Miraculous Healing | More Than Meets The Eye

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[Music] amen guys been so good to us it's worthy of our worship let's worship [Music] passion of the [Music] no questions of his love [Music] is [Music] [Music] guilty [Music] his portion for free for free [Music] [Music] um [Music] is [Music] forgiveness [Music] forever [Music] them [Music] forever [Music] is jesus [Music] today [Music] there's nothing worth more that will ever come close nothing can compare your living world your presence i've tasted and see where my heart becomes free and my shame is your presence [Music] is is [Music] you are living home [Music] your presence [Music] i've tasted [Music] is your presence [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] to is over i am [Music] let us [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the is of yours [Music] is is is [Music] fill our hearts you're so grateful god that we can welcome you you the king of heaven the god of heaven that we can welcome you here that we can be confident because of your word that you are here with us right now who are here with us right now lord we just cry out lord help us to see but as we as we pray every sun in this bridge let us become more aware of your presence help us to see more clearly help us with our tendency to to diminish you to make you smaller in our minds god help us to see you more clearly who you really are help us to believe more confidently in your goodness in your mightiness and your holiness and your love your mercy and compassion [Music] we are desperate for you jesus each one of us here whether we know it or not the air we breathe is because of because you give it lord so we just cry out to you right now and lord i just want to give a time for us all as we believe in this god this holy spirit this god of miracles that we sing about we've been talking about if there's anything on your heart right now that you want to take to god and say lord i'm sorry for making you small in my mind and not giving this over to you but lord i give this to you it may be a sickness be it a sin be it a an anxiety a fear or something a situation in your life would you just give it to god right now and say lord please help me right now please just take this to you right now lord whatever it is we just cry out to you jesus we believe you are who you say you are we believe you're good we believe you're mighty we believe you can help us jesus we believe that you are for us jesus help us [Music] [Music] silencing with [Music] science [Music] god [Music] one does the apostle [Music] is [Music] [Music] his life [Music] reaching out to me [Music] in this place i believe [Music] here we go [Music] me [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] is is god [Music] [Music] [Music] miracles [Music] is here it goes [Music] i believe in you [Music] is [Music] i believe in you [Music] i believe in you i believe [Music] i still believe you'll know i still believe your speech [Music] god i believe your word [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] is [Music] in the name of jesus this is a house a miracle this is [Music] this is [Music] this is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey man how are we yeah we're doing good that sounded legit doing good doing good well let me just say uh by way beginning how blessed i am to be with you and i'm so grateful for you so grateful for what jesus is doing in the house and uh let me start by welcoming our online family if we could can we just show them a little hospitality by telling them how grateful we are for you i not only want to welcome you but i want to welcome those of us that are watching right now in the chapel i just ran real quickly to the to the restroom and uh we got brothers and sisters that are sitting out here in the foyer and surrounding tvs and uh these are wonderful problems to have amen we're brothers and sisters are leaned in wanting to hear and experience jesus and so we're so grateful for you we are working rapidly around here to make provision for more space more seats as we still consider quality and safety we also know that men and women need to hear the gospel of jesus amen and so we won't get to it we want to get acclimated back to uh making an environment that it's easy for people to experience jesus and so we're thinking we're praying we're doing all that we can do so is to get back there but by way of actually in keeping with that whole attendance we had a major major attendance problem um this past tuesday and uh when i say that we had an attendance problem what i mean is is that this past tuesday we hosted here at 6 30 lh men and we got absolutely crushed some 200 men showed up over here in the chapel and it was an absolutely glorious time as uh we jumped right into the book of james the study that we began that we're gonna stay in for probably the next uh eight nine weeks and uh i just wanna commend this uh to the men and women here um wives i want you to push your husbands on tuesday nights not this one coming up not this one coming up because if they come here then they're going to be all bent out of shape because nobody's going to be here but the following one um wives push your husbands to be here in the house with other men uh wives commend your sons to be here sons daughters command dad to be here sons come with dad boyfriends come on girlfriends you push your boyfriend make your fiances make your whole marriage contingent on whether or not they come to lh men um uh use the use the carrot girl you you know what you got we want to steward and sow into them but uh i really believe that jesus is doing something altogether incredible here in and among our men and i say this often i mean every bit of it that lighthouse church is only as healthy as the men herein now that's not a slight at all to the women but what i know is there is a targeted attack on our men and what satan wants to do with every fiber in him is destroy the men he must take them