Did Governments Lie About This Missing Plane? | MH370 EXPLAINED Part I

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over the last nine years there have been a lot of explanations given for how Malaysian Airlines flight 370 disappeared on March 8 2014 none of them make sense I'm Aiden Mattis and welcome back to the Lord [Music] Lodge way back in the ancient year of 2014 Malaysian Airlines flight 370 took off from koala lampor headed for Beijing China the Boeing triple 7 piloted by Captain zahari Ahmad sha left koala Lor's airport at 12:41 a.m. intended to land at beijing's International Airport around 6:30 a.m. for the sake of this video because I don't find UTC to be a very useful time zone having grown up in the United States where we use a 12-hour clock instead of a 24-hour we're doing everything in Malaysian local time at 1:19 a.m. the plane left quala Lor's flight information region that is to say the area where air traffic is controlled from the quala lampor International Airport at 1:21 a.m. the plane just completely dropped off of radar screens it was invisible to air traffic control which prompted the hoochi Min flight information region over in Vietnam to ask a a local pilot just flying in the AA 30 minutes ahead of MH370 to try and get MH370 on the radio and see what was going on with the plane was its communication out uh had something gone wrong did they need help the pilot of that second plane claimed that he was able to Esta Lish connection with MH370 but all he could hear was mumbling and static and he was pretty sure the voice he heard was that of the first officer not of the Captain from that point on no civilian organization was able to track MH370 and to this day the fate of the aircraft is truly unknown as a result The Disappearance of NH370 led to a ton of international scrutiny and you had conspiracy theories ranging from a government coverup all the way over to an Alien Abduction of an entire plane but every single theory was centered around one question how does an entire jetliner just vanish and to start I think we should talk about the precise jetliner we're talking about here the plane was a Boeing trip 7 which is currently the largest twinjet passenger airplane in operation the trip 7 entered service in 1994 as a way to bridge the gap between the smaller 767 and the less cost efficient 747 additionally this was a new generation of jetliner it wasn't just an improvement on the 767 it was in fact a redesign one of those new innovations that was added to the Boeing 777 was the flyby wire technology now the Boeing Tri 7 wasn't the first flyby wire plane but it was boing's first flyby wire passenger jet fly by wire means that the plane's flight controls are entirely electronic rather than a system of manual operations now in specifically the trip 7 there is a manual backup control where you can sort of operate it in the traditional way but not enough to land or take off just enough to keep the plane in the air and flying straight until you have the opportunity to fix the electrical problem now this was a necessary addition because the European Airbus company with their A320 had added this technology so Boeing was playing catchup to an extent and in case you're curious about how I feel about the idea of a fully electronically controlled plane with no manual backups I hate it I hate that too now with the tri 7 there are four primary variants but this was a 200 ER series specifically it was the tri 7 26er serial number 28420 registration 9 m-m which first flew in 2002 personally I think that airplanes should have names like ships because that's a lot of numbers to read and I would prefer to just you know call it like uh I don't know the the the the lion of Malaysia or something like that I I feel like airplanes would be cooler that way I'd also be less scared of them in that time it had exactly one accident this was a Tarmac collision with a Chinese A340 but that was on the ground it broke off the wing tip of the plane but it was repaired by Boeing and it was cleared to fly now while the plane's damage was listed as significant in 2012 it was cleared to fly as recently as February 23rd 2014 and it had another check coming up in June of the same year additionally the crew oxygen system which there is a special oxygen system for the flight crew to make sure that they can actually land the plane your your own masks that pop down those don't actually give you all that long as compared to the the pilots who have uh several hours of oxygen supply is essentially the idea here but that had been replenished on March 7th 2014 so as far as anybody knew the plane had plenty of oxygen and generally the tri 7 is an extremely safe model of airplane with only seven whole losses in its entire flight run over the last nearly 30 years it 1994 it's now 2023 I can do math and this wouldn't be a lore Lodge video if we didn't tell you precisely what those accidents were so I'm going to go through it for you British Airways flight 38 crashed just short of the runway at Heathrow in 2008 and this was likely due to a fuel line issue there were no fatalities and this was an accident that happened as it was coming into land rather than mid-flight Egypt airflight 667 had a cockpit fire while it was preparing to depart from Cairo International and again we had no fatalities and this was again not inlight issue Asiana Airlines flight 214 crashed on approach to San Francisco and in this case it was likely due to Pilot error on descent at first the plane was too high then ATC recognized that it was at the right point then ATC said you're too low and then boom crashed there were only three fatalities but there were a lot of injuries Emirates airflight 521 crashed on approach to Dubai International Airport as a result of high winds at Landing once again there were no fatalities Singapore Airlines flight 368 caught fire after an oil leak for fored it to land at Singapore shanji International and that was no fatalities one of the other whole losses was in fact a Malaysian Airlines flight it was flight 17 which you may remember was famously shot down over the Russia Ukraine border during the 2014 conflict in that situation All Souls aboard were lost but that wasn't an accident that wasn't a manufacturer pilot error issue that was a Russia shot down a jetliner issue now you can make the argument that it was actually you Russian Rebels or it was partisan forces or whatever the point is a a military or paramilitary Force shot down that plane so it's not a Boeing issue that's not that's not Boeing's fault that's not the Triple 7 that's whatever rocket was used and of course Malaysian Airlines flight 370 disappeared over the South China Sea with 239 Souls aboard in March of 2014 now before we go any further with this video as you can see I had to sit down and write down a whole bunch of things like there was a lot of writing I expected this to be like 10 pages 15 pages of notes it ended up being about 30 and it took me a lot longer than expected which meant a lot of time spent sitting in this chair and if you've been watching the channel for a while you probably know that we work with a company called flexispot for our chairs and our desks and that is what this guy right here is the flexispot C7 Ergo chair and I have had quite a few office chairs in my life uh some were basic because I was getting it off of Amazon some have been hand-me-downs one of them was a very nice uh a very nice gaming chair that set me back a lot of money and I think this might be my favorite one that I've had I am a guy who has some lower back issues and the support from this thing is phenomenal and I will tell you a little bit more about this chair later in the video but for now I need to get back to who was on board that plane of the 239 people on board 227 were passengers and the remaining 12 were crew and most of the plan's occupants were of either Chinese or Mal Asian nationality though a total of 14 different countries were represented give you the exact breakdown on the plane we had 153 Chinese citizens 50 Malaysian seven