Did This Classified CIA Document Hide The True History of Humanity?

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well as the kids say these days she's shifting on my poles to my cataclysm I'm Aiden Mattis and welcome back to the lore Lodge [Music] as with many stories that have cropped up in the last 10 to 15 years this one starts with something named Chan in this case not 4chan or Chris Chan but rather Chan Thomas full name Chauncey Powers Thomas born in 1920 in clay Missouri there is not a ton of available biographical information on this guy aside from the stuff he wrote himself which is very much in the vein of to put it kindly self-gratification Chan tells us a lot about his achievements and his background and how influential he's been if you go and you look into his actual influence on Science History the the things he business himself with it's clear that he did not in fact contribute a ton but he did contribute a very specific document and that's what we're going to be talking about today and in researching this topic I got to a point where I was really you know butting up against the government trying to either hide things or not being totally forthcoming with why they chose to do something and I can tell that you know what I'm probably on a list at this point because I'm constantly looking into stuff the FBI doesn't want you to find out whatever the National Park Service is up to exposing the truth about Bigfoot and that's why we've partnered with surf shark VPN surfshark is a virtual private network provider meaning they keep your identity safe by encrypting all of your data as it transitions between your device and the internet this keeps your personal information protected from big companies big government and Bigfoot a VPN also swaps the location of your device with a virtual one so you can be in multiple places at once that means you can access content libraries that are blocked in your country as well as out of Market sporting events and by masking your IP surfshark protects you from hackers blocks tracking software and ensures that your download history 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a further degree at Harvard I will say off the bat I did try to verify that I could not find a Harvard yearbook or a Columbia yearbook or a Dartmouth yearbook from the years that he was supposedly graduating because they're just not available so I don't know for certain that he actually did graduate from those places however there's no no reason to believe he didn't because the guy clearly is intelligent just reading his work definitely makes you ask some questions now Thomas allegedly and I say allegedly because I could not independently verify it worked for a Contracting firm that worked with the United States Air Force back in the 1960s now assuming that this secret group at McDonald Douglas actually did exist he was hired by the much more famous UFO researcher Dr Robert Woods and that's what they were doing for the Air Force was researching UFO technology now Dr Wood has appeared on programs like unacknowledged and Ancient Aliens and so of course you know we've got to be aware that he is very much in the the UFO ologist's fear but at the same time he did work for McDonnell Douglas wood in a 2008 article for the mutual UFO Network UFO Journal yes this is going to be one of those videos wrote that he hired Thomas because he was a psychic who claimed to be in contact with some ETS sometimes and who also espouse the claims of cataclysmic geology he wanted someone who thought outside of the box it appears wood also notes that Thomas had such outlandish claims that even some in our own group had difficulty accepting him Thomas had claimed that he taught a group of students to accurately correctly guess what card was in a deck using extra sensory perception and also that he had made an appointment with a spaceship captain from the Andromeda galaxy to meet up in Joshua Tree and uh the the captain never showed but he maintained that he did in fact make contact according to Wood Thomas was on staff because of his creative thinking and Innovative nature even though he did sometimes frustrate the more science-minded members of the team he himself was an engineer but he was definitely a little bit more eccentric than the rest of the guys and to be clear on my my mention about would working for McDonnell Douglas he he claims he worked for McDonald Douglas I didn't really look into verifying this to be honest because it wasn't super important by this point that was very clear but the the group was called boys in the back room and apparently it was their task to kind of quietly research UFOs within a company that was being contracted by the military to give you you know the necessary layers of plausible deniability but the thing is that hiring and all of this research happened after Chan Thomas published the Adam and Eve story as the story goes the Adam and Eve story was published by Emerson house in 1965 but was immediately seized and censored by the CIA it was banned from circulation and the whole idea of them censoring this book has become its own conspiracy theory as to why they did it at all let alone what censoring a book at the federal level does to conspiracy theories because now everybody assumes that there's something really really important in that book look that the government does not want people to know however a sanitized copy as the CIA puts it has been available since 2013 on the cia.gov website however full copies of the 1993 Edition both the 1965 and 1993 are labeled as first edition though those go for about a thousand dollars on Amazon because there are so few copies it's such a limited production run but also it appears that the 1993 Edition was never classified or censored so if it's the same as the 1965 Edition which I did look at both in their discrepancies but if it is the same then it suggests that the reason it was censored in the first place had more to do with the timing than it did the contents because anything that was censorable in 1965 content-wise was probably also censorable in 1993. in this case the 1993 one wasn't classified it's also important to mention and to make it clear here that a lot of websites a lot of conspiracy theories suggest that this is in fact a CIA document that was classified that's not the case this was an outside document that the CIA in some way classified we don't know precisely what it's unclear to what extent they said you can't publish this but it's not a CIA document it wasn't written by CIA agents it wasn't from internal CIA headquarters they saw something in there that they didn't want the public seeing but it wasn't like them doing their own research or admitting to MK Ultra or something like that it was an outside source that they then said hey nobody can be allowed to find this now of course on this channel we do our research so when I saw that one thousand dollar copy of the book on Amazon I went ahead and I purchased the Kindle edition it was five dollars the digital copy of the 1993 Edition runs at about 146 Pages whereas the Declassified sanitized copy available from the CIA itself runs at only 55 Pages the first four or five of which are just random Time magazine article and then there's a list of like tools at some point in the middle of the file for some reason it seems like it they weren't totally just declassifying this one document like maybe there was an entire folder of stuff that was classified for some reason but anyway it's a lot shorter part of the reason that it's shorter is because there is an additional aftermath section that must have been written after 1989 based on some of the stuff that's in it but if you read that it's a lot about you know what happened after the the publishing and the reception and some additional thoughts he has but the the the stuff before the aftermath section is still longer there are an extra 40 pages in the 1993 Edition which means that either the CIA redacted about 40 pages or there are an additional 40 pages to the 1993 Edition which means either the CIA redacted basically half the book or that he expanded a lot more in the ensuing 30 years after the initial was published for this video I decided that I would go primarily with the 1965 Edition and then cross-reference it with the 1993 to see how things changed over time and also to try and get the most original form of it rather than going with something where he might have abrogated his earlier points the 1965 edition of the Adam and Eve story is broken into six chapters those are the next cataclysm the great floods the story The Event Genesis and the conclusion the next page reads like Noah's 6500 years ago like Adam and Eve's 11 500 years ago this too will come to pass now that was basically the first thing I saw of this document when somebody asked about it on the podcast so I initially looked at it I went 11 500 years that's that's melt water pulse 1B that's the end of the younger driest maybe he's actually on to something here so I dove in now I considered just paraphrasing this but I decided that the best course of action would simply be to read it so I'm just going to read it to you with a rumble so low as to be an audible growing throbbing then fuming into a thundering Roar the earthquake starts only it's not like any earthquake in recorded history in California the mountains shake like ferns in a breeze the mighty Pacific rears back and piles up into a mountain of water more than two miles high then starts its race Eastward with the force of a thousand armies the wind attacks ripping shredding everything in its supersonic bombardment the unbelievable mountain of Pacific seawater follows the wind Eastward burying Los Angeles and San Francisco as if they were but grains of sand nothing but nothing stops the Relentless overwhelming onslaught of wind and ocean across the continent the Thousand mile per hour wind wreaks its Unholy Vengeance everywhere mercilessly unceasingly every living thing is ripped into shreds while being blown across the countryside and the earthquake leaves no place untouched in many places the Earth's molten sub-layer breaks through and spreads a sea of white hot Liquid Fire to add to the Holocaust within three hours the Fantastic wall of water moves across the continent burying the wind-ravaged land under two miles of seething water coast to coast in a fraction of a day all vestiges of civilization are gone and the great cities Los Angeles San Francisco Chicago Dallas New York are nothing but legends barely a stone is left where Millions walked just a few hours before a few lucky ones who managed to find Shelter From The Screaming wind on the Lee side of Pike's Peak watch the Sea of molten fire break through the quaking valleys below the ray aging Waters follow piling higher and higher steaming over the molten Earth fire and Rising almost to their feet only great mountains such as this can withstand the cataclysmic Onslaught North America is not alone in her Death Rows Central America suffers the same candidate wind Earth fire and inundation South America finds the Andes not high enough to stop the cataclysmic violence pounded out by nature in her berserk rage in less than a day Ecuador Peru and Western Brazil are shaken madly by the devastating earthquake burned by molten Earth fire buried underneath the cubic miles of torrential Pacific seas and then turned into a frozen hell everything freezes man Beast plant and mud are all rock hard in less than four hours if you experience a cataclysm lasting more than four hours please contact your doctor I guess Europe cannot escape the onslaught the Raging Atlantic piles higher and higher upon itself following the screeching wind Eastward the Alps Pyrenees urals and Scandinavian mountains are shaken and heaved even higher before the wall of water strikes western Africa and the Sands of the Sahara vanish in Nature's wrath under Savage attack by wind and ocean the area bounded by the Congo South Africa and Kenya suffers only severe earthquakes and winds no inundation