out and lay waste to him your sons your husbands your fiances your boyfriends that we here at lighthouse church want to steward the men and i believe that god is building a frontline army that we couldn't be more grateful for amen so we want to sew into the men here and so uh next tuesday i'll remind you next week to uh to make the push amen if you're joining with us for the very first time i just want to say welcome we don't call you a visitor we call you a guest of the house it's our honor to have you where you find this is you find us in a collection of talks that we launched into easter entitled more than meet the eye and really when it comes to that what our hope is and our aim is to really take a perspective from scripture as to what it has to say about miracles when it comes to miracles we live in a day and age right now where there's a lot of discussion about miracles and the supernatural and the miraculous that wind up sort of concluding in misinformation misunderstanding confusion and mysticism but we believe be the fact as we just saying that we serve the god of miracles that we pray to him that we raise hands to him that we celebrate him that we worship him he has a lot to say about miracles so week one we looked at this idea of the resurrection that that essentially was the commencement of you and i witnessing the greatest miracle that mankind has ever witnessed therefore walking in this resurrected renewedness regeneration and power last week we understood a little bit just as wave tops if you will of what it means when paul said that this is not a battle between flesh and blood but of principalities and powers and rulers of this dark age that there is far more than meets the eye when it comes to the wars that we would rage in and this week i want to talk about the miracle of healing by way of beginning we're going to pray to the god of miracles that he sends his holy spirit a powerful way today to give us eyes to see and hears to hear hearts to receive what his word has to tell us amen would you pray with me jesus we love you with humble hearts we worship you this morning we're so grateful for you father where will we be without you hadn't it been the fact that you came and you pursued us you sought us you came after us it was you that sought after us father we weren't searching for you it was you that first loved us father we didn't first love you and father it was by your loving kindness that you now grafted us into your family and your kingdom you gave us eyes that we did not have and you gave us a spirit father that was dead and dormant so father i pray today as we consider your word that you would awaken us to what it is that you want to show us you want to do in us the father we can live in a dark dying jacked up world and we can radiate jesus father you're our only hope you're the world's only hope and so i pray that you empower our time together and we pray this in the matchless name of jesus and all god's people said amen if i were to ask you um just by way of survey and certainly not by show of hands but if i were to ask you how many of you leave that you have a certain if you will that god is able to heal anyone at any time i believe those of us that sit in the room that follow jesus have surrendered our life to jesus that walk with jesus the lion's share of us would say we affirm that and agree with that that when it comes to our sense of belief of what we would actually proclaim we would proclaim by and large that we believe that god has the ability to heal physically whether it comes to sickness disease ailments inflictions or the like that god has the ability to heal anyone at any time but if we're honest with ourselves there's a bit of a tension that resides in there and the tension is is that many times if you talk people and walk with people and you listen to the tests of people uh there's a bit of a disparity between what they believe and what they've experienced and so there's this tension that says yeah i believe that god can he is a miracle working god he has the abil ability to heal but however my experience sometimes says otherwise and so in that tension if we're honest and i'm all about being honest therein resides some confusion for some of us there's been hurt some of us it's resulted in a little bit of despondency for some of us it's resulted truth be told in a crisis of faith if i'm honest with you about my experience through my proclamation but my sort of witness many times i've had to wrestle through that we proclaim we sing we worship to a god of miracles but sometimes we've asked but we have not received it wasn't too awful long ago that i actually when it came to physical healings i prayed for a man by the name of anthony that i loved and he confided in me is my mic going in and out a little bit a little bit yep yep we're gonna get that tuned up ain't no thing ain't no thing um but um oh do i gotta use that oh stan okay just back up just back up let's pray against that you you make it here man it gets weird all right i don't know what to i don't know i might go mute um but but this gentleman confided in me and and he really said you know he had horrible back pain he had a herniated disc he had chronic pain that had been that way for for years and just with boldness i just said hey do you mind if i pray for you i laid hands on him and in that moment in that moment of me having my hand on his back man not only was there a sensation and a feeling but truth be told in the moment there was a healing there was a healing where he testified to me in the moment hey i feel better something's loosened something's lightened something's shifted and now to present day i'll see him he'll still testify like hey man i i feel like i got the back of a teenager and his wife oftentimes thanks me for for that moment that was nothing shy of god in the moment it was amen amen it was just last night just last night um that my son asher he was lying on the couch and about 3 p.m yesterday he started to complain of aches