Indonesian six Australian five Indian Four French three American two Canadian two Ukrainian two from New Zealand two Iranian one Dutch one Russian and one Taiwanese but there is a catch regarding those two Iranians and that is that they were uh initially listed as Austrian and Italian they had stolen passports now before you assume any ill intentions of the two Iranians using stolen passports an investigation concluded that they were most likely just trying to get to Europe likely as refugees All crew members were Malaysian citizens and the two important or I should say interesting other groups on the plane were a group of people coming back from a calligraphy exhibition and Conference as well as 20 employees of the freescale Semiconductor Company which merged with Dutch firm nxp in 2015 prior to that freescale had been an American company that had started as a spin-off of of Motorola however these specific employees were all of Chinese or Malaysian nationality the two pilots were 53-year-old zahari Ahmad sha and 27-year-old fari Abdul Hamed Hamid was in the final stages of becoming a flight captain and this would in fact be his final flight before being a valuated at this point he had 7 years of experience and that included 2,739 hours of flight experience on jetliners Captain Shaw on the other hand had been flying since 1981 and had been flying the Triple 7 since 1998 and in the that time he had accumulated 18,36 hours of experience and he had also been a trainer and examiner for the Triple 7 since 2007 now neither of these men had requested that the other be their pilot co-pilot and neither of them were known to have any sort of extremist ideology or any sort of suicidal ideation Captain Shaw was described as a kind caring man who was always smiling and cheerful he also had a YouTube channel where he made videos was teaching people how to do simple handyman tasks around their home as for Hamid there's a little bit less information available about the guy but his brother described him as a responsible kind person who exuded warmth the route that the men would be flying that day was one of two daily routine flights from koala lampor to Beijing this particular one was scheduled to leave at 12:35 a.m. and arrive at 6:30 a.m. for a total flight time of about 5 hours and 25 minutes the aircraft carried 108,000 lb of fuel which gave it 7 hours 31 minutes of flight time a full 2 hours more than it actually needed and enough to get it to two backup airports I will say ahead of time that I am not great at pronouncing Chinese names I am going to try my best but those two alternate airports were in Shang Province and the other one was in Shandong Province as always if you speak Chinese and you want to tell me how those are pronounced properly I I would love to hear it because I do in I do try to improve and then along with its 239 souls and all of their luggage this this plane was also carrying some cargo as most passenger Airlines do now the notable cargo on this flight were 2,453 kg of lithium ion batteries and accessories of which I believe 221 kg were batteries themselves the other was 4,566 kg of fresh mango steens now the mango Steen is a fruit native to Malaysia and Indonesia it's about the size of a tangerine uh and there there have been some theories about that but we'll get to that in part two and yes I will say flat out right now this is going to be a two-part series I I wanted to do it all in one but the deeper I got the more I realized that this was going to take more than a week to get to the bottom of we also felt it was best to wait to release part two until we had a chance to talk to Ashton Forbes who is the guy who's been all over X formerly Twitter talking about how it seems that there may be evidence that this plane was abducted but not by aliens rather by a military so he's going to be on the pod podcast this upcoming weekend if you're seeing this video after its initial release date then go back and check that video out it will be the podcast the Sunday after this video came out I'd tell you the title but I don't know what it's going to be yet so at this point in the video what I'm going to go through for you is the official narrative regarding what happened with flight MH370 we are going to go through this chronologically in the way that the information was released to the public so according to those official reports the flight plan for MH370 was filed 12 hours before the flight was scheduled to take off as per policy sha checked in for duty at 10:40 p.m. Hamid at 11:15 p.m. this would have been March 7th 2014 additionally it's noted that prior to takeoff everything appeared to be perfectly normal nobody seemed off nobody seemed like they were unwell and both sha and Hamid were heard conversing with ATC over the radio first officer Hamid went through the pre- takeoff checks and it seems that after takeoff it was Captain Shaw doing most of the conversing the plane was cleared for takeoff by koala lampor ATC at 12:40 a.m. and then it Departed the runway 90 seconds later as scheduled in case you're wondering about the specific Runway at the airport it was Runway 32 right kli 53 seconds after takeoff they were cleared to climb to flight level 180 which is 18,000 ft following this they were instructed to cancel the standard instrument departure clearance and that essentially meant that air traffic control was responsible for guiding them and making sure they avoided any obstacles on their way up to cruising altitude according to the report this seems to be standard procedure so this was no big deal and it would just allow them to skip the first two way points and head to Waypoint IG Ari which was the third on the filed Flight Plan Waypoint IG Ari was located at 6° 56 minutes and 10 seconds north and 103° 35 minutes 6 seconds East this was also the handoff point between the quala lampor area Control Center and the hoochi Min City area Control Center and MH370 was expected to reach this waypoint at 1:22 a.m. local time which would have been exactly 41 minutes into the flight now according to the official report released in 2018 the following sequence of events are known to have occurred after that plane reached Waypoint IG Ari qual lour area control center had communicated to hoochi Min area control center at 12:43 a.m. that MH370 would Reach Waypoint IG Ari at 1:22 a.m. shortly after that estimate was transmitted MH370 via Captain Shaw had requested to climb to 35,000 ft or flight level 350 now as you can see the numbers correlate to how many thousands of feet in the air you are 350 is 35,000 250 is 25,000 180 is 18,000 MH370 was transferred from koala lampor air traffic control to koal lampor area control center at 12:46 a.m. and at that point they were given clearance to go to flight level 250 4 minutes later at 12:50 a.m. they were granted clearance to rise to flight level 350 at 10:1 a.m. Captain zahari Ahmad sha transmitted to the arate control center that he was maintaining flight level 350 and just seconds later the area control center acknowledged then at 10756 seconds a.m. Shaw made contact again stating a 370 maintaining flight level 350 that's just 6 minutes 39 seconds after he first informed them that he had reached altitude and according to the official documents this was completely unprompted there's no message in there I read through the actual logs the ATC and ACC logs nobody asked him where he was nobody asked him what altitude he was at he just randomly told ACC hey guys uh I'm still at 35,000 ft now I'm not a pilot but from what I can tell after doing the research that's not really standard procedure 7 minutes later is kind of kind of quick if I have any Pilots watching especially any jetliner Pilots please feel free to tell me because again they're will be a part two and I would love to have input at 119 koala lampor ACC instructed MH370 to contact hoochi Min on frequency 12.9 mahz which is about 3 minutes before the estimated arrival at the transfer Point MH370 acknowledged several seconds later saying good night Malaysian 370 that line would become famous as