for those who don't know inundation it means flood basically here that's how he's using the word um survivors there Marvel at the sun standing still in the sky for nearly half a day now of course the sun isn't actually standing still in the sky it's that they are on a continent that is going Zoom around the world so the sun looks like it's standing in place Eastern Siberia and the Orient suffer a strange fate indeed as though a giant Subterranean side sweeps away the Earth's foundations accompanied by the wind in its screaming Symphony of SuperSonic death and destruction as the Arctic Basin leaves its polar home yep that's what he said Eastern Siberia Manchuria China and Burma are all subjected to the same Annihilation as South America wind Earth fire inundation and freezing jungle animals are shredded to Ribbons by the wind piled into mountains of Flesh and Bone and buried under Avalanches of seawater and mud then comes the terrible paralyzing cold not man nor Beast nor plant nor Earth nor gourd is left unfrozen in the entire Eastern Asian continent most of which remains below sea level does not actually say War Gord east of Euros in Western Siberia a few lucky people survived the Fantastic winds and Quakes Antarctica and Greenland with their ice caps now rotate around the earth in the torrid Zone and the fury of wind and inundation Marches On for six days and nights he really likes the word inundation during the sixth day the oceans start to settle in their new homes running off the high grounds on the seventh day the horrendous Rampage is over the Arctic Ice Ages ended and a new stone age Begins the oceans the Great homogenizers have laid down another deep layer of mud over the existing strata in the Great Plains as exposed in the Grand Canyon Painted Desert and Badlands the Bay of Bengal Basin just east of India is now at the North Pole the Pacific Ocean just west of Peru is now at the South Pole Greenland and Antarctica now rotating equatorially in the torrid Zone find their ice caps dissolving madly in the tropical heat massive walls of water and ice surge towards the oceans taking everything from mountains to Plains in gushing heaving paths creating immense seasonal moraines in less than 25 years the ice caps are gone and the oceans around the world rise over 200 feet with the Newfound water the torrid Zone will be shrouded in a fog for Generations from the enormous amounts of moisture poured into the atmosphere by the melting ice caps new ice caps begin to form in the new polar areas Greenland and Antarctica emerge with verdant tropical foliage Australia is the new unexplored continent in the north Temperance Zone with only a few handfuls of survivors populating its vastness New York lies at the bottom of the Atlantic shattered melted by Earth fire and covered by unbelievable amounts of mud of San Francisco and Los Angeles not a trace is left there is a silver lining it appears Egypt emerges from its Mediterranean you guessed it inundation new and higher still the land of the ages the commonplace of our time becomes the mysterious ballbeck of the new era a new era yes the cataclysm has done its work well the greatest population regulator of all does once more for man what he refuses to do for himself and drives the pitiful few who survive into a new stone age once more the Earth has shifted its 60 mile thick shell with the poles moving almost to the equator in a fraction of a day again the atmosphere and Heavens refusing to change Direction with the Earth's shell have wiped out almost all life after this tumble we joined Noah Adam and Eve Atlantis Mew and Olympus and Jesus joins Osiris tarar Zeus and Vishnu and that was just three pages there are some details added in the 1993 Edition that aren't present in the 1965 for example the specific number of degrees that the temperature plunges which is 180 where before it only read a terrible paralyzing cold so once again we have an apocalyptic climate event that is being told to us so in this apocalyptic scenario it's not a solar flare it's not anthropogenic climate change it is a polar shift now admittedly this is well beyond my understanding of science I have like a middle school education in physics so I'm not going to sit here and talk about the physics of the polls shifting and electromagnetism and all that because I don't understand it it seems like he doesn't either but I don't I I know enough to know it sounds wrong but not enough to tell you why it's wrong interestingly enough while his reasoning behind everything doesn't totally change throughout the rest of the the story in this specific instance he takes out the mention of polls so the next cataclysm chapter in the 1965 Edition has mentions of the Paul polar shift whereas the 1993 Edition does not mention the polar shifts here it just does it later and of course he ends the chapter with comments about Atlantis and Mew and then involving a bunch of different religions and religious figures into this cataclysmic narrative the next chapter is called the Great floods and off the bat he argues that Noah Osiris Adam and Eve and Vishnu all represent era's ages apart that these are all people who survived their cataclysm and then went on to tell the tale and became you know heroes or gods or or demigods some sort of major deity some sort of major cultural figure and he does a smart thing here he he has given us the the hook right he's shown us you know the the the announcement of our impending doom but now he's gonna dial back and he's gonna cite some scientists so that we know that he's not pulling this all out of thin air that he actually did his homework he did his research he does cite two people who are of specific interest to him one of those is Jay Andre de Luke who was a Swiss geologist he was active in the 18th century and he posited that the six days of Genesis are not 24-hour days but rather eras where things were happening that took any number of days any number of years really he also heavily references George cuvier who was a French zoologist and paleontologist who is known as kind of the the father of paleontology he was active in the early 19th century in the late 18th century and he argued that the mass extinctions of the past of which there are six with us currently being in the sixth one were all caused by cataclysmic flooding events other people he mentions by name are BG Escher not to be confused with MC Escher dayadatmu Francois Alphonse Farrell Christian Leopold Von Bush and J Andre de Luke Jr all of whom in some way mentioned or argued for geological cataclysms of the past citing cuvier he argues that the Earth has undergone massive Revolutions in the position of its continents as a result of these poles shifting however it is important to note that when cuvier was writing it was 1812 that means that this was 47 years prior to Darwin's description of natural selection it was a hundred years prior to the theorization of Pangea and it was 103 years prior to the theory of plate tectonics so cuvier was dealing with a serious dearth of information as compared to what was available to Thomas in 1965. so while it can't be said for certain that those changes would disprove cuvier's Theory it's very clear that there was a degree of research that needed to happen here that Thomas did not properly execute on why was he citing a guy who was writing in the early 1800s when he could have been citing the scientists of his own time who were developing the theories and Concepts that would have proven cuvier to be incorrect basically it just seems improper to cite cuvier over the more contemporary thinkers cuvier also says that at his time the last cataclysm could not have occurred more than 6 000 years ago writing also one preceding Revolution at least had put the continents under water perhaps two or three interruptions of the sea what he's saying here is that there have been probably multiple Mass flooding events not just the ones recorded by the Bible and Gilgamesh and those other works cuvia's interest in all of this seems to have been largely spurred by his interest in fossils and he was starting to see the evidence of what would become the sixth great mass extinctions the six of which we are of course currently in or at least that is what Encyclopedia Britannica says so he was seeing a pattern and he believed that these extinctions were all directly connected that the same kind of event probably caused them after saying cuvier Thomas breaks his string of quotations to tell us that it's not just science that is interested in this question of mass extinctions and a cataclysmic cycle one of the people he cites is Emmanuel velikovsky who was a Russian psychiatrist it appears when you take this in concert with Anatoly famenco that the Russians just really like rewriting history for some reason studying it from the mythological angle velikovsky suggested that the previous cataclysms were caused when Earth's electromagnetic field was interfered with by those of mars or Venus in his revision The Exodus of the Bible occurs around the end of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt which in my opinion is about 500 years too early and it seems far more likely that it was the winter of 1206 1207 BC however I have not had a chance to read velikovsky's work so I can't say for certain why he believes what he believes and I can't really go into detail about why I think he's wrong if you want to see why I think he's wrong check out the weird Bible podcast episode on Genesis or on Exodus he also notes Charles hapgood and Hugh alkenclaw's Brown's work which discusses Mew and Atlantis these proposed hypothetical continents in the Pacific and the Atlantic in this case both men were contemporaries of Thomas with hapgood arguing against the continental drift theory the theory of plate tectonics and brown arguing that the Earth's axis tips over every four thousand to seventy five hundred years because the ice caps accumulate and centrifugal force makes it heavy so they'd spin the Earth's crust around onto the equator Brown of course had a solution to preventing this massive shift that would occur from the ice caps spinning so fast and that was to Nuke them nuke the ice caps Elon Musk wants to do that to Mars but there's nobody living there right now do you see the problem here it's a good thing we had people to tell Brown and MacArthur know while scientifically this is an extremely shaky Theory which is honestly just openly false you can say for certain that the Earth's crust does not shift the way that Thomas and his contemporaries and even his predecessors are suggesting it did while while we can full stop say that did not happen he is correct in his sentiment in some ways which is to say that when these ideas are proposed you know when we try to look into these mythological cataclysms typically the archaeological and anthropological communities just laugh them out of the room they're just simply mocked and drowned out the second they're proposed as we recently saw with graham Hancock's ancient apocalypse show people will pan this stuff before the reviews are even in before anyone's had a chance to see it when ancient apocalypse was announced before anyone had a chance to watch it the archaeological Community was calling it dangerous and racist so it's very clear that there Thomas is not wrong to say that there is friction and that the community doesn't want to investigate these things that said in 2023 we're pretty pretty certain that the Earth doesn't rotate its crust every four thousand to 7 500 years in fact I don't think the magnetic poles even shift remotely that often but I suppose it's possible that in 1965 that wasn't quite as well known I'm not a scientist the next person Thomas cites is Frank C hibben who asked a very specific question which is quoted in the text what we get is what caused the death of 40 million animals this is from the book The Lost Americans now Frank hibben was writing in the early 1900s the first half of the century hidden was an archaeologist trained at Princeton and