and pains and he said that i saw him sitting there on the couch shivering while it was around 8 30 last night said that his stomach was upset he said i'm so achy that my fingertips hurt um i said i've never experienced that and and so as we were giving him advil in the moment you know i i thought to myself wait a minute i'm getting ready to preach about healing tomorrow i i guess i should pray and so so i laid hands on on on that little little bleach blonde hair laying there on that you know little boy and i prayed with audacious faith and i'm going to tell you right now as i was praying he fell asleep he woke up this morning bright-eyed bushy-tailed feeling like like a million bucks completely healed i mean feeling like that i wasn't even i wasn't even sick and yet and yet it was not awful long ago that my wife and i were going back and forth to hopkins children's hospital praying over a little two and a half year old girl by the name of lily believing standing bedside praying over her and she now suffered from leukemia as as we would walk in and then walk out there would be another couple that would walk in and pray over her anointed her with oil believing god show up and show off right now you can heal this little girl what a testimony she would have i stand here before you today sadly telling you that lily didn't make it makes you wonder makes souls through how does this all work what what exactly is going on and so when it comes to that i want you to know that that when we believe in the in the god of miracles there's real biblical precedent for it there's real biblical precedent if we were to go all the way back to the old testament we see the most miraculous signs and wonders of god's healing working power operate operating lives of men we see god actually bestow upon a woman by the name of hannah way into her senior years biologically speaking she should not have been able to be pregnant have child and yet god overrode all that provided her with a son amazing we see in the life of elijah as he walked in this miracle power this anointing he actually raised a dead boy to life when we see the the story of nebuchadnezzar in the old testament it was instantaneously god said be healed he was healed and on and on and on it goes fast forward into the new testament we have 30 different written accounts of miracles that took place when it came to physical ailments diseases and sicknesses that would then go on to infer even hundreds and hundreds more miracles that transpired in the new testament we see jesus healing the lame that we're then able to walk the blind that we're then able to see the death that we're then able to hear the leper that was then made whole we see it time and time again at one point we see in the life of the apostle paul he was preaching one night true story preaching one night he was so long-winded there was this young boy sitting in a window his name was um um uh what was his name erasmus erasmus he was sitting in this window and there he was um eutychus i'm sorry you to kiss uticas was sitting in the window he got bored to death true story how do i know that because he fell asleep and fell out of the window and died hit the ground what did paul do paul just got up walked downstairs raised the boy to life what did he do after that went right back up and started preaching now let me tell you something i know i'm long-winded and i don't apologize for it but if i'm preaching somebody dies sermon over i mean it's time to call it a day all right writing's on the wall all right everybody come back next weekend not paul oh no i was just a little hitch the giddy out got to raise them up here we go there's more to cover it was amazing we see jesus walk in and heal peter's mother-in-law that was sick unto death laid hands on her she was made whole and so most are going to agree the reason that peter denied jesus three times because he healed his mother-in-law [Laughter] that's cheesy stop jack stop but we see this we see it time and time and time again and then and then on top of that jesus makes this incredible statement speaking to his disciples and those that he was teaching in john 14 when he said this very truly i tell you whoever believes in me will do the works that i have been doing and they will do even greater things than these wow i mean that's incredible that's weighty that's from jesus himself that as you see me operating signs and wonders miracles and healings and the like very truly jesus said i tell you that whoever believes in me will do even greater things than these and yet we can sit here and wonder well lord how come you didn't heal my daughter that battles depression did he heal my spouse that suffered from cancer how come you don't heal my son that battles addiction and so you can wonder that i want to make a statement a big statement a bold statement i believe many of you are going to know this already for some of you this is just what clarity for some of us actually but it's going to do is it's going to actually illuminate what maybe you thought otherwise and it's this our god heals our god heals he is a miracle working god but he doesn't heal everyone all the time our god heals he is more than capable he is miraculous he is wondrous he is incredible our god does heal and i've witnessed it and many of you have as well but but but but conjunction he does not heal everyone all the time now i say that and some of us might have a reservation when i make that statement why because you want to make sure that that statement is not predicated on my experience because i never want to reduce my theology of what god can do or has done according to what i've seen so hear me on this when i say our god heals but he does not heal everyone all the time there's biblical precedent for that as well when it comes to god not healing everyone all the time and us not understanding why we see this in scripture when it came to the apostle paul he had a companion that was uh named trophamus trovamis would assist paul he would