the last words anybody ever heard from that flight 61 seconds after he said that they passed over Waypoint IG a RI now from that point they should have been headed for the next Waypoint which is b t o d and that was located at 7° 15 minutes 24 seconds north 104° 7 minutes and 6 seconds East 5 seconds after passing Waypoint IGI their mode s transponder just stopped working now mode s is a direct signal in secondary surveillance radar which uses unique codes transpondedor reduce radio interference this differs from mode a SSR which is more of a blanket signal that goes out 3.2 nautical miles later they dropped off of secondary surveillance radar entirely and secondary surveillance radar differs from primary radar in a couple of key ways the primary difference between secondary surveillance radar and primary radar is that primary radar simply sends out a signal and bases the object's location off of how the signal gets returned so it just tells you an object is there the benefit is that it doesn't require any sort of signal from the plane it just requires the one way secondary surveillance radar on the other hand uses Transmissions between the plane and the ground so it gives you more information the ID of the plane Air Speed height all of that but it does also require that the plane is transmitting something back to you so primary radar does have the advantage of you don't need to communicate with the aircraft but on the other hand it also means you don't know precisely what you're picking up now according to That official report released in 2018 both the tie and Vietnamese radar stations the secondary radar stations also saw a drop off immediately after this Vietnam lost them at 12059 a.m. and tyen lost them just 14 seconds later all of this was going on as MH370 was about 89 seconds ahead of schedule reaching Waypoint IG Ari and according to the reports nobody updated hoochi Min that the aircraft was ahead of schedule and because the handoff had already occurred it was now on MH370 to contact hoochi Min not hoochi Min to contact MH 370 it was expected that MH370 would make this transition between the points IG a RI and b t o d and at a speed of 480 knots it was expected that it would take MH370 about 5 minutes to cross the 37 nautical miles between those two waypoints and once it passed pitod it absolutely should have been in contact with hoochi Min when it didn't hoochi Min and qual lampor started to talk to each other and for the next several hours they quietly tried to locate their missing aircraft but then by 5:30 a.m. an hour before the plane was supposed to land nobody had heard from MH370 not qual lampor not hoi Min not hyan not Hong Kong and especially not Beijing as a result a search and rescue operation was launched and the Malaysian Navy began to search the waters around where the plane had dropped off of radar they likely hoped that they could locate the plane before it landed but when they didn't families began to ask questions at 7:24 a.m. on March 8th 2014 Malaysia Airlines and koala lampor ATC informed the public via a press release that they had lost contact with MH370 at 2:40 a.m. a second press release came at 905 a.m. where they reiterated that they had lost contact with the aircraft at 2:40 a.m. they were still trying to locate it and they were now informing next ofkin of the situation in this report they also gave details on the number of passengers but that was it a release at 10:30 a.m. said they had reason to believe that the plane had in fact landed at Nan Ming's guong longdong ba International Airport and they were waiting to verify this for anybody who wants to look up where that is it is GUI y a n g l n g d o n g Bao International Airport and this report also gave information on what kind of plane it was where the passengers were from and who the crew was at 2:30 p.m. there was another press release saying that as of 2: p.m. they had not yet located the plane once again the press release says that they lost contact at 2:40 a.m. at 4:20 p.m. they gave another press release which said that they could not establish contact or determine the location of the plane and gave its last known location as 06 5515 North 103 3443 East and once again they said that they had lost contact at 240 a.m. now one of the frustrating things about researching this case is that it appears the Malaysian government has no idea how to write down coordinates every single time that I found coordinates they were in the wrong wrong notation it was never in proper decimal or degree minute second notation never not once so irritating I had to go and convert stuff I was able to figure out where this was by the way this one wasn't particularly hard it was just that instead of putting the degrees minutes and seconds they just gave the wrw numbers but it's over the South China Sea in Singapore's airspace and once again uh they gave the information that no distress signals uh or anything else coming from the plane was detected basically reiterating yeah we still don't have contact with this plane at 7 20 p.m. on March 8th 2014 it was announced that search and rescue teams from Malaysia Vietnam and Singapore had not found any evidence of debris it also included the fact that air operations would be suspended for the night because it was too dark to see anything but Naval operations would continue Additionally the passenger manifest was available in this one there's no mention of the time they lost contact and then the next day at 2: a.m. on March 9th 2014 they changed a very very important detail without acknowledging prior statements that they had lost contact with the plane at 2:40 a.m. they just revised it to 1:30 a.m. 1:30 a.m. was the time around which that other pilot said that he had been able to reach them on the radio but really couldn't tell what they were saying cuz there was a lot of static and mumbling it also said that families would be flown to the location of the aircraft once that was determined no wreckage had been found which meant it was possible that the plane had landed somewhere and had not gone down over the water a 9:30 a.m. statement said that 94k caregivers had been dispatched by Malaysia Airlines to handle the families as well as a grievance expert a disaster recovery expert from Atlanta Georgia now it did strike me as weird that an American grievance counselor got involved that quickly but again it it's not necessarily weird it just seems a little odd to me at 2:40 p.m. the CEO of Malaysia Airlines made it very clear that their top priority at this point was supporting the families which to me sounds like an admission that this is becoming a recovery Mission rather than a search and rest rescue now the next release came at 10:00 a.m. on March 10th 2014 but more interesting than what it did announce was what it left out the Vietnamese Navy believed that they had spotted debris in the Gulf of Thailand about 50 Mi Southwest of toou Island this had happened at about 6:30 p.m. on March 9th but they were unable to locate it in the dark as a result three boats were dispatched to the area where they thought debris had been spotted meanwhile the Thai Navy at the request of Malaysia diverted its resources West to the Andaman sea also not included in any press releases from the Malaysians but included in a report from CNN was the fact that American and Singaporean aircraft both believed they had spotted debris in the South China Sea but according to official reporting these were just false alarms at this point America Australia Thailand Singapore Vietnam the Philippines and China had all dispatch search and rescue forces of their own and this amounted to a total of over 40 aircraft and over two dozen ships CNN also reported that the search area was focused on a pair of oil slicks that were between 6 and 9 mil long that were spotted about 90 Mi southeast of toou Island however the Malaysian military had announced in a press release that they believed it was possible that the plane had turned back towards Malaysia however they didn't explain why they believed this at that point a 5:30 