then the University of New Mexico finally receiving his PhD from Harvard so very well educated man very good pedigree especially back in that time and unlike some of the authors on this list he is actually less controversial now than he was back in the 1940s he was absolutely ridiculed for dating a deposit of Native American artifacts in the Sandia Mountains of New Mexico to 25 000 years ago now at the time it was widely held in fact it was it was Dogma archaeologically that people were not here that early that it was a hard limit of about 13 500 years and only in the last 20 years has that really been rolled back we went from Clovis first the idea that the Clovis culture who got here around 13 500 years ago were the first humans in the Americas that was the law of the land in archeology now of course we've found footprints that are 22 000 years old we found other I you know caches of artifacts that are also older we know that it was at least ten thousand twenty thousand years earlier than that possibly even further back but the passage he's citing asks how it's possible that so many fossils so many animals were found so close together who died so quickly basically it appears that these animals perished on mass while hibben is talking about the end of the pleistocene which is an era We Now call the younger driest today we believe that the younger dryas was caused by a comet impact and we have the boundary layer in the sediment to show that and the same hypothesis exists though it's unproven for melt water pulse 1B 1200 years later a comet impact certainly would cause Mass death on the scale noted with quote Mammoth and bison torn and twisted as though by Cosmic hand in a Godly rage in essence hidden was completely correct to assume a catastrophe occurred he just didn't really know what it was and Thomas writing 20 years later ran with that theory of global cataclysm he writes a although there is enough data in each science to indicate that these cataclysms happen there was not enough to prove the concept but between science correlation whatever that means showed indeed that the concept was true I believe the term he wanted to use was interdisciplinary the science is referenced here are paleontology anthropology archeology Radiology stratigraphy seismology glaciology and quote unquote many other fields like geology he also claims that the data revealed at least five previous cataclysms stretching back about 35 000 years now that 35 000 Year date is changed in the 1993 Edition to just a question mark of course the most recent of these would be Noah's flood which he claims was 6 500 years ago so as you can see much of this theory is predicated upon the belief that the Earth's crust can in fact do that and by do that I mean rapidly shift position on top of the mantle and Berry past civilizations then Thomas asks us a question so they happen what is it that happens each time we have now assumed that this happens by the way and the rest the rest of the work goes on from here we are working on the assumption that every five thousand to seven thousand years the Earth's crust goes whoosh and that is a consistent theme of Thomas's work by the way he will present something not really do enough to prove that it's right and then accept it as fact before stacking another thing on top of it that undergoes the same process so taking everything he says as fact it's logically sound but it's not scientifically sound the logic follows but the proofs aren't there he claims his Discovery turns prehistoric legends from Greece Egypt India and South America into history uh quote lost continents in the Atlantic and Pacific which became dated realities with logical reasons for their disappearance Vishnu he writes came alive a man who lived through a cataclysm seventy thousand years before our time actually 10 cataclysms ago according to Thomas this is the reason that Vishnu is known as the Hindu god of resurrections from the waters I do not know enough about Hinduism to even remotely comment on that he then claims that Osiris was in fact the Jesus of his time but he does not really elaborate further and just refers to Osiris as a man of Egypt 15 000 years ago comparing Judaism with Mesopotamian Legends he claims that Noah smiled at us from the pages of the Epic of Gilgamesh he actually was a Sumerian named napishten which is actually not that far off from legitimate scholarly theories regarding the Noah utnapistim and the Genesis Gilgamesh narrative connections it is possible that these two stories are referring to the same legendary figure especially when you consider that Abraham was from Ur of the chaldees in Southeastern Mesopotamia and therefore was actually part of the Sumerian culture of course the claim here is that Noah's flood was that 6500 year ago collapse as I've said before he then says the r key built is more than Legend but does not explain simply adding that the process of a cataclysm is known now the topic then rapidly shifts to the molten interior of the earth and he says look at a cross-section of the earth you'll see two molten layers admittedly I did have to go and give myself a little crash course on the interior of the earth here because I haven't learned about it since high school he says that the thinner of the two layers which is 60 miles down and then extends another 60 miles into the Earth is the more important of the two this is all in reference to this graphic at the beginning of the book which oddly enough leaves out the aforementioned layer there is an arrow pointing to it but no actual description No Label however it is in the 1993 Edition which means either the CIA scans something wrong deliberately removed it or for who knows why Thomas didn't actually label the map in the original version I think that the CIA having something to do with it is far more likely though I believe he is referencing The partially molten asthenosphere but I'm not a geologist so don't quote me on on that but Encyclopedia Britannica says that that layer is in constant motion he also mentions the 1300 mile thick outer core beginning at 1800 miles depth he says that both of these layers are liquid however the inner magnetic electrical structure of earth makes these layers out as if they were near solid or plastic and as long as this structure maintains its orderliness the Earth continues to rotate on its axes normally I don't know if he's right about the way that the electromagnetic field affects those layers and I do not understand the terminology well enough to tell you so you know what if in the comments if there's any earth scientists please feel free to explain and of course this is where the ice caps come in and specifically the ones in the Antarctic and Greenland he said that the growing Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets this was 1965. it was believed that climate change was actually going to cause global cooling at that time so this kind of made sense in in the time today you might look at somebody saying the grow Greenland ice sheet and go what are you talking about in 1965 that's what everybody thought was happening but because these caps aren't centered on the Earth's axis its rotational axis they start to pull the Earth down towards the they pull the crust towards the equator again not totally understanding like that does not sound right to me but I do not have the scientific knowledge to tell you why according to Thomas the only way that the ice caps can get to the equator is to pull the crust along with them as long as the Earth's electromagnetic field remains normal that's impossible to quote him specifically but once every few thousand years the magnetic and electrical orderliness inside the earth is disrupted and the molten layer is allowed to act like a free liquid again I don't think that's how it works I just had Aiden look up how often the magnetic fields shift and it's once every 300 000 or so years not every few thousand the facts of the matter notwithstanding it then serves as a lubricant for the ice caps to pull the the shell of the Earth around the inside supposedly it takes only 6 to 12 hours for all of this to occur or at least the initial motion there's then another several days of turmoil but it only takes 6 to 12 hours for the Earth's shell to shift the way it does but of course only the land shifts position which causes thousand mile an hour winds and waves to Cascade across the continents now of course I'm not sure why only the land would move considering that the oceans also sit atop the crust but we've we've run into a number of scientific oopsies already so the end result of all of these changes is a completely unrecognizable surface world but what is the trigger now Thomas is very rational here and says we couldn't rely on some Supernatural explanation kind of what he's doing this whole time but it's fine basically there had to be something that was disrupting the electromagnetic field to cause all these shifts it couldn't just be something that randomly occurs for no reason Thomas says that at one point it was thought that sunspots cause these or solar flares just coronal mass ejections that were messing with Earth's electromagnetic field but that doesn't seem to be the leading theory anymore Nature's power plant he writes is a motor generator system existing in many different magnitudes it's a basic structure of the universe he claims that the energy structure of an atom is identical to a rotating planet to a blue white star to a Galaxy and so on unto the universe itself to further quote as a neutron which has escaped its parent Adam's neutral zone will separate into particles a star through a sunspot gives off neutral matter which explodes as it becomes energized he then once again scales the analogy to the galactic level saying that the planet therefore must act at its same energy level again I have no idea if any of this is accurate but according to Thomas every 4 000 or so years the Earth's inner core about 860 miles uh in radius ejects new neutral matter into the outer core which causes a miniature nuclear explosion deep within the Earth this in turn disrupts the electromagnetic properties of the planet allowing for the crust to slide along the mantle this claim of course then leads us into the next which is ice ages are not a matter of advancing and retreating ice it's simply that different areas of the Earth are in polar regions at different times for different durations of time with the changes between positions taking place in a fraction of a day all of this is apparently more likely than the other explanation he does expand on a few of these points in the 1993 Edition for example Greenland because it's off-center develops a centrifugal force in coupling with Antarctica which is also apparently off center of the axis I but Antarctica is not I mean it I guess it extends wider in One Direction than the other maybe but it's not really off the axis it's kind of right on the South Pole Greenland of course is not right on the North Pole but he also removes a section in the 1993 Edition which is the entire thing about ejections of neutral matter that just isn't there he says we just don't know what happens he also adds that the Grand Canyon Painted Desert Monument Valley and other natural geographic landmarks are all results and evidence of these giant shifts he also then writes that the story of the world gives silent testimony what does that mean well he's talking about examples of evidence of this cataclysm that he's talking about the barisofka mammoth for example discovered in 1901 by Eugene feisenmeyer was found Frozen in the mud with grass in its mouth showing that it was eating when it died and therefore must have died suddenly it's thought to have died about 35 000 years ago either by falling into a crevasse or by asphyxiation and they believe in the asphyxiation thing for uh reasons mammoths as a whole largely died out about 11 000 years ago with a small population surviving on an island off the coast of Alaska until about 4 000 years ago another example he gives is