Kelp Cured Cod and Swordfish | Makin' It! | Brad Leone

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] can you hold it up one more time I'm gonna shoot some stills of you yeah a couple still boys can we get like a action a slap in the face Monty get the out of the way my life he's fine he likes fish it's all looks like it's out of a sci-fi movie yeah to fly through the clouds or something so we're here for a special making it on the road in the lovely home of Bree from Atlantic Sea farms and uh we're gonna be making some kelp cured swordfish and con that we wrapped up in the sugar cup it's inspired from a dish traditionally that's made with black hot or Sable fish just a high fat content very meaty very approachable very easy to eat fish and then I'm doing it with swordfish which I've never done before real fatty all that fat and connective tissue needs to break down it can kind of take a good cooking I did one four days ago we got a little Swap all right and we'll set up another one and I'll just have to cook that in four days you know poor me we went out we've got the seaweed the other day beautiful brisk main morning yeah I'll face it wow it's delicious you learned a lot over at your facility all right I'm ready doctor very fragrant smelling good how long do you guys ferment and what temperature is that proprietary from the fermentation to to the lab and just everyone involved really awesome operation heck yeah eight on the dot what's the lead what's the 0.05 okay all right we're there cutting into profits Brad I think it's gonna go great with the stuff that we saw getting mixed up earlier that sichi which was just awesome there we go yeah perfect um with the with the radish and that cup is delightful in it that is so good it's that classic spicy I just want to shovel that stuff and something like fatty fish I think it's going to go really well with this we got a couple nice chunks and I think it uh I think it's gonna be good sounds delicious it's a funny looking fella you know it really is funny your dog Maybe you make a dog no no I would never [Music] we'll just start with some shoyu a little rice cooking wine you can get this all I mean surprisingly you can find it in a lot of supermarkets and you can use white wine you can use sake and I don't have too much of it I'm not much of a of a measuring cup kind of guy but we can guesstimate so for those two pieces of fish let's say like that much miso uh half a cup what do you think yeah I think that's a little more than a half probably about a half about a half that's just kind of giving it a new mommy flavor yeah that's just kind of a little salt and it's got Koji kind of mixture and the soybeans and that's gonna be like the substance of our paste and then we're gonna thin it with a little bit of this and a little bit of that this is just one of my favorite show use again you can surprisingly find it and if you can't find it soy sauce works right yeah exactly I mean it is soy sauce yeah and it's a Japanese soy sauce and we'll do a couple little little splish splashes you can't take it out you know we'll adjust our consistencies but that was probably two tablespoons right and we'll do just a little splash of that sometimes I use seasoned rice vinegar but I try to stay away from the vinegars uh because they sometimes unless I'm doing it like a quicker because the vinegar sometimes can start to almost like cook or react with it with the fish what I do want to try remind me make sure I don't forget maybe take a piece of the Cod and we'll keep it in the kelp yeah and we'll wrap it in the in foil let it steam in the kelp do you think it would burn or do you think it would be like a banana awesome you know a lot of people use it like a Banana Leaf oh so we don't even need the foil either no I don't even think anything okay great I love that it's kind of like a tamale you know like it keeps everything in and then that sort of salt brine that it adds I like the idea I'm gonna go back with this idea again a lot of inspiration on this tree where I'm gonna fool around with it a lot like mixing it with meat yeah yeah exactly it really tenderizes it's an awesome ingredient so this is right out of the ocean yeah this is what we got yesterday nice wide leaves we have some skinny and sugar in here I think probably the sugar will work yeah real nice did well in the cooler yeah it totally it can last for up to about 72 hours without processing that looks beautiful yeah isn't that pretty I love that I'm over on this down you can place the cod in the center of this one and just kind of rub this all over yeah rub it all over I use a spoon yes yeah my wife yells at me all the time for eating with my hands so that so that's the swordfish that's a nice chunk of Sword big Beauty there it's gorgeous I think it's from Massachusetts it better be from New England you know what no it's from this time of year I bet it's from the Carolinas that's all right shout out to the Carolina you know right here in Maine it's halibut season right now oh Hallie huh well I blew that I should have got that totally blew that one oh I go to Portland and brought my own fish I should have just got some up here and then you want to wrap it and then I think okay the Cod this one let's keep it like that yeah just get a little thicker yeah get it a little thicker and then just let's make cute little bundles here okay well we're also going to wrap it in a little paper towel what does a paper towel do well these aren't the ones we're cooking we're going to set these up for a cure and what I do with the paper towel I like to use the Viva paper towel the cloth ones yeah yeah it's not an ad trust me but it's just like it's like a fabric more yeah works well all right so like not soaking but damn yeah it doesn't need to be soaking wet usually I've done I do this recipe with combo like Japanese dried kelp so I've always had to like rehydrate the kelp but doing it fresh we're skipping that whole step this is a cool idea it keeps the it keeps all the moisture in and all packages up a little better but I put it in like a an air airtight container or a bag and then I just keep it in a nice cool fridge two three four days you know depending on how thick your meat is if it's uh you know like that swordfish I think you can go a little longer as opposed if you're doing like