p.m. release on the 10th added New Zealand to the list of assisting countries and also acknowledged the fact that there were stolen passports used by these two Iranian passengers they said this was being investigated on March 11th an 11:15 a.m. release included the information that the military was now investigating the possibility that the plane had turned back towards Malaysia and it did not include New Zealand on the list of assisting countries Additionally the number of aircraft involved in the search had diminished to just nine down from that total of 40 earlier the number of ships appears to have been unchanged they also noted that the debris and the oil slicks found in the water had been analyzed and did not belong to MH370 the oil slicks did not contain the kind of oil that you would expect from a jetliner and from this point on most of the releases from Malaysian airlines are basically them just desperately reminding everyone how much they care about the families and that they really are on this and oh we're we're going to give them some money and it's all going to be okay right right right we're cool we're no no big deal now that might be because Malaysian Airlines at this point was in a bit of a financial disaster situation ticket sales were way down the company was losing money and it was 69% state-owned it took until March 16th 8 days after the plane actually disappeared for anything really new to be included in the press releases and the information that was included had been revealed days earlier on March 11th the British satellite company inmarsat said they had something but I need to point out right now that inmarsat is a government contractor for the UK and they are about as honest as they are paid to be MH370 they claimed had actually flown for several hours after going dark according to satellite data uploaded from the plane itself and they shared this information with the United States and Malaysian investigators that same day new scientists announced that MH370 had in fact sent two burs of technical data back to the airline on the 13th Wall Street Journal reported a very similar story but in this case it wasn't necessarily that these messages were sent to the airline but that they were sent back to the engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce who had a a automatic system in place to give updates on the engine status only the story was quickly corrected to say that the data came from inmarsat now in my opinion that engine story is a little too specific to just be an error you don't mix up engine notification sent to Rolls-Royce with satellite communication sent to inmarsat that's not in my opinion something that you just screw up it seems to me that that is in fact a bold-faced lie and it makes MEP suspicious of the entirety of the official report not least because Malaysia initially denied the authenticity of the report possibly in response to that denial inm Marat went public with the data they had on March 14th regardless of how anybody actually feels or felt about that claim from inmarsat between that and the Malaysian government saying that they had tracked an unidentified object on primary radar over Thailand and Malaysia and then out Northwest towards the nicobar islands everybody decided you know what we should probably we should probably be looking in a different place and that place was of course South of the last known primary radar location what inm Marat had was data from the plane every hour and what that data told them was not the exact location of the plane but rather how far away it was from the satellite itself according to the last of the hourly handshakes between MH370 and in Marat satellites the plane was somewhere along one of two arcs one of which went North toward W Kazakhstan and the other went South deep into the South Indian Ocean now I am no expert but I will say this the last of those hourly handshakes came 90 minutes after the previous one I don't know if that is relevant but I'm trying to include all the information I can they decided that it was pretty impossible that the aircraft had gone down over land so on the 15th they shifted the search to the Indian Ocean Malaysia also at this point acknowledged the authenticity of the inmarsat data and inmarsat dispatched a team to work with Malaysian British and American investigators now I look at it and again I'm skeptical my conspiracy brain is wondering if somebody forced Malaysia's hand on this investigators also visited the homes of both pilots and They confiscated the hard drive from Captain Shaw's flight simulator the press release on March 16th noted that there were now 25 countries involved in the search and reiterated the point that the Malaysian military believed they may have tracked MH370 as it turned around back towards Malaysia flew over Malaysia and Thailand and then Northwest out towards the n bar islands and they lost it shortly after it passed Waypoint me Kar which was about at the edge of primary radar range and they claimed that this flight path suggested that the plane was being flown manually at least until this point then a March 17th briefing notified the public that the FBI and interpole were both investigating the flight simulator hard drive over the following week Australian lead search team scoured 305,000 km or 118,000 Square mil of water about 66 00 miles from Australia specifically this was 6600 Mi Southwest of Perth on the western coast and they were doing all of this as they followed satellite images of what appeared to be debris and yet every time they got to one of the coordinates where debris was supposed to be there was none to be found yet despite the fact that they found no wreckage it was concluded that MH370 went down over the South Indian Ocean after it ran out of fuel of course given the location and the fact that they hadn't found any evidence of it they listed did it as a no Survivor incident of course there were a lot of people who just straight up didn't believe that not in the least because the satellite images claiming to have seen debris were never made public and on top of that this aircraft would have been an unregistered unlisted unknown jetliner just heading over Malaysia and Thailand and neither of them scrambled their Air Forces many people were immediately skeptical and among them were the actual families of the Chinese citizens on the plane and oddly enough those citizens were allowed to do something Chinese citizens are very rarely allowed to do publicly protest this was partially because the satellite images that allegedly LED them to this conclusion were never made public and also because a rogue jet flying over Malaysia should have been intercepted either the Malaysian air force didn't think to scramble Fighters when they detected an unknown aircraft over highly populated areas or the plane was never there and another really strange part about this is that the Chinese government demanded Ed that Malaysia released the satellite images that led them to conclude that this plane went down in the South Indian Ocean I mean they must have evidence right but but it was China that supplied the images China had the images they could have released them with the primary Theory at this point being that the plane diverted West from its original course and then headed south for several hours until it simply went down from lack of fuel they began to investigate the crew with the primary Theory being that one or both Pilots had deliberately down the plane as there was no other way that it got that far off course the FBI analyzed the hard drives from the flight simulator and reconstructed several data points and then they handed it over to the Malaysians who determined there's nothing weird here according to the deleted files that they so kindly reconstructed Captain zahari Ahmad sha had in fact charted almost this exact course into his flight simulator done it several days prior and then just deleted it convenient right did I mention that this information didn't come out in 2014 no it was in a 2016 New York Magazine article where they