the ages of of the Gorges beneath Niagara and Saint Anthony's Falls now he says that those Gorges are about 6 500 years old but I couldn't find anything suggesting that as far as I was able to discover and uncover it seems that both Niagara Falls and Saint Anthony's Falls formed around twelve thousand eleven thousand years ago and that the Gorges beneath them formed as a direct result of the Falls of course over the same time period so maybe it took 6 500 years for them to become full and Gorges but they started forming at the same time the waterfalls formed he also brings up The Disappearance of the laurentide ice sheet around 11 500 years ago the ice sheet covered most of Canada as well as the American Midwest New England and part of Pennsylvania of course now we know that whatever caused the climate change of melt water pulse 1B is likely also responsible for The Disappearance of the Lord and Tide ice sheet oddly enough he then brings up the uninterrupted Evolution on the Galapagos Islands over the last 11 500 years I say oddly because that kind of makes the opposite point you know if these giant Global cataclysms are happening why would there be uninterrupted Evolution on Galapagos for 11 000 years in between two of these cataclysms occurring then we also get The Disappearance of an ice cap in the murum murum biji River Basin in Australia the age of fossils in the Wilshire Boulevard tar pits and the sudden end of work on the prehistoric city of tiwanuku tiwanaku in Bolivia now the whole tiwanaku Tia juanaco issue uh here's the thing about that I can't totally fault Thomas for what he says here because when he was writing the belief posited by Arthur poznansky between 1910 and 1945 he's the guy that was the amateur archaeologist studying the site was that the city of teohanako was in fact about 11 500 to 12 000 years old in fact that was if not older he posited as far back as seventeen thousand however that was revised to 1580 BC using radiocarbon data by Carlos Ponce sanginis in the 1970s today in 2023 the consensus is that the site was in use no earlier than 200 BC and likely became inhabited sometime between 100 and 380. part of the reason that poznanski's theory is just not just doesn't work is that he argued that the sea levels were higher 12 000 years ago than they are today but we now know definitively that that is not the case they were lower and interestingly that is not corrected in the 1993 Edition now there are a lot of things on this list so I'll stick to the remaining interesting ones one of these is the sudden 200 foot rise in sea level around six thousand to seven thousand years ago this is probably just him misdating meltwater pulse 1B and I've used that term meltwater pulse 1B a few times in this video but I realized that you might be a new viewer and you might not understand what I'm talking about there so just to really quickly go through this the younger driest period lasted from around 12 800 to around 11 600 years ago since about the 1980s there was speculation that the younger driest was actually caused by a comet impact and that was pretty firmly shown in a 2007 study but that impact is not the one that's important here the one that's important here is melt water pulse 1B which comes at the end of the younger drius according to my alma mater Penn State University the sea levels over the last 20 000 years have risen about 130 meters or 426 feet about 20 meters of that occurred between twenty thousand and fifteen thousand years ago and then we hit melt water pulse 1A around 14 500 years ago over the course of the following Millennium sea levels would rise about 30 meters which is a much higher rate than the previous five thousand years and then around 11 600 years ago melt water pulse 1B follows raising sea levels from about 80 meters below modern to about 20 meters below modern that sea level rise took about a thousand years but it was not a static rate it was much faster at the beginning and then it slows down over time using ice cores we can tell that that 60 meter rise did occur over that thousand years but the first 25 meters occurred within just a few Dozen Years to maybe a century so while we're not talking about a massive tidal wave washing away all of society that would have been pretty catastrophic for people living during that time if they had any sort of settled Lifestyle on the coastlines so when I say that the sudden 200 foot sea level rise is probably melt water pulse 1B that's why now of course he does cite a better one which is that Leonard Wooley a British archaeologist managed to discover a flood plain around the city of order that flood would have hit around 6 500 years ago which is why he puts the flood of Noah and pitched him at 6 500 years but the problem here is that that's really not large scale enough to support what he's saying yes it's it's a flood in fact it's a flood we know happened but the area it covered was only about 400 miles by 100 miles so it's just not big enough he mentions Granite blocks from the Alps that showed up about 4 000 feet in the Jura mountains of course according to the Encyclopedia Britannica the Jorah Mountain are a sub Alpine Range just west of the Alps made up of the same general materials so Granite stones from the Alps doesn't totally make sense here because they could just be Granite from you know the jurors and Britannica also says that those blocks were deposited by ancient glaciers you might be thinking there are some Ancient Aliens episodes where I've seen that you know what are clearly man-made blocks are explained away as glacial deposits that's not what we're talking about here we're not talking about archaeologists or anthropologists or geologists just trying to find the simplest explanation to avoid something wacky no these very much look like they're just eroded blocks of granite that they weren't put there that they're not man-made they look totally natural they really look more like fractured Boulders than anything made by human hands he then brings up a favorite of ancient conspiracy theorists which is the piri Reyes map fans of Assassin's Creed Revelation might remember piri Reyes as a character in the game but in 1513 he produced a map made from a com composition of other older Maps which has in many cases been used to suggest that there is an iceless Antarctica or that the poles of the Earth are different now than they were 500 years ago in the case of Chan Thomas it's argued that this map shows Egypt as being in the North Pole there are some problems here first of all Egypt is not shown on the remaining fragment of the piri Reyes map and we are missing the other two what is shown on the map is portions of Spain and Portugal portions of Western North Africa the Eastern Coastline of South America and a little bit of the Caribbean part of the confusion might be that maybe he was looking at the map at a 90 degree tilt or he may have made the common mistake of thinking that the Eastern Coastline of South America which extends along the left side of the map and then down and to the right as he runs out of room and has to keep doing the coastline might mistake that for being Antarctica and then you would think that the part that's Western Africa is actually to the North and then you get confused used but I can definitively say that Egypt is not in the north of the pure Reyes map in any way it's also important to note that 1513 is just 21 years after Columbus's Voyage to the Caribbean and about six years before Magellan even started his circumnavigation so we had yet to prove by physically circumnavigating the Earth that it was round we knew it was but we didn't exactly know what the layout looked like there are several more of these and I'll link the document in the description so you can look at it yourself if you want to but I just need to move on at this point at this point Thomas uses the evidence produced to track the location of what geographic region was at the Magnetic North Pole at any given time and in order of most to least recent that is the Arctic Ocean from 65 000 years ago to now the Sudan Basin where Egypt and Sudan are from about 11 500 years ago to 6500 years ago the Hudson Bay from 18 500 to 11 500 years ago the Caspian Sea from 29 000 to 18 500 years ago and Wisconsin from thirty five thousand years ago to twenty nine thousand years ago so now that we've got all of that down we can finally talk about the Adam and Eve story and no I don't mean that this whole time I've been talking about another document this is all within the Adam and Eve Story by Chan Thomas but we're actually now starting to get into what he believes the true legend behind Adam and Eve is the chapter begins with a title page reading Enigma Pursuit unraveling Thomas tells us that since childhood he has not really vibed with the story of Adam and Eve As Told in the Bible he never felt that the biblical account was wholly true nor that it was a complete fabrication according to him the answer seemed to lie elsewhere if the story were taught as the truth so uniformly in spite of its apparent Divergence from scientific truths then the true course would seem to be a search for the foundation of the story and I actually have to agree with his reasoning there if you see something as a historian or an archaeologist that doesn't quite make sense that you know feels like there's got to be some thing about it that is correct but at some point along the way the story got muddied this is the right attitude to take it look at it and say all right what's the evidence how can I get down to what the the fundamental truth of this is and then maybe you can understand how the story ended up where it got to so that's what he did he started studying these quote unquote tumbles as he calls them and through studying the evidence he began to see what was in his opinion the truth he says that a friend of his suggested to him that the World of Genesis 1 when everything is finished really looks exactly like what the world should look like after one of these tumbles in fact Genesis 2 even involves a story about water coming up from the ground and he absolutely didn't take this completely and entirely out of context and use it to portray a story different from the one that's told Thomas takes the fact that this world of Genesis 1 looks the way he would expect a world after a tumble to look and says all right well this isn't the story of creation this is the story of one of these cataclysms and then another one that happens several chapters later and several thousand years later in actual history with Noah so according to him the pursuit aspect begins right here what happened to Adam and Eve who were Adam and Eve and if they were survivors of one of these disasters what language was their story originally written down in that's not really as important as he makes it out to be it can't be Greek or Hebrew because they're just not old enough now of course the language they were originally told in does not necessarily have to be the language they were originally written down in but we'll move on he then mentions Antonio Batre yariqui I've written this I wrote these notes myself I just cannot figure out how to say this name and James churchward in connection with the Maya but he doesn't immediately elaborate on how the Maya are connected he also uses the term Naga which I I sat there for about 20 minutes after reading this passage and tried to figure out what he meant he references a whole bunch of other works at the end that are called supplemental reading and to him I'm sure that a lot of what he says in this writing makes sense but to somebody who hasn't read all of that stuff it comes across as absolute nonsense and the thing is there was a way to effectively communicate what those other works he references were talking about but he doesn't do that he doesn't tell us what Naga is he just tells us that it is he then draws our attention to Genesis chapters one through three which are traditionally attributed to Moses as the author there's of course debate about this