travel with paul he would ultimately be with paul during gospel work and as paul traveled we see in second timothy 4 20 it says erasta stayed in corinth and i left trophamus sick and my leaders what paul said is is god could have healed him he didn't heal him and so much so that he couldn't continue doing gospel work with me so i had to leave behind why god didn't heal trophamus we do not know but we know that he didn't and paul had to continue on when it came to his protege timothy timothy ultimately was the one that sat under paul's tuliage and he was taught by paul he was raised by paul he was he was instructed by paul and yet we see that paul writes timothy and says use a little wine because of your stomach and your freaking frequent illnesses what paul was saying is is hey be the fact that god hasn't healed you you don't know why you have to revert to modern medicine so as to create a remedy for your stomach's sake because of your constant illnesses why didn't god heal timothy we do not know and then we have the apostle paul who would ultimately in corinthians we it's recorded that he prayed to god over what he described as a thorn in his flesh some would speculate that it was a matter of sight and and blindness some would say that it was a skin disease some say it was pride some say it was some other physical ailment what we do know is that paul prayed paul knew god come on somebody i mean paul wasn't like a nominal christian or a fringe player he knew god and it says that he prayed to god that he would deliver him from this thorn and god's answer to him was no because my grace will sustain you and my grace is sufficient for you the the greek word there that paul prayed it wasn't a flare prayer it wasn't like a little like lord fix me help me heal me he labored he pleaded in prayer and god did not why our god heals but he does not heal everyone all the time but what scripture does show us when it comes to the miraculous when it comes to this jesus that we follow and this wondrous miracle-working god that we placed our faith in there are reasons in scripture as to why at times he doesn't perform the miraculous or why at times jesus does not do miracles i want to give you three for all intents and purposes i just want to reduce these to three and i believe these three are our starting point for our discussion so that we have a biblical perspective of miracles but there are times that jesus would not perform miracles the first is is that jesus refused to perform miracles to prove himself jesus refused to perform miracles to prove himself if you're anything like me when you're young or you're walking with jesus or maybe some of you are in the early stages of you'll pray prayers like lord if you show me yourself real then i'll believe in you if you give me a sign well then i'll be convinced i'll i'll take off like grand touch richmond i'll be all in you just show me something do a miracle it could be like lord you know if i wake up tomorrow morning my m t bank account says that i got 10 g's in it i'm all in i just need it out of nowhere what we see in scripture is that jesus refused to perform miracles to prove himself he does not play that way it'd be a whole lot easier we would think if he did but it says this in mark 8 it says the pharisees came and began to question jesus to test him they asked him for a sign from heaven but listen to this this is what he did it says he sighed deeply as if you think that will convince you you think that if i show off in front of you then you'll be all in it says that he sighed deeply and said why does this generation ask for a sign truly i tell you no sign will be given to it i don't play that way i don't play there is enough of my majesty all around you and majesty if there's enough of my signs wonders exploits there's enough of creation that points to me there is enough if you just consider for a moment get off tick-tock and stop scrolling and just percolate on what you can see this incredible creation that can't even contain him his handiwork that's peppered everywhere you're going to come to the conclusion wait a minute there has got to be something a whole lot bigger than what the eye sees if you just revel in the fact of your biological construct the way that your body works the way that your neurons communicate to your iris the fact that you're able to take in images and you don't conclude that that happened by some big bang dum dum and you're able to get whoa whoa whoa whoa there is a divine architect out there you'll then see wait a minute we play games when we demand a sign there are signs all over the place and so what scripture shows us is is he refused to perform miracles to prove himself the second thing is is that when it comes to miracles jesus never performed the miracle that interfered with god's ultimate plan that when it comes to god's sovereignty therein lies a tapestry of which you and i could never get our minds around that from the very beginning and onset of time god has woven his beautiful sovereign tapestry together according to his sovereign strategic ultimate plan that he is setting the stage for his will and his divine power and his divine strategy and his divine plan and you and i we don't understand that at times we can't get our minds around that at times why didn't he and he could but i i don't think he would and and we're left with more questions than we than we have than we started with and and what we see in jesus he refused to perform miracles that would interfere with god's ultimate plan take the crucifixion if you will this is what jesus said don't you realize that i could ask my father for a thousand of thousands of angels to protect us and he would send them instantly at the word he would release the legion of angels from heaven to come and set the record straight so as to cause me to circumvent having to be nailed to a roman crossbar and he said this but if i did how would the scriptures be fulfilled that describe what must happen now if i were to interfere with