claimed that they had obtained a confidential Malaysian police document that in fact did say that these data points existed now why would this information come out a full 2 years after those files were actually handed over to the Malaysians well in 2016 Flight MH370 was getting a whole lot of attention and a lot of people were poking around saying that the official narrative really didn't make that much sense and you know what I agree the official narrative didn't make any sense and because the FBI is the primary source I'm just inclined to not believe anything that they said because the FBI lies all the time and this is the same organization that told Martin Luther King Jr to kill himself or they' paint him as a pervert and that's just one of the massively effed up things the FBI has done over the years but in the Years following The Disappearance of MH370 debris started to wash up on the shores of Reunion Island Madagascar and mosan Beek almost all of the debris was found by one man by the name of Blaine Gibson he was an American and he found the first piece in February of 2016 which absolutely contributed to this whole thing getting more attention the first piece he found was a simple triangular piece of metal that was simply labeled no step most of the pieces that Blaine was able to find were determined to be almost certainly from MH370 but the keyw there is almost thing is only one of the pieces that Blaine found had a serial number matching the parts that should have been on MH370 and the flaperon which is one of the pieces that they determined was certainly from MH370 was missing its ID plate which is something that typically only happens if you are either deliberately deconstructing a plane or you have just created the part and given how intact the flapper on was it's very unlikely that the only piece that would fall off was the the ID plate despite this the final conclusion of the 2018 report was that the plan's course was deliberately changed and it flew South until it ran out of fuel and crashed into the South Indian Ocean I don't buy it but you know what I would buy the flexispot C7 Ergo chair in which I am currently sitting as I said I had to do a lot of research for this case I had to do a lot of being skeptical for this case I had do a lot of a lot of hm and this chair has just been absolutely perfect for all of it it's very comfortable it's actually pretty stylish I'll get up and you can take a look at it see all right well it's a little bit out of focus but you get the point very comfortable very Coy chair uh I enjoy sitting in it I enjoy working in it it is a massive upgrade over all of the other office chairs I've ever had and I actually would strongly recommend that you get it obviously we've we've pushed flexispot products a few times now and it's because we genuinely like them uh we've given away a flexispot desk and we were kindly given these two C7 chairs and I really really do have to stress they are high quality as I'm sure you guys have realized at this point we do our best to only advertise products that we have tried ourselves and that we do genuinely approve of and part of what I really love about this chair is the fact that it is super adjustable basically every single part of it moves in some way or another and can also be locked into place so you have a good range of motion while you're sitting and doing work and in case you're worried does this chair fit larger frames it in fact does it has capacity of up to 30 120 lb so when it comes to this chair you should absolutely not be skeptical but what I would say you should be skeptical about is the official Narrative of flight 370 see there's a lot of stuff that they left out and there's a lot of nonsensical conclusions in that 2018 report theories abound but I really want to focus on two particular issues with that official narrative one of which is the fact that a woman named Cindy Henry claims that she found evidence of the debris in the South China Sea and the other is the the actual ATC logs from that night not agreeing with the final report good news everybody I've been approved for a refill on my addd meds which is good for you because it means better content and less less tangents probably I don't know maybe you guys like the tangents yeah you know what comment one for tangents comment two for no tangents at the very least we get engagement also at this point in the video if you're enjoying it I would ask that you hit that little like button we try not to ask for you to like the video at the beginning of the video because uh you haven't seen it yet but we're halfway through so I I hope I hope at this point we have earned your like thank you very much or if you don't like it then thank you for sticking around anyway to get back into those two theories however the one about Cindy Henry was the one that first caught my eye because she claims that within days of The Disappearance she was using the site Tom nod the satellite imagery database and she thinks that she found debris on the flight path and the images she presented to n nflix if they are authentic are pretty compelling one shows a white object against the very black background of the ocean that matches the dimensions of the cockpit the nose cone of this plane perfectly down to the windows another piece appears to Bear the M part of the Malaysian Airlines logo although I will say this is doing quite a bit of zooming in it is possible that there were additional pixels added that as she enhanced the images it got a little bit distorted and maybe the computer tried to fill things in this is how digital enhancement works it will often add pixels so I just wanted to give that disclaimer I'm not necessarily saying that's what happened I just want to give the disclaimer another piece had the correct width and length to be part of the fuselage now the exact location of this debris that Cindy claims to have found is unclear the first time I saw this was in the Netflix documentary on The Disappearance of MH370 and a screen cap from that documentary gives the coordinates 9° 26 minutes 45 seconds North 106° 29 minutes 27.9 seconds East which was place at 2634 miles from the last known radar contact now to be clear I went and I I checked this story with several other sources I didn't just use Netflix I will say most of the stories did in fact site Netflix it was hard to confirm this with anything else I you know again a lot of this stuff is 10 years old and mostly shared on Twitter I also will note that the Netflix documentary and Cindy herself make it seem as though this was found very very close to where the plane dropped off of the radar in reality those coordinates which again are from a screen cap from the Netflix special where the debris is visible uh those are much closer to hoochi Min City in fact it's very close to Waypoint TSN which was on the registered flight path and is basically directly over hosim Min City TSN is also the Waypoint directly after bod and bit is the Waypoint towards which the plane was headed after it dropped off the radar thing is I have reason to believe that the official narrative regarding where the plane disappeared from radar is not only wrong but a deliberate deception and I came to that conclusion because I believe that they actually had it right originally or at the very least hoochi Min ACC had it right at 139 a.m on March 8th 2014 hoochi Min area control center contacted quala lampor area Control Center and they asked any information on MH370 to which qual lampor replied MH370 already transferred to you right now I'm going to preface this by saying that the English is not perfect here but it's it's good enough that you can get a the idea so hoochi Min replied yeah yeah I know at time 120 but we have no just about in contact after dot dot dot b t o d we have not radar lost with him the other one here to track identified on my radar very difficult to interpret that but the the the important part here is B OD and it's clear that koala Lampur thought that was important because they they followed up at what point as in at what