a flounder fillet yeah cool well I blew it on preheating the oven but we can look at this fish now all right get it set up for our cooking okay you open the swordfish okay the kelp is almost completely changed consistency probably from what like some oxygen and maybe from yeah well not even I bet it's just pulling things out from the fish from the fish look at that and the Miso in there it firms up mine and oh that is beautiful yeah look at that it is like a little tamale it is let me give it a little let me wipe it off though it can be a little too salty when you eat all the all the Miso especially with some shoyu in it I don't rinse fish off so you know salt water fish or any fish really and this was just cods like you can see already how much that color yeah I mean if you're not familiar with Cod it's like it's white it's like Yeti cooler white why don't we wrap it in a new piece you think or do you want to eat wrap it up no let's wrap it in new yeah I think that's a great idea great idea Bray because then it doesn't have the kind of salt of the Miso and it's we've got that fresh new C it's probably got more water in it why not smart cookie yeah look at that swordfish really I mean it had a little bit of an orange tinge to it already then South Carolina sorry for sometimes get that like I think they eat more shrimp down there and they get that like I think they call it pumpkin sometimes this one has a little orange tinge to it anyway is that right yeah I think so it changes they want to fact check it but but I think so and that one will just roast yeah oh that's a good little wrap that looks beautiful look at that baby yeah just a little just a little there play too much maybe yeah I got a little wiper here yeah we're good A little steam job yep cool little seaweed protection they're going in with the sword would you set it to uh 450 450 okay cool let's throw this into it what the hell give us something to look at why not it's 129. we'll check the Cod and we'll give it a little Pokey feely in like 10-15 minutes I think that would work Thor's probably gonna take a little longer yeah yeah well I'll look at it in six all right sounds great see that dark spot yep that's actually reproductive like that dark ribbon going down the center yeah and that will make you know thousands of little kelp babies oh guys where you get your seeds yeah so we're in the nursery which cultivates all of the seed that our farmers get so what this is is just a straight old PVC pipe we wrap it in a special twine we collect it from the wild we pick out kind of the best moms and dads right it's like you were saying before it's the start of genetic breeding or selective breeding exactly it's basic husbandry you basically take a twine you release the spores into salt water and then it goes and it searches for something to attach to like it would in nature just want to go grab on with that make its own stronghold and start doing it's exactly and then we incubate it here 12 hours a day 12 hours night this is natural seawater we just bring it in filter it and then from there these go out to the grid take the line put this through the end of the rope in the water take the line tie it to the end and then you just unspool it around the Rope seems like a nice little system I'm making it sound a lot easier I bet it's a pain but it's a really cool kind of elegant way to do things it's pretty low-tech it's basically what's been going on in Korea for hundreds of years right how'd you get into kelp yeah I mean I always kind of joke like I've always wanted to be a seaweed farmer which is like clearly not the case right nobody did what was your first job you know it was Burger King all right yeah awesome yeah it was there a was that the window you come from a family near the ocean I don't I actually come from a town in central Pennsylvania it's an old coal town really does inform what we're doing what I'm doing now that town saw a complete disappearance of a natural resource that kept the town floating yeah a lot of poverty so I was a diplomat for a number of years in the Foreign Service with the Department of State which is from Burger King went to the state department where I served mostly in Western central Africa I was always interested in kind of figuring out how to solve these Economic Development problems before they happened we saw in Central PA is a bunch of people who waited too long and then they're saying things like well these guys can make solar panels well it's not the same skill set from my perspective like okay we could wait or adapt now we could adapt now these are guys who are experts on the water you know they're not just fishermen anyone knows the waters it's them it's in them it's them it's nobody else it's not scientists it's not Noah exactly so hold on sorry just I my timer is my nose often down fantastic yeah hold on we're good we're good we're gonna turn her down a little she's cooking right along let me pull it out real quick and I'll just check it especially that sword camping so you mentioned on the boat you set up this the farmers you gave them the seeds we give those seeds to the farmers for free pre-pre-piped that's right right that's free to them so it mitigates their risk during the season then we have a Buy-Back guarantee I mean hey you're doing a lot of the front work with that with with the seed I think that's absolutely incredible and the fishermen are doing incredible work but then also making it making it to where it's it's approachable I don't know it looks pretty damn good let's give it a little pokesy on the old stovese I don't know I don't think so no no she ain't done all right all right good six and a half minutes chef oh yeah look at that look at that color this is gorgeous let me bring it let me bring that over to you hops almost looks like stuffed cabbage if I ever make another cookbook which maybe I will one day I'm gonna go through that hell again yeah maybe by the glutton for punishment I'll get there I don't know yet I'm gonna cut it I'm gonna cut it and take a look I know it's like oh you're ruining it but I don't think so we will have it and see what it looks like I mean it can be pretty rare in the inside no no I don't think sword's good like that for me that's a slabber huh Maybe not maybe not bad oh this is horrible I shouldn't cut it like this Brad