what god has said in motion then there are implications to that actually truth be told had jesus interfered in that moment you and i wouldn't be sitting here today it would be a vain attempt to try to get and build the bridge back to god the gospel is what gave us the right to sit in this room raise hands pray prayers worship the king of heaven that now we can get to know intimately and so jesus said i'm not playing that i won't interfere when it comes to when we pray over matters and we can see it so objectively and we think we see it so clearly what we must trust is lord you have some master plan that we don't understand that when it comes to why god doesn't perform miracles he doesn't perform miracles to prove himself he doesn't perform miracles that would ultimately interfere with his plan and then lastly we see that jesus didn't do miracles where there was no faith now this is big this is big because i want to quantify this because sometimes i think that we that we misunderstand what faith is and and what i mean by that is sometimes i think that a a sheer profession of yeah we believe god is real and yeah we believe god can is faith enough but if there's not a profession that then is underpinned by an action or a lifestyle sometimes i think that that really it's just words it's really not faith jesus is one that looks upon the heart and it says in matthew 13 it says that he was in this place and he was teaching the multitudes and the multitudes there were blown away blown away by the authority in which he taught like they were amazed of the profundity that he operated in and the truth and the authority that he had and the wisdom and the command of scripture that he operated in and yet in their amazement of his authority it says that when he was ultimately proclaiming whom he was it says that they scoffed at him and began to say in and among themselves isn't this joseph's boy isn't that only the carpenter's son isn't he just a commoner like us and this is what it says in matthew 13 and he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith i just want you to know this even though you most likely already know this that your faith moves the heart of god your faith not just your profession in confession but your life that says i'm not just going to say it i'm going to live it it moves the heart of god there's something about the life of jesus that we saw all through the gospels that when he would see people operate in their faith he would go wow there was very few things that amazed him but you know what would amaze him is people's profession of faith and their action that underpinned it where they would go where he would go wow and then their lack of faith where he would go wow like i can't believe that you are still not convinced i can't believe that that hasn't affirmed something in you i can't believe that you don't believe me he would be amazed by faith and he would be amazed by the lack of faith there's a story told in scripture about this woman that had an issue of where she had this perpetual bleeding and so she was ceremonially unclean so she was socially unclean she was a social outcast by by many definitions and and so it was she was home bound and yet she thought i i heard jesus is passing through so i'm gonna break all the laws i'm gonna leave my home and if i can simply just touch the edge of his robe i'm gonna be made whole if i can just get to him i don't even need him to touch me i just need to touch him and so she did just that and she touched him out of that audacious convinced faith and this is what it says jesus responded daughter your faith has healed you in that moment body made whole complete not a problem whatsoever daughter your faith has healed you there was this leper that saw jesus coming and he fell at his feet and cried out have mercy on me this is a terminal disease you're going to die a slow horrific death fell at the feet of jesus and said please heal me this is jesus response rise and go your faith has made you well immediately body hole i don't know if any of you are watching the chosen if you haven't watched the chosen you need to get on church come on somebody all right all right it's amazing i watch i cry and and it brings the scriptures to life and like real-time narrative it's it's it's incredible and it tells the story of the leper that fell at jesus feet where his disciples in many ways were telling back up back up don't go near don't do that uh-uh jesus encroached encroached encroached laid hands on and said rise and go your faith has made you well incredible we see this story of where jesus was passing by and this blind man that couldn't see heard that he was coming and he cried out jesus son of david have mercy on me this is jesus response go said jesus your faith has healed you there's something about faith that moves the heart of god but there's something about the lack of faith that keeps god from doing miracles i just want you to know why do i say this because i want us to be a community a family that despite what we've experienced we still operate in audacious faith that despite maybe sometimes our cynicism despite sometimes the fact that our hearts have been broken despite the fact that sometimes we prayed prayers that gone unanswered i still don't want us to become a house that does not move in audacious faith why because faith moves the heart of god and know this there is an enemy of your soul that wants you cynical that wants you critical that wants you to turn this incredible intimate relationship into pragmatism and and and just just all head no heart hear me i am not light on theology here's what i do know theologically faith moves the heart of god when we see this actually we see this play out in the in the story of a of a of a centurion that had a servant that had fallen sick sick unto death the centurion sent a messenger to jesus and said would you please come to the centurion's home and heal his servant and jesus turned pivot and started to walk to the centurion's house and the