point did you lose contact to which hoi Min replied and no contact right now qual lampor repeated at what point but hoim Min simply said yeah qual lampor repeated at what point and hoimin again said yeah so you can tell there was a little bit of a language issue here uh they were having trouble understanding each other air traffic control is in English typically but it's usually in this case by people who are speaking English as a second language and you could expect that certain air traffic controllers will probably have a better command of the English language than other ones would and that this seems to be the case here so qu lampor clarified at what point did you lose contact hoochi Min replied b o and qual Lamport confirmed Bit O hoi replied yeah and then qu lampor said b t o d okay call you back following this exchange there's a couple of messages between two unknown parties and those read as follows go ahead you call earlier no okay copied and this strikes me as odd because on every single interaction listed in this log qual lampor ACC is at least one of the people involved in the interaction some say qual lampor and an unknown but no other ones say unknown unknown there are also a few times where names or numbers are redacted and what you may have picked up on by this point is that bitd is not the place where the official report claims they last had contact with MH370 the official report is very clear that it was IG Ari and goes so far as to say it was not bod and they're not sure why he said it was bit OD and you know maybe he just made a mistake that one time except it's not that one time let's continue going through the flight logs qual lampor called hoim Min again at around 1:41 a.m. just 90 seconds after that first phone call the conversation was as follows hello hoi Min reply of yes sir then qual lampor ACC says okay MH370 never call us after IG g a r i hosi Min goes uh sorry and koal Lor says never call us after IG a RI hoochi Min says never call you qual Lor clarifies yeah yeah after IG Ari we transferred to you and aircraft never call me back hoim Min says yeah we have radar contact but no verbal until bit OD we are no adsb identity and no radar contact guur replies okay copied that hoochi Min says yeah and then the next one seems to be a separate call between the two in this case qu lampor says go ahead lampor after which hoochi Min asks yes yes do you have any information from Malaysian 370 currently qual lampor says negative sir what information do you want hoochi Min says yeah we just told you before we have radar contact over IG Ari not verbal contact and after bod we have no radar identity also adsb identity now adsb is the automatic dependent surveillance broadcast a satellite based system which tracks position velocity and identification and transmits them over the mode s transponder qu lampor a c c replies okay and what about earlier hoi Min says and we call him many times until more than 20 minutes qu Lor ACC says yeah how about earlier after agari did he call you or not hoi Min says negative sir just verbal just radar contact only now that's a little bit of a weird message again these are not audio logs these are these are text so my guess is that that probably went something more like this negative sir just verbal just radar contact only so he missed spoke and then corrected himself is what I'm thinking happened here because he's been repeatedly saying they never had verbal contact and quor is clearly confused about this because they say no contact since IG Ari affirm and hoi Min says affirm so here qual Lor is basically saying so you had no contact after IG AR Ari and it seems like hoochi Min is saying no we had no verbal contact we did have radar until bod and that's because that is I I think that because they repeatedly say that from this point out but then something really weird happens at 2:07 a.m. hoian calls qual lampor back to request a clarification qualm por says yeah hoi Min hoi Min says yeah just confirm that aircraft in fnam pen f f is flight information region and PanAm Fen is a city in Cambodia Cambodia was absolutely not on the flight plan it it was entirely entirely west of the flight plan they should not have been anywhere near Cambodia there's also a tiny sliver of Cambodian airspace between uh Malaysian Singaporean and uh and Vietnamese but the the plane's alleged official flight path never crosses into it so there's either a gap in the logs or this information was transmitted off of this phone line because at no point do the logs mention the the plane being reported as over phom pen the flight path should have taken them across the South China Sea over Vietnam over the Chinese of hyan and then over the Chinese Mainland towards Beijing so just to reiterate guur says yeah hoi Min hoim Min says yeah just confirm that aircraft inum pen fi qual lur says say again and hoim Min says Malaysian 370 sorry qual lumor says okay go ahead and hoian says uh confirm that aircraft enter fum pen F qual Lor replies the Malaysian Airlines operator said the aircraft is still flying and is now over Cambodia air airace confirming this location at 2:8 a.m. hoi Min seem skeptical replying oh really we call you we don't have any information before and we asked Pham pen Pham pen don't have any information Malaysian 370 um so again language barrier but basically what they're saying here is we called fnam pen we don't have them over Cambodian airspace Pham pen says they don't have them over Cambodian airspace where are they qual lumor replies saying oh he also didn't have radio contact with the aircraft right hoi Min says yeah qual lore replies okay okay I will check with my supervisor again hoi Min says thank you at 210 qual lumor ACC contacts the Malaysian air force base Butterworth to transmit an estimate for Malaysian 6163 the exact quote is okay estimate Victor Papa golf 1 Niner 14 flight level 360 squawk 6345 now I I didn't include that because I know that it's relevant I included it because because I don't know what it means one of you might and maybe it is relevant the fact that they called uh the military immediately after this conversation you know I think that's interesting but again I couldn't tell what that message was supposed to mean entirely so I don't know what to tell you at 2:12 after speaking to hoi Min about a different flight entirely uh they reiterated Malaysian 370 still no information from us and hoochi Min replied ah no information and then qual says yeah hoi Min says okay at 2:18 a.m. qual lmour again calls hoi Min they share their greetings and then they proceeded qu Lor to say okay the reference to MH370 confirm youed the flight plan hoi Min says affirm qual lmour says okay uh the flight plan supposed to be over the hoi Min or Cambodia hoi Min says originally over hoi Min qual lmour replies saying okay and then aircraft didn't enter hoochi Min confirmed hoi Min says yeah according to the record the aircraft passing that position IG a RI disappear radar symbol qu lur replies har har not sure what that was but I mean I'm just reporting to you what was said uh hoochi Min then says No 5 minutes later qual Lor says hhm as you may recall position bod is 5 minutes past IG AI hoim Min then says is gone and we try with many capacity to call him qualer replies no after IG RI confirm after IG Ari you have lost radar contact IG Ari hoi Min replies yet again after position b iot d qual lmour says Bit O aircraft uh lost radar contact hoi Min says uh disappeared qual lmour says disappeared okay okay ER hoi Min says yeah qual lur then says and then the aircraft die you still don't have any radar contact hoochi Min says not at all qualum replies not at all okay what about hoi Min uh uh Cambodia hoi Min says they said they have no information qual lur replies no information so you are taking radio failure action hoim Min says pardon so the the very very important part there is that qual lumur reiterated three times you lost radar contact after IG Ari and poiman could not have been more clear no we lost radar contact after bod the official report says they