what are you doing no you should put it back in put it in for a couple more minutes I can take a little yeah yeah good executive I was I was really uh having a hard time watching that right yeah Jesus Christ will fall apart no I think yeah yeah you drew in it should be ruining it oh my God should we try the should we just try the Cod while we're waiting yes right what are we doing a little Cod button a little C bundle this is exciting this one we're gonna try to cut perfect look at that that's perfect look at that that's cool I mean can we just eat it like that let's eat it like a tamale you go for it lady wild woman hmm it's good come on no lie it's great is it too salty no it's perfect it's good with the kelp on it couldn't go I wouldn't want to go another any more time though no it's perfect you see it like I picked up that like Curie kind of shot cod's cool and it firmed up right like it's super tender but it becomes more meaty and it probably pulls moisture out of it oh it's good with the with the mm-hmm [Music] oh yeah yeah hit me with a little oh yeah oh now we're talking I mean I feel so bad for you I know you're starving but this is so good it's like hitting the spot Bud we'll just eat it all before you get there oh my God try that oh good with the CG punch your mother that's delicious right I don't know what that's saying but there's now there's now oh my God easy peasy everything like that and people are gonna think it's super fancy chicken would be good in it totally could you age would you age that for overnight or just salt them for two days or a day maybe some drumsticks maybe a whole bird this is a family show and poor Hobbs he's gotta me out half the time but what the heck was I saying let's wrap a bird here let's wrap a turkey I feel like that could be that could be like Thanksgiving smoke it for turkey if I did it I'd be the weird seaweed lady you're already harmed I don't know I black out when I cook every time he went nine minutes yeah it probably was something like that was it and this is going on half an hour I think it's time dude this looks perfect you think I'm a little worried we'll start at the belly that'll be done for sure little fat boy here cut that skin right off yeah we don't need that skin what are you doing no you don't eat no sword skin oh yeah you're right no yeah it's like sharkless Sharky but that little nibble yeah yeah you're definitely going to want to scrape that off that's probably the best piece on the whole freaking fish um this morning ain't done I knew it we'll give it another minute all around I knew it I mean I had a fat piece of swordfish I should cut it I've cut it before I've done it at my house don't judge me I think I'm gonna do it gonna what a cut of meat that is like tuna you can't eat that let's go what are we doing send it back send it back had too much jiggle in it still have kelp vodka before what kelp vodka what are they like um they ferment we're taking shots now I'm I'm gonna make you a vodka tonic all right oh my goodness six minutes smell that I'm not a huge vodka guy but I I'm I've been turned on to it this is great in like a bloody mary oh yeah how come you just got a little more than mine you know I saw that I'm not even a drink you're not even a drinker yeah I don't think you were but you know what special occasion special occasion we're cooking in my kitchen and I'm trying to ease your anxiety about what's going on you seem a little anxious about that swordfish it's like you know a major thing here you know you did all the other work all I had to do is show with the freaking fish I don't want to screw it up dang lady I like it cheers as I spill it everywhere no man it's right on brand my brand not yours I spill it up no Christmas Chrysler cut off Frank watch it back the oven's open okay all right it'll make for good film Brad oh you kidding me I'm so glad that happened oh we're in good shape I think that little chubby guys ready one one more minute try this piece here this is that little belly portion of it oh that looks good yeah yeah you got to be able to cut sword with a spoon why why in my opinion I like it it's so fatty and buttery I think those connective tissues and fats interconnected fats need to render and break down a little that's really good right that's good it's perfect it's better in the cloud see I like the Cod better well we'd be a good dinner date the God was phenomenal I think they're both phenomenal but if I were to choose I think it's just like the flavor of cod better swordfish belly it's really good Sheridan miso help it is especially it just feels maybe a little bit too rich oh decadent and I hate that word it is it's almost like a dessert all right relax you know let me get a hit of that yeah this is our best seller this right here yeah love a little Sesame let me get some spicy with you too yeah give me a little spice is that the new the new note this is the new one so you can try both oh yeah it's good big time good looks good well how often I've done this little song and dance with a big chunk of swordfish and I end up cutting it or something to speed it up because it's like dinner time and people are like Brad what the we've been waiting that's the shot teamwork man thanks for having show me your world and what makes you such a local Legend in my opinion you know I mean the perfect example really you're creating your own thing you know with a great team it seems and uh and the results really come through in it it's important stuff and again just thank you for doing the hard work and I'm I'm just grateful to be able to go up here and and help showcase cheers yeah cheers Maybe not maybe not bad six minutes all right all right good six and a half minutes chef she ain't done
Channel: Brad Leone
Views: 171,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BRAD LEONE, local legends, Bon Appétit, cooking, it's alive, help wanted, test kitchen, fermentation, fermentation station, grilling, fishing, recipe, brad, yeti, makin' it!, leone, kelp, seaweed, fish recipes, cod, swordfish, seafood recipe, kelp farming, miso, cured fish, kombu, shoyu, kimchi, Atlantic sea farms, halibut, sablefish, fresh seaweed, makin it, on the road, food blog, seafood recipes
Id: x28zqlTGWxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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