elder or the the messenger said to jesus oh you don't even need to come you don't even need to come if you simply say the word the centurion told me to tell you you just send the word he knows the authority in which you operate in the servant will be made well jesus said in all of israel i've never seen such a faith essentially what he said was wow here's what i'm telling you i'm not telling you that you have to have this unwavering and at times this this rock-solid audacious big bold faith sometimes all you have is a mustard seed of faith all you have is it's just a flicker sometimes you have i i want to believe i want to believe but there's so much against me or so much that i've seen or so much that i've allowed to get in me that now i don't know if i believe even god can handle that honesty god wants to heal hear that out of you god wants to heal hear your vulnerability actually we we see this where the jesus intersected this father this father that had a child that was sick he said to jesus i i i want you to heal him but i i don't know if if you're willing she said oh oh i am willing providing that you believe and this is what the father said to immediately the boy's father exclaimed i do believe i do believe but help me overcome my unbelief let me tell you something church there is far more than meets the eye the please don't convince yourself that everything that you see and that you can understand and comprehend is all that there is because once you do that it begins to chip away at your faith you no longer need any faith everything has to then meet your logical scale your rational scale which you can understand scale but god is so much bigger than all that and do know this in light of the terrain that you and i are now traversing in light of how thick and hard crazy it is out there we're not just going to need what's rational logical we're going to need a miracle working god we're going to need revival that comes from heaven and we're going to need to believe god for the audacious for the big for that which we cannot do ourselves and i believe that the point that we get cynical and we get critical and everything has to be understood by us or we're not bought in here you me that is the enemy's plan for your and my cold soul that we would grow cold and we would grow hard and we would never and we wouldn't operate in faith any more there's like a wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i just fixed it i just i just fixed it it was a little antenna thingy the whole time how's that let's try over here yeah oh yeah this thing right here is like the devil i don't want anything to do with that oh and so and so when it comes to this here you hear amen our faith isn't based on what god does our faith is based on who god is and i believe that sometimes what god will do when we're willing to step out in childlike faith this will expand our horizon he'll show us his grandeur and he'll blow our minds it's when we predicate our faith on what god does that it gets really really dangerous and by way of actually example i want to show you what this looks like that i that i had a front row seat too so what i want to do right now is i want to introduce one of my favorite people on the whole entire planet miss lou embry to come one up she's going to come one up right now let me tell you a little bit about miss lil miss lou used to work here we're going to step a little for us so they can bring that through those chairs up miss lou um used to work here um a few years ago um as our cpa in many ways right okay i'm gonna say that okay sure let's make it official and um and if you know miss lou for any length of time you quickly realize um i have come to know her to such degree that just being around her listening to her i i said the other day when she was in the office i hugged her every time i hug her i cry i don't know why because there is such a purity in her okay if there's anybody who's going to walk on water next to jesus it's going to be miss liu and so so miss lou um years ago um suffered from chronic terrible headaches migraines aren't going let's take a seat okay and um and so it was miss lewis the type of person that though she was suffering from these headaches i didn't know the half of it why because she would never complain neither did she tell anybody about all that she was enduring until until this most incredible miracle took place and what i've invited her to do is to tell us about the way that god operated in your life and your journey of faith through that so as to sort of inspire us and invoke hope and those of us that sit here today or we'll experience somebody that does need healing because your story is nothing shy than jesus amen thank you um it's an honor to be here um i want to just make sure that you understand these headaches um they started when i was in my early to mid 20s and they were relentless they were intense in the morning i was greeted with a headache in the afternoon the late afternoon it hung around with me all day and in the evening it lingered with me in the morning my typical morning i woke up with a headache that was across the front of my forehead and behind my ears and i would start my day with two excedrin and those excedrin would come along with me all day to dull the pain so that i could function every morning they were there to greet my day when the days were really bad i would explain to my husband that i felt like my skull was going to bust through i'm sorry my brain was going to bust through my skull it was like i could feel my heart pumping against my skull so i went about life for a couple years and then i decided it was time to get some medical examinations so i went to several doctors all kinds of tests were done by god's grace there was nothing irregular there was nothing wrong physically and actually these headaches were undescribable because i was physically well i had and do have a wonderful marriage we had great jobs we had a good home family friends life was good it was these headaches