don't know why hoochi Min said this personally I would argue that they probably said it because it's what they saw aam's razor here is that they were not lying when they said on multiple occasions we lost radar contact after bod it makes no sense that they would say that and mean IG Ari the entire time even after it was made clear that qu lampor was asking about IG Ari hoi Min every single time says they lost contact after bod as for qual lur saying okay so you're taking radio failure action and hosim Min saying pardon the following transpires qu lur says you are taking necessary action for the aircraft hoim Min says position operation qual lur says these radio failure action and N that action hoian says what do you mean by that and I have to I have to agree with hoim men's question qualm por says no confirm that you are in contact with Malaysian 370 now again it has been very very clear this entire time from hoian side of things that they are not in contact with Malaysian 370 and yet koal lore repeatedly asks them these questions so I I have to ask the question was nobody taking notes on this circumstance were they just immediately forgetting all of the information are these different air traffic controllers all along it seems that incompetence is playing a major role here but anyway qual lmour asked no confirm you are in contact with Malaysian 370 now hoian says say just one time qualm por says once only hoian says once but uh by radar symbol qualm por says I'm am asking radio contact hoi Min says no voice qual Lor says no voice communication hoi Min says yeah qual lmour okay and uh so your advise us when you receive any information this aircraft about this aircraft hoochi Min then says so far it's coming up 30 minutes and I'm afraid something is wrong with him but I don't know why what what he's saying here is it's been 30 minutes since we last had radar contact and I'm worried something's wrong qual lur then replies hm okay according to the but gets cut off by hoi Min who say actually should be AER by radar qual lur says hoi Min then says but then uh hoim Min 80 miles from tant tat but something is wrong nothing qual lmour replies nothing yet hoian says just radar just uh Flight Plan track you know what qual lur says just just Flight Plan track only hoim Min says aha qu lur uh you confirm just Flight Plan track only hoi Min confirms just Flight Plan track only qualm poor says okay thank you advise me when you have any information now obviously some of the wording here is confusing but what's important to note is that what they're saying is they have nothing at all from the plane since bod and their current course of action is to pay attention to the flight path and see if the plane shows up this is because at this point as far as fuel went the aircraft absolutely could have still been Airborne still that doesn't explain why Malaysian Airlines would claim that they had confirmation that the plane was over Cambodia also unclear how they could possibly have known that considering the plan's Communication System had gone completely dark later on it seems that Malaysian airlines in fact could not confirm the location of the plane but they were simply going based off of the flight path the problem with that being Cambodia was never on the flight path so what I think happened personally is that Malaysian Airlines didn't actually know they just straight up lied because they they figured the plane would pop up eventually of course that is only my opinion take away what you will I would recommend going and reading through these for yourself I'll try to remember to include them in the description but immediately after this conversation it continues hoi Min so you get contact with the company and I think there's some sort of internal call qu lur says no I already informed the company hoian says what did they say qual said I'm not sure but the company already sent a signal to the aircraft to contact the relevant ATC unit hoian replies yeah but I would like to know after IG Ari have you received any signal or any voice contact or something like radar symbol qual Lor says negative hoian says before you transfer to me qual lur then says yeah after I transfer and then I mean no other information after IG AR Ari hoochi Min replies but before IG in your airspace it was working qual Lor says it is working until IG AR hoi Min says working normally qualm affirm affirm working normally until IG Ari hoi Min okay thank you qualm por says thank you and then hangs up at 2:23 a.m. so according to inmarsat the plan's communication system turned back on at 2:25 a.m. and according to the Malaysian military it passed Point me k r at 222 a.m. the problem with this is that 11 minutes after those two things were registered Malaysia Airlines told the koala lumur and hoi Min ACC that in fact the last known contact with the plane was east of Vietnam specifically it was at the misrecorded coordinates of 14.9 North and 1091 1550 East as I said either they were deliberately writing the notation down wrong or they just didn't know how to write down the notation anyway I was able to track down what those coordinates are supposed to be and they are for 14° 54 minutes 0 seconds north 109° 15 minutes and 50 seconds East so just east of Vietnam and actually kind of on the flight path now all of this is according to the official report that was released in 2018 and in the same paragraph that the report says that stuff it also says the plane last reported at 8:02 a.m. Malaysian time now this conversation occurred at 2:33 a.m. assuming these guys just wrote entirely the wrong numbers down that puts the plane east of the Vietnam at 202 a.m. now that would mean the plane was east of Vietnam at 202 and then diverted West and got over Cambodia by 208 and then somehow it would have had to have made it from Cambodia all the way to the nicobar islands in 18 minutes sorry I got that wrong 14 minutes I can do math then at 2:34 a.m. there's another call between hoochi Min and qual lur the subject of the call was of course the status of MH370 and hoochi Min asked could you call the company qu lur repli replied we're talking with uh my supervisor is talking with the airlines right now whether we can call this aircraft in any way qual lumor then goes on to ask if hoochi Min has coordinated at all or contacted the next flight sector which would be Chinese it would be the Sona F hoian replies negative and koal lur then says okay nobody got in contact with the aircraft okay all right now by this point given everything that's going on I would completely expect that Malaysia's Air Force would have scrambled fighter jets to look for this plane Malaysia's also not the United States so I don't know that they necessarily do the kind of thing we would do the next contact between hoochi Min and quala lumur occurred 55 minutes later at 3:30 a.m. and at this point the plane should have been approaching hyan yet it had yet to show up on anybody's secondary radar at :09 a.m. Singapore ACC called quala lumur ACC saying they were on behalf of Hong Kong who was wondering where the plane was qual lore confirmed that they had been in contact since departure then clarified saying in contact until we transferred at IG Ari and that after that no contact we got the info from IG Ari uh they not in contact with the aircraft at time or after we transferred it the IGI time was 1722 the time here is given in UTC and that means it would have been 1:22 a.m. local time now the report claims it was 1:19 a.m. now the last communic in here of any real interest is a call between the qual Lor ACC planner and the associate Administration associate administrator for air traffic and I would love to tell you what it said but the problem is it was entirely in the Malai language and Google translate was not particularly helpful if any of you speak Malai or can read Malai maybe you can translate it for us I don't know if it says anything important the Google translate stuff was pure nonsense so what's clear from this series of Records records which again the area control center logs from that