and we'll get into some of that but he he notes that now Moses being raised in the Egyptian Royal household would have then had access to a lot of Egyptian archival documents some of their Priestly stuff their Royal stuff I I should clarify that yes for part of Moses's life he is raised amongst the royalty but there's a bit of extrapolation going on here out of thin air with no supporting argument whatsoever Chan Thomas says that the Ten Commandments are in fact a condensed version of the 42 questions asked by the assessors of ma'at when when Osiris is weighing somebody's heart after they die this argument has been made by legitimate Scholars but it is flimsy and far from consensus I say that because of the Ten Commandments only adultery theft and murder are cross-listed between the two meanwhile the arguably more spiritually important ones which are taking the Sabbath not having idols and not having other Gods are left off of the Egyptian list entirely we're then introduced once again without further explanation to the naga tablets which Moses and Aaron would I guess have had access to once again there's no elaboration as to what the Naga are or how they're connected to the Maya he just tells us we'll get to that later and keep in mind the question that got us here was who what language was this story originally written in next we get the well-known dialogue between Solon and the priests in Egypt where he's told about Atlantis and how it sunk beneath the waves nine thousand years prior to his time that whole thing and of course once again there's a ton of debate around Plato and Atlantis and to what extent he believed he was telling a real story because a large amount of it is just obvious nonsense the city of Athens did not exist during the Ice Age however at the same time the fact that he got the dating of melt water pulse 1B correct implies that he did get the story from somebody and that whoever they got that story from also probably had it passed down to them so even if you discount the entirety of the Atlantis narrative the timing and the destruction both might come from somewhere else and they might be legit so we're running into a repeated problem with this entire work of I don't even know what to necessarily call it but the issue is that Thomas keeps making statements and then accepting them as fact as he continues along but at no point does he support them the the work he's citing may be you know absolutely thorough it may be definitive fully worked out fleshed out points it may prove what he's saying is correct and yet because he doesn't actually explain anything the argument Falls flat on its face now I'm not saying he is correct because I don't think he is but he's done such a poor job of elaborating that he doesn't really need to argue he's done the argument for himself and he's made himself look bad and honestly the CIA probably would have done well to not touch this document now at this point the narrative Jewish history comes into play Thomas writes that Aaron brother of Moses became Chief priest of the Israelites around 1300 BC now in my opinion it was probably about a century later 1207 1206 BC seems to be the dating of The Exodus due to the fact that the Jews are said to have helped build the cities of pifam and Ramses and then one of the plagues is a plague of Darkness there was an eclipse in October of 1207. it's these things seem to line up to me Thomas then says that the office was passed from father to son for 15 to 18 Generations which is largely true throughout the history of Judaism the high priest position was hereditary in many cases but there were interruptions to the practice the function of bringing up Aaron is actually to bring up Ezra a much later priest who whether or not he was a high priest isn't really said in his own books in the Bible there's only other commentaries on it but it seems that he was probably just priest but Ezra was tasked with leading a number of Jews who were captive in Babylon after the Persians conquered the area back to Jerusalem and reintroducing the Torah to the Israelites and here he claims that all written records that the Jews had were destroyed when the Babylonians sacked Jerusalem which they did they sacked Jerusalem they set it on fire the temple was destroyed the temple was burned but the Bible doesn't say that all written records were lost here but according to Chan Thomas Ezra rewrote the entire Torah from memory but there's a problem here and that problem is that Thomas is not citing Ezra or Nehemiah the two books of the Bible that deal directly with Ezra's life instead he's citing second estrus which was written around the second or third Century A.D and is considered apocryphal that means that it is not a Canon book of the Bible rather it is a book about Biblical characters that may involve some truth but has been determined to be too inaccurate to be considered part of the Bible he writes that going by the book of Ezra now keep in mind he's citing both Ezra and second Ezra's here and he's mixing the two they should not be mixed they should be considered separate stories Ezra should be considered when you're studying the Bible to be what the Jews genuinely believed happened second as dress is not anyway he writes that Ezra was the son of Soraya who was the high priest of Judah Soraya According to second Kings was killed in 587 or 586. Ezra's mission to lead a bunch of Jews back to Judah and also reintroduce the Torah to then is given to him either under artaxerxes the first or artist Xerxes II who are separated by about 50 years if it is the earlier artaxerxes than Ezra was active in the year 458 BC which is the seventh year of artaxerxes Reign that means that at the very least if Ezra is the son of Soraya Ezra has to be 127 years old by the time this is all happening let alone the time it gets written down this may be a simple misinterpretation because in the Bible on multiple occasions somebody who is a descendant of a person will be referred to as the son of that person so anyone in the line of David would be known as son of David Christ for example so in this case it is possible and I spoke with a priest about this to see what he thought it's it's very possible in fact likely that he's not the son of Soraya he's either the grandson or the great grandson and he's referred to as son of because Soraya was his last notable ancestor and he's therefore being connected back to the sack of Jerusalem and the last high priest to explain why he's important so these are two possible errors one that Ezra had no written materials to work off of and two that Ezra was 127 years old and recalling everything from memory furthermore Ezra is not the only Jewish priest in Babylon there are others who were of the same tradition and even working for memory they probably would have been building off of each other they would have been like okay so what do you remember what this verse was and do what happened next here it wouldn't be like it was just Ezra alone and it's not like the the whole interaction between God and man stop Ops in the Bible at this point either because Daniel is a prophet and Daniel's there around 5 20. so there's an entire you know lineage of learned men from Israel and Judah who went to Babylon that is who they were taking is they took the nobility the educated men and they were trying to retrain them in the Babylonian way of thinking so they could send them back to rule over the Israelites now of course that didn't come to fruition because only 60 or so years after the conquest of Israel and Judah by the Babylonians the Persians came in and conquered Babylon it's also worth noting that some Scholars do believe that it was in fact artaxerxes II under whom Ezra was working which pushes this back another half century but rather than considering the far more likely possibility that we are looking at Jewish poetry in action Thomas makes the decision that without any further Evidence it was not Soraya no the Jews made a mistake and it was actually either helkaya or Azariah that were killed in 587. because of this Thomas argues and reasons that the last person to see a physical copy of the original Torah would have been either helkaya or Azariah from there will be then passed down orally for two or three generations to Soraya and then Ezra and then Thomas tells us that from Ezra the Torah is actually dictated to five scribes from memory except that's not what the Bible says the Bible says nothing about five scribes or Ezra writing everything down for memory that's where he's citing second estrus that may seem like cherry-picking and like it's minor because you you might not be a Christian or a Jew you might be sitting here going well it's all made up anyway that's your prerogative that's your opinion that's fine I'm not going to judge you for it but working in the context of this it does matter that he's trying to tell a story by bringing in stuff from outside the story but basically it's a pretty big problem because if Ezra had copies of the text a major part of Thomas's argument falls apart completely and to explain that I'm going to go through Thomas's points bit by bit here because after Thomas sets all this up for us he lays out six points and I'm gonna go through those he argues that because the specific words tree fruit Serpent and cherubim are used in Genesis then the original story must have been written in Naga glyphs and here's where we finally get an explanation of what he means by that where he claims that Naga was the dominant language of the Eastern Hemisphere 11 600 years ago I'm having trouble tracking down exactly what this means but he claims that Naga is nearly identical to ancient Mayan while also being the progenitor of Greek Egyptian yakut and then the Oriental and Polynesian languages of course the problem there is that Greek is Indo-European Egyptian is afro-asiatic and yakut is turkic why are those funny words important well because none of those language groups are remotely related afro-asiatic is the umbrella language group for Egyptian and the Semitic languages like Hebrew and Arab Indo-European is the umbrella group for Greek Welsh Norwegian Spanish and turkic covers a large number of languages across Northern Asia and the Middle East while they have loaned words phrases and even grammatical aspects to each other over the past several Millennia these are not languages that are connected at their root as Thomas is arguing there is currently a Naga language which so far as I can tell is a sino-tibetan language spoken in northeastern India and parts of Myanmar and it seems that according to a number of blog posts from India there is a belief that an ancient Supernatural race of Naga people are the ancestors of the Maya and back in 2005 I guess there was a conference in South in South Central America between Indian and Central American natives who were trying trying to you know suss out all their cultural similarities to see if maybe there was something there as far as I can tell there's not really any academic research on it it doesn't seem to be something that is firmly held by any legitimate institution all of that notwithstanding it's kind of a nonsense argument to suggest that the use of the word tree implies a connection to a hypothetical mother tongue his second point is that Moses and Aaron would have had access to either the original tablets or Egyptian copies of them this is pure conjecture as no reference to such tablets exists within any known literature from the Jewish people and he provides no evidence of it whatsoever these tablets have not even been shown to have existed let alone 2 currently exist also why would the Egyptians have had the originals for ten thousand years and never translated them because that's where this is going next neither Moses nor Aaron could read the glyphs because to them they were looking at a pictographic script not something like Egyptian hieroglyphics which you would think think that living in Egypt they would have recognized a type of hieroglyphic script and not just assumed