The Truth Behind the Misaka Network | Toaru Explained

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did you know the message network formed from the remaining 10 000 clones actually has a huge secret i'm going to be talking about a pretty mind-blowing spoiler from the index light novel which will hopefully make sense for those of you who are curious first let's do a recap and go over what exactly the network is the miesica network is a brainwave network which allows the miesica clones created by academy city to share experiences and memories due to the electromagnetic signals they produce thanks to their esper power known as radio noise the network itself also produces a huge quantity of aim energy aim stands for an involuntary movement and is the energy that all espers emit passively at all times and this large amount of aim or aim from the sisters is used in a variety of ways by the board chairman of academy city aleister crowley this includes activating kazakhiri hiyoka's angel mode known as fuse kazakiri and manifesting the mysterious scientific angel known as i was but how is the messika network even able to do this and how is it possible for angels to be scientific in the first place well the network actually has a connection to magic despite being scientific in nature as magic and science are far more interconnected than what appears to be on the surface alistar crowley himself was the greatest magician in history before defecting to the magic side which is why some of the scientific methods utilized by academy city involve magic side concepts such as angels he even views academy city as his own temple here's a good example where infused kazakhiri was activated during the academy city invasion arc near the end of index season 2 index noted what she saw looked very similar to his spell used by the legendary magic cabal known as the golden dawn by forcing telesmith the energy used by angels of the magic side into a container represented by the human body index was trying to use her magical knowledge to explain what was going on in order to try and remove the virus inside last order's head which was triggering this form of kazakhiri meaning this is all related to the musica network in next then contacts misoka to learn what those aim feels are which i mentioned earlier as index didn't know what they were as she belongs to the magic side so scientific knowledge such as this is very foreign to her she also asks what a brain network is as that is also another foreign concept to her after learning this index figured out the basic principles at play and then used a song intended to clear the virus from last order's brain which ended up working perfectly confirming that magic side concepts were indeed used by aleister crowley for the musica network and another example which i've covered on the channel before in my level 6 video is that after hearing the concept of system or level 6 explained to her index associated the idea with the magical concept of cabala and the tree of sephiroth which divides and separates all beings that exist into different ranks such as humans angels and god i do mention more about this in that video so check it out for more context well the musica network has been involved in multiple attempts to create a level 6 esper with accelerator hishigato hirumi or isaac rosenthal and misaka makoto but aeon why the hell does any of this matter you may ask well it shows that since the early days of the series that several clues have been woven into the text of the index light novel that the misaka network indeed has a connection to magic or concepts involving magic especially the cabala and the tree of sephiroth considering angels have a huge role in both the network and cabala aiwaz even uses magic despite being a scientific angel and is directly manifested into the current phase by the network am i saying something ridiculous like the miesica network is made of magic now nope not at all it is still a scientific concept and uses scientific energy just that the construction of the network is heavily linked and inspired by the magic side however it does have something related to the magic side within it which is what i'll discuss very soon i just find it brilliant how the author of index komachi kazuma manages to interweave these two polar opposite sides right under our noses in such a seamless fashion that's why i want to talk about a big spoiler from the index light novel so there's your warning let's fast forward to the quran's on arc where we have a misika clone that has not appeared in the anime yet known as the will of the musica network although calling her a clone per se is perhaps untrue as she is more of a collective conscience if anything and can take over any of the clones for her physical body as her name suggests she basically represents the entirety of the network as an artificial thought being although she isn't a network herself just formed of the collective thoughts and conscience of the clones that form the network hope that makes sense index definitely isn't the easiest series to understand which is why i make videos about it in the first place now apologies if it will confuse the hell out of you because what i'm about to discuss are some of the most difficult magic side concepts to understand in the entire franchise so i do recommend reading about the cabala online which might help you out because honestly i could devote an entire video specifically to it and still not everyone will be able to get it but i will try my very best accelerator made a contract with an artificial demon known as clipper puzzle 545 and she managed to contact the will through accelerator's body as accelerator is connected to the network via his electrode choker clipper is also the guide to the tree of clip-off which is the inverse of the sephiroth tree i mentioned previously but instead of ranking angels humans etc it ranks demonic entities after the will showed clipper something invisible which spread out from her which was most likely the miesica network itself and viewed it in a way unique to her as a demon of the magic side she saw 10 spheres and 22 paths similar yet different to the tarot which clipper is familiar with now this should give you deja vu to how index saw the situation with kazakiri from earlier as the spheres and paths are the same number for the two other trees that exist and yet the musica network shares the same properties meaning there is a magical concept hidden within the musica network itself and yet it was man-made and artificial this third tree is known as klonoff in order to help accelerator fully access this contact within the network clipper's role is very important as she is able to become the manager of klonoff essentially by entering the hidden 11th sphere of the tree similar to her role in the tree of clip-off now this is hard to explain but bear with me remember how i mentioned there are 10 spheres in a tree usually well each one represents a level for ranking beings that's the best way i can describe it but there is a hidden 11th sphere located between the top three spheres of the tree in the tree of sephiroth this is known as da at and actually unites all of the tree meaning if you have access to the eleventh sphere you gain all of the knowledge of the entire tree basically giving you magical knowledge on par with god-like entities clipper was therefore able to usurp this position on the clone off because she is not actually tied down to any specific sphere on her native clip-off by doing this accelerator was actually able to gain platinum wings reminiscent of those that belonged to iowa's and with this newfound power he was able to apply the tree of klonoff to the cosmos using the macro to effect the micro this shook the galaxy itself and he was able to channel this power into a physical strike which forced a demon's soul out of their body now accelerator's new form was pretty sick and it harkens back to when aiwa saw accelerators black wings in a novel saying that they belong to the aeon of osiris and not the aeon of horus basically i think iwas was implying accelerator did not have the required knowledge needed to fully access klonoff and use the wings to their full potential well until now that is knowing all this it honestly makes me facepalm when i've seen in the past some readers of the light novel say that klonoff was just an ass pull with no foreshadowing okay i'm paraphrasing a bit but this is an opinion held by a small minority but come on how much do you need to be spoon fed to realize camachi was building up to something like this like how much evidence do you need that the miesica network has been teased to have magic side links since old testament and if you look at how the network is constructed and it's linked to iowa's and scientific angels it makes a lot of goddamn sense that it's molded off the trees especially since alistair crowley masterminded the entire thing anyway mini rant over this video was actually voted for on my patreon link is in the description so massive thanks to my patrons as always and i'll see you all next time bye
Channel: Aeon of Horus
Views: 11,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Certain Magical Index, Toaru majutsu no index, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, A Certain Scientific Railgun, A Certain Scientific Accelerator, Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator, Theory, Discussion, Light Novel, Anime, Manga, Review, Reaction, Kamijou Touma, Accelerator, Esper, Level 5, Season Four, Railgun, Index, fight, ability, Shokuhou Misaki, Misaka Mikoto, Power, Dragons, Imagine Breaker, Season 4, Index NT, To Aru, VS, Platinum Wings, Aiwass, Sisters, Clones, Misaka Imouto, Last Order, Level 6
Id: WdIB5ZbSpQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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