night between qual lur and whoever they talked to what is clear is that that aircraft was on radar at least 5 minutes longer secondary radar at least 5 minutes longer than the official report released in 2018 claims the official report released in 2018 is lying and as far as the official report goes this creates another issue because if the plane was on radar until bit OD they in higher flight plan is wrong and that could be why every single time they attempted to replicate this flight path with a flight simulator they failed they tried six times with six different setups to have a plane in a flight simulator make that turn in the time it must have made it every single time they found that they could not make the plane turn that fast I don't think the plane ever made that turn and I think the government's lied for several reasons as I've said numerous times every single time hoochi Min was asked about that plane they said it disappeared after bod Additionally the alleged path after that turn places an unmarked jetliner over both Thai and Malaysian land not just airspace over land despite this neither country's Air Force responded and perhaps most damning here is the distance covered in the time alleged according to the official report MH370 covered distance of 650 mi in 61 minutes in a plane with a top cruising speed of only 590 mph or 512 knots that distance of course would be 564 nautical miles and then there's the debris allegedly found by Cindy Henry in the South China Sea off the coast of Vietnam which is again generally along the flight path then there's the fact that the initial reporting on this claimed that that messages were being sent by the plane to the engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce and these all came from unnamed us sources a day later it was said that it was inm Marat data and that the Rolls-Royce thing was untrue again inmarsat is a British government and military contractor which means if they say anything NATO doesn't want them to they lose a lot of money and then there's the fact that the FBI is the sole source for the flight simulator data points and again the FBI can be trusted about as far as it can be thrown and they only came out with that story in 2016 when this was receiving attention again but in case you think I'm crazy let me just reiterate the entire official narrative and why we're supposed to believe it for you according to the official report MH370 pilot deliberately turned off the con systems turned the plane around in a way nobody could replicate flew 650 mi in 60 minutes in a plane with a top cruising speed of 590 mph a portion of that flight over two countries with neither scrambling jet it turned South turned the comms back on flew directly south for 6 hours after that ran out of fuel and crashed and Captain Shaw did this entire thing without leaving behind any motivation there was no motive no evidence no letter no history of political extremism no history of religious extremism he just randomly one day despite seeming to be a perfectly happy individual decided to commit a mass murder and kill himself I'm supposed to believe this because the FBI and British government contractor said so despite the fact that it defies not only logic and reason but also physics now when I set out to do this video to cover the story of m370 I was not expecting to come to the conclusion that it was a government coverup I'm still not sure that that is the conclusion that I've come to at the very least I think governments of the world have no idea what happened to this plane at the worst I think that they're covering up what happened to the plane and that what happened to the plane paints somebody in a very bad light now who that somebody is I don't know there's a lot of countries involved here there's a lot of diplomatic connections there are countries that are not on good terms working together it's very difficult to determine you know who who would have the the reason to do something here but what's clear is that that report is not reflective of the facts and unfortunately kind of like with the deaw of pass videos I'm not going to be able to sit here and tell you here's what I concrete think happened what I can tell you is that this was part one as I mentioned and in part two we're going to be going over each of the theories outside of the official narrative some people believe that it wasn't a deliberate uh Downing of the plane but rather that something went wrong and Captain Shaw tried to redirect and then something happened another another suggestion was that it was shot down by a military some people have suggested that it was stolen or hijacked and there's also even a suggestion floating around out there that it was abducted either by aliens or by a government and if it was abducted by a government that it was probably ours if you're catching this episode on Friday the day it releases then in a few days we'll be having Ashton Forbes the guy making the claim that it seems to have been portal basically by Wormhole technology we're going to be having him onto the show to explain his his angle why he believes it the evidence he has and then you know if if this if you're watching this at a different time that video is probably already up so you can go watch it personally where I'm sitting right now I don't buy the angle that Captain Shaw did this deliberately I also don't necessarily believe that it was abducted via Wormhole technology by the United States in my opinion whatever happened to that plane it traces back to either the United States government or the Chinese government but in order for me to figure that out I'm going to have to do a lot more research which means a lot more sitting in this flexi spot C7 Ergo chair which you can get by going to the link in our description or checking out the pinned comment we've been working with flexispot for several months now I think it actually might be coming up on on almost a year and I I'm very satisfied with the products I cannot recommend them enough we are very happy with this partnership and we hope that you guys will try it out too if you're in the market for a new desk setup that includes the chair the flexispot E7 that I have in the other room which is what I stream from if you watch any of my twitch stuff or my YouTube stuff um well I guess YouTube now but anyway speaking of YouTube if you want to support us you can check us out on multiple other channels we have the history Hut the lore Lounge Aiden Mattis and the weird Bible and guess what guys I can finally tell you new weird Bible content will be coming at the very earliest at the end of January at the very latest in February you can also check out our podcast here on this channel the lore Lodge that is on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m. unless there's an Eagles game uh if there's an Eagles game we change it around because go Birds if you can't catch it live here on YouTube you can watch the video on demand or you can catch it on any podcast Network we also have coffee 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updates go as they come out it's the one place we can guarantee that you will actually see notifications for everything that can be joined at bit. l/j jointhe lodge or through the link in the description with all that said hang on for part two I'm Aiden Mattis and thanks for stopping by the lore [Music] Lodge
Channel: The Lore Lodge
Views: 1,079,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the lore lodge, lore, folklore, history, culture, education, entertainment, social studies, humanities, anthropology, aidan mattis, mh370 flight, flight 370, conspiracy theories, malaysia airlines, interesting facts, flight mh370, terrifying discovery, malaysia airlines flight 17, malaysia airlines flight 370 documentary, mh370 satellite video, mh370 video, mh370 podcast, mh370 air crash investigation, mh370 netflix
Id: Dy8EUzMDonQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 19sec (3979 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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