every single thing on the page was literal that there would be symbolism to it especially when you consider that proto-hebrew is connected to Egyptian hieroglyphics but since they couldn't read what the symbols actually meant they took them literally and so misunderstood what the Naga were actually saying this has the same issues as the previous two points in that there's no evidence presented now because they couldn't read the glyphs themselves Moses Aaron and by extension Ezra applied their own social and religious beliefs to the Adam and Eve narrative including their belief that women were the root of all sin lesser creatures than men and likely to cause the downfall of man the problem is there is no evidence that the Egyptians or Jews held these opinions about women at the time that Moses would have been writing and as expected Thomas provides no further explanation for why he thinks that at this point Thomas invokes the documentary hypothesis also known as jedp Theory to argue that Genesis 1 2 and 3 were actually separate stories to an extent that were then fused together by Moses or by the later writer's misunderstanding what Moses had misunderstood to make his point he relies on more of his previous claims all of which as we remember were unproven from the start and he argues that because 5000 years ago Egypt was at the North Pole Adam just nine Generations before Noah can't have been the same man mentioned in Genesis 1. now there are a number of theories on this a Biblical literalist as well as most sex of Christianity and Judaism will take the Genesis 1 narrative as telling about the creation of Adam there are those however both within the religious community and just in the secular scholarship Community who do believe these may be two different stories that we're not supposed to be taken as one being a retelling of the former the jadp theory or documentary hypothesis argues a little little bit differently that there are in fact four authors of the Torah writing at different times and that in this Theory Genesis 1 was written by a Priestly Source whereas Genesis 2 and 3 were written by somebody else however the jedp theory does not take into account the fact that we may just have the dating of the original writing of Genesis wrong and it could be pushed back even further JDP argues for around a 950 start date whereas the discovery of a little copper tablet with a curse in Hebrew written on it on Mount ibal in Israel may push it back another 300 years to around 1200 BC that we have evidence of the earliest Hebrew writing or at least the earliest Hebrew scripture I'll put it this way while I was studying theology at a secular State University jedp theory was not mentioned it was not part of the curriculum it was not something that we learned to take as truth or even to really investigate but following the documentary hypothesis Genesis 2 4 through 25 would have been written by a yahwist source Genesis 1 on the other hand would have been written by a Priestly source and to be honest we'd spend hours discussing the documentary hypothesis but that's not really the point of the story what the point of the story here is is Adam and Eve and whether or not Adam and Eve are the people in Genesis 1. this is a central point of Chan Thomas's rewriting of the Adam and Eve narrative typically in the religious community it is understood that Genesis 2 is an elaboration on that little bit in Genesis 1 where it talks about God creating man and woman because Genesis 1 really glosses over that and Genesis 2 was supposed to kind of expand on it and be like okay now here's the story of that man and woman and the JDP Theory doesn't even really match What chan Thomas is saying anyway because it doesn't argue that these are two separate stories it argues that this is the same story told from two different sources and then he reminds us again that Ezra dictated to five scribes from memory as I said earlier this is false in second ezrus he actually receives a divine revelation which he then relays to five scribes it's not from memory it is directly from God now Hawaii's second estrus not considered Canon scripture well Ezra is not a prophet so he doesn't get messages directly from God and when you read the book of Ezra itself there's no mention of where Ezra got the information there's no divine revelation there's no incredible work of memory he just has it and that's probably because he just compiled other written copies of stories from the Torah and wrote them into one book Ezra is considered a scribe and a priest Ezra's epithet is as were the Scribe so Thomas is contradicting himself in multiple places here and then Thomas continues to claim that there are 5 000 years between Genesis 1 and Noah's flood he continues to cite second Ezra despite it being a second century apocryphal text and he continues pulling the Egypt in the North Pole thing out of thin air despite the fact that this is just him misreading the periorist map he also reiterates the thing about Ezra being a high priest problem was Ezra is not listed as a high priest he is a descendant of Aaron but that doesn't automatically make you high priest only the ancestor Soraya is listed as a high priest here and then to support his point about possible misinterpretations Thomas notes that the lineages in first and second estrus differ from the lineage given for Ezra in the book of Ezra which again is fully explained by the fact that this is a second century apocryphal text therefore the differences between these two lists of names are only evidence that the later texts are inaccurate and more explanation as to why their Apocrypha he also presents the argument that because the genealogy given for Christ is different between Matthew and Luke that it's possible that Ezra made the same kind of mistake or that the people writing later on made the same kind of mistake but this leaves out another problem which if he had had Wikipedia it would have probably helped him with but given that he didn't have the internet I'll give him a pass on not realizing that there is a common belief that the genealogies given by Matthew and Luke are separate because Matthew and Luke are writing for different audiences one of them is using the biological line of Christ's ancestry whereas one is using the legal line of Christ's ancestry that of course is not the only opinion but it is one of the most widely held Regarding why these two things might be different in the way that they are and of course both of them are really tracing Joseph's ancestry not so much Christ's because as we know Christ is hap well he's not half God I cannot get into explaining the Trinity here the sixth point we get is the significance of the Naga glyphs of cherubim man fruit rib woman serpent Adam sleep tree and flaming sword which are given to us by Ezra via Moses setting aside the fact that the existence of these words does not imply anything about the existence of Naga glyphs he's got one hell of an interpretation according to Thomas our knowledge of Naga glyphs tells us that the Tree of Life symbolizes a mother continent and parent civilization an unadorned serpent represented water or the ocean with the serpent entwined around the tree telling us this continent would have been surrounded by water as all continents happen to be according to Chan Thomas cherubim were represented by glyphs for legs or foundations we'll we'll get into all of this in more detail but there are so many assumptions being made so it wasn't that there was a cherubim placed at the East of Eden to guard the entrance but rather that there were four cherubim at the Northwest south and east and they were swept away and that they were actually foundations not a form of angel I will tell you right now he does not explain why he thinks that the Flaming sword that is placed at the gate is uh is not in fact a flaming sword but rather is representing the molten lava coming up through cracks in the ground as the tumble progresses and according to him this is probably the origin of our concept for hell the fruit growing on the tree the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil uh that in fact was the symbolism that Adam and Eve were descending evidence of the mother country and somehow to Thomas the fact that Eve ate of the tree first implies that she is in fact Adam's daughter not sure where the connection is there he does not make one but of course it's the actual glyph about creation that's really interesting that's really intriguing now he talks about this tablet of Naga glyphs as something he's personally seen though he still seems to be referring to whatever Moses was allegedly looking at so it appears that I had to write this one down he's reconstructing what he believes a tablet Moses allegedly read looked like based on his knowledge of Mayan glyphs despite having no evidence that such a tablet existed and he claims that there are three figures in this creation glyph which again he has never seen or even given evidence of so he can't possibly know this and I should note that at this point in the 1993 Edition there is a little anecdote about the gates of hell and an Archbishop talking at Kennedy's funeral and maybe this is why the document was censored so to speak because it referenced Kennedy but that that excerpt is not in the 1965 version so it's hard to tell was it actually just not in the 1965 version or was it scrubbed from the 1965 version how much editing did the CIA actually do but when it comes to the creation glyph what we're told is that the top figure is a sleeping person it is the sleeping or Dead face of a person and according to Thomas the reason we don't know if it's sleeping or dead is because the Naga did not have a glyph that differentiated between the two now I find it very hard to believe that the advanced Society he's claiming existed first of all was still only writing in glyphs after thousands and thousands of years of development and also that they hadn't figured out a way to symbolize death and sleep separately the middle figure then is a man and the bottom figure is a woman and I will quote from the Adam and Eve story here the glyph has been interpreted to mean that a male was put to sleep shown by the top figure and a rib removed from him and fashioned into the bottom figure the mother of all mankind bear in mind this is still just a reconstruction of an alleged tablet and of course all of this is based on Moses misunderstanding that tablet to be clear all of those details as far as he has supported his own argument are pure conjecture I'm not saying nobody else has ever done work on this but Thomas does not provide evidence and then there's the big reveal the sleeping person on top is in fact a woman and then he acknowledges that she he should explain how he knows this this section is only in the 1993 Edition he claims once again that both the Naga and the Maya were connected and that they were both monotheistic cultures now of course the Maya people as we actually know of them today were not monotheistic now if this were 1965 Edition there might in fact be an argument for Thomas here that Mayan language had not been properly deciphered yet but by the 1980s and 90s they were doing it quite a bit we had cracked open the code the floodgates were open we were doing it so we can tell much better now what the Maya believed but even then it hadn't been deciphered yet so he was just kind of operating off of conjecture he then tells us that this tablet has two circles on it under the face under the sleeping face which again can't possibly know that and two circles under a sleeping face can only only possibly symbolize one thing Adam what do you think that thing is I couldn't even begin to guess it's boobs so therefore because of the two circles under the sleeping face that clearly indicate a dead woman that woman is the uh former wife of the second figure on the tablet who would be Adam and therefore the mother of the bottom figure Eve and of course Moses saw the curved lines on the tablet and he he thought he thought he