Yeah, it's definitely a boat. Let's go right back over that. Not gonna be our car, or our truck, and or a car. Coming over it right now. (water sloshing) (somber synth music) There it is. Right there at that bush. Right there on the other side of that bush. There it is, there it is, there it is, right there. (emotive synth music) There, it's coming back up, it's coming back up. (emotive synth music) (rope shuffling) There's the magnet going down. We're right above it. (rope shuffling) No, I'm all over it. I'm bouncing all over it. Ah, it feels like a boat. Definitely hard. It's just not tall enough. Yeah, it's not metal. (engine chugging) Doesn't really look like a car. It's not tall enough to be a car. - [Josh] Nothing on the magnet either. - And nothing on the magnet. (engine chugging) Magnet doesn't lie. (water sloshing) This will probably be our last location. We're back here behind these houses, which we're kind of scanning for no reason. I'm pretty sure, at this point, we're gonna find somebody that we're not looking for, a car we're not looking for. Definitely. Look at all of the trees over there. The coolest thing about this lake is it is shaped just like a horseshoe. It is named Horseshoe Lake for a reason. If you guys look on the map here in Woodland, Washington, it is picture perfect horseshoe. (somber piano music) I'm gonna send the detective the coordinates of what we've checked so far. Honestly, the cell phone information that I have is not great cell phone information that we're used to. - [Josh] What did you say the radius was on it? - The technical radius, I mean, to be honest with you, was like 50 miles. However, the last exact pings were near I-5 where we started this morning. And that was just the only, one of the only locations you're gonna get off of those last pings. He did, I guess, not have a great cell phone. So did that have something to do with it? I don't know. But you know what, we are missing, like, just that X factor. There's some other dynamics that are, unfortunately, we can't talk about at the moment because they're classified. But we are definitely ruling out, we have ruled out so far accident scenario and also self-harm scenario based upon what the detective was concerned about. All right, so we've made our way around the inside of the horseshoe back up behind these houses in the road right here. This is gonna be our last little stretch of Horseshoe Lake. (water sloshing) (engine rumbles) We got a lot of people out here on the lake, so we gotta be courteous of the paddle borders. - [Josh] Nothing right there, huh? - Nothing. 14 feet deep out here though. If we find something right here, it's gonna be from most likely maybe a homeowner that's trying to hide something with insurance fraud, or a homeowner that accidentally wrecked their vehicle and never said anything. Clear over there in a little curve, the little cove. So you guys see the docks right there and that's how they come up right here. One. You got another one coming up as well. (water sloshing) It should be coming into the cam, should be coming into the screen right now. (water sloshing) Yup. You can see the little outcrop there of it. (water sloshing) That's gonna wrap this location up. And unfortunately, it's gonna conclude our search for TJ. We'll get the boat out (water sloshing) and we'll close this one out. (water sloshing) We'll close it out properly. We're gonna need some help. (water sloshing) We're also gonna need to wait on the detective as well. Our hands are kind of tied at the moment. (water sloshing) (somber synth music) So Horseshoe Lake is absolutely clear. Based upon the cell phone information that we've had and the detective's suspicions, we've been able to rule out the possibility of self-harm and also an accident scenario. In order to move forward, we have to wait for some things to play out in the legal system. The detective is gonna get back to us later on this week or next week before we move forward. This is gonna conclude our episode at the moment. However, if there's anyone out there that knows anything in regards to the disappearance of Terry TJ Shinaver, you need to come forward. You need to let us know something. You need to let the St. Helens Police Department know something. Reach out to us. Somebody has to know something. If something happened, if this is related to foul play, somebody out there knows something. Step forward, come forward to the police or us and give us that information that can lead us into finding TJ. Please do that. If you haven't already done so, please make sure you take a moment to subscribe, like, share. Leave a comment, let us know what you think. Unfortunately, we can't move forward, like I said, our hands are tied at this moment until we let some legal stuff play out at the request of the detective working the case. So leave a comment below, let us know what you think. Until next time, we're moving on down the road to our next case. We'll see you on the next one. (somber synth music)
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 129,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Terry Shinaver, missing person, cold case, Adventures With Purpose, AWP, Lewis River, unsolved mystery, search and rescue, Ford Ranger, community search, missing adult, police investigation, sonar search, river search, missing since 2021, missing person case, search efforts, volunteer search, missing person documentary, true crime, unsolved disappearance, public help, missing person alert, investigative search, family search for missing, search and recovery
Id: 5kLHiEeZw6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 29sec (2189 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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