no matter what i did or didn't do they were there so i thought well this is life i just need to endure it and suffer in silence so the doctors told me you got to get off the excedrin because i was averaging between six and eight a day sometimes ten and the problems on my stomach and the thinning of blood so i graduated to advil had to have something just to dull the pain when these bad headaches came when i would wake up and they were just pulsating out of my head my immediate action was to grab that excedrin as fast as possible and get a cold washcloth and just lay it over my forehead and just breathe and wait for the pulsing to stop and it would be common um as you told me that for you to just have to go home lie in a dark room um that wasn't like every once in a while you would have to do that rather often just especially in the morning it was interesting in the morning and then there were times that i would talk with jim and i would say i just i just need to you know get that excedrin and you know laying on my head um uh what's interesting is um i just went on life thinking this this is life okay so my mom didn't even know and because i just you know didn't tell her so about 10 or 12 years into this journey of and that's that's testament to who miss lewis because if i stub my toe you're going to find out about it all right i gotta hang now okay everybody rally around i think i need the day off you know i mean miss liu wouldn't even tell and certainly working with us every single day had these go ahead i'm sorry no that's fine i love it so anyway my mom and i were out an overnight stay and in the morning i was greeted with my headache so i went over got my advil and she said what are you taking and i said advil and she said why and i said i have a headache she said you have a headache and i said yeah and i said don't you she said no and i said i'm sorry i said oh my gosh i said i thought everybody woke up with a headache and it was so sad to me to think that this was life now i will share that i i did pray but they really were half-hearted prayers because i kept thinking these are headaches people are dying with illnesses they're um you know dealing with disease these are headaches it's not going to kill me i need to just deal with it so they were half-hearted prayers i would ask jim to pray with me on those really bad days um and i kept thinking of the apostle paul and my mouth is really dry um sorry that's okay um cathy yeah give me just a moment thank you so i kept thinking of the apostle paul well he kept praying about that thorn to be removed and i thought well this is the thorn in my head and i just need to deal with it so um i guess fast forward to 2013. um unless you have any questions i'm going for it so um i was working at the lighthouse like pastor said and i was working with josh hanshu and the elders of the church and i was having a really really bad day in fact this pulsating headache had been around for at least two days and it was really just wearing me out i was like just just worn out and so i texted josh hanshu and i said josh briefly told him about my headaches and i said would you please pray for me just pray for me and so um i guess he did because this was a text so uh that sunday david schabilski came up to me and he said lou tell me about your headache so i briefly told him and he said well after the service we're going to take you up there we're going to anoint you with oil and we're going to pray over you and i said no no david they're just headaches and he looked at me and he said lou he said that's pride and i thought wow i never thought about that as pride but here i was not asking god for something that i thought was irrelevant or um not important and when you think about it everything in my life is important to god everything um you could have said it a little easier you know david so sure enough he came and got me he brought me up um over there actually well actually was langley but it was still over there and diana was with him and um uh mama mama foster and senior foster and i think gordon smart and some other people and i sat and david anointed me with oil and they laid hands on me and they prayed and i listened to their prayers and in looking back i still had that half-hearted prayer like because it was so insignificant in comparison to and i thought i have so many blessings lord if i have to deal with this and i thought now i want all the blessings that god has for me of course right so i left i thanked him jim and i went about our day and i went about my week and the next morning i was greeted with my morning headache and we just went through the week together so the following sunday david approached me again and he looks at me and he says how's your headaches and i look at jim and i'm like and look at david and i said well you know he said we're going to take you back up there again and we're going to anoint you with all of us okay so we go back up and they anointed me and but this was different as i sat there i felt the presence of god come over me and i started to shake i remember crying and i remember truly praying come on and i did there we go so it wasn't like a snap just let you know so i left and the week went on a little bit and then and i wake i i wake up and my head my head felt like it was laying on a cloud there was not a there was no no pain no feeling at all actually and i laid there and i laid real still and i said oh my oh my oh my that's all right i'm like i'm so afraid to move and so i laid there and i got up got ready for work just total nothing i went through the week not an advil not a pain so that weekend i said jimmy i said honey i think god healed me i think i'm healed and i was still afraid to speak it out for fear i want to always be honest about what god's doing and three weeks later i said to jimmy i'm healed i am healed so i texted i texted my elders and anybody's email that i i emailed i remember i emailed everybody and i was just like i am i am healed and if i may