was looking at a rib when in reality it's just that in Naga glyphs curved lines represent parentage in family trees I guess he then connects this to Adam's first wife Lilith who would be Eve's mother the problem here is that Lilith as she exists within connection to Jewish literature is an invention of an unknown author sometime between 700 A.D and 1000 A.D in the alphabet of Ben Sara by no means is that scripture now there is a figure named Lilith who appears in Mesopotamian mythology but Lilith never appears in Jewish scripture or I shouldn't say that the word Lilith does but it's in reference to an animal somewhere in the East it's believed that it might have meant a specific sort of Chapel so in this version of events Eve is Adam's daughter knew about the coming cataclysm through some sort of ancestral wisdom convinced her dad to leave their Homeland and then married him oh and during this process the entire continent on which they lived was subsumed by the Sea then we get to the next chapter finally which is the event and where we start with the question so so what really happened to the motherland as we know according to Thomas the world looked very different 11 500 years ago for example the Hudson Bay was at the North Pole or more specifically 90 degrees west to negative 60 degrees north was at the North Pole which is about 165 miles Northeast of Churchill Manitoba into the Hudson Bay there was also a huge continent in the Atlantic Ocean which stretched from the Bahamas to England and the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico at this time were land that would have been the continent known as Atlantis another continent made up the area in the Pacific between Hawaii Easter Island Tahiti the Solomons and the Caroline islands and yes that is Mew what is now Sri Lanka how the major civilization and the now near and Middle East were home to great cities and farmland Greece of course was a nation of tall blonde blue-eyed people with laws and architecture that exceeds far beyond weight a minute sounds a little too familiar every time I find a conspiracy theory it's going really great it's a lot of fun and then there's Nazism the Amazon basin was an inland Sea and the mouth of the Amazon River was a little connective bit that connected it to the Atlantic Ocean and the astronomers of tijuanaco had a great City a great civilization a satellite and even telescopes now of course we have firmly established that tiogonaco was not inhabited 11 500 years ago but don't let facts stop your fun ahoidia which is now a suburb in India was the capital of an Indian nation and also maybe the original home of the Maya then about 11 500 years ago the entire Earth's crust shifted so much that Egypt ended up within the North Pole and it only took six to 12 hours for it to get there Mew vanishes completely with only Easter Island remaining although it gets sunk underneath the water for 5 000 years until the next tumble and somehow the rest of the land mass that made up mu makes it south and becomes Antarctica Atlantis is mostly destroyed with only a large island to the west and a shallow muddy sea in between which of course makes it so you can't navigate I guess as part of suggesting that there was an ancient culture that passed down knowledge to us Thomas tells us that the Polynesians the Maori people when Captain Cook got to New Zealand and the Mary area in the 1700s knew about Saturn's rings that's true but we don't know how they knew about Saturn's rings it's possible they were able to see them with the naked eye for some reason or who who knows really because the way that we understand this is that they were extrapolating from the fact that they referred to the planet Saturn as the planet with the headbands so yes intriguing but far from the definitive proof of advanced astronomical knowledge as Thomas suggests that it is he then goes back to tijuanako and once again provides the bunk claim that all work on the city was randomly stopped 11 500 years ago and then says that it was underwater for five thousand years and to be clear I'm not saying that it is impossible that the site at Tia juanaco is that old I'm just saying that the evidence provided by poznansky and by Thomas by extension is not enough to really cement that as fact it doesn't support that conclusion and on top of the issues with the city being as old as it suggested it is there's really no evidence that it was abruptly destroyed in any way Thomas then rehashes all of his points reminding us of the order and the time scale here 11 500 years ago the Hudson Bay shifts to the equator with the sedan Basin moving to the North Pole this takes 6 to 12 hours the rapid movement of Earth's crust causes earthquakes floods and wind storms and for some reason Thomas seems to think that the oceans would not move with the crust then of course it takes the planet six days to settle down with the seventh being the day that the Earth finally rests so to speak the ice caps which are now at the equator melt rapidly raising the sea levels and of course the giant flood of water carves new waterways out of the Rocks he says that this was the end of the Ice Age and the the beginning of the Old Stone Age although it's actually the beginning of the Neolithic not the Paleolithic and according to him the Mayan language survived and Scattered remnants within the Polynesian languages Greek yakut Egyptian and a number of other completely unrelated languages and finally we get to the real peace to resistance here the the part that is just so well we've had to wait a long time so I'm just going to get into it his retelling of Genesis this is his translation of Genesis chapters one through three of course we get a title page that says Genesis 4.5 billion years ago and Regenesis 11 500 years ago but of course to give us the proper story of Genesis Thomas couldn't just go with what the Bible says no it was translated well to an extent by Moses and Aaron out of the original Naga so what we've got to do is is go back and check out the original Hebrew and figure out no no no no no no no not the Hebrew not the Hebrew to give us the proper story Thomas uses English to determine what the Naga must have been and then reinterprets the Naga back into English now if you were assuming he even did have the possibility to cross-reference with this mythical Naga script why would you not take the original Hebrew it's got to be closer to what the Naga would have said than to what the English says and he notes that he bypassed the Hebrew and Greek which is interesting because not a single book of the Old Testament was ever originally written in Greek and most Modern English transl relations don't translate through the Septuagint the Greek version no they translate direct hebrewed English so verse by verse I analyzed his reconstruction I will say for this portion of the video it would probably help if you pulled up another tab with Genesis reading the first few books a few similarities are immediately visible there is still a god a God has created everything but Thomas's version specifies that the Universe the Earth and the Sun were all created 4.5 billion years ago or at the very least the Earth was created 4.5 billion years ago and whereas Genesis says that the land has yet to coalesce into continents at this point this is just verse two of the very first book of the Bible in Thomas's version it's that the land is reforming during the tumble instead of let there be light being interpreted as the flashpoint of the beginning of the universe or as the Big Bang in this case it is the storms and the fog that have covered the planet because of this cataclysm abruptly or not necessarily abruptly but they abate whereas in Genesis God very deliberately through his own personal will and actions creates the different aspects of existence in Chan Thomas's version God is kind of just observing he set all of this in motion and now he's just letting it run so God is just taking a more passive role in everything it's working as he designed it but he's kind of more of a prime mover in this version of the story than he is an active participant in the world in the biblical Genesis all of the plants animals all of that are all created for the first time they are introduced to the world but in Thomas's version of events they're just surviving the cataclysm and then reproducing of course there's the firmament as well which is one of the more hotly debated aspects of this book of the Bible what does it mean that a firmament was put to separate the waters from the waters you could debate this from a theological and geological standpoint for a very long time but Thomas throws his complete curveball and says that that is just describing the sky and the clouds as being different from the oceans it's not really what the word firmament means but it's fine like I want to emphasize that the idea of a firmament being placed is totally wholly absent and all he's saying is that yeah the sky is supposed to be there so there aren't a ton of major changes in the first chapter it just kind of takes God from being an active part of the story something a creature a being who is creating things into being more of an onlooker but the problem is though we do now have a story of how the world as we know it reformed we don't have a creation narrative anymore of course in Chapter 2 God doesn't rest on the seventh day typically you get the six days of creation and then the seventh day God rests that's why we have a Sabbath that's why we have a holy day and that's why the week is set up the way that it is instead the Swarms and the disasters just stop and one thing that stands out here is in fact God's level of involvement because it changes in chapter one he's an observer in chapter two it's no longer God's design it's God's will but now we start to see Thomas actually changing the meaning of verses one of which is but a Mist went up from the earth and watered the whole of the face of the ground but that becomes but there was this cataclysm and great inundation arose over the Earth verses 8 and 9 are even more heavily modified in Genesis 2 8 in the biblical account God plants his garden in the east in Eden but in Thomas's account this is the creation of an entire continent nine bears no resemblance to the biblical narrative which is about the trees that were planted in Eden but instead for Thomas it's about the fact that more civilizations sprung up as a result of this civilization on this planet so it reads and from this land grew other civilizations and as we would recall earlier in the narrative Thomas told us that trees represented civilization in the Naga language which of course does not exist or at the very least if it does he's provided nothing to suggest where it came from or where it went how it worked just that he has opinions and then verse 10 is just totally incorrect it says that it's talking about a flood whereas all the Bible says is that there was a river running through Eden and it split off into four other rivers but Thomas translates this as a flood destroying Eden in and then allowing four other civilizations to crop up near these various rivers and in something that I personally love between 10 and 11 is a note that the next four verses are probably incorrect because Moses and Aaron didn't understand the Naga glyphs properly and read them literally and of course the true description of what we're being told in verses 11 through 14 is in the Book of the Dead and the lost sections of the puree Reyes map but aside from the change of making this about lands next to these Rivers that's basically it he almost translates word for word for the rest of it in verse 7 of Thomas's reconstruction we're told that it was God's will that man should Rise Up from the earth and keep the breath of life but in the Bible God physically crafts Adam from the earth and then breathes life into him and this is relevant because in Thomas's account Adam's already in Eden in the biblical account God places him there after creating him and then in biblical verse 16 of Genesis chapter 2 Adam is given permission to eat from any of the trees except that one in the Thomas version on the other hand it says that Adam was a descendant of the motherland which we know because of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil which of course is not a tree but rather a civilization that understands good and evil Adam has warned that if he stay is in Eden where there is knowledge of Good and Evil he will die and of course this is corresponding to the verse about not eating from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil in verses 19 and 20 where Adam names all the animals and God sees that Adam is lonely those are mostly the same except for one thing in the biblical version Adam needs somebody to help him with his tasks he needs a companion all the animals have companions he's alone so God crafts for him a wife in the Thomas account Adam is lonely because his wife Lilith died giving birth to her daughter Eve and of course in the Bible Adam and Eve are naked at this point which is explained as they don't know the difference between right and wrong in the Bible aspect but for Thomas it's because where they were living was just kind of warm and they didn't need many clothes keep in mind that chronologically civilization has existed for a long time at this point in this era of the Earth in Thomas's version and they just haven't developed lightweight clothing I guess and then chapter three just goes off the rails the serpent asking Eve if eating the fruit would really be that bad becomes Eve having ancestral knowledge that Adam somehow forgot about the serpent telling her that eating the fruit wouldn't kill her becomes a premonition that she's actually going to survive the cataclysm that's about to destroy Eden because trees or societies and snakes or oceans in nonsense land she then shares this information with Adam and they get dressed because it's winter now instead of God kicking them out of Eden and locking it and putting angels in front of it and a flaming sword which turns every which way Adam and Eve just tell God that you know what my daughter had a premonition we decided to leave and God's like okay but if you do that it's going to be pretty hard to farm one of Eve's punishments for being the first to eat the fruit is that childbirth will now be painful that it won't it won't be simple and easy it's gonna be hard gonna be labor but instead of that being what God is saying and doing what he's actually saying and doing is that Eve will feel lost she'll experience the loss of her home and her friends so basically the part that's actually supposed to be explaining why farming needs to happen and why childbirth hurts becomes something completely and totally different and then after they leave a disaster or cataclysm them destroys Eden this is the 11 500 year ago one and he concludes with a collection of Indian Jewish and Greek stories about cataclysms and that's the Adam and Eve story according to Chan Thomas so why did the CIA censor that because reading through the whole thing in detail as I did I could not think of a single reason why this document needed to be hidden from the public now there's there's a few possibilities but we'll start with the one everyone's really wondering about is it possible that Chan Thomas got something right that they didn't want the public to know about and if so what so considering that he's flat out wrong about almost everything he says from a factual standpoint I made a list the Pirie Reyes map does not depict Egypt at the North Pole the Earth's crust definitively does not slide around every 4 000 to 7 500 years his dating of Tio juanaco is 12 000 years off his entire diatribe about Naga glyphs which is the foundation of most of this reinterpretation in fact it is the literal Foundation of his reconstruction completely unsupported he makes no explanations no evidence so why the censorship was it the seemingly removed excerpt about Kennedy he does mention Kennedy's funeral but he doesn't allege any CIA involvement it may be that the quote unquote censored portion is the about 40 pages of material missing from the 1965 Edition that is included in the 1993 Edition before the aftermath section the problem is out of those 40 pages we don't know what was in the original it also May simply be that this was 1965 it was the height of the Cold War we were just getting involved in Vietnam we were fighting communism around the globe and the last thing that the American public needed as far as the CIA was concerned the people the most in charge of fighting communism was another conspiracy doomsday Theory running around we were in the middle of the Space Race they didn't need people convinced that the entire planet was going to collapse in on itself so it's hard to say precisely why Thomas was censored if he even was censored because it does say Declassified sanitized copy you know available for public use 20 2013 then there's a foia requested one from 2019 that you can read through it really doesn't look like all that much was edited or removed or even changed at all so what I can say for certain is that it was not censored because he was right ironically whatever involvement the CIA did have with this document is pretty undoubtedly the reason that it's as well known today as it is of course it wasn't super well known until 2019 but there's a lot of stuff in here especially in the aftermath section in the second half of the 1993 Edition that is interesting might have to do a second video on the second section of the book honestly ironically it seems like the CIA has kind of catapulted this document into the Spotlight by doing anything with it in the first place they caused a conspiracy theory 60 years down the road they may not have even actually censored the thing they may not have edited the copy they put out at all but because it has CIA written on it everyone's going to assume they did it may seem like they may have ordered it to stop printing but we also have so little information about the process of getting this book published that it could be just a very very limited run that the publisher looked at this and went oh boy and then printed 20 of them and decided to see if it would catch on Chan only went on to write one other book and it was about natural childbirth so whatever whatever he was doing he wasn't very prolific and maybe they decided to censor it because he started working for the government via McDonald Douglas who were contracted by the Air Force so it could have been that they just did not want the bad press of hey this this dude over here who came out with this utterly nuts conspiracy theory is also working for the government that might have looked bad so that might be the reason they they kind of went to him trust me I am not one to defend the CIA here I mean if you've been around the channel long enough you know how I feel about three-letter agencies but in this case it seems like they need a really stupid decision to censor something for no good reason and it ended up creating an entire generation of people not a full generation but a large number of people who are sitting around scratching their heads going hmm well if the CIA censored it it must contain a truth they don't want us to see when in reality the CIA is just inept and you know doesn't think before they act like let's be realistic they probably could have kept doing shadowy stuff if they hadn't shot Kennedy now all of that said I want to be clear that I am not discouraging people from looking into the past from understanding the time period before we were writing things down where we don't really know what happened we think we have a good idea of the period before you know 4000 BC but there's definitely missing pieces there are definitely discoveries to be made and people should look for them people should try to expand and and broaden our knowledge of Our Own Story of our own history maybe we'll find out about things we did in the past that we can avoid repeating maybe we'll find out ways in which we're all more connected or ways in which all of our stories and myths all derive from the same Source we could uncover truly fascinating things about the past but to do so we also have to be responsible we have to make sure that we're not just making the correct logical steps but that we're also providing proofs for the concepts that we come up with when you use go and you say there was a cataclysm 11 600 years ago you can't just go to the next step of the process you have to show your work why do you believe there was a cataclysm and Chan Thomas's case he doesn't really provide that Graham Hancock on the other hand who you know we've had people on this channel who are not fans of ram but at least you know to you you can go and you can look at what he's doing and it's at least trying to provide the proof he's trying to construct the argument instead of just saying hey this happened he says hey I think this happened and here's why I think this happened you can argue with what he uses as evidence that's fine but you have to see how that's better than what Thomas was doing how somebody who goes and says I'm looking at a bunch of stuff that doesn't make sense a bunch of data points that don't connect what's what's the missing link well you you take all the pieces you lay them out you try to understand each as it exists separately and then you go to the next step only once you have created a solid foundation for your argument should you move on otherwise not only are you very likely going to misunderstand the very top topic you're trying to explain but you're also probably going to discredit your own argument your own sphere the people who agree with you so regardless of whether you're a casual enjoyer of these kinds of things a content creator or somebody who's genuinely trying to make Headway in the academic field of archeology and history remember that you want to be as honest and as dedicated to your craft as possible not just so that you don't make mistakes but so that you manage to create a solid foundation for everybody else I think it's I think it's Newton who said that everything he's discovered has been by standing on the shoulders of giants look at it that way right now you might be a little guy you might you might be the one standing on somebody's shoulders but one day you might be one of the Giants so you better make sure your footing's real good that said if you like what we're doing here at the lore Lodge you can support us by subscribing to us on patreon it's just one dollar a month and you get access to exclusive content you can also buy merch from thelaurelodge.shop or check out our Amazon page which is in the link in the description we'd like to thank surfshark for sponsoring this video if you want to browse the internet privately and safely you can do do so using surf sharks VPN if you want to catch what we do live check us out every Sunday night at 7 pm Eastern here on this channel for our live stream podcast we'll Lodge official podcast and if you're sitting around going man I'm tired sometimes well the good news is we have our own coffee blend from Tableau Roasting Company you can check that out at one of the links in the description as well once again I'm Aiden Mattis and thank you for stopping by the Lord [Music]
Channel: The Lore Lodge
Views: 1,425,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the lore lodge, lore, folklore, history, culture, education, entertainment, social studies, humanities, anthropology, aidan mattis, chan thomas adam and eve, chan thomas adam and eve joe rogan, adam and eve story explained, the adam snd eve story, adam and eve theory, adam and eve magnetic pole joe rogan, adam and eve documentary, adam and eve, teh adam and eve story, the adam and eve sotry, the adam and eve story video, the adam and eve story jimmy corsetti
Id: AuIZZlyz740
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 18sec (5538 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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