one thing that i really want you to walk away with today is the power of prayer i am living testimony of the power of prayer and use it and ask for it from your brothers and sisters because it's jesus amen and i just praise god for this testimony because now i know i am a powerful prayer now god hears me all the time so thank you for letting me share amen the reason that i asked miss lou to come up is because i really believe that it's the testimonies of our brothers and sisters that infuse life into us and that where maybe we've grown faint in our faith we're reminded wait a minute i don't need to give up and i don't need i don't need to grow cynical and i don't need to grow doubtful but i'm a lean in all the more now hearing what god did for miss liu knowing that he's no respecter of persons although i think he loves you a little bit more than all of us i just want to say that when it comes to this miracle working power of god do know this jesus did not come as if the priority were to heal sick people jesus came to heal souls do know this every person that jesus performed the miracle of healing over when it came to physical ailments diseases sicknesses and inflictions they all died they're all in heaven with him now jesus's priority is the healing of souls but be that jesus such a loving father the fact is that he wants to heal our mortal bodies that he doesn't want to show off at times that he does want us to be alleviated of pain and headaches that he does want to move in this wondrous working power and what he moves is when his children's children's children's children have childlike faith that are willing to lean in and say you know what i'm going to believe that my god is good that my god heals and even if he doesn't he's still good and i'm still going to follow him amen and so church as we i've asked miss lou if she would close us out in prayer i want us to leave out of here today a little more fervent in our prayer life with him a little more bold when we have family members co-workers or friends that we believe are are are under any form of suffering that we have a god that wants to hear from his sons and daughters lean in with the childlike faith and many times move on our behalf why because there is far more than meets the eye and so ms lou would you pray us out as i ask the worship team to come on out heavenly father thank you so very much for this day and for allowing me to speak of your incredible healing and your glory i give you all the honor and the praise i pray father that you watch over us today and show us your face in everywhere that we look today father and uh just guide us to be your light in this dark world and we just love you lord in your precious name jesus we pray amen amen [Music] i need to turn my mind [Music] is [Music] my god [Music] [Music] god [Music] god who brings the dead to life you're the god of miracles [Music] god [Music] [Music] i believe in your i believe in you i believe in your miracles [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what an incredible story about how jesus is still healing i hope you're encouraged if you have areas in your life that need healing physical healing emotional healing spiritual healing jesus is the great physician he is still healing today and if you want help and what that looks like how to bring that to him man we would absolutely love to walk alongside you reach out to us in lah's chat send us an email we want to be part of the healing process in your life and i love you know jesus does this in us and for us we couldn't do for ourselves yeah but then he does it so that we can be part of blessing others about preaching the gospel loving others in needs they have one of the best opportunities i can tell you about is lighthouse for limpurin it's a partnership that we have with an organization in honduras whereby we're able to sponsor kids who are in need wow my family sponsors a few kids through other organizations and this week i looked up laos for lumpira and for 15 bucks you can sponsor crazy provide for education and health needs and i was like i don't want to live in a world where i'm not paying 15 bucks they could change a child's life 15 minutes a month yeah so i sponsored a kid we have i believe 480 kids currently that are in need of sponsorship so please jump on the website sign up sponsor a kid and you could be taking what jesus is doing in you and passing it on to someone else yeah i mean you're talking about essentially for the price of a cup of coffee a week you're providing meals you're providing education you are changing not only that kids future but you're providing the opportunity because they're learning about jesus to change their entire eternity right now we have 480 kids that are available for sponsorship um please consider maybe picking up one of those help them to have an education to have meals and to hear more and more about the good news of jesus amen well john would you pray for us as we go out absolutely and so jesus thank you so much that you are the healer i pray for my brothers and sisters watching this right now as i pray for myself that we would have the opportunity to take an honest look at ourselves to see the areas of pain of hurt of places that need healing and then we take them to you as our hero as our savior as our king and as our healer and in that act of faith of simply taking that to you we would begin to experience the healing that only you provide scripture says that you have healing in your wings and so help us to experience that in a more real way in a real deep way so that we can then extend healing to others in your name we ask these things amen amen well hey please join us next week at 9 50 for the countdown we will continue to share stories we love you guys and we'll see you soon see ya you
Channel: Lighthouse Church
Views: